HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-2434 - Ordinance - 02/10/2000ORDINANCE NO. 2434 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ORDERING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 1N THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ON SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2000 FOR THE ELECTION OF MAYOR, COUNCILMAN PLACE 2, COUNCILMAN PLACE 4, AND COUNCILMAN PLACE 6. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That a General Election shall be and the same is hereby ordered to be held on the first Saturday in May, 2000, the same being May 6, 2000 for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Council members Places 2, 4, and 6. The election shall be held under the provisions of the laws of the State of Texas governing general elections and only duly qualified voters of the City of College Station shall be allowed to vote in this election. SECTION 2: That said election shall be held in conjunction with the College Station Independent School District Board of Trustees Election, whereby an election precinct is to be served by a common polling place and election judges. A single ballot form at each polling place shall be used; provided, however, that no voter shall be given a ballot containing any ofiice or proposition on which the voter is ineligible to vote. The polls shall be opened promptly at 7:00 a.m. and shall be closed promptly at 7:00 p.m. The office of the City Secretary shall perform all duties normally performed by the County Clerk in general elections with respect to early voting, giving notice of election, and preparing the official ballots. SECTION 3: That early voting shall be conducted by personal appearance and by mall. The main early voting polling place by personal appearance shall be in the City Hall Training Room, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Two branch early voting locations shall be held at the College Station Independent School District Administration Building, 1812 Welsh in College Station, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Bryan City Hall, 300 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The period for early voting shall be April 19, 2000 through May 2, 2000. Applications for ballot by mail shall be available beginning March 7 and last day to receive application by mail is April 28, 2000. The Early Voting Clerk for said election shall be the City Secretary. She shah appoint city employees and additional assistance by qualified individuals of the community to serve as deputy early voting clerks to assist her at the early voting polling Ordinance No. 2434 Page 2 places. The Election Coordinator for the College Station Independent School District shall also serve as Deputy Early Voting Clerk in said election. SECTION 4: That punch card voting machines shall be used for voting at the foregoing election precincts and electronic counting devices and equipment shall be used for counting the ballots at said election. SECTION 5: That the Mayor of the City of College Station is hereby authorized to sign an official NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION as set forth in a form prescribed by the Secretary of State of Texas; and a copy of the NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION, when published in a newspaper of general circulation in English and Spanish the City of College Station, shall serve as proper notice of the election. PASSED and APPROVED this 10th day February, 2000. APPROVED: APPROVED: C ityAttorne,~ - Ay Mayor Lynn McIlhaney / a:elec00.doc NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Notice is hereby ~iven that the polling places listed below serve as city election precincts and will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 6, 2000, for voting in the city/school general election to elect a Mayor, City Councilman Place 2, City Councilman Place 4, City Councilman Place 6 and College Station Board of Trustees Places 1 and 2. LOCATION OF POLLING PLACES: Polling Place No. 2 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 2, 82) at Wellborn Special Utility District, 4118 Greens Prairie Road West; Polling Place No. 8 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 8) at South Knoll Elementary School, 1220 Boswell; Polling Place No. 9 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 9) at College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive; Polling Place No. 10 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 10) at College Station Municipal Court Complex, 2611 S. Texas Avenue; Polling Place No. 21 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 20, 21, & 61), at A&M United Methodist Church Family Life Center, 417 University Drive; Polling Place No. 24 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 24, 27, 75) at College Hills Elementary School, 1101 Williams; Polling Place No. 28 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 28, 58, 59, 71, 73, and 83) at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1200 Foxfire; Pollin_~ Place No. 31 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 31, 29, 62, 64, 69) at A&M Church of Christ, 1901 Harvey Mitchell Parkway; Pollin_~ Place No. 32 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 32) at Friends Con~re~ational Church, 2200 Southwood Drive; Notice of Election May 6, 2000 Page 2 Polling Place No. 33 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 33 and 35) at Lincoln Center, 1000 Eleanor; Polling Place No. 34 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 34) at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue; Polling