HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/12/2003 - Regular Agenda - Parks Board1. Call to order 2. Swearing in of new (Ken Livingston; Gary Erwin, Alternate) and re -appointed (Larry Farnsworth; Don Allison) Board members: 3. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting 4. Hear visitors 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from Regular Board Meeting of July 8, 2003 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning park land dedication requests for: The Villas of Harvey Subdivision Richards Subdivision -Hampton Estates 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding Board tour of Northgate area 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding Third Quarter Park Maintenance Standards 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding recommendations for appointment of additional new members to the Senior Advisory Committee 10. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program 11. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan 12. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items: Monday, August 18, 2003: Board and Committee Orientation Tuesday, September 9, 2003: Regular Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting scheduled for 7:00 p.m., at Exit Teen Center ®®® Sunday, October 19, 2003: City of College Station 65`h Anniversary Celebration at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater 13. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Minutes Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road College Station - College Station, Texas Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future Staff Present. Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent; Kristin Lehde, Staff Assistant. Board Members Present: John Nichols, Chairman; Don Allison; Glen Davis; Glenn Schroeder; Larry Farnsworth; Ken Livingston; Jodi Warner (arrived during item #8); Gary Erwin, Alternate. Guests: Bill Lero, Developer Y"'44s "Z-*Awa_Develo*er Joe Schultz, Engineer 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 6:56 p.m. 2. Swearing in of new (Ken Livingston; Gary Erwin, Alternate) and re- appointed (Larry Farnsworth; Don Allison) Board members: Ken Livingston, Gary Erwin, Larry Farnsworth, and Don Allison took Oa of Office and the Statement of Appointed Officer. 3. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting: All Board members were present at the meeting. 4. Hear visitors: Hearing none, this item was closed. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from Regular Board Meeting of July 8, 2003. Don Allison made a motion tt approve the minutes from July 8, 2003, pending the amendment of the word evasive in item #10 to invasive. Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. q-,. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning park land dedication requests for. • The Villas of Harvey Subdivision — Eric Ploeger introduced Engineer Joe Schultz and Developers Morris Hamilton and Bill Lero. He pointed to a site map of the proposed multi -family, 600 dwelling -unit development, which is located north of Highway 30, east of Veterans Park and Athletic Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 12, 2003 Page I of 5 Complex (bordering FM158). Eric stated that central to the development is a potential park land dedication of 5.69 acres, with the possible addition of another 2.15 acres of a park detention/retention area. (The total required land dedication requirement for the development would be 4.8 acres.) At this time, it has not been determined how much of the proposed dedication is in the floodplain. Also, as part of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance, it is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park abut a public street. Eric said that approximately 25% of the proposed 5.69 acres would border public right-of-ways. That percentage would increase to approximately 50% with the addition of the 2.15 acres of detention/retention. Eric suggested that the Board take a tour of the site with staff. The Board discussed the following issues concerning the proposed dedication: o much usable park • there would • f, How the detention/retention •o• would be o' ••r • into the pa - How accesso•m the park - would be provided. Mr. Hamilton showed the Board a conceptual plan for the development. was asked if the developers had considered developing the park prior developing the property (similar to the development of Castlegate Par Steve Beachy responded that upon further review of the Park La Dedication Ordinance, he Legal Department determined that there some wording changes to the ordinance needed for this type of project to possible After -r some discussion, h Board • - on •' a site tourof the property. The Board was also in consensus on having the Richards Glenn S. made a motion to accept the fee in lieu of land for the Richards Subdivision — Hampton Estates. Larry Farnsworth seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding a Board tour of the Northgate area: A tour had been scheduled with the Board and Economic Development Director, Kim Foutz, for Thursday, August 7t", for the Board to visit potential park land in the Northgate area. However, due to a scheduling conflict, that tour was canceled. The Board was in consensus on Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 12, 2003 Page 2 of 5 rescheduling the tour for Tuesday, August 1 9th , at 4:00 p.m., the group leaving from Saint Mary's Catholic Center. The Board was also in consensus on touring the Villas of Harvey Subdivision on this date as well. 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding Third Quarter Park Maintenance Standards: Curtis Bingham gave an update to the Board on the third quarter Park Maintenance Standards. He stated that overall, there was not a lot of change from the second quarter, and the Department is steadily making progress towards meeting its goal. He noted changes in the following three (3) categories: Athletic Facilities (Competitive Fields) - The percentage of standards met decreased in this area because crews were not able to mow the grass due to recent rains. Tennis Courts - The percentage of standards met increased in this area due to the resurfacing of the Bee Creek and Central Park tennis courts. Basketball Courts - The percentage of standards met increased in this area due to the resurfacing of the Oaks Park basketball court. Curtis noted that there are some categories that do not have a lot of standards listed, so if standards change within those categories, there will be a definite fluctuation. One problem category is the ponds. The problem occurs because some of the standards within that category are set high, while the conditions that the crews have to work with are often problematic (i.e. clarity of the ponds and vegetation). Curtis will present the Fourth Quarter Maintenance Standard report to the Board in October 2003. During that presentation, he will give the Board a detailed status report on where the Department is in relation to its goal of meeting 90% of the stated standards within five (5) years. After some discussion, Glenn S. made a motion to accept the Third Quarter Park Maintenance Standard report. Glen Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding recommendations for appointment of additional new members to the Senior Advisory Committee: Peter Lamont stated that after appointments were made to the Senior Advisory Committee during the July 8th Board Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 12, 2003 Page 3 of 5 meeting, the Committee was still three (3) members short. More applications were received, and the Senior Advisory Committee met on July 28 th and recommended that Raymond Reed, Joe LeCour, and E.E. Burns be appointed to serve three (3) year terms on the Committee. Peter said that after that time, Mr. LeCour declined the nomination to serve on the Committee. Glen D. made a motion to appoint Raymond Reed and E.E. Burns to thM Senior Advisory Committee. Don A. seconded the motion. All were in favo and the motion passed unanimously. I 10.Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program. Eric updated ' the Board on the status of the current Capital Improvement, proposed future bond election, and Park Land Dedication projects. �,.'