HomeMy WebLinkAboutKelley Discharge ~\\ Jlonorablc )8(lltblltlle - G:bt armp of t. IInltdl 6tlltell .~ .. ---- TO AlL WHJM IT ""'" Y CONCERN: QfI: lJ: AI Ca1Ul, That- .... ..~.JlA..ALLLE.I,.. t.~.ex.l.J'.+A"-p."fT' 7O.+h'"'r1<.......... ....-._T.~~.~_.l\lot;:<l.,....~.__.. THE ARI\IIY OF THE UNITED STA,".5., as a TEsTIMONIAL OF HONEST AI'ID FAI1HFUL SERVICE, is '-eby (-t:NJRABLY DISCHARGED from tn. military wvioe of the UNITED STATES I',.. reuJIl ofL.:&.c.-J..l...._~1r;. ,,-' '0; l~a. ~~'~nd. IIn gore it. ,..;;....;;;;;rw;:;;;;rw-;. ~b. 1, 19U:--' S6id _.___.__.__....__.. ..-_.\!,!.}..!!.I ..._~ ..~--- d was born in._.__ " 1ilar1lht.U _0" lhc State of _..'1!1E!.~_ When ~ he WIIS~yeen 01 _ end by occupation a_~'1I!.~.nt9:H.9.!L~~ ~ hPAf t bl\lll __eye&...--.--..Jt!l _ hair....___D!94~_______. complexion. ard ....as 5 1cct.__....:L-.. '1Cain"Cht. Gvafunder my t.w:l at ._. J.u.~ 100000.JlI:>:;Ll.iiL this ...1lt.IL... ~ d._.. hIinIm'_......... ~ nIN hundrtd and FW':t.Il.~LhJ:lI. L . ~--,,~. ~_"'~JI~'(f'J~ '. a.' ",",W:' ~.,C",,'.o!!nline<'n -- ~.::""...J"'__. t.O':'='=~~""=l==.;~~.&I.':'=(';._l,Q~~=; w.....~.:mr-. --