Place No. 39 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 39) at Rock Prairie Elementary School, 3400 Welsh; Polling Place No. 40 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 40) at Aldersgate Methodist Church, 2201 Earl Rudder Freeway; Early Voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, between the hours ofg:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.; College Station Independent School District Administration building, 1812 Welsh, between the hours ofg:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; and Bryan City Hail, 300 South Texas Avenue, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (for voters who reside in Precincts 27, 29, 64 and 75 in Bryan Independent School District and City of College Station); beginning Wednesday, April 19, 2000 and ending Tuesday, May 2, 2000. Applications for ballot by mail shall be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 28, 2000 in the office of: Connie Hooks, Early Voting Clerk P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Notice issued this 10ts day of February_, 2000. l ay6[Lyrm Mcnhaney/ City Secretary Connie Hooks ORDER OF ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS An election is hereby ordered to be held on Saturday, the 6th day of May, 2000, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, City Councilman Place 2, a City Councilman Place 4, and a City Councilman Place 6, and School Board of Trustees, Place 1 and Place 2. Early Voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, between the hours of S:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.; College Station Independent School District Administration building, 1812 Welsh, between the hours of S:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; and Bryan City Hall, 300 South Texas Avenue, (only for voters who reside in Precincts 27, 29, 64, 75 in Bryan Independent School District and City of College Station) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.; beginning Wednesday, April 19, 2000 and ending Tuesday, May 2, 2000. Applications for ballots by mail shall be received no later than 5:00 p.m. April 28, 2000 in the office of: Connie Hooks, Early Voting Clerk P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 A/~.TEST: f~ C~ty Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: l~ayol4/Lynn l~IcIl'lumey APPROVED: a:clccOO.doc DECRETO MUNICIPAL NO. 2434 UN DECRETO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ORDENANDO UNA ELECCION GENERAL MUNICIPAL EN LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION EL S~BADO, 6 DE MAYO, 2000, PARA LA ELECCI6N DE EL ALCALDE, UN CONSEJERO MUNICIPAL LUGAR 2, UN CONSEJERO MUNICIPAL LUGAR 4, Y UN CONSEJERO MUNICIPAL LUGAR 6. QUE SEA ORDENADO POR EL CONSEJO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: ~,~C,.C,I.O_]~ Que una Elecci6n General sera, y la misma est~ ordenada llevarse a cabo el primer S~bado en Mayo, 2000, siendo ese dla el 6 de Mayo de 2000, para el prop6sito de elegir un Alcalde y Consejeros Munieipales Lugares 2, 4, y 6. La elecci6n se llevar~ a cabo bajo las provisiones de las leyes de el Estado de Texas governando elecciones generales y solamente votadores calificados que son residentes de College Station ser~n permitidos votar en esta elecci6n. ~ Dicha elecci6n se llevar~t a cabo en conjunto con la Elecci6n de el Consejo Directivo del Distrito Independiente Escolar de College Station, en 1o que los precintos electorales ser~n servidos por jueces electorales y un lugar comfin de elecci6n. Una boleta electoral en cada precinto electoral ser~ utilizada, pero ningfin votante inelegible para votar en alguna proposici6n u oficina sera otorgado una boleta electoral. Los precintos electorales abrir~n a las 7:00 a.m. y cerrar~tn a las 7:00 p.m. La ofieina de la Secretaria Municipal deberJ de llevar a cabo las labores que usualmente hace el Secretario del Condado en elecciones generales con respeto a votaciones anticipadas, dar notificaciones de elecci6n, y la preparaci6n de las boletas electorales oficiales. /.~,~C,,.C,I.O.~L~ La votaci6n anticipada se llevadt a cabo por presencia personal y por ¢orreo. El lugar principal de votaci6n por presencia personal sera en el Cuarto de Entrenamiento del Edificio Municipal de la Ciudad de College Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, de 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.. Dos lugares secundarios de votaci6n por preseneia personal serfin el Edificio Administrativo del Distrito Escolar de College Station, 1812 Welsh, de 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. y el Edificio Municipal de Bryan, 300 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas 77805, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. E1 filtimo dla para reeibir aplicaciones para votaci6n anti¢ipada por correo sera el 7 de Marzo de 2000.. Durante el periodo de votaci6n anticipada permitido o autorizado por la Icy que es del 19 de Abril, 2000 hasta el 2 de Mayo, 2000. La Secretaria de Votaci6n Anticipada para dicha elecci6n ser~ la Secretaria Municipal. Ella designar/t empleados municipales y asistencia de otros individuos de la comunidad calificados como diputados de votaci6n antieipada para asistirla en los lugares de votaci6n anticipada. El Coordinador Electoral del Distrito Escolar Independiente de College Station servir~ como Secretaria Diputada de Votaci6n Anticipada de dicha elecci6n. Spanish Election 2000 Page 2 ~aC.,.C,I.O.