HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 Brigadoon 042005 A&f,1 CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL CHORAL OEPART(,1ENT presents LEWJER AHv lQWE'S 8 : 00 p. .m. April 28 ',8! .?9' - I\'lay 5 & 6 . , High S~}\bol 'Auditorium V.iJl'?c:ted . By MM. W~ R. SmUh Ruth GoJr.dOrt ,.f4~W"l CltolLeogJr.a.phy MaJlg Met B. MCNLthuJc., Mu.6.ic. P-ianM.t: GalttJ ~JUii.am.6 =J 'r . . ,c./ / CH ORUS Gina nil1er Gi ria" l~ioore Claire Oxley Kf!r'ry Pfannsti e 1 *Robin Pfannstiel Davi'd Roop *Tom Rosser Brerrda RO\f.J 1 and ;:limi 5i ci 1 i 0 O'iane' .Sims Elizabeth Smith · 'Ca'rlY1 S ta te n Lorena Thomas f.I:; ke Tlromoson Carol Hhitaker . Stan !~hi t~horn Lisa Zingaro *Soloists Jack Adams :Kerstin Archer Janet Allison !Jana Baker [.'1artha.Ba.ssett Christy Bockholt Janice Bright J'im Case Sharon Cashion "Co'ni Cl aycar.lp Gary CO.oper. tarry Covington Debra Dale lPat Dav; s Toomy Davi s ",Kr;:sti ne Di ekert l"'ie 1 i ssa Fi sher "OIe.ff; Hatslet *Karen Hii 11 *Jfrh 'H-arri s'. Ernie Harvell ~ lhr'l ne Heard" ~tieg Hensar.l i n9 . Val eri e Hewi tt. 8i'11 Hooper .~ Sa'11 y Hoover Peggy Kieffer '~Nanty Lancaster Debbie Lard '.B06 Leland' Cheri Lindquist <atidy'Little *Do'1 Logan *r1~rk Logan . Tracy' ~:1cAdams *Beth ;lcArthur ." .- DANCERS ~.OI ~ ~- _. : : .::.~~' r. .. 'f' .i~ .r ~. ~J:. Nartha Bassett ChristY.aoc~holt J;~ Birannen . Jim Case Debra Dale *Pat Davis TortIny Davis -Kristine Diekert ,eli fftird Dayton 1. , i~e"~ 1 ~s~, ' Fi she~r;' . y.Paul'Gatnes', . l' ~ , . Rare" -Ha~ll ~ ....-., . *Ji'm' Harri 5 " *Ernle Harvell Va,lerle He\tJltt *Cherl Lindquist Don Log.a n , *Gi na Jjfll er ... , :.. . ;0 ~ :;., ~ '.'*'Beth'1\fcArthur .; .,*~1 ~ i re~Qx 1 ~y 'Ja ne't P'et-s'on terry Pfannstiel Robin Pfannstiel B rend a RO\'11 and *~j ~_ (:~~~~i1 \ C-a ro~l' Stat-en .- r;'~ifke St.ewart . I " Johrr~a)( '- . '.. Loreh~ thoma '$:' T";c' \ "..:. ~ ~ .... /' ,.' ~ t:~ ...... ;~ ~ "1 *~OlO DANCERS .l. CAST , (In Order of Appearance) SYNOPSIS OF SCENES 1 Scottish Highlands May morning. ACT A forest i the about five on a n 1 SCENE Logan n'ru'nd 1 ~ge J1a rk ...1"'Ii..~ Kevin . . Tommy Albright A roa~ ~n Brigadoon, then the village square--NacConnachy Square--later the same "~orni.ng ~. SCENE 2 Cooper Gary Jeff Douglas Beaton Arc hie The .B'roc"k'le o,pen shed Ern' e Harv~ 11 Harry Beaton just past noon SCENE 3 Lpgan .. .. ,. . -..:. . ' ,Ilpn . . " . .,i. ". .... Robin' ;~f~nns tie 1 . 'I. t. . ; i'1acGregor Angus mid-afternoon. Lund; e-- .1r Outside the house of immediately following Hou se (.lac La ren The SCENE tl SCENE 5 Sandy Dean ~,1cArtfhu r Seth ieg Brockie * I NTERrlll S5 ION* La:rry Covi .ngton b,ebqie. La~rd .. .. f'1acLaren Andrew 11 ACT 1. i t:'d q~;'i s t I'1acLaren Fiona at dusk Outside the Kirk of Brigadoon 1 SCENE Cheri i\lacLaren Jean later that Brigadoon i'nside A forest night.. SCENE '2 Jfm Har.ri s Charlie Dalrymple rnmediately fol1ow- i ;, n 13rigadoon A r.oad ing SCENE 3 Ox 1 ey Claire 3.i'.1 v ". ~ \..' .. -} .:,:; i . ~~I~a . '. . i~1agg i e Anderson