HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-2530 - Ordinance - 11/15/2001ORDINANCE NO. 2530 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, "BUILDING REGULATIONS", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND AN PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 3, "Building Regulations", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance becomes effective on 1 January 2002. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 1st. day of November, 2001. ATTEST: APPROVED: LYNN I~cILHA'NEY, Mayor APPROVED: City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 3, "Building Regulations", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as set out hereafter to read as follows: CHAPTER 3 BUILDING REGULATIONS SECTION 1: STANDARD ADMINISTRATIVE CODE CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS 1. Appointment There is hereby established a Board to be called the Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals, which shall consist of seven members and two alter- nates. The Board shall be appointed by the governing body of the City. Membership and Term of Appointment (a) Membership. The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall consist of seven members. The Board shall be composed of indi- viduals with knowledge and experience in the Technical Codes, such as design professionals, contractors or building industry representatives. In addition to the regular members, there should be two (2) alternate members, one member at large from the building industry and one member at large from the public. A Board member shall not act in a case in which he has any conflict of interest. (b) Terms. Three (3) members of the Board and the Chairman shall initially be appointed to serve a two-year term. The remaining three members of the Board shall initially be appointed to serve a one-year term. Subse- quent appointments to the Board shall be for two-year terms, in order to stagger the terms of office of the Board Members so that only a portion of the Board is appointed or replaced in any 12-month period. The two alternates, if appointed, shall serve one-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term. Continued absence of any member from re- quired meetings of the Board shall, at the discretion of the governing body of the City, render any such member subject to immediate removal from office. (c) Quorum and Voting. A simple majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. In varying any provision of this Code or the Technical Codes, the affirmative votes of the majority present, but not less than four (4) affirmative votes shall be required. In modifying a decision of the Building Official, not less than four (4) affirmative votes, but not less than a majority of the Board, shall be required. In the event that regular (d) members are unable to attend a meeting, the alternate members shall vote. Secretary of Board. The Building Official shall appoint a Secretary to record minutes of the meetings of the Board and to make a detailed record of all of its proceedings, which shall set forth the reasons for its decision, the vote of each member, the absence of a member and any failure of a member to vote. Powem The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall have the power, as further defined in this chapter, to hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the Building Official and to consider variances to the terms of the Technical Codes. Appeals (a) Decision of the Buildin,q Official. The owner of a building, structure or service system, or his duly authorized agent, may appeal a decision of the Building Official to the Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals whenever any one of the following conditions are claimed to exist: (i) The Building Official rejected or refused to approve the mode or manner of construction proposed to be followed or materials to be used in the installation or alteration of a building, structure or service system. (ii) The provisions of this Code or the Technical Codes do not apply to this specific case. (iii) An equally good or more desirable form of installation can be employed in any specific case. (iv) The true intent and meaning of this Code or the Technical Codes or any of the regulations thereunder, have been misconstrued or incorrectly interpreted. (b) Variances. The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals, when so appealed to and after a hearing, may vary the application of any provision of this Code or the Technical Codes to any particular case when, in its opinion, the enforcement thereof would do manifest injustice and would be contrary to the spirit and purpose of this Code or the Technical Codes or the public interest, and also finds all of the following: (i) That special conditions and circumstances exist that are peculiar to the building, structure or service system involved and that are not applicable to others. (ii) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the action or inaction of the applicant. (iii) That granting the variance requested will not confer on the appli- cant any special privilege that is denied by this Code or the Technical Codes to other buildings, structures or service system. (iv) That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the building, structure or service system. (v) That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this Code or the Technical Codes and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. In granting the variance, the Board may prescribe a reasonable time limit within which the action for which the variance is required shall be commenced or completed or both., In addition, the Board may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this Code or the Technical Codes. Violation of the conditions of a variance shall be deemed a violation of this Code. (c) Notice of Appeal. Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed within thirty (30) calendar days after the decision is rendered by the Building Official. The notice of appeal shall be in a form acceptable to the Build- ing Official Procedures Of The Board (a) (b) Rules and Requlations. The Board shall establish rules and regulations for its own procedure not inconsistent with the provisions of this Code or the Technical Codes. The Board shall meet on call of the Chairman. The Board shall meet within thirty (30) calendar days after notice of appeal has been received. Decisions. The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall, in every case, reach a decision without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. Each decision of the Board shall also include the reasons for the decision. If a decision of the Board reverses or modifies a refusal, order, or disallowance of the Building Official or varies the application of any provision of this Code, the Building Official shall immediately take action in accordance with such decision. Every decision shall be promptly filed in writing in the office of the Building Official and shall be open to public inspection as required by State law. An official copy of the decision shall be sent by certified mail or by hand delivery to the applicant and a copy shall be kept publicly posted in the office of the Building Official for two weeks after filing. Every decision of the Board shall be final, subject however to such remedy as any aggrieved party might have at law or in equity. BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION Creation of the Buildin,q and Standards Commission There shall be appointed by the City Council a building and standards commission to hear and determine cases concerning violations of the building code. (a) (b) (c) Commission Members. The commission shall consist of five (5) members appointed by City Council for two-year terms and four (4) alternate members who shall serve in the absence of one or more of the regular members when requested to do so by the mayor or City Manager. The alternate commission members serve for the same period and are subject to removal in the same manner as the regular members. Chairperson. City Council will appoint one (1) member of the commission to serve as chairperson and one (1) member to serve as vice-chairperson on an annual basis. Removal. The City Council may remove a commission member for cause on a written charge. Before a decision regarding removal is made, the City Council shall hold a public hearing on the matter if requested by the commission member subject to the removal action. Any member shall be automatically removed, without the necessity of charges and a hearing, in the event that said member is absent from twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the regularly scheduled meetings in a twelve (12) month period. Hearings Before the Commission (a) (b) Number. All cases heard by the oomm~ssion shall be heard by at least four members. (c) Rules. The commission may adopt rules and establish procedures for use in hearings, providing ample opportumty for presentation of evidence and testimony by persons opposing charges brought by the municipality through the Building Official or the Fire Marshal relating to alleged viola- tions. The Commission shall appoint a chairman and an acting chairman to act ~n the chairman's absence. (d) Meetings. The meetings of the commission shall be held at the call of the Chairman and at other times established by the Commission. The meetings shall be open to the public. Minutes. the Commission shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member on each question or the fact that a member is absent or fails to vote. The Commission shall keep records of ~ts examinations and other official actions. The minutes and records shall be filed immediately in the office of the Commission as public records. (e) Vote. The concurring vote of four members of the Commission is neces- sary to take any action. 3. Representative The Building Official or the Fire Marshall is hereby designated as the representa- tive of the municipality before the Building and Standards Commission. 4. Function of the Commission Cases Heard. The Commission may hear cases concerning violations of ordinances that regulate: (a) the preservation of public safety, relating to the materials or methods used to construct a building or improvement, including the foundation, structural elements, electrical wiring or apparatus, plumbing and fixtures, entrances and exits: (b) relating to the fire safety of a building or improvement, including provisions relating to materials, types of construction or design, warning devices, availability of water supply for extinguishing fires, or location, design or width of entrances or exits; (c) relating to dangerously damaged or deteriorated buildings or improve- ments; (d) relating to conditions caused by accumulations of refuse, vegetation or other matter that creates a breeding ground for insects and rodents. DANGEROUS STRUCTURES The City may require the vacation, relocation of occupants, securing, repair, removal, or demolition of a structure that is: (a) dilapidated, substandard, or unfit for human habitation and a hazard to the public health, safety, and welfare; (b) regardless of its structural condition, unoccupied by its owners, lessees, or other invitees and is unsecured from unauthorized entry to the extent that it could be entered or used by vagrants or other uninvited persons as a place of harborage or could be entered or used by children; or (c) boarded up, fenced, or otherwise secured in any manner if: the building constitutes a danger to the public even though secured from entry; or the means used to secure the structure are inadequate to prevent unauthorized entry or use of the structure in the manner described in subsection (b) above. Minimum Standards The minimum standards that shall determine the suitability of a structure for continued use or occupancy, regardless of the date of construction, are those found in the City's adopted Property Maintenance Code. Public Nuisance All structures determined unsafe within the terms of this ordinance are hereby declared public nuisances and illegal and shall be vacated, secured, repaired, removed, demolished, or the occupants relocated as herein provided. Investi.qation When the Building Official or the Fire Marshall determines, whether on his own initiative or as the result of a complaint, that a structure may be unsafe within the meaning of this ordinance, he shall do the following: (a) Conduct a drive-by inspection; (b) If the structure is occupied, present proper identification to the occupant and request entry to conduct an inspection; (c) If entry is refused or the structure unoccupied, an administrative search warrant must be obtained pursuant to Chapter 3, Section 1(6)(b) of the Code of Ordinances; (d) If the drive-by inspection and/or other facts suggest an emergency exists, an administrative search warrant is not required; (e) Upon completion of the inspection, the Building Official or Fire Marshall shall document any violations of this ordinance; (f) If, upon the conclusion of his investigation, the Building Official or the Fire Marshall concludes that there is probable cause to believe that the building is unsafe within the terms of this ordinance, he shall make a report to the Commission and give notice of a public hearing to the property owner(s), lienholder(s), and mortgagee(s) as herein provided. Notice of Hearin,qs (a) Notices Sent. The Building Official or Fire Marshall, or their designee, shall, at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the hearing date, send to each property owner notice of the hearing in the following manner: (1) by delivery to each party personally or by leaving the notice at the usual place of abode of that party with a person of sixteen (16) years of age or older or by depositing the notice in United States mail addressed to the party at his last known address, certified mail, return receipt requested; (2) by posting the notice on or near the front door of the structure; and (3) by publishing notice in the Bryan/College Station Eagle on two consecutive days. (b) (c) (4) Notice shall also be filed in the Official Public Records of Real Property in the Brazos County Clerk's Office. Violations. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, deface or cover such notice posted pursuant to section 5(a)(2) above until after the date of the heanng. Notice Contents. The notice of the hearing shall: (1) be in writing; (2) state the bme and place of the hearing; (3) provide a legal description of the affected property; (4) list the name and address of the owner of the affected property if that information can be determined from a reasonable search of the instruments on file in the Brazos County Clerk's Office; (5) list each owner, lienholder and mortgagee shown to have a legal interest in the property, (6) describe each violation of the municipal standards which allegedly exists; (7) state the action that will be recommended to the Commission by the Building Official or Fire Marshall which may include vacating, securing, repairing, removing or demolition of the structure or relocating occupants of the building; (8) provide a description of the hearing; (9) state that the owner, lienholder or mortgagee will be required to submit at the hearing proof of the scope of any work that may be required to comply with the ordinance and the time it will take to reasonably perform the work; and (10) state that the City may perform any required work to abate the violation if the owner fails to do so. (d) Notice shall be provided to each mortgagee and lienholder in the same manner provided for in subsection (a) above. Hearing Before the Commission (a) The Building Official or Fire Marshall shall request a public hearing before the Commission for the purpose of determining whether a structure is unsafe within the terms of this ordinance. The Building Official or Fire Marshall shall present all cases before the Commission. (b) In a public hearing to determine whether a structure complies with the standards set out in the City's Code of Ordinances, the owner, mortgagee, or lienholder has the burden of proof to demonstrate the scope of any work that may be required to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the time it will take to reasonably perform such work. (c) The Commission shall provide each party an opportunity to present evidence and cross examine witnesses at the hearing. Action of the Commission (a) Decision. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Commission may declare a structure unsafe within the terms of this ordinance. (b) Commission Order. If the Commission determines the structure is unsafe within the terms of this ordinance, it shall proceed to determine whether the structure should be vacated, repaired, secured, demolished and/or the occupants relocated under the standards contained herein and in accordance with the following: (~) If the structure can be feasibly repaired or the dangerous condition remedied so that violations no longer ex~st, it shall be ordered repaired or remedied. Repairs shall be deemed feasible if the cost of repair, reconstrucbon or ~mprovement of a structure, equals less than fifty percent (50%) of the market value of the structure. (2) In any case where fifty percent (50%) or more of the value of a structure is damaged or deteriorated, it shall be ordered demolished or removed, and in all cases where a structure cannot be repaired so that it will no longer be considered dangerous under the provision of this ordinance, it shall be demolished or removed. (c) Order. Upon determimng that the structure should be either vacated, repaired, secured, demolished and/or the occupants relocated, the Commission shall issue an order stating that the required action be taken by the owner within a specified reasonable time as provided in subsecbon 8 below. (d) Notification to Owner. The Building Official or Fire Marshall shall, no later than the next working day after the Commission issues an order, mail by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the order to the owner of the structure and to any mortgagee or lienholder. (e) Public Notice. Within ten (10) calendar days after the date the order is issued, the Building Official or Fire Marshall shall: (1) file a copy of the order in the office of the City Secretary; and (2) publish in the Bryan/College Station Eagle a notice containing the street address or legal description of the property, the date of the hearing, a brief statement indicating the results of the order, and instructions stating where a complete copy of the order may be obtained. 