~T_~ Las m~quinas marca tarjetas ser~n utilizadas para votaci6n en dichos lugares electorales y equipo electr6nico de conteo ser~ utilizado para contar las boletas en dicha elecci6n. ~ La Alcaldeza de la Ciudad de College Station estJ autorizada firmar una NOTIFICACION OFICIAL DE ELECCI~)N GENERAL como prescrito en el formulario otorgado pot la Secretaria de Estado del estado de Texas, y una eopia de dieha NOTIFICACION DE ELECCI(~N GENERAL, cuando publicado en un peri6dico de circulaei6n general en la Ciudad de College Station, servirJ como notifieacion adecuada de la elecci6n ordenada por este Decreto Municipal. PASADO Y APROBADO ESTE 10 D~A DE FEBRERO, 2000. APROBADO: Seeretaria Municipal Connie'Hoo s~k'~~ A'l'~al~l~Za Lyfin MeIlhaney Ir APROBADO: Abogado Munic~tl NOTIFICACION DE ELECCI6N GENERAL A LOS VOTANTES REGISTRADOS DE LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Se ha notificado que los siguientes Lugares Electorales servirfin como Precintos Electorales Escolares y Municipales y que cstar/m abiertos desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. el S~bado, 6 de Mayo, 2000, para votaci6n en la elecci6n general de la municipalidad/distrito escolar para seleccionar los Consejeros Municipales Lugar 2, Lugar 4, y Lugar 6 y los Lugares 1 y 2 de La Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar de College Station. UBICACION DE LUGARES EI JECTORALES. Lugar Electoral No. 2, (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 2 y 82) en Wellborn Water Supply Corporation, 4118 Greens Prairie Road West; Lu_~ar Electoral No, $, (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 8), en South Knoll Elementary School, 1220 Boswell; Lugar Electoral No. 9, (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 9), en el College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive; Lugar Electoral No. 10, (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 10), en el College Station Municipal Court Complex, 2611 S. Texas Avenue; Lunar Electoral No. 21: (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 20, 21, y 61), en A&M United Methodist Church, 711 University Drive; Lu_~ar Electoral No. 24, (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 24, 27, y 75), en College Hills Elementary School, 1101 Williams; Luoar ~9, 71, Electoral No. 25, (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 28, 58, 73, y 83), en Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1200 Foxfire; Lugar Electoral No. 31. (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 31, 29, 62, 64, 69) en el A&M Church of Christ, 1001 FM2818; Lugar Electoral No. 32, (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 32), en Friends Congregational Church, 2200 Southwood Drive; Luuar 35), en Electoral No. 33, (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 33 and Lincoln Center, 1300 Eleanor; Notificacion de eleccion general Page 2 Lugar Electoral No. 34. (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 34), en College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue; Lugar Electoral No. 39, (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 39), en Rock Prairie Elementary School, 3400 Welsh; Lugar Electoral No. 40, (Consistiendo del Precinto Electoral del Condado No. 40), en Aldersgate Methodist Church, 2201 Earl Rudder Freeway; La votaei6n anticipada por presencia personal se llevara a cabo de Lunes a Viemes en el Edificio Municipal de College Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas entre las horas de 8:00 a.m. y 5:00 p.m. yen el Edificio Administrativo del Distrito Independiente Es¢olar de College Station, 1812 Welsh, entre las horas de 8:00 a.m. y 5:00 p.m. y el Edificio Municpal de Bryan, 300 South Texas Avenue, entre las horas de 8:00 a.m. y 5:00 p.m. (para los votantes que viven en los Precintos 27, 29, 64, y 75 en el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Bryan y la Ciudad de College Station); comenzando el Miercoles, 19 de Abril, 2000 y terminando el Manes, 2 de Mayo, 2000. Solicitudes para las boletas electorales por correo tienen que ser recibidas a mas tardar las 5:00 p.m. del 28 de Abril, 2000 en la oficina de: Connie Hooks, Secretaria de Votaci6n Anticipada P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Otorgado este 10 de F_p, lllID.~2,.~tZ~ Connie Hooks, Secretaria Municipal Lynh ~cllhaney~ Alcaldez~ APROBADO: Abogado Mu~:gq'-pal ~ ~ ORDEN DE ELECCI~N PARA LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Se ordena que una elecci6n se lleve a cabo el Sibado, 6 de Mayo, 2000 con el prop6sito de la eleccibn de el Alcalde, un Consejero Municipal Lugar 2, un Consejero Municipal Lugar 4, y un Consejero Municipal Lugar 6 y los Lugares 1 y 2 de La Junta Directiva del Distdto Escolar de College Station. Votaci6n anticipado por presencia personal se llevara a cabo de Lunes a Viernes en el Edificio Municipal de College Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas entre las horas de 8:00 a.m. y $:00 p.m. yen el Edificio Administrativo del Distfito Independiente Escolar de College Station, 1812 Welsh, entre las horas de 8:00 a.m. y 4:30 p.m. y el Edificio Municipal de Bryan, 300 South Texas Avenue, entre las horas de 8:00 a.m. y 5:00 p.m. (para los votantes que viven en los Precintos 27, 29, 64, y 75 en el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Bryan y la Ciudad de College Station); comenzando el Miercoles, 19 de Abril, 2000 y terminando el Mattes, 2 de Mayo, 2000. Solicitudes para boletas electorales por correo tienen que ser recibidas a mas tardar las 5:00 p.m. del 28 de Abril, 2000 en la oficina de: Connie Hooks, Secretaria de Votaci6n Anticipada P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Otorgado este 10 de Febrero, 2000. C~£-~= glo~k~, se~'r~aria Municipal APROBADO: