HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/12/2002 - Regular Agenda - Parks Board1. Call to order. 2. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from the regular meeting of October 8, 2002. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Simmons Addition (Zone 10). 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Harvey Hillsides Subdivision (Zone 4). 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for Champions on Luther Street (Zone 7). 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Spring Creek Townhomes (Zone 10). 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Magnolia Place Dormitory (Zone 2). 10. Presentation, discussion, and possible action concerning leisure program evaluations for the Parks and Recreation Department's Aquatic Programs. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning a master plan for the Lincoln/Tarrow area. 12. Discussion, consideration, and possible appointments to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. 13. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the future Capital Improvement Program. 14. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Veterans Memorial dedication ceremony held at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex on November 11, 2002. 15. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the current Capital Improvement Program. 16. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategies. 17. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items: - December 10, 2002 — Regular Meeting 18. Adj oum. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Peter Vaneeek, Senior Park Planner; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; David Hudspeth, Athletic Supervisor; David Gerling, Recreation Superintendent; Vera Solis, Aquatics Supervisor; Dana Albrecht, Instruction Supervisor; Jenny Hartsfield, Assistant Instruction Supervisor; Lance Jackson, Lincoln Center Supervisor. Board Present: John Nichols, Chairman; Jodi Warner; Don Allison; Bill Davis; Glen Davis. Board Absent: Larry Farnsworth; Glenn Schroeder. Guests: Tim Crowley, Developer Wallace Phillips, Developer Visitor: Dawn Phillips, 4304 Clipstone, College Station 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Nichols at 7:08 p.m. 2. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting: Bill Davis made a motion to accept the absences of Larry Farnsworth and Glenn Schroeder as excused. Don Allison seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors: No one spoke during this item. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from the regular meeting of October 8, 2002: Bill D. made a motion to approve the minutes pending the revision to item #I I to read "He said that the City should explore the possibility of installing a closed circuit observation unit. " Don A. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Simmons Addition (Zone 10): Pete Vaneeek stated that the proposed single-family, one dwelling unit development is located on Baron Road (refer to Park Land Dedication Checklist). The total land dedication requirement Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Page 1 of 7 would be .0009 acres. The total cash dedication requirement would be $556. Staff recommends acceptance of the fee in lieu of land. Bill D. made a motion to accept the fee in lieu of land for the Simmons Addition. Glen Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Harvey Hillsides Subdivision (Zone 4): Pete V. stated that the proposed single-family, one dwelling unit development is located on Pamela and Harvey Road (refer to Park Land Dedication Checklist). The total land dedication requirement would be .0009 acres. The total cash dedication requirement would be $556. Staff recommends acceptance of the fee in lieu of land. Bill D. made a motion to accept the fee in lieu of land for the Harvey Hillside Subdivision. Jodi Warner seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 7e Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for Champions on Luther Street (Zone 7): Pete V. stated that the proposed multi -family, 40 dwelling unit development is located on the south side of Luther Street, intersects with a private street, and is east of FM 2818 (refer to Park Land Dedication Checklist.) The total land dedication requirement would be .32 acres. The total cash dedication requirement would be $18,080. Staff recommends acceptance of the fee in lieu of land. Bill D. made a motion to accept the fee in lieu of land for the Champions on Luther Street Apartments. Glen D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Spring Creek Townhomes (Zone 10)a Tim Crowley stated that this project has previously been to the Board (refer to Advisory Board Minutes dated February 13, 2001, Item #S). He said that this project was last presented to the Board two years ago, and that they are bringing this item back to the Board again for informational purposes, rather than for approval because there are certain things that he and his partner, Wallace Phillips, are hoping to clarify. Mr. Phillips had submitted a proposal for a plat for the Spring Creek Townhomes (Mr. Phillips is also the Developer for the Castlegate Subdivision). Mr. Crowley stated that he originally owned the 735-acre tract of land with Mr. Phillips, their being partners on the Castlegate Subdivision and Spring Creek Townhomes. He was present approximately two years ago for the presentation to the Board concerning the entire tract of land and for the proposed park land dedication on the northern side of Highway 40. He said that the proposal, as he recalls, was for an Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Page 2 of 7 original park land dedication of essentially all of the items in green (which items, he pointed to on a map). One of the key themes they have had throughout the years is to tie together the greenways and the hike and bike trails throughout the tract. He showed another area of approximately 20 or 30 acres of protected greenbelts, which they added as part of the 404 permit. He showed another area of an approximate 14- acre regional detention pond. They came to the parks department showing how the detention area could be used for jogging, how they had designed slopes for it, and how the trails systems would integrate. When they presented the item to the Board two years ago, there were some concerns. The first concern was that the Board would like some additional land for a traditional park, so the request was made to come up with an additional parcel of land that connected to the tract. The other items of concern were landscaping around the detention pond, and access to the roadways. He recalls that the idea was that they would come up with proposals with staff, and finalize things as they went through the platting process. He said that they believe that they have a file that will show how they followed up with staff. He pointed to a map and explained that the sections in green was the land (totaling 80 to 100 acres) that was added to make a total parks area with the center point being greenways and hike and bike connectivity. They have had the City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and earlier Parks and Recreation Advisory Boards come out to the property and to hike the whole area. He said that he would love to give the Board a tour. He said that they would like to pull the files, go back through them with staff, and try to reach an agreement as to what the status was before this item is brought back to the Board. Glen Davis asked how much of the land would be usable in a park setting. Mr. Crowley responded that very little of it would be used as a traditional park setting. The idea would be to leave a good bit of it natural. He added that was why the earlier Parks Board requested that some land be added to it. Bill D. asked how much acreage would be added to the land. Mr. Crowley responded that it would be approximately 5-7 acres. Glen D. asked if the dedication would meet the requirements for park land dedication. Mr. Crowley responded that the minutes reflect that the Board had approved the dedication in principle, pending resolution of some concerns that the Board had. They thought that after visiting with staff, those concerns had been resolved. Steve said that the park land dedication was accepted in principle, but the final dedication never came back to the Board for a vote. Steve said that the appropriate thing to do would be to review the site plan, and to have the Board take a site tour of the property. Mr. Phillips discussed the proposed park land dedication for the Spring Creek Townhomes. The proposed multi -family, 142 dwelling unit development is located at the extension of Decatur and Oxburge drive, west of Highway 6, North of Greens Prairie Road. The total land dedication requirement would be 1.136 acres. The total Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Page 3 of 7 cash dedication requirement would be $41,464. Staff recommends applying the 1.136 acres required dedication toward a future park to be dedicated to serve the entire Crowley Tract, and accepting the $41,464 cash dedication. Mr. Phillips would like credit for the development of a detention/retention pond in the Castlegate Subdivision (Zone 13) to apply toward the required park land dedication for the Spring Creek Townhomes (Zone 10). After some discussion, the Board was in consensus on taking a tour of the site. This item will be on a future Board agenda. There was no action taken on this item. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Magnolia Place Dormitory (Zone 2): Pete V. stated that this development is located on the 700 block of Dominik Drive. The park land dedication had already been accepted, and the development is currently under construction. Eric Ploeger stated that the dedication item had been brought to the Board as an informational item. He explained that in the past, the Department would accept without Board approval park land dedication requests that would be obvious cash dedications (whereas now, these items are brought to the Board for approval). This request was for 196 multi -family dwelling units, for a dedication requirement of 1.568 acres. The total dedication fee was $57,232. Eric said that he wanted to bring this item to the Board's attention because he wanted to show the Board that there would be an increase in the park land dedication funds in Zone 2 due to the previous acceptance of the dedication of the fee in lieu of land. Bill D. made a motion to accept the report from staff. Don A. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 10. Presentation, discussion, and possible action concerning leisure program evaluations for the Parks and Recreation Department's Aquatic Programs: Steve stated that this item is related to City Council Vision Statement #2, Strategy 2.b (Review of Leisure Service Programs). Steve asked staff to prepare reports to show the Board who the Department is serving, and what the cost and benefits of our programs are. He welcomed the Board to give staff their feedback and recommendations for future improvement to the programs. Vera Solis, Aquatics Supervisor, gave a report and slide presentation on pool programs (refer to program evaluation forms). • Swimming Pools: Staff does not recommend any changes in the general operation of the swimming pools. • Junior Lifeguarding: Staff recommends charging an additional $5 per participant, decreasing the class meeting time per day by one half hour, and meeting two times per week. • Pool Parties: - Theme Parties: Staff would like to survey other areas that provide this type of party service to determine if the City is competitive in the market. Staff would also like to change some of the items that they are offering, to increase the profit level. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Page 4 of 7 Pavilion Parties: Staff does not recommend any changes to pavilion parties. After Hour Parties: Staff does not recommend any changes to after hour parties. - Pool Trout Fishout: Staff is recommending an increase in the fee to $2.50 per participant with a five (5) fish limit. ® Texas Superguard: Staff does not recommend any changes to the Texas Superguard program. ® Texas Public Pool Conference: Staff does not recommend any changes to the Texas Public Pool Conference program. It is anticipated that the conference will be bid out in the year 2004. Glen D. asked Vera if there was a change in participation after the pool fees were increased last year. Vera responded that overall, participation stayed about the same; however, there was a slight decrease in participation at Adamson Lagoon. Glen D. asked Vera if she felt that the fees were fair. Vera responded that she felt that they were. Jenny Hartsfield, Assistant Instruction Supervisor, gave a report on Swim Lessons and Water Aerobics (refer to program evaluation forms). ® Swim Lessons: Staff does not recommend any changes to the swim lessons program. ® Water Aerobics: Staff does not recommend any changes to the water aerobics program. Glen D. asked if staff reviews the scheduling for swimming programs from time to time to determine if there are space conflicts at the swimming facilities. Steve said that staff is faced with the challenge of balancing the swimming programs to try to meet the different programming needs. He explained that if the need for space presents too much of a scheduling conflict, staff may be faced with having to reduce the programs and/or to limit participation. Glen D. asked if there was a method to track, over the next six months, the number of people the Department has to turn away due to limited class space. After some discussion, Steve said that staff could develop a method that would not only track the number of people that are turned away due to lack of class space for swim lessons, but also track the number of people that are turned away due to lack of other facility space (i.e. pavilions and ball fields). David Hudspeth, Recreation Supervisor, gave a report on the Stroke Clinic and Swim Team programs (refer to program evaluation forms). • Stroke Clinic: Participation is maxed out. Staff recommends having exclusive use of the Natatorium during clinics, and allowing for additional classes to allow for more participation. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Page 5 of 7 Bill D. asked if there are any economically disadvantaged people who would participate in the stroke clinic if they had the opportunity. Steve said that there is the possibility that people can use park bucks to help pay for the programs. Bill D. stated that he wanted to make sure that we are reaching everyone. David H. said that at the time, there is really no method to estimate this because many people use parks bucks. ® Swim Team: Participation is close to being maxed out. Staff recommends lowering registration maximums for each age group and hiring more coaches to be able to provide better individual instruction. After some discussion, John N. asked staff if they have seen anything in aquatics programs around the country that could be incorporated into the Department if funding were available. Vera S. responded that interactive play structures are popular now. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning a master plan for the Lincoln/'farrow area: David Gerling stated that this item was intended to update the Board on the status of a survey that the Department is conducting for the adults and children who attend the Lincoln Center. Staff will set up a joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee to discuss a proposal for the Lincoln/Tarrow area. Bill D. asked what selection process was used for distribution of the surveys. Lance Jackson responded that the surveys were distributed to users of the Lincoln Recreation Center, as well as to renters and passers-by. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. 12. Discussion, consideration, and possible appointments to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee: Lance Jackson made a recommendation to appoint Annie L. Williams, Carl Detloff, and Bobbie Smith to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. Bill D. made a motion to accept Lance's recommendation. Don. A. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 13. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the future Capital Improvement Program: Steve said that the City Council would be appointing a citizens committee on November 21, 2002. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Page 6 of 7 14. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Veterans Memorial dedication ceremony held at Veterans Parr and Athletic Complex on November 11, 2002: Steve said that there were approximately 1,300 to 1,500 people at the dedication ceremony. The event itself was organized under the direction of the Memorial for All Veterans of the Brazos Valley, Inc., with the Parks and Recreation Department and other City departments serving in a supporting capacity. Steve said that the grand opening for the park has been scheduled for May 17, 2002. This was an informational item only, and no motion as made. 15. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the current Capital Improvement Program: Eric Ploeger discussed the Bee Creek Light Pole Replacement Project. He said that this project was budgeted in 1997, and the funding was approved in 1998. The current lights are approximately fourteen years old. He added that a mechanical engineer who looked at the lights determined that not just the lights, but the lights, poles, and wiring all needed to be. replaced, raising the cost of the project. Eric recommended the possibility of using money that was budgeted for tennis courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex to pay for the additional cost of the project. He added that the current Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan projection does not call for any additional tennis courts until the year 2012. Bill D. made a motion to accept the recommendation from staff to use the funds that were budgeted for the Southwood Valley Athletic Complex tennis courts for the Bee Creek Light Pole Replacement Project. Glen D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 16. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategies: Glen D. asked why some of the Park Land Dedication projects were listed "on hold." Eric P. responded that they were listed that way primarily because the Department currently has higher priority projects that are specific to athletic sports starting in the spring. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. 17. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items: The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 7:00 p.m., at the EXIT Teen Center. 18. Adjourn: Bill D. made a motion to adjourn. Jodi W. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Page 7 of 7 Fig ZT6141 =[$A d :4 W1 I ATAII , I =101A 11 F�= Date Received:Oct. 18,2002 Park Zone: 10 Current Zone Balance: $111,320 Project Location:Barron Rd. Name of Development: Simmons addition Applicant: Louise Fischer with Kerr Surveyina Address: 505 Church St. City/State College Station,Texas 77840 Phone Number:268-3195 E-mail: bnk aetca. net Engineer/Planner:n/a Address: City/State: Phone Number: E-mail: Single Family Dwelling Units: 1 Multi -family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement:.009 acre Proposed Dedication:0 cres FAX: M O:\Board\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Originals\Long Version Park Land Dedication Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 817102 Has the Planning & Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): 198 Multi -family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: 198 Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): 358 Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Single Family Fee: ($556/Dwelling Unit): $556 x 1= $556 Total Multi -family Fee ($452/Dwelling Unit): SECTION 10® ®e Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Oct.21,2002 Staff recommends acceptance of fee vs.land dedication Parks Board review and decision: • 1 - Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-5-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comments: SECTION 10-: Additional Information_ 1. Island in the 100-year floodplain? a. Detention/Retention Acreage in floodplain: Acreage in detention: Acreage in greenways: Comments: Size: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? c. Topography: d. Trees/Scenery: Percentage: Meets Board Policy: Percentage: Percentage: Percentage: 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a nonresidential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: STAFF RECOMMENDATMNS.. Staff recommends acceptance of tee vs.1and dedication SECTION 10-Go ApprovM Parks & Recreation Board: City Council: Date Received: Oct.22,2002 Park Zone: 4 Current Zone Balance: $20,673 Project Location:Pamela & Harvey rd. Name of Development: Harvey Hillsides subdivision Applicant:Garrett Engineering Address:4444 Carter Creek Pkwy.Suite 108 City/State: Bryan,Texas Phone Number:846-2688 FAX: 846-3094 E-mail: ddgar cDtxcvber.com Engineer/Pianner:Garrett Engineering Address: City/State: Phone Number: FAX: E-mail: SECTION 10-13-1 e Land Dedication, Single Family Dwelling Units: 1 Multi -family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement:.009 Proposed Dedication:0 M Acres Acres O:\Board\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Originals\Long Version Park Land Dedication Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 817102 Has the Planning & Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? no Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): 1 x $198 Multi -family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: $198 Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): 1 x $358 Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Single Family Fee: ($556/Dwelling Unit): $556 Total Multi -family Fee ($452/Dwelling Unit): Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Oct.22 ,2002 Staff recommends acceptance of fee vs.land dedication Parks Board review and decision: Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-I3®7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10®E® Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comments: SECTION 10®Fe Additional Information 1. Island in the 100-year floodplain? Percentage: a. Detention/Retention Size: Meets Board Policy: Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? c. Topography: d. Trees/Scenery: 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a nonresidential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS, S taff recommends acceptance of fee vs.land dedication Parks & Recreation Board: ocction VICINITY MAP Date Received: October 9, 2002 Park Zone: 7 Current Zone Balance: $702,440 Project Location:South side of Luther street ,intersects with a private street and is east of FM 2818 Name of Development: Champions on Luther Street Applicant:Andy Restivo Address:2825 N.19th St. City/State:Waco Texas Zip:76708 Phone Number:254-753-0337 FAX: 254-752-0300 E-mail: Engineer/Planner:Galindo Engineers and Planners,lnc Address:3833 South Texas ave.Suite 213 City/State:Bryan Texas Zip:77802 Phone Number:846-8868 FAX: E-mail: REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE SECTION 10--1 o Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi -family Dwelling Units: 40 Total Land Requirement:.32 Proposed Dedication:0 Acres Acres O:\Board\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Originals\Long Version Park Land Dedication Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 817102 Has the Planning & Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? no Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): 40 x $160=$6,400 Total Acquisition Fee: $6,400 1- fir- •• Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): $292X40=$11,680 Total Single Family Fee: ($556/Dwelling Unit): Total Multi -family Fee ($452/Dwelling Unit): $452 X 40=18,080 SECTION 1 n- -4= Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: ®ct.21 ,2002.Staff recommends acceptance of fee vs.land Parks Board review and decision: • Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? If yes, staff recommends: Ye s. Staff recommends acceptance of fees in lieu of parkland because the land Dedication requirement would only be .32 acre. SECTION 10-B-7o Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? Yes,Woodwav If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-E: Cornorehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comments: SECTION 1-Fe Additional Information 1. Island in the 100-year floodplain? no Percentage: a. Detention/Retention Size: Meets Board Policy: Acreage in floodplain: Acreage in detention: Acreage in greenways: Comments: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? c. Topography: d. Trees/Scenery: Percentage: Percentage: Percentage: 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? no b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: Parks & Recreation Board: Planning & Zoning Board: City Council: VICINITY MAP - NOT TO SCALE CHAMPIONS ON LUTHER ST. Date Received: Oct. 23,2002 Park Zone: 10 Current Zone Balance: $111,320 Project Location: Decatur (extension of) and Oxburgh drive (west of Hwy 6 north of Greens Prairie rd. Name of Development: Spring Creek Townhomes subdivision Applicant:Wallace Phillips Address:4490 Castlegate Drive City/State: College Station Texas Zip:77845 Phone Number:690-7250 FAX: 690-1041 E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Joe Schultz with Texcon Address:1707 Graham Rd. City/State: College Station Texas Zip:77845 Phone Number:690-7711 FAX: 690-9797 E-mail: ioeschultz(a)texcon.net REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi -family Dwelling Units: 142 Total Land Requirement: 1.136 Acres Proposed Dedication: Acres 018oard\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Originals\Long Version Park Land Dedication Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 817102 Has the Planning & Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? no Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): _ Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): $292 x 142=$41,464 Total Single Family Fee: ($556/Dwelling Unit): Total Multi -family Fee ($452/Dwelling Unit): Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: October 23,2002, Staff recommends aDDIvinG the 1.136 acres required dedication as part of a Dark to be dedicated as part of the Crowlev Tract. Parks Board review and decision: SECTION 10-113-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? Size and General boundaries have not vet been approved. If yes, staff recommends: Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? No. If yes, staff recommends: Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comments: 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? None in the parkland a. Detention/Retention 0 Acreage in floodplain: 0 Acreage in detention: 0 Acreage in greenways: 0 Comments: Size: Percentage: Percentage: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? c. Topography: d. Trees/Scenery: Percentage: Meets Board Policy: Percentage: 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: GITUS MAKI.,: MM MUM, Parks & Recreation Board: Planning & Zoning Board: City Council: � r Date Received: October 29, 2002 Park Zone: 2 Current Zone Balance: $0.00 Project Location: 700 block of Dominik Drive Name of Development: Maqnolia Place Applicant: Asset Campus Housinq Address: 8303 MoPac, Suite A101 City/State: Austin, Texas Phone Number: (512) 367-1196 FAX: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Mitchell and Morqan, LLP Address: 511 Universitv Drive East City/State: Colleqe Station, Texas Phone Number: (979) 260-6963 FAX: (979) 260-3564 E-mail: v(c)mitchellandmorganengineers.com Zip: 78759 Zip: 77840 Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi -family Dwelling Units: 196 Total Land Requirement: 1.568 Acres Proposed Dedication: None Acres 0ABoard\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Originals\Long Version Park Land Dedication Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 817102 Has the Planning & Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? Yes Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): 196 x $292 = $57,232 Total Acquisition Fee: $31,360 Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): 196 x $292 = $57,232 Total Single Family Fee: ($556/Dwelling Unit): Total Multi -family Fee ($452/Dwelling Unit): $88,592 Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of fee versus land dedication. SECTION 10-113-7: Prior Park Acauisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? Yes, Oaks and Thomas Parks If yes, staff recommends: I I'll •I 110 me • _ I _ Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comments: 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No a. Detention/Retention None Acreage in floodplain: None Acreage in detention: None Acreage in greenways: None Comments: Percentage: Size: Meets Board Policy: Percentage: Percentage: Percentage: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? Yes, University Oaks Boulevard c. Topography: fairly flat d. Trees/Scenery: 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? No b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends acceptance of the total fee for land and development costs. Parks & Recreation Board: Planning & Zoning Board: City Council: a E %A uN , MAGNOLIA PLACE LOCATION MAP POLO CLUB APARTMENTS Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet MAGNOLIA PLACE City of College Station Parks and Recreation Department Program Evaluations Vera Solis, Aquatics Supervisor Swimming Pools — General Operation Junior Lifeguarding Pool Parties - Pavilion Parties - After Hour Parties - Theme Parties - Pool Trout Fishout 000 Texas Superguard Texas Public Pool Conference Jenny Kartsfield, Assistant Instruction Supervisor Swim Lessons Water Fitness o*e Swim Stroke Clinic 4+'* Swim Team SWIMMING POOLS ... Parks Resource Guide - College Statio n, Texas _ Aquatics GOAL: To provide safe, aquatic fun for citizens. POPULATION SERVED: All SCHEDULE- Year round CONTACT- Aquatics Division PHONE: (979) 764-3540 LOCATION: Adamson Lagoon, Thomas Pool, Cindy Hallaran (Southwood) Pool College Station Jr. High Natatorium ANNUAL PARTECIfPA`PILON: 114,000 MISCELLANEOUS: Adamson Lagoon and Thomas Pool are open the last weekend of May through mid -August. Cindy Hallaran (Southwood) Pool opens at the beginning of April through the end of September. All pools open daily beginning May 26th through mid August. IA Program Evaluation Program Dame: General Operation Brief Description: To provide a safe, clean, fun environment in which to enjoy the lifelong sport of swimming. Location: Adamson Lagoon, Southwood-Hallaran Pool, Thomas Park, and CSISD Natatorium Date: Oct. 1, 2001-Sept. 30, 2002 Target Market Age: All Ages Gender: Male/Female Number of participants: 119,675 Maximum Possible Participation: Unlimited Percent Satisfied on program evaluation: 98% Fees: $4.00 Adamson Lagoon, $2.00 Southwood, Thomas, and Natatorium admission for everyone 3 years and older. Bufget: $959,500.00 (Expenditures: $725,392.16 includes programming costs, $5,183.53 for engineering, and $215,319.21 for Thomas Park Renovation that will be expended in FY03. Revenues: $262,470.52 Survev Results: Of the people surveyed 98% were satisfied or very satisfied with the service. Staff comments: Continue Program. What are the benefits of the ProLram`P 1. Intergenerational Program 2. Provides a supervised environment for teens and Pre -teens to interact with one another. 3. Provides an opportunity for children and adults to learn to swim. 4. Provides an opportunity for children and adults to swim competitively. 5. Provides a safe, clean environment for parties and special occasions. 6. Allows teens and pre -teens to learn about lifeguarding and to develop lifelong skills through their participation in Junior Lifeguarding. 7. The Pools help bring people into the community and aid in the development of tourism. Continue Program: Yes Why? See above If continued what changes should be made? Addition as soon as possible of a multi interactive aquatic center. Program Evaluation JUNIOR LIFEGUARDING I AQUATICS SPORTS DAMP Parks Resource Guide - Col[e ge Station, Tex as Aquatics GOAD. To educate children in the areas ofFirst Aid, CPR, and Lifeguarding as well as to provide them with a summer activity that teaches them responsibility and trains them possibly for a later position with the City. This program will also make our pools safer as it will mean an additional set of eyes on the pool. To introduce children to canoeing, inner tube H 2 o basketball & inner tube H2o polo. POPULATION SERVED: SCHEDULE- CONTACT- LOCATION - ANNUAL PARTICIPATION. MISCELLANEOUS: Males and females 11 to 15 years of age. June, July Aquatics Division (979) 764-3540 Adamson Lagoon & CSISD Middle School Natatorium 60 - 80 expected Each section will be four weeks long. Classes meet Monday through Thursday and include dryland and water activities. 