HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/09/2005 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks BoardPARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD _/q" AGENDA CITY OF COLLEGE STATION REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 9, 2005, 7:00 p.m. The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road • College Station, Texas 1. Call to order. 2. Swearing in of new and returning Advisory Board members. 3. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 4. Hear visitors. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of July 12, 2005. 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding potential Park Land Dedication Request for Williams Creek Subdivision N Park Zone 14. 7. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding Interpretation Plan for Lick Creek Park Michelle Bynum, Intern. 8. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding potential changes to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. 9. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding the Senior Advisory Committee member recommendations to the City Council — Marci Rodgers. 10. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding Third Quarter Park Maintenance Standards. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding proposed FY2006 Parks and Recreation Department User Fees. 12. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan. 13. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program: ■ Park Land Dedication Project List ■ Current Capital Improvement Project List ■ Veterans Park & Athletic Complex 14. Discussion of calendar, future meeting dates, and possible agenda items: ■ Joint Meeting with Planning & Zoning N August 18, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. ■ September Regular meeting N September 13, 2005 • Landfill Park Report N September 13th Meeting ■ Recreation Center Report — October 11th Meeting 15. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Staff Present: Steve Beachy; Ric Ploeger; Marci Rodgers; Curtis Bingham; Peter Lamont; Pam Springfield Members Present: Jodi Warner; Jeannie McCandless, Glenn Schroeder; Gary Erwin; Gary Thomas; Harry Green Members Absent: John Crompton; Carol Blaschke; Kathleen Ireland Guests Present: Michelle Bynum, Intern; Joe Schultz, TEXCON 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Jodi Warner at 7:02 p.m. 2. Swearinq in of New and ReaDDointed Board Members,: Gary Erwin was sworn in for a second, two-year term and Harry Green was sworn in to his first, two-year term. John Crompton would be sworn in at the next meeting. 3. Pardon N Dossible action concernina reauests for absences of members from meetinq. John Crompton and Carol Blaschke had submitted requests for absence. Gary T. moved to accept the two requests for absence that had been submitted. Gary E. seconded and the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Hear visitors. Hearing none, this item was closed. S. Discussion, consideration, and possible aDDroval of minutes from Regular Board meeting of Julv 12, 2005. Glenn S. moved to accept the minutes from the July 12, 2005 meeting. Jeannie M. seconded and the vote was called. The motion carried unanimously and the minutes were approved. 6. Discussion. consideration, and Dossible action reaardina Park Land Dedication reauests for Williams Creek Subdivision (Park Zone 14). Ric P. stated that this was a request for 110 single family units. Williams Creek had been seen twice by the Board - in April 2004 and again in May 2005 - and both times the Board had accepted a cash dedication in lieu of land. The development was near Lick Creek Park, at the southeast corner of the East Rock Prairie Road and Greens Prairie Road intersection. Joe Schultz, the engineer for the project, was there representing the owner. He could also answer any questions the Board may have. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. For those new to the Board, Ric briefly described the purpose of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. For this dedication, the Board had the choice of taking cash, land, or a combination of both. The owners had proposed a dedication of a 1.25-acre lot and some part of one of the detention facilities. Depending on how much of the detention area the board accepted, there could be anywhere between a one- and three -acre park. The detention area had a flat bottom, approximately 240' x 120', which could be used for soccer practice. The property had good street access. The residents in that area would not necessarily need open space (due to the size of the lots), but they would want a playground and a basketball court, and this was the way it could be provided. The city would be responsible for maintaining the accepted portion of the detention if it was accepted. Staff was recommending that the Board make a site visit before the next meeting in order to make a determination. Glenn S. made a motion that the Board look at the property before the next meeting. Gary T. seconded. Hearing no further discussion, the vote was called. All in were in favor of a site visit to look at the proposed dedication, and the motion carried unanimously. A site visit would be arranged. 7. Report, discussion and possible action reaardina Interoretation Plan for Lick Creek Park N Michelle Bvnum, Intern. Steve B. introduced Michelle Bynum, a senior at A&M from the Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Department. He explained that Michelle was doing an internship project for Parks - developing an environmental interpretive plan for Lick Creek Park. Michelle gave a brief presentation (see attached) describing her research. She had gone out to the park and familiarized herself with the trails. She had also conducted interviews with experts on the topical aspects and had done some internet research. Once she'd gathered her information, she'd written the narratives that would go on the signs describing the history of the park, the plants, animals, and birds. Her presentation included two examples of signs she had created. Michelle had also been in charge of choosing the locations for the signs, as well as the best type of sign to use. She described the three sign types she'd chosen and explained how she had decided on the location and placement of the signs. A total of thirty-three signs would be interspersed throughout the park. Numbered stakes had gone into the ground with a corresponding map showing the number and location of where the signs would be placed. No sign color had been decided. The signs chosen were expensive, but Michelle suggested having signs in color for a few specific items and using black and white signs for the remainder. A detailed work -up of the signs would have to be sent to Pannier Graphics (the company who does the signs) in order to get a cost estimate. The members felt that this would be a wonderful asset to the park and that Michelle had done a great job. Steve B. stated that once Michelle had finished her report, estimates would be sought. Glenn S. made a motion in support of the signage for Lick Creek Park and to proceed as soon as possible to get the signs installed. Gary E. seconded. After a brief discussion regarding sign details, the vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion carried unanimously. S. Report, discussion and possible action reaardina potential chances to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. Steve stated that a couple of recommendations had been made at the last meeting. Those recommendations had been incorporated into the document and reviewed by Legal, Development Services staff, and Parks staff. Steve had wanted to have a final discussion before the joint meeting with Planning and Zoning on August 18th, when the ordinance could potentially be approved. The revisions did not change the fee requirements or the number of dwelling units but they did define how a developer could develop the park and how smaller dedications could be approved at the administrative level to keep them from going to the Board. Steve stated that while the ordinance did not provide formal wording to state that the smaller dedications would be reported to the Board, the information would become a part of the reports that the Board received monthly. A dedication such as the one presented earlier in the evening (agenda item #6) would have to go before the Board for review. After brief discussion, Steve asked that any motion be held until the joint meeting. 9. Report, discussion, and possible action reciardina Senior Advisory Committee member recommendations ,.► Marci Rodaers. Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator was there on behalf of the Senior Services Committee to recommend five people (Robert Meyer, Edgar Jones, Doreen Todd, Joyce Davis, and Rick Heaney) to be appointed to the Committee. She was also asking that the Board to appoint Robert Meyer as Chairman and Neal Nutall as Vice Chairman. Marci said that she had met with all five and they had agreed to serve. This would give the Committee a total of fifteen members with five rotating off every year. Gary E. moved to accept the names as submitted. Jeannie M. seconded. The motion was amended to accept the names as submitted with the recommendations for Chairman and Vice Chairman. Jeannie seconded the amended motion. There being no further questions, the vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Marci told the Board that the presentation to update the City Council on the senior center had gone well, with Council responding very favorably. She said the next step was for the Senior Advisory Committee to meet with other senior groups to find what they would like in a center. Those results would come back to the Board and then to Council. Jodi stated that the Board members would be happy to help with the public hearing process if needed. 10. Report, discussion, and possible action reaardinci Third Ouarter Park Maintenance Standards ,.► Curtis Sinaham. This report had been included in the member's packets. Curtis said that Parks Operations had broken the 89% barrier of the last two quarters, with 91% of the maintenance standards met. He briefly went over a few items: • 8.5 basketball courts had recently been resurfaced - there may be improvement in this category in the next quarter. • Repairs had been made to the sand volleyball courts. • Gabbard Pond had been treated to get rid of weeds. Major fishing pier/deck repairs need to be done. • Parks Operations is certifying staff to put dye in the park ponds. • Repairs had been done to signs, benches, and water fountains, and trash receptacles had been painted. Curtis stated that the goal was to reach and remain at 90% in 2006. Gary E. commented that Parks Operations did an excellent job as always. Harry G. asked if there was a schedule for repairs. Steve stated that there was a schedule for bigger items such as playgrounds, but not for smaller items like trash receptacles. This was an information item only and no action was required. 