.'urrent Capital Improvement Projects: Bee Creek Light Pole Replacement - The Department is in the process of bidding the project out now to get an early start on it, and to get the equipment ordered and installed during the winter. Hensel Park Playground Replacement - The project is ready to bid out so the construction can begin once the funds are available in October 2003. Lincoln Center Expansion/Improvements - An additional $350,000 fro Community Development funds was allocated to the project to help buil the covered basketball court that was included as part of the WA Tarro Park Corridor Master Plan. 11 Proposed Future Bond Election Projects: Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II - Council voted to a three (3) soccer fields to the bond election (for an approximate addition cost of $1.3 million). I If the City Centre project is approved in the bond election, the Parks and Recreation Department Administration staff will be relocated to that site, aBLS possible uses for the existing Central Park office will need to be determined. Council voted to add $310,000 for park facility upgrades (intergenerational features) back into the bond election. Staff will prepare detailed information for the Board concerning the projects that are being proposed for the bond election. Jodi W. stated that early voting would start in October 2003. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 12, 2003 Page 4 of 5 Park Land Dedication Projects: Zone 4 - Two (2) projects listed in this zone are on hold because there are really no established projects yet. Zone 6 - Four (4) projects are on hold in this zone because of the potential for using those funds to build a future park on Southwest Parkway, by Wellborn Road, depending on Board approval. If a park where to be built in that area, it would provide park service to those residents that is not provided at this time. Zone 7 - Eric stated that he hopes that there will be public hearings for the design of Woodway Park in the fall. The Department has hired an intern, who is working on some design concepts for that park. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. This item was intended for discussion only, and no motion was madl 12. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items: 13.Adjourn: Glenn S. made a motion to adjourn. Jodi Warner seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 12, 2003 Page 5 of 5 Citizen Advisory Bard Orientation Monday, August 18, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. - General Session City Council Chamber Speakers: Mayor Silvia City Manager Torn Brymer - Role of Committee members, Strategic Plan, Staff relations with committees, City org. chart. City Secretary Connie Nooks - Meeting Attendance Ord. & Meeting/Parliamentary Procedures. City Attorney Harvey Cargill - Open meetings Act, Public Information Act, Nepotism, executive sessions, & Conflict of Interest. 7:00 p.m. - Breakout Sessions Individual Boards and Commissions meet with departmental representatives in assigned City Mall conference rooms to discuss charge of board, staff relation to board, reporting to council. 8:00 p.m. - Swearing -in - Council Chambers Kris Lehde - Updates From: Kris Lehde T o: ipn@tamu.edu Subject: Updates CC: Ric Ploeger; Steve Beachy as though e-mails with attachments haven't made their way outside the City's server. Hopefully, this will make Ws way to you. During the Sept. 9th meeting, the Board suggested a presentation from Development Services staff concernin the projected growth rate for College Station. Because of the useful information of this presentation, we are al inviting our PARD supervisory staff, as well as Cemetery and Senior Advisory Committee members to attend. I order to accommodate everyone, the presentation will be held on Monday, October 6th, at noon, at the City Hall Council Chambers (1101 Texas Avenue). Agendas will be posted in the event of board/committee quorums. I will make sure to get the information from this presentation to those members who cannot attend. Lunch will be served. I 4. Uversee tne aesign ot neighborn ood parks (i.e. — 0001affu Park, potential Northgate area park, parks in Zone 10). 5. Oversight and support for Park Maintenance Standards. Ftfi��MI== There will also be a blanket goal stating that the Board supports staffs efforts (i.e. working with interagency groups, implementing CIP Projects, seeking grants/donations, seeing Dept, accreditation, support for the implementation of a regional park, Urban Forest Management Plan, communication with other City Boards/Committees, on-line registration). Also, I will be trying to get a quorum for the scheduled joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission that will be held on Thursday, October 30th. I think that's it for now. Please let me know if you have any questions. (Please note that Steve, Ric, the Superintendents, and myself will be out of pocket on a staff retreat both today and tomorrow). about:blank 9/24/2003 2003-2004 PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS John P. Nichols, Chair (6/04) 1317 Angelina Court College Station, Texas 77840 (H) 693-2517 (W) 845-8491 E-mail: jpn@tamu.edu Glenn Schroeder (6/04) 1304 Autumnwood Drive College Station, Texas 77845 (H) 693-9937 (W) 846-5717 Adulvdiw'g.';4&41 !jae"flaw, w, jag Jodi Warner (6104) 3521 Graz Drive College Station, Texas 77845 (H) 696-1297 (W) 492-3065 E-mail: J—warner(a-)cox-internet.com Glen A. Davis (6/04) 6021vycove College Station, Texas 77845 (H) 693-6264 (W) 361-6229 F=ff VIS6264eAOL.col Don Allison (7/05) 601 Coachlight College Station, Texas 778 (H) 696-5503 (W) 260-4440 E-mail: allison@fabtexas.col Ken Livingston (7/05) 1904 Bee Creek College Station, Texas 77840 (H) 693-2065 (W) 845-2423 E-mail: ksliving@txcyber.com Gary Erwin, Alternate (7/05) 4513 Amber Stone Court College Station, Texas 77845 (H) 690-8013 E-mail: erwin74@aol.com 0.lBoardlMembersI2003-04 Member List doc az —r —1 s —01 e .sns .;" a !" fi s'.esFr' mazes xEas' m.R�x' u� x° e o-.,�• 6 O8 `St" TMkI' -W x:S,Y 5 r ' s _ - �h -. ,......_,_` ..,....._. I i-ar r• s i—__-__—_ � - 1 if iyc�e �w�^ - _ .......... ^'.'— . m«ve'-<<yR ��' 3 _- l fjar 777- J pe'� ..�- ,/ �a^ .,_ ` a.«m�.a w.�u ��—� �''".•a.. -�, a es�v r'. �« �. sru � �xw �Rm,..� ,e (1 �" f �f gar. ,*w Rxa� suw 3 5" 21 22 -( 23 24 25 26 27 2B f 'S a9d r Armes Hsu• L4Yra s �c � v 4'� Y Ovr / f ,om op i RBloNk lal lei V ie 17 I6 95 74 4-1 - __.� 3 I .-��' LYrxf FA"d Sh, I E fSYaaabiva _ i _ 1 1 p M Lty� �-+ $�qj"�! F jJ 7tRFAA Nra � m L S '�bR L`.Q #(�€F_R I bTC 3 FOR [NTFR16R L t , `...,% `f "' r ..F 't ,,.�.,,..�.:w NNE �..:.�."..,......,�._......,.; _ .i.�i...i r��'t �'''r p ,fig VILLa 1 .L' �.1.�rpL' .Lf �P t 1 ''a � � _ E M 4B'#Jb4' W 329M' ,,,=-y _.. .._....,.. i .i�s .fJ` ..n tat 7 � 5"°" I �.,'� �' tage.:u' 7.2,98 ACRES J./,.r',,"' � �?�r.,�;�:s� � [• ` # � Ltd � �, , , ... _ � � t,'Yfif"r", �` a^?�`i'�?d.SQPm' L�"iSC'UW" : 3-' Work Performed Within the Fast IZ Months The cracked brickwork at the front entrance and around the statue has been repaired. The "Homestead Site" marker and the "RC" grave foot marker have been replaced. The "Homestead Site" marker was replaced with a granite stone marker and brick pavers have been installed around it to make the marker more noticeable. - The sidewalk brick pavers have been leveled, but need to be leveled again. - The flags have been replaced. - New tree identification markers have been installed and all old tree markers have been removed. - The flowerbeds have been herbicided and trimmed. - The wood flowerbeds around the historical information center have been removed. - Park has been regularly mowed since the end of the wildflower season. Additional Works to Be Done - *Herbicide and remove grass from the cracks of the brick walkways. - *Replace worn flags. - *Clean the mold and mildew from the observation decks. - Re-establish cinder track leading to the observation decks. - Trim up the trees. - Re -level sunken bricks in the brick walkways. - Remove tree stumps. *This work will be performed this week depending on the weather. The other tasks will take some time and will be completed as soon as time and manpower allows. Potential Future Proiects - Replace irrigation system. - Renovate planting areas. - Replace the drinking fountain. - Consider installation of a playground. - Consider replacing the cinder track with concrete. FtELO REDEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE J t C 17Y OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT DRAFT Farr rl L 2020 24_e 2025 2J2o J2 b25 ._ 201 211 2J]i 20]S _ „r t�srallee Year —� ?pf1 2013 ➢Ota 20rs e0 btd 2Jea --` � ,L So/reall Flelds 2 .Ou. _L I1 tol — — J `Blzamers(30 Yrs) 19M1Irn912J Yrs) 2((0✓5) $$J� o (DnnkFollntaMz(tOYrst gib xx Secce. F,a3es 1 Dleacne�(pYrs) ,aaJ LA ' —— L`9M1t1' 9 (20 IivK;/ Yrs) fff L ., InLer//5JI OVERDUE (—_ --- —, Deals ps 4r5) f5v�( — IDnnk Fou-- o o % S 1/ba/1 Fielgs _ I filxachers(11211 Llghl(21'rs l 0Yrsl) I Fancx��vgasl5i2p Ilrnuapnn (2D vrs) 2ovJR1- IrannRram(tsvrx) (6M1aae 6lruclures lt'--Yrs 2J0'/f/. Dnnk fOVnteins (tJ Yrzl 2D02 I I f,��I I I Iso xr Fielas RIea..M1ars (30 Yrs) Oo2J ___ %% Lahlina 120 vrsl '-D 1i —�— L_� � I Ilrr„aten(2pYr„ 2.11 — —�— —� _ —� -- I • 1 _- IoJneng(zDvrs) FancelDugours (2J Yrsl 211 pr"—(2D vra) t_e5 OVERDUE IrarutneelelfEvrst I tsa]I Ison xaR„x ea: aa�F�ema I I I I I I I I - 4gnring(2JYrs)— cx/Du9ouis J III I I ee�galron i2p Yrsl I t B3II OVEfl DUE — I _— �' 1 I I I Turt/Innaltl lti Yrsl =9" OVERDUE ` 6haee 6lrucluas(12'.r -00 IDnnk Fountains (la vrs� 2,0 D-lsaclle sl3J vrs� __J 49h.N912U Yrsl 53� OVERDUE Ir° an �2D Y, OVERUE 11E 1'r:l gal OVERDDUE rr/n to aa __ I I I lei=em r 371 yhtry I I % xx _ rx Date Received: Park Zone: Current Zone Balance: Project Location: Name of Development: Applicant: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone Number/Fax: E-mall: Engineer/Planner: Address: City/StateZip: Phone Number/Fax: E-ball: Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi -Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: Proposed Dedication: Park • Dedication Ordinancs Project3 : i 8/5/03 4 $21,654 North of Highway 30, east of VPAC, borders FM 158 Villas of Harvey Carrara Realthy Ltd. 40 North Loop 410, Suite 562 San Antonio, Texas 78216 (979) 764-7743 (Engineer) Fax Number: TEXC®N / Joe Schultz 1707 Graham Road College Station, Texas 77845 (979) 764-7743 Approximately 600 4.8 Acres 5.69 Acres without detention; 7.84 acres with detention Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi -Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): $96,000 Total Acquisition Fee: $96,000 Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): $175,200 Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): Multi -Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): $271,200 Park Land Dedication Checklist O/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version RevisedAs Page 1 2A (979) 764-7759 (979) 764-7759 Seodon1O-B-4: Park Development |n Lieu of Fee Required development cost: $175,200 Staff review date and comment: 8/7/03 Parks Board review and decision: Section 10-13-5: Minimum Park Size Isthe proposed park less than five (5)acres? No Ifyes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7.- Prior Park Acquisition Is there anexisting park that can serve the proposed development? No Ifyes, staff recommends: Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed perk dedication in compliance with the Cih/mCamppohonaiva Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Yes Comments: Section 110-F: Additional Information 1. Island hnthe iOO'yoarfloudplain? a. Detention/Retention? Acreage infloodplakz Acreage indetention: Acreage in greenways Comments: Undetermined Percentage: Yes Size: Undetermined Meets Board Policy? Undetermined Percentage: Undetermined Percentage: None from ore°nwavPlan Percentage: Park Land Dedication Checklist OlBoardlPark Land DedicationacklistlOriginalsILongVersion nevised.xis Section I 0-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. I Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: Park is generally located in the center of the development. (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: Crossing of only minor collectors will be necessary. (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: Staff recommends a site visit by staff and the Parks Advisory Board. (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: Detention/retention areas are proposed and subject to Parks Advisory Board recommendation. 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co -development of new sites. Comments: Park site is in a Drainage/Greenway Park Land Dedication Checklist OlBoardlPark Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xis Page 3 (b)Aproposed subdivision adjacent toapark may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greemwayconnections toexisting nrfuture adjoining subdivisions may bu required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: Street connections for future subdivisions are shown. (c)Where enon-residential use must directly abut apark, the use must baseparated byuscreening wall orfence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: Monon-residential use abutting the park isanticipated. (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (B}96)ufthe perimeter ofapark should abut epublic street. in all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: Approximately 25%ofthe park has street frontage. Approximately 50Y6street frontage ioachieved if the detention/retention portion iaaccepted. (e) Streets abutting u park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards ofthis ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent ho e park to be onmtmnhad to collector width toensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation insuch aninstance. Comments: Staff : Staff recommends further information regarding the flood plain area ba obtained and reviewed. Staff also recommends asite visit bythe Parks Advisory Board. Parks and Recreation Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist OlBoardlParvLand DedicatlonlchecklistlOriginalsILong Version Reviseuxis (r qlPE� SP G -NAC&,-`� ANDSCA�E,l G GRJEEN P�QLT / L 0.95 �c4s 0.1 AK t: VICINITY MAP qERAL SURvEYOR cjTY OF BRYAN 4�cordlng tO the CffY LUTS rporated Areos. Q UN pn Other Areos PROJECT LWATION R Date Received: Park zone: Current Zone Balance: Project Location, Name of Development: Applicant: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone Number/Fax: E-mail: Engineer/Planner- Address: City/StateZIp: Phone Number/Fax: E-bail: Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi -Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: Proposed Dedication: Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Project Review Checklist 8/6/03 3 $18,873 Sterling at Lassie Lane Richards Subdivision - Hampton Estates Glenda Hampton 3416 N. 44th Street, Unit 62 Phoenix, Arizona 85018-6049 Carlomagno 2714 Finfeather Bryan, Texas 77801 (979) 775-2873 REQUIRED COMPLIANCE !01 0.059 Acres 0 Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $1,188 Multi -Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: $1,188 Section 10-B-3., Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $2,148 Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): $3,336 Multi -Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist OlBoardlPark Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.x1s Page 9 Fr - CIVE M2 " r M Fax Number: (979) 775-4787 Section 10-13-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Section 10-13-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? N/A If yes, staff recommends: Accept the cash dedication Section 10-E., Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Yes Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 1 00-year f loodplain? a. Detention/Retention? Acreage in floodplain: Acreage in detention: Acreage in greenways: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist OlBoardlPark Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.x1s Page 2 Percentage: Size: Meets Board Policy? Percentage: Percentage: Percentage: Yes, Wolf Pen Creek Section 1 0-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. I Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co -development of new sites. Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist OlBoardlPark Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 3 (b) Aproposed subdivision adjacent hoapark may not badesigned turestrict reasonable access hothe park from other area subdivisions. Street and gveenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c)Where enon-residential use must directly abut apark, the use must beseparated byascreening wall nrfence and landscaping. Access points to the park maybe allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if public benefit is established. (d) kisdesirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comment: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however. the City may require any residential street built adjacent to e park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation insuch aninstance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Accept the cash dedication Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist omnmnwPamc=u DedicationlchocklistlOriginalsILong Versm"nowse«.xl. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS c- �. s _ i'ffis Quarterly Periods: First Quarter. FY 2003 Overall % of Standards inlet: 841/6 Second Ouartera FY 2003 Overall % of Standards Meta 85% Third Ouarter, FY 2003 Overall % of Standards Mete 88% Fourth Ouarter® FY 2003 Overall % of Standards Met: ®/ Cateeories I. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East South West 1s' Quarter 86% 75% 84% 2"d Quarter 90% 89% 90% 3rd Quarter 86% 88% 87% 41h Quarter lI. Playgrounds East 1st Quarter 82% 2nd Quarter 82% 3rd Quarter 84% 4th Quarter III. Picnic Facilities East 1st Quarter 87% 2nd Quarter 83% 3rd Quarter 92% 41h Quarter IV. 'Tennis Courts East South 87% 87% 83% West 83% 79% 84% Ave_ . % of Stds Met 82% 90% 87% Ave. % of Stds Met 84% 83% 84% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 75% 85% 87% 86% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 75% 84% 83% 75% South West Ave. % of Stds Met Prev. Yr.% of Stds Met 88% 90% 88% 85% 93% 90% 89% 88% 89% 88% 90% 89% 87% South 1st Quarter 91 % 91 % 2"d Quarter 86% 91% 3rd Quarter 95% 98% 41h Quarter V. Basketball Courts East South 1st Quarter 88% 95% 2nd Quarter 82% 94% 3rd Quarter 96% 98% 4t" Quarter West Avg. % of Stds Met 73% 85% 73% 83% 100% 98% West Ave. % of Stds Met 87% 90% 85% 87% 87% 94% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 70% 76% 80% 82% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 86% 90% 92% 83% VT. Sand Volleyball Courts East South 1st Quarter 78% 93% 2nd Quarter 74% 94% 3rd Quarter 82% 92% 4`h Quarter VII, Ponds East South l' Quarter 53% 75% 2nd Quarter 53% 87% 3rd Quarter 63% 84% 4th Quarter VIII. Parks: General Parks East South 1st Quarter 83% 82% 2nd Quarter 86% 90% 3rd Quarter 90% 88% 4th Quarter Overall District Averages West 89% 100% 100% West 75% 75% 69% West 94% 94% 95% Ava. % of Stds Met 87% 89% 91% Avg. % of Stds Met 68% 72% 72% Avg. % of Stds Met 86% 90% 91% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 77% 94% 89% 93% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 62% 62% 73% 60% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 83% 83% 89% 85% East South West Overall % of Stds Met Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met I" Quarter 81% 86% 84% 84% 77% 2nd Quarter 79% 91% 86% 85% 83% 3rd Quarter 86% 88% 89% 88% 85% 4th Quarter 81 % 4- Pit OR % P. 0, Box 9960 - 1-101 Texas Avenue m CoNege Station, TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 July 29, 2003 Dear Parks and Recreation Board Members: The Senior Advisory Committee would like to recommend that the Parks and Recreation Board appoint Raymond Reed, Joe LeCour and E.E. Burns to serve on the Senior Advisory Committee for a term of three years. Their terins would begin on August 25, 2003 and end with the June meeting in 2006. Their applications are attached. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, attA. Marci Rodgers Senior Services Coordinator (979)764-6371 Voter Registration S) 0 9 1?5 Business Owner? Yes (E) Business Name: Occupation-in6k (If retired, please indicate former ccupation) Address: Fax: E-mail: Education (optional) AA HwnA POSITION SOUGHT(Please indicate choice with 1, 2 or 3 - where I is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) CHOOSE NO MORE THAhi 3 i M� MW Conference Center Advisor■ y Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Senior Advisory Committee If you currentl serve on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: Please list any exp ience or i�teresjs Jat qualifies you to serve in the positions indicated: re of Applicant Date '20DZ-� Mail completed application to ty ecretary's Office, City of College Station, P.O. Box 960, olle� Station, TX 77842. In compliance with Chapter 552, Goll­�'_ set Co (Public Information A M), information related to tile applicant's e address, home telephone number, and e-mail address shalt be made available to the pub pub s the applicant signs below stating that tine information is not to be released. "hth Signature Attendance at orientation Is mandatory before serving on a committee. EDUCATION: 1953 Bachelor of Architecture, Tulane University 1958 Master of Architecture, Harvard University -1131VORIS and -Cvberneties 1958-96 Research Oriented Pr-mm-te 1996- present- Retired, research, writings and design studies 2002 Shifted from Professionally Aefive to Prolpsionally Inactive Status TEACHING 195X-95 third year through wasters classes in architectural design. Chalring'.Pok students primarily i*,re�ted in energy-rog�spurce conserving architecturarzign. ',AND AWARDS AIA Honor Award for Meritorlo Design 1997® present: Who's Who in America, for contributions to architectural education 1986® Sustainabk Architecture. A text ®n the ethics, economics, physical, spatial and psychologiml constraints for designing human communities in symbiotic relationships with their natural hostvavironments. Limited design practice Application for City Boards/Comrnissionv� -2004 Committees for Year 2003 i NA PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY 4 NAME o Jig" It 11 4 i e f, lome Address 60g Telephone: 9 Fax:, E-mail.. J"/"", College Station Resident for7 years (Must be a resident of the City ztserve) Subdivision, a vp'7? I _ Voter Registration 0 Business Owner? Yes (R5 Business Name: (7' Occupation: ee (If retired, please medicate former occupation) Address:, C CY Telephone: . __ozi� Fax: E-mail: Jo),ec_-0 u-x<--Vb e;P­- Zle.,W Education (optional) FOSITION SOUGHT- (Please indicate choice with 1,2 or 3 - where I is most preferable and 3 bein" least preferable.) CHOOSE NO MORE THAN 3 1 77M­" �MWAW" Conference Center Advisory Committee 9 Lincoln Center Advisory Committee cp-- Senior Advisory Committee If you currently serve on any other board s/commis sio ns/co mmittees, please list them here: Please list any experienpe or interests that qualifies you to sere p in the positiQns Indic to 5 7� 1A ' 6�c ,nature of Applicant Date 9 Mail completed application to: '�'Cisecretaryls Office, City College Station, P.O. Bate 9 60, egge StatiGn, jTk 77842. In compliance with Chapter 552, Government Code (Public Information Act), information related to the applicant's home address, home telephone number, and e-mail address shall he made available to the public, unless the applicant signs below stating that the information is not to be released. I Signature Attendance at orientation Is mandatory before serving on a committee. C rm ®` e b44ZOq 9 e �0 4 wT�4k , its=z>.-, .:, t„-eF.*-;e.a 'a,. , .r,>: t; tit;: :.,v>-.,i cad.,o-), t?i, fin f;—Tmf= fir. f4;e ,Y..�1i;r ,,;e f �:tr.,e =:�f._;�� fhaa{ t€:; eca4e: evr stE=.':•tt is r:.rf f^ PARKS ,As', RECREATION rr O DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Eer PARK LAND DEDICATION 4 e n....N PROJECTS 00-03 August 1, 2003 (Lick Creek Park Development, Phase I (Southwood LL & SL Dugout Covers (Bee Creek Light Pole Replacement (Hensel Park Playground Replacement Cemetery Land Acquisition [Lincoln Center Expansion/Imprpvemen Under Construction Bids Received On Hold till 11/03 Agreement Complete On Hold til 10/03 On Hold Pendinq Contract $20,963.94 Pete PK0069 $478,000 98 G.O. /TPWD Grant 10/03 Pete PK0300 $11,000 Improvement Fund 8/5/03 Pete PK0303 $68,000 '98 G.O. 1/04 Pete PK0210 $40,000 Replacement Account 5/04 Ross GG9905 $275,000 '98 G.O. Unknown Ric $170,000 CDBG * CSISD and Flock Prairie PTO to cover $48,612 of this cost. 1 Under Construction 1 ;Bids Received 1 ;Pending Contracts 1 Out to Bid 0 In Design 0 On Hold 3 Park Land Dedication Projects Lastgate varK improvements I in uesign uavia & Zone 2 Funds UU14 1 Raintree Improvements Windwood Imorovemen On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds Brothers, Fitch, Miller Benches i In Design Jack & Dorothy Miller Park Playgrounds w/Cushion Bids Received k Sstattfts<ood Siziewp,, IA,, ,, _ .u'Complete, Longmire Park Plavqround & Picnic Unit On Hold Iavld PK02161;700 Zone Funds fl$f03 2!10l03 �1'0 Pete PKfl$b7,, ` : ,$22 290 . Zpt1e 5 1�1td:�,: , ; �kW10 ,, a�12�/g3,, „ $22,290 David PK0311 $25,000 Zone 5 Funds 8/30/03 David PK0312 $137 000 Zone 5 Funds 10/30/03 $88 889 3 $17,000' Yi one 5 funds a? ; ,', ,%l )$ 7/i5[t3 ,,,, Pete NA $0 Zone 5 Funds 5ci6r Knoll Ru dahion ,.:: er. Oomplete "i2ic 1*0�08` $8,006 Zone.6 Funds Unknown Anderson Walk and Benches' On Hold David PK0315 $45,000 Zone 6 Funds 8/29/03 Bee Creek Benches ® On Hold David PK0316 $12,000 Zone 6 Funds (Anderson Park Swing Set On Hold David PK0314 $12,000 Zone 6 Funds 8/29/03 I Gabbard Park Sidewalk � On Hold David NA $35,000 Zone 6 Funds 9/1/03 Woodway Park Development [ In Design Ric PK9803 $600,000 Zone 7 Funds Unknown ® eNow Shenandoah Park Development ) 1 In Design Pete NA $200,000 Zone 10 Funds 6/04 Under Construction 0 Bids Received 1 Pend ina Contracts 0 'Out to gid 0 In Design 4 Pending Land Acquisition 0 On Hold 9 Page 2 O:/Projects/CIP/CIP & Park Land Ded Project List. doc Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future! 