8. Compliance (a) Each order issued by the Commission shall require the owner to, within thirty (30) calendar days: (1) secure the structure from unauthorized entry; or (2) repair, remove, or demolish the structure, unless the owner, mortgagee or lienholder establishes at the hearing that the work cannot reasonably be performed within thirty (30) days (b) In the event that the owner fails to comply with the order, the Commis- sion's order may allow an additional thirty (30) calendar days to any lien- holder or mortgagee to comply with subsecbon (a) above (c) If the Commission allows the owner, mortgagee, or lienholder more than thirty (30) calendar days to repair, remove, or demolish the building, the municipality shall establish specific time schedules for the commencement and performance of the work and shall require the owner, lienholder or mortgagee to secure the property in a reasonable manner from unauthorized entry while the work is being performed, as determined by the Building Official or Fire Marshall. (d) The Commission may not allow the owner, lienholder, or mortgagee more than ninety (90) calendar days to repair, remove, or demolish the structure or fully perform all work to comply with the order unless the owner, lienholder or mortgagee: (1) submits a detailed plan and time schedule for the work at the hearing; and (2) establishes at the hearing that the work cannot reasonably be completed within ninety (90) calendar days because of the scope and complexity of the work. (e) If the Commission allows the owner, lienholder, or mortgagee more than ninety (90) calendar days to complete any part of the work required to repair, remove, or demolish the building, the Commission shall require the owner, lienholder, or mortgagee to regularly submit progress reports to the Building Official or Fire Marshall to demonstrate compliance with the time schedules established for commencement and performance of the work. The order may require that the owner, lienholder, or mortgagee appear before the Building Official or Fire Marshall to demonstrate compliance with the t~me schedules. If the owner, lienholder or mortgagee owns property, including structures or improvements on property within c~ty boundaries that exceeds $100,000.00 in total value, the city may require the owner, lienholder or mortgagee to post a cash or surety bond in an amount adequate to cover the cost of repairing, removing or demolishing a building under this ordinance. In lieu of a bond, the city may require the owner, lienholder or mortgagee to prowde a letter of credit from a financial institution or a guaranty from a third party approved by the city. The bond must be posted, or the letter of credit or third party guaranty provided, not later than the thirtieth (30th) day after the date the commission issues the order. (f) If the Building Official or Fire Marshall finds that the owner has failed to comply with the Commission's order he shall notify the lienholder and mortgagee in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, with a copy of the order. (g) If the Building Official or Fire Marshall, finds that neither the owner nor the lienholder(s) and mortgagee(s) have complied, he shall notify the Commission. 9. Abatement by City (a) If the unsafe structure is not vacated, secured, repaired, removed, or demolished, or the occupants are not relocated within the time allowed by order, the Commission may, upon the recommendation of the Building Official or Fire Marshall, order the City to vacate, secure, repair, remove, or demolish the structure or relocate the occupants at the City's expense. This provision does not limit the city's ability to collect on a bond or other financial guaranty that is required under paragraph 8 (e). (b) The Commission may order a structure repaired under subsection (a) above only to the extent necessary to bring the structure into compliance with the minimum standards and only if the structure is a residential building with ten (10) or fewer dwelling units. (c) The owner of the unsafe structure shall be charged the City's expense to vacate, secure, repair, remove, or demolish the structure or to relocate the occupants. Such charges shall include, but are not limited to: the expense of inspection or testing by third parties; photography; publication; title search; attorney's fees; labor and equipment costs for preparation of the premises, work to secure, repair or demolish; clean up and remove debris; and landfill fees. (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) The Building Official or Fire Marshall shall certify the expenses incurred to enforce the Commission's order. The certified expenses shall be forwarded to the City's Accounting Department. The City may assess expenses on, and the City shall have a hen against, the property on which the structure was located, unless the property is a homestead as protected by the Texas Constitution. Notice of the lien shall be provided to the property owner. Notice of the lien shall be recorded and indexed ~n the Brazos County Clerk's Office. The notice must contain: the name and address of the owner if that infor- marion can be determined with a reasonable effort; a legal description of the real property on which the structure was located; the amount of the expenses incurred by the City; the interest rate to be charged; and the balance due The City's lien is a privileged lien subordinate only to tax liens. Such hen shall bear an interest rate of ten percent (10%) per annum until paid. The lien for repair expenses may not be foreclosed if the property on which the repairs were made is occupied as a residential homestead by a person sixty-five (65) years of age or older. 10. 11.. 12. Emer,qency Actions In cases where a structure is determined unsafe under the terms of th~s ordinance by the Building Official or Fire Marshall, and such structure or the manner of its use constitutes an "imminent danger" to health, life or property, the condition shall justify the use of emergency measures. "Imminent danger" exists where there is considerable risk of danger or peril and where accidents or injuries are likely to occur. Under those conditions, the City manager may order the owner of the structure, the owner's agent, or the owner or occupant of the property to vacate, repair, remove or demolish the structure to the extent necessary to alleviate the imminent danger. If the owner, agent or occupant fails to comply with the order within seventy-two (72) hours, the City may vacate, repair, remove or demolish the structure and assess the expenses of such action against the property. Notice of the assessment and recovery of the expenses shall be in the manner provided for in section 9 of this ordinance. Appellate Review Any owner, lienholder, or mortgagee of record shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Commission to district court. The petition must be filed with the District Court Clerk within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the Commis- sion's order is mailed to the owner, lienholder, or mortgagee. Appeal in the district court shall be limited to a hearing under the substantial evidence rule. The Commission's decision shall become final if no appeal is taken within the thirty (30) calendar day time period. Liability of City for Action Under This Ordinance Neither the City nor any authorized agent acting under the terms of this ordinance shall be liable or have any liability by reason of orders issued or work done in compliance with the terms of this section SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of th~s Code or the Technical Codes is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such dec~sion shall not affect the va- hd~ty of the remaining portions of this Code or the Technical Codes. I. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES Any person, firm, corporation or agent who shall violate a provision of this Code or the Technical Codes, or fails to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall erect, construct, alter, install, demolish or move any structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system, or has erected, constructed, altered, repaired, moved or demohshed a budding, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system, in violation of a detailed statement or drawing submitted and permitted thereunder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be considered guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code or the Technical Codes is committed or continued, and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be punished with a fine pursuant to the general penalty section of the Code of Ordinances." SECTION 2 RIGHT-OF-WAY MAINTENANCE A GOVERNING LAW; LIMITATIONS; COMPLIANCB (1) This ordinance shall be construed in accordance with the C~ty's Charter and Code m effect on the effective Date of this ordinance to the extent that such Charter and Code are not in conflict with or in violabon of the Constitution and laws of the Umted States or the State of Texas B (2) This ordinance shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas CIVIL PENALTIES (1) Civil penalties may be ~mposed for the wolation of any prowslon of this Chapter, as follows: (a) (b) (c) Up to One Thousand Dollars ($1,000 00) for each violation and each day of a conbnumg wolat~on may be considered a new wolahon and/or If applicable, default and revocation of any or all permits granted to allow work in the right-of-way, subject to the procedural gu~dehnes noted in th~s chapter and any agreement which applies to the right-of-way user, and further subject to any limitations ~mposed by federal or state law. In ~mposing the penalties and the amount, the City may weigh all applicable factors, such as damages caused by the violation, economic benefit to the violator, reasons for the violation, the seriousness of the v~olahon, and all other factors. (2) Monetary civil penalbes may be ~mposed ~n the manner prescribed by either local or state law. (3) In addition, the City Council may order specific performance of any actions required by th~s chapter or required by a franchise, license or permit, including the permit authorizing work to be performed in the rights-of-way, or any other agreement or authorization. C (4) Prior to initiation of enforcement litigation, the user shall be given the opportumty to correct the wolation within time frame specified by the City. (5) For the purposes of this Ordinance, when not ~nconsistent with the context, words, used in the present tense include the future tense, words m the plural include the singular, and words in the singular include the plural, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders whenever the sense requires. The words "shall" and "will" are mandatory and the word "may" is permissive Words not defined in th~s Ordinance shall be given their common and ordinary meaning CRIMINAL PENALTIES (1) That any person, firm, or corporation willfully and intentionally violates any of the prows~ons of this chapter shall be deemed gudty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) Each day such violahon shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense DEFINITIONS Person shall include unless otherwise required in context, a natural person, a legal entity or other group or organization. Facilities means all the plant and equipment including all tangible and intangible real and personal property without limitation, and any and all means and instrumentality in any manner owned, operated, leased, hcensed, used, controlled, furnished, or supplied for, by, or m connection with its business Owner means the person who owns the fac~hties lOcated in the City's right-of-way. Permit means the document issued by the C~ty to the owner of the facilities that authorizes the use of the right-of-way by the owner to install and maintain its facilities. Permitee means the owner. User means a person who uses the City's rights-of-way to install its facilities. Right of Way means the surface of, and the space above and below a public street, road, highway, freeway, land, path, pubhc way or place, alley, court, boulevard, parkway, drive, or other easement no or hereafter held by the C~ty (~ncluding any street, as defined, which ~s acquired by eminent domain) for the purpose of public travel and shall include other easements or rights-of-way now or hereafter held by the City or in which the City has an interest (including any easements or rights-of-way acquired by eminent domain) which shall, w~lh their proper use and meaning, entitle the City and a uhhty to use thereof for the purpose of instalhng fac~hbes, and other property as may ordinarily be necessary and pertinent to a ubhty system Easement means and shall include any pubhc easement or other compatible use created by dedication, or by other means, to the City for public ut~hty purposes or any other purpose whatsoever. City means the City of College Station, Texas, a home-rule municipal corporation Applicant means the owner who submits an application to the City for a permit authorized under the terms and conditions set forth in this Ordinance An application is not considered administratively complete if it is not s~gned by and submitted by the owner or the owner's authorized representative or if it does not contain all of the reformation required by the application or this ordinance or if the required fee has not been submitted with the application Franchise means the user fee or charge that the City requires as payment for using its streets, rights-of-way, public ways, and easements of the City in order to construct, maintain, and operate a private utility system, and includes fees for permits or licenses. Invalid Permit - a permit will not be considered valid if it contains information that is incorrect at the time it was submitted or if it ~s executed by an unauthorized representative or if the applicant has made any misrepresentation of material fact in the application. RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION. No person shall commence or continue w~th the construchon, installation or operation of facilities within the right-of-way in the City except as provided by the ordinances of the City and the directives of the City All construction activity in City right-of-way will be in accordance with this Chapter. REGISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION PERMITS (1) Registration. In order to protect the public health, safety and welfare, all users of the right-of-way will register with the City of College Station. Registration fees for right-of-way users will be set by College Station City Council resolution. Right of way users who are telecommunications providers and pay annual blanket right-of-way fees pursuant to Chapter 283 of the Texas Local Government Code as amended or users who hold a valid franchise with the City are exempt from the payment of registration fees under this Ordianance Registration and permits will be issued in the name of the person who owns the facilities. Registration must be renewed every five (5) years For utilities with a current franchise or license, the franchise or license wdl be evidence of renewal. If a registration is not renewed, and subject to sixty (60)-day notification to the owner, the facilities of the user will be deemed to have been abandoned. When any information provided for the registration changes, the user will inform the City of College Station of the change no more than thirty (30) days after the date the change is made. Registration shall include (a) The name of the user of the right-of-way; (b) The name, address and telephone number of people who will be contact person(s) for the user, (c) The name, address and telephone number of any contractor or subcontractor, if known, who wdl be working in the right-of-way on behalf of the user, (d) The name(s) and telephone number of an emergency contact who shall be available twenty-four (24) hours a day; (e) Proof of insurance and bonds. An applicant must provide acceptable proof of hablhty insurance m the total amount of Three Milhon Dollars ($3,000,000 00), One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) primary plus Two Mdhon Dollars ($2,000,000.00) umbrella ~f requested by the owner of the facilities, or other provisions as acceptable to the director of financial services or his/her designee. The City Manager or his / her designee may wawe or reduce the bonding requirements in a non-discriminatory, competitively neutral manner, taking into consideration both that the person has furnished the City with documentation sufficient in the sole discretion of the Finance Director to evidence adequate financial resources substantially greater than the bonding requirements, has a Standard & Poor's A bond rating or better or a Moody's A bond rating or better, and has demonstrated in prior right- of-way construction actiwty, prompt resolution of any claims and substantial compliance with all required applicable building codes and ordinances. The coverage must be on an "occurrence" basis and must include coverage for personal injury, contractual hability, premise liability, medical damages, underground, explosion and collapse hazards. Each policy must include a cancellation provision in which the insurance company is required to notify the City in writing not fewer than thirty (30) days before canceling, failing to renew, or reducing policy limits The applicant shall file the required original certificate of insurance prior to any commencement of work. The certificate shall state the policy number, name of the insurance company; name and address of the agent or authorized representative of the insurance company, name, address and telephone number of insured, policy expiration date, and specific coverage amounts. Applicant shall file an annual surety bond which will be valid each year construction will occur through one (1) full year after the completion of the construction from a surety company authorized to do bus~ness in the State of Texas in the amount of the estimated amount of the cost to restore the right-of-way for the work anticipated to be done in that year, in the event the applicant leaves a job site in the right-of-way unfinished, incomplete or unsafe or other provisions as acceptable to the director of financial services or his/her designee. 6 The above requirements may be met by uhl~ties w~th a current franchise or I~cense if their current franchise or license adequately provides for insurance or bonds or provides an indemnity in favor of the C~ty (2~ Construction permits. (a) No person shall perform any construction or installation of facilities in the right-of-way w~thout firs! obtaining a construction permit, except as provided hereto The permit will be m the name of the person who will own the fac~ht~es to be constructed The permit must be completed and signed by a representahve of the owner of the facilities to be constructed The phrase "construcbon or installation of facdihes" does not include the installation of facdities necessary to m~tiate service to a customer's property, or repair or maintenance of ex~stmg facd~hes unless such repair or maintenance requires the breaking of pavement; the closure of a nonresidential traffic lane, excavation or boring 2 Emergency responses related to existing facilities may be undedaken wdhout first obtaimng a permit, however the C~ty shall be notified ~n writing w~thm two (2) business days of any construchon related to an emergency response, including a reasonably detailed descripbon of the work performed in the right-of-way and an updated map in a format prescribed by the C~ty of any facd~ties that were relocated, ~f apphcable 3 Emergency response permits are required only if a permit ~s required pursuant to the applicable provisions herein (b) The permit shall state to whom it is issued, location of work, location of facilities, dates and hmes work ~s to take place and any other conditions established by the City (c) The person requesting a permit will provide the City with documentation in the format specified by the C~ty describing: The proposed, approximate location and route of all facilities to be constructed or installed and the applicant's plan for right-of-way construction. 2 Engineering plans which will be on a scale of one inch (1") equals fifty feet (50') unless otherwise approved by the C~ty 3 Detail of the location of all right-of-way and utility easements that applicant plans to use. 4 Detail of all existing City ubl~ties in relahonsh~p to apphcant's proposed route. 5 Detad of what facilities the applicant proposes to install, such as pipe size, number of mterducts, valves, etc 6 Detad of plans Io remove and replace asphalt or concrete ~n streets 0nclude C~ty of College Station standard construction details) Drawings of any bores, trenches, handholes, manholes, switch gear, transformers, pedestals, etc including depth located in public right- of-way 8 Handhole and/or manhole typicals of type of manholes and/or handholes applicant plans to use or access (d~ (e) (0 (g) (h) (i) (k) (i) 9. Complete legend of drawings submitted by applicant unless otherwise approved by the C~ty 10 Four (4) sets of eng~neenng plans must be submitted w~th permit application. 