11. Reoort, discussion, and possible action reaardina or000sed FY2006 Parks and Recreation Deoartment User Fees,. Steve B. stated that this was the first report regarding the fees for FY2006. An updated fees schedule (attached) had been distributed with new fees or suggested fee changes highlighted in yellow. Staff was not asking for any action at this time, just wanting to keep the Board informed. The Fees Subcommittee (Gary Erwin, Carol Blaschke, Glenn Schroeder, and Kathy Ireland) had met twice. Some of the changes were briefly discussed: • Transfer/cancellation fee - In order to help recover the administrative cost of the process, this fee was being added throughout all the services. • Redevelopment fee increase - The athletic field improvement and replacement fund had started at $5 per child or $75 per adult team to do improvements on the facilities those people were using. The fees are not used for maintenance. When it was set up it was agreed that the amount would be looked at after a period of time in order to try and build up the fund. Going from $5 to $10 was an attempt to move in that direction. The adult field improvement fund was not changing. • Pavilions - There was a small increase proposed in some of the fees so that the costs for similar pavilions were the same. The fees for Crompton Park pavilion had also been added. • The fees for the Conference Center were changed in order to simplify them. • There were some pool fees that had changed. • Wording regarding Xtra Education and Wolf Pen Creek amphitheater had been added. • Athletic field fees - A flat daily rental rate would be charged, with no more weekend rates. Any rental over ten hours will be charged the daily rate of $100 per field, per rental. Hourly rentals fees will go to $10 per hour and the fee for lights would go to $10 per hour also. A game field prep fee, per field is being added. Steve briefly went through the process for fee changes. New fees will go into effect on January 1st. Staff would come back to the Board in September for approval and hopefully to City Council in November. 12. Review, discussion, and oossible action concerning Board and Deoartmental Goals and Obiectives, and City Council Strategic Plan. • The Program and Facility Needs Assessment final surveys were being collected from city staff through Friday, August 12, 2005. The report could come back to the Board in October or November. • The dedication for Crompton Park should be sometime this fall. • BVSWMA did approve a second round of funding for 2006 for the Grimes County Regional Park. A meeting was tentatively set for August 31st with Chet Edwards to see if it would be possible to seek federal assistance for the project. The appraisals will be presented to TMPA board in Denton on September 8t". The Board will try to do a fall site tour. 13. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Proaram. The Capital Improvement Project List and the Park Land Dedication Project List had been included in the Board packets. Ric stated that there had not been a lot of changes since the last meeting. He had slides of the Jack & Dorothy Miller basketball court, the Crompton Park development, and renderings of the pavilion and concession buildings for Veterans Park, Phase II. A few • Once the Park Land Dedication Ordinance revisions were complete, approval from Council would follow soon after - most likely within a month. • Edelweiss Gartens Park would most likely be developed by the developer. • On the Park Land Dedication List, Park Zone 1 fees should be more. The list would be updated and sent to the board. Hearing no further questions this item was closed. 14. Discussion of next meetina dates and uossible aaenda items. • The next Regular Meeting N September 13, 2005. A report will be given about the landfill park project. • October Regular Meeting N October 11, 2005. The recreation center report will be given at that time. • A site tour for Williams Creek was tentatively set for August 25th at 5:30 p.m. Pam would send an e-mail out. • The Planning & Zoning joint meeting will be held on August 18, 2005. Harry G. stated that he would be out of town. 15. Adiourn. Gary T. moved to adjourn the meeting, with a second from Gary E. The vote was called. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 2005 - 2006 PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Jodi Warner, Chair (7106) 3521 Graz Drive College Station, Texas 77845 (H) 696-1297 (W) 492-3065 E-mail: jodiwarner@gmail.com Glenn Schroeder (7/06) 1304 Autumnwood Drive College Station, Texas 77845 (H) 693-9937 (W) 846-5717 E-mail: gschroeder(U�agaiecatholic.orq John Crompton (6/07) 1515 Foxfire College Station, Texas 77845 (H) 696-0825 (W) 845-5320 E-mail: icromptonatamu.edu Harry Green (6/07) 1304 Scarborough Drive College Station, Texas 77845 (H) 696-4499 (W) NA E-mail: HarJrAa52Cc�aol.com Gary Erwin (6107) 4513 Amber Stone Court College Station, Texas 77845 (H) 690-8013 E-mail: erwin74().aol.com CSISD Liaison - (CSISD Is reappointing this position) (appointed 212005) Director of Public Relations/Education Foundation Director College Station ISD Administrative Offices 1812 Welsh College Station, Texas 77840 (W) 764-5402 / 764-5422 E-mail: aganterO-csisd.orq Carol Blaschke (7106) 1002 Woodhaven Circle College Station, Texas 77840-2634 (H) 260-1142 (W) N/A E-mail: blaschke(&tca.net Kathleen Ireland (7106) 9100 Timber Knoll Drive College Station, Texas 77845-9382 (H) 696-8222 (W) N/A E-mail: irishmist2a.verizon.net Jeannie McCandless (7/06) 310 Suffolk Avenue College Station, Texas 77840-3020 (H) 1-936-307-6342 (W) N/A E-mail: ieanniewmcO.vahoo.com Gary Thomas (7106) 336 Landsburg Lane College Station, Texas 77845 (H) 485-8902 (W) N/A E-mail: olarmv580vahoo.com 0:/8oardWemberV200"S Member Ust doc A-eenda, item #6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding a potential Park Land Dedication Request for Williams Creek Subdivision in Park Zone 14. Please note that at the time of packet distribution, an accurate Park Land Dedication Checklist was not complete. This item will be distributed at the meeting on Tuesday evening. Date Received: Park Zone: Current Zone Balance: Project Location: Name of Development: Phase: Applicant: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone Number/Fax: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Address: City/StateZip: Phone Number/Fax: E-Mail: REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist 08-05-05 14 $13,314 from Phase 1, $9,452 from Phase 2 Rock Prairie Rd. Williams Creek Subdivision 4 Johnson Investments 1400 S. Commercial St. Coleman, Texas 76834 325-625-2124 Fax Number: Texcon General Contractors 1707 Graham Rd. College Station, TX 77845 764-7743 Fax Number: Section 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 110 Multi -Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: 1.09 Acres Proposed Dedication: 1.25 Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? NO Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi -Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-13-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): Multi -Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Section 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Section 10-13-5: Minimum Park Size $358 x 110=$39,380 Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? yes,1.25 acres Staff recommends that the Board visit the site and consider If yes, staff recommends: acceptance of the dedication Section 10-13-7: Prior Park Acquisition Lick Creek Park is nearby Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? but not a neighborhood park If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of land dedication and park development fee Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? yes Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Island in the 100-year flood plain? No Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? Size: Acreage in floodplain: Acreage in detention: Acreage in greenways: Comments: Meets Board Policy? Percentage: Percentage: Percentage: Section 10-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: The park site is located within the neighborhood (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: The proposed site is fairly flat without any severe slopes. (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co -development of new sites. Comments: (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: Over 50% of the site abuts a street (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Acceptance of park land of 1.25 acres and development fee Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning & Zoning Commission: City Council: - t-,tEK ;SUBDIVISION VM4 IN jag 32 31 11F 28 29 30 43 44 BLOCK 1 46 47 PROPOSED PHASE4f 42 WILLIAMS CREEK SUBDIVISION 40 cl �e:55 DT nry < Mau com m si .WZL al'a � WICWE-o"Vlnvlmom Va%)%v%s as I vN11• A Environmental Interpretation of Lick Creek Park Presented by: Michelle Bynum Research ■ Familiarized myself with the trails ■ Conducted interviews with topic experts • Utilized the internet for additional information Interpretive Signs ■ Reviewed the information I gathered to determine what I wanted the signs to say • Consulted with Mrs. Scott for reviewing and editing purposes "Let this Beauty fly free" People often mistake this magnificent bird for an escaped tropical bird Look for it near streams, forest edges, and areas with dense brush. The bright colors should stand out of the trees and make it easy to spot, if you're lucky. Due to their exquisite beauty, this species is in decline due to increased international trade for capture, as well as habitat loss. • "Not all plants are friendly" While poison ivy is a menace to humans, the white, waxy berries are good nutrition for birds, with the green foliage good for small mammals and deer. Look for this 3 leaf -plant along the trail as well as growing on the trees. If you happen to come in contact, wash the oil from the plant from your clothes, as well as your skin, as soon as you get home. Placement of the Signs ■ Flow i decided the location of the signs ■ Figured out the distances for the signs ■ Placed stakes in the ground to mark the spots ■ Estimated on my map where the signs were going 7 Types of Signs i 3�w Any Questions? uc`'--�44j. 14 rrf Z, f eTlbAl Abe S� � A. /� -? tAk //,-* -,41 J- r re4 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD ABSENCE REQUEST FORM FOR ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICERS I will not be in attendance at the A 3 us-t q , 6 o z;- ✓U �Lj" meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for the reason(s) specified: .Name nate Rec'd .0, , ; r , 0 S�- Signature Requests for Absence must be submitted to the Parks Staff Assistant at 764-3414 prior to the meeting date. Pam Springfield - RE: Joint meeting with Planning & Zoning, August 18th Page 1 { From: "Byron C. Blaschke" <blaschke@tca.net> To: "'Pam Springfield"' <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> Date: 8/9/2005 11:48:14 AM Subject: RE: Joint meeting with Planning & Zoning, August 18th My plans must change again. My father's situation will now prevent me from attending tonight's meeting. Carol -----Original Message ----- From: Pam Springfield [mailto:Pspringfield@cstx.gov] Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 8:34 AM To: blaschke@tca.net Subject: RE: Joint meeting with Planning & Zoning, August 18th Thank you, Carol. I hope all goes well with your father. We'll see you tonight. Thank you! Pamela Springfield Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation Department (979) 764-3414 pspringfield@cstx.gov »> Byron C. Blaschke <blaschke@tca.net> 8/8/2005 5:50 PM >>> My plans right now are to attend this meeting. I will also be at the meeting tomorrow night. My dad fell and was in the hospital and he is coming to my house tomorrow. I am hoping all of this works out for the meetings. Love, Carol ----Original Message ----- From: Pam Springfield [mailto:Pspringfield@cstx.gov] Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 3:55 PM To: gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org; Erwin74@aol.com; HarJrAg52@aol.com; Ric Ploeger; Steve Beachy; jodiwarner@gmail.com; jcrompton@tamu.edu; blaschke@tca.net; irishmist2@verizon.net; jean niewmc@yahoo.com; olarmy58@yahoo.com Subject: Joint meeting with Planning & Zoning, August 