HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-2605 - Ordinance - 01/23/2003ORDINANCE NO. 2605 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, "UTILITIES", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 11, "Utilities", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: These rates are effective February 1, 2003. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 23rd day of January, 2003. ATTEST: Connie Hooks, City Secretary APPROVED: ROIx~'S1LNIA, Mayor APPROVED: City Attorney O,~roup/legal/ordinance/amendmentlbrm doc ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 11, "Utilities", Section 4, "Electric Services", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows, SECTION 4: ELECTRICAL SERVICE A. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE OF RATES The monthly rates to be charged consumers for public utility services, namely electrical service, shall be in accordance with the schedules as follows: (1) Connection Fees: (a) Residential I, II and III Service: $15.00 (b) Commercial and Industrial Service: $30.00 (2) Electric Rate - Schedule R (Residential I and II Customers) (a) Applicable to residential customers for all domestic usage where all energy is taken through a single meter. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single phase, 120/240 volts. (c) Rate: Deposit: Service Charge: Energy Charge: $105.00 per dwelling unit $7.00 per month, plus $0.0722 per kWh for the first 500 kWh; $0.0656 per kWh for all kWh over 500, except $0.0596 per kWh for all kWh over 500 in the billing months of November through April. (d) Residential 1II units where served under one (1) master meter shall be billed under Rate Schedule R-1. (e) Transmission Delivery Adjustment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the cu~u 'lordtnance 2003[ordinance no 2605doc. doc I/2 7, '03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 3 (3) application of a transmission delivery adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule TDA provided however that the adjustment shall never be less than zero (0). (0 Automatic Leave On Service - Customers who qualify for automatic leave on service will be billed at the above rate except the monthly service charge will be deleted. Customers will be required to contract with the City for this service provision. Electric Rate - Schedule R-1 (Master Metered Residential III Dwelling Units) (a) Applicable to Residential III dwelling units for all domestic usage where all energy is taken through one (1) master meter. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 volts; three phase 120/240, 120/208, 240/480, 227/480, 2400/4160, 7200/12,470 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers served via under-ground primary to pad-mounted transformers will be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service. (c) Rate - The monthly rate charge for service under this schedule shall be determined as follows: A deposit of $105.00 per dwelling unit will be required. The average kilowatt-hour usage per month per dwelling unit shall be determined by dividing the total monthly kilowatt-hours purchased as determined by the City's master meter, by eighty-five percent (85%) of the total number of permanently constructed dwelling units. The individual energy charge per dwelling unit shall thence be computed on the basis of the average kilowatt-hour usage per month per dwelling unit figured at the following rate: kwh; Energy Charge: $0.0722 per kWh for the first 500 $0.0656 per kWh for all kWh over 500 except; $0.0596 per kWh for all kWh over 500 used per month in the billing months of November through April. cul,t ~ordmance 20031ordtnance no 2605doc. doc 1.'27/03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 4 (4) The total monthly bill shall thence be determined by multiplying the energy charge per unit computed under the above rate by eighty-five percent (85%) of the number of permanently constructed dwelling units, and thence adding the following service charge: Service Charge: $100.00 per month per master meter (d) Transmission Delivery Adjustment - The monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a transmission delivery adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule TDA provided however that the adjustment shall never be less than zero (0). (e) Submetering - Where electric service is submetered, the words "dwelling unit" in the above rate and minimum bill clauses shall be replaced with the word "submeter". The customer operating the submetering system shall provide electric service to his tenants and render bills therefore in strict accordance with the electric submetering rules and regulations as established by the Public Utility Commission of Texas in Substantive Rule No. 23.51, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Secretary. All records and reports provided for in these rules and regulations, other than those specified below, shall be made available to the City upon request. The customer shall not impose any additional charges on his tenants over and above those charges that are billed by the City. For verification purposes, the customer shall, within five days (5) alter his tenant's bills are rendered each month, file a written report with the City showing a reconciliation of his billing to his tenants plus the billing for owner used energy with the charges that are billed by the City. This report shall provide as a minimum the following information: A calculation of the average cost per kilowatt-hour for the current month. A listing of all submeter readings and billings, including kilowatt-hour usage metered and total rate charge, for the current month. Electric Rate-Schedule SC (Small Commercial Customers) (a) Applicable to non-residential customers billed through a single meter whose monthly kilowatt demand does not exceed 15 kW. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. C1tltt. [ordlnance 2003~ordinance no 2605doc doc 1/27,03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 5 (5) (b) Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 volts; three phase 120/240, 120/208, 240/480, 277/480, 2400/4160, 7200/12,470 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers served via under-ground primary to pad-mounted transformers will be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service. (c) Rate: kWh; Service Charge: Energy Charge: $9.00 per month, plus $0.0801 per kWh for the first 1000 $0.0612per kWh for all kWh over 1000. (d) Billing Demand - Demand meters may be installed on all such customers if (I) the installed load would indicate that demands over 15 kW would be experienced; or (2) if the monthly energy usage exceeds 5,250 kWh. A customer on this schedule whose metered demand exceeds 15 kW for any billing period shall be billed under Schedule LP-1 for the next twelve- month period beginning with the current month. (e) Transmission Delivery Adjustment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a transmission delivery adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule TDA provided however that the adjustment shall never be less than zero (0). Electric Rate-Schedule LP-1 (Medium Commercial Customers) (a) Applicable to all commercial or industrial customers where service is taken through one meter at one point of delivery and where the monthly kilowatt demand is between 15 kW and 300 kW. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established roles and regulations of the City covering this type of service. Before service is furnished hereunder, an individual service agreement contract between the Customer and the City may be required outlining all details of the service to be supplied, the terms of the contract, and the obligations of each party. (b) Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 volts; three phase 120/240, 120/208, 240/480, 277/480, 2400/4160, 7200/12,470 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers served via under-ground primary to pad-mounted transformers will be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service. cutu Iordtnance 20031ordinance no 2605doc doc b~7.'03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 6 (c) Rate: (d) (e) (0 (g) Service Charge: Demand Charge: demand, Energy Charge: $25.00 per month, plus $8.44 per kW of monthly billing plus $0.0397 per kWh for all kWh Minimum Monthly Charge - The minimum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the highest one of the following charges: (i) $151.67 per month plus applicable transmission delivery adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. (ii) The sum of service charge and demand charge under the above rate plus applicable transmission delivery adjustment on the kilowatt- hours used. (iii) The minimum monthly charge specified in customer's service contract with the City plus applicable transmission delivery adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. Billing Demand - The billing demand shall be in the maximum 15 minute measured kilowatt demand in the billing period, but not less than 50% of the peak demand measured in the twelve month period ending with the current month. Unless otherwise specified in a firm electric service contract agreement, if at any time a customer billed under this schedule continues for a period of twelve consecutive months without a metered demand in excess of 15 kW, Schedule SC shall apply beginning with the first month succeeding such twelve month period. Likewise, a customer on this schedule whose metered demand exceeds 300 kW for any billing period shall be billed under Schedule LP-2 for the next twelve month period beginning with the current month. Power Factor - Should the power factor be lower than 0.90 lagging, the City may adjust the measured demand by multiplying by the ratio of 0.90 to the actual power factor. Primary Service - Where service is taken by the customer at the City's available primary voltage and where the customer owns, operates, and maintains all service facilities except metering equipment, required to take service at such voltage, a credit of 2% of the base rate charges will be allowed. Metering may be primary or secondary (corrected for the transformer losses) at the City's option. culu'lordinance 2003 Iordtnance no 2605doc doc I ;77'I)3 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 7 (6) (h) Transmission Delivery Adjustment - The Monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a transmission delivery adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule TDA provided however that the adjustment shall never be less than zero (0). (i) Electric On-Peak/Off Peak Rider (i) Off-peak Rider - Where the customer reimburses the City for the cost of purchasing and installing the required demand metering equipment, as selected by the City, to continuously monitor a customer's load peak demand, this off-peak rider shall apply in computing the customer's monthly electric bill. Under this rider, the demand for billing purposes shall be adjusted to be as follows: (ii) The peak demand measured during the period defined as the on- peak period plus one-half the amount the peak demand measured during the off-peak period exceeds the peak demand measured during the on-peak period. However, in no case shall the billing demand in any month be less than 50% of the peak demand measured in the twelve-month period ending with the current month. The periods for application of this rider are defined as follows: On-Peak Period - 6:00 AM through 11:00 PM on Monday through Friday Off-Peak Period - 11:00 PM through 6:00 AM on Monday through Friday and 11:00 PM on Friday through 6:00 AM on Monday Electric Rate Schedule LP-2 (Large Commercial) (a) Applicable to all commercial or industrial customers where service is taken through one meter at one point of delivery and where the monthly kilowatt demand is from 300 kW to 1500 kW. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. Before service is furnished hereunder, an individual service agreement contract between the customer and the City may be required outlining all details of the service to be supplied, the terms of the contract, and the obligations of each party. culu Iordmance 2003[ordtnance no 2605doc doc '2?/03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 8 (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (g) Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 volts; three phase 120/240, 120/208, 240/480, 277/480, 2400/416, 7200/12,470 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers served via under-ground primary to pad-mounted transformers will be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service. Rate: Service Charge: Demand Charge: demand, Energy Charge: $75.00 per month, plus $8.44 per kW of monthly billing plus $0.0397 per kWh for all kWh Minimum Monthly Charge - The minimum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the highest one of the following charges: (i) $2,608.47 per month plus applicable transmission delivery adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. (ii) The sum of service charge and demand charge under the above rate plus applicable transmission delivery adjustment on the kilowatt- hours used. (iii) The minimum monthly charge specified in the customer's service contract with the City, plus applicable power cost the City, plus applicable transmission delivery adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. Billing Demand - The billing demand shall be in the maximum 15 minute measured kilowatt demand in the billing period, but not less than 50% of the peak demand measured in the twelve month period ending with the current month. Unless otherwise specified in a firm electric service contract agreement, if at any time a customer, billed under this schedule continues for a period of twelve consecutive months without a metered demand in excess of 300 kW, Schedule LP-1 shall apply beginning with the first month succeeding such twelve month period. Power Factor - Should the power factor be lower than 0.90 lagging, the City may adjust the measured demand by multiplying by the ratio of 0.90 the actual power factor. Primary Service - Where service is taken by the customer at the City's available primary voltage and where the customer owns, operates and cu~u ~ordtnance 2003~ordtnance no 2605doc doc 1/2" 03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 9 (7) maintains all service facilities, except metering equipment, required to take service at such voltage, a credit of 2% of the base rate charges will be allowed. Metering may be primary or secondary (corrected for the transformer losses) at the City's option. (h) Transmission Delivery Adjustment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a transmission delivery adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule TDA provided however that the adjustment shall never be less than zero (0). (i) Electric On-Peak/Off-Peak Rider (i) Upon the customer's request, this rider shall be made available to customers billed under the rate schedule LP-2, whose monthly demand is greater than 300 kW, and who can reduce their load during the City's On-Peak time between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.. Under this rider, the demand for billing purposes shall be adjusted to be as follows: (ii) Rate: The applicable rate schedule demand charges shall be replaced by the following on-peak/off-peak rates: On-Peak Demand Charge: Off-Peak Demand Charge: $5.95, plus $3.08 However, in no case shall the off-peak billing demand in any month be less than 50% of the off-peak demand measured in the twelve (12) month period ending with the current month. The periods for application of this rider are defined as follows: On-Peak Period - Off-Peak Period - 5:00 PM through 8:00 PM, daily. 8:00 PM through 5:00 PM, daily. Electric Rate Schedule LP - 3 (Industrial) (a) Applicable to all industrial customers where service is taken through one meter at one point of delivery and where the monthly kilowatt demand is greater than 1500 kW. Service will be furnished subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. Before service is fumished hereunder, an individual service agreement contract between the customer and the City may be required outlining all details of culu Iordinance 2003lordb~ance no 2605doc doc 1,~7,'03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 10 (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 the service to be supplied, the terms of the contract, and the obligations of each party. Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 volts; three phase 120/240, 120/208, 240/480, 277/480, 2400/416, 7200/12,470 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers served via under-ground primary to pad-mounted transformers will be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service. Rate: Service Charge: Demand Charge: demand, Energy Charge: $250.00 per month, plus $8.00 per kW of monthly billing plus $0.0381 per kwh for all kwh Minimum Monthly Charge - The minimum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the highest on f the following charges: (i) $12,247.69 per month plus applicable transmission delivery adjustment on the kilowatt used (ii) The sum of service charge and demand charge under the above rate plus applicable transmission delivery adjustment on the kilowatt- hours used. (iii) The minimum monthly charge specified in the customer's service contract with the City, plus applicable transmission delivery adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. Billing Demand - The billing demand shall be in the maximum 15 minute measured kilowatt demand in the billing period, but not less the 50% of the peak demand measured in the twelve month period ending with the current month. Unless otherwise specified in a firm electric service contract agreement, if at any time a customer, billed under the schedule continues for a period of twelve consecutive months without a metered demand in excess of 300 kW, Schedule LP-1 shall apply beginning with the first month succeeding such twelve month period. Power Factor - Should the power factor be lower than 0.90 lagging, the City may adjust the measured demand by multiplying by the ratio of 0.90 the actual power factor. Ctt~tt Ionhnance 2003lordtnance no 2605doc doc 1~7'03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 11 (8) (g) Primary Service - Where service is taken by the customer at the City's available primary voltage and where the customer owns, operates and maintains all service facilities, except metering equipment, required to take service at such voltage, a credit of 2% of the base rate charges will be allowed. Metering may be primary or secondary (corrected for the transformer losses) at the City's option. (h) Transmission Delivery Adjustment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a transmission delivery adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule TDA provided however that the adjustment shall never be less than zero (0). (i) Electric On-Peak/Off-Peak Rider (i) Upon the customer's request, this rider shall be made available to customers billed under the rate schedule LP-2, whose monthly demand is 300 kW or greater, and who can reduce their load during the City's On-Peak time between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.. Under this rider, the demand for billing purposes shall be adjusted to be as follows: (ii) Rate: The applicable rate schedule demand charges shall be replaced by the following on-peak/off-peak rates: On-Peak Demand Charge: Off-Peak Demand Charge: $5.64, plus $2.91 However, in no case shall the billing demand in any month be less than 50% of the peak demand measured in the twelve (12) month period ending with the current month. The periods for application of this rider are defined as follows: On-Peak Period - 5:00 PM through 8:00 PM, daily. Off-Peak Period - 8:00 PM through 5:00 PM, daily. Electric Rate-Schedule SL (100 Watt Security Lights) (a) Applicable to service 100 watt security lights installed and maintained by the City for customers at their request. The customer will be required to contract for this service for a period to be determined by the City. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. culu. [ordmance 20031ordtnance no 2605doc doc I,~7/03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 12 (9) (10) (b) Character of Services - Security lighting equipment, including lamps, fixtures, controls units, and the necessary security lighting circuits, transformers, guys, anchors, fittings, etc. will be furnished by the City subject to the payment of an installation fee as set by the City. (c) Rate: $7.66 per month per light. (d) Transmission Delivery Adjustment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a transmission delivery adjustment (based on estimated 39 kWh per light per billing period) calculated in accordance with Schedule TDA provided however that the adjustment shall never be less than zero (0). Electric Rate-Schedule SL (200 Watt Security Lights) (a) Applicable to service 200 watt security lights installed and maintained by the City for customers at their request. The customer will be required to contract for this service for a period to be determined by the City. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. (b) Character of Service - Security lighting equipment, including lamps, fixtures, control units, and the necessary security lighting circuits, transformers, guys, anchors, fittings, etc. will be furnished by the City subject to the payment of an installation fee as set by the City. (c) Rate: $11.27 per month per light. (d) Transmission Delivery Adjustment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a transmission delivery adjustment (based on estimated 75 kWh per light per billing period) calculated in accordance with Schedule TDA provided however that the adjustment shall never be less than zero (0). Electric Rate - Schedule SL (400 Watt Security Lights) (a) Applicable to service 400 watt security lights installed and maintained by the City for customers at their request. The customer will be required to contract for this service for a period to be determined by the city. Service will be furnished subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. cu~u ~ordtnance 2003~ordtnance no 2605doc doc 1/27'03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 13 (11) (b) Character of Service - Security lighting equipment, including lamps, fixtures, control units, and the necessary security lighting circuits, transformers, guys, anchors, fittings, etc. will be furnished by the City subject to the payment of an installation fee as set by the City. (c) Rate: $23.61 per month per light. (d) Transmission Delivery Adjustment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a transmission delivery adjustment (based on estimated 150 kWh per light per billing period) calculated in accordance with Schedule TDA provided however that the adjustment shall never be less than zero (0). Electric Rate-Schedule TDA (Transmission Delivery Adjustment) Electric service billed under all applicable rate schedules shall be subject to the application of a transmission delivery adjustment (TDA) charge determined by multiplying the billing kilowatt-hours for the current month times a Transmission Delivery Adjustment Factor (TDAF). The TDAF shall be calculated on an annualized basis in accordance with the following formula: TDAF = TC - (P) (K) - CF S Definitions: TDAF = TC = Transmission delivery adjustment factor rounded to the nearest $0.0001 per kWh Total estimated transmission delivery cost including congestion fees, ERCOT fees, ancillary costs, QSE fees and any other costs associated with delivery of wholesale power to College Station on an annualized basis from City's wholesale energy supplier and other transmission entities. ($) Total estimated wholesale energy purchases on an annualized basis from City's wholesale energy supplier. (kWh) culu'~or&nance 2003~ordmance no 2605doc doc 1,27.'03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 14 (12) Base transmission delivery cost included in the City's retail electric rate schedules. ($0.003 per kWh) Total estimated kilowatt-hours energy sales to City customers on an annualized basis. (kWh) CF Correction factor adjustment to be applied to correct for any variance between actual TDA costs and revenues. The calculation of CF shall be performed on a monthly basis with the results of this reconciliation applied to the TDAF on an as-needed basis to maintain TDA revenues and costs in close proximity. ($) The formula for the calculation of the CF shall be as follows: CF =(A) - (B) where (A) = The actual transmission delivery adjustment revenues received from the application of the Transmission Delivery Adjustment Factor for the subject reconciliation period. ($) (B) = The actual transmission delivery adjustment costs which should have been recovered from the application of the Transmission Delivery Adjustment Factor for the subject reconciliation period. ($) Electric Rate - Schedule PQF (Purchases from Qualifying Small Power Production and Cogeneration Facilities less than or equal to 100 kW) (a) Applicable to qualifying Small Power Production and Cogeneration facilities (QF's) with a design capacity of 100 kW or less who contract, under mutually agreeable terms, with the City for the sale of energy and for any necessary interconnections. A QF is defined as a small power production or cogeneration facility that qualifies under Subchapter K, Part 292, Subpart B of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Regulations that implement Section 201 and 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. Such facilities must fully comply with the City's Electric Service Rules and Regulations in reference to QF's to qualify for purchases to be made under this rate. (b) Interconnections Costs - Each QF Producer shall be obligated to pay interconnection costs directly related to the installation of the physical facilities necessary to permit interconnected operations with the qualifying cu[u'tordtnance 20031ordinance no 2605doc. doc 1/27t03 ORDINANCE NO. 2605 Page 15 facility. Interconnection costs shall be determined in accordance with the City's Electric Service Rules and Regulations applicable to QF's, and such costs shall be paid by the QF Producer prior to any purchase of energy by the City. (c) Rate The City will pay the QF Producer for all power purchased at the following rates: (i) Capacity - No payment shall be made, except by separate firm power contract between the Producer and the City. (ii) Energy - The metered output from the Producer will be purchased at a rate equal to the City's total energy and fuel cost divided by the total kilowatt-hours purchased, as calculated from the most recent wholesale power bill. In the event that the Producer exercises the option to sell power to the City, there will be assessed, in addition to the minimum monthly bill requirements under the applicable service rate schedule(s), a customer service charge of $15.00 per month to cover costs realized for metering, billing, maintenance, administrative, and other expenses necessary to maintain service to the QF. (d) Metering and Payment Options The available revenue metering arrangements for QF's and the payment options to the Producer for energy purchases to be made by the City therefrom shall be as defined in the City's Electric Service Rules and Regulations pertaining to qualifying small power production and cogeneration facilities. (13) Electric Rider - HED (Higher Education Discount) In accordance with Section 2.2141 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act (1995), a 20 percent discount will be given to any four-year state university, upper-level institution, Texas state technical college or college that qualifies for such discount under the statute. culu Iordtnance 2003[ordinance no 2605doc doc 1.~7~03