1. Establish policies and standards for re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department 2 Review quarterly park maintenance standards reports and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS2SJ`.a) (In. progress. I" Quarter report on January 14, 2003. 2"d Quarter report on April 8, 2003. 3d Quarter scheduled fi)r August 12, 2003.) 21 Develop a long-term replacement schedule for playgrounds, court surfacing, and other key facilities (VS2S]. a) (June, 2003) • Evaluate all leisure service programs offered by the Department and develop recommendations for improvements ('VS2S2.b) (Aquatics Programs presentation on November 12"', Athletics Programs presentation oil Dec. l0tb, Educational Pro rams it �t , and ),rams presentation on Feb. 11" presentation on January 14tEntertainment Pro� 1_ Supervised Recreation Programs presentation on March 4trt • Develop recommendations for implementation of an Urban Forest Management Plan (VS2SLb) (Plan presented to Council on September 26, 2002, and recommendations fbr implementation approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on April 8, 2003. Recommendations for the initial recommended implementation steps included in the FY04 budget requests). 2. Provide more interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council El Monitor status of Unified Development Ordinance (VS.3Sl.q) El Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss Board goals and objectives (October 24, 2002). • Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to report on the progress of Board goals and objectives (April 24, 2003). • Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss Board goals and objectives and other issues (March 6, 2003 - The revised Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan was presented to the Commission during the joint workshop meeting, and approved during the Commission's regular workshop meeting). 3. Provide oversight for the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program 11 Woodway Park site plan approval • Shenandoah Park site plan approval (Public hearing May 6, 2003. Board discussion May 13, 2003). • Develop a plan for the use of existing Park Land Dedication Funds (September 10, 2002) R] WA 'farrow Park Corridor Master Plan approval (Presentation of citizen survey to Board on November 12 1h . Ajoint meeting was held on Feb. 181,1i , 2003, between the Parks Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval: September 10, 2002 Council Approval: October 24, 2002 Updated: August 1, 2003 Page I of 3 and Recreation Advisor), Board and the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. The Lincoln Center Advisory Committee approved the plait on February 24, 2003. The Parke and Recreation Advisory Board approved the plan oil March 4, 2003. The plait was presented to the City Council on May 8, 2003). 0 Complete all remaining 1998 Bond Fund projects (In progress). 4. Provide planning and coordination for the 2003 Bond Election (VUS2.e) 0 Review and update submitted CIP list 10 Develop additional recommendations for the CIP 0 Staff/Board presentation to the Citizens Advisory Committee (March 25, 2003). 5. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan (VS3S2.d) 0 Staff review and update of the current Master Plan, Section I — Introduction (September 2002). 2 Staff review and update of Section V — Inventory and Facilities (September 2002). 0 Staff review and update of Section VI — Needs Assessment and Identification (September 2002). R1 Board subcommittee review and comments regarding proposed updates for Section 1, IV, and VI (October 20021). Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section VII — Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation (November 6, 2002). Cal Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section III — Plan Development Process (October 2002). • Completion of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan (Is' Draft Complete). • Public input period for the revised Master Plan • Board consideration of the revised Master Plan (January 2003). 21 Planning and Zoning Commission consideration of the revised Master Plan (March 6, 2003). 0 City Council presentation and consideration adopting revised Master Plan (June 12, 2003). 6® Provide oversight for the implementation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex R1 Memorial Dedication Ceremony on November 11, 2002 • Complete Phase I development (VS2S2.d) (September 2002) • Investigate potential agreement with the College Station Soccer Club for clubhouse building (Project not feasible at this time) • Conduct Grand Opening of the Phase I project (Saturday, Alf 17, 200.3) • Review operations and maintenance and make recommendations for Fiscal Year 2004 (Request submitted within the FY04 budget process). • Review Needs Assessment and update as required • Develop revisions for Phase 11 recommendations 7. Provide oversight for the design and installation of the batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park • Secure funding • Approve site plan Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval: September 10, 2002 Council Approval: October 24, 2002 Updated: August 1, 2003 Page 2 of 3 0 Complete construction 8. Provide oversight for the installation of the new jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park ✓Q Complete construction (September 2002) 0 Investigate alternative types of surfacing for playgrounds 9. Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan (VS2S3.q) * Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (June 10, 2003). * Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways 10. Support the City Council's Interagency Plan on any Park and Recreation related issues P1 Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments and programs (presentation to CSISD on ,January 21, 2003). ® Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District and the South Knoll PTO concerning the potential of rubberizing the South Knoll jogging track (Interlocal Agreement approved by the City Council on December 19, 2002). • Continue dialog with Texas A University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (TAMU Nature Trail Planning; TGWU Cross Country Team). • Continue to investigate joint programming opportunities with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department (VS2S2.() (In progress — currently investigating registration sojiware opportunities, Georgre Bush Library Programming and TIVIPA Regional Park). 11. Identify potential new sources of revenue * Identify potential grant opportunities (TPWD — October 8, 2002) * Investigate the potential for a donations program (In progress) El Review user fees and develop recommendations (Fees Subcommittee appointed, and meeting scheduled for April 16, 2003. Scheduled for Parks and Recreation Advisory Board approval May 13, 2003, but the item will be put on a fitture agenda ft)r discussion). Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives BoardApproval: September 10, 2002 Council Approval: October 24, 2002 Updated: August 1, 2003 Page 3 of 3 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY03 GOALS & OBJECTIVES Implementation of the CIP Program Implementation of Special Projects Continue to Improve Staff Development Implementation of New Programs Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CIP Program D Complete the Lick Creek Park Phase I project (In progress) [I Complete master plan and design of Woodway Park 21 Complete master plan and design of Shenandoah Park (Public hearing on May 6, 2003) 11 Complete intergenerational park projects (In progress) 0 Complete G.O. 1998 Bond projects (in progress) 2 Complete Thomas Pool renovation and shade structure (May 15, 2003) 0 Complete acquisition of new cemetery site (in progress) Continue to Improve Staff Development El Complete Management Academy (Kristin Lehde, Dana Albrecht, Geri Marsh, and Grace Calbert - attended Feb, 17th - 21st). 