18th Good afternoon! The Planning & Zoning Secretary needs to get a headcount for the meal that will eserved atas soon as possible (by Thursday the meetinghe August 18th joint 1h) ifyou with P&Z. if you can let me know plan to attend that meeting, l would appreciate it. The meeting, which will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers begins at 5:30 p.m. They'd like the meeting to get started right at 5:30, so if everyone ec ate it.Id will forward the agenda oarrive by 5:15 in order to fix everyone once she has owould one appreciate ready. Thank you! Pamela Springfield ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9, "SUBDIVISIONS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 9, "Subdivisions", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 9, "Subdivisions", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: 1. By amending SECTION 10: "Requirements for Park Land Dedication" by deleting the entire section and substituting the following: 8.5 Requirements For Parkland Dedication A. Purpose This section is adopted to provide recreational areas in the form of neighborhood park facilities as a function of subdivision and site development in the City of College Station. This section is enacted in accordance with the home rule powers of the City of College Station, granted under the Texas Constitution, and the statutes of the State of Texas, including, but not by way of limitation, Texas Local Government Code Chapter 212 (Vernon 1999; Vernon Supp. 2004-2005) as amended from time to time. 01g rou p/legal (0 rd i na nc eta men d m en t fo r m. doc ORDINANCE NO. Page 2 It is hereby declared by the City Council that recreational areas in the form of neighborhood parks are necessary and in the public welfare, and that the only adequate procedure to provide for neighborhood parks is by integrating such a requirement into the procedure for planning and developing property or subdivisions in the city, whether such development consists of new construction on vacant land or rebuilding and remodeling of structures on existing residential property. Neighborhood parks are those parks providing for a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities and located within convenient distances from a majority of the residences to be served thereby. The park zones established by the Parks and Recreation Department and shown on the official Parks and Recreation map for the City of College Station shall be prima facie proof that any park located therein is within such a convenient distance from any residence located therein. The primary cost of neighborhood parks should be borne by the ultimate residential property owners who, by reason of the proximity of their property to such parks, shall be the primary beneficiaries of such facilities. Therefore, the following requirements are adopted to effect the purposes stated above and shall apply to any land to be used for residential purposes: B. General Requirements The City Manager or his designee shall administer this Section 10, Requirements for Parkland Dedication with certain review, recommendation and approval authorities being assigned to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board as specified herein. Dedications shall cover both land acquisition and development costs for neighborhood parkland for all types of residential development. Dedications shall be based on actual dwelling units for the entire development. Increases or decreases in final unit count prior to final plat will require an adjustment in fees paid or land dedicated. If the actual number of dwelling units exceeds the original estimate additional parkland shall be dedicated in accordance with the requirements in this Section 10 with the filing of a final plat. The methodology used to calculate fees and land dedications is attached hereto as Appendix 1 and incorporated and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. Fees paid under this Section may be used only for development or acquisition of a neighborhood park located within the same Zone as the development. ,! Deleted: m i 1. Land Dedication Deleted:p.trouplagen-callforlegal .' revieMsubdivision regulationslchapter 9 amendment parkland 7 22 05.doc culr dorume _ psprill 1 locals 1'dgrnp'rituprrr_ _rmaerdment,,nn•kland_aug 4 G5.<(or 814105 ORDINANCE NO. Page 3 For single family developments the area of land to be dedicated for parkland purposes shall be equal to one (1) acre for each one hundred one (101) dwelling units. For duplex and other multi -family development this area shall be equal to one (1) acre for each one hundred twenty-five (125) dwelling units. The total amount of land dedicated for the development shall be dedicated in fee simple by plat: a. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for multi -family development, b. Concurrently with the final plat for a single phase development, c. For a phased development the entire park shall be either platted concurrently with the plat of the first phase of the development or d. The developer may provide the City with financial security against the future dedication by providing a bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or other alternative financial guarantee such as a cash deposit in the amount of the appraised value of the parkland. The financial guarantee shall be released upon dedication of the parkland. 2. Fee in Lieu of Land The amount of the Fee -in -Lieu of Land ("Fee") shall be set at an amount sufficient to cover the costs of the acquisition of neighborhood parkland. A landowner may elect to meet the requirements of Section 10.B.1, in whole or in part, by paying a fee in the amount set forth below. Before making this election, for any required dedication greater than three (3) acres, or for any development containing floodplain or greenway, the landowner must: a. Obtain a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and b. Obtain approval from the Planning & Zoning Commission pursuant to the Plat Approval Procedures in Article 3.3 of the Unified Development Ordinance. The fee shall be calculated as follows: ................................................................................. • One hundred ninety-eight dollars ($198.00) per dwelling unit for single Deleted: m i family development ;'. p:lgrouplagen-ca Deleted; llfor legal j reviewlsubdivision regulationslehapier 9 i amendment parkland 7 22 05.doc _...i culr ^do,(ume- IIpspria---I loedis -1 temp,':chapter 9 oniendment parkland (dig 4 05 dor 814,105 ORDINANCE NO. Page 4 • One hundred sixty dollars ($160.00) per dwelling unit for duplex and multi -family development. The total amount of the Fee calculated for the development shall be remitted: • Prior to the issuance of any building permits for multi -family development or, • Upon submission of each final plat for single family, duplex or townhouse development. Fees may be used only for acquisition or development of a neighborhood park facility located within the same Zone as the development. The City Manager or his designee is authorized to accept the Fee for dedications of less than three (3) acres where: • There is a sufficient amount of parkland existing in the park zone of the proposed development or • The proposed dedication is insufficient for a Neighborhood Park site under existing park design standards. This determination shall be made based on the Recreation, Park & Open Space Master Plan, as amended from time to time. f.. .......... ....... ................ .... ....... -. ..t. . " ulr: vlocume-1 �psprm--J'local; 9 amerdnient parkland aug 4 05.rloc 814105 ,Deleted: m Deleted: p:lgrouplagen-callfor legal ' reviewlsubdivision regulationslchapter 9 amendment parkland 7 22 OS.doc . .. . ........... ...................... ....: ORDINANCE NO. 3. Park Development Fee Page 5 In addition to the land dedication, there shall also be a fee established that is sufficient to develop the land to meet the Manual of Neil?hborhood Park Improvements Standards to serve the zone in which such development is located. This fee shall be computed on the basis of three hundred fifty-eight dollars ($358.00) per dwelling unit for single family developments and two hundred ninety-two ($292.00) for duplex and multi -family development. The total fee shall be paid upon submission of each final plat or upon application for a building permit, whichever is applicable. 4. Park Development Option in Lieu of Fee A landowner may elect to construct the neighborhood park improvements in lieu of paying the Park Development Fee under the following terms and conditions: a. A park site plan, developed in cooperation with the Parks and Recreation Department staff, must be submitted to the City Manager or his designee for review. A site plan approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is required upon submission of each final plat or upon application for a building permit, whichever is applicable. b. Within twelve (12) months from the date of said submission or application the landowner shall submit detailed plans and specifications in compliance with the site plan to the City Manager or his designee for review and approval. c. All plans and specifications shall meet or exceed the Manual of Neiehborhood Park Improvement Standards in effect at the time of the submission. d. If the improvements are constructed on land that has already been dedicated to and/or is owned by the City, then the Developer must post Payment and Performance Bonds to guarantee the payment to subcontractors and suppliers and to guarantee Developer completes the work in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, ordinances, other applicable laws and that City has issued a Certificate of Completion for the improvements. e. The construction of all improvements must be completed within two (2) years from the date of the approval of the plans and specifications. A final, Deleted: Administrator ................ ........ ...... ......; one-time extension of twelve months may be granted by the Citv Manasrer ;� oeietea m or his desilrnee}lpon-demonstration that said improvements are at_least 50%0 / Deleted: p:�grouplagen-callforlegal reviewlsubdivision regulationslchapter 9 constructed. i amendment parkland 7 22 05.doc :...................................................................................._......._............_..................................................................., iulrnd�rrun< llp_�r:nJJr�eulslaetnr,chuprcrUrrn+encinien!prnklurd{i±rg_4.OJ,�Ipc 814105 ORDINANCE NO. Page 6 f. Completion and Acceptance — Park development will be considered complete and a Certificate of Completion will be issued after the following requirements are met: (1) Improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Approved Plans (2) All parkland upon which the improvements have been constructed has been dedicated as required under this ordinance (3) All manufacturer's warranties have been provided for any equipment g. Upon issuance of a Certificate of Completion, Landowner warrants the improvements for a period of one (1) year as per the requirements in the Manual of Neiehborhood Park I nDroVements Standards. h. The developer shall be liable for any costs required to complete park development if: (1) Developer fails to complete the improvements in accordance with the Approved Plans (2) Developer fails to complete any warranty work S. Reimbursement for City Acquired Parkland The City may from time to time acquire land for parks in or near an area of actual or potential development. If the City does acquire park land in a park zone, the City may require subsequent parkland dedications for that zone to be in Fee -in Lieu -of -Land only. This will be to reimburse the City for the cost(s) of acquisition. Once the City has been reimbursed entirely for all such parkland within a park zone, this Section shall cease to apply, and the other Sections of Section 8.5 shall again be applicable. C. Prior Dedication or Absence of Prior Dedication If a dedication requirement arose prior to enactment of this Section 10, that dedication requirement shall be controlled by the ordinance in effect at the time such obligation arose, except that additional dedication shall be required if the actual density of structures constructed upon property is greater than the former assumed density. Additional dedication shall be required only for the increase in density and shall be based upon the ratio set forth in Section 10.B. (Credit shall be given for land dedicated or fees paid pursuant to prior parkland Ordinance Nos. 690, 983 or 2546.) D. Comprehensive Plan Considerations r.................. .. ........................... 1 culc:'docume l:PSrr n;-1,lo,-uls _ I. �ri apter 9 amenr/n7ent fnn�kl�{nrl rug 4. (! _r.(gS 814105 ................................................................... . ( .. ... Deleted: m 1 Deleted: p: lgrouplagen-caH,%r legal j reviewlsubdivision regulationslehapter 9 i amendment parkland 7 22 05.doc j ,,.._.........._.._.......... ... _.. ORDINANCE NO. Page 7 The Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan is intended to provide the College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board with a guide upon which to base its recommendations. Because of the need to consider specific characteristics in the site selection process, the park locations indicated on the Plan are general. The actual locations, sizes, and number of parks will be determined when development occurs. The Plan will also be used to locate desirable park sites before development occurs, and those sites may be acquired by the City or received as donations. Park Zones are established by the City's Comprehensive Plan, in the Park and Open Space element and are configured to indicate service areas for neighborhood parks. Zone boundaries are established that follow key topographic features such as major thoroughfares, streams, and city limit lines. E. Special Fund; Right to Refund 1. All parkland fees will be deposited in a fund referenced to the park zone involved. Funds deposited into a particular park zone fund may only be expended for land or improvements in that zone. 2. The City shall account for all fees -in -lieu -of land paid under this Section with reference to the individual plat(s) involved. Any fees paid for such purposes must be expended by the City within five (5) years from the date received by the City for acquisition and/or development of a neighborhood park as defined herein. Such funds shall be considered to be spent on a first -in, first -out basis. If not so expended, the landowners of the property on the expiration of such period shall be entitled to a prorated refund of such sum, computed on a square footage of area basis. The owners of such property must request such refund within one (1) year of entitlement, in writing, or such right shall be barred. F. Parkland Guidelines and Requirements Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines and requirements shall be used in designing parks and adjacent development. 1. Any land dedicated to the city under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. The dedication shall be free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances that interfere with its use for park purposes. The City Manager or his designee shall determine whether any encumbrances interfere with park use. Minerals may be reserved from the conveyance provided that there is a complete - - - - - - �Deleted: m waiver of the surface use by all mineral owners and lessees. A current title report Deleted: p:lgrouplagen-callfor legal must be provided with the land dedication. The property owner shall pay all 1 review)subdivision regulationslchapter 9 ,'. i amendment parkland 723 OS.doc , 1 eulr. ylncaamr�_11psPr!n_-J �lnr�als 1'�temp_rbapt��r U amgndmen(parklgnd ang 4.05 eloc 814105 ORDINANCE NO. Page 8 taxes or assessments owed on the property up to the date of acceptance of the dedication by the City. A tax certificate from the Brazos County Tax Assessor shall be submitted with the dedication or plat. 2. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. Sites should not be severely sloping or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. 3. Land in floodplains or designated greenways will be considered on a two for one basis. Two acres of floodplain or greenway will be equal to one acre of parkland 4. Where feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co -development of new sites. S. Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users and should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. 6. Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. 7. Detention / retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention / retention area design must be approved by the City Manager or his designee and must meet specific parks specifications in the Manual of Neighborhood Park Improvements Standards. S. Where park sites are adjacent to Greenways, Schools existing or proposed subdivisions, access ways may be required to facilitate public access to provide public access to parks. 9. It is desirable that fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. G. Consideration and Approval Any proposal considered by the Planning and zoning Commission under this Section shall have been reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board or the City Manager or his designee as provided herein, and a recommendation given to the Commission. The Commission may make a decision contrary to the recommendation by a majority vote. ... culr dn(,'nme locals-1tcmrlrhai)Wr 0amendnu�n[parkland nng_ 405 _doK 814105 .... ... ..... ... ...... ......_.. ............................ . ,L Deleted: In Delet d uplagen-calljorlegal reviewlsubdivision regulationslchapter 9 j amendment parkland 7 22 05 doc ORDINANCE NO, Page 9 H. Review of Land Dedication Requirements and Dedication and Development Fee The City shall review the Fees established and amount of land dedication required at least once every three (3) years. The City shall take into account inflation as it affects land acquisition and park development costs as well as the City's targeted level of service for parkland per one thousand population. Fees are authorized to be set by resolution of the City Council. I. Warranty Required: All materials and equipment provided to the City shall be new unless otherwise approved in advance by the City Manager or his designee and that all work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects, and in conformance with the designs, plans, specifications, and drawings, and recognized industry standards. This warranty, any other warranties express or implied, and any other consumer rights, shall inure to the benefit of the City only and are not made for the benefit of any party other than the City. All work not conforming to these requirements, including but not limited to unapproved substitutions, maybe considered defective. This warranty is in addition to any rights or warranties expressed or implied by law. Where more than a one (1) year warranty is specified in the applicable plans, specifications, or submittals for individual products, work, or materials, the longer warranty shall govern. This warranty obligation shall be covered by any performance or payment bonds tendered in compliance with this Ordinance. Defective Work Discovered During Warranty Period. If any of the work is found or determined to be either defective, including obvious defects, or otherwise not in accordance with this ordinance, the designs, plans, drawings or specifications within one (1) year after the date of the issuance of a certificate of Final Completion of the work or a designated portion thereof, whichever is longer, or within one (1) year after acceptance by the City of designated equipment, or within such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special warranty required by this ordinance, Developer shall promptly correct the defective work at no cost to the City. During the applicable warranty period and after receipt of written notice from the CityDeleted: m _ _ to begin corrective work, Developer shall promptly begin the corrective work. The '; Deleted: p:lgroupUgen-callfor legal revieMsubobligation to correct an defective work shall be enforceable under this code of amendment parklionand regu22 05.slcAapter 9 f g y I amendment parkland 7 11 0...doc 1 ; erir vinrum��I'r:rrnr-_/ dnrul.< I tcrr..7!lriruy�rr � amendment fgn.kltrnd rntg 4 05 dot 8,14105 ORDINANCE NO. Page 10 ordinances. The guarantee to correct the defective work shall not constitute the exclusive remedy of the City, nor shall other remedies be limited to the terms of either the warranty or the guarantee. If within twenty (20) calendar days after the City has notified Developer of a defect, failure, or abnormality in the work, Developer has not started to make the necessary corrections or adjustments, the City is hereby authorized to make the corrections or adjustments, or to order the work to be done by a third party. The cost of the work shall be paid by Developer. The cost of all materials, parts, labor, transportation, supervision, special instruments, and supplies required for the replacement or repair of parts and for correction of defects shall be paid by Developer, its contractors, or subcontractors or by the surety. The guarantee shall be extended to cover all repairs and replacements furnished, and the term of the guarantee for each repair or replacement shall be one (1) year after the installation or completion. The one (1) year warranty shall cover all work, equipment, and materials that are part of the improvements made under this section of the ordinance. 'r Deleted: m A Deleted: p:lgroupWgen-callfor legal ; reviewlsubdivision regulationslchapter 9 amendment parkland 7 22 05.doc T T...... ..... ................ rerl_r.Vtorran<��)lp�rirr--l�In��HL:7:dr�rnclrh,r�»��r9rrmendmenlparklandarrg4O.i.dor 814105 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION the heart of the Research Valley July 26, 2005 Dear Parks and Recreation Board Members: The Senior Advisory Committee would like to recommend that the Parks and Recreation Board appoint Robert Meyer, Edgar Jones, Doreen Todd and Rick Heaney to serve on the Senior Advisory Committee for a term of three years beginning August 2005 through July 2008. I have recently received an additional application from Joyce Davis who is interested in serving. I have visited with all applicants and explained the purpose of the Senior Advisory Committee and the time commitment. All have agreed to serve. Also, the committee recommends Robert Meyer as Chairman and Neal Nutall as Vice -Chairman for one year beginning August 2005 through July 2006. I have attached the new member applications for your review. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Marci Rodgers Senior Services Coordinator P.O. BOX 9960 I I o I TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION • TEXAS • 77842 979.764.3500 www.cstx.gov CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Occupational Home Address —Zoo /%%, gy-e,R, Telephone: 9990 Fax: E-mail:�Ne7ZeRo . Goy College Station Resident for Z/ years (Must be a resident of the City to serve) Subdivision Voter Registration # Application for City Boards/Commissions/ Committees for Year 2005-2006 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY NAME cJOyCG 01,,1//14 DIVd/5 Person at Information Business Owner? Yes No Business Name: Occupation: 1��.7i� /y st srvr (if retired, piegse indicate former occupation) Address:_1 MoRTie�e Qk 4t $ate C.S. tX ?16'p's' Telephone: �79 - lo93- 9990 Fax: E-mail:_111wO /Yv"zCRo, CoAl Education (optional) POSITION SOUGHT: (Please indicate choice with 1,2 or 3 - where 1 is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) CHOOSE NO MORE THAN 3 I / / Brazos County Appraisal Dist. Library Committee Cemetery Committee Parks and Recreation Board Construction Board of Planning and Zoning Adjustments & Appeals Design Review Board Commission ❑ _ Research Valley Partnership _ Fagade Improvement Board _ Joint Relief Funding Review H Wolf Pen Creek T1F Board _ Historic Preservation Zoning Board of Adjustments Committee Parks Board Committees Conference Center Advisory Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Senior Advisory Committee If you currently serve on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: Please list any experience or interests that qualifies you to serve in the positions indicated: .ee:!QPo Signature of Applicant ;ao*-" C A_, /27/�.t -e-e i Date7'" 2.Mail completed applic to�City Secretary's Office, City of College Station, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, TX 77842. �h CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Application for City Boards/Commissions/ Committees for Year 2005-2006 PLE SE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY NAME Oceupational Information -� Home Address © — e�'S l� Business Owner? �—�mm/J e f ��Zzy/vsiness Name: s /- Telephone: Occupation: Fax: E-mail: College Station Resident for �Z ears (Must be a resident of the City to serve) Subdivision Voter Registration # Yes No IIfretired, please indicate former occupation) Address: Telephone: Fax- E-mail: Education (optional) POSITION SOUGHT: (Please indicate choice with 1,2 or 3 - where least preferable.) CHOOSE NO MORE THAN 3 Ye),_AAy � S Ilsemo`& pre erable and 3 being Brazos County Appraisal Dist. Library Committee Cemetery Committee Parks and Recreation Board I Construction Board of Planning and Zoning —. Adjustments & Appeals Commission ❑ _ Design Review Board Research Valley Partnership _ Fagade Improvement Board _ Joint Relief Funding Review Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board H Historic Preservation Zoning Board of Adjustments Committee Parks Board Committees Conference Center Advisory Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Senior Advisory Committee If you currently serve on qny� boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: Please list an,^e�penence or intere is that qualifies�o�u to sery the positions indicated: l. Signature of Applicant Date��n ��!/�/,� Mail completed application to: ity Secretary'sFfe, City of C ege Station, P.O. Box 99 , , TX 7 842. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Application for City Boards/Commissions/ Committees for Year 2005-2006 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY NAME t�b �A k Occitpational Informatitin Personal Information Home Address 1Ze,6 einnh t? jA ST Business Owner? Yes No C 6 11 A &,t S % T., e_�7'• % Business Name: Telephoner 7 f ���'1 7 3� Occupation: (if retired, please indicate former occupation) Fax: Address: E-mail: Telephone: College Station Resident for 7/4& ars Fax. - (Must be a resident of the City to serve) Subdivision E-mail: Voter Registration #✓`wTZZ� Education (optional) POSITION SOUGHT: (Please indicate choice with 9, 2 or 3 - where 1 is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) CHQo,'JE NO MORE THAN 3 Brazos County Appraisal Dist. Cemetery Committee Construction Board of Adjustments & Appeals Design Review Board Facade Improvement Joint Relief Funding Review Historic Preservation Committee Library Committee Parks and Recreation Board Planning and Zoning Commission ❑ Research Valley Partnership Board HWolf Pen Creek TIF Board Zoning Board of Adjustments Parks Board Committees Conference Center Advisory Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Senior Advisory Committee if you currently serve on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: Please list any experience or interests that qualifies you to serve in the positions indicated: Signature of ApplicantDate Mail completed applicatio to: Ci y Secret/fy's�O_Of�rice,y of College Station, P.O. Box 996 College Sta on, TX 77842. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home Address .2404 l fa ybarn raj Telephone :%/7 ) Fax: E-mail: College Station Resident for__,3_z�jyears (Must be a resident of the City to serve) Subdivision SoufA wood Voter Registration # Application for City Boards/Commissions/ Committees for Year 2005-2006 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY ,, NAME o 1'Geh O 4t 4 Business Owner? Yes No Business Name: Occupation: (If retired, please indicate former occupation) Address: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Education (optional) POSITION SOUGHT: (Please indicate choice with 1, 2 or 3 - where 1 is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) CHOOSE NO MORE THAN 3 Brazos County Appraisal Dist. Library Committee Cemetery Committee Parks and Recreation Board Construction Board of Planning and Zoning —. Adjustments & Appeals ❑ Commission Design Review Board Research Valley Partnership _ Fagade Improvement Board Joint Relief Funding Review HWolf Pen Creek TIF Board Historic Preservation Zoning Board of Adjustments Committee Parks Board Committees Conference Center Advisory Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee / Senior Advisory Committee If you currently serve on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: Please list any experience or interests that qualifies you to serve in the positions indicated: f Signature of ApplicantDate /Z� / D,5 Mail completed application to: City Secretary's Office, City of College Station, P.O. Box 9960, Collegi Station, TX 77842. --- wNynse iO A r1 �F CI n Co t .......... ... Paae 1 From: "City of College Station -" <inf0Qcsbcgov> T'o: <dcody@cstx.gov> Date: 6/26/2005 9:00:50 AM Subject: Response to Apply For A Citizen Committee Form Name: Date Submitted: 6/26/2005 8,43:58 AM Apply For A Citizen Committee Name: Rick Heaney Home Address: 2511 Merrimac Ct_ Telephone: (979) 694-2145 0 VW R65 - c3 fq 3 c Fax: (979) 6943565 E-mail: rick@brazosbounty.com College Station Resident for years: 3 years Subdivision: Ralntree Voter Registration Number: 235127 Business Owner. No Business Name: Brazos Bounty Occupation. Sales Mgr. Work Address: Work Telephone: 255--0319 Work Fax: Work E-mail: rick@brazosbounty.com Education: Pace University/New York Position Sought (No. 1 being most preferable and No. 3 being least preferable): Parks and Recreation Board, CS Business Development Corporation, Senior Advisory Committee if you currently serve on any other committees, boards or commissions, please list them here: Ambassador Committe for the Bryan -College Station Chamber of Commerce. Please list any experience or interest that qualifies you to serve in the position desired: Interest in sports and sporting events. Business/management experience-30+ yrs. Interest/experience in promoting tourism. Mature and reliable. In compliance with Chapter 552, Government Code (Public Information Act), information related to the applicants home address, home telephone number, and e-mail address shall be made available to the public, unless the applicant chooses not to release the Information. Release information?: No CC: <vcasares c@cstx.gov> L0 39tid 03S Ailo LLE9V9L61_6 ZT=6T S00Z/T0/L0 College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, July 25, 2005 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. 10:00am Minutes Members Present: Patricia Boughton, E.E. Burns, Frank Camplone, Laura Holmes, Joe LeCour, Robert Meyer, Haskell Monroe, Neal Nutall, Raymond Reed, Colleen Risinger, Dipankar Sen and Joanna Yeager Members Absents: Yvonne Stevens and Betty Wilborn Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director Parks and Recreation Department; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent and Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 10:1 lam by Robert Meyer, Chairman II. Hear visitors. Rick Heaney was introduced and observing the meeting as a possible new committee member. III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on June 27, 2005 Raymond Reed made the motion that the minutes be approved. Patricia Boughton seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV. Consideration, discussion and possible action on Senior Friendly Business Award Nominations. Applications from Home Instead and HEB were considered. Home Instead was submitted by Michelle Yeatts and she stated that the business is certified in providing Personal Assistance Services in the home for seniors. Caregivers serve as companions, provide transportation and assist with meal preparation and nutrition and some house cleaning. HEB was nominated by Robert Meyer and he described the business as one that should be recognized because they provide a variety of services for seniors including easy access and close parking with six designated parking spaces just for seniors. The business also sponsored the Seniors Expo 2005. Ray Reed made the motion that both HEB and Home Instead receive recognition from the City as a Senior Friendly business. Haskell Monroe seconded the motion. The motion passed. The businesses will be recognized at a City Council meeting and awarded a certificate. V. Consideration, discussion, and possible action concerning Senior Center Planning Committee Report to City Council on Thursday, July 28, 2005 at 7:00pm Steve Beachy distributed copies of the council agenda and discussed the procedures for speaking to the council. He explained that citizens are free to speak on any item on the agenda if they have completed the sign-up process for speaking before that agenda item is announced. Citizens may speak for three minutes. Steve reviewed the power point presentation and cover sheet that council has received. Steve Beachy will introduce the item to the council and Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator and Robert Meyer, chairman of the Senior Advisory Committee will speak on the item. Marci will address the history of the senior services coordinator position and Senior Advisory Committee, senior population figures and estimated growth and explain programs offered. Robert will discuss the possibility of building a Senior Center in College Station and explain the desires of the Senior Advisory Committee and to ask the council to approve gathering community input for a senior center. VI. Recommendations to Parks and Recreation Board for Chairman and Vice - Chairman for 2005-2006 and new committee members — August 9, 2005 at 7:00pm. Joanna Yeager made the motion that Robert Meyer serve as Chairman, Neal Nutall serve as Vice -Chairman. Ms. Yeager also recommended that Robert Meyer, Edgar Jones, Doreen Todd and Rick Heaney be approved as members of the Senior Advisory Committee with three year terms beginning August 2005 through July 2008. Haskell Monroe seconded the motion. The motion passed. VII. Senior Services Coordinator Report (report attached) VIII. Awards presentation Awards were presented to members who have served three years and will be leaving the committee. Marci Rodgers expressed appreciation for their service and time commitment to the Senior Advisory Committee. Members receiving awards include Frank Camplone, Dipankar Sen, Betty Wilborn and Robert Meyer who applied to serve three more years. IX. Next meeting and agenda items: Monday, August 29, 2005 X. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:44pm Minutes prepared by: Marci Rodgers Senior Services Coordinator Senior Service Coordinator Report July 2005 Free Beginning Computer Class Dates: Tuesday and Thursdays Session II. July 5-19 Session III August 2-16 Time: 10:30-12:OOnoon Place: Center for Regional Services All classes are full and evaluations show 100% customer satisfaction. John Vittrup has volunteered his time as the instructor and Joe LeCour has assisted. Thanks to these two gentlemen for the time. Intermediate Computer Classes offered at Lincoln Center Advanced classes were held at LC Computer Lab on July 18-27th from 9:OOam-10:30am. Donna Ness instructed the classes for a fee. Bridge and 42 Third Friday Bridge meets at the Teen Center from 9:30am-12:OOnoon. Average participation is 24 players. The second Thursday 42 group continues to grow with 12-15 players. These programs are free and open to all seniors. New Committee Members Four applications have been received for the Senior Advisory Committee. The applicants will be approved by the Parks and Recreation Board at their regular meeting on August 9, 2005 along with appointments for Chairman and Vice -Chairman. Brazos Valley Senior Games The board of directors meets the first Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is scheduled for August 3, 2005 at 12:OOnoon at the Bryan -College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau. Officers will make a presentation in Austin on August 5ch for approval of the local games. Sponsors are needed at this time for the event scheduled April 21-24, 2006. Fall Classes Registration for Xtra Education classes will begin Tuesday, September 61h at the College Station Parks and Recreation Department. Currently, classes for seniors include: computer, bridge, 42, genealogy and more. The Senior World Passport Program will return in September and run through November. Countries included will be Singapore, Tunisia, Italy, Syria, Ecuador and Mexico. Visit six countries through the eyes of A&M students and faculty. PARK MAINTENANCE STANDARDS SURVEY SUMMARY FOR FY 2005 Quarterly Periods: First Ouarter, FY 2005 Overall % of Standards Met: 89% Second Ouarter, FY 2005 Overall % of Standards Met: 89% Third Ouarter, FY 2005 Overall % of Standards Met: 91 % Fourth Quarter, FY 2005 Overall % of Standards Met: .% Categories I. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East South West I' Quarter 96% 93% 86% 2"d Quarter 94% 88% 91% 3`d Quarter 96% 96% 93% 41h Quarter II. Playgrounds East South I" Quarter 92% 95% 2"d Quarter 89% 91% 3`d Quarter 89% 92% 4`h Quarter III. Pavilion/Shelter Facilities East South 1" Quarter 91% 94% 2"d Quarter 91% 92% 3`d Quarter 94% 97% 0' Quarter IV. Tennis Courts East South 15T Quarter 97% 98% 2"d Quarter 91% 89% 3`d Quarter 88% 89% 4`h Quarter V. Basketball Courts East South I" Quarter 98% 96% 2"d Quarter 96% 95% 3`d Quarter 98% 99% 4`h Quarter West 87% 89% 94% West 89% 87% 90% West 100% 95% 100% West 96% 98% 98% AvR. % of Stds Met 92% 91% 95% Ave_ . % of Stds Met 91% 90% 92% Ave. % of Stds Met 91% 90% 94% Ave. % of Stds Met 98% 92% 92% Ave. % of Stds Met 97% 96% 98% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 86% 92% 88% 92% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 83% 86% 92% 90% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 90% 93% 90% 92% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 91% 96% 93% 91% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 94% 98% 96% 96% Vl. Sand Volleyball Courts East South ls` Quarter 67% 93% tad Quarter 70% 93% 3`d Quarter 93% 85% 0 Quarter VII. Ponds East South I" Quarter 92% 87% 2"d Quarter 87% 90% 3rd Quarter 80% 93% 4d' Quarter VIII. Parks: General Parks East South I" Quarter 93% 92% 2nd Quarter 91% 90% 3rd Quarter 90% 96% 40' Quarter Overall District Averages East South 15` Quarter 91% 93% 2nd Quarter 89% 91% 3`d Quarter 91% 93% 4d, Quarter West 89% 100% 100% West 33% 50% 44% West 95% 92% 96% West 84% 88% 89% Ave. % of Stds Met 83% 88% 93% Avs. % of Stds Met 71% 76% 72% Ave_ . % of Stds Met 93% 91% 94% Overall % of Stds Met 89% 89% 91% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 81% 84% 79% 90% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 70% 76% 71% 73% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 88% 92% 89% 93% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 85% 90% 87% 89% PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT USER FEES Proposed FY 2006 ACTIVITY/FACILITY 2004 1 2005 2006 1. Basketball 12. Flag Football �3. Volleyball 4. Softball Play -Off League: Spring and Summer / Fall Fast Pitch: Spring and Summer / Fall 15. Adult Sports Transfer/Cancellation Fee Discontinued $355 $355 $175 $175 $390 / $345 $340 $400 / $340 $380 N/A WA I Line w/be Removed $355 $175 $340 $380 $10 1. Basketball / Flag Football / Youth Volleyball $45 / 40 $45 / 40 $50 / $45 12. Girl's Softball $50 / 45 $50 / 45 $55 / $50 13. Challenger Sports $15 $15 $15 14. Youth Sports Transfer/Cancellation Fee N/A N/A $10 Fee Change Explanation: 2006 increase due to addition of $5 redevelopment fee. Transfer/cancellation fees have been added across the board for all transfers and cancellations. 1. Swim Lessons $35 $35 $40 2. Advanced Swim Lessons $40 $40 $45 3. TAAF Swim Team $85 / 75 $85 / 75 $100 / $90 14. National Junior Tennis league $85 $85 $90 5. Tennis Lessons (+1 can of balls) $45 $45 $50 6. Water Fitness Pass - Fall, Spring, or Summer / Winter Pass $80 / $60 $80 / $60 17. Instruction Transfer/Cancellation Fee $10 $10 $10 Fee Chan a Ex lanatlon: 2006 increase due to addition of $5 redevelo ent fee. I'' VIL ION' L S PER •' - Deposits are refundable if the facility is left clean and damage -free, and keys are returned. Deposits are refundable if reservation is cancelled seven (7) days prior to rental date. Bee Creek* / Oaks / W.A. Tarrow Park Pavilions I1. Monday - Thursday $75 / $751 NA $751$75 / $75 $75 Friday - Sunday & Holidays $100 / NA / NA $100/NA/NA $100 I Deposit (*No deposit required for Bee Creek) $0 I $50 / NA 1 $0 / $50/ $0 $100* 2. Central / Southwood Pavilions Monday - Thursday $100 $100 $125 Friday - Sunday, and Holidays $175 $175 $200 1 Deposit $100 $100 $100 I3. John Crompton Park Pavilion ( Monday - Thursday N/A N/A $100 1 Friday - Sunday, and Holidays N/A N/A $150 Deposit N/A N/A $100 14. Thomas Pavilion Discontinued Line wlbe Removed 15. Pavilion Transfer/Cancellation Fee N/A 1 N/A $10 Fee Change Explanation: Transfer/cancellation fee has been added across the board for all transfers and cancellations. Page f of 6 . ACTIVITY/FACILITY 1 2004 1 2005 1 2006 — The room deposit is equivalent to one-half of all room rental fees with a minimum of $50 and maximum of $200. — Deposits are refundable upon compliance with all rules, regulations, and clean-up requirements by client and caterer. Deposits are refunded less the cancellation fee of $10, if the reservation is cancelled sixty (60) days prior to the event An additional fee of $25 is charged if additional time is needed between the hour of 5 p.m. and 6 p.m„ and is based - upon availability- 1. Commercial Rental Rates (Companies or Businesses) Room 101: Monday - Thursday: 4 Hours or Less $45 $45 $55 8 am - 5 pm $52 $52 $65 6 pm - Close $65 $65 $70 Friday Rate: 8 am - Close $150 $150 $75 1 Saturday Rate: 8 am - Close $150 $150 $150 1 Room 102*, 103, 104, 106*, 107*: Monday - Sunday: 4 Hours or Less $29 / *$34 $29 / *$34 $45 8 am - 5 pm $39 / *$46 $39 / *$46 $55 6 pm - Close $42 I *$48 $42 / *$48 $60 Room 105: Monday - Sunday: 4 Hours or Less $45 $45 $55 8 am - 5 pm $52 $52 $65 6 pm - Close $65 $65 $70 l Room 127: Monday - Thursday: 4 Hours or Less $105 $105 $125 8 am - 5 pm $145 $145 $165 6 pm - Close $155 $155 $175 Friday Rate: 8 am - Close $450 $450 $225 Saturday Rate: 8 am - Close $450 $450 $450 12, Non -Commercial Rental Rates (Individuals or groups who are not companies or businesses.) 1 Room 101: Monday - Thursday: 4 Hours or Less $22 $22 $25 8 am - 5 pm $38 $38 $40 1 6 pm - Close $25 $25 $35 1 Friday Rate: 8 am - Close $150 $150 $75 1 Saturday Rate: 8 am - Close , $150 $150 $150 1 !� Room 102*, 103, 104, 106*, 107*: Monday - Sunday: 4 Hours or Less $16 / *$18 $16 / *$18 I $20 8 am - 5 pm $27 / *$32 $27 / *$32 $35 6 pm - Close $18 / *$22 $18 / *$22 I $30 1 Room 105: $22 $22 $25 4 Monday -Sunday: 4 Hours or Less � $40 8 am - 5 pm $38 $38 $35 6 pm -Close $25 $25 Room 127: $55 $55 $60 { Monday - Thursday: 4 Hours or Less $105 $110 1 I 8 am - 5 pm $105 $80 6 pm - Close $72 $72 $225 Friday Rate: 8 am -Close $450 $450 $450 1 Saturday Rate: 8 am - Close $450 $450 $20 13. Kitchen Rental $10 Discontinued - Line w/be removed 1 Based on meeting room occupants - Under 40 $ 10 Discontinued - Line wlbe removed Based on meeting room occupants - Under 75 $15 $15 Discontinued -Line w/be removedpage 1 Based on meeting room occupants - Under 150 $25 $25 2 of 6 ACTIVITY/FACILITY 2004 2005 2006 Based on meeting room occupants - Under 250 $35 $35 Discontinued - Une wlbe removed Based on meeting room occupants - Over 250 $45 $45 Discontinued - Une wlbe removed 14. Sunday Surcharge 1-5 Consecutive Hours $60 $60 $60 1-5 Hours Split, or over 5 Consecutive Hours 15. $85 $85 $85 Transfer/Cancellation, Set-up Change Fee $20 $20 $10 16. Alcohol Deposit (if alcohol is served) $50 l7. Catering Deposit $50 $50 $50 8. Multi -media Deposit $50 $50 $150 9. Vendor or Exhibitors Tables $10 $10 $10 Fee Change explanation: Kitchen Rental fees will no longer be based on the number of occupants and will be a flat $20 fee for the use of All rooms are subject to an after -hour charge of $20 per hour. The after -hour charge is based on any request to facilities beyond the Center's normal operating hours. Special Event fee includes the rental of the gym, Community Room, sound system, and 450 chairs. �1. Membership Per Year: 19-54 Years of Age $15 $15 $15 Youth $10 $10 $10 Low Income Eligible $5 $5 $5 11 Adult $15 $15 $15 2. Non -Member Guest Pass Per Day (Youth or Adult) $1 $1 $1 Non -Member Summer Rate (Youth or Adult) $30 $30 $30 3. Fitness Pass $25 $25 14. Senior Pass $20 $20 15. *Gym Deposit Per Day (8 hour block) $250 $250 $250 Half Court Rental Per Hour (4 hour maximum) $20 $20 $20 II Full Court Rental Per Hour (4 hour maximum) $25 $25 $25 Gym Event $.30/Chair $.30/Chair $.30/Chair Ali Day Usage (More than 4 hours) $175 $175 $175 Concession Usage $20 $20 $20 6. * Game Room / Mufti -purpose Room Rental Per Hour (4 hour minimum) $20 $20 $10/hour Deposit $50 $50 $50 17. *Community Room Rental Per Hour (3 hour $50 $50 $20/houir maximum) $20 $20 Une wfbe Removed ` I Additional Fee Per Hour $75 $75 $75 1 Deposit $20 $20 $20 Kitchen Fee **Special Fee (Funerals, weddings, parties) $150 $150 $150 Event 18. 9. Miscellaneous Charges I $10 $10 i $.10 Copies (Per Copy) I$2.00 $2.00 $2.00 L Faxes (Per Fax)e Change Explanation: Multi -purpose room name change from 'Teen' room; two. hour minimums changed to will be charged and paid by the renter in advance of an-1toumament., The In addition to the rental fees, a deposit f the tournament. on the length and deposit will vary depending on the type and size o -- In addition to the rental and deposit fees, additional flees may be assessed to the renter depending needed to facilitate the type of tournament in order to cover expenses incurred by the City for personnel and supplies tournament. J. Softball and Baseball Field Rentals $601$100 { One (1) Field: Per Day I Per Weekend $60 I $100 { $60 / $100 $100 I $175 Two (2) Field Complex: Per Day / Per Weekend $1001$175 I $101$175 $150 / $275 Three (3) Fields: Per Day / Per Weekend $1501$275 $1601$275 Page 3 of 6 ACTIVITY/FACILITY *Deposit: Per Day / Weekend { Four (4) Field Complex: Per Day / Per Weekend *Deposit 2. Soccer Field Rentals One (1) Field: Per Day 1 Complex: Per Day / Per Weekend 13. Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Six Fields: Per Day / Per Weekend 14. Field Rentals Per Hour 0/2/3 hours) 15. Liaht for Field Rentals (Per hour/Per field) 11. Printinq Stop Watch / Non -printing Stop Watch 2. Cones (10) 3. Bases, Poles, and Flagging (10) 4. Big Time Clods 15. Water Cooler / Ice Chest 6. Tables 17. Traffic Flags and Vests (10) 18. Rental Package #1: Big time dock, 1 printing stopwatch, 10 cones, 10 bases/poles and flagging, 2 water coolers, 2 tables, 10 traffic flags and vests. 9. Rental Package #2: Big time clock, 2 printing stopwatches, 30 cones, 20 bases/poles and flagging, 6 water coolers, 4 tables, 15 traffic flags and vests. 10, Rental Package #3: Big time clock, 4 printing stopwatches, 60 cones, 30 bases/poles and flagging, 12 water coolers, 6 tables, 20 traffic flags and vests. 2004 2005 2005 I$50 / $100 $50/$100 $50/$100 $200 / $350 $200 / $350 $200 / $350 Varies Varies { Varies I6 I $200/ $350 $2006/ $350 $200 / $350 $400 / $700 $400 / $700 $400/$700 $10/$15/$20 $10/$15/$20 $10/$15/$20 $5 $5 $5 $10/$5 $10/$5 $10/$5 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $50 $50 $50 $5/$5 $5/$5 $5/$5 $10 $10 $10 $5 $5 $5 $75 $75 $75 $100 $100 $100 125 *Adamson passes are also valid at Southwood Hallaran and Thomas pools, excluding the CSISD Natatorium. All discount passes are priced for 25 swims. 1. General Admission Per Person (Ages 3 and up) 1 Hallaranrrhomas 1 $2.50 I $2.50 $2.50 ' { Natatorium $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 { Adamson $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 12. Discount Pass — 25 Swims I Hallaran/Thomas $50 $50 $50 { � Natatorium N $40 $40 $40 $85 $85 $85 *Adamson ' 13. Family Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas Pass or Natatorium Pass $125 / $125 $125 / $125 $12$20125 $200 { $200 { *Adamson 4. Individual Season Pass $60 $60 $60 I Hallaran/Thomas $80 $80 $80 I { *Adamson i1 15. Babysitter Season Pass $30 $30 $30 { Hallaran/Thomas $40 $40 $40 { *Adamson Care Fee (dj Adamson Lagoon Per Child , NA I $2 75 $2.75 6. 17. Special Day Limited hours available on weekends.) Pool Rentals (2 Hour Maximum. $1$100 $10 0 0 { Thomas/Hanaran: 25 people or fewer $ $1 I { 50 people or fewer $125 $125 $125 51-76 people $175 $175 $225 f 77-102 people $225 $225 $75 f { Each hour after initial 2 hours $75 $75 Page 4 of 6 ACTIVITYIFACILITY 2004 I 2005 1 2006 I Natatorium: 25 people or fewer $90 $90 1 $90 50 people or fewer $100 $100 I $100 51-76 people $125 $125 I $125 77-102 people $150 $150 $150 Each hour after initial 2 hours $75 $75 $75 Adamson: 99 people or fewer I $275 $275 I $275 199 or fewer $325 $325 I $325 299 or fewer I $425 $425 I $425 300+ I $525 I $525 $525 Each hour after the initial 2 hours I $125 I $125 $125 `8. Pool Parties Per Person - (2 Hour Maximum. A minimum of eight (8) people required. Party favors are included.)` Theme Party: Southwood and Thomas $5.75 $5.75 $6.00 Adamson Lagoon $7.50 $7.50 $7.75 General Party: Southwood and Thomas $4.75 $4.75 $5.00 Adamson Lagoon $6.50 $6.50 $6.75 Catered Theme Party: Southwood and Thomas $7.00 $7.00 $7.25 Adamson Lagoon $9.25 $9.25 $9.50 General Catered Party: Southwood and Thomas $6.25 $6.25 $6.50 Adamson Lagoon $8.50 $8.50 $8.75 Pavilion Party (Four -table limit): First table $15 $15 $15 Additional tables $5 $5 $5 9. Other Pool Fees Texas SuperGuard Competition Per Person $20 $20 $20 Swim Diaper Fee Per Diaper $1 $1 $1 Tube Rental Fee $1 $1 $1 Deposit $2 $2 $2 Locker Rental Fee $1 $1 $1 Deposit $2 $2 $2 II Junior Lifeguard Program Per Person Per Session $65 $65 $70 Guard 2-B Per Person, Per session $65 $65 $70 Duck Derby (Sponsor a duck July 4`") Per Person $3 $3 $2 Itzy Bitzy Tiny Cutie Bathing Beauty & Handsome $3 $3 I Boy Contest on July 0, Per Person $3 $200 -Schools Out Blow Our, at Adamson Lagoon $200 $200 Pool Trout Fish -out Per Person (Ages 3 and up) $2.50 $2.50 $3 Over the 5-fish limit (Per fish) $1.50 $1.50 $1 50 $25 10. Educational Class Rental 1 Hour/Non Exciusive $25 $25 CENTER (THE EXIT) people. Addnal fees are based on a party of 1-25 itio added per hTEEN me re'fn the fa a11ity is left rental rates are a than 100 attendees must have prior Supervisor approval. Deposits refundable xpecting more lean and damage -free. $10 ` $10 $10 j1. Membership Per Year $1 $1 $1 12. Non Member Fee Per Day $15 $15 $15 3, Meeting Room Rental Per Hour $50 $50 $50 { Deposit $25 $25 $25 4. Dance/Game Room Rental Per Hour $50 $50 $50 Deposit Whole Facility Rental Per Hour (Excludes Computer $50 $50 $50 I5. Lab) $75 $75 $75 Deposit { 6. Additional Attendance Fee Per Hour $10 $10 $10 I! 26 - 50 Attendees $15 $15 $15 51-100 Attendees $20 $20 $20 100 - 200 Attendees page 5 of 6 ACTIVITYIFACILITY 1. Standard Vendor Permit Service Personnel charges will be added accordingly. 1. Private Rentals: Weekday / Weekend $200 / $250 $200 / $250 $200 / $250 2. Non Commercial Rental: Weekday / Weekend $425 / $525 $425 / $525 $425 / $525 3. Professional/Commercial Rentals: Weekday / Weekend $800 / $900 $800 / $900 $8001$900 All Xtra Education class fees will be set according to the individual needs of each class. 1 IChanqed or new fees from 2005 and explanation, Page 6 of 6 Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Goals & Objectives FY2005 (Not Prioritized) 1. Support Regional Park Initiative (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 4) QComplete appraisal of property Appraiser chosen, Appraisal received May 27, 2005, Develop action plan Meeting scheduled with US Representative Edwards staff on July 13, 2005; Second meeting scheduled for August 31st with Representative Chet Edwards and BVCOG Tour for Parks & Recreation Advisory Board members in fall 2. Andy Anderson Arboretum at Bee Creek (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) Develop long-term plan for redevelopment once drainage issues are addressed Make additional trail improvements Install new trail markers 3. Oversee planning process for Steeplechase Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Conduct public hearings First held on February 23rd; second hearing on March 29th; Board approval on April 12`h aDevelop Master Plan Complete design process Design process complete. Bid project 4. Crompton Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Complete design process Design complete. Bid project arch 3�d; bid opening on March IOth; City Council consideration April 14t . Project pre -bid meeting held on M Complete construction Construction underway. Begin operation and maintenance Conduct dedication ceremony Page 1 of 4 Approved by Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 updated: August 4, 2005 5. Veterans Park, Phase II (Parks & Leisure Strategy 0 Assist with Veterans Memorial expansion roc2) Memorial wall expansion complete November, 2004. jet Veterans Day Ceremony November 11, 2004 ❑Ceremony complete. Complete lighting of four existin soc Project is complete g cer fields ❑ Complete Phase II design plans Design contract approval at October 21, 2004 City Council meeting. In conceptual design phase - plans reviewed by VPAC, Phase II Subcommittee on February 11tn 6. Continued interaction with other City Boards (Lincoln Conference Center, P&Z, Seniors) (Parks &Leisure, Strategy Center, Bryan Parks Board, DJoint meeting with DRB Presentation and discussion of the film 'Small Urban 2) for Norfhgate on February 11�', Spaces"and discussion ofoark concepts ❑ Report from Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Scheduled for May regular meeting ❑ Report from Conference Center Advisory Committee ❑ Report from Senior Advisory Committee ❑Monthly updates included in Board packets. Report scheduled for May 17th regular meeting. Joint meeting with Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting scheduled for August 18tn ❑ Joint meeting with City Council 7. Park Land Dedication Ordinance Update (Planning & Development, Strategy 1) Review and approval of recommendations Draft ordinance prepared; discussion at Parks & Recreation Board regular meetings on July 11 to and August gtn ❑ Approval by City Council S. Urban Forest Management Plan (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) ❑ Revisit or new direction? 9. Capital Improvement Projects oversight. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Intergenerational Park Improvements (see CIP &Park Land Dedication Projects list for status.) Update given at the regular October meeting. Intergenerational Park Improvements construction contract ❑Council approval on March 10th. Project underway. Spray Park at Lincoln Center Conceptual design complete; notice to proceed with preliminary design has been given; change order ❑required Determine use for old buildings at Lincoln Center Meeting with Lincoln Former Students held in April; funds requested for testing services Approved by Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 2 of 4 Updated: August 4, 2005 Basketball pavilion at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park (Zone 5) Construction in progress. Park Land Dedication Projects (Zone 10) 10. Needs Assessment for facilities and programs. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Conduct focus group meetings QConduct public hearings Meeting conducted on March 3rd 0 Develop survey instrument Survey underway. Review and accept final report Parks Board: Council review: Meeting held with RPTS students to go over scope of the project on Nov 11th 2004 11. Park Maintenance Standards Review and Direction. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) First quarter standards report Report given at January 11th regular meeting 0 second quarter standards report Report given at May 17th regular meeting along with Playground Replacement Report 0 Third quarter standards report Report given at August 9th regular meeting. Fourth quarter standards report Develop recommendations for improvement 12. Southern Oaks Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Neighborhood celebration/dedication of park Review park plan for additional improvements 13. Support Greenways Program (Parks & Leisure, Strategy #2) Review and assist with update of Hike and Bike Master Plan Kristan Clann review of Hike and Bike Trail Plan at regular meeting of November 9, 2004 Review and assist with update of Greenways Master Plan aContinued support of Hike and Bike Task Force Ken Fogle update at June 14 regular Parks Board meeting. 14. City Center Project support. Parks and Recreation office recommendations Approved by Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Updated: August 4, 2005 Page 3 of 4 QParks and open space area recommendations City Council presentations made May 12th and 26th Community Center facility recommendations Staff scheduled report to Board planned for August 15. Develop plan of action for Northgate Park. Review existing Northgate Redevelopment Plan Develop recommendations for neighborhood parks 16. Explore new leisure programs and activities (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) QPassport program for Seniors Fall session complete Passport program for Teens Senior Olympics Planning senior Olympics for 2006. QInternational faculty and scholars picnic Held successfully at Central Park pavilion on October 26, 2004 Q Dog splash day at Hallaran Pool Held on October 24, 2004. 17. Revision of By -Laws for the Board Prepare draft By -Laws Draft turned over for review by Legal. Draft received back from Legal, October12, 2004 0 Board approval with revised By -Laws Review and approval at November 9th Regular meeting. 