HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-2194 - Ordinance - 08/08/1996ORDINANCE NO. 2194 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTIONS 3.E(2)(j) and 3.E(2Xk), OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS RELATING TO SPEED ZONES, SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATING ADDITIONAL AREAS IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IN WHICH RATES OF SPEED OF THIRTY (30) MIl.ES PER HOUR OR MORE ARE AUTHORIZED; AND RESCINDING ALL PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Transportation has constructed certain improvements to State Highway 6, its Frontage Roads, and the highway overpasses within College Station; WItEREAS, these improvements have necessitated certain changes in the traffic patterns and flow along certain sections of the State Highway 6 Frontage Roads; and WHEREAS, in December of 1995 the Texas Department of Transportation conducted a speed zone study of certain sections of the State Highway 6 Frontage Roads within College Station ~a~_,d_ provided the results of that Study to the City for inclusion in the affected portions of the City s Speed Limits Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: That Chapter 10, Sections 3.E.(2)(j) and 3.E(2)(k), of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "(j) State Hi_v. hwa_v 6 West Front~e Road From the North City Limit south to the intersection of Deacon Drive at Texas Avenue (one way): Distance ~l?.~tL[eim~ for the first 0.285 miles from the North City Limit 50 miles per hour for the next 0.835 miles 45 milesper hour for the next 0.330 miles 40 miles per hour for the next 0.350 miles 45 miles per hour for the next 0.675 miles 50 miles per hour for the next 1.028 miles 55 miles per hour for the next 0.250 miles 50 miles per hour for the last 0.200 miles to the intersection of Texas45 miles per hour (ii) For traffic moving in a southerly direction from the intersection of Deacon Drive at Texas Avenue to Greens Prairie Road: Distance for the first 0.892 miles from Deacon Drive for the next 2.302 miles to Greens Prairie Road 45 miles per hour 55 miles per hour J~'c./ordlnaa/speed3.doc 8/7/95 Ordinance No. 2 .~ 94 Page 2 (k) (iii) For traffic moving in a northerly direction from Greens Prairie Road to Deacon Drive: Distance for the first 2.302 miles from Greens Prairie Road for the next 0.892 miles to Deacon Drive 55 miles per hour 45 miles per hour State ltighwny 6 East Frontage Road (I) For traffic moving in a northerly direction from Greens Prairie Road to Sebesta Road: Distance for the first 2.302 miles for the next 0.305 miles for the last 0.555 miles to Sebesta Road Speed Limit 55 miles per hour 50 miles per hour 55 miles per hour (ii) For traffic moving in a southerly direction from the overpass of Rock Prairie Road to Greens Prairie Road: Distance for the first 0.113 miles for the last 2.302 miles to Greens Prairie Road S_m~i Limit 50 miles per hour 55 miles per hour (iii) From Sebesta Road north to the North City Limit (one way): for the for the for the for the for the for the for the Distance first 0.200 miles from Sebesta Road next 2.622 miles next 0.320 miles next 0.200 miles next 0.405 miles next 0.300 miles last 0.270 miles to the North City Limit 40 miles per hour 50 miles per hour 40 miles per hour 45 miles per hour 50 miles per hour 45 miles per hour 55 miles per hour" II. That any and all ordinances or pans of ordinances in conflict with the foregom_~ are hereby repealed and aH other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to he unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any pan or provision thereof, other than the pan so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional. j~/c/ord~nan/sl~d$.ord 8/7/96 Ordinance No. 2 .~ ~ Page 3 IV. This m'dimm~ ~hail take effect immediately from and afi~' its passage and the publication of tho caption, as the law and charter in such cases provide. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this f~"~ day of August, 1996. APPROVED: LYN~ Mc~Y, Mayd~ ~FEST: CONNIE HOOKS, City Secretary j~/~o~dinan/JI~d$.o~d 8/7,~