21 Complete Supervisory Academy (Jimmy Charanza, Keith Fails, Charles Harris, David Hudspeth, Marci Rodgers) [I Complete National Recreation & Park Association Park Maintenance School (I employee) El Complete the Texas Nature Trails Construction Workshop (David Wood) 2 Complete DPS Debris Management Course (Steve Beachy) 21 Complete Customized Media Presentations Workshop (Director, Assistant Director, and Superintendents) • Complete the "Storms Over the Urban Forest Training" (I employee: Ross Albrecht - attended Feb. 27-28th). • Complete NRPA Revenue Management Training (Peter Lamont - completed February 7, 2003). El Complete TAMU Landscape Architect Workshop (Peter Vanecek, Afsaneh Yazdani, David Wood - attended Feb. 21st & 22nd) 0 Attend and participate in the annual TRAPS professional training conference in San Antonio (Steve Beachy, Dana Albrecht, Ross Albrecht, Jana Cope, Sheila Walker, Patrick Hazlett, David Hudspeth, Marci Rodgers, Vera Solis, Eric Ploeger, Curtis Bingham - attended on March 26, 27, and 28, 2003. Steve Beachy, Curtis Bingham, and Vera Solis were presenters at the Conference). Implementation of CItV Council Strategic Issues, EI Complete the Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan update (Approved by the Parks and Rec. Adv. Board on Jan. 14'h, approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 6. City Council approval on June 12, 2003. 2 Complete the Parks & Recreation Department 2003-2007 Strategic Plan EI Complete the WA Tarrow Park Corridor Master Plan update (in progress - a Joint Meeting was held between the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee on February le. The plan was approved by the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee on Feb. 24 1h , and approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on March 4"'. The plan will be presented to the City Council on May 8"') Achieve a 75% or higher rating on all major categories for Park Maintenance Standards (In Progress - I" Quarter Report submitted to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on Jan. 14th. 2nd Quarter presented on April 81 ) Develop implementation schedule of Urban Forest Management Plan (Plan presented to Council on September 26, 2002, staff has recommended implementation steps in the FY04 budget process). ❑ Complete current capital improvement projects (In progress) Comprehensive review of all leisure services programs (Aquatic Programs presentation on November 12h. Athletics Prograrns presentation on December 10"'. Educational Programs presentation on January 14t", Entertainment Programs presentation on Feb. I I`h, and Supervised Recreation Programs presentation on March 4 1h). Continue to explore cooperative efforts with other agencies (in progress: TAMU Hensel Park, TAMUIVPAC, CSISDISouth Knoll Jogging Track, City of BryanlMadeley Park and Recreational Software, George Bush Library, TMPA Regional Park Project). Implementation of Special Projects 0 Conduct dedication ceremony for Veterans Memorial project (November 11, 2002) El Conduct grand opening of Veterans Parks & Athletic Complex (scheduled for Saturday, May 17, 2003) 2 Investigate feasibility of joint project with College Station Soccer Club (Project is not feasible at this time.) El Conduct a benchmark survey of similar cities 0 Investigate potential sources of additional revenue (In progress) 121 Complete recommendations for future CIP program (Presentation to Citizen's Advisory Committee on March 25, 2003) [3 Develop recommendations for existing Conference Center [3 Conduct seasonal pay study and develop recommendations (In Progress, working with Human Resources) El Conduct dedication for the Jane Pulley Softball Fields (November 2, 2002) 21 Purchase Scoreboard for Veterans Park & Athletic Complex (2 scoreboards purchased March 2003) VS 2 Urban Forestry S i . b Plan Ross VS 2 Intergenerationai S 2.a Parks Ric VS 2 S 2.b VS 2 S 2.c VS 2 S 2.d VS 2 S 2.e Review Leisure Peter Service Programs Cooperative efforts and joint programming with City of Bryan Complete Development of Veterans Park Phase Develop new five- year Parks Capital Improvement Projects Peter 0 01 VS 3 Update Parks Steve S 2d Master Plan Ric 111 • , r rA �I # "Aquatics programs '' reviewed . . 1#1 #42 Draftof. Pfan approved bvRarius;; Advisory Board,' NOTE: Shaded items have been completed. Revised August 1, 2003 0AStrategic Planning/Plan Calendars 2003/Timeline 2003.doc VS 2 Park Maintenance S 1 Da Standards Curtis VS 2 Urban Forestry Plan S 1.b Ross VS 2 Intergenerational Parks S 2.a Ric Review Leisure Service VS 2 Programs Peter S 2.b VS 2 Cooperative efforts and S 2.c joint programming with Peter City of Bryan Complete Development of VS 2 Veterans Park Ric S 2.d Phase I VS 2 Develop new five-year S 2.e Parks Capital Ric Improvement Projects VS 3 Update Parks Master Plan Steve Ric S 2d Board Review of 3ro Quarter on 8112/03 3 10 17 24 31 Parks and Recreation Advisory Bard August 2003 Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday - — - - 8 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 115 Parks & Recreation Lincoln Center Advisory Advisory Board College Station City Committee Regular Regular Meeting Council Meeting Meeting 7:00 p.m. 7 p.m. EXIT Teen Center 18 19 20 21 22 Committee & Board Member Orientation - City Council Chambers 6-9 p.m. 25 26 27 - 28 29 Girl's Softball Registration Begins Men's "°C" Major Fast College Station City Pitch National Council Meeting Senior Advisory Tournament 17 p.m. Committee Regular Aug. 27 - Sept. 1 Meeting Saturday 2 9 16 Adamson Lagoon Open Weekends Only 23 Adamson Lagoon Open Weekends Only 30 Adamson Lagoon Open Weekends Only N 14 21 Parks and Recreation Advisory Bard September 2003 Calendar Sunday Monday TuesdayWednesday- Thursday 1 2 3 4 City Offices Closed XTRA Education Men's "C" Major Fast Registration for Fall Pitch National Classes Begins Tournament Ends 8 9 10 11 Parks & Recreation Lincoln Center Advisory Advisory Board ,College Station City Committee Regular Regular Meeting Council Meeting Meeting 7:00 p.m. at the 7 p.m. EXIT Teen Center 15 16 17 - i18 Conference Center Advisory Committee Regular Meeting 22 23 24 ' 25 College Station City Council Meeting 7 p.m. 28 29 30 Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Friday 5 _ 12 19 26 6 Adamson Lagoon Open Weekends Only 13 Local Punt, Pass, & Kick Competition 20 27 Wednesday, August 13, 2003 Agenda at 12m00p.mo College Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive College Station, Texas 77840 AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting 4. Hear visitors 5. Consideration of meeting minutes from Regular Meeting of July 24, 2003. 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Revenue Reports July 2003 *The City of College Station does not discriminate against any person based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability. reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made upon request. Please provide at least 48 hours advance notice. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3720 or TDD 1-800-735-2989. Agenda posted on Internet Website httn://www.ci.colle2e-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. Regular Meeting Wednesday, June 12, 2002, 12: 00p.m. College Station Conference Center Staff Present: Grace Calbert, Conference Center Facility Supervisor Nita Hilburn, Recording Secretary Members Present: Mollie Guin (Chair), Glenda Elledge, Ed Holdredge Members Absent: Fran Lamb (Vice Chair) Call to Order: The Meeting was called to order at 12:08 p.m. Pardon ® Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: None Hear visitors - None Approval of the Minutes: Mollie Guin made a Motion to approve the minutes for May 20, 2002 as written. Glenda Elledge seconded that motion. Revenue Reports: Revenue reports were reviewed for May 2002. Revenues for May 2002 were $8,037.89 versus May 2001 of $10,436.69. Number of clients served May 2002 were 4,638 vs. May 2001 of 5,662. Adjourn: Molly Guin asked for a motion to adjourn. Ed Holdredge moved the meeting to be adjourned and Glenda Elledge seconded the motion. The Meeting was adjourned at 1:00p.m. The next meeting will be held at the College Station Conference Center on Wednesday July 10, 2002, at 12:00 noon. Respectfully submitted, Nita Hilburn, Recording Secretary **Agenda** Lincoln Recreation Center Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes August 11, 2003 1000 Eleanor College Station, Texas 1. Call to order. 2. Pardons. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Discussion, consideration and possible approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting. 5. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning the nomination and approval of officers for the new year, 6. Discussion, consideration and possible action on the Youth Participation questionnaire. *Public Relations Subcommittee. *Visit by Eleanor & Annie to Prairie View *Info to the College Station office of Historical Preservation *Adolescent Outreach/Education Subcommittee. *All Means All Committee. *LRC Supervisor's report. 8. Future Agenda Items. 9. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3733. i. Call to order. Chairperson Williams called the meeting to order at5:50p.m. 2. Pardons. Lance Jackson had indicated that he may not be back in time for the meeting. Members present were: Eleanor Williams, Bobbie Smith, Mabelene Robinson, Carl Dethloff, A. J. Daily, and Annie Williams. 3. Hear visitors. Novisitors were present. 4. Discuss|mn.co/ls!doraton andpossible aqproval mfmninmtemfromnthm Regular Meeting. The Regular Meeting Minutes ofMay 12.28O3were approved aeread. 5. Diacusm|�m,��ns|demd|mn and ac tion concerning �he- ihenevvVear. hoirperaonVVi||iams indicated that action had not been taken on the nominations before the LRCAC Regular Meeting. C8PAR[)will be acting on the recommendations from the LRCAC ottheir meeting scheduled onJune 10'20O3. 0. Discussion, consideration and[posusible action on the Youth|PaFtizipatioK1 �m§stio -mna(r�. Bobbie Smith tvvith Lance; Lance had reported that hevvou|d have a tally atthe June meeting uothatvve could pick the two top items to be worked on. Lance was traveling with a group of Lincoln Center Youth to Camp of the HU|e outside ofAustin. Agenda item tabled until the August meeting. 7. *Public Relations Subcommittee. No report *Adolescent Outreach/Education Subcommittee. No report *Ali Means All Committee. Chairperson reiterated the success of the tutoring program held at Southgate Community Center during April and May of 2003. Information had been forwarded to the members of the LRCAC Committee, the CS|SD Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent. Cad OethUoff reported to committee that he will contact Starlet Bell, Southwood Valley Principal about the proposed June meeting to discuss plans for September. Carl will inform Eleanor Williams ofhis findings. ^LRC Sur)erviaor'e neoort. In Lance's absence, Chairperson Williams reported on the planned "Walk to Bush Presidential Library from LRC." June 17 beginning ot9:00 a.m. The group will have a atop at the K8uDnna|da Restaurant onGeorge Bush Drive for drinks. The Activities etthe Bush Presidential Library will gountil 4p.m. /\ 8pooio| presentation by Cowboy yWiko, a story -teller and historian, will take place when the marchers get to The Bush Library. VVeare anticipating anarrival ofapproximately 1O:0Uto1U:30o.m. Food and refreshments will be provided by local organizations and The Bush Foundation. There is NO CHARGE for participating in this event. The youth will have a chance to show comy their talents of singing, sbapping, dancing. etc. This is one nfthe LR{}Junate*nthCelebrations. 8. Future Aqnndo Items. The "Future Agenda Items" listed on the May minutes were inadvertently left off ofthe June Agenda. These items had tobetabled and will bediscussed atthe next meeting. & Adjourn. The meeting adjourned atG:25p.m. Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, July 28, 2003 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road 10:OOam MINUTES Members Present: Frank Camplone, Laura Holmes, Catherine Lamb, Robert Meyer, Suzanne Reynolds, Colleen Risinger, Dipankar Sen, Yvonne Stevens, and Joanna Yeager. Members Absent: Fred Dollar, Haskell Monroe, Neal Nutall and Betty Wilborn. Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Joanna Yeager, Chairman, at 10:02am. 1I. Hear visitors No visitors were present. 1II. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on June 30, 2003 Suzanne Reynolds made the motion that the minutes be approved. Bob Meyer seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning member applications for the Senior Advisory Committee. The committee reviewed the applications for the senior advisory committee and Catherine Lamb made the motion that Joe LeCour be recommended as a new member of the committee. Laura Holmes seconded the motion. The motion passed. Laura Holmes made the motion that Raymond Reed and E.E. Burns be recommended as new committee members. Catherine Lamb seconded the motion. The motion passed. These names will be presented to the Parks and Recreation Board at their regular meeting on August 12th. V. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning Senior Information Center at Post Oak Mall Laura Holmes reported that Steve Beachy and John Nichols, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, met with Joanna Yeager and Marci Rodgers and herself to discuss the recommendation to have a senior information center at Post Oak Mall. Additional costs associated with the request were discussed as well as looking into the possibility of renting a kiosk. Marci reported that the cost of renting a cart at the mall would be $600.00 per month for January through October and $3,000 - $4,000 per month during the holiday months, November and December. The cost for renting a kiosk is higher and depends on the location and size. The mall will provide electrical and phone outlets. The mall will not give the space to the seniors rent-free. Floor space costs will depend on location and size. The mall will lease space on a square footage basis and runs $18 to $20 a square foot. The committee is suggesting a space size of approximately 600 square feet. John Nichols had asked that a budget be presented to the board showing one time costs and operating expenses including utilities, phone, furnishings and equipment and staffing. An operating budget has not yet been created. Goals and objectives need to be established as well. The research sub -committee was asked to meet again and report at the next regular meeting. VI. Program Sub -Committee report- Catherine Lamb Catherine Lamb reported that the sub -committee had met and discussed a lecture series for the fall. (Minutes attached). The focus for the fall has changed from the time of the meeting to the 65th birthday celebration for the City of College Station and the theme will be "Exploring the History of College Station". Three lectures will be presented at noon and include lunch at the College Station Conference Center on Wednesday, September 17 th, October 15th and November 19tb , The Bush Library is being considered for the November luncheon, VfI. Senior Services Coordinator Report (Report Attached) * RSVP Escort Drivers * A&M Memorial Park VIII. Next meeting date and agenda. Monday, August 25, 2003 Steve Johnson, Superintendent of CSISD, Senior Walk Senior Advisory Committee Program Sub -Committee Meeting Monday, July 7, 2003 2:00pm Parks and Recreation Annex 1300 George Bush Dr. Minutes Members Present: Suzanne Reynolds, Dipankar Sen, Catherine Lamb and Robert Meyer Members Absent: Yvonne Stevens Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator 1. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning electing a sub- committee chairman. Catherine Lamb agreed to serve as chairman for the program sub -committee. 11. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning current and new programs offered for seniors. The committee was asked to give recommendations for programs they would like to see this fall as well as any changes in current programs. The committee discussed implementing a lecture series this fall. After discussing possible topics of interest and speakers the committee voted on their top priorities and they are as follows: History of College Station Bio-terrorism Managing money Osteoporosis Water Usage CIA Undercover Agent * WWII. The committee recommended that the sessions be held at the Teen Center on the third Wednesday of September, October, November and December. The sessions will begin at 10:00am and end at 11:30am. The committee recommends that the following topics be held on the following dates: September 17 th - History of College Station October 15 1h — Bioterrorism or CIA Undercover Agent November 19'h- WWII (George Bush Library) December 17 th — Managing Money These sessions could be advertised in the Xtra Education Brochure. The committee felt that it was important to work with Yvonne Stevens at Lincoln Center so that a lecture program series would be offered at Lincoln Center as well. Marci will work with Yvonne to arrange best dates and topics. Day Trips were discussed and suggestions given included the following: + Anderson Courthouse and Stage Coach Inn * NASA * Brenham - Bluebell Creamery * Winery * Houston — Museums * Conroe —'Tulip Garden * Caldwell — Herb Garden and Purple Gate * Washington on the Brazos * Independence — Antique Rose Emporium 111. Determine next meeting® The committee will meet again at 12:00noon at Lincoln Center on Thursday, August 2 I't. IV. Adjourn The committee adjourned at 4:30pm Senior Services Coordinator Report July 2003 RSVP -Driver Escort Program The program is going to operate from the RSVP office and will soon be up and running. Shirley will be the coordinator and seniors who are 