4 Program Evaluation Program Name: Junior Lifeguard Program Brief Description: The program provides education in the field of lifeguarding, accident prevention, risk mgmt, first aid, CPR, filtration, pool maintenance, chemical balance, and an introduction to scuba diving. Location: Adamson Lagoon Dates: June 3rd-27th , July 7t"-31st Target Market Age: 11-15 Gender: Male/Female Number of participants: 127 Maximum Possible Participation: 200 or unlimited if supply budget increased proportionately to the size of the program. Fees: $55 per participant Expenditures: $7100.17 Revenues: $6985.00 Staff comments: The program continues to be extremely popular as is evident by the ever increasing attendance. 2000=56 2001=90 2002=127 What are the benefits of the Program? Helps children gain knowledge as well as self- esteem. Gives children a fun program to attend and to interact with their peer groups. Provides positive role models for teens and pre -teens. Continue Program: Yes Why? Steady increase in attendance and the value and fun to the children makes this program very beneficial. If continued what changes need to be made? 1. Decrease time per day by one half hour 2. Increase fee by $5.00 Program Evaluation _.. L PARTIES -------------- ;: � Sj)ecial Services r� Resource Guile College S(a(ion, Texas _ To provide children with a positive aquatic birthday experience and GOAL: parents with an alternative site for birthday parties. POPULATION SERVED: Male and female, 1 to 12 years of age. SCHEDULE: March through September Aquatics CONTACT: pSONE: (979) 764-3540 or (979) 764-3773 *,. FEES: Varies, depends on event Adamson, Thomas, Cindy Hallaran (Southwood) pools LOCATION: t ANNUAL PARTICIPATION: 150 parties MISCELLANEOUS: Parties are two hours in length. The staff blocks the area, decorates, sets up the party, serves food, and cleans up. e 05 Program Evaluation Program Name: Aquatics Pavilion Parties Brief Description: Pavilion Parties provide an opportunity for our guests to reserve table space during public operating hours for a private celebration. Location: Adamson Lagoon, Southwood-Hallaran, Thomas Park, and CSISD Natatorium Dates: October 1,2001-September 30, 2002 Target Market Age: One and Up Gender: Male/Female Number of participants: 3,750 expected participants Maximum Possible Participation: unlimited Fees: $15 for the first table and $5 additional for every table up to 4 tables. Expenditures: Calculated during operating hours Revenues: $5,498.00 Staff comments: Pavilion Parties are a great way for guests to celebrate special occasions and the parents really enjoy having a private area available to celebrate their j event. What are the benefits of the Protram? 1. The program provides a needed service to College Station citizens. 2. It also is extremely cost effective and takes very little labor to support. Continue Program: Yes Why? The program is multigenerational and again provides a needed service to parents and groups seeking places to hold special events. If continued what changes should be made? No changes needed. Program Evaluation Program Evaluation Program Name: Aquatics After hour Parties Brief Description: After Hours Parties allow groups to gather and celebrate any special occasion in a clean and safe environment. It allows us to provide our guests with a private invitation to our facilities. Location: Adamson Lagoon, Southwood-Hallaran, Thomas Park, and CSISD Natatorium Dates: October 1,2001-September 30, 2002 Target Market Age: One and Up Gender: Male/Female Number of participants: 12,964 were expected, estimated participation is 10,438 Maximum Possible Participation: Unlimited if staff budget increased in proportion to party growth. Fees: See attached Expenditures: $27,661.50 Revenues: $34,114.00 Staff comments: After Hours parties are a fabulous way for our guests to enjoy our facilities in a more private setting. It is a perfect way for friends and family to gather to celebrate special occasions. What are the benefits of the Program?. The program provides outstanding results with satisfied returning guests. It also provides a more personal interaction between staff members and the public. Continue Program: Yes Why? Based upon the participation this is an extremely viable program. If continued what changes should be made?. No changes needed. Program Evaluation Program Evaluation Program Name: Theme Parties Brief Description: The Theme Party event includes either a tropical, pirate, or sports theme allowing children and families to celebrate their birthday in a fun and safe atmosphere. Location(s): Adamson Lagoon Pool, Southwood-Hallaran Pool, Thomas Park Pool, and CSISD Natatorium Date(s): October 1, 2001- September 30, 2002 Target Market Age: 1 year of age and up Gender: Male/Female Number of participants: 1,156 Maximum Possible Participants: Unlimited if the party supply budget is increased in proportion to the party growth. Fees: General Party: Adamson Lagoon = $6.50 Southwood/ Thomas = $4.75 Theme Party: Adamson Lagoon = $7.50 Southwood/Thomas = $5.75 Pizza Party/Theme: Adamson Lagoon = $9.25 Southwood/Thomas = $7.00 Pizza Party/ General: Adamson Lagoon = $8.50 Southwood/ Thomas = $6.25 Budget: $3000.00 Expenditures: $3,191.62 Revenues: $4,601.00 Staff comments: The Theme parties are an excellent way to bring larger groups and families into the facilities. It allows people of all ages to come together and celebrate their special occasion. What are the benefits of the Program: The Theme party provide all the necessary party supplies for the guest making it easier for the group or family to enjoy the event. The Theme party provides an enjoyable recreation for every generation establishing community involvement. The parties also create a fun safe environment for children to participate in special occasions. Continue Program: Yes, because it offers community involvement with the City of College Station. If continued what changes should be made? The prices of the parties greatly depend on what the market will bear and what themes are chosen. An in-house "Market Analysis" should be performed to determine future pricing. Some of the prices may need to be increased. Program Evaluation POOL PARTIES Parks Resource Guide - College Station, Texas Special Services COAL- To provide children with an opportunity they might not otherwise obtain while providing a fun, family environment POPULATION SERVED. All ages SCHEDULE: Friday, Saturday & Sunday during a weekend in February CONTACT- Aquatics PHONE— (979) 764-3540 or (979) 764-3486 FEES- $3.00 for everyone ages 3 & up, with a five (5) fish limit per individual. $2.00 for each fish over the five (5) fish limit. LOCATION- Cindy Hallaran (Southwood) pool, 1600 Rock Prairie Road ANNUAL PARTICIPATION: 500 residents ofBryan/College Station MISCELLANEOUS- Pool will be stocked with 1,000 lbs oftrout. There will be prizes awarded for catching tagged fish. Fishermen can bring their own tackle or rent cane poles at the pool for $1.00 each. Fish will bite on corn, cheese, worms, and lures. i Fi Q Program Evaluation Program Name: Pool Trout FlshoUt Brief Description: A special event for both the General Public and for the CSISD Headstart and Special Education students. The event usually takes place on the first weekend in February and runs Thursday- Sunday. It provides families with a safe atmosphere to introduce their children to the sport of fishing. Location: Southwood Hallaran Pool Date: February 6`h-9th Target Market: Geared toward males and females of all ages Number of Participants: 883 Fiscal Year 2002 Maximum Possible Participation: 1800 due to limited space Fees: $2.00/ person for everyone 3 years and older $2.00 for tackle rental $1.50/ fish over 5 fish limit Staff Comments: Fishout provides a great opportunity to utilize the facility in the off season. It also gives citizens who would not normally come to the pool the opportunity f to see and use the facilities. What are the benefits of the program? I. It allows children who would not normally be introduced to the sport of fishing an opportunity to experience catching their first fish. 2. It allows the facility to be used in the off season. 3. It provides special education students with an opportunity to have access to fishing. 4. It is an intergenerational event. 5. Through age group fishing it allows teens an opportunity to participate. Continue Program? Yes, The Head start children are provided with a wonderful experience. The children not only get to fish but they also take the fish back and use them as part of their science lessons. This event allows the facility to be used in the off season. The event is focused towards families and the interaction between parents and children. If continued what changes should be made? Increase fee to $2.50/participants with a five fish limit. Program Evaluation TEXAS SUPER GUARD Parrs Resource Guide - College Station Texas -_ Aquatics C-pA,L; To provide an individual and a team based guard competition for guards to demonstrate their skills and to help prevent lifeguard burnout. POPULATION SERVED: Males and female, 16 years and over SCHEDULE: July of each year CONTACT. Aquatics Division PHONE: (979) 764-3540 LOCATION. Adamson Lagoon/CSISD Middle School Natatorium ANNUAL PARTRCIPAI['ION< 100 per year MISCELLANEOUS- This competition is comprised of 5 to 7 events that test the guard's skills and their knowledge of guarding, spinal injury management, handling active and passive victims and working through an accident simulation. MOO O Program Evaluation Program Name: Texas Super Guard Competition Brief Description: Super Guard allows lifeguards from around the state of Texas the opportunity to take a break from normal operations and still utilize their knowledge and training through competition. Location: Adamson Lagoon Date: July 13, 2002 Target Market Age: 16 and older Gender: Male/Female Number of participants: 100 Maximum Possible Participation: 200 Fees: $20.00 per person Budget: $2,786.65 )Expenditures: $3,521.54 Revenues: $1,650.00 Staff comments: Super Guard provides an opportunity for lifeguard staffs around the state of Texas to interact with one another. It also allows them to see different training methods, and work together as a team in order to compete. What are the benefits of the ProiVram? 1. Staff motivation 2. While other cities put on smaller competitions, Texas Super Guard is the only competition that takes into account all of the different training techniques (NASCO, Red Cross, Ellis & Associates, and YMCA). The competition is also unique because it is both a team and an individual competition. 3. Brings in some Hotel Motel Revenue, 4. Gives the City's Aquatic program a time to shine. Thirty aquatic professionals from around the state come to College Station to judge the competition. Continue Program: Yes Why? Inspires staff to learn and practice their skills. If continued what changes should be made? No changes needed. Program Evaluation TEXAS PUBLIC POOL CONFERENCE Parks Resource Guide - College Station, Texas Educational GOAL: To provide a way to teach and inform aquatics personnel about trends in aquatics as well as introduce ways to improve on what is already being done. POPULATION SERVED- SCHEDULE - SUPERVISOR. Adult male and female January each year Aquatics Supervisor (979) 764-3 540 Feed To be announced for: 1- Aquatic Facility Operator Course 2- Two and 1/2 day Workshop 3- American Red Cross Lifeguard Training 4- Ellis & Associates Lifeguard Training 5-NASCO Lifeguard Training LOCATION - Local Hotel ANNUAL PARTICIPATION: 95 MISCELLANEOUS- An Aquatic Facility Operators course is a 3 day pre -conference workshop. The workshop itself is over 2112 days and includes speaker who inform and educate participants on a variety of current topics it Aquatics. There will be a therapeutic, management, maintenance an health inspectors track. w�iv n, 12 1 Program Evaluation Program Name: Texas Public Pool Conference Brief Description: The Texas Public Pool Council's 2003 Aquatics Conference is an educational platform designed for the continuing education and training of aquatic professionals. The Conference originated in College Station and this year will celebrate it's 22nd anniversary. The conference is designed for recreation directors, pool and aquatic facility supervisors and managers, waterpark operation managers, water exercise and aerobic instructors, maintenance supervisors, owners and managers of private facilities, and commercial companies. This year's conference includes 5 workshop tracks with over 30 different sessions, 56 speakers, 4 lifeguard instructor certification classes, NSPF's Certified Pool Operator Course, and limitless opportunities to network with other aquatic professionals and industry vendors. The 10-day conference provides a comprehensive curriculum that has something for every aquatic professional. Location: College Station Hilton, College Station Conference Center and CSISD Natatorium Date: Jan. 2nd_ 11 ih Target Market Age: 16 and over Gender: Male/Female Number of participants: 300 Maximum Possible participation: Unlimited Fees: $140.00 for 3 days of education — collected by Texas Public Pool Council Budget: $2500.00 Expenditures: $13,750 Revenues: $400.00 For pool fees. *Revenue to the community in a historically slow time of the year is as follows: (Please note that the figures below only apply to 3 days of the conference.) Motel/Hotel Revenue=$36,000 Food & BeverageRevenue=$22.500 $58,500 does not include total time frame of the conference. Direct conference purchases $2500.00 Total $61,000 This number does not take into account gas purchased or other items that may be purchased within the community. What are the benefits of the Program?/Staff Comments/Continue Program The City of College Station is known now for providing quality education to all Aquatic Professionals. Our conference has been compared against many of the National conferences and has been found to be a much better value. We have all of the National Certification classes and many people fly from across the United States to participate in the conference and to take the pre and post certification classes. Not having the conference would be a loss to the Community, to College Station Aquatics because of the education provided to staff, and to the Aquatic Industry as a whole. The City of College Station aquatic staff is able to attend the Certified Pool Operator class, the guard classes and the conference either at no cost or at a discounted rate. The education that this conference provides the staff has played a major role in College Station pools being safe and well run during the season. This has helped to reduce the City's liability for pool safety and maintenance. If continued what changes should be made? No changes needed. It is anticipated that the conference will go out for bid in the year 2004. Program Evaluation SWIM LESSONS Parks Resource Guide - College Station, Texas _ _ _ ._ _ ._ - _ _ Aquatics GOAL: To provide swimming instruction to all ages (6 months - adult) to keep them safe in, on, and around water and to teach what to do in an aquatic emergency. POPULATION SERVED: Male and female, 6 months - adult SCHEDULE: Spring (February - May) - 3 sessions Summer (June - August) - 5 sessions Fall (September -November) - 3 sessions CONTACT: Assistant Instruction Supervisor PHONE. (979) 764-3442 LOCATION- Summer Morning lessons- Adamson Lagoon Spring& Fall- College Station Middle School Natatorium Summer Evening lessons - Thomas Pool ANNUAL PARTICIPATION. 