HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewman, Charles J., Photos The control room. The black panel is the "Christmas tree." Lights on the panel indicate which hatches are open and shut. When only green lights are showing, it indicates the boat is safe to dive. The brass handles below the panel are used to control the valves that flood the ballast t~nk-C' f . .: ~- .r-'- ~ ~~- . ;" ....~"DIJ:P:'~ ..... I t . . :" . ~ 3J~'y~ ) .I, ~ .: ~.IJ , " -I{~ - . ~ l~ ......... ~ .- - ... , ~ ~ -) - I- .. ,. f~ Ed Maloney QM 2/e Clearing the Bridg ll.;' ~~ [ill b~ mtl 11-11 J-] . I -Knaverski. ?? CJ Newman W~bster and Wesle~ ~ ......, , ........ --- -- J ~ ~.., ~ ....~ ~ .1 ~ - .~ l~~~ - :Charley Fleet and Christianson in center Bob Sullivan in between I think. Owner of Club iI~ white shirt II 'D II ~ I ..; II II II ~,." /~ ..0 (')t,. J:.. !;..,~ I _"t ~))I.:j['_-'I'.rl':" /0iiFD Royce Walker-Norman Cobb- Ski Kanaverski-Dave Wallace I '-/4. r .-..... , I I.~~ , -- ~ " -lItti'h. D -1:1I, .......~- . , . , '\~.. .".1 ..'t~ ., ", f.." 'I\"~ "{ I ", I I I II ~~'-.- ......':'r~; "'l" - , r . 'I I I . f I ' , ! PCf?ltl (Pi~i'? f.:L."-T il'ILEFISH Pearl '4!j- (1t;;'~ " ~tI~ . I , Ell ..,. -' -=- .'1:.4. - j3; ID _'''''l.. ~ O'r''J .. ~ ,.... . ~ - - -" - -- - - ~-....._- ... -- ~ ~~;......;.;;;;; -.-.....;p ..... ~~~ ~:;~~- ~;::::. ..:::: L;.,~!-~~ ~;..... : -: - ---- ...... -~ --- - ---- - ""I-e:' .;.........-::: -.. ~~-""'=~ -....: - ....... ...:..-"'....~la._. __. ~~..-~~ ..- -~ - ~~ ......--~ - -.----.- " f.__- -~.~ - ~~ :.... ,~_.- -- ~~ -' : "'$?- -- ~ po. - .,...,~, = - -- --.......... - - ? . .". ..... _ ........i......-:: .; ..": ... ~.-... ... ~~ .-- _ ~"- -,;~~.,.: .;II TbQ ~-,--:.;~- -..........---~- ~~.-~ - _ ....-- ~-,. ~.JI:.- ~~- - _~ ":':_~ .;;~ -:::~.~~ ~ - ==?-"- ...a'""'~ .? .~- ~;-"'= ~-:':-- ~~ . ;B- ~ ..z_. ~ i'r./!'.' ~ ~ "- _ - -""fIll!:" -,- ...-~ .'- -~'~...~....' ........- .... - -- -... O' ... - - .. ~ ~'II . - -"~ ._, ~._-._' .~_... ..--~.,. . ..i":'" ~ob Fulmer and Jerry {mouse) Youn - QM 2/e C J Newman - \ I , ~ I I I I ~.. , I Osborne- Fu)meIhns- Lankfor~;.N ~wman-" big" Simmons- Blackburne " -------~ '\ SC~BARDFISH & TJ;LEFISH Fall of 1946 . ~ ~~n ,.....,... J.~ .- ,- --- ~ ) c.^ Ab....tt.d. i-: I ,,;, h 4 .-( Ie ~/5h iit\ ~ / I~pt { I bf -~' fCf: c/o FLEET POST OFFICE SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. .'4_:..... . I I I .. a IIir::! 