HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeparation Qualification Record (7 I SEPARATION QUALIFICATION \ RECORD SAW THIS FORM. IT WILL NOT BE REPLACED IF' lOST . This rectll'd of job assignments and special training received in the Army is furnished to the. soldier when he leaves the serviC~. In its prepara- tion, informatiOl1 is caken from available Army records and supplemented by personat interview. The information abaut civilian eaueacion and wak experience is. based OIl the individual's. own statements. The veteran may preSent this document t.o former employers, prospective employers, representatives of schools CX' co))eges, or use it in a~y other way that may prove beneficial to him. , 1. LAST NAME-FIRSI' NAME-MtDOLE INITIAL , i: :0;.... MILlTARV; OCCUPATIONAL ASSIGNMENTS ,MO CLURKAN, BURNEY B. . 10. MONTHS U. GRADE: 12... MJLITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECUtLTY' 38 771 597 \ t 5. PERMANE'1J MAILING ADDRESS (8truf~ CiI., COKftI., StIiI.) 3534 fAt. Vernon Ft Worth, Tarrant County, Texas , Pfc I 4. SOCIAl. SECUtttTY ND. 2 3/4 ~~ -- . - - ~t'l "I I 6 Pvt I Infantry Bas i c Training . . · . (S21) Pfc Inves tiga tor (301); 2.. ARMY SERIAL No. 3. GRADE II. DAn:: OF ENTRY INTO 7. DAn::.OF SEPARATION .. DAn:: OF BiRTH ACTIVE SERVICE p Jun 1945 30 Jul 1946 13 Jan 1917 ... PLACE OF SEPARATI()N Separation Center,Ft Sam Houston,Te SUMMARY OF MIUTARY OCCUPATIOlliS i3. TITLE-DESCRIPTJON-'::RELAT~D CIVILI"'-N, OCCUPAT!ON . INVESTIGATOR: Served with the 970th Counter Intelligence Corps at Aschaffengurg, Germany. Apprehended and took into custody any Germah civilians and oth~ persons who were suspect~d of subversive activities; questioned prisoners to obtain inforlt~ation to be used in possible prosecution and for use in the apprehension of other criminals. Kept records and made reports. .} . , WD AGO FO" 1 00' I J'L 1141 This form supersedes WI> AGO Form 100. 15 July 1944, whicb 111'111 not be uscd. -..... MILITARY Enua nON 14. NAME OR TYPE OF SCHOOL-COURSE OR CURRICULUM-DURATlON-DESCRIPTION Counter Intelligence Training Scheol; Baltimore, Md. 6 weeks Counter ,Intelligence Course. CIVIUAN EnUCA TlON I 15. HIGHEST GRADE 116. DEGREESORDIPLOM AS 17. YEAR LEFT OTHER TRAINING OR SCHOOLING <<'lMPLET~ SCHOOL jcJ yrB. 20. COURSE-NAME AND ADDRESS OF SCHOOL-DATE 21. DURATION College R.S.Diploma 1938 18. NAME "NO 1flDRESS OF ~~T S~HOOYlTEN~D Colle' fJl'e. Nortn lexas 0~a~e ~eaCners 0 ' Denton, Texas none 19. MAJOR COURSES OF STUDY Business Administration CIVIliAN OCCUPATIONS 22. TITLE-NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER-INCLUSIVE DATES-DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTANT, GENERAL: Was employed by the Maglllol~a Petroleum Company at Fort Worth, Texas, from April'l939' to June 1945. Kept a set of Company books. ADDmONAL INFORMATION 23. REMARKS none 24. SIGNATURE OF PERSON BEING SEPARATED .J . 26. NAM'E OF OFFlpER (Typed ur Stamped)