3000 MISCELLANEOUS- Spring and Fall meet 2 x per week for 4 weeks - 8 lessons, 25-45 minutes. Summer lessons meet 9 x per two week session, M-F for 25-45 minutes. l Swim Lesson Program Evaluation Program Name: Swim Lessons Brief Description: Red Cross Swim Lessons teach water safety, swimming and diving skills in morning and evening classes. Location(s): Adamson Lagoon and Thomas Park Pools Date(s): Sept - November for 3 Fall Sessions, January - April for 3 Spring Sessions. June - August for 5 Summer Sessions. Target Market Age: 6 months - adult Gender: Male & Female Number of participants: 2228 (increased from 2095 in 2001) Maximum Possible Participation: Hard to say, it depends upon number of instructors available to teach and the available pool space. Per cent Satisfied on program evaluation: 98% (Attach summary of surveys) Fees: $30 per session for 25 minute lessons (3-5 vrs), $35 per session for 45 minute lessons (6 years & older). Budget: Expenditures: $61,206.42 Revenues: $68,312.50 Survey Results (If available): Surveys are distributed at the conclusion of each session._ Surveys ask respondents to rank the program organization. attitude & ability of instructors, cost of program, length of lessons, etc. Most have favorable comments. regarding all aspects of the program. There are always some who request that we have on-line registration, phone registration, offer more classes at night, provide longer lessons for the very voung children, etc. Staff comments: We provide lessons for Day Care children. We provided approximately 40 full scholarships throughout the summer to selected Lincoln Center children and tracked their progress through the program as they advanced in their skills. We continue. our partnership with the Red Cross and hire only Red Cross Certified Water Safetv Instructors and Aides. We continue to offer Aide classes and train aides to assist the Water Safety Instructors in the classes. We offer classes in the Spring and Fall when other swim lesson providers do not. What are the benefits of the Program? This program teaches life saving water safety skills and health enhancing swimming, diving and water fitness skills. It contributes to the self esteem of participants. It offers a way in which children who excel in their swimming skills can continue into the Aide program and join the staff as paid emplovees, thereby benefiting the swim program as we try to teach children and adults to swim. Continue Program: YES Why or why not? Everyone should have the opportunity to learn how to swim. The drowning rate decreases when people know how to swim and have learned how to be safe in, on and around the water. Knowing how to swim also contributes to better health because it tones and builds muscles and relieves the stress of daily activities. Our program offers the nationally recognized Red Cross Water Safetv program which introduces children to the water at an early age and continues to build upon their swimming and water safety skills. Cost of the lessons is very affordable. If continued, what changes should be made? We want to continue to offer a variety of classes and time options. We want to increase the number of children from Dav Cares that are involved in our program. These are children whose parents work awav from home and would not otherwise be able to take lessons during the day. We want to continue our partnership with the Lincoln Center as we provide scholarships for deserving children. Program disposition: u: 2002program evaluations/Program Evaluation swim lessons. 2002 WATER FITNESSMMATER AEROBICS Parks Resource Guide - College Station, Texas Aquatics GOAL: To provide an enjoyable and effective exercise program for men and women who enjoy the water and want to increase cardiopulmonary capacity, strength and flexibility. P®PULATIONSERVED: Male and female, 12 years and older, physically fit, pre -natal, post -natal, post -operative, those with arthritis, those with muscle injuries, overweight and sedentary individuals. SCHEDULE: Year round CONTACT: Assistant Instruction Supervisor PHONE: (979) 764-3442 LOCATION: Fall and Winter: heated College Station Middle School Natatorium. Spring: Cindy Hallaran (Southwood) fool & College Station Middle School Natatorium Summer: Morning, Adamson Lagoon and Hailaran fool Evening, College Station Middle School Natatorium. i ANNUAL.PARTICIPATI®N: 500 1 7 Water Fitness Program Evaluation Program Name: Water Fitness Brief Description: Stremthenin4, tonim and stretchim exercises are provided in the water which benefit all muscle groups and the cardio-vascular system. Location(s): Adamson Lagoon, Hallaran pool, and the CSISD Natatorium Date(s): Year Round, with time off for Thanks2ivin2 and Christmas. Target Market Age: 18 - senior adults Gender: Male and Female Number of participants: 565 (increased from 498 in 2001) Maximum Possible Participation: unlimited Percent Satisfied on program evaluation: 99.9% (Attach summary of surveys) Fees: $20 for a Water Fitness Pass good for 10 exercise sessions of their choice. Budget: Expenditures: $7428.15 Revenues: $10,744.00 Survey Results (If available): Comments from participants reflect the feelim that thev "LOVE" the class and the instructors. Thev feel that the class is not only fun and a great wav to meet people, but keeps them healthy, strom, flexible and keeps them "voun2" for their ayes. The most frequent complaint is that the water temperature feels too cold when they first yet in the pool. Staff comments: This is the most popular class that we have. The participants love it. Thev brim their friends and come for nears. Thev come in rainy and cold weather. We have started a new night class and participation is high in that class, also. Thev do not like it when thev have to miss exercise because the pool closes on holidays, etc. There would be a great hue and cry from all of them if the class were ever cancelled. What are the benefits of the Program? First and foremost it improves the phvsical health of the participants. Manv are in the program because other exercise classes have not been helpful as they have acquired arthritis, joint problems and age -related "slow -down". Participants love meetim with others and exercisim to improve their health. Thev make wonderful friendships and eat out once a month on a Dutch Treat basis and look forward to the social aspect of the class. Mental health and attitude is improved. Some of the participants have spouses and children at home who have special needs and the class helps alleviate some of the stress thev feel from those situations. Continue Program: YES Why or why not? This is a very popular class. It meets the needs of so many people in our communitv. We invest in some relativelv inexpensive water exercise equipment and provide one instructor who can teach as manv as 40 people in the pool. The people love it, the teacher loves teachin4 it, participants love each other and feel a real bond with each other. Definitely continue the program. If continued, what changes should be made? No changes are anticipated at this time. We want to continue the night class. We would like to have all of our instructors certified with the Aquatic Exercise Association. Certification lends much credibility to the pro vram. Program disposition: u:2002performanceevaluations/water fitness program evaluation. SWIM STROKE CLINICS Parks Resource Guide - College Station, Texas Aquatics GOAL: To provide a program that can help swimmers improve the technical aspects of each stroke. Freestyle, Backstroke, Butterfly & Breast stroke will be covered in the clinics. POPULATION SERRIED: SCHEDULE- CONTACT - PHONE: FEE: LOCATION - ANNUAL PARTICIPATION- MISCELLANEOUS - Male and female, 6-18 years old April only Athletics (979) 764-3486 $40.00 CSISD Middle School Natatorium 144 This clinic is open to any swimmer that can swim the length of a 25 yard pool. Program Name: 2002 Stroke Clinics (Swimming) Brief Description: This program is provided to help improve swimming techniques. It will help with technical aspects of each stroke that is taught. Location(s): College Station Middle School Natatorium (Rock Prairie Road) Date(s): During the Month of April. We provide Mon/Wed Classes and Tue/Thor Classes. Classes are held in the afternoon from 4:30pm — 6:15pm. Target Market Age: 6 — 18 years Gender: Male and Female Number of participants: 144 Maximum Possible Participation: 144 for safety and quality Percent Satisfied on program evaluation: 100% (Attach summary of surveys) Fees: $40.00 Der entry Budget: Expenditures: $4,097.59 Revenues: $5,640.00 Survey Results (If available): Survey results are attached for review Staff comments: This is a very popular program and is at the maximum level with the class times offered. The only way to add participation would be to add additional. classes. What are the benefits of the Program? Great program, Perfect time, Nice facility,. Good teaching from staff. Well organized. This program really helps swimmers improve stroke technique and proficiency. Continue Program: Yes / No Why or why not? The participants eniov this program. The program is at maximum participation. If continued, what changes should be made? Possible changes that might improve this program: Have exclusive use of the natatorium durin4 clinics, consider additional classes to allow for more participation. Program disposition: College Station Parks and Recreation 2002 Stroke Clinic Survey Results Total Surveys — 2 1. How did you find out about our stroke clinic? _School Flyer 0— Radio Newspaper _ Friend TV '._Other - (2) mail -out - (1) swim team member 2. How many years has your child participated in the stroke clinic? _ First time _ Second year _ More than two years 3. Overall how satisfied are you with this years stroke clinic? _ Very satisfied _ Above satisfaction _ Satisfied Below satisfaction _ Very dissatisfied 100% Rating 4. How satisfied are you with the instructors for this year's stroke clinic? _ Very satisfied Above satisfaction _ Satisfied Below satisfaction _ Very Dissatisfied 100% bating 5. How satisfied are you with the administration of this year's stroke clinic? Very satisfied _ Above satisfaction _ Satisfied Below satisfaction _ Very Dissatisfied 96% Dating 6. If you could recommend ONE improvement to the program what would it be? ➢ (.4) Keep up the good work! ➢ (:`.) Do not schedule stroke clinic the same time as water polo. ➢ O My daughter really enjoyed it. ➢ Thanks to all who helped. ➢ Have a stroke clinic for advanced students. ➢ Location is ok, but to get from College Hills to Rock Prairie — whew! ➢ Nice pool. ➢ Start and end times. 6. CONTINUED... ➢ We are fortunate to have such a great Parks and Rec. dept. ➢ One more lesson on starts and turns. ➢ Spend more time on strokes and less on starts and finishes. ➢ Instructor got in the pool with them. ➢ Because of the time change of 4:30 to 6:30, it was very hard for the family. ➢ No water fitness class with music. It was hard to hear instructors. ➢ Easy registration! ➢ More instruction technique. ➢ Smaller classes. ➢ Earlier times. y g�„� ... 1 Ep r 1• v e Y Swimming _ I I I q u e f to i fin. I 5�''5s1�'p�I Times'. Choose �i_t•''`'�-:J� :� JI J-,�"J- I�.J at the..I(ltIt)¢q Middle- oolNatatorium. Classes irk Je: will f"riTr-" on time. P1iC•n i b•,'r', late!! I'q- Choose Mo -,dakf Wednesday J Tuesday -Thursday Cost- $40.00 per swimmer Reqister: City Parks E , March Additionalinformation- Call Jacky Pence at 60 0 i AT THE COLLEGE STATION STROKE CLINICS! In compliance with A.D.A. Regulations, if you require special services, please contact the College Station Parks Office @ 764-3424. SUMMER SWIM TEAM Aquatics Parks Resource Guide -College Station, Texas A - trcs GOAL: Provide a recreational program that introduces participants to competitive swimming. Swim meets are held against other teams - Bryan, Brenham, Huntsville, Navasota, with the summer culminating with state TAAF swim meet for qualified swimmers. POPULATION SERVED: Male and female, 5 years - 18 years SCHEDULE- May - Early July all swimmers July 11- July 28 for qualified swimmers CONTACT- Athletic Leagues Supervisor www.eteamz.com/collegestationtsunan-ds PHONE- (979) 764-3424 FEE. $85/first child, $75/second child LOCATION. Practice and Swim meets are at CSISD Natatorium. ANNUAL PARTICIPATION: 200-225 per Summer MISCELLANEOUS- May - up,to 4 x per week, 1 hour June, July - 5 x per week, 30 minutes - 11 /2 hour, with swim meets on Saturdays. Program Name: 2002 Tsunami Swim Team Brief Description: This is a recreational program that introduces participants to competitive swimmini4. Practices and actual dual meets are held avainst surrounding Communities. The program ends with an NWAL divisional meet and TAAF state names of TX meet. Location(s): Home meets and practices held at College Station Middle School Natatorium Date(s): May 1, 2002 — The end of July Target Market Age: 5-18 Gender: male and female Number of participants: 237 Maximum Possible Participation: varies by aye group total around 225-250 Percent Satisfied on program evaluation: 97% (Attach summary of surveys) Fees: $85.00 for one, $75.00 for each additional in family Budget: Expenditures: $38,569.66 Revenues: $21871.00 Survey Results (If available): Survey results are attached for review Staff comments: This is a popular program and some of the ale divisions are at maximum participation. We had to use a waiting list and some Colle¢e Station residents had to register with the Bryan Swim team because we were full. We anticipate having a similar occurrence in 2003. What are the benefits of the Program? This is a wonderful program, nice facility, good teaching from staff, well organized, and great parent volunteers. This program is itching to grow, but no room is available due to other users. Continue Program: Yes / No Why or why not? Yes! This is a great program and most of the participants eniov it. If continued, what changes should be made? After reviewing the survevs, the most important item that our customers requested was more individual instruction. Due to the size of the team this is a difficult request to improve. We would need to lower our registration maximums for each ale Qroup to be able to provide better individual instruction. Hirinia more coaches is another solution to improve individual instruction. Program disposition: 2002 TSUNAMI SWIM TEAM SURVEY RESULTS WE REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! Be anonymous or put your name on it —either way is fine with us. Put it in the Tsunami box, drop it by the City Parks Office or mail it back to: Parks and Recreation Tsunami Survey, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, TX 77840, or you can bring it to the team party on July 22rd and put it in the Tsunami box. CIRCLE ONE We were a NEW Tsunami Family. (12) We were a RETURNING Tsunami Family. (2 1) (2) did not answer I. How did you like the registration process this year? LIKED (33) DIDN'T LIKE (2) Comments: I arrived early! N/A Kiki registered my boys. It worked great for me. Perfect! Great! The location was much better than the Lincoln Center. We did run out of t-shirts though. It was ok! Didn't know about team suit, was crowded. Well organized for so many people! It seemed to take longer & it was very crowded. As a returning family, it would be nice if we could mail our stuff in early and pick up t-shirts, handbooks and suits at I St practice. 2. Did you feel that you were asked to volunteer? NOT ENOUGH (2) ABOUT RIGHT (32) TOO MUCH (1) Comments: Not Enough — Amazingly About Right — 2 meets About Right — Britt & I volunteered when called and at the pools when someone was needed. I know it talces marry people to time, run, get kids ready etc. 3. Did you find the "Tsunami Handbook" useful? YES (35) NO (0) NEVER USED IT (0) Comments: It's helpful for 1" year parents Thanks for all the effort put into it. Great Job! Very helpful!! Referred to it frequently Great! Very! Very! — Maybe send calendar out early? I referred to that book a million times! It was full of very useful info. Thanks! 