HomeMy WebLinkAboutHispanic Forum Awards 2005By LAURA HENSLEY Eagle Staff Writer Latino achievers celebrated Five garner top accolades at Hispanic Forum Awards Design. Magdalena Arevalo, a recent Mexican immigrant who is committed to address- ing local immigrant issues, was named Hispanic of the Year. "There are a lot of Hispanics in the community that do well and are never really recog- nized," said Greg Rodriguez, a member of the Hispanic Fnrnm and macter of rpm- monies at the event. "We real- ly want to recognize the people and highlight their work and their influence. "All of these people are role models." Martin Valdez Vivas, a recent graduate of A &M Con- solidated High School who plans to attend Princeton Uni- versity in the fall, was given a 9;4.0)0 scholarship and named Student of the Year. He, like other award recipients, was visibly touched by the honor. "My friend asked me one day, `Why do you study ? "' said Vivas, who graduated with a 4.237 grade -point average. "That question stuck with me the rest of the day, and it got back to me being Hispanic. Being told you are less and not as good as other students, that's disgusting. That's why I study. That's why I work hard. I feel that drive." Members of the Hispanic Latinos who have made spe- cial contributions to the com- munity were honored Satur- day night at the annual His- panic Forum Awards. Winners in four categories were announced. Patricia "Trish" Burk, director of the local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity, was given the Lifetime Achieve- ment Award. Business of the Year went to Manuel and Theresa Rodriguez of Manuel and Theresa' School of Nair Forum made a surprise announcement during the gala. They said enough contribu- tions had been made to give a $750 scholarship to each of the other four nominees for Stu- dent of the Year. Those nomi- nees are Manuel Gutierrez, Aracely Veronica Santoy and Lucas Ybarra of Bryan High School and Karla Orozco of A &M Consolidated High School. About 525 people attended the black -tie gala at the College Station Hilton. Following a din- ner and the awards ceremony, live music was provided by Tejano bands Grupo Aviso and Grammy - winner Emilio Navaira y Grupo Rio. It was the first time the 7- year -old awards ceremony was celebrated in such a fashion. Vickie Garcia, president of the Hispanic Forum, said the format was a success. "We wanted to wow the crowd, and we've done that," she said over the loud thump- ing of Tejano music. "I think this is really a celebration. It's a great way to honor all of the nominees and make it more fes- tive." • Laura Hensley's e-mail address is laura.hensley@theeagle.com. Eagle photo /Patric Schneider Honored Saturday night by the Hispanic Forum were (from left): Theresa and Manuel Rodriguez, Business of the Year; Patricia Burk, Lifetime Achievement Award; Martin Valdez Vivas, Student of the Year; and Magdalena Arevalo, Hispanic of the Year.