J:f~p p.e r '.. tall er ... , -:1 ~ j':lr Lundi e Kate Beaton soon after The glen JIl ''-f . SCE~'JE Rosser 10m Stuart Dalrymple Frank four months City York Ne\'J in A bar later SCENE 5 1~-- Scene 1 The forest--(same as Act three nights later G SCENE I " bay id 'Roap Kes 1 i, e B l-ool,*rg, this year 'lay of s ; II The time of UBrigadoon ... OF BRIGADOON TOl-./NS FOL:( Jane Ashton i,:lrs. Ruth Gordon i.,ilcGi 11 1\1rs. t4illiam R. Smith f~lrs. Helen Perry Art Department Mrs. Nina Landolt S h O.J. '~a..~. .., ~.&.T 7 pee~, ~r.1tme-fJ:ll~." '1 :~lr~i)l JJ.~ =tib J1 e'hitiaril. . t'.1rs. Pam Gi 1more 'bemak:lng Department '~1~ .t~'.)11 F t - r; "'III~. I o'l~. os er .} '.~lr1. :L;e~i s Bond ~ ~t-~lr. rifcCu ; n c i .it' .f':'H'1i:gh Shop Dept. : · l1r .~.!,Btlb, Boone . f1rs. Fe'rn Hanman "To\Om Ta 1 k II Community 2.C~leyJs~on r '."d' t Ur,foul" . 1"'.1 ' wes. ,,:.:, ueo" ... ... .. F orbe;s School of Dance in Da 11 as .tr.r.....;b....~1t J2tA.le If ') ~. ~) ..... r. ,;. " . . I ~f I~ ~ lr;4Q~ .; .....,of. - '... "" hp' ~ j- 1 P fl ~ : : ' l"C~Olr.;Jl a ress J f'8a tt'at1~ on II "Paper Tigerll KORA \~ITA~!l Pruitts Kathy Curtis Fabrics Stagecenter Aggie Players All the Patient Parents HY Patient Husband c , . . . AC KNO\-llE DGEr.1ENTS .. '.~ f~ (~ ? .., 3~ : ~ .; ~; T;j \,1 . ~. ... ' A.musicale is a wonderful, exoitiflg~ and "hair-raising" expene'1oo., It's ,a com- bination of frustration, tew~, en9:~e8!?", rehearsals, new friendships, teamwork, lost homework, respo.~sibilitie8,. .t~ern~n.~8:.. per- sonal growth arid unbelievdbly ha:1ad work for all. I could n-e1!er have~, put it. t-,)g~~he.tr alO'ne and wil! never forget the endles8 hours given by two vepy, special volu1'J.teers. . 3 R:uth}dic~iZl and B. J. Smith have bfJen. a; ':joy:t..(>. ~~", with and the cast and I lJiZl be fozaever in their debt. ;, ;' ., It is difficult to find: the liJords to descraibe the cast, dancers,,' choI'US and crae1.J. They.J;lfzve .7Jorkeg,r,un1;il they were- reai1y', to . drop and have raeally put their hea1't into "Braigadoon!" . Th~y; .q:re i young ;men andNwmnen of whom we can be very proud and it has~' b~en an honor to work with them. I will be fox-evex- grateful for, th~'19PYOrfW'!-i:~y~ 'I'heY:,rat.e the 1 . gx-eatest Teens in the worldl a ,~~. 1- ...~ _~ t 1 ,. Maragr.aaet McArthur Sr~GE, :CREW~ .,~' ..: Coni Cl ay,camp .-'- Stage-Uanager John logan Raymond Henderson Peggy Kieffer Frances lJi 1 born Janice Bright Laura Burns - _ . Bob- .J;e,tand . : :Jeff. tlsi s 1 et .. N;~ke }h,ompson : :~Te~g. 1ltei n\~eiJer .' Karen~;bert :~ ~. . Otab~ ~B!rad 1 ey <~~;. ~ :.-~ ~;1., ..~ t' 1 ~>' l ~f ;'SP]L . '. ~ .;. , , '. ... <> Paul Gaines -:~1 j ~w wCJbi,efi': :.' . ,: ':;..: rh~: 1 ,,~ ~ ~~':. )~.' ~:-;', "'. , f;lrs. Landolt I s c 1 a 5seS '. f la...tIiJ'" Henderson f:1rs. Perry I s classe"'S~z;. ,,", f ~.: L....r1B'arker James Adams " '(~ Stla1Uf1tehorn Jack Adams '~, '?,":~ ';~' ~~ 1>"1" .., :iI -~ .. ..,. 4' . ""J- ~ ~ t 'I;." , , ; ,,- ~ ... ' ~! :.-.. ~\r ~ Typed by: Sa.ra Be:ned1 ct ,c./ /