1"1I Ster: II a .... III NO.1. PERISCOPE PERISCOPE / ~ RADAR ANTENNAE ( CONNING TOWER AFTER ENGINE ROOM AFTER HATCH AFTER TORPEDO ROOM STERN TUBES FORWARD TORPEDO ROOM SOUND HEADS Cutaway showing compartmentation of a typical U.S. submarine. . I , , I .I , ~ ~ ~ - -III ........ \ \ '\ \ Boat pulling into sub base docks in Pearl after the Wa - ... 1 .., ~\. ';,;;t~" ~:y. " "./_',-~.' ". ,If _ ~ ,. _~ , ...;r,~ . '. ::. /, ,".' /'.', - heading "on ~atr:oll TheLB_o~ __ . . " .. .. ... ~ ,~ , , - 'ji., ," , III ,-, ~ . ..-- , - . -- ~,~ -" ~ ,..~- -. _.~ .~ ::-, '......., '''"''''' 7 "" ~~- .- ,- - '~ '~~"'. m' '" ,- ~ - - - ..:.,.. .,..., "':'- -~~~"... " ~ - _0 " '. .'~~ , - -' -1.. ~~.....~ , ... -,. :. ~j/': ",""',,,<< "~ _ "i4~~ ~ *'Q' ,;......._. :J... ~.~'''~~ -~~~- ~ '. - ..:i1P'~ ~ .~. .~ "~~ ~~~~--. ~".;..:;: --4-~~":::P~~. ~~~ -. ~~~, ~. ~~-~.::.:--~. - ~ _..",,~..t~, .-' -. 'J--- . _.' '4lil!e'-- --- ~ ...,..--...... -- , - ~,- -- .- ;.....;.. ,~ ., ,- -~ .~. . ;;: .., ,,~ -" ;, " ,. ~ -~ 6t';~f~;~:'"'- ~~;:;."",,-:,,-, '\_~_ ;'~f~.m:-~ " ~.. ~ . ~~".l~~~ ~-~~~'.., c. - '.,;,~ ~ ~- ~ _~~~#;'"\ ,jr~~~,~ ~w ---'- ";l~~ l rr, I ~-- ,/~ ,,\:._1:-: ~ ~ , : a - . or ~ Jl ..... /0 -.- o oj~i_CJ c: g [ " C" /"'1 J iI .'L - ..... .,1 \'~I Ensign Banard-CTM Williams CMOMM Bartlett Lt Eubanks Ensign Peckham \~-"! ~ .......J . '. I" &l~ e\bili,J.n Maloney- and Re~ly I f V -.:.- . ill I - 'i" , , r , 1/~ I " ~. .'. . ,,~ . ~~.' . iA \ , I I ~ \ ; r fj I I I , . I j j @ Greetings 1945 j I -Ted Kaszuba RM 2/e .fI I ' -'4 I . tI R1. I ~I.:t ::- ; l.~ ~~.~, .., .. ..<t=' " ir~~ . . , , \ " J ~ . '" ._nl"'"'_" ,to bridge lORRY The control room. The two large wheels control forward and aft diving planes. The ladder to the Ipft nf thp nhntn Ip;:trlc:: tn thp ("'nnninn tmAlPr .; I -~ ~, -" . ',,, '\i , ' ~ ~ , TIlEFISH in drydock B~r~ha~t over t:; s~e, ~ . I rr.~ - -- Submarine entering Sub base at Pearl after a war patrol -Last night in States"--"'-' ...... I , "1 '-", .>\' I a., ("\. ' ''"'" , '~N'~foo" Beautiful Golden Gate" I -----......-- \ .'111, -- __~I - .. r:..<.ilI I USS TILEFISH Off Hare Island Shipyard 1943 I' I " ... - .&. - - ",; -" I. __ I" I "-~ " I~ --- ~-- I -- ---- - ~ ... ~ -" - -- ~~ -~~ ~__7-- - .-:..-:-~:.- ~~'-- ~- _ _:-~ ~ _ :.:~"___ _ _::::_ ~ --e:- _..:--.:._ ~-. '- - - - - ""'-. ~-- ---.--- - ---- -=- - " ---~ - - - -'- .,;:---- ~--- ---===--=-~- ..:::::.::..~,-..::.- - ---- -;:,.;;::~ ~. .... - -:-- ~_..- -~- -- ~ --- -" " .-.. -:- - ~ ~.-.--.. --- - '- '- ~ --.~....-...... -- .- - .- ~~-- - -