0 By -Laws approval by City Council Approved by Council at the February 1Ott' meeting Approved by Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 4 of 4 Updated: August 4, 2005 ■ Implementation of the CIP Program ■ Continuation of Staff Development Parks & Recreation Department Goals & Objectives FY2005 (Not Prioritized) ■ Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues ■ Implementation of Special Projects & Programs Implementation of the CIP Program 0 FY 2005 CIP Projects (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board 0 FY 2005 Park Land Dedication Projects (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board Continuation of Staff Development 0 Complete Management Academy Status: The Assistant Director and all superintendents have completed the course. RComplete Supervisory Academy (Mollie Binion, Darrel Harvey, Cameron Parker) Status: Graduation November 16, 2004 Complete Emergency Management Academy (Cheletia Thomas, Darrell Harvey) Status: Wednesdays January 12 - March 2 Complete NRPA Revenue Management School (David Gerling) Status: Peter Lamont completed the two-year course; David Gerling completed the first year. Sheila Complete TRAPS Conference (Steve Beachy, Eric Ploeger, Peter Lamont, Curtis Bingham, Walker, Cheletia Thomas, Eli Williamson, Vera Solis, Zach Lowy, Carisse Depew, Scott Hooks, Geri Marsh. Status: Complete Conduct Arbor Master Training (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: Working on schedule for fall session aAttend the I1th Annual Southeast Texas Grounds Maintenance Conference Status: Complete �/ ❑ Attend the Texas Cooperative Extension Forestry Unit's'Arboriculture 101 (Curtis Schoessow, Scott Deffendoll, and David Pemberton) Status: Four Saturdays in January 2005 in Fall 2005 Coordinate and prepare for TRAPS Regional Workshop Status: 2005 conference scheduled for November in College StatioM Attend Texas Turfgrass Conference (Scott Hooks, Garyarske, Paul Rucker, Keith Fails) Status: Conference attended, December 6th- 8tn Page 1 of 3 Updated: August 4, 2005 Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Acquire new cemetery site and develop Master Plan (Core Services, #1) Status: Appraisals complete; negotiations in progress Continued implementation of Park Maintenance Standards (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: FY 2004 overall 89% rating; FY 2005 goal - 90% overall; quarterly reports given to Parks Board. Continued implementation of the Urban Forest Management Plan?? (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: On hold pending further directions Continue efforts to make parks more intergenerational (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Report given at October, 2004 regular meeting; construction contract approved on March 10th and under construction. Q Review leisure service programs ( Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Softball program report October 12, 2004. Fall "Senior Passport' program complete; cricket league proposal received. Internal review of Division 81 programs was been completed in April 2005. Pursue cooperative efforts with the City of Bryan on joint programming (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Planning Senior Olympics for 2006; Men's D State softball tournaments July15-17 2005 Develop Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase II (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Design contract approval at October 21, 2004 City Council meeting; In conceptual design phase - plans reviewed by VPAC Phase II Subcommittee on February 11th a Promote performing arts (Parks & Leisure, #3) Status: 2005 starlight concert series complete. Continued implementation of regional planning and development initiative (Parks & Leisure, #4) Status: Funding approval in BVSWMA FY 2005 budget; Appraisal complete; meeting scheduled with Congressman Chet Edwards and BVCOG on August 31sr Develop action plan for Northgate Park (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: On hold pending staff discussions Develop Master Plan for Steeplechase (Parks &Leisure, #2) Status: First public hearing held on February 23rd, Second on March 29th, Board review scheduled for May regular meeting. Implement Arboretum improvement plan (Parks &Leisure, #2) Status: Implementation of Special Projects and Programs ❑Implementation of the remote sports lighting system (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Complete; New soccer lights will include Sky Logic ,l Continue implementation of automated registration software oft a red ResoftwWare) ❑ Status: In progress; software installed; testing completed, training completedare in use. Conduct benchmark survey of similar cities Status: On-line survey completed January 27th. Results collected from all Big 12 Conference Schools. Results will be received by all involved. Continue investigation of the feasibility for NRPA departmental accreditation ❑ Status: Inventory with current level of compliance complete Continue investigation of the feasibility of implementing a Donations Program for the Department Status: Draft program complete Page 2 of 3 updated: August 4, 2005 Conduct Program and Facilities Needs Assessment (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Agreement with TAMU's RPTS department approved; February - focus groups complete; public hearing held on March 3`d; Parks Board focus group on March 8rh; all focus groups complete; survey in progress L' Acquire and implement AED`s at select PARD facilities Status: Funding approved in FY 2005 budget; acquisition complete; training held April 1-2. C Acquire and install Wolf Pen Creek street banners (Economic Development, #1) Status: Banner design complete; bid awarded for 36 steel banners; signs received; installation pending until light poles can be painted. Facilitate Cricket program (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Facilitate start of user group; site identified for facility; organization of group in progress Northgate Music Series (Parks & Leisure, #3) Status: Initial funding approved 0 Investigate Lincoln Center staffing possibilities Status: Reorganization with existing positions complete. Two Assistant Center Supervisors in place as of February 1st. Decide what should be done with old buildings at Lincoln Center Status: Staff met with Lincoln Former Students in April; funding requested for testing services. Page 3 of 3 Updated: August 4, 2005 STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR JULY 2 105 - SEPTEMBER 2005 ON HOLD - pending further direction Needs Assessment Report To City Council For Consideration MOVED TO OCTOBER Girls 14 & U Men's Fast pitch Nationals to Phase I. ON HOLD next month on ' Integration between RecWare and HTE complete Credit cards accepted at all sites i I Complete intergenerational features installation Report to Parks Board TAAF Bids Complete Phase II design Complete intergenerational features. Complete VPAC Phase II design Bid Project NOTE. Shaded items have been completed. Meeting with Chet Edwards and BVCOG on August 3Pt . PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT & PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS F August 3, 2005 �' 05 complete , (Business Park Sian Complete (Veterans Park Phase II In Design I Lincoln Playground i Pending Contract I (Steeplechase Park Development On Hold IW.A. Tarrow Spray Park In Design (Cemetery Land Acquisition Pending Land Contract Jack & Dorothy Miller Park Basketball Court Cover Under Construction IWPC Multipurpose Building In Design Ilntergenerational Park Additions I Under Construction Ric Pete David Ric Ross Pete Ric David P0501 I $6,925,000 I PK0533 I $50,000 Pk0502 I $315,000 PK0503 I $245,000 GG9905 I $275,000 PK0512 I $175,000 I $700,000 PK0513 I $310,000 CIP Summary Under Construction 2 Under Contract I 0 Pending Contracts 1 Bids Received 0 Out to Bid / Re -Bid 0 In Design I 3 Pending Land Contract 1 On Hold 1 No status 1 '05 Gen. fund Community Dev. Community Dev. '98 G.O. '05 General Fund WPC T.I.F. '03 Bond FY '05 10/05 12/05 Unknown 9/05 5/06 9/05 114.34 I - Intergenerationa/ Project An r/r / . -1 r% _ _ _ tS IYounpblood Memorial Central Park Life Trail Raintree Improvements Concrete Walks Southwest Park Developi Le Mon tMe Park Disc Gol Gabbard Park Sidewalk I • John Crompton Park Devi Gartens i tune l runds I In Design David PK0534 Fund....,.,.1 I $4,000 Zone 3 Funds In Design 'David Godtt>fete' E, ' t Wd Pk0405 $48,5t)0 . "�' Zane 3 "Funds . 1o1151o4 j 1 I IOn Hold I I I Pete NA Zone 4 Funds + I $01 $15,000'98 Bond I I On Hold Pete I NA I $OI Zone 4 Funds I M1 Jete.•." I �0 .�' r6��� On Hold Pete/David I I I $90,0001 Zone 6 Funds tI Com fete F• ", j, : Pete V '�'��0t?(l��otti96Fut1dS�„ 5145/05"'�"04/ti On Hold I I .,,, I� n.,,, r Park . Dedication Co�rrr7feteal i Under Construction 1 Under Contract I 0 Bids Received I 0 Pendinq Contracts I 0 Out to Bid 0 In Design 3 Pending Land Acquisition 0 On Hold 6 I — Intergenerational Project 0:/Projects/CIP/CIP & Park Land Ded Project List. doc Page 2 Victoria National Bank July 13, 2005 Steve Beachy Director of Parks and Recreation 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. College Station, TX 77840 Dear Steve, It has truly been a pleasure serving on the College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for the past four years. My family and I have always enjoyed the excellent facilities and programs provided by the Parks Department and serving on the board was a terrific opportunity for me to learn how difficult it is to create and maintain such a great program. Over the last several years I've had the opportunity to get know and work with much of your staff, Please share with them my appreciation for the great job that they do each and every day. Thanks again for everything you and your entire staff do to make College Station a better place to live. Y r friend, am j Don Allison Vice President and Trust Officer P.O. Box 1339 • Victoria, Texas 77902-1338 • (361) 573-6321 • 1-800-242-3120 v� , BRYAN*COLLEGE STATION CONVENTION AND VISITORS EUEEAU August 9, 2005 PRESS RELEASE Contact: Sally Mod, President Brazos Valley Senior Games Committee Phone: (979) 822-4659 Email: sassym@verizon.net FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Brazos Valley Senior Games Committee is proud to report that the Texas State Senior Games Board of Directors has officially sanctioned the 2006 Brazos Valley Senior Games to be held in the Brazos Valley, April 20-23, 2006. The Texas State Senior Games Board of Directors voted Friday, August 5 in Austin, to sanction the Brazos Valley Senior Games following a presentation by members of the local games committee. The Brazos Valley Senior Games is a local event where individuals ages 50 and older can compete to qualify for the state and regional games with the possibility of qualifying for national competition. Just like the National Senior Games Association and the Texas State Senior Games, the Brazos Valley Senior Games are dedicated to motivating active adults to lead a healthy lifestyle through the senior games movement. Together, we are committed to senior health and wellness. The Brazos Valley Senior Games are scheduled to take place April 20-23, 2006 with events in Bryan -College Station, as well as Caldwell and Somerville. The events to be hosted include: bowling, cycling, golf, horseshoes/washers, swimming, tennis, track and field (Caldwell High School), triathlon (Somerville), volleyball and bridge. The games will bring seniors from all over the state of Texas to compete to qualify in further Senior Games events. Currently, there are sponsorship and volunteer opportunities available. If you are interested in more information, please contact Sally Mod. You can also visit our website at www.bvsrgames.org.