HomeMy WebLinkAboutLineman's RodeoAll in a day's work BTU employees showcase their skills, earn top awards at Lineman's Rodeo By Arena Welch Eagle Staff Writer Pouring rain did not damp- en the spirits of seven Bryan Texas Utility linemen as they climbed a 40-foot pole during a recent competition. It was all in a day's work for them. Utility linemen from Texas and New Mexico participated in the ninth annual Texas Lineman's Rodeo on July 16 in Seguin. BTU's team left the competition with five first- place awards, two second- place awards, adn two third- place awards. Events at the rodeo includ- ed a secondary underground splice, dead-end bell change, downed primary, hurt man rescue and pole climb. Events were timed, and teams were scored on each even, with 100 being perfect and points deducted for mistakes and going over the time limit. Chick Herrin, BTU opera- __________________________ "Not many jobs give you the opportunity to do your work skills at such a competitive level." CHRIS CALLAWAY Nine-year rodeo veteran ________________________ tions supervisor and mentor to BTU's competitors, said only three teams received a perfect score on each event - two of those were from BTU - making the awards come down to how fast each team completed the events. The journeyman team, composed of Chris Callaway, Joe Lapaglia and Raymond Tidwell, won first place in the munici- pal division and first place in the downed primary. The 45 and older team, composed of Kevin Lee, Leroy Thomas and _______________________ See RODEO, Page E2 Special to The Eagle BTU employees took home numerous awards at the ninth annual Texas Lineman's Rodeo on July 16 in Seguin. Pictured are (from left) Chris Callaway; Joe Lapagila; Raymond Tidwell; Chuck Herrin, BTU Operations Supervisor and team mentor; Derek Pusser; Kevin Lee; Terry Toole; and Leroy Thomas. Terry Toole, won third place overall, first place in teh sen- ior division and second place in the municipal division. In the apprentice competition, Derek Pusser won Best Over- all, second place in the apprentice hurt man rescue and third place in the appren- tice written test. Callaway, who has compet- ed in the rodeo for nine years, said he enjoys the competi- tive aspect. "Not many jobs give you the opportunity to do your work skills at such a competitive level," he said. "We get to really show off our abilities to other linemen, other organi- zations and other companies. We get the benefit and glory of saying, 'We are the best. We are good at what we do.'" Arena Welch's e-mail. address is arena.welch@theeagle.com