4. How did we do on communication? (website, bulletin board, handouts, etc?) GREAT (29) DOESN'T MATTER, CAUSE I DIDN'T REALLY READ IT (0) NOT ENOUGH (0) (1) survey said — adequate and (5) did not answer Comments: Perfect! Can times be posted on web site? Very Well Excellent Job It would be even more help if you posted the info from the web at the natatoriuun. Although I didn't utilize it as much as I could have. Great Job. My computer didn't print out all the time or work, so I would miss out. It would have helped to have web print out info on bulletin board. Handbook was great. Web site great. Good web page Communication is very important and it was done well Never saw web site, handouts & bulletin board were helpful Consider posting important things at car drive through. I dropped off my child & tended to miss info on meets that had to be signed up for, etc. 5. What did you think of the practice schedule? May: Fine (5) I liked the 5:30-6:30 time. I would be bummed if I had the 6:30-7:30 time, however Great (5) Perfect Good (3) OK (5) I lilted picking my time Happy with it 3 choices were good Liked them both It was ok Hectic with so many swimmers, but unavoidable Good maybe 45 min would be better Great, they got plenty of practice time. It was good to have options. Seemed to work fine A little crowded Flexibility- very helpful Crowded but ok June: Fine (3) Great! (4) 13-14 yr. Old practice should be earlier Perfect Good- much better letting older kids do the late practice Ok (5) Great, liked the later time Great for 11-12 practicing from loam-11:15am Good — need longer practices than 45 minutes for the 9-10's and 13 & older Happy with it Liked them both Pretty good Great, the age group time changes were a great idea Good Time was fine in the morning, but not long enough they got more swim time in May and the practices weren't long enough to be really effective. Maybe 45 min. would be good instead of 30. Would appreciate 1 hr practices Seemed to work, fine. Maybe more evening practices to accommodate summer school children Not enough swimming Good- I think 1 hr. would be better Not great 8:00- too early for 6yr. olds., more flexibility would be helpful (i.e. allow 6&8 yr. olds practicing together) Not convenient enough for 8-5 working parents- liked the evening practices and did utilized the time slots. 6. Did you go to the Tsunami night practices in June? 0-1 times (19) comments: No, but would have signed up for summer school if there were more than 2 practices in the evening per week. Did not even know about them! They were terrible (at least in the beginning) 2-4 times (11) comments: Would have swam more if there was better coaching 5-6 times (2) comments: More than 6 times (3) comments: 7. Please rate your children's coaches. Each age group had a primary coach and assistant coach. Please evaluate each coach that you were able to observe or ask your swimmer(s) for their rating of their coaches. 10—Terrific Job Becky Johnson Erin Parks Carin Hoskins Philip Wooten 5—Got the Job Done 1—There is lots of room for Improvement 10 (5) 9 (2) 8 (4) 7 (2) 6 (0) 5 (2) 4 (l) 3 (2) 2 (2) 1 (1) 10 (7) 9 (1) 8 (8) 7 (2) 6 (1) 5 (3) 4 (0) 3 (1) 2 (0) 1 (0) 10 (8) 9 (4) 8 (3) 7 (1) 6 (0) 5 (0) 4 (0) 3 (0) 2 (0) 1 (0) 10 (7) 9 (4) 8 (3) 7 (1) 6 (1) 5 (l) 4 (0) 3 (0) 2 (0) 1 (0) Comments: Not a lot of teaching/ correction of stroke problems... perhaps this was not their focus/ responsibility. Becky tends to yell, a lot. Erin's really nice My swimmer- 7-8 age group got NO instruction — also not instruction at stroke clinic. Need more in -the -pool interaction with the kids. Need more instruction on diving and stroke techniques — not just a lot of swimming laps without feedback. Coach Johnson seemed uncomfortable communicating with swimmers and parents. This sometimes made her appear disinterested. She seemed afraid to show any personal warmth or enthusiasm towards swimmers. Need to work on starts and help with strokes. Improving Much more personal attention is needed, interaction at swim meets was virtually nil — The kids need positive re - enforcement & guidance in their strokes & performance. Coach/parent communication was pretty scarce. Great! Very patient Jacky Pence 110 Not enough feedback & positive encouragement. Quiet, not as enthusiastic as could be, not much communication, but a good coach/ nice girl. Erin was very helpful I wish Kent could have worked on his start (dive) with Becky. He really liked her though. She was always very sweet. Carin was fabulous. She encouraged Kyle each day. Way to go coaches! Both Carin & Philip worked well with my swimmer and improved her skills tremendously. We hope to see them back next year! Always talking to swimmers, telling them what they did or didn't do. I wish they would have given her suggestions on how to improve her time. (i.e. quicker dives and turns) Would like for coaches to give more feedback to swimmers regarding swimmers technique Becky was nice but not an effective coach. She made little contact with her swimmers and was not encouraging or motivational with her young swimmers. Erin seemed to do a good job and the 6 & unders were drawn to her when she filled in. Not enough work on stroke perfection- mostly endurance Carin — Great, fun & made swimmers faster. Just need to be more enthusiastic sometimes. Philip got to the job done 7 did not seem happy to be there most of the time. Would you recommend the Tsunami swim team to your friends? YES (34) NO (0) Comments: Not sure- Great for daily exercise & swimming. Not a good year for stroke development. 9. What did you like about the Tsunamis? Great opportunity to exercise daily. Good competition experience The practices were fun to be at and the meets. Friendly atmosphere — great sport for kids Meet new friends, learn new strokes, going to the meets, great self-esteem booster! So organized! Thank you Jacky It was a great intro. Into swimming. I think it is well run & a great opportunity for our kids! Friends There was a great camaraderie and ability to meet others. Our swimmer improved quite a bit despite her lack of coaching. Allows kids to learn a great sport, while being with her friends. And they look forward to swimming in the summer. Everything, swimming, friends, meets, Friday practice. The opportunity for my child to be a part of a team. Something healthy to do when school is out. Fun, family- oriented group, supportive of each other's children Organization, quality of coaches Fun, healthy way to spend the summer. Positive attitude Fun clean family sport for kids It was super exercise and a lot of fun for my boys! Got my son into sports. Competition was well organized. Saw my child improve as the season went on. Great exercise, good competitive atmosphere without parents going overboard. Fun, well -organized, good experience for the kids. Great organization. Good group of people to be a part of. Enjoyed the meets. Personal Best! Everyone can be "a winner"! Great athletic activity that allows any interested kid to be active. They can be as competitive or noncompetitive as they like. Kids get recognition for improving their own time. Not everyone can be in 1" place, but all need to feel good about their efforts and personal best. The focus was very positive. Fluency- my son became a better swimmer because he swam so much. Everyone is very nice. Ms. Pence is organized and efficient. Lots of fi•iends to swim with, flekible practice times, starting in May so we were finished in July. We loved it. She had a great time & a lot of fun. Everyone was friendly. Jacky Pence did a great job, very helpful. Indoor pool Well organized, child -centered organization. Terrific team spirit. Jacky Pence is fantastic! Great attitudes form swimmers, parents and volunteers. Well organized! Fun experience for the kids My child has a great time "it's fun!" Lots of opportunity to swim The family feeling 10. How can we improve the summer swim team experience for your child(ren)? Better instruction/coaching — Where are the coaches at the meets — Again no encouragement or instruction The coaches need to walk the deck and help swimmers with stroke work Have both coaches on deck coaching- Each take '/2 pool & work with kids individually More convenient practice times Are limits on registration going to have to be imposed? I think there are too many kids in some age groups to effectively coach. Offer more flexibility in the practice schedule, have night practices daily Offer stroke clinic for returning swimmers? (verses new team swimmers) Keep the team together! Nothing, Keep the same. A little more infuses on training. Have coaches who are happy, excited about coaching & interested in swimmers achievements. Becky is a nice girl but offered very little instruction or feedback even when specifically requested. Looked as if she'd rather be somewhere else. Erin, looked happier but didn't offer much instruction or feedback. It would be great if there were more meets, but I know that is dependent on number of teams. Thanks for adding in the Sunday Splash. More swim instruction clinics at the same pool. Would be willing to pay for these. I think that it's a great program as is. Everything was wonderful! Kent especially appreciated the heat ribbons and medals at divisionals! I think "personal best" ribbons encourage self-improvement and confidence. Better personal education of swim technique and meet rules A couple extra sessions dividing up age groups for more individual attention would help form a lot. (e.g. 1/4 group at each session) Also consider having2 times per age group. Let %2 of under 9 and 1/2 of 9&10's swim at each of 8&9 o'clock (by signup). One of my friends had her 8 year old swim in evening so she didn't have to get up at 8:OOam, while my child would have rather swim at 8:OOam, not 9:OOam. Everyone would have a choice of 2 times, but the pool would not be more crowded. Must have someone outside at drop off when practice is cancelled so we don't leave kids there with no supervision. Continue it next year! When a child is DQ'd at a meet, I'd like the coach to note that & be sure the child can learn to correct her error(s). The child then needs to swim that event again at a meet. Our experience was a DQ in the first meet in breast, then she never swam that stroke at a meet again. For first timers, it would be helpful to have a idea of what to expect at a swim meet. I expect to stay several hours, bring snacks & drinks & something to occupy time for long intervals between events). Some is in the handbook —we just didn't realize how much downtime between events there would be! I know the instructors don't have time for this, but strokes, We missed the stroke clinic. My son did not improve much on the butterfly and breaststroke. Have coaches interact more, be cheerful & act like they like what they are doing. Also, have the awards banquet at an indoor/AC restaurant! Those who want to swim can drive over to the pool. Put what is posted on the web site on the bulletin board for parents to read while they wait for children. At regionals, the line for paying (to go to the games) was too long. I'll be glad to help next year. Also need to know that you had to have a check to pay for the games. Perhaps a new parent meeting to explain the details of ready -bench, time trials, questions and answers. I noticed some new parents felt a little lost sometimes. Overall we love swim team! Provide more swimming instruction to help the kids improve. More instruction for the younger age groups. Please return this survey to : City Parks and Recreation: Attn: Tsunamis 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, TX 77840 The "Tsunamis" are a recreational summer league team. The only qualification to be a Tsunami is that you must be able to swim the length of a 25 yard pool (any stroke). Although Tsunami swimmers show remarkable improvement in every stroke during the summer, children that have fear of the water or swimmers that cannot swim the length of the pool must enroll in swim lessons. Boys and Girls ages 5-18 practice in May and June and have at least five swim meets in College Station or a nearby city beginning May 18 and ending June 25. Swimmers are encouraged to participate in the swim meets, which are divided by age groups and gender. For swimmers that wish to continue swimming into July, there are additional invitational and qualifying meets available, ending with the opportunity to swim at the Games of Texas State Swim meet for recreational swimmers. The cost of the program is: $85.00 for the first child in the family $75.00 for each additional child REGISTRATION AT THE COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND REC. OFFICE AT CENTRAL PARK Monday, April 22 5:00-7:00 pm Tuesday, April 23, 5:00-7:00 pm. Beginning April 24 there will be registration at the City Parks office from 8:00-5:00 if there is space available on the team. WE MUST HAVE A COPY OF EACH SWIMMER'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE (If you were a Tsunami in 2000 or 2001, we have it on file and it is not necessary to bring another copy) Practice Starts Wednesday Mav I Each child is encouraged to attend practice whenever possible. The schedule is as follows: Mav 1-Mav 23 (no Fridav oractices) at Middle School Natatorium (on Rock Prairie Road) Choose the practice time that is most convenient for your family 4:30-5:30 p.m. Practice for All Age Groups 5:30-6:30 p.m. Practice for All Age Groups 6:30-7:30 p.m. Practice for All Age Groups Mav 28-June 21 at Middle School Natatorium (on Rock Prairie Road) Swimmers must come at the time specified unless specifically directed by their coach. All swimmers 6 and under 8:00-8:30 a.m. All 7 and 8's 8:30- 9:30 a.m. All 9 and I O's 9:30-10:30 a.m. All swimmers I I and older 10:30 a.m-12:00 p.m. June 24-July 5 at Middle School Natatorium (on Rock Prairie Road) Practices only for swimmers competing in Invitationals or Regionals. All 8 and unders 8:00-9:00 a.m. All 9 and I O's 9:00-10:00 a.m, All 8 and unders 10:00-11:30 a.m. Julv 10-July 25 (Mon.-Thurs.) for Games of Texas Swimmers at Middle School Natatorium Games of Texas competing Swimmers only (combined ages) 8:30-10:00 a.m. For additional information, please call Jacky Pence at 690-0878. 2002 PRELIMINARY SURVEY RESULTS LINCOLN CENTER/W.A. TARROW PARK MASTER PLAN UPDATES AGE CATEGORIES AGES: 10 & under 11-17 18-40 over 40 TOTAL: (3) (14) (67) (49) 1. How many persons at your address fall in each of the following age group? Male Female Male Female 21 14 0-5 years 18 30 11 26 6-10 years 24 40 30 31 11-15 years 19 174 25 18 16-20 years 16 43 21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years over 50 years 2. How often does you or your family visit the Lincoln Center/W A Tarrow Park complex? 13 - Never 42 - A few times a year 11 - A few times a month 16 - A few times a week 33 - 4 or 5 times a week 18 - Everyday 3. If you or your family never visit the complex or only visit a few times a year, what changes would cause you to visit more? 46 - Exercise room/equipment 51 - Swimming pool/water park 14 - More ball fields 23 - Enlarge%nhance playgrounds 9 - Reduce crowding 13 - Lower membership fees 8 - More gym space 12 - Improve area safety 30 - Upgrade basketball courts 14 - Diverse programming 13 - Improve access 16 - Open more hours 4. When do you most like to use Lincoln Center/W A Tarrow Park Complex? 48 - Afternoon (after work/school) 39 - Weekend 33 - Evening 30 - Other (mornings) 5. Should the Lincoln Center be open more hours? Presently 8-9 M-F, 9-5 Sat., closed Sunday. 52 - Yes 81 - No 6. Do you or someone in your family participate in any of the following sports activities? Check as many as apply. 14 - Little League 21 - Girls' Softball 27 - Soccer 58 - Basketball 39 - Swimming 4 - Boxing 34 - Tennis 35 - Track/jogging 7. If you or your families do not participate in any of the above activities, why not? Most participants did not respond to this question, some stating that they did not have enough time. 8. Please check your three favorite sports activities. 34 - Softball 31 - Baseball 72 - Basketball 37 - Flag football 17 - Soccer 42 - Volleyball 33 - Track & field 38 - Swimming 13 - Tennis 5 - Other 9. Do you feel the park complex needs any additional facilities? 98 - Yes 35-No 10. If you think the park complex needs additional facilities, what facilities should be provided? Please check no more than eight items. 64 - Exercise room w/showers 67 - Swimming pool 45 - Water park 22 - Outside basketball courts 15 - Adult softball fields 26 - Outdoor covered meeting area 34 - Jogging & fitness field 17 - Regulation track & field track 32 - Multi -use auditorium 36 - Children's play area 23 - Tennis courts 12 - Inside basketball courts 12 - Boxing ring/training area 16 - Boy/Girl Scouts 25 - Soccer/football field 25 - Outdoor restrooms 30 - Outdoor lighting 5 - Other 11. What other recreational activities would you like to see offered? Archery, golf, dance, senior, gymnastics health classes, weight room, fishing, volleyball, table tennis, kid camp and clinics, and swimming. 