HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-2353 - Ordinance - 10/08/1998ORDINANCE NO 2353 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A PARCEL 2 TRACTS OF LAND TOTALING 11.46 ACRES LOCATED IN THE S. W. ROBERTSON LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 202 IN COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING OUT OF THE RESIDUE OF A CALLED 113.12 ACRE TRACT OF LAND, DESCRIBED AT "TRACT 1" AND "TRACT 2" IN DEEDS RECORDED IN VOLUME 275, PAGE 696 OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS DEED RECORDS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIffE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART !: That the City of College Station Zoning Ordinance #1638, more sp~ific~ly the Official Zoning Map, be amended as set out in Exhibits "A", "B' and "C" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect PART 3: That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00). PART 4: A notice of the time and place, where and when said ordinance would be given a public hearing and considered for final passage, was published in The Eagle, a daily newspaper of general cir~lation in the Cities of Bryan and College Station, said publi~tion being on Wednesday, September 23, 1998, the same being at least fifteen (15) days prior to a public heating to be held in the Council Room of the City Hall in College Station, Texas, at 7:00 p.m., on Thursday, October 8, 1998, to permit the public to be heard prior to final consideration of this ordinance. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 8th day of October, 1998. Connie i looks, City Secretary ~ynn' l~lcllhane~,, Mayor APPROVED: Harvey Ca~l I~., Cit~A~ ~ ~i~.ey ORDINANCE NO. 2353 PAGE 2 OF 5 EXHIBIT "A" That the Official Zoning Map of the City of College Station, and part of Zoning Ordinance #1638, is hereby amended as follows: The subject 11.46 acre tract described by metes and bounds in the attached Exhibit "B" is rezoned from A-O Agricultural Open to C-B Business Commercial. OI~DINANCE NO. :2353 PAGE 3 OF 5 EXHIBIT "B" PROPERTY DESCRI'PTION: First Tract: All that certain 5.04 acre tract of land in the S. W. Robertson Su~-vey0 Abstract No. 202, Erazos County, Texas, and being a part of that 113.12 acre tract of land conveyed to Ranchco Co. from Robert B. Taylor and w~fe, Marie Houser Taylor, by deed dated Jan. 15, 1969, recorded in Volume 275° Page 696, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being described as follows: BEGINNING at the north corner or,he above mentioned tract of land conveyed to Ranchco Co. from Robert B. Taylor, et ux; THENCE S 37 51 E 623.4 ft. along the south,est right of way lzne of State Highway 6 to an iron stake for the Beginning Porn= o~ =his survey; THENCE S 66 28 W THENCE N 71 26 W THENCE S 18 58 W THENCE S 72 01 E THENCE N 78 20 E THENCE N ?0 50 E THENCE I zne of 263.7 ft. to an iron stake for corner; 44S.1 ft. to an iron stake for corner; 321.9 ft. to an ~ron stake for corner; 317.2 ft. to an zron stake for corner; 304.8 ft. to an iron stake for corner; 131.0 ft. to an angle poznt; N 66 47 E 202.1 ft. to an ~ron stake for corner in the southwest right of way State Highway No. 6; THENCE N 37 51 W 230.0 ft. along the southwest rLght of way l=ne of State Highway 6 ~o the Place of Beginning, and conua~nlng $ 0¢ acres o~ ~and, more ~r less. Second Tract: All chat certain 8.59 acre tract of land zn the S. W. Robertson Survey, Abstract No. 202, Brazos County, Texas, and being a part of that 113.12 acre tract of land conveyed to Ranchco Co. from Robert B. Taylor and wife, Marie Houser Taylor, by deed dated Jan. 15, 1969, recorded in Volume 27S, Page 696, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being described as follows: BEGL~NIN~ at =he north corner at an iron stake in the southwest right of way line of Stats Hlghwa~ 6 and bein~ ~he north corner of the before mentioned tract of land conveyed to Ranchco Co. fro~ Robert B. Taylor and wife, Marie Houser Taylor; THENCE S 53 30 W 1035.0 ft. to an iron stake for corner; THENCE S 72 01 E 468.8 ft. to an iron stake for corner and being a corner of the John G. Otts 5.04 acre ~ract as described in deed recorded in Volume 294, Page 43, De~d Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE N 18 58 E 321.9 ft. to an iron s=ake for corner and being a corner of the before mentioned 5.04 acre tract; THENCE S 71 26 E 445.1 ft. to an zron stake for corner and being a corner of the before mentioned 5.04 acre tract; THENCE N 66 28 E 263.7 ft. to an iron stake for corner in the southwest rxght of way line of State Highway 6 and being a corner of the before mentioned 5.04 acre tract; THENCE N 37 51 W 623.4 ft. along the sou=hwest right of way line of State Highway 6 to the Place of Beginning, and containing 8.59 acres of land° ~re or less. SAVE and EXCEPT Tract: Being 2.127 acres of land, more or less, out of and a part of thnt certain 5.04 & 8.59 acre tract of land lying and being in ~he S. W. Robertson Survey, Abstract 202, in - Continued ORDINANCE NO. 2353 PAGE 4 OF 5 EXHIBIT "B" (con t. ) Brazos County, Texas, said 5.04 & 8.59 acre tract being the same land described an a deed from Ranchco, Inc. to John Graves Otts, et ux, recorded an Volume 294 & 296, Page 43 & 628, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, said 2.127 acre parcel of land being more particularly descrlbed by metes and bounds as follows. CO~NCING at a SW interior corner of the Royce Bordman 20 acre tract, same being the common line of the Hansen tract, Thence N 51° 06'13" E for a dastance of 996.8' to a point xn the proposed SE right of way of SH 6, Thence S 48° 51'50" E along the proposed SW right of way of SN 6 for a dxstance of 412.6' to a point an the SE lane of the Bordman tract and the NW lxne of the H~ll tract, Thence continuing along the proposed SE right of way S 48° 51'50" E for a dxstance of 480 5' to a point, Thence S 42° 40'17" E 82.7' to a point in the S.E. line of the Hill tract and the N.W. line of the Harris tract, Thence continuing along the proposed SE raght of way S 42" 40'17" E a dxstance of 320.3' to a point on the SE property line of the Harris tract and the NW lane of the Otts tract for the Place of Beginning; THENCE continuing along the proposed SW right of way of SH 6 S 42" 40'17" E for a dxstance of 38' to a point; THENCE S 40" 10'08" E for a distance of 790.2, to a point an the S line of the Otts tract and the N line of the D. R. Cain South Oaks Subdivision tract; THENCE N 64" 18'18" E along the beforementioned common line a distance of 113.6' to a point an the SW right of way of SH 6; THENCE along the existing right of way lane N 40e 10'08" w for a dastance of 810.5' to a point; THENCE northwesterly a distance of 46' along an existing curve to the left having a radius of 5679.57' and central angle of 00" 27'50" and chord which bears N 40" 24'03" W and a chord distance of 45.9' to a point in the ~4 corner of the Otts tract and the SE corner of the Harris tract; T~ENCE S 49" 49'03" W along the common line a distance of 111.4' to the Place of Beginning, and contaan~ng 2.127 acres of land, more or less. - Continued - ORDINANCE NO. 7--353 'EXHIBIT "C" PAGE 5 OF 5