HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-2148 - Ordinance - 09/28/1995ORDINANCE NO. 214 8 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, SECTION 2, OF THE CODE OF ORDI- NANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, RELATING TO ANIMAL CONTROL, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. That Chapter 2, Section 2.A, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "A. DEFINITIONS (1) 'Animal' shall mean any and all types of allowed animals, male or female, singular and plural, warm or cold-blooded. (2) 'Fowl' shall mean any and all fowl, domesticated and wild, male and female, singular and plural. (3) 'Abandonment' means to desert or to leave without care. (4) 'Animal Control Authority' means the person or persons designated by the City Manager to enforce this article. (5) 'Animal shelter' means that facility designated or recognized by the City of College Station for the purpose of impounding and caring for animals. (6) 'Humane manner' means care of an animal to include but not limited to ventilation and sanitary shelter, food and water consistent with normal requirements and feeding habits of the animal's size, species and breed. (7) 'License' means a durable tag on a collar and/or an implanted micro- chip for identification, renewed annually with a licensing authority. (8) 'Licensed veterinarian' means any person duly licensed as a veterinarian by the State of Texas. (9) 'Licensing authority' means the agency or department of the City of College Station, or any designated agency charged with administering the issuance and revocation of permits and licenses. The City Manager shall designate the licensing authority. In the absence of a designation, the Police Department shall be the licensing authority. (10) 'Nuisance.' An animal shall be considered a nuisance if it damages, soils, defiles or defecates on private property other than the owner's or on public areas, unless such waste is immediately removed and disposed of; causes unsanitary, dangerous or offensive conditions; creates a disturbance by excessive barking or other animal noise which would offend a person of ordinary sensibilities under the same or Ordinance No. 2148 Page 2 similar circumstances; or chases, molests, attacks or interferes with persons or other domestic animals on public property or the private property of others. (11) 'Owner' means a person having the right of property or custody of an animal or who harbors an animal or knowingly permits an animal to remain on or about any premises occupied by that person for more than 72 hours. (12) 'Vicious animal' means an animal that constitutes a physical threat to humans or other domestic animals by virtue of his immediate conduct, or by virtue of a prior history of violence towards humans or other animals. (13) 'At Large' shall mean off the premises of the owner or custodian of the animal or fowl and not under the physical restraint of the custodian or owner. (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) 'Wild Animals' shall mean all undomesticated animals including, but not limited to, any form of lions, tigers, bears, wolves, apes, foxes, baboons, and all forms of poisonous reptiles, skunks, and squirrels. 'Cat' shall mean any of domesticated forms of the species Felidae Felis catus or domesticus, a carnivorous mammal domesticated as a catcher of rats and mice and as a pet. 'Dog' shall mean any of the domesticated forms of the species Canidae Canis familiaris, specifically excluding any type of wolf hybrid. 'Ferret' shall mean any form of the species, Mustela Putorius Furo. 'Pot-bellied pig' shall mean any of the domesticated forms of the species Suidae Sus scrofa (miniature pigs under 200 pounds)." II. That Chapter 2, Section 2.B, paragraphs (2)(a), (b), and (c), of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, are hereby amended to read as follows: "(a) If a licensed veterinarian vaccinates a dog, cat, or ferret for rabies, he shall, when practicable, collect the annual licensing registration fee, issue a rabies vaccination/license, and send to the licensing authority a copy of a form which shall include the following information: (i) (ii) (iii) Name and address of pet owner Description of the pet Date of vaccination Ordinance No. 214 8 Page 3 (iv) License number (v) Other appropriate information (b) If a licensed veterinarian vaccinates a pot-bellied pig for erysipe- las, he shall, when practicable, collect the annual licensing regis- tration fee, issue a erysipelas vaccination/license, and send to the licensing authority a copy of a form which shall include the following information: (i) Name and address of pet owner (ii) Description of the pet Date of vaccination (iv) License number (v) Other appropriate information (c) A licensed veterinarian who has been designated to collect the annual licensing registration fee shall have all necessary forms and licenses for registration provided to him by the licensing authority. The licensing authority shall establish a collection procedure for the fees, a format for the licenses, and shall record all dogs, cats, potbellied pigs, and ferrets registered, the name of the owner, and other appropriate information." II1. That Chapter 2, Section 2. B, paragraph (3), of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "(3) (a) Tags furnished by the licensing authority shall be of durable mate- rial. A tag issued for a dog, cat, potbellied pig, or ferret must be attached to the collar of the animal and must be worn at all times. Tags are not transferable. A record of all tags issued shall be maintained by the licensing authority, and such records shall be available to the Animal Control Authority. Records are to be kept for five (5) years. (b) An owner may elect to obtain an optional microchip implant license, which may be substituted for the tag as required in Section (3)(a) above, for a one-time implantation fee. A record of all microchips implanted shall be maintained by the licensing authority, and such records shall be available to the Animal Control Authority. Records are to be kept for five (5) years." Ordinance No. 2 ].48 Page 4 IV. That Chapter 2, Section 2. B, paragraph (5), of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "(5) Upon receipt of the appropriate forms and payment of the scheduled fee, the licensing authority shall provide a license for dogs, cats, pot-bellied pigs and ferrets vaccinated by a veterinarian other than one who has been designated to register dogs, cats, pot-bellied pigs and ferrets; in which case, the license will be valid until the rabies or erysipelas vaccination is due again by State Law or ordinance." This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the City Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this the 28th day of September, 1995. APPROVED: MAYOR LARRY RINGER ATTEST: City Secretary