HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-2576 - Ordinance - 09/12/2002ORDINANCE NO. 2576 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE 2002-03 FISCAL YEAR AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AS THEREIN PROVIDED. WHEREAS, a proposed budget for the fiscal year October l, 2002, to September 30, 2003, xvas prepared and presented to the City Council and a public hearing held thereon as prescribed by laxv and the Chatter of the Caty of College Stauon, Texas, notice of said hearing having first been duly gaven; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and amended the proposed budget and changes as approved by the City Council have been identified and their effect included in the budget; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the proposed budget as amended by the Cit~· Council of the CitT of College Station, which ~s made a part hereof to the same extent as if set forth at length herein, is hereby adopted and approved, a copy of xvhich is on file m the Office of the Cit3r Secretary in College Stanon, Texas. PART 2: That authorization is hereby granted for the expenditure of the same under the respective items contained m said budget with the approved fiscal procedures of the City. PART 3: That the Cit-).- Manager and his authorized and designated employees, at his discretion, be, and are hereby authorized to sign or release utihty easements; to negonate and sign documents related to the settlement of chsputed assessments for paving, weed moxving, demolition, and other disputes based on legal questions of xvhether the assessments are enforceable or other extenuating circumstances; to sign contracts and documents authorizing the payment of funds and to expend public funds for expenditures that are $50,000 or less; to sign change orders authorizing the expenditure of funds pursuant to SECTION 252.048 of the TE.XLhS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE or as provided m the original contract document. The intent of this section is to provade the abilit3- to conduct daffy affairs of the Cat3' xvhich revolve numerous decisions of a routine nature. PART 4: That the City Manager and his authorized and designated employees, at his chscreuon, be, and are hereby, authorized to provide for transfers of any unexpended or unencumbered appropriauon balance within each of the various departments in the General Fund and wathin an)' other fund of the City in accordance with Section 60.4 of the Charter of the City. of College Station and to authorize transfers of Contingent Appropriations xmthin a fund up to an amount equal to expenditures that are $15,000 or less. The intent of this secuon is to provide the ability to conduct daffy affairs of the CiB' which involve numerous decasions of a routine nature. PART 5: That the Cat3.- Council hereby approves the funding for the outside agencies and organizauons m this budget and authorizes the City Manager and his authorized and designated employees, at his discrenon, to s~gn contracts and documents authorizing the payment of funds, and to expend public expenchtures that have been expressly approved and appropriated in this budget, as set out ha AppenclLx G of the 2002-03 Fiscal Year Budget. ,u\t \~mup\legal¥~rdm,m, \budge! d,a Ordinance No. 2576 Page 2 PART 6: That the Cit3, Council hereby approves the funding and the purchases that are made pursuant to mterlocal agreements as provided by CHAPTER 271, SUBCHAPTERS (D) AND (F) of the TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, in this budget and authorizes the Czt¥ Manager and his authorized and designated employees, at his discreuon, to sign contracts and documents authorizing the payment of funds, and to expend public funds that have been expressly designated, approved, and appropriated in this budget, as set out in the 2002-03 Fiscal Year E'qmpment Replacement Fund, and Attachment "A" to tlus Ordinance. PART 7: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately after passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12'h DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2002. APPROVED: RON SI~,I3~7', Mayor ATTEST: CONNIE HOOKS, City Secreta~- APPROVED: Cn3' Attorney Ordinance No. 2576 Page 3 ATTACHMENT "A" Potential FY 03 QISV or Texas Department of Information Resources Purchases ITEM Estimate Projecte d d Quantity Unit Total Cost Scheduled Replacement Replacement PCs 60 1,050 w/extended Warranty Replacement Monitors 90 270 Replacement Printers 25 1,500 Replacement laptops 5 2,000 Network Support Services (hours) 100 110 Replace 3 servers 3 15,500 Replace 2 servers (may use PCs) 2 6,000 Sever replacement parts (memory, harddrives, array controllers) Upgrade WindowsNT server to 6 505 Windows2000 server software Additional Windows2000 server software 2 505 63,000 24,300 37,500 10,000 11,000 46,500 12,000 10,000 3,030 1,010 Subtotal - Scheduled Replacement 218,340 Service Level Adjustments SLA - Installation of Microsoft Office XP SLA - New Fire engine and equipment - Stat. #5 Mobile Data Computer Premier MDC software RF software Map Objects software SLA - desktop computer setups includes: desktop PC, extended warranty, network card, added memory, monitor standard software SLA - HTE Work Order interface module SLA - HTE Looking Glass Module (add licenses) SLA - SCADA Intellution Web Server 187 60,000 1 8,150 8,150 6 2,435 14,610 1 5,000 5,000 I 12,000 12,000 8 1,000 8,000 OrdmanceNo. 2576 Page 4 Subtotal - Service Level Adiustments 107,760 Unscheduled Replacements/Additions Estimated Additional PC setups not identified specifically in budget includes: monitor, network card, extended warranty, added memory Estimated Standard desktop software not identified specifically in budget includes: Microsoft Office XP Norton AntiVirus Estimated Additional Printers not identified specifically in budget Subtotal - Unscheduled Replacements/Additions 10 2,100 21,000 10 335 3,350 5 1,500 7,500 31,850 Network Software on Master License Agreement (MLA) Border Manager Groupwise ZenWorks Netware Additional licenses to "true up" ZenWorks 1st year maintenance GroupWise 1st year maintenance 45O 8OO 65O 89O 5O 5O 5O 5O 5 2,084 17 13,760 10 6,773 21 18,539 31 1,550 10 521 68 3,400 17 860 Subtotal - Network Software on MLA 47,486 IBM Hardware and Software Maintenance Hardware Maintenance AS400 software support OS400 subscription 36,22O 3,425 7,200 Subtotal - IBM Hardware and Software 46,845 Maintenance GIS Software Maintenance Arclnfo - primary 1 2,358 2,358 Ordinance No. 2576. Page 5 Arclnfo - secondary COGO Arcview concurrent - primary Arcview concurrent - secondary Arcview single use - primary Arcview single use - secondary Spatial Analyst 3D Analyst Network Analyst Tracking Analyst Image Analyst ArclMS ArcSDE 3 10,743 3,581 1 598 598 1 821 821 3 5,277 1,759 7 28,742 4,106 64 1,441,34 22,521 4 3 10,410 3,470 3 10,410 3,470 3 6,138 2,046 1 682 682 3 10,410 3,470 1 1,408 1,408 1 2,815 2,815 Subtotal - GIS Software Maintenance 53,105 HTE Software Maintenance Applicant Tracking Document Management Service Asset Management Fleet Management GMBA (general ledger, budget, payables) Accounts Receivable Purchasing/Inventory Payroll/Personnel Customer Information Services Cash Receipts Land Management Contact Management Contract Billing Continuing Property Planning/Zoning Building Permits Code Enforcement GUI client licenses (QREP) QREP Admin Cognos Impromptu Looking Glass Viewer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5O 1 14 11 1 2,850 2,850 1 2,700 2,700 1 3,350 3,350 1 6,550 6,550 1 14,950 14,950 1 2,200 1 8 800 1 6 600 16,200 4 550 2 850 4 950 2 250 16 850 4,950 4,950 2,850 150 0 250 291 Subtotal - HTE Software Maintenance 2 2O0 8 800 6 600 16 200 4 550 2 850 4 950 2 250 16,850 4 950 4 950 2 850 7 500 0 3,500 3,201 122,601 Grand Total 627,987