12. What other programs would you like to see? Please select no more than six. 47 - Day care center 53 - Tutoring for grades 1-12 39 - Community education classes 48 - Big Brother/Big Sister Program 36 - Public health clinic 36 - Head Start Program (0-5) 58 - Cultural programs (dance, art, theatre, etc.) 20 - Branch/mobile library 36 - Senior citizens program 25 - Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts 19 - Interurban trolley bus stop 13. If necessary, may we or the Lincoln Center Advisory Board contact you for follow-up questions? 107 - Yes 26-No 14. Please add any comments that you feel we should consider in our park design. The majority of participants in the survey did not respond with comments regarding park design considerations. Other comments were related to improving senior services, adding cultural monuments, expanding general services and academic assistance for youth. Thank You! Kris Lehde - Advisory Committee Recommendations Pale 1 From: Lance Jackson To: Kris Lehde Subject: Advisory Committee Recommendations Kris, here are the advisory board recommendations for committee replacements at Lincoln. Annie L. Williams, Lincoln Former Student and long time supporter, will accept an appointment to the committee as a replacement for Jill Trier. Carl Detloff, principal at Rock Prairie Elementary, will fill in as replacement for Ann Ganter, who recently resigned her position due to scheduling problems. During her brief tenure, she served the committee well and continues to support the LRC and advocates for increase CSISD participation in our after -school programming. Carl will serve out the remainder of Ann's term. Bobbie Smith, a long time volunteer of the LRC (1997 to the present) and former CSPD employee, is recommended as an alternate committee member and as having regular member in April 2003. Next Lincoln Advisory Committee meeting will be November 11, 2002 @ 5:45 p.m. Thanks, Lance PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT & PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY 2002-03 October 31, 2002 Jack & Dorothy Miller Jogging Track Complete David ST0200 Veterans Park, Phase I Substantially Compl. Ric PK9941 Madeley Park Under Construction Pete PK9706 Anderson Playground Replacement Under Construction David PK0215 Thomas Pool Renovation Under Construction Ric PK0205 Thomas Pool Shade Cover Under Construction Ric PK01 04 Lick Creek Park Development, Phase I Bids Received Pete PK0069 Southwood Athletic Park Improvements Out to Bid David PK0076 Bee Creek Batting Cages & Backstops Out to Bid David PK0301 Southwood Athletic Park Soccer Fence In Design Pete N/A Central Park Lighting Improvements In Design Pete PK0101 Central Park Softball Field Improvements In Design David PK0300 'Southwood Senior League Dugout Covers In Design Pete PK0300 '-homas & Adamson Pool Lighting In Design Pete PK0302 -G.S.S.C. Agreement (clubhouse) Pending Contract Bee Creek Light Pole Replacement Pending Contract Pete PK0303 Hensel Park Playground Replacement Postponed Pete PK021 0 Cemetery Land Acquisition On Hold Ross GG9905 Lincoln Center Expansion/Improvements On Hold Ric $2,936,800 '98 G.O. 11/02 $48,000 '98 G.O. 8/02 $39,950 FY'02 Replacement 10/02 $277,255 FY'02 3/03 $19,000 '98 G.O. 3/03 $478,000 98 G.O. /TPWD Grant 8/03 $119,000 '98 G.O. 10/03 $25,000 FY'03 General Fund 3/03 $12,000 FY'03 General Fund 3/03 $17,000 '98 Bond 2003 $24,200 Improvement Fund 3/03 $7,200 Improvement Fund 3/1/03 $16,000 FY'03 General Fund 4/1/03 $0 C.S.S.C. Unknown $68,000 '98 G.O. 5/03 $40,000 $275,000 '98 G.O. Unknown $0 1 North patePark Acquisition On Hold Zone 1 Funds IJ i 1 (Wolf Pen Creek Trails IilRaintree In Design Improvements On Hold IWindwood Improvements On Hold Edelweiss Park Pedestrian Bridge & Vegetation I Out to Bid Southwood Athletic Park Playground Covers I On Hold (Brothers, Fitch, Miller Benches I On Hold (Jack & Dorothy Miller Park Playground Cushion On Hold ISouthwood Sidewalks I On Hold ILonpmire Park Playground & Picnic Unit On Hold ISouth Knoll Rubber Cushion Pending Agreemen IAnderson Walk and Benches I On Hold IBee Creek Benches I On Hold Anderson Park Swing Set On Hold ,Gabbard Park Sidewalk] On Hold IWoodway Park Development I Pending Land Acq. IShenandoah Park Development] oi..,....... —4I On Hold n.. u..0 Zone 3 Funds Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds David PK0216 $15,000 Zone 5 Funds Pete NA $20,000 Zone 5 Funds David NA $25,000 Zone 5 Funds David NA $0 Zone 5 Funds Pete NA $0 Zone 5 Funds Pete NA $0 Zone 5 Funds Ric NA $8,000 Zone 6 Funds David NA $30,000 Zone 6 Funds David NA $10,000 Zone 6 Funds David NA $10,000 Zone 6 Funds David NA $35,000 Zone 6 Funds Ric PK9803 $600,000 Zone 7 Funds Unknown Pete NA $0 Zone 10 Funds oero NA Rn 7nne 11 Funds Note: $0 budget - To be determined I - Intergenerational Project Park Land Dedication Summary Complete U Under Construction 0 Bids Received 0 Pendinq Contracts 0 Out to Bid 1 In Design 1 Pendinq Land Acquisition 1 Postponed 0 On Hold 15 Page 2 O:/Projects/CIP/CIP & Park Land Ded Project List. doc Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future! City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2003 Goals (Not Prioritized) Establish policies and standards for re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department ❑ Review quarterly park maintenance standards reports and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS2S].a) ❑ Develop a long-term replacement schedule for playgrounds, court surfacing, and other key facilities (VS2S]. a) ❑ Evaluate all leisure service programs offered by the Department and develop recommendations for improvements (VS2S2.b) (In progress — Aquatics presentation on November 12'h meeting). ❑ Develop recommendations for implementation of an Urban Forest Management Plan (VS2S]. b) (Plan presented to Council on September 26, 2002) Provide more interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council ❑ Monitor status of Unified Development Ordinance (VS3SI. a) * Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss Board goals and objectives (October 24, 2002) ❑ Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to report on the progress of Board goals and objectives ❑ Conduct ajoint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss Board goals and objectives and other issues Provide oversight for the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program ❑ Woodway Park site plan approval ❑ Shenandoah Park site plan approval 10 Develop a plan for the use of existing Park Land Dedication Funds (,"eptember 10, 2002) ❑ Lincoln Center/Tarnow Park site plan approval (presentation of survey to Board oil November 12'h). ❑ Complete all remaining 1998 Bond Fund projects Provide planning and coordination for the 2003 Bond Election (VS2S2.e) ❑ Review and update submitted CIP list ❑ Develop additional recommendations for the CIP ❑ Staff/Board presentation to the Citizens Bond Committee Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan (VS3S2.d) 0 Staff review and update of the current Master Plan, Section I — Introduction (September 2002) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval: September 10, 2002 Council Approval: October 24, 2002 Updated: November 1, 2002 Page I of 3 El Staff review and update of Section V — Inventory and Facilities (September 2002) 0 Staff review and update of Section VI — Needs Assessment and Identification (September 2002) 0 Board subcommittee review and comments regarding proposed updates for Section 1, IV, and VI (October 2002) 0 Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section VII — Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation (November 6, 2002) Ef Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section III — Plan Development Process (October 2002) ❑ Completion of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan (January 2003) ❑ Public input period for the revised Master Plan (January 2003) ❑ Board consideration of the revised Master Plan (January 2003) ❑ Planning and Zoning Commission consideration of the revised Master Plan (March 2003) ❑ City Council presentation and consideration of ordinance adopting revised Master Plan (April 2003) Provide oversight for the implementation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex 0 Memorial Dedication Ceremony on November 11, 2002 0 Complete Phase I development (VUS2.d) (September 2002) ❑ Investigate potential agreement with the College Station Soccer Club for clubhouse building ❑ Conduct Grand Opening of the Phase I project (Spring 2003) ❑ Review operations and maintenance and make recommendations for Fiscal Year 2004 ❑ Review Needs Assessment and update as required ❑ Develop revisions for Phase II recommendations Provide oversight for the design and installation of the batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park 121 Secure funding 0 Approve site plan ❑ Complete construction Provide oversight for the installation of the new jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park 0 Complete construction (September 2002) ❑ Investigate alternative types of surfacing for playgrounds Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan (VS2S3.a) ❑ Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator ❑ Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval: September 10, 2002 Council Approval: October 24, 2002 Updated: November 1, 2002 Page 2 of 3 Support the City Council's Interagency Plan on any Park and Recreation related issues ❑ Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments and programs ❑ Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District and the South Knoll PTO concerning the potential of rubberizing the South Knoll jogging track (draft interlocal agreement c:omplete). ❑ Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex ❑ Continue to investigate joint programming opportunities with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department (VS2S2.c) Identify potential new sources of revenue ❑ Identify potential grant opportunities (TPWD — October 8, 2002) ❑ Investigate the potential for a donations program ❑ Review user fees and develop recommendations Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval: September 10, 2002 Council Approval: October 24, 2002 Updated: November 1, 2002 Page 3 of'3 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION! PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY03 GOALS & OBJECTIVES Impr Continue totIm Improve Staff Development Program.� Impleme . Implementation of Special Projec ts cts "' p opment > Implementation of New Programs Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CIP Proqram ❑ Complete the Lick Creek Park Phase I project ❑ Complete master plan and design of Woodway Park ❑ Complete master plan and design of Shenendoah Park ❑ Complete intergenerational park projects ❑ Complete G.O. 1998 Bond projects ❑ Complete Thomas Pool renovation and shade structure ❑ Complete acquisition of new cemetery site Continue to Improve Staff Development ❑ Complete Management Academy (1 person) ❑ Complete Supervisory Academy (3 people) ❑ Complete National Recreation & Park Association Park Maintenance School (7 person) Q Complete the Texas Nature Trails Construction Workshop (1 person) !Mplementation of Citv Council Strateqic Issues ❑ Complete the Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan update ❑ Complete the Parks & Recreation Department 2003-2007 Strategic Plan (first draft complete) ❑ Complete the Lincoln Center/Tarrow Parks Master Plan update ❑ Achieve a 75% or higher rating on all major categories for Park Maintenance Standards ❑ Develop implementation schedule of Urban Forest Management Plan (Plan presented to Council on September 26, 2002). ❑ Complete current capital improvement projects ❑ Co mprehensive review of all leisure services programs (Aquatics Presentation November 111) ❑ Continue to explore cooperative efforts with other agencies Implementation of Special Projects ❑ Conduct dedication ceremony for Veterans Memorial project (November 11, 2002) ❑ Conduct grand opening of Veterans Parks & Athletic Complex (2003) ❑ Investigate feasibility of joint project with College Station Soccer Club ❑ Conduct a benchmark survey of similar cities ❑ Investigate potential sources of additional revenue ❑ Complete recommendations for future CIP program ❑ Develop recommendations for existing Conference Center ❑ Conduct seasonal pay study and develop recommendations ❑ Conduct dedication for the Jane Pulley Softball Fields (November 2, 2002) Lmplementation of New Proarams ❑ Complete implementation of Challenger sports program ❑ Begin operation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex ❑ Implementation of cemetery software program 1'arh5 ` Recreation Updated. November I, 2002 City of college station ^• y..�a t""" i""+ �'k a"'ioa Board Review of 411 Board Review of 15' VS 2 Quarter Quarter S 1.a Park Maintenance Curtis 10/22/02 Standards VS 2 Ross S 1.b Urban Forestry Plan VS 2 S 2 a Intergenerational Parks Ric VS 2 Review Leisure Service Peter S 2.b Programs VS 2 Cooperative efforts and S 2.c Joint programming with Peter City of Bryan VS 2 S 2.d Complete Development Ric of Veterans Park Phase 1 VS 2 Develop new five-year S 2.e Parks Capital Ric Improvement Projects VS 3 Update Parks Plan Steve S 2d Ric Phase I Construction Completed as of September and Phase I Maintenance activities begun Veterans Memorial Dedication 11/11/02 Complete Parks Board and Staff input Complete installation of intergenerational features identified for FY2002. Investigate College Station Soccer Club building agreement NOTE: Shaded items have been completed. revised October 29, 2002 0AStrategic Planning/Plan Calendars 2003/Timeline 2003.doc VS 2 Board Review of 2nd Board Review of 3,d S 1.a Park Curtis Quarter Quarter Maintenance Standards VS 2 S 1.b Ross Urban Forestry Plan VS 2 S 2.a Intergenerational Ric Parks VS 2 Review Leisure Peter S 2.b Service Programs VS 2 Cooperative S 2.c efforts and joint Peter programming with City of Bryan 1 b S 2.d Complete Ric Development of Veterans Park Phase I VS 2 Develop new S 2.e five-year Parks Ric Capital Improvement Projects Council to consider the VS 3 Update Parks Steve revised plan S 2d Plan Ric Page 1 of 1 LehdeKris "Board From: "Larry K. Farnsworth" <Ifarns@tca.net> To: "'Kris Lehde"' <klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 11/1/2002 4:26 PM Subject: RE: Board Packets CC: <pspringf@ci.college-station.tx.us> I will be out of town, again, from Nov. 8 through Nov. 15 on a business trip. Larry K. Farnsworth (979)690-0176 Ifarns@tca.net > -----Original Message----- • From: Kris Lehde rmaiito:klehde@ci.colie4e-station.tx.usi > Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 3:03 PM > To: gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org; GDAVIS6264@AOL.com; > j_warner@cox-internet.com; ALLISON@fabtexas.com; > DAVISG@fabtexas.com; Bill@PianoPlace.net; jpn@tamu.edu; Ifarns@tca.net > Cc: Pam Springfield > Subject: Board Packets > Good afternoon. Board packets will be distributed to your > houses today. Please call or e-mail Pam Springfield with > your availability for the meeting. > e-mail: pspringf@ci.college-station.tx.us > or > phone:764-6271 > Kris Lehde > Staff Assistant > College Station Parks & Recreation > (979) 764-3414 > College Station. Embracing the past, Exploring the future. file://C:ADocuments%20and%20Settings\klehde.000\Local%20Settings\Temp\G W } 00007...1 11 /12/2002 Page 1 of 1 Kris Lehde - RE: Board Packets From: "Larry K. Farnsworth" <Ifarns@tca.net> To: "'Kris Lehde"' <klehde@ci.college-station.b(.us> Date: 11/1/2002 4:26 PM Subject: RE: Board Packets CC: <pspringf@ci.college-station.b(.us> I will be out of town, again, from Nov. 8 through Nov. 15 on a business trip. Larry K. Farnsworth (979) 690-0176 Ifarns@tca.net > -----Original Message----- • From: Kris Lehde [mailto;.klehde@ci.colleae.-station.tx.us > Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 3:03 PM > To: gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org; GDAVIS6264@AOL.com; > j_warner@cox-internet.com; ALLISON@fabtexas.com; > DAVISG@fabtexas.com; Bill@PianoP]ace.net; jpn@tamu.edu; Ifarns@tca.net > Cc: Pam Springfield > Subject: Board Packets > Good afternoon. Board packets will be distributed to your > houses today. Please call or e-mail Pam Springfield with > your availability for the meeting. > e-mail: pspringf@ci.college-station.tx.us > or > phone:764-6271 > Kris Lehde > Staff Assistant > College Station Parks & Recreation > (979) 764-3414 > College Station. Embracing the past, Exploring the future. file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\klehde.000\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW } 00007..I 11 /12/2002 Page 1 of 1 From: Glenn Schroeder <gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org> To: "'Kris Lehde"' <klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 11/12/2002 4:45 PM Subject: RE: Meeting Reminder Hi, Kris, Please pass on this request to the board for an excused absence from this evening's Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting. I'm coaching my daughter's softball team and we have a makeup game scheduled for tonight and my assistant coach called this afternoon reporting that her daughter was sick and they wouldn't be able to be there. Thus I will be unable to attend the meeting this evening. Thanks, Glenn Glenn Schroeder Director of Administration St. Mary's Catholic Center 603 Church Avenue College Station, TX 77840 979.846.5717 -----Original Message ----- From: Kris Lehde [SMTP:klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us] Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 8:25 AM To: gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org; GDAVIS6264@AOL.com; j_warner@cox-internet.com; ALLISON@fabtexas.com; DAVISG@fabtexas.com; Bill@PianoPlace.net; jpn@tamu.edu Cc: Dana Albrecht; David Geriing; David Hudspeth; Jenny Hartsfield; Kelly Kelbly; Lance Jackson; Peter Lamont; Ric Ploeger; Steve Beachy; Vera Vowell Subject: Meeting Reminder Just a reminder of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting that will be held tonight (Tuesday, November 12th), at 7:00 p.m., at the EXIT Teen Center (Rock Prairie Road). See you there! :) Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation (979) 764-3414 College Station. Embracing the past, Exploring the future. file://C:ADocuments%20and%20Settings\klehde.000\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00007...1 11/12/2002 MEMORANDUM TO. The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM. John P. Nichols, Chairman, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board DATE. October 9, 2002 SUBJECT. Topics of Discussion for Joint Meeting on October 24, 2002. Thank you for providing the opportunity for members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to discuss our FY2003 Goals and other important issues of interest. The FY2003 Board Goals have been formulated to support the City's Strategic Plan and past direction provided by the Council. These Goals are monitored on an on -going basis to ensure that our efforts are focused and on schedule. Any input on the part of Council regarding these goals is welcome and appreciated. The Board has identified four main topics of discussion for the workshop meeting. These topics are directly related to the goals and are as follows: 1. FUTURE CIP - How does the City Council view the role of the Board in this process? - Does the City Council want the Board to provide a member to participate in the Citizens Committee? - What questions or comments do you have related to the preliminary project list for park facilities? - This is part of the FY2003 Strategic Plan. 2. PARK MAINTENANCE STANDARDS - Council adopted these standards in 2001. - The first year of reporting is now complete (FY2002). - The goal is to achieve a 90% rating or better in all categories by 2006. - They are part of the FY2003 Strategic Plan. 3. INTERNAL EVALUATION OF LEISURE PROGRAMS - It will be accomplished over several months. - Emphasis will be placed on potential areas of improvement through existing resources. - This is part of the FY2003 Strategic Plan. 4. RECREATION, PARK, AND OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN - Council adopted the current plan in 1999. - The direction at that time was to update the plan every three years. - The plan is being reviewed and updated by Staff and the Board. - This is part of the FY2003 Strategic Plan. These four main topics are key issues that we wish to discuss with Council and they represent a significant portion of the planning work for the Board in FY2003. We have enclosed several items of background information related to these topics. Other issues or concerns from the City Council are welcomed, as you may desire. Your time and interest in these matters are greatly appreciated. cc: Tom Brymer, City Manager Glenn Brown, Assistant City Manager Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation Encl.: Preliminary CIP Project List FY2002 Park Maintenance Standards Report FY2003 Park Maintenance Standards Graphs Schedule for Board Evaluation of Leisure Programs Updated Master Plan Revision Schedule Preliminary CIP Project List Parks and Recreation uapitai Annuai Cost Operating Description Type Estimate Cost Forestry Shop Park $ 670,000 $ 3,000 Central Park Shop Renovation. Park $ 200,000 $ - Steeplechase Park Development. Park $ 315,000 $ 18,000 Shenendoah Park Development. Park $ 315,000 $ 19,000 Lick Creek Park Phase II Development. Park $ 578,000 $ 20,000 Sandstone Park Park $ 47,000 $ 1,000 Richard Carter Park Improvements. Park $ 217,000 $ 2,000 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II Development. Park $ 5,623,250 $ 65,000 New Cemetery Phase I Development. Park $ 300,000 $ 66,000 Intergenerational Enhancements Park $ 309,000 $ 3,000 Grand Total $ 8,574,250 $ 197,000 Quarterly Periods: First Ouarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 77% Second Ouarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 83% Third Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 85% Fourth Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 81% Categories I. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East South I5i Quarter 74% 76% 2"d Quarter 88% 85% 3`d Quarter 92% 81% 4th Quarter 91% 75% II. Playgrounds East South I" Quarter 83% 88% 2nd Quarter 89% 89% Yd Quarter 85% 84% 01 Quarter 72% 83% III. Picnic Facilities East South 15` Quarter 88% 87% 2"d Quarter 90% 90% 3`d Quarter 94% 83% 4`h Quarter 89% 86% IV. Tennis Courts East South I" Quarter 83% 62% 2"d Quarter 91% 75% 3`d Quarter 95% 78% 4`h Quarter 90% 87% V. Basketball Courts East South I" Quarter 86% 96% 2"d Quarter 89% 100% Yd Quarter 94% 96% 41h Quarter 81% 98% West Averaize % of standards met 74% 75% 82% 85% 88% 87% 91% 86% West Averaee % of standards met 55% 75% 75% 84% 79% 83% 71% 75% West Average % of Standards met_ 81% 85% 83% 88% 90% 89% 82% 87% West Average % of Standards met 65% 70% 61% 76% 68% 80% 68% 82% West Average % of Standards met 75% 86% 82% 90% 85% 92% 71% 83% VI. Sand Volle}ball Courts East South West Average % of Standards met I" Quarter 63% 77% 90% 77% 2"d Quarter 97% 86% 100% 94% 3`d Quarter 78% 89% 100% 89% 4th Quarter 82% 96% 100% 93% VII. Ponds East South West Average % of Standards met I" Quarter 43% 85% 57% 62% 2"d Quarter 57% 75% 53% 62% 3`d Quarter 69% 71% 79% 73% 4th Quarter 45% 72% 62% 60% VIII. Parks: General Parks East South West Average % of Standards met IS` Quarter 85% 79% 84% 83% 2"d Quarter 86% 82% 82% 83% 3`d Quarter 94% 80% 94% 89% 4th Quarter 81% 84% 89% 85% Overall District Averages East South West Overall % of Standards Met V Quarter 76% 81% 73% 77% 2"d Quarter 86% 85% 77% 83% 3`d Quarter 88% 83% 85% 85% 4`h Quarter 79% 85% 79% 81% NOTE: The Maintenance Standards for Parks Facilities and the Maintenance Standards Survey was revised during the fourth quarter. �!a '� spa ' . h ♦ ♦ ,:: �. ;.�z '4 Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields The Southwood Senior League and Little League baseball field fencing needs replacement. Much of the fence fabric is warped and many of the poles are bent. Money has been appropriated for replacing the fencing and bids are presently being requested. The softball field lights at Lemontree Park and Bee Creek Park are in need of replacement. The wiring is dilapidated and much of it is not secured. The light poles are not the required height. Much of the hardware connected to the wood utility type poles is loose. The softball field lighting at Lemontree Park is the worst of the two. II. Playgrounds The replacement of the Gabbard Park and Georgie K. Fitch play units has helped to meet standards in the Playground category. However, the most improvement is needed in the West District. The replacement of the Anderson Park play unit is presently underway and the replacement of the Hensel Park play unit is being planned. After replacing these two play units, the focus should shift to replacing the play units at Bee Creek Park and Southwood Athletic Park. All of the play units in the park system need "Age Appropriate" signs. Also, the fall zone in many of the play units needs to be dug out and refilled to the proper depth with new surface material. Replacement of the fall zone material will begin as soon as possible in FY 2003. IV. Tennis Courts The Bee Creek tennis courts are presently the worst courts in the park system. The courts have many large cracks and the fencing around the courts is seriously in need of replacement. The fencing material is warped and the fence poles have shifted so much that much of the support bracing does not stay in place. With the budget increase for resurfacing tennis and basketball courts, the tennis court surfaces should be significantly improved within the next two years. VIM Parks: General Parks Most of the drinking fountains do not meet ADA requirements for accessibility or usage. Each park should have at least one water fountain that meets ADA requirements. Water fountains are a high priced item and will be brought to standards as funds are available. The irrigation at Richard Carter Park is presently non-existent. Because of water use restrictions during drought conditions over the past several years this system had to be shut down. The drying and shifting of the clay soil caused numerous breaks in the water lines and the wiring. The replacement of this system is being planned for FY 2003. General Appearance Items Several park identification signs will be repainted in FY 2003. Irrigation controllers and electrical box covers will be put into aesthetically pleasing enclosure. Bare areas in the parks will be seeded, sodded, or mulched as needed. City of Coflege Stauon FiniMIA alleAtkakk �m-,I 111, 61 �1-11 Q �11111 R�12- I I East District 0 1 st Quarter 0 2nd Quarter M 3rd Quarter El 4th Quarter 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 n 10 1 st Quarter �O 2nd Quarter IM 3rd Quarter 10 4th Quarter Goal: 90% rating or better on all standards within 5 years. *Source: City Council Presentation on March 22, 2001. 100 - 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 City of College Station FY02 Park Maintenance Standards South District 0 1st Quarter 13 2nd Quarter 0 3rd Quarter El 44h Quarter AE, xf V Y IN �? quit i�IMX g, A Athletic Playgrounds Picnic Tennis Courts Basketball Sand Volleyball Ponds Parks, General Overall District Facilities Facilities Courts Courts Averages 76 88 87 62 96 77 85 79 81 85 89 I go 75 100 86 75 82 85 81 84 83 78 96 89 I 71 80 83 75 83 86 87 98 96 72 84 85 Goal: 90% rating or better on all standards within 5 years. *Source: City Council Presentation on March 22, 2001. City of Coflege Station West Distftt B I st Quarter ❑ 2nd Quarter M 3rd Quarter ❑ 4th Quarter Goal: 90% rating or better on all standards within 5 years. *Source: City Council Presentation on March 2Z 2001. Category 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Athletic Facilities 74 88 92 91 Playgrounds 83 89 85 72 Picnic Facilities 88 90 94 89 Tennis Courts 83 91 95 ®� East District Basketball Courts 86 89 94 8 Sand Volleyball Courts 63 97 78 82 Ponds 43 57 69 45 Parks: General 85 86 94 81 Overall District Averages 76 86 88 79 Category 1 st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Athletic Facilities 76 85 81 75 Playgrounds 88 89 84 83 Picnic Facilities 87 90 83 86 Tennis Courts 62 75 78 87 Basketball Courts 96 100 96 98 Sand Volleyball Courts Y 77 86 89 96 South District Ponds 85 75 71 72 Parks: General 79 82 80 84 Overall District Averages 81 85 83 85 Category 1 st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Athletic Facilities 74 82 88 91 Playgrounds 55 75 79 71 Picnic Facilities 81 83 90 82 Tennis Courts 65 61 68 68 Basketball Courts 75 82 85 711 WestDistrict Sand Volleyball Courts 90 100 100 100 Ponds 57 53 79 62 Parks: General 84 82 94 89 Overall District Averages 73 77 85 79 East South West Program Evaluations The internal program evaluations are due by November 1, 2002. Please make sure that the evaluations are complete, accurate, and provide an honest look at the services provided by the Department. Special attention should be given to look for ways to improve the programs in future years. The information from the evaluations will also assist in developing the Department's fee recommendations for Fiscal Year 2004. Three main questions should be answered for each program: 1. Who are we serving? This should include participation numbers, ages, gender, geographic areas, etc. 2. What is the benefit of the service? Is there another agency that could provide the service? 3. What is the cost of the service? Direct, as well as indirect costs (you will have a choice between two budget forms). The schedule for supervisors to present their program evaluations to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is: November 12, 2002 — Aquatics Programs Information needed for Board packets by Thursday, October 31S`. December 10, 2002 — Athletics Programs Information needed for Board packets by Thursday, December 5`h. January 14, 2003 — Educational Programs Information needed for Board packets by Thursday, January 9rh February 11, 2003 — Entertainment Programs Information needed for Board packets by Thursday, February 6`h. March 4, 2003 — Supervised Recreation (moved up because of Spring Break) Information needed for Board packets by Thursday, February 27rh Presentations to the Board should be concise and to the point, with clear recommendations. Plan on approximately 15 to 20 minutes for discussion and questions. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of'the month, at 7:00 p.m., in the Central Park Conference Room. However, meetings are subject to change. You will be notified immediately of time and location if a meeting has been rescheduled. City of College Station Recreation, Park, and ®pen Space Master Plan Three Year Review and Update 2002 Revision Schedule January, 2002 Q Completion of the draft Parks and Recreation Department 5-fear Strategic Plan February, 2002 z Staff review and update of Section IV (Area and Facility Concepts and Standards) 0 Staff completion of the update to the Parks and Recreation Department Resource Guide March, 2002 Q Board review and comments regarding Section II (Goals and Objectives). 