HomeMy WebLinkAboutFrances Henry National Award• About Town/ D2 • Crossword/ D2 • Diversions/ D6 • TV Listings/ D7 Sunday, July 31, 2005 razos Life D theeagle.com `(Frances Henry] gives a lot of herself to what she believes in.' JANE COHEN Honoring a Daughter's service By GREG OKUHARA Eagle Staff Writer Frances Henry said friend and fellow Daughters of the American Revolution mem- ber Jane Cohen approached her earlier this year asking for a copy of her resume. Henry said it was "embar- rassingly" long because it included several pages listing her leadership positions and accomplishments in local vol- unteer organizations. She offered to trim it down to one page, but Cohen wanted the entire document. Cohen said she wanted to include it in an application packet for a national award from the DAR. Henry's tireless devotion to the organization, which is ded- Devotion to America's past leads to national award for CS woman icated to promoting patriotism and preserving American his- tory, deserved recognition, Cohen said. The national organization agreed, and Henry recently was awarded the 2005 Outstanding Woman in American History Award. "I am very proud of [the award]," Henry said. "I thought surely there were other people who would have been chosen." The 84- year -old College Sta- tion resident has been an active member since 1968. She currently serves as chair- woman of three committees for La Villita, the local DAR chapter, which has about 75 members. Henry said she also helps many potential mem- bers with their application forms, which include provid- ing proof the applicant is related to someone who took part in America's independ- ence efforts. To help spread historical facts and figures, Henry helped produce more than a half-million bookmarks with American history designs that were given to Brazos Val- ley students from 1988 to 2000. It's not the first time Henry has been recognized for her work and dedication to local volunteer organizations. She was named the 1992 Outstand- ing Woman of Brazos County, an award presented by local service and civic organiza- tions. Cohen said Henry made a great nominee for the DAR award, considering all the work Henry has done for the organization. "Frances has done so much in a lot of areas," Cohen said. "She gives a lot of herself to what she believes in." Henry said preserving American history fits the bill for a cause she holds dear to her heart. "I think we build on our past," said Henry, who served as the La Villita regent from 1970 to 1972. "We need to preserve it." Henry dresses up in Colo- nial clothing several times a year and tells stories to school- children about life in the late 1700s. Henry also helped start the La Villita chapter's efforts to provide American flags to place on veterans' graves on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. She coordinates with the National Sojourners, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and Boy Scouts to pur- chase and place the flags. After nearly 40 years of serv- ice within the Daughters of the American Revolution, Henry said she looks forward to its younger members pick- ing up wuere she left off. "People like me will still be around to answer any ques- tions they might have," she said. "I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to run the chapter, but if we want the organization going, we have to train the younger people." "I think we build on our past. We need to preserve it:' FRANCES HENRY Member of the Daughters of the American Revolution But finding people with the same work ethic may prove difficult. Henry, a self-described workaholic, also worked as a registered dietitian in addi- tion to her volunteer activities with the DAR, National Sojourners, American Cancer Society and George Bush Pres- idential Library. "I had a good example in my mother," Henry said. "We lived on a farm, and she made our clothes, cooked and worked all day. I didn't have ready -made clothing until I went to college. But she enjoyed it. Both my parents instilled in me that I could do anything I wanted to if I was willing to work hard enough." • Greg Okuhara's e -mail address is greg.okuhara @theeagle.com. S ection Frances Henry, 84, winner of the Daughters of the American Revolution's 2005 Outstanding Woman in American History Award, has been a DAR member since 1968. Eagle photo Dave McDermand