11 The name, address and phone numbers of the contractor or subcontractor who will perform the actual construchon, including the name and telephone number of an individual employed by the contractor who will be available at all times dunng construchon Such informahon shall be required prior to the commencement of any work 12 The construction and installation methods to be employed for the protection of existing structures, fixtures, and facd~hes within or adjacent to the right-of-way, and the dates and times work w~ll occur all of which (methods, dates, hmes, etc.) are subject to approval of the C~ty 13 A statement that the requirements of Subsection E('l)(e)l are met All construchon and installation m the right-of-way shall be m accordance with the permit for the fac~ht~es and any approved plans and specifications made in connection with it The City shall be provided access to the worksite and to such further information as may be reasonably required to ensure compliance w~th the permit A copy of the construction permit and approved engineenng plans shall be maintained at the construction site and made available for inspection by the City at all times when construction or installation work is occurnng All construction or installation work authorized by permit must be completed in the time specified ~n the construction permit If the work cannot be completed within the specified time periods, the perm~ttee may request an extension from the City. Extension requests are to be made at the same Iocahon where permits are issued The City will use its best efforts to approve or disapprove a request for extension as soon as possible. A copy of any permit or approval ~ssued by federal or state authonbes for work in federal or state right-of-way located m the C~ty of College Station, ~f requested by the City. A request for a permit must be submitted at least ten (10) working days before the proposed commencement of work in the request, unless waived by the City in writing Requests for permits will be approved or d~sapproved by the C~ty w~thin a five (5) business days of receiving all the necessary information. The City will use best efforts to approve or disapprove a request for permit as soon as possible. City w~ll prowde reason to permitee should permit be d~sapproved. The City or the applicant can request a pre-construction meeting with the permittee and their construction contractor. Permit apphcahons are required for construchon of new, replacement fac~hhes or upgrading of the company's ex~sting facilibes in the right-of-way or public utility easement either aerial or underground. Permit fees as adopted by College Station C~ty Council resolution will apply to those right-of-way users who do not pay annual blanket right-of-way fees. G CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. (1) C~ty must be notified twenty-four (24) hours in advance that construction is ready to proceed by e~ther the right-of-way user, their contractor or representative. At the brae of notification, the right-of-way user will inform the City of the number (or other informabon) assigned from the one-call system. (2) All construction shall be in conformance with all applicable City codes, local, state and federal laws. (3) Three-by-three (3 x 3) feet information signs identifying the name of the company doing the work, telephone number and permittee's identity and telephone number shall be placed at the location where construction is to occur prior to the begmmng of work m the nghl-of-way and shall continue to be posted at the location dunng the entH'e t~me the work ~s occumng An mformahonal s~gn wdl be posted m pubhc right- of-way one hundred feet (100') before the construction location commences and each one hundred feet (100') thereafter, unless other posting arrangements are approved or required by the City. (4) Erosion control measures (e g s~lt fence) and advance warning s~gns, markers, cones and barricades must be in place before work begins The contractor w~ll contain and prevent all soil from m~gratmg offsite by use of water suppression, vehicle cleaning areas, silt fences, hay bales, etc. (5) The Contractor will maintain base material on streets under construction and on detours as required to maintain sufficient moisture content in surface layer for dust control. The Contractor will be responsible for cleaning mud and dust from roadways on a dady basis. (6) Lane closures on major thoroughfares will be limited after 8 30 a.m. and before 4'00 p m unless the City grants prior written approval Arrow boards will be required on lane closures, w~th all barricades, advance warning signs and thirty-s~x inch (36") reflector cones placed according to the specifications of the City. (7) Permittee is responsible for the quality of the workmanship and any damage caused by its contractors or subcontractors. A designated representative of the permittee will be available to the City at all times during construction (8) Permittee shall be responsible for storm water management erosion control that complies with City, state and federal regulations and guidelines. Requirements shall include, but not be limited to, silt fencing around any excavation that will be left overnight, silt fencing in erosion areas until reasonable vegetation is established, barricade fencing around open holes, and high erosion areas will require wire-backed silt fencing Upon request permittee may be required to furnish documentation submitted or received from federal or state government. (9) Perm~ttee, contractor or subcontractor will notify the City immediately of any damage to other utilities, either City or privately owned. (10) It is the C~ty's policy not to cut streets or sidewalks, however, when a street or sidewalk cut is necessary, prior written approval must be obtained from the City and all requirements of the City shall be followed Repair of all street and sidewalk removals must be made promptly to avoid safety hazards to vehicle and pedestrian traffic (11) Installabon of faclht~es must not interfere with City utihties, in padicular, gravity dependent facdities. (12) New facilities must be installed to a depth approved by the City. (13) All directional boring shall have Iocator-place bore marks and depths while bore is in progress Locator shall place mark at each stem with paint dot and depth at least every other stem. (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) The working hours in the rights-of-way are 7:00 a.m. to thirty (30) minutes before sunset, Monday through Friday. Work that must be performed after thirty (30) minutes before sunset Monday through Friday must be approved ~n advance. Any work performed on Saturday must be pre-approved twenty-four (24) hours in advance by the City. Directional boring Is permitted only Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to thirty (30) minutes before sunset, unless approved in advance. No work will be done, except for emergencies, on City holidays. People working in the right-of-way are responsible for obtaining line locates from all affected utilities or others with facilities in the right-of-way prior to any excavation. Use of the Geographic Information System or the plans of record or both does not satisfy this requirement. Permittee will be responsible for verifying the location, both horizontal and vertical, of all facilities When required by the City, permittee shall verify locations by pot holing, hand digging or other method approved by the City prior to any excavation or boring with the exception of work involving lane closures, as discussed above. Placement of all manholes and/or hand holes must be approved in advance by the City. Handholes or manholes will not be located in sidewalks, unless approved by the City Locate flags shall not be removed from a location while facilities are being constructed. Construction which requires pumping of water or mud shall be contained in accordance with City of College Station ordinances, federal and state law. PLANS OF RECORD (1) Right-of-way and public utility easement users will provide the City with "plans of record" (also called aas built" plans) within ninety (90) days of completion of facilities in the right-of-way and/or public utility easement. Users who have existing facilities in the right-of-way and public utility easements as of the effective date of this ordinance who have not provided a copy of the "plans of record" shall provide one- fourth (%) of the information concerning facilities in City right-of-way within one (1) year after the passage of the ordinance and one-fourth (%) each six (6) months thereafter. The plans shall be provided to the City with as much detail and accuracy as required by the City. Plans that do not meet these requirements are incomplete and shall not be considered submitted to the City under this Ordinance All the requirements specified for the plans submitted for the initial permitshall be submitted and updated in the plans of record. The detail and accuracy will concern issues such as Iocationand any other health, safety and welfare concerns required to be included by City. The detail will not include matters such as capacity of lines, customers, or competitively sensitive details. Submittal of "plans of record" shall be in digital format. (2) This requirement, or portions of this requirement, may be waived by the City for good cause. RELOCATION OF FACILITIES REQUIRED; ABANDONMENT Whenever the City widens, or straightens, installs, relocates public streets, alleys, easements, bikeways, sidewalks, thoroughfares, highways, public ways, water lines, electric lines, fiber optic or sewer lines, the user shall relocate, at its own expense (unless otherwise provided otherwise by state law or a franchise in effect on August 26, 1999, until that franchise expires or is otherwise terminated), its facilities and other appurtenances in order to accommodate the installation, relocation, widening, or changing of the grade of same including if necessary relocating such poles wire cables anchors, manholes, conduits, or other facilities or appurtenances to a sufficient distance from the edge of the pavement to permit a reasonable work area for machinery and individuals engaged in installing, relocahng, w~denmg, or changing the grade of any public street, sidewalk, b~keway, alley, public thoroughfare, highway or public way. Additionally, the user must relocate at its sole expense any facd~ties erected or maintained ~f said relocation is deemed necessary by the govermng body or ~ts designated representative for traffic safety purposes or the accommodahon of other necessary utilities owned and/or operated by the City including traffic signals Whenever by reason of changes in the grade of a thoroughfare or in the location or manner of constructing a water pipe, gas pipe sewer or other aboveground or underground structure it ~s deemed necessary by the City to remove, alter change adapt or conform the underground or aboveground facilities of the user, the user shall make the promptly but not later than mnety (90) days from the date that notice is sent to Owner unless a different schedule was approved by the City without claim for reimbursement or damages against the City If Owner fails to move ~ts facdities after ninety (90) days or the approved schedule, whichever is apphcable, as same may be extended from bme to time, the facilibes shall be deemed abandoned and City may remove the facihties w~thout habdity therefore and charge the cost of removal to Owner IMPROPERLY INSTALLED FACILITIES (1) Any person doing work m the C~ty right-of-way shall install, repair, upgrade and maintain facdihes in a good and workmanhke manner, and m accordance w~th the standards and speciflcabons estabhshed hereto as well as all apphcable industry standards, and local, state, administrahve and federal laws, rules, regulahons and guidehnes (2) Fac~hhes shall be considered to be ~mproperly installed, repaired, upgraded or maintained fi' (a) The installation, repairs, upgrade' or maintenance endangers property or people; (b) The facihties do not meet the apphcable C~ty codes: (c) The facilities are not capable of being located using standard practices, (d) The facilities are not located in the proper place at the time of construction ~n accordance with the directions provided by the C~ty RESTORATION OF PROPERTY (~) Users of the right-of-way shall restore property affected by construction of facilities to a condition that is equal to or better than the condition of the property prior to the performance of the work Restoration must be approved by the City. (2) Restorabon must be to the reasonable satisfaction of the City. The restoration shall include, but not be hmited to (a) Replacing all ground cover with the type of ground cover damaged during work or better e~ther by sodding or seeding, as d~rected by the C~ty, (b) Installation of all manholes and handholes, as required, (c) Backfilhng all bore pits, potholes, trenches or any other holes shall be filled m daily, unless other safety requirements are approved by the C~ty, (d) Levehng of all trenches and backhoe hnes; (e) Restorabon of excavation s~te to City specifications; (0 Restoration of all landscaping, and spnnkler systems All locate flags shall be removed during the clean up process by the permittee or h~s/her contractor at the completion of the work 2 Restorabon must be made promptly, as specified by approved City schedules and to the sabsfaction of the City If restoration ~s not performed promptly, all work-m-progress, except that related to the problem, including all work previously permitted but incomplete may be halted and a hold t~ay be placed on any permits ~n progress but not approved until all restorahon is complete L. REVOCATION OR DENIAL OF PERMIT If any of the provisions of this ordinance are not followed, a permit may be revoked by the City. If a person has not comphed with the terms and conditions of this ordinance ~n work done pursuant to a prior permit, new permits may be demed or additional terms and condibons required. M APPEAL FROM DENIAL OR REVOCATION OF PERMIT. Appeal from denial or revocabon of a permit or from the decision of the City staff shall be to the City Council. Appeal shall be filed w~th the C~ty Secretary within fifteen (15) days from the date of the decision being appealed" , SECTION 3 DEVELOPMENT OF STREETS A SCOPE AND PURPOSE (1) Th~s section shall govern the development of all streets, sidewalks, bikeways, driveways and vehmular parking on streetsl within the corporate hm~ts of the City of College Station, Texas, including both the subdivided and unsubdivided portion of the City, and within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City as established by the Local Government Code, as amended. (2) The regulation of street development is a major factor of sound community growth and ulhmately becomes a public responsibility in that the streets must be maintained together w~th the utdibes estabhshed thereon. The welfare of the entire community is thereby affected ~n many important respects It is the intent of these regulations to encourage Ihe growth of the C~ty of College Station m an orderly manner, and they are deemed to be the m~mmum requirements as adopted by the City Councd for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare B DEFINITIONS For the purpose of th~s secbon, certain words as used hereto are defined as follows (1) Bikeway ~s a trail, path, part of a h~ghway shoulder, or any other means specifically marked and assigned for bmycle use. B~keway facilities are further classified as bike paths, lanes, and routes (2) C~ty refers to the municipal corporatmn, C~ty of College Station, Texas. (3) Corner means the point of intersection of the lines of two (2) street curbs extended into the street intersection (4) Cul-de-sac means a street having only one (1) outlet to another street and termi- nating on the other end in a vehicular turnaround. (5) Curb Return means that portion of a curb which is constructed on a curve, to connect normal street curbs at a street intersection, or at driveway approaches connecting the street curb to the driveway approach. (6) Driveway means a place on private property for vehicular traffic (7) Driveway Approach means an area or facd~ty between the street and private property intended to provide access for vehicles from the street to private property. A driveway approach must provide access to something definite on private property, such as parking area, a driveway, or a door at least eight feet (8') in width, intended and used for entrance of vehicles. (8) Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (w~th~n the terms of the Local Government Code) means the unincorporated area, not a part of any other city, which is contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of College Station, the outer boundaries of which are measured from the extremities of the corporate limits of the C~ty, outward for such distances as may be stipulated in the Local Government Code, m which area, the City may enjoin the violations of this street regulations section. (9) Malor Streets include major and minor arterial and major collector streets, (10) Minor Streets include residenbal, minor, collector, and rural streets. (11) May is permissive. (12) Parkinq shall mean parallel parking (parallel to traffic lanes). (13) Principal Streets ~nclude all major streets and minor collector streets as designated on the Thoroughfare and Transportation Improvement Plan. (14) Right-of-Way (in this case) refers to right-of-way for streets and alleys, which includes pavement, sidewalks, bikeways, uhlihes, and other pubhc use. (15) (16) Shall is always mandatory Sidewalk is a paved way for pedestrian traffic (17) Street is a way for vehicular traffic or parking, whether designated as a highway or any of the following types: (a) Residential or local street serves a residential neighborhood, either a cul-de- sac, loop or short street of restricted use (b) Minor collector street is to serve other residential areas primarily internal to one neighborhood (c) Major collector streets collect and distribute traffic between residential, and minor collector streets and the arterial street system. (d) Major and m~nor aderial streets are the backbone of the thoroughfare system. They are area w~de or cross town thoroughfares serving commercial land uses and commuters for the mass movement of traffic (18) Street W~dth shall mean the d~stance as measured from back of curb to the back of curb in the case where there ~s no curb, street w~dth shall mean the distance between the edges of pavement. (19) Thorouqhfare and Transportation Improvement Plan refers to a plan which is a part of this section and which establishes a location for certain principal traffic ways within the corporate limits of the City, and within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City. C. STANDARDS OF STREET CONSTRUCTION (1) Residential Streets Residential or local streets are restricted to cul-de-sacs, loops, or short streets with the following add~bonal restrictions' A cul-de-sac shall not be over six hundred feet (600') in length and shall terminate in a turnaround of not less than a fifty foot (50') radius. A loop shall terminate in a collector street at both ends Right-of-way width shall be not less than fifty feet (50'), and if utility easements are not provided at the back of lots, the width shall be increased as required by the City Engineer. Street width shall be not less than twenty- seven feet (27'). Parking may be permitted. Sidewalks are mandatory on one s~de of the street, with the excephon of cul-de-sac streets. Cul-de-sacs wdl be required to have a s~dewalk on one side, if needed to provide through pedestrian movement (2) Collector Streets Collector streets are thoroughfares providing for two (2) to four (4) lanes of moving traffic. It is to be distinctly understood that although parking may be permitted on the side of such streets in their early I~fe, that the City may and will prohibit parking on such streets when traffic conditions warrant such action Sidewalks are required on both sides of the street (3) Arterial Streets Arterial streets are major thoroughfares prowding for four (4) to six (6) lanes of moving traffic. It is to be distinctly understood that although parking may be permitted on the side of such streets in their early life, that the city may and will prohibit parking on such streets when traffic conditions warrant such action Sidewalks are required on both sides of the street. D PAVING AND REPAYING OF EXISTING MINOR STREETS E (1) In the estabhshed and platted parts of the City, priority in minor street construction wdl be determined and estabhshed from time to time by the City Council, based upon recommendabons by the C~ty staff (2) Where the owners of more than fifty percent (50%) of the abutting lots along any existing rumor street or way shall request paving or repawng of same by petition presented to the City Councd showmg the signatures of each of the record owners of such lots, the C~ty staff shall rewew the proposed project and present ~ts conclusions concermng same to the C~ty Council withm forty-five (45) days The Council shall give priority to such projects where feasible, consistent w~th the needs of the public for safe and adequate streets and pubhc ways and the financial c~rcumstances pertment to the project (,3) Paving or repavlng of existing streets shall be in accordance with plans and specifi- cations reviewed and approved by the City Engineer or his delegate (4) The City Council may require the execution of a mechanic's and materialmen's lien contract, approved by the C~ty Attorney, from the owners of at least 90% of the abut- tmg lot owners to cover the estimated port~ons of the construchon cost for each such lot, prior to the approval of any proposed pawng or repaying SIDEWALKS Sidewalks are required on both sides of all streets, with exceptions for residential streets (see Section 3.D 1.) Sidewalks may be constructed on existing streets upon petition of prop- erty owners (see subsection H below). Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 8, General Requirements and Minimum Standards of Design. (1) Clear Width If condibons warrant the construction or placement of an obstruction within the paved area of the sidewalk, the party responsible for placing such obstruction within the traveled way shall ensure a clear width within the sidewalk as specified in Chapter 9, Section 8-M.4. PRIORITY IN SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION In the established and platted part of the City, priority ~n sidewalk construction will be estab- lished by the City Council, based on recommendations of the City Manager and City Eng.- neer. Lengths shall be one (1) block or more. F~rst consideration will be given to major streets, second consideration to minor streets, however, no considerabon will be given unbl petitioned by property owners representing a percentage of the front footage of the property as estabhshed by pohcy of the City Councd, and funds are avadable. The Council may, how- ever, at its discretion, when a s~tuat~on warrants, arrange for construction without a signed petition. BIKEWAYS (1) General Bikeways will be required in accordance with the Bikeway Master Plan. Bikeway facihtles are planned and located to integrate with the existing City street and Park system The facilities are strategically located on primarily a demand basis to minimize their numbers and to provide a bikeway to certain areas or neighborhoods w(thln the City The developer shall be responsible for the cost of installing bikeway facilibes, including the cost for s~gns and pavement markings If additional right-of-way or pavement section is necessary to ~nstall a bikeway, the C~ty may participate in the H cost to ~nstall bikeway facd~hes ~n a manner similar to oversize partic~pahon on streets DRIVEWAY ACCESS LOCATION AND DESIGN POLICY (1) General (2) (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to cut, break, or remove any curb along a street except as herren authorized (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter, or extend, or permit or cause to be constructed, altered, or extended any driveway approach whmh can be used only as a parking space or area between the curb and private property (c) Th~s sechon shall be deemed to be supplemental to other sections regulahng the use of pubhc property, and ~n case of conflict, th~s sechon shall govern (d) Adequate sight d~stance shall be provided for a passenger motor vehicle making a left or right turn ex~bng from a driveway Th~s determ~natlon shall be made by the C~ty Engineer or h~s designee. (e) The specifications and guidehnes set forth ~n th~s policy are to be apphed to driveways providing access to commercial and multifamily developments. Single family and duplex residential driveways are excluded from this policy unless otherwise indicated (0 As determined by the City Engineer, engineenng judgment shall override the recommended dimensions set forth m th~s policy if warranted by specific traffic conditions Location of Driveway Access (a) In making a determ~nahon as to the location of driveway access, the C~ty Engineer shall consider: 0) The characteristics of the proposed use, (ii) The exishng traffic flow cond~hons and the future traffic demand anticipated on the development and the adjacent street system; (ii0 The location of the property, 0v) The s~ze of the property, (v) The orientation of structures on the site; (w) The number of driveways needed to accommodate anhcipated traffic; (vii) The number and location of driveways on exishng adjacent and opposite properties; (wu) The location and carrying capacity of intersections, 0x) The proper geometric design of driveways, (x) The spacing between opposite and adjacent driveways, (xi) The ~nternal circulahon between driveways; and, (xii) The speed of the adjacent roadway. (b) Driveway access to arterials shall not be permitted for parking or loading areas that require backing maneuvers ~n a public street right-of-way. Drive- way access to collector streets for commercial or mulbfam[ly developments shall not be permitted for parkin~ or loading areas that require backing maneuvers in a pubhc street right-of-way. (c) One curb cut shall be allowed for access to single famdy and duplex resi- dential tracts. More than one curb cut may be allowed upon approval by the City Engineer or his designee (d) For corner tracts, access to res~denbal tracts shall be taken from the lesser street. Access notes on plats shall supersede th~s requirement The deter- ruination as to the lesser (or greater) street shall be based on AASHTO criteria for functional street classiflcabon. (e) No cuts through a left turn reservoir of a median shall be permitted in order to provide for left turn movements to driveway approaches (f) Driveways m right turn lane transition areas shall not be permitted. (g) When a commercial or mulhfamily development abuts more than one public street, access to each abuthng street may be allowed only if the following criteria are met: It is demonstrated that such access is reqmred to adequately serve driveway volumes and will not be detrimental or unsafe to traffic operations on public streets The City Engineer or his designee may require the submittal of a traffic study which demonstrates that such access is required. (ii) The minimum requirements for corner clearance for commercial or multifamily driveways are met. (3) Spacing of Driveway Access (a) Application of the driveway access location and design policy requires ~dentification of the functional classiflcabon of the street on which access is requested and then applying the appropriate spacing requirements. The City of College Station Streets are classified as follows: (0 Major Arterial, Minor Arterial, (m) Collector, and. 0v) Local Street. (b) Major arterial, minor arterial, and collector streets in the C~ty of College Station are md~cated on the Thoroughfare and Transportation Improvement Plan. The functional classification of any street in the City not indicated as an arterial or collector street on this plan shall be determined using the func- bonal street classification defined by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) "green book", A Policy on Geometric Desi,qn of Hi.qhways and Streets. (c) Driveway access spacing shall be measured from the center line of the proposed driveway pavement to the nearest edge of the roadway of the adjacent or opposite driveway or street as indicated in Figure 1. Figure I DRIVE SPACING Proposed Ori¥c (d) Street Classification Opposite Right Driveways shall be located no closer than the minimum requirements of Table 1. Table 1 Opposite Ri,qht (Downstream) Drive Spacin,q Minimum Spacing Desirable Spacing (Feet) (Feet) Major Arterial 300 400 Minor Arterial 225 350 Collector 175 300 Local Street 125 225 (e) (g) Additional opposite right spacing over and above that set forth in Table 2 may be required if it is determined by the City Engineer or his designee that there is insufficient left turn queue storage or weave maneuver area between the opposite right and proposed driveway This determination shall be made under peak traffic conditions. A minimum of one hundred twenty-five feet (125') shall be required for Opposite Left Drives for all street classifications. If the centerline of an opposite ddve is less than fifteen feet (15') from the centerline of the proposed drive, the drives form an intersection and the minimum spacing requirements shall apply for the closest drive (h) Adjacent drives shall be located no closer than the minimum requirements of Table 2. Street Classification Table 2 Adiacent brive Spacing ! Minimum Spacing (Feet) Desirable Spacing (Feet) Major Arterial 275 350 Minor Arterial 230 300 Collector 185 235 Local Street 150 190 (4) (i) Freeway Frontage Road Access and Location Requirements: (i) Driveways shall not be closer than two hundred fifty feet (250') from an exit ramp as measured from the striped gore of the exit ramp to the centerline of the drive (ii) Driveways shall not be closer than one hundred feet (100') from an entrance ramp as measured from the striped gore of the entrance ramp to the centerline of the drive. Driveways shall be located in accordance with the 'Operations and Procedures Manual' published by the Texas Department of Trans- portation, Sections 4-601 and 4-602. (iv) Permits shall be approved by the Resident Engineers Office of the Texas Department of Transportation, in conjunction with approval by the City Engineer. (v) These guidelines apply to existing and planned interchanges. (vi) In addition to ramp spacing, driveways on frontage roads under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Transportation shall also meet the other requirements of this chapter as major arterial streets Corner Clearance (a) No residential driveway approach shall be constructed within thirty feet (30') of the corner of a street intersection. This measurement shall be taken from the intersection of property lines at the corner (b) At intersections of arterials with channelized right turn lanes with yield control, a corner clearance distance in accordance with those set forth in Figure 2 shall be required for the first downstream driveway when adjacent spacing requirements can't be met due to lack of frontage and all means to acquire shared access drives or cross access easements have been exhausted. This distance shall be measured from the channelized median to the nearest edge of the proposed driveway as indicated in Figure 2. DOWNSTREAM CORNER- CLEARANCE Radius Clearance .50 200 75 7.30 ~ O0 27S C ($) (6) (c) Shared When the requirements of Tables 1 and 2 cannot be met due to lack of frontage and all means to acquire shared access driveways or cross access easements have been exhausted, no commercial driveway approach may be located closer to the corner than 75 feet on collector streets, 100 feet on minor arterials and 120 feet for major arterials. This measurement shall be taken from the intersection of property lines at the corner. When these requirements can't be met due to lack of frontage, the driveway may be located such that the radius will begin at the farthest property line. Access (a) A joint pdvate access easement may be required between adjacent lots fronting on arterial and collector streets in order to minimize the total number of access points along those streets and to facilitate traffic flow between lots. The location and dimensions of said easement shall be determined by the City Engineer. (b) Private cross access easements may be required across any lot fronting on an arterial or collector street in order to minimize the number of access points and facilitate access between and across individual lots. The location and dimension of said easement shall be determined by the City Engineer. Geometric Desiqn of Driveway Access (a) (b) All driveways shall meet the City of College Stations Standard Specifications for Street Construction and the construction standards as set forth in Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance. Curb cuts for driveways shall not be permitted in the curb return of an intersection. (c) The curb retum radii for driveways Intersecting at right angles with the roadway and without a deceleration lane shall be as follows: (d) Curb return radi~ for Residential (Single Famdy and Duplex) Drive- way located on local or collector streets shall be between 2.5 feet and 10.0 feet as shown in Figure 3. Flare type residential driveways must also adhere to these dimensional criteria Residential Drive- ways located on arterial streets must adhere to the specificabons set forth in 6(c)(ii). (ii) Curb return radii for Commercial and Multi-famdy Driveways shall vary between fifteen feet (15') and thirty feet (30') as shown in F~gure 4. Curb return radii for driveway types not included in (0 or (H) above shall be determined by the C~ty Engineer or h~s designee The maximum w~dth of residential driveway approach, shown m F~gure 3 and measured at the property line, shall not exceed twenty-eight feet (28') in w~dth, while the m~mmum width shall not be less than ten feet (10') in width Figure 3 RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY ~ (/~Cud:) Relum Radius (R) Straight (late to con.ecl ~g~ac~ for Collector end Locol Streets Is ~axlmum of return. =~a~ 28' I0 feet and ~inlmum of ~1~. I O' (e) The maximum w{dth of commercial and mulh-family driveway approach for two-way operation, shown in F~gure 4, shall not exceed thirty-s~x feet (36') except that the City Engineer may issue permits for driveway approaches greater than thirty-six feet (36') in width on major streets to handle special traffic conditions The minimum width of commercial and multifamily drive- way approach for two-way operation shall not be less than twenty-four feet (24') Figure 4 COMMERCIAL AND MULTIFAMILY DRIVEWAY A~oproach ~dth ~4in. 24' Curb Return Radius (R) I~axJrrium ~)f 30 (eel and (0 (g) (h) (i) The combination of two driveways for residential circular drives shall not exceed twenty-eight feet (28'). The angle of driveway approach shall be approximately ninety degrees (90°) for two (2) way drives and between forty-five degrees (45°) and ninety degrees (90°) degrees for one way drives. A minimum ddveway throat length of twenty-five feet (25') for collector streets, forty feet (40') for minor arterials, and fifty-five feet (55') for major arterials, as shown in Figure 5, may be required to allow for traffic entering the site to be stored on site in order to avoid a queue of traffic from the development from being out on the roadway causing delays to the through traffic stream. The driveway throat length shall be defined as the distance from the street to the first point of conflict in the driveway. For the benefit of traffic safety and flow on collector and arterial streets, access points may be required to be designed to prohibit certain types of turning movements. Driveways not meeting the spacing guidelines in Tables 1 and 2 may be designed for limited access by the addition of a median to the driveway. Examples of the types of limited access driveways recom- mended are shown in the APPENDIX, Figure 5 DRIVEWAY THROAT LENGTH Street DTL (feet) Collector 25 Minor Arterial 40 Maior Arterial 55 Orive~voy Throa! Length (DTL) rep.r, senls dJ~lonce from 'street lo flint poiM of conflict. (i) (k) For the benefit of traffic safety and flow on collector and arterial streets, tapered or channelized deceleration lanes for vehicles turning right into high volume or intersection type driveways may be required if warranted as per the criteria set forth in the graph for warrants for right turn lanes shown in the APPENDIX. Design of right-turn deceleration lanes shall be in accordance with the MSHTO Green Book on auxiliary lanes. (i) The spacing requirements for driveways not meeting the specifica- tions in Tables I and 2 may be lessened or waived if tapered or channelized deceleration lanes are used. Access points on artedal and collector streets may be required to be signal- ized in order to provide safe and efficient traffic flow. A development may be responsible for all or part of any right-of-way, design, hardware, and construction costs of a traffic signal if it is determined that the signal is necessitated by the traffic generated from the development. The procedures for signal installation and the percent of financial participation required of the development in the installation of the signal shall be in accordance with criteria set forth in the City's Traffic Signal Policy (7) Street Structures (8) (9) No driveway approach shall interfere with municipal facilities such as street light or traffic signal poles, signs, fire hydrants, cross walks, bus loading zones, utility poles, fire alarm supports, drainage structures, or other necessary street structures The City Engineer is authorized to order and e~fect the removal or reconstruction (~f any driveway approach which is constructed in conflict with street structures. The cost of reconstructing or relocating such driveway approaches shall be at the expense of the abutting property owner. Permits (a) Any plans submitted for building approval which include or ~nvolve driveway approaches shall be referred to the City Engineer or h~s designee for approval before a building permit ~s issued. (b) A written driveway permit for a new development shall be not issued or required. Approval of driveway location and design for new properties and other developments on a building plan or site plan shall be considered the permit for driveway mstallahon (c) (d) Any property owner desinng a new driveway approach or an improvement to an existing driveway at an existing residenbal or other property shall make application for a driveway permit, in wnbng, and designating the contractor who will do the work, to the City Engineer or the building supervisor, accom- panied by a sketch or drawing showing clearly the driveway, parking area, or doorway to be connected and the location of the nearest existing driveways on the same and opposite sides of the roadway. The City Engineer will prescribe the construction procedure to be followed. (See the Building Code for contractor's bond ana permit requirement, for work on public property.) A permit or building/site plan approval as per the procedure of either 8(b) or 8(c) shall be required for the location of all driveways which provide for access to property. Driveway permits will also be required for any significant structure change, land use change, or property boundary change. (e) The driveway permit fee shall be set by resolution of the College Station City Council from time to time as deemed appropriate by said council and shall be of an amount to cover the cost of licensing and maintaining records. All permits granted for the use of public property under the terms of this section shall be revocable at the will of the City Council. Appeals (a) Appeals of the terms of this section or of decisions of the City Engineer shall be heard by the Project Review Committee as defined in Section 10, Ordinance 1628, the Zoning Ordinance for the City of College Station, Texas. (b) (c) An appeal shall be made within thirty (30) days of the date of the notification of the decision by filing with the City Engineer a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The City Engineer shall forthwith transmit to the Project Review Committee all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. The Project Review Committtee may authorize on appeal a variance to the Driveway Access Location and Design Ordinance when such variance will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to unique and special conditions not normally found in like areas, a strict enforcement of the provi- APPENDIX WARRANT FOR RIGHT-TURN DECELERATION LANES 600 5OO ~oo ~oo 200' 100 0o LIMITED ACCESS DRIVEWAYS 20' a~n.~ LT~ RIGHT IN, RIGItT OUT, LEFT IN I °'l RIGHT 179. I 1[ RIGHT OUT. I.~FT OUT ~- 18' ~n. -fl [- ~0' r'~,~n. sions of the ordinance by the City Engineer would result ~n an unnecessary hardship, and so that the spnit of this ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done PLANTING ON STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY (1) Unpaved Areas There will be no restrictions on planting and care of grass on unpaved areas, and no permit shall be required. (2) Obstructions It shall be unlawful to plant flowers, shrubs, or trees to obstruct the wew of or access to fire hydrants, mad boxes, traffic conlrol dewces, pohce or fire call boxes (3) Permit Requirements Other plantings will be permitted only if an application, together with a plan of plant- rog, has been filed with the C~ty Engineer and he m turn has ~ssued a permit for such planting USE OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY FOR PUBLIC CONVENIENCES AND AMENITIES AND FOR PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS AND FACILITIES (1) Defimtions (a) (b) (c) "Awning" means an overhead structure made of canvas or fabric that ~s stretched over a wood or metal frame that extends beyond the exterior wall face and is removable. Th~s definition does not include copy or logo. "Bench" means a seating area that ~s placed for the convenience of pedestrians and ~s located ~n proximity to mass transit stops or businesses "Bicycle Rack" means a structure designed and used for the temporary storage of bicycles (d) (e) "City" means the City of College Station, Texas, a home-rule city. "C~ty Engineer" means the City Engineer of the City of College Station, Texas, or his designated representative. (0 "CRy Planner" means the City Planner of the City of College Station or h~s designated representative (g) "Facade" means an architectural treatment on the face of a building along e~ther the front, side, or rear of a building along the right-of-way frontage This defimt~on does not include copy "Landscaping, permanent" means canopy and non-canopy trees and shrubs as established in Section 11 2 of the City of College Station Zoning Ordinance. (i) "Landscaping, temporary" means perenmal and flowering plants, dwarf shrubs and ground cover. O) (k) "Northgate Area" means the area bounded by Nagel Street, Umversity Drive, Wellborn Road and the City of College Station City limits. "Permit Holder or Perm~tee" as used in th~s ordinance means the person owning the underlying fee t~tle to any real property upon which any public street within the City of College Station corporate hmits is situated, or any association or other entity acting with a lease or other express written permission of the said fee btle owner, to make use of the property, and who has been lawfully issued a R~ght-of-Way Improvements Permit by the City Engineer (I) "Private Utihties" means utihties that have been extended to serve an entity but have not been accepted by the'.C~ty of College Station (m) "Pubhc Street" means the enbre w~dth between the boundary lines of every way which ~s held by the City m fee or by easement or dedication when any part thereof is open to the use of the pubhc for purposes of vehicular travel, provided the term pubhc street shall not include any designated state or federal highway or road or any designated county road (n) "Right-of-Way Improvements Perrnd" means a permit ~ssued by the City Engineer to a person who quahfles for smd permit under the terms of this ordinance authorizing the construction. ~nstallatlon and mmntenanoe of ~mprovements m right-or-way demcated to the C~ty of College Stahon, Texas. (o) "Roadway" means that pod~on of a pubhc street whmh is improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vemcular travel, exclusive of the curb, berm. or shoulder In the event that a pubhc street includes two or more separate roadways, roadway means each such roadway separately (P) "Setback Line" ~s as defined m Section 7 of the C~ty of College Station Zomng Ordinance (q) "Sidewalk" means that portion of a public street which is between the curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines and is ~mproved and designed for or ~s ordinarily used for pedestrian travel. (r) "Sidewalk cafe" means an outdoor dmmg area located on a sidewalk and containing movable tables, chmrs, planters, or related appurtenances (s) "Structure" means any building or pomon thereof, any obstruction that extends above natural ground grade. Excluded from this definition are wooden fences under eight feet (8') in overall height and masonry fences under three feet (3') in overall height (2) Scope (a) The City Council of the City of College Station acting by and through its officml designated in paragraph (3) below may permit any person owning the underlying fee title to any real property upon which any public street within its corporate limits ~s s~tuated, or any association or other entity acting with a lease or other express written permission of the said fee title owner, to make use of the property, notwithstanding ~ts being part of a public street, for any one or more of the following improvements or facd~bes' (i) the establishment or mmntenance or both of trees and decorative landscaping, ~ncludmg landscaping lighting, watenng systems, and other appurtenances for the maintenance thereof; (11) the estabhshment or maintenance or both of sidewalk cafes; provided that a sidewalk cafe may not be enclosed by fixed walls and shall be open to the mr, except that it may have a canopy, provided further that a sidewalk cafe must be abutting and conhguous to a restaurant m which food preparation, sanitation, and related servmes for the sidewalk cafe w~ll be performed; (iii) the establishment or maintenance or both of ornamental gates, columns, or other ornamental works of wood, iron, masonry, earth, or other materials denoting the entrance to a neighborhood or a platted and recorded subd~ws~on, provided that such improvements (3) (4) (5) may display the name of the subdivision or neighborhood but shall not contain any commercial advertising or other signage; (iv) the establishment or maintenance or both of any supportive or decorative columns, arches, or other structural or decorative feature of any building which is ~ty (50) or more years old at the time of filing an application for a permit hereunder and of unusual architectural design, character, or significance or of historical value; or (v) the establishment or maintenance or both of transit bus shelters, drinking fountains, benches, and other related amenities for the convenience of the public in the use of the public streets for pedestrian or vehicular transportation. Designation of C~ty Official Authorized to Make Findinqs The City Engineer is hereby designated by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, to make the findings required by law contained in paragraph (4) below prior to the issuance of a permit authorizing the establishment or maintenance of the improvements or facilities specified in paragraph (2) above Findings Required (a) The establishment or maintenance of the improvements or facilities may not be implemented without a finding by the City Engineer that: (i) the improvement or facility will not be located on, extend onto, nor intrude upon any portion of the roadway; (ii) the improvement or facility will not be located on, extend onto, nor intrude upon any portion of the sidewalk which is needed for pedestrian use; the design and location of the improvement or facilities includes all reasonable planning to minimize potential harm, injury, or interference to the public in the use of the public street or sidewalk; (iv) the improvement or facility will not create any hazardous condition or obstruction of vehicular or pedestrian travel upon the public street or sidewalk. (b) Appeal An applicant may appeal the decision of the City Engineer to the City Council within ten (10) days of the denial or issuance of the permit. Failure to appeal the action shall constitute a contractual acceptance of all conditions imposed, and a waiver of all complaints, defects, or potential invalidity, whether under state or federal law. Permit Required (a) Use Without a Permit Prohibited It shall be unlawful for any person to install or construct or cause to be installed or constructed, the amenities, improvements or facilities established in paragraph (2) above within the public streets or rights-of-way for within the corporate limits of the City of College Station without first obtaining a permit issued by the City Engineer authorizing such improvements or facilities. (b) Prescribed Fee The applicant or permd holder shall pay a fee for the right-of-way ~mprovements permit that shall be the same as that charged in Chapter 14, Section of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances as amended from t~me to time. (c) The permit shall be granted and allowed to remain in force on condition that' (1) the applicant comphes with the regulations estabhshed by the City Councd and contained in paragraph (7) below for the protection of the public and utility compames and other persons or firms having the right to use the pubhc street at the s~te of the applicant's proposed facility; (2) the site is properly maintained and (3) the applicant owns or ~s legally authorized by the fee simple owner of land to use his land for the estabhshment and maintenance of the ~mprovements authorized by permd (d) Procedure for Obtaining a permit Application Requirements Any person des~nng a permit authorizing the use of the public right-of-way for the installation of ~mprovements or facd~ties within the City hmits shall file an apphcat~on w~th the Development Servmes Department on a form prowded by that Department The apphcant must ~nclude the following information with the application form' · A facihty layout plan whmh includes the ~dentity, and location of, and gives the d~mensions of the right-of-way and the pavement edge or curb The applicant must locate all existing traffic signs, meter boxes, light poles, manholes, overhead electrical lines, fire hydrants, valves, and electrical transformers contained within the right-of-way. The diagram must include dimensions of the right-of-way and locate the facilities from the right-of-way or back of the curb. The s~ze and material of the facilities must be specified. · All proposed s~gnage must be located including ~ts d~mens~ons. An erosion control plan must be submitted w~th the application. If there are waterway alterations proposed, a drainage report and drainage plan must be submitted. If improvements are proposed that will alter the drainage patterns in the area, a drainage report and drainage plan will be required · Apphcant must state whether there wdl be any waterway alterations w~th a drainage report (if applicable). · Elevation drawings of signage that include the description of material · The location and type of plantings. All plantings must be detailed by using both the scientific as well as common names. Describe all work to be performed ~ncluding but not hm~ted to any electrical work, landscaping, ~rngat~on systems, drainage work, waterway alterations, demolition, fencing (whether wood or masonry), signs, facades, awnings, cafe, canopy, benches, bike racks · The cost, where applicable, of the proposed relocation of any pubhc facilities associated with the work · The total square footage of the site. · Designate the party responsible for maintenance (6) (7) · An estimate of the future relocation of improvements Where applicable, the applicant must submit the following plans electrical, landscaping, plumbing, sealed structural detads w~th anchoring, attachment and material descripbon and/or any sealed ~rngat~on plans : Identify all contractors and subcontractors including, but not limited to, the master electrician, irngator, landscape architect or company, master plumber, design engineer and/or structural engineer (e) Inspection of Facilities Inspections of ~mprovements shall be requested ~n accordance w~th the Standard Budding Code as amended by the Cdy of College Stahon Code of Ordinances (f) Maintenance of Facdlbes All ~mprovements shall be maintained by the person designated by the perrmt holder ~n the perrmt apphcabon The ~mprovements shall be maintained ~n a reasonably safe, secure and samtary manner and the s~te shall be free of rubbish, weeds, filth or other offensive ~tems All dead planbngs shall be removed and replaced annually (g) Construction of Facdities Construction and ~nstallation of improvements must comply with all provisions of th~s ordinance as well as with the Streetscape Standards as adopted by the City Council of the C~ty of College Station and established m the Streetscape Study issued m December 1992 and as amended from time to hme Removal of Facilities The City or any utihty company or other person authorized by the City may remove all or any part of any facility for which a permit has been issued w~thout liability therefor in the event of a lawful need for the site or for access thereto Regulations The regulations that govern the issuance and continuing vahdity of this permit as follows (a) Permitee must comply with the construction, maintenance, operahon, and ~nspection reqmrements as detaded in paragraph (5) above (,b) Perm~tee must provide ~ndemnity agreements by abuthng fee owners, which agreements shall be covenants running with the title of the abutting land The applicant or permitee must provide traffic and safety studies at h~s own expense if, and whenever, required by the C~ty Engineer (d) Th~s permit may be terminated at the discrehon of the C~ty (e) All facihties or ~mprovements shall comply with the clearance required from structures to uhlity lines as provided ~n the Standard Building Code or any other applmable code as adopted or as amended by the City of College Station Code of Ordinances. (0 All facdities or ~mprovements must comply with all applicable C~ty of College Station Codes and Ordinances ~n existence at the bme of construction, unless specd~cally prohibited by said Codes or Ordinances (g) All site work, demolition and construction must comply with the Standard Building Code as amended by the City of College Station Code of Ordi- nances. (h) All drainage and waterway work rdust comply with Chapter 13 of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances and associated Drainage Policy and Design Standards. (i) Permanent Si,qnage If an identification sign is requested, a minimum of two hundred fifty (250) landscaping points must be provided per sign. The sign may not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet per sign face as measured by an imaginary rectangle of vertical and horizontal lines that contain all extremities of the copy and logo. The sign height cannot exceed fifteen feet (15'). (J) All facilities and improvements must assure that there is adequate sight clearance for traffic and pedestrian safety (k) The permitee shall provide a cash or surety bond in a sum sufficient to cover the costs of removal of its facilities or improvements by the City or any public utility upon terms and in an amount which is approved by the City Engineer. The bond or surety shall be submitted to the City Engineer upon approval of the permit but prior to its issuance and prior to the commencement of construction of any proposed improvements. The costs of any relocation of public or private utility facilities and improvements within the public streets which may be associated with the installation of any permitee's authorized facilities and improvements shall be borne by the permitee. (m) The City is prohibited from using any of its funds or employees for installation or maintenance with respect to a facility operated by permit except for inspection or removal purposes. (n) If irrigation and/or electrical lines are to be extended across a paved roadway, the applicant must pay a one-time fee in the amount of Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) per square yard of extension area. The extension area is equivalent to three (3) times the yard length to be installed under the roadway. The fee will be waived if the applicant installs sleeves under the pavement and places the irrigation and/or electrical in the sleeves. (o) Permitee must notify the City Engineer of any change of information contained in the application or permit. (P) Permitee or fee simple owner must notify the City Engineer of any change in fee simple ownership of the property, expiration or renewal of lease or revocation or renewal of license agreement by fee simple owner. (q) This permit is valid only to whom it is issued and may not be assigned or transferred. (r) Permitee may not modify the improvements authorized by permit. (8) Exemptions The City may establish or maintain, with its funds, materials, equipment, and personnel, any of the improvements or facilities described and shall not be required to issue a permit for any such improvement or facility established or maintained by the City; provided, however, that the City shall remove its improvement or facility placed by it upon any public street if there is a lawful need for the site or for access to the site by a utility company. (9) This ordinance does not require a political subdivision of this state to obtain a permit to establish or maintain an improvement or facility authorized by other law. Penalty for Violations Violations of the ordinance shall be punished in accordance with Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Code of Ordinances as amended from time to time. (10) Invalidity If any provision of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. (11) Confhct with Other Ordinances That all ordinances or pads of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. K THOROUGHFARE AND TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN (1) A Thoroughfare and Transportation Improvement Plan is hereby established for the City of College Station, Texas, and the area of extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, as shown on the map designated, "City of College Station Thoroughfare and Trans- portation Improvement Plan" a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Plan- ner. (2) Revision of the College Station Thoroughfare and Transportation Improvement Plan shall be made only by amendment to this section, accompanied