10 Board review and comments regarding the draft of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Fear Strategic Plan. August/September, 2002 ® Staff review and update of the current Master Plan, Section I (Introduction) 21 Staff review and update of Section V (Inventory and Facilities) Cd Staff review and update of Section VI (Needs Assessment and Identification) October, 2002 ❑ Staff completion of the draft Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan (FY2003 - 2007) R1 Board subcommittee review and comments regarding proposed updates for Section I, IV, and VI November, 2002 ® Board subcommittee review and connnents regarding Section VII (Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation). ❑ Board review of the draft Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan December, 2002 ❑ Final draft of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan submitted to the City Manager's Office for review ❑ Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section III (Plan Development Process) January, 2003 ❑ Completion of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan ❑ Public input period for the revised Master Plan ❑ Board consideration of the revised Master Plan March, 2003 ❑ Planning and Zoning Commission consideration of the revised Master Plan April, 2003 ❑ City Council presentation and consideration of ordinance adopting revised Master Plan ❑ Presentation of the draft Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan to the City Council for consideration As of October 24, 2002 Agenda Item #4 Item Submitted y: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation =Council Meeting Date: !October 24, 2002 Director Approval: IP Nor Item, Joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for discussion and possible action regarding strategic planning, Council vision statements, and Board goals. Item Summary, The City Council requested joint meetings with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on a semi-annual basis as part of the FY2002 Strategic Plan. This is intended to enhance communications between the Council and appointed Advisory Board members concerning Council issues, visions, and priorities. The last joint meeting with the Board was held on December 6, 2001. ItemBackground: At their annual retreat, the City Council developed specific strategies to support the achievement of the four (4) identified vision statements. Several strategies related to cultural arts and recreational opportunities requiring the involvement and support of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board have been identified to achieve these vision statements. The Advisory Board's FY2003 goals have been developed and are consistent with the City's Strategic Plan and Council direction. The proposed FY2003 goals are attached along with the completed goals for FY2002 for possible Council discussion and consideration. The joint meeting may involve discussion about these goals, Nichols, Advisory Board Chairman, is attached that provides the four main talking points that the Board would like to discuss with the strategies,, and related issues. A memorandum from Dr. John P. A memorandum with enclosures dated October 9, 2002, from Dr. John P. Nichols, Chairman, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. 2. Completed Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2002 Goals. 3. Proposed Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2003 Goals. City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2002 Completed Goals (not prioritized) Establish policies and standards for re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department. • Review quarterly reports on park maintenance standards and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS4S2a) (January- 8, 2002). • Review proposed park conceptual plans and make recommendations for intergenerational features (VS4S3a) • Review and develop recommendations for Urban Forestry Plan (VS3S4a) (Endorsed by the Board on July 9M. Will be presented to Council for consideration on August 22n� 2002). • Review preliminary cost estimates for CIP prepared by Staff. More interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council (VS4S8a). • Assist with the review and preparation of the Unified Development Ordinance (November 13, 2001). • Review and recommend possible changes to the Park sand Dedication Ordinance (October 9, 2001). ❑ Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss goals (September 20, 2001). 0 Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to confirm goals (December 6, 2001). Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program. • Castlegate Park site review (November 13, 2001). Q Lick Creek Park site review (December 11, 2001) Q Madeley Park site review. (February 19, 2002) ❑ Woodway Park site review. (On Hold pending land acquisition) ❑ Shenandoah Park site review (On Hold). Planning and coordination for the next bond issue. 0 Identify and assess the needs for future park facilities. (February S, 2002) 10 Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (February S, 2002) El Determine priorities for development. (February 12, 2002) Q Develop a recommendation for consideration in the 2002 bond program. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. C1 Review of Section II (Goals and Objectives) of the plan. (February 12, 2002) Q Review of Parks and Recreation Department 5-fear Strategic Plan. (February 12, 2002) Q Review of Sections I, IV, V, and VI of the plan. (October 7, 2002) ❑ Review of Section VII (Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation) ❑ Review and comments regarding Section III (Plan Development Process). ❑ Review of Revised Master Plan Parks & Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks & Rec. Advisory Board Approval: October 9, 2001 Updated. October 24, 2002 Page 1 of 2 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II Development. • Review needs for future facilities and programs (December 11, 2001) • Determine priorities for development. (February 5, 2002) Cat Develop recommendations for implementation. (February 12, 2002) R1 Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (March S, 2002) Skate Park facility planning (VS4S5b). • Develop recommendation for scope of project. (November 13, 2001) Q Develop recommendation for facility use. (November 13, 2001) • Develop recommendation for implementation. (November 13, 2001) Review funding sources for the Installation of two backstops and two batting cages at Bee Creek Park. (Note. Funds have been requestedfor FY03). Q Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff (November 13, 2001). 10 Determine needs for program requirements. CD Develop recommendations for scope of project. 2 Develop recommendations for implementation Review funding sources for the repair or replacement of the jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park. • Review proposed project cost estimates (December 11, 2001). • Review funding alternatives (Completed by Staff). C! Develop recommendations for implementation. (Under construction). Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan. 2 Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (October 9, 2001). ❑ Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways. Support the City Councils Interagency Plan on any Park and Recreation related issues. 0 Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments. 2 Continue dialog with Texas A&lam University regarding Hensel bark and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Develop programs and facilities for Senior Citizens, • Receive input from fall Eisenhower Leadership Development Program group. (December 6, 2001) • Determine priorities for programs and facilities-(Januaty 8, 2002). ® Develop recommendations for implementation (January 8, 2002). a Parks & Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks & Rec. Advisory Board Approval: October 9, 2001 Updated: October 24, 2002 Page 2 of 2 0 Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future! City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2003 Proposed Goals (Not Prioritized) Establish policies and standards for re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department ❑ Review quarterly park maintenance standards reports and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS2S1.a) ❑ Develop a long-term replacement schedule for playgrounds, court surfacing, and other key facilities (VS2Sl.a) ❑ Evaluate all leisure service programs offered by the Department and develop recommendations for improvements (VS2S2. b) ❑ Develop recommendations for implementation of an Urban Forest Management Plan (VS2SI.b) (Plan presented to Council on September 26, 2002) Provide more interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council ❑ Monitor status of Unified Development Ordinance (VS3S1.a) ❑ Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss Board goals and objectives (October 24, 2002) ❑ Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to report on the progress of Board goals and objectives ❑ Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss Board goals and objectives and other issues Provide oversight for the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program ❑ Woodway Park site plan approval ❑ Shenandoah Park site plan approval 2 Develop a plan for the use of existing Park Land Dedication Funds (September .10, 2002) ❑ Lincoln Center/Tarnow Park site plan approval ❑ Complete all remaining 1998 Bond Fund projects Provide planning and coordination for the 2003 Bond Election (VS2S2,e) ❑ Review and update submitted CIP list ❑ Develop additional recommendations for the CIP ❑ Staff/Board presentation to the Citizens Bond Committee Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan (VS3S2.d) 2 Staff review and update of the current Master Plan, Section I — Introduction (September 2002) Q Staff review and update of Section V — Inventory and Facilities (Septemher 2002) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval: September 10, 2002 Council Approval: Updated. October 24, 2002 Page l of 3 Z Staff review and update of Section Vg — Needs Assessment and Identification (September 2002) Q Board subcommittee review and comments regarding proposed updates for Section I, IV, and VI (October 2002) ❑ Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section VII — Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation (November 2002) ❑ Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section III — Plan Development Process (October 2002) ❑ Completion of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan (January 2003) ❑ Public input period for the revised Master Plan (January 2003) ❑ Board consideration of the revised Master Plan (January 2003) ❑ Planning and Zoning Commission consideration of the revised Master Plan (March 2003) ❑ City Council presentation and consideration of ordinance adopting revised Master Plan (April 2003) Provide oversight for the implementation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex ❑ Memorial Dedication Ceremony on November 11, 2002 ® Complete Phase I development (VS2S2.d) (September 2002) ❑ Investigate potential agreement with the College Station Soccer Club for clubhouse building ❑ Conduct Grand Opening of the Phase I project (Spring 2003) ❑ Review operations and maintenance and make recommendations for Fiscal Year 2004 ❑ Review Needs Assessment and update as required ❑ Develop revisions for Phase II recommendations Provide oversight for the design and installation of the batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek bark * Secure funding ❑ Approve site plan ❑ Complete construction Provide oversight for the installation of the new jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park Q Complete construction (September 2002) ❑ Investigate alternative types of surfacing for playgrounds Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan (VS2S3.a) ❑ Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator ❑ Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval: September 10, 2002 Council Approval: Updated: October 24, 2002 Page 2 of 3 Support the City Council's Interagency Plan on any Park and Recreation related issues ❑ Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments and programs ❑ Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District and the South Knoll PTO concerning the potential of rubberizing the South Knoll jogging track ❑ Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex ❑ Continue to investigate joint programming opportunities with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department (VS2S2.c) Identify potential new sources of revenue ❑ Identify potential grant opportunities (October 8, 2002) ❑ Investigate the potential for a donations program ❑ Review user fees and develop recommendations Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval: September 10, 2002 Council Approval: Updated: October 24, 2002 Page 3 of 3 Mayor City Council Ron Silvia John Happ Mayor Pro Tempore Winnie Garner James Massey Scott Mears City Manager Dennis Maloney Thomas E. Brymer Anne Hazen College Station, Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future Agenda College Station City Council Workshop Meeting Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 3:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Discussion of consent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting. 2. Joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission for discussion and possible action regarding the Northgate Redevelopment Plan and associated New Urbanism/Traditional Neighborhood Development concepts. 3. Presentation, discussion and possible action on activities of the Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors. - 4. Joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for discussion and possible action regarding strategic planning, council vision statements and board goals. 5. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings. Planning and Zoning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Zoning Board of Adjustments, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Brazos County Health Department, Brazos Animal Shelter, Brazos Valley Council of Governments, College Station Business Development Corporation, Historic Preservation Committee, Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Library Committee, Intergovernmental Committee, Cemetery Committee, Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board, Transportation Committee, B-CS Economic Development Corporation. (See attached posted notices for subject matters) 6. Council Calendars Intergovernmental Meeting, 10/23, 12:00 p.m. Annual Employee Banquet, 10/25, Brazos Center, 6:00 p.m. Annual Chamber Banquet, 10/28, Hilton, 6:00 p.m. Council Transportation Committee, 11/5, 5:00 p.m. City Council Workshop and Regular Meetings, 11/7 & 11/21 Joint UDO Meeting, 11/15, Council Chambers, 8:30 a.m. Congress of Cities, Salt Lake City, Utah, 12/3-12/7 Providing Customer Service Excellence City of College Station College Station, Texas Council Meeting 10/24/02 Page 2 7. Executive Session will immediately follow the workshop meeting in the Administrative Conference Room. Consultation with Attornev {Gov't Code Section 551.0711, possible action. The City Council may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney -client privileged information. Litigation is an ongoing process and questions may arise as to a litigation tactic or settlement offer, which needs to be discussed with the City Council. Upon occasion the City Council may need information from its attorney as to the status of a pending or contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney -client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: 1. Cause No. 43,098-85, Brazos County -Bryan v. College Station 2. Cause No. 96-03168, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) 3. Cause No. 97-02587, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) 4. Cause No. 98-13391, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) 5. Cause No. 96-06940, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) 6. Cause No. 97-07000, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) 7. Cause No. 98-11817, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) 8. Cause No. GN002343, Travis County — San Antonio v. PUC (intervention) 9. Cause No. GN002513, Travis County — San Antonio v. PUC (intervention) 10. Cause No. GN000152, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) 11. Cause No. 49,367-CCL2, Brazos County — Wilkerson v. College Station 12. Cause No. 52,434-361, Brazos County — College Station v. Wolf Pen Creek, Ltd., et al. 13. Cause No. 28,765, Grimes County - Harold & Rosealice Trant v. Grimes County, City of College Station and City of Bryan. 14. Cause No. GN200090; Travis County - Reliant Energy, Inc. v. Big Country Electric Cooperative, Inc., et al. 15. Cause No. GN200100, Travis County - City of San Antonio, etc. v. Brazos Electric Power Cooperation, et al. 16. Cause No. G-02-108, U.S. District Court — Catherine Lester v. College Station and Sonja Piersall. 17. Docket Nos. TX96-2-000 & TX96-2-001, FERC — College Station, applicant 18. Docket No. 25197, Public Utility Commission — College Station request to set rates. 19. Docket No. 25395, Public Utility Commission — College Station (intervention) 20. Cause No. 02-0012920-CV-85, Brazos County — Brazos Paving, Inc. v. Municipal Drilling Services, Evergreen National Indemnity Co., and City of College Station 21. Cause No. 02-001154-CV-85; Brazos County — Weisinger Water Well, Inc. v. Municipal Drilling Services, Evergreen National Indemnity Company and City of College Station 22. Cause No. 02-001291-CV-361, Brazos County — Sonja Piersall v. City of College Station and Edgar Feldman 23. Seek advice regarding City's legal rights regarding Cox Cable. 24. Seek advice regarding TXU/Oncor Proposed Settlement. Providing Customer Service