60 and over and need assistance to the doctor, pharmacy, grocery store or a senior center. Seniors will call the RSVP office with 24 hours advance notice and a driver will be contacted to assist. The program is in need of drivers and will reimburse the driver for mileage. Shirley hopes to have the program in operation by August. The program will be promoted in the Eagle. The number to call is 779-3743 ext. 217. A driver orientation meeting will be held on August 12, 2003 at 10: 00am for those interested. The RSVP office is located at 801 E. 29th Street in Bryan and the # is 779-3743 ext.217. A request has been made that a member from the College Station Senior Advisory Committee be in attendance. A&M Memorial Park -"Field of Honor" An effort was made about I Y2years ago to establish a cemetery for A&M graduates and their families. It is on hold and nothing is going on at this time according to Mr. Davis. The City of College Station is looking into purchasing 35-50 acres of land for a new city cemetery, Ross Albrecht reports that a piece of property is being considered and the city would like to have the new site available in four years. The city sells about 160 plots per year and at that rate the current cemetery has about four and one-half years before it is full. Advertising at Hollywood Movie Theater Advertising is handled through Screen Vision. The non-profit rate would be $220.00/week for six months on all 16 screens. The total would be $5,280.00 for six month. The ad would appear for 3 times for 10-12 seconds prior to each showing on all 16 screens. Free Computer Classes Free beginning computer classes for seniors are being offered this summer at the Teen Center. Instructors from the Computer Club are volunteering to teach these classes. Each instructor is teaching a four -session class covering the basics including Internet and email. Thanks to Colleen Risinger, John Vittrup, John Lofgren and David Fox. Classic Film Series All seniors are invited! The film, Shane will be shown on Thursday, July 3 1 " at the George Bush Library and Conference Center at 7:00pm. Free transportation will be provided by the College Station Senior Services for all seniors at designated pick-up locations. Reservations maybe made by calling 764-6371. Space is limited! Third Friday Bridge We had the largest group this month with 20 on Friday, July 181h . The next bridge day is August 15 th from 9:30-12:30 at the Teen Center. We will be offering a beginning bridge class in the fall. Thirty-f our volunteers showed up Sandstone Park on June 21 to help Nel. roalloway, 14, spread mulch around the I trees in the park as part of his Eagle Sco �j *roject. Neal is a member of Boy Scou Troop 60. i Pictured at the completion of 2-1 hours of work are, from left, front row: Patrick Galloway, Samantha Robinski, Kent Walters, Cody Blevins, Jordan Fuchs, Danny Giedraitis, Travis Milam, Mike Giedraitis. Middle row: Will Agnor, Colin MacKenzie, Kevin Rougas, Reese Locke, John Galloway. Back row, standing: Steven Ross, Ben Agnor, Duncan MacKenzie, Jim Roth, Neal Galloway, Ginger Cooper, Clayton Hollis, Randi Satterwhite, Denise Walker, Jackie Price, Mark Hollis, Curtis Schoessow and Tye Rougas. Volunteers not pictured are: Valerie Galloway, Colleen Hughbanks, Dawn Galloway, Gerald Gillory, John Giedraitis, Nina Stanley, Daniel Jay Bell, Jeremy Ramsey. The volunteers were predominantly from Boy Scout Troop 60 and from the Youth Group at Christ United Methodist Church. JUNIOR LIFEGUARb PROGRAM A BIG SUCCESS The Junior Guards finished off the program with their annual trip to Schlitterbahn or, July 30, 2003. Kids f rom the EXIT Teen Center and the Junior Guards from Brenham accompanied them. Overall 115 kids participated in the fun -filled trip accompanied by Eric Ploeger, Jana Wood, and Teen Center, College Station Aquatics, and Brenham Aquatics staff. Vera sends out a huge "thank you" to Jana Wood and Eric Ploeger for helping with the Junior Lifeguard group and their trip to Schlitterbahn. Jana took the lead on getting the group to the park. I really I ''III III !• 11 11 IM" 1111111 T"W, appreciate all of her help, both during the spring and this summer. Christmas On July 19th Santa took a break from t North Pole and visited all of the Colle Station pools for Christmas in 'July. �1 was accompanied by the Christmas Kangar ind by a dancing bear. Children of all ag were able to come and visit with Santa a were rewarded with a mid -summer toy f keing good girls and boys! eg lI!1111��� Ilig'' 11;1111q� 11111173,�111�1 1I11II;­;1!II1l 11111i!,� The contract and terms of acquisition are currently being negotiated in the hope that the software can be purchased within the next sixty days. Implementation will be done in phases over approximately nine months. Once the new software is in place, it will being used allowing the department to take activity registration and facility booking by phone and over the Internet. The software will provide a wide range of reports, accept credit card payments, and many other f unctions, In late July, local resident Mr. Hugh Stearns took the time to write a letter to Steve Reachy praising members of the Forestry crew - Curtis 5choessow, Jeremy Ramsey, June Van byke, and Jay Bell - when they responded to his request for information, and removed a large elm tree f rom his f ront yard. In part, he wrote: U would like to take this opportunity to thank ® and commend ® you. It seems clear from a recent experience I had w1th your department that you have been successful of bringing a laudable level of excellence to citygovernment in College Station." WIS""Rill "All U1131411 UP a I IMM a - In September . . . Adult Flag Football registration and Xtra Education registration begin on September 2,d RSVP -Driver Escort Program . . . This program is designed to provide seniors who need transportation to the doctor, pharmacy, grocery store or a senior center, by using volunteers and their vehicles. The program will be operating out of the RSVP office and will soon be up and running. Seniors will call the RSVP office 24 hours in advance and a driver will be contacted to assist. The program is in need of drivers and will reimburse drivers for mileage. The program will be promoted in The Eagle. The number to call is 779-3743217. A driver orientation meeting will be held on August 12, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. for those interested in volunteering. The RSVP office is located at 801 E. 29th Street in Bryan and the phone number is 779-3743 ext. 217. Free Computer Classes . . . Free beginning computer classes for seniors are being offered this summer at the Teen Center. Instructors from the Computer Club are volunteering to teach these classes. Each instructor is teaching a four -session class covering the basics including Internet and email. Fail Lecture Series . . . Celebrate our 65 Th year as a city by attending the Exploring College 5fation Hisforyseries starting this fall. The City of College Station Historic Preservation Committee and the Senior Advisory Committee have teamed up to offer the series designed to explore College Station's history and to honor local Veterans via history lunch lectures and evening share sessions. All meetings are open to the public. The first meeting is planned for September 101h. MONIM,r. g WWI 2 MIA I , I �ll lij�� 11 i 11 11 lil 1 11 Ill il ill;� IIII 1 31 11 W-0-111 LN Computer Club . . . The computer club for seniors will meet on August 13 th and 27th at 9:00 a.m. at the Utilities Department training room on Graham Road Over 90 people participated in the Starlight Star Search, which culminated in one lucky and talented participant winning a $1,000 Post Oak Mall if certcate. Eight families who participated in the punch card an all -expense paid trip to Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Surveys were conducted at each event with most surveyed saying they were very satisfied with the series. We hope to continue the sponsorship of College Station Utilities and plan for an even better series in 2004! W0101 619 ­1 1, 1, , 1. July 28th through August 3rd , the Girl's 10 & Under Fast Pitch Western National tournament was held at Central Park, Bee Creek, and Veterans Athletic Park. 53 teams from all over the western United States participated in the tournament, including states like Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Iowa, Nebrask Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. The Bonita Valley All Stars from Bonita Valley, California won the tournament. The Gulf Coast All Stars from Corpus Christi finished third and was the highest -placed Texas team.