by a revised map. L. DESIGN STANDARDS All engineering design of streets, sidewalks, driveway approaches, drainage structures, and utilities within street right-of-way shall conform to City engineering standards. M. UNUSUAL CONDITIONS The City Engineer is hereby authorized to grant, in writing, variances from the strict applica- tion of the principles of this subsection; provided that he first determines that the following conditions are present: (1) The exception or variance desired arises from peculiar conditions not ordinarily existing in similar districts in the City, or due to the nature of the business or opera- tion on the abutting property. (2) That the exception or variance desired is not against the public interest, particularly safety, convenience, and general welfare. (3) That the granting of the permit for the exception or variance will not adversely affect the rights of adjacent property owners or tenants. (4) That the strict application of the terms of this section will not work unnecessary hard- ship on the property owner or tenant. N ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT (1) City En.qineer Desiqnated as Enforcement Official, Powers and Duties (a) The C~ty Engineer ~s designated as the adm~mstrative official of the C~ty, to administer the prows~ons of th~s se~;hon (b) If the City Engineer shall find or if any person files with h~m a complaint in writing alleging that any of the provisions of this section are being violated. he shall immedmtely investigate and when necessary, give written notice to the person responsible to cease such violations, forthwith (2) (c) Nobce may be dehvered ~n person or by certified mail to v~olator or to any person in charge of the property where the wolahon is occurring Penalty for V~olahon Any person who wolates or fails to comply with the requirements of th~s section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be liable to a fine pursuant to the General Penalty set out in Chapter 1. Section 5, of th~s Code of Ordinances Nothing here~n contained shall prevent the C~ty frorn taking such other lawful achon as may be necessary to prevent or remedy any violation" SECTION 4 ENCROACHMENTS UPON EASEMENTS A CITY COUNCIL TO GRANT LICENSE, FINDINGS TO BE MADE The City Council of the C~ty of College Stahon, up~'n good cause shown, may grant a hcense to encroach into an easement when it ~s in the opinion of the C~ty Councd that undue hard- ship would result from requiring remedial steps to be taken to restore the easement to its former status The C~ty Councd may consider the proposed use of the property involved, ex~shng uses of land in the neighborhood, the utihhes located in the easement, the purpose of the easement, and the probable effect of the encroachment upon the ~mmediate preser- vahon of the order, public health, safety, convenience and welfare of the community. In order for a hcense to be granted, the C~ty Council must find all of the following That there are special c~rcumstances or cond~hons affecting the property ~nvolved such that the strict enforcement of encroachment pohc~es would deprive the apph- cant of the reasonable use of h~s property (2) That the license is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of the substantial property right of the apphcant (3) That the uhhzat~on of the easement area for the access to and the operahon of uhh- hes, including drainage, w~ll not be ~mpa~red (4) That the granting of the hcense will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or injurious to another party in the area. The findings, together with the specific facts upon which such findings are based, shall be incorporated into the minutes of the meeting at which the license is considered. Licenses not be routinely granted. When a license is granted, it will be granted if order will be preserved and the public health, safety and welfare will not be affected Pecuniary hardship of the applicant, standing alone, will not be deemed to constitute undue hardship. B. SUBMITTAL OF INFORMATION The City Engineer shall specify the ~nformahon that ~s required to be subrmtted w~th the application C APPLICATION FEE An apphcation for a license to encroach shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00). which is non-refundable D LICENSE MAY BE CONTINGENT UPON REMEDIAL ACTION If the C~ty Council so requires, a license may be granted subject to the hcensee's complehon of all remedial achon necessary to accommodate the encroachment so the C~ty may uhlize the area so encroached SECTION 5: UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UTILITY SERVICE A. Electric Service Installation (1) All new electric utility service shall be installed underground in all building plots. All lateral electric and service lines supplying electric utility service shall be placed underground. (2) All upgraded electric utility service shall be installed underground in all building plots wherever such is sound and practical from an engineering standpoint as reasonably determined by the City. (3) Overhead feeder lines may be placed within dedicated easements in building plots when determined by the City to be necessary and appropriate, pursuant to the following criteria: (a) Along the perimeter of the platted building plots. (b) Adjacent to or within the right-of-way of thoroughfares identified on the current thoroughfare plan of the City of College Station and approved for the location of overhead utilities. (c) Within alleys or other areas identified for the location of aerial utility service on the approved building plot plat. (4) Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any structure on the building plot, the Builder shall dedicate easements upon forms approved by City for the installation of utilities, including electric. All liens and other ownership interests shall be subordinated to the easement use. (5) (6) Where the electric service is placed underground, all street lighting and site lighting equipment shall be placed underground except for the poles on which the lights are to be affixed. The Builder shall be responsible for furnishing and installing, and the expenses related thereto, of conduit for the installation of all on-site underground develop- ment feeder, lateral and service lines utilized to provide electric utility service to the building plot. The specifications for the conduit shall be approved by the Electrical Department prior to installation. The installation of the conduit shall be inspected and approved by the Electrical Department at the time of installation. (7) Where electric service is placed underground, all auxiliary equipment for such service, including but not limited to transformers, junction enclosures and switching devices, shall be pad-mounted on grade or shall be placed underground. (8) Temporary utility service may be provided via overhead line extension. Definitions For the purpose of this section, certain words as used herein are defined as follows: (1) (2) "Builder" means any person or persons, firm or corporation who applies for or is issued a permit by the Building Official to erect, construct, enlarge, install, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish any building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system located within the municipal corporation, City of College Station, Texas. "Building Plot" shall mean all of the land within a project, whether one or more lots, developed according to a common plan or design for similar or compatible uses, which singularly or in phases is treated as such for site plan review purposes. The determination of the boundaries of a building plot shall be made as the first step in the site plan or project review, unless such determination has previously been made at the time of plat approval. For development not subject to site plan review, the building plot or premises shall be the exterior boundary of any included lots, in the event that the structure is built upon more than one lot. (3) "Feeder Line" shall mean any line, wire, or cable and appurtenances which distributes, transmits, or delivers an electric utility service from a source to a general area or to multiple developments, and not to a specific end user. (4) "Lateral Line" shall mean any line, wire, or cable and appurtenances used to distribute, transmit, or deliver electric utility service from a feeder line to two (2) or more sites or end users of the electric utility service within a specific development. (5) "Lot" as used herein is the physical and undivided tract or parcel of land as shown on a duly recorded plat (6) "Service Line" shall mean any line, wire, or cable and appurtenances used to distribute, transmit, or deliver an electric utd~ty service from a source of supply, feeder line, or lateral line directly to an end user (7) "Plot Plan" is a plan showing the use of land, including locations of buildings, drives, sidewalks, parking areas, drainage facilities and other facilities to be constructed, and anything else in accordance with Sections 10 and 11 of the Zoning Ordinances of the City of College Station." (8) "Upgraded Electric Utility Service" as used herein means any increase in electric service capacity or any relocation of the electric service entrance. APPENDIX 1 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE ADOPTED A booklet entitled 'International Building Code 2000 Edition' as amended and as hereafter may be amended, at least one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Official of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby adopted and designated as the Building Code of the City of College Station, Texas. AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE A. The above referenced Internabonal Buildinq Code ~s hereby amended as follows: Section 101.4.1 (Electrical) shall be amended by deleting the reference to the "ICC Electncal Code" and replacing with the "National Electrical Code, as adopted and amended by the C~ty of College Station" Section 105 (Permits)~s amended by adding Secbon 105.1.3 to read as follows: 105.1.3 Registration of Contractors. Buildinq Contractors. It shall be the duty of every contractor who shall make con- tracts for the ~nstallation or repair of buildings for which a permit is required, and every contractor or builder making such contracts and subletting the same or any part thereof, to register his name and license with the Building Official, giving full name, residence and place of business, and in case of removal from one place to another to have made corresponding change to the Building Official. Plumbing Contractors. Plumbing contractors licensed by the State of Texas as a Master Plumber shall register their license with the City of College Station before a permit will be issued by the City. Air Conditioning, Refri.qeration and Heating Contractors. Air conditioning and heating contractors that have a State of Texas Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Contractors License shall register their licenses with the City of College Station before a permit will be issued by the City. Irrigation Contractors. Irrigation Contractors who have a State of Texas License to perform irrigation work shall register their license with the City of College Station before a permit will be issued by the City. Electrical Contractors. Electrical Contractors licensed by the City of College Station as a "Master Electrician" must also register said license with the City of College Station before a permit will be issued by the City. Before any license is registered with the City, the applicant shall provide adequate proof of insurance coverage for general liability and automotive liability in not less than the following amounts: (a) General Liability (each occurance) $300,000.00; (b) Automotive Liability (combined single limit) $300,000.00 Section 105.2 (Work exempt from permit) is amended by deleting item number one listed under "Building". Section 106.1 (Submittal documents) is amended to include the following at the end of the section and before the exception: "The design professional shall be an architect or engineer legally registered under the laws of Texas and shall affix his official seal to the construction decuments for the following: 1. All group A, E and I occupancies. 2. Building and structures three stories or more high 3. Buildings and structures 5,000 square feet or more in area EXCEPTION: Group R-3 buildings, regardless of size" Section 112 (Board of Appeals) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and referring to section I(A), Chapter 3, College Station Code of Ordinances. Section 115.1 (Conditions) is amended by deleting the sentence, "Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the building official deems necessary and as provided for in this section." and replacing with the following: "Unsafe structures shall be taken down, removed or made safe as provided for in Section 1 (C), Chapter 3, Code of Ordinances." Secbon 303.1 (Assembly Group A) is amended by adding "tutorial services" under A-3 Section 501.2 (premises identification) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: "501.2 Premises identification. An official address, assigned by the building Official or his designee, shall be provided and placed pursuant to this section in such a position as to be clearly visible from the public street or roadway fronting the property. Addresses placed pursuant to this section shall be a minimum four (4) inches in height and stroke of minimum one-half (1/2) inch, composed of a durable material and of a color that provides a contrast to the background itself. The official address shall be placed a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches and a maximum of thirty (30) feet in height measured from the ground level. Buildings or structures located more than fifty (50) feet from the street curb shall have an official address at least five (5) inches in height. Durable materials used for the official address shall include, but not be limited to, wood, plastic, metal, weather resistant paint, weather resistant vinyl, or weather resistant material designed for outside use on a glass surface. For single family residences, the requirement of this section may be met by providing a minimum of two (2) inch high numbers on both sides of a U. S. mailbox located near the curb in front of the house, or a freestanding structure with numbers at least four (4) inches in height. A building complex composed of multiple structures or dwellings shall have an official suite or unit number assigned to each building, suite or tenant as well as a street address number. If there is sufficient street frontage, each building, suite or tenant may also be assigned an official street address number. The official street address number of each structure must be prominently posted on the building so that it is visible from the nearest public street or designated fire lane. Each number designated by the Building Official, or his designee, for each individual suite or unit must be conspicuously posted on each suite or unit. Commercial buildings with side or rear access in addition to the main entrance, shall also display the business name and official address on each side or rear door with characters at least two (2) inches in height. Residential structures which prowde for rear vehicular access from a dedicated public alley, street or designated fire lane shall conspicuously post an official address at least two (2) inches in height so that it is visible from the public alley, street or designated fire lane. The owner or manager of a building complex, which contains an enclosed shopping mall, shall submit to the Fire Official four (4) copies of diagrams acceptable to the Fire Official of the entire complex, indicating the location and number of each business. When a change in a business name or location is made, the owner or manager shall so advise the Fire Official in writing of the change." , Section 702.1 (Definitions) is amended by deleting the definition of "Fire Wall" in its entirety and replacing with the following: "Fire Wall. A four hour fire resistance rated wall having protected openings, which restricts the spread of fire and extends continuously from the foundation to or through the roof, with sufficient structural stability under fire conditions to allow collapse of construction on either side without collapse of the wall." 10. Section 803.4 (interior requirements based on group) is amended by adding: "The minimum interior wall and ceiling finish requirement for all group A- Assemblies shall be class A for vertical exits and exit passageways, exit access corridors and other exits when the building is sprinklered." 11. Section 901 6.2 (Fire alarm systems) is amended by deleting exception number two. 12. Section 903.2.2 (Group E) is amended by deleting "20,000 square feet" and replacing with "12,000 square feet". 13. Section 903.2.2 (Group E) is amended by deleting the exception. 14. Section 903.2.6 (Group M) is amended by deleting "three stories in height" and replacing with "two stories in height". 15. Section 903.2.6 (Group M) is amended by deleting "24,000 square feet" and replacing with "12,000 square feet". 16. Section 903.2.7 (Group R-l) is amended by deleting both exceptions. 17. Section 903.2.10 (Group S-1)is amended by deleting "three stories in height" and replacing with "two stories in height". 18. Section 903.2.10 (Group S-1)is amended by deleting "24,000 square feet" and replacing with "12,000 square feet". 19. Section 903.2 (Where required) is amended by adding Section 903.2.16 to read as follows: "903.2.16 Other sprinkler requirements. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings as follows: 1. In all structures where the total building area exceeds 12,000 square feet in area. 2. In all structures exceeding two stories in height." 20. Section 903.3.7 (Fire department connections) is amended by deleting "building official" and replacing with "fire official". 21. Section 1003.2.2.4 (Increased occupant load) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. 22. Section 1003.2.2.5(Posting of occupant load) is amended by adding the following at the end of the section: "For the purposes of this section, the occupant load shall be the number of occupants computed at the rate of one occupant per unit of area as prescribed in Table 1003.2.2.2." 23. Section 1911 (Minimum slab provisions) is amended by adding Section 1911.2 to read as follows: "1911.2 Minimum foundation standard. All foundation shall comply with the Minimum Foundation Standard as shown in figure 1. Figure 1 INTERIOR BEAM EXTERIOR BEAM ' ~:,~//" /'/"'"'t ........... INTERIOR SLAB DROP 3ENERAL NOTES: 1. Bar Min. Lop. Min. Radius Size Inches of Bends //3 12" 15/16" 2 " - 7 /4 " //5 15" 1-9/16" //6 20" 2- I/4" //7 26" 2-5/8" //8 35" 3" Exterior beam shell extend a minimum of 6 inches into undisturbed soil or fill which is compacted to 95% Standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) within (___) 2% of optimum moisture content. All fill material shall have a Plasticity Index (P.I.) between 5 and 18. 2. Interior beams that exceed 60 ft. in length must be a min. of 30" deep. 3. Maximum beam spacing shall be 15 feet and shall be continuous over the length or width of the foundation. 4. Steel to be set to clear bore earth minimum 3", wood or steel forms by 1-1/2". 5. Minimum concrete specified compression strength shall be 5000 psi @ 28 days. 6. Masonry fireplace footings shall be o minimum of ,30" deep with 2 mats of t¢5's @ 12" O.C. both ways. 7. These minimum standards shall apply to all foundations. Exceptions: A. Foundations for temporary buildings and permanent buildings not exceeding one story in height and 400 square feet in area. B. Foundations designed by an Architect registered in the State of Texas or a civil/structural Engineer registered in the State of Texas and approved for use by the Building Official. 8. All foundations designed by an Architect or Engineer shall be installed as designed. Revisions and exceptions must be submitted in writing by the Architect or Engineer and approved by the Building Official. Reinforcing steel shall be grade 60 (grade 40 allowed for stirrups only). All deformations shall meet ASTM A615. DESCRIPTION DATE OF COI.I.F..GE STATION ~ BUILDING DMSION MINIMUM FOUNDATION STANDARDS 24. 25. 26. Section 2701.1 (Scope) and Chapter 35 (Referenced Standards) is amended by deleting "ICC Electrical Code" and replacing with "National Electrical Code as adopted and amended by the City of College Station". Section 3409.2 (Applicability) is amended to insert the effective date of adoption. Appendix D (Fire Districts) is hereby adopted. AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE The International Residential Code adopted by reference in Section101.2, 2000 International Building Code, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section R105.2 (Work exempt from permit) is amended by deleting number one under "Building" and replacing with the following: "1. One single story detached accessory structure per residential lot, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet and the structure complies with all of the following: a. The accessory structure is not located in a surface drainage easement. b. The accessory structure is not permanently affixed to the ground. c. The accessory structure is located in the rear yard. d. The accessory structure is not provided with utilities (sewer, water, gas or electricity)." Section R105.2 (Work exempt from permit) is amended by adding the following under "Building". "10. Uncovered decks not more that 30 inches above adjacent grade." Section R105 (Permits) is amended by adding section R105.2.4 to read as follows: "R105.2.4 Homeowner permit. A property owner may obtain a building permit to perform work on a building owned and occupied by him as his homestead with out registering with the city as a contractor. However, all electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits shall be obtained by licensed contractors." 4. Appendix G (Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs) is hereby adopted. Section 112 (Board of Appeals) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and referring to section I(A), Chapter 3, College Station Code of Ordinances. Section R310.1.1 (Minimum opening area)is amended by deleting "5.7 square feet" and replacing with "3.33 square feet." Section R310.1.1 (Minimum opening area) is amended by deleting the exception. o Section R325 (Site Address) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and referencing section 501.2, 2000 International Building Code as amended. Section R403.1.3.2 (Slabs-on-ground with turned-down footings) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: "All slabs-on-grade with turned-down footings shall comply with the minimum foundation standard outlined in Section 1911.2, 2000 International Building Code, as amended." 10. Section N1102.1.10 (Air leakage) is amended by adding the following to the end of the section: "Attached garages shall also have all header and top plate penetrations sealed in accordance with this section." 11. Section N1102 (Building Envelope) is amended by adding section N1102.5 and section N 1102.6 to read as follows: 12. "Nl102.5 Recessed lighting fixtures. When installed in the building envelope, recessed lighting fixtures shall comply with Section 502.1.3, 2000 International Energy Conservation Code, as amended. N'1102.6 Windows. Single pane windows shall not be allowed in the building envelope." Section Nl103.1 (Heating and air conditioning appliance and equipment performance) is amended by adding the following at the end of the section: "Exception. Electrical resistance heat may be used as the primary source of heating for buildings or spaces which have five hundred (500) square feet or less of floor area. 13. 14. 15. 16. Section G2413.5.2 (Copper tubing) is amended by deleting said section in its entirety. Section G2416.4 (Test Pressure measurement) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: "Test pressure measurement shall comply w~th Section 406.4, 2000 International Fuel Gas Code, as amended." Section G2416.4.1 (Test Pressure) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: "Test pressure shall comply with Section 406.4.1, 2000 International Fuel Gas Code, as amended." Section G2437 (Clothes Dryer Exhaust) is amended by adding section G2437.5.3 to read as follows: "G2437.5.3 Under slab installation. Exhaust ducts for domestic clothes dryers shall be permitted to be constructed of schedule 40 PVC pipe provided that the installation complies with all of the following: 1. The duct shall be installed under a concrete slab poured on grade. 2. The underfloor trench in which the duct is installed shall be completely backfilled with sand or gravel. 3. The PVC duct shall extend not greater than one (1) inch above the interior concrete floor surface. 4. The joints of the PVC duct shall be solvent cemented." 17. 18. 19. Section P2904.5 (Water distribution pipe) is amended by deleting the reference to PB plastic pipe and by adding the following sentence to the end of the section: "Type M seamless copper water tube and type WM welded copper water tube shall not be used for water distribution piping." Section P2904.5.1 (Under concrete slabs) is amended by replacing "type M" copper tubing with "type K" copper tubing and deleting the reference to chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), polybutylene (PB), and galvanized steel pipe. Section P2904.5.1 (Under concrete slabs) is amended by deleting the words "all to be installed with approved fittings or bends" and replacing with "all to be installed without joints or connections." 20. Section P3002.2.1 is added to read as follows: "P3002.2.1 Depth of building sewer. Building sewer pipe shall be installed with a minimum of twelve (12) inches of cover. Where conditions prohibit at least 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. twelve (12) inches of cover, cast iron pipe must be used unless other approved means of pipe protection is provided." Section P3103.1 (Roof extension) is amended to insert six (6) in the designated blanks. Section E3306.2 (Conductor Material) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: "Conductors used to conduct current shall be of copper only." Section E3501 (General Services) is amended by adding section E3501.8 to read as follows: "E3501.8 Meter mounting height. The Individual meters shall be mounted at a height not greater than 5'-6" nor less than 4'-6" above finished grade, measured to the centerline of the meter base. A meter pack shall be mounted with its horizontal centerline not greater that 4'-6" nor less than 4'-0" above finished grade." Exception: Meters and meter packs may be mounted at a different height by special permission of the Building Official or his designee when special conditions make the installation at the above height impractical." Section E3508.2.1 (Rod and pipe electrodes) is amended to allow only copper coated electrodes. Section E 3602.5 (Branch circuits serving multiple loads or outlets) is amended by adding the following to the end of the section: "A circuit of twenty (20) amperes shall not serve more than ten openings." Table E3602.13 (Branch-Circuit Requirements - Summary) is amended by adding the following: "Reference the 14 AWG conductor indicated in the table with asterisks (***) and add this footnote to the bottom of the table *** Special note - except for fixture wires in UL or other listed fixtures and equipment, no conductor smaller than 12 AWG copper is allowed in branch circuit wiring." Section E3603 (Required Branch Circuits) is amended by adding section E3603.7 to read as follows: "E3603.7 Separate circuit required. A separate circuit is required for each appliance or other load exceeding six (6) amperes." AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE The International Fuel Gas Code adopted by reference in Section 101.4.2, 2000 International Building code is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 109 (Means of Appeal) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and referring to section I(A), Chapter 3, College Station Code of Ordinances. 2. Section 309.2 (Connections) is amended to delete the reference to the "ICC Electrical Code" and replace with the "National Electrical Code, as adopted and amended by the City of College Station." Section 403.4.3 (Copper and brass) is amended by deleting the section ~n its entirety. Section 403.5.2 (Copper tubing) is amended by deleting the section ~n ~ts entirety. Section 406.4 (Test pressure measurement) is amended by adding the following to the end of the section: "Diaphragm gauges meeting the following requirements shall be acceptable. Low pressure systems - [up to and including two (2) psi.] - A Iow pressure diaphragm gauge with a minimum dial size of three and one half inches (3 W') with a set hand and a pressure range of not more than six (6) psi with 1/10 pound incrementation. The minimum test pressure shall not be less than five (5) psig. Medium pressure systems - [greater than two (2) psi up to and including five (5) psi.] - A diaphragm type pressure gauge with a minimum dial size of three and one half inches (3 ~") with a set hand and a pressure range not to exceed twenty (20) psi. with a 2/10 pound incrementation. The minimum test pressure shall not be less than ten (10) psig." Section 406.4.1 (Test pressure) is amended by deleting the section in it entirety and replacing with the following: "The test pressure to be used shall be no less than twice the proposed maximum working pressure, but no less than five (5) psig, irrespective of design pressure." Section 406.4.2 (Test duration) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: "Gas piping shall withstand the required pressure test for a period of not less than ten (10) minutes without showing any drop in pressure." AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE The International Mechanical Code adopted by reference in Section 101.4.3, 2000 International Building Code is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 109 (Means of Appeal) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and referring to section I(A), Chapter 3, College Station Code of Ordinances. AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE The International Plumbing Code adopted by reference in Section 101.4.4, 2000 International Building Code is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 109 (Means of Appeal) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and referring to section I(A), Chapter 3, College Station Code of Ordinances. 2. Section 305.6.1 (Sewer depth) is amended by inserting "twelve (12)" in both blanks and adding the following sentence to the end of said section. "Where conditions prohibit the required amount of cover, cast iron pipe with approved joints may be used unless other means of protecting the pipe is provided." Section 502.1 (General) is amended by deleting "ICC Electrical Code" and replacing with "National Electrical Code, as adopted and amended by the City of College Station." Table 605.4 (Water Service Pipe) is amended by deleting the following materials: "Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic pipe" "Asbestos-cement pipe" "Galvanized steel pipe" "Polybutylene (PB) plastic pipe and tubing" "Polyethylene (PE) plastic pipe" "Polyethylene (PE) plastic tubing" Table 605.5 (Water Distribution Pipe) is amended by deleting the following materials: "Galvanized steel pipe" "Polybutylene (PB) plastic pipe and tubing" o Section 606 (Installation of the Building Water Distribution System) is amended by adding section 606.7 to read as follows: "606.7 Materials below slabs. Water distribution piping installed under slabs shall be copper (minimum type K), cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) tubing, or cross-linked polyethylene/aluminum/polyethylene (PEX-AL-PEX) pipe, all installed without joints or connections. Materials subject to corrosion shall be protected when exposed to concrete or corrosive soils." Section 701.2 (Sewer required) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: "Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed and all premises having drainage piping shall be connected to an approved sewer. Private sewage systems must comply with City of College Station's Code of Ordinances (refer to Chapter 11, Section 2). All private sewage disposal systems must comply with the latest adopted standards of the Texas National Resource Conservation Commission and be constructed under the direction of the Brazos County Health Department. The installer be registered with and licensed by the appropriate authority." AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE The International Property Maintenance Code adopted by reference in Section 101.4.5, 2000 International Building Code is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 102.3 (Application of other codes) is amended by deleting the reference to the "ICC Electrical Code" and replacing with the "National Electrical Code, as adopted and amended by the City of College Station." 2. Section 107 (Notices and orders) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: "Required notices shall be issued in compliance with Section 1 (C), Chapter 3, College Station Code of Ordinances." 3. Section 108 (Unsafe Structures and Equipment) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing w~th the following: "Unsafe or dangerous structures shall be abated pursuant to Section 1 (C), Chapter 3, College Station Code of Ordinances." Section 109 (Emergency Measures) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. Section 110 (Demolition) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. Section 11 (Means of Appeal) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and referring to Section I(A), Chapter 3, College Station Code of Ordinances. Section 302.4 (Weeds) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. Section 303.3 (Premises identification) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and referencing Section 501.2, 2000 International Building Code as amended. Section 303.14 (Insect screens)is amended by requiring insect screens year round. 10. 11. 12. Section 303.14 (Insect screens) Exception is amended by deletion the exception in its entirety and replacing with the following: "Exception: Screens shall not be required for spaces that contain central heating furnaces and air conditioning equipment that mechanically ventilate said space year round." Section 602.3 (Heat supply) is amended by deleting the existing section, save the exception, and replacing with the following: "Every dwelling unit shall have heating facilities which are properly installed, are maintained in safe and good working conditions, and are capable of safely and adequately heating all habitable rooms and bathrooms in every dwelling unit located therein to a temperature of at least sixty-five degrees (65°) Fahrenheit at a distance three feet (3') above floor level. Where a gas or electric central heating system is not provided, each dwelling unit shall be provided with sufficient electrical outlets or gas supply outlets whereby heating appliances may be connected so as to furnish a minimum temperature of sixty-five degrees (65°) Fahrenheit measured at a point three feet (3') above the floor." Section 602.4 (Occupiable work spaces) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. 13. Section 604.2 (Service) is amended by deleting the reference "ICC Electrical Code" and replacing with "National Electrical Code, as adopted and amended by the City of College Station." AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE The International Energy Conservation Code adopted by reference in Section 101.4.7, 2000 International Building Code is hereby amended as follows: 1 Section 502.1.3 (Recessed lighting fixtures) is amended by deleting items number two and three under said section. Section 502.1.4.1 (Window and door assemblies) is amended by adding the following to the end of the section: "Single pane windows shall not be allowed in the building envelope." Section 502.1.4.2 (Caulking and sealants) is amended by adding the following to the end of the section: "Attached garages shall also have all header and top plate penetrations sealed ~n accordance with this section." Section 503.1 (General) is amended by adding the following at the end of the section: "Exception. Electrical resistance heat may be used as the primary source of heating for buildings or spaces which have five hundred (500) square feet or less of floor area." H.. REGISTRATION FEES. Registration fees for contractors shall be set by Council resolution. TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY OF STREETS WITH BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC 1. Permit and Bond Hereafter any person or persons, firm, or corporation desiring to temporarily occupy any portion of any public street, alley, or sidewalk w~thin the City of College Station for the purpose of placing thereon material or rubbish for or from building operations, or for any purpose whatsoever connected with the erection, removal, alteration, or repair of any building or other structure, shall apply to the Building Official for a permit for such temporary occupation as aforesaid, and it shall be unlawful to occupy or obstruct any street, alley, or s~dewalk, as aforesaid, without a permit therefor from the Budding Official, which permit shall not be issued until the person, persons, firm, or corporation applying therefor shall have first presented a budding permit with a bond approved by the City Attorney, condo- tioned that the principal therein wdl discharge all claims of every character arising from or occasioned by such occupancy of such street, alley, or sidewalk or the construcbon or repair of such building or the making of such excavation and discharge all judgments obtained, together w~th all costs attached thereto against the City of College Station, by reason of any such claim, ~njury, or damage sustained, and every person or persons, firm, or corporation carrying on any such excavation or building operation shall keep all streets, alleys, and sidewalks adjacent to such excavations or building operations carried on by them, ~n a clean and orderly condition, and unobstructed, except as provided herein, during such operation, and at the expiration of the time stipulated m the permit aforesaid, they shall restore all such streets, alleys, and sidewalks to as good condition as they were before the beginning of such operations. 2. Requisite of Permit Permits for temporary street, alley, or sidewalk occupancy as hereinbefore pro- vided shall be issued by the Building Official, shall be in writing, and shall be for a period of time not to exceed ninety (90) days, such as said Building Official may deem expedient; provided that such time may be extended by the City Council of the City of College Station; such permit shall specify how much of the street, sidewalk, or alley shall be obstructed, which amount of obstruction shall be within the discretion of the Building Official; provided that not more than one-half (1/2) of any alley, not more than two-thirds (2/3) of any sidewalk, nor more than one- fourth (1/4) of any street shall be obstructed. 3. Protection of S~dewalks Wherever any port~on of any street, alley, or sidewalk shall be obstructed under a permit as hereinbefore provided, the sidewalk or driveway thereon shall be pro- tected by a covenng, which shall be sufficient to protect the public from danger attendant upon such building, and a driveway and sidewalk sufficient in the opin- ion of the Building Official, kept in good condition for travel; and a failure to comply with this subsection shall immediately work a forfeiture of the permit given thereunder and all the rights and privileges granted therein. CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS AND CURBS 1. License and Permit Required Hereinafter no person, persons, firm, or corporation shall lay, construct, budd, re- pair, or rebuild any sidewalk, curb, gutter, or driveway on any street, alley, or thor- oughfare within the City of College Station, without first having obtained from the City Engineer a license to do such work, having made and executed a bond to said City in the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00), having paid a license fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per annum, and having obtained a permit from the City Engineer to do such work. Provided, however, that for building construction, only the construction of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, driveways, and approaches to a building may be included in the building contrac- tor's permit for the construction of the building if application to construct such sidewalk, curb, gutter, driveway, and drive approach is made at the time the building permit is applied for. Provided further, that the preceding sentence shall allow only the building contractor himself to construct curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, and drive approaches on his building contractor's bond without the necessity of making a separate cement bond for their construction, and the preceding sentence shall not apply if the building contractor contracts with another to construct the sidewalks, curbs, gutters, driveways, and approaches. The building contractor shall have the construction of such sidewalks, curbs, gutters, driveways, and drive approaches inspected and approved by the City Engineer. Where the building contractor avails himself of the provisions of this subsection, he shall be responsible for the construction and maintenance of such concrete construction in the same manner as individuals holding a hcense to do such concrete work, and h~s building contractor's bond shall be amended and supplemented to comply with this subsection. 2. Requisite of License and Bond The license hereinbefore mentioned shall be issued and approved by the City Engineer, and before the issuance of same, the applicant shall file in the off~ce of the City Engineer a statement of his qualifications, together with a surety bond ~n the penal sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00), conditioned that said applicant will indemnify and save harmless the City of College Station from any and all damages of every character arising from or caused directly or indirectly by negligence in doing said work, or for any imperfect or inadequate work done by the applicant, and that he will maintain said work m a good and workmanlike state of repair for and during a period of one (I) year from and after its completion and acceptance by the City. Said statement of qualifications approved by the City Engineer, together with bond, and date of issuance shall be filed by said City Engineer with the City Secretary. The apphcant shall also state in his application for license, his place of business, and shall notify the City Engineer immediately of any and every change in address or style of his firm. All such bonds shall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney, and shall run for a period of one (I) year from date, or until revoked as hereinafter provided. PERMIT REQUIRED FOR STREET, SIDEWALK AND ALLEYWAY CUTS (1) No person shall cut or in anyway damage the streets, alleyways or sidewalks of the City of College Station for the installation of any materials and/or equipment without a permit. (2) A permit to cut a street, alleyway or sidewalk shall be applied for from the C~ty Manager or his delegate. (3) Any person who applies for a permit shall pay the cost of the issuance of the permit, the repair of the street, sidewalk or alleyway and the cost of the inspection of such repair, which fees shall be set by resolution from time to time. The City at its option may elect for the applicant to pay the estimated costs of repairs as a deposit prior to the issuance of the permit w~th said deposit not being less than the m~mmum payment set out by resolution. In the event that the cost exceeds the deposit the applicant shall remit the remainder of the cost to the C~ty. In the event that the cost is less than the deposit, the overage shall be remitted to the applicant. (4) Any person who without a permit cuts or otherwise damages a street, sidewalk or alleyway in the installation of any materials or equipment, or refuses to pay for repairs, shall be gudty of an offense pumshable under this Code of Ordinances. (5) Applicant may be authorized to make temporary or permanent repairs pursuant to City's specifications. If the permit authorizes the applicant to make repairs, then (6) the applicant shall warrant the work for 365 days from the date of inspection and acceptance by City. Any person who fails to comply with the terms of this ordinance shall be guilty of an offense punishable under this Code of Ordinances." BUILDING PERMIT FEES Building permit fees will be established by City Council resolution adopted pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances. An official copy of the latest such fees shall remain on file in the Office of the City Secretary at all times. M.. MANUFACTURED HOUSING TIE DOWN STANDARDS Ties for manufactured housing shall comply with Section AE605, 2000 International Residential Code. APPENDIX 2 ELECTRICAL CODE AbOPTED A booklet entitled 'National Electrical Code 1999 Edition' as amended and as hereafter may be amended, at least one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Ofhcial of the City of College Stabon, Texas, ~s hereby adopted and designated as the Electrical Code of the City of College Stabon, Texas AMENDMENTS TO NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE The above referenced 'Nabonal Electrical Code' ~s hereby amended as follows. Secbon 210-23(a) shall be amended to delete the reference to 15 ampere branch circuits. It shall also be amended to include after the words ' are also supplied' the following sentence- 'However a c~rcu~t of twenty (20) amperes shall not serve more than ten openings' Table 210-24 shall be amended by adding the following. 'Reference all 14 AWG conductor indicated m the table with asterisks (***) and add th~s footnote at the bottom of the table *** special note: Except for fixture w~res ~n UL or other listed fixtures, no conductor of a size smaller than 12 AWG copper ~s allowed in residential wiring ' Section 210-52(b) shall be amended by adding the following 'Exception No 3: A separate circuit is reqmred for each refrigerator, deep freeze, dishwasher, disposal, trash compactor or any other load exceeding six (6) amperes.' 4 Section 210-52(c) shall be amended by adding the following at the end of the section 'Exception: A separate circuit is required for microwave ovens or any other counter top appliance with a load exceeding six (6) amperes.' 5 6 Section 210-52(0 shall be amended to include after the words '. . for the laundry.' the following sentence. 'However, a separate circuit ~s required for a washing machine or any other laundry appliance w~th a load exceeding six (6) amperes ' Section 210-52 shall be amended by adding the following subsection: '(j) Other Locations. A separate circuit is required for each well pump or other outdoor loads exceeding six (6) amperes.' 7 The Electrical Code shall be amended by adding the following secbon' 230-10 Meter Mounting Heights Individual meters shall be mounted at a height not greater than 5'-6" nor less than 4'-6" above finished grade, measured to the center line of the meter base Meter packs shall be mounted with its horizontal centerline not greater than 4'-6" nor less than 4'-0" above finished grade. Exce.pti.on- Meters and meter packs may be mounted at a different height by special permission of the Building Official or his designee when specml conditions make the installation at the above heights impractical. Section 230-72 shall be amended by adding section (d) to read '(d) Location. The service disconnecting means shall be installed at a readily accessible location. Such location shall be on the outside of commercial buildings or structures Residential buildings may provide this disconnecting means either outside or inside the nearest point of entrance of the service conductors ' Section 250-83(c)(1) and (2) shall be amended by allowing only copper coated grounds 10. 11. Section 310-2(b) shall be amended to read as follows: 'Conductor Material. Conductors in this article shall be copper only.' Section 333-4 shall be amended to read as follows: 'Uses Not Permitted. Type AC cable shall not be permitted in commercial buildings as a wiring method.' LICENSING 1. Licensin.q as Master Electrician Required It shall be unlawful for any person to do electrical work within the City of College Station unless such person is licensed under the provisions of this ordinance by the City of College Station as a master electrician, or unless such electrical work ~s performed under the personal control, supervision, d~rection and responsibility of such a licensed master electrician. The term 'electrical work' as used in this ordinance shall mean the installing, maintaining, altering, repairing or erecting of any electrical wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment for such a permit ~s required under the terms and provisions of this ordinance, except poles and guy anchors installed by an electric telephone, telegraph, signal or public service company as a part of its distribution system. 2. Building Official to Administer Licensing Provisions The Building Official shall review applicants for master electricians to determine if their experience is such that they are qualified to perform electrical work in the City of College Station The Building Official shall also determine when licenses shall be revoked for cause. If the Building Official revokes a license for cause, the individual whose license is revoked shall cease all electrical work within the City unless or until said action of the Building Official is altered by action of the Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 3. Qualifications for Master Electrician License Anyone desiring to qualify for a 'Master Electrician's License' shall provide in the following manner: (a) Applicant for License Apply in writing to the Building Official by completing an application for master electrician. The application shall state the qualifications and experience of the applicant and shall be accompanied by an application fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00). (The minimum required experience shall be four (4) years full time employment in electrical work under direct supervision of a licensed master electrician.) Along with the application shall be two (2) letters of recommendation. The letters shall be from master electricians or electrical inspectors who can recommend the applicant for registration. The applicant must also provide certification from Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI) that he passed the master electrician examination. (b) Examination; Administration of (c) Take the examination required by the City of College Station and administered by SBCCI. The exar;pinabon w~ll be g~ven four (4) times each year, once during each quader of the calendar year Issuance of License; Terms of Upon cerbflcat~on by SBCCI that the applicant has passed the examinahon and upon approval by the Building Official that the applicant is eligible for registration as a 'Master Electrician', the applicant shall be issued said hcense by the Building Official upon payment of a Twenty-five Dollar ($25.00) fee. Sa~d license shall be good for the period of that calendar year unless revoked by the Budding Official and only after just cause has been demonstrated All licenses shall expire upon the date of January 31 of the following year m which the license was ~ssued. C (d) L~cense Renewals; Fee At least one (1) month prior to the expiration date of the hcense, licensee shall apply for renewal for the subsequent year. Unless sa~d license is suspended or has been under suspension, the Building Official is authorized to issue a renewal of the hcense upon payment of a renewal fee of Twenty- five Dollars ($25.00). (e) Inelkqibdity Anyone licensed under the provisions of th~s or prewous ordinances per- taining thereto who does not practice his profession w~thin the City of College Station for two (2) consecutive years after the date he received his license or any subsequent renewal thereof, shall not be eligible for renewal of his I~cense. He may, at any later date, re-qualify according to the prow- s~ons of this ordinance Reciprocal Agreements The City of College Station designee (Budding Official) may negotiate reciprocal agreements with other municipalities wherein the license requirements are deemed to be equal to those of this ordinance. Under said reciprocal agreements, a hcense may be issued to anyone possessing a valid license in the municipality w~th which the reciprocal agreement exists w~thout the applicant being required to take the writ- ten and oral examinations provided for in this ordinance Sa~d applicant shall be re- quired to fulfill all other requirements and pay all fees prowded here~n Forfeiture Of Any Bonds The amount realized upon the forfeiture of any bond over and above the expense revolved m its forfeiture shall be expended m making the necessary changes in the electric work found to be contrary to the provisions of th~s ordinance or deficient in quahty or other particulars as specified in the contract or contracts entered into and covered by the bond, and the unused balance, if any, shall be pa~d into the City Treasury ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS AND PERMITS When Permit Required; Exceptions No wiring, poles, duct hne, guy anchors, apparatus, devices, apphances, fixtures or equipment for the transmission, d~stribuhon or uhlizatlon of electrical energy for any purpose shall be ~nstalled within the City hmits, nor shall any alterahon or addition be made to any such existing wiring, poles, duct hnes, guy anchors, apparatus, devices, fixtures or equipment without first securing a permit therefor from the Building Official, except as stated in the following paragraphs (a) Replacin,q Fuses .' No permit shall be required for replacing fuses of hke rating or lamps or the connection of portable appliances to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed or for repairs to portable appliances (b) Replacing Flush or Snap Switches No permit shall be required for replacing flush or snap sw~tches, receptacles, lamp sockets, the ~nstallabon of lamps, or minor repairs on permanently connected electrical apphances (c) Convey~n.q S~.qnals No permit shall be required for the mstallahon, maintenance or alteration of w~nng, poles and down guys, apparatus, dewces, apphances or equipment for telegraph, telephone, s~gnal service or central stahon protectwe servme used ~n conveying s~gnals or mtelhgence, except where electrical work ~s done on the primary side of the source of power at a voltage over 50 volts and of more than 500 watts (d) W~nn.q by Electric Public Service Company No permit shall be required for the installation, maintenance or alteration of electric wiring, apparatus devices, appliances or equipment to be installed by an electric pubhc service company for the use of such company in the generation, transmission, d~stnbuhon, sale or utdization of electrical energy However, an electric public service company shall not do any w~rmg on a customer's d~stribution system, including metenng equipment wherever located and transformer vaults in whmh customer's transformers are located, nor shall any of its employees do any work other than done for said company as hereinbefore provided for by virtue of this excephon (e) Temporary Wiring No permit shall be reqmred for the ~nstallation of temporary w~ring, appara- tus, devices, appliances or equipment used by a recognized electrical train- ing school or college (f') Railway Crossinq Skqnal Dewces No permit shall be required for the installabon and maintenance of railway crossing signal devices, when such is performed by due authority of the rail- road and in accordance with the standards of the American Railroad Asso- ciation, and m collaboration with and approval of the Department of Public Services of the City of College Stahon (g) Suspensions and Revocabons (1) The Building Official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit ~ssued under the provisions of th~s ordinance whenever the permit is ~ssued m error or on the basis of incorrect information supphed or when m wolalion of any ordinance, regulation or any of the provi- sions of th~s ordinance. (2) A permit may be canceled upon notificahon by the owner of the property that the contractor is no longer employed to do work on sa~d property after written notificabon to the Building Offlcml (3) Failure on the part of any licensed master electrician to correct any defect, error or deficiency in any work installed under the authority of an electrical permit issued to him within ten (10) calendar days after written notification thereof from the Building Official, the Building Official shall, without further notice, stop the issuance of permits to such licensed master electrician until such corrections have been made, inspected and approved. This provision shall be cumulabve of all other penalties provided herein. Notificahon and Final Approvals (a) Electrician to Notify Buildin.q Official When any part of a wire installation ~s to be hidden from view by the per- manent placement of parts of a building, the licensed electrician to whom the permit has been issued shall notify the Building Official The licensed electrician to whom the permit has been issued shall g~ve the Building Official due notice and inspection shall be made periodically during the progress of the work, and where at the discretion of the Building Official or his Assistant it is necessary, he shall post notice on the premises stating that work is approved and may be covered, or ~t is not approved and may not be covered, until such further inspechon as ~s necessary has been made Any person removing, destroying, altering or defacing said notice without the consent of the Building Official, shall be deemed guilty of an offense under th~s section, and any work described in said notice shall be stayed pending the further necessary inspection. Upon completion of the work which has been authorized by the issuance of a permit, it shall be the duty of the li- censed electrician, to whom the permit has been issued, to immediately notify the Building Official, who shall inspect or cause to be inspected, such installation within thirty-six (36) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, of the time such notice is given. (b) Final Certificates of Approval If the work is found to be in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, the Building Official, subject to the other applicable provisions of this or- dinance, shall issue a final Certificate of Approval to the public utility company furnishing the electrical service or to the person supplying the energy, which certification shall authorize connection of such approved work to the source of energy of the electrical service, the turning on of the current, and the use of the installation. No connection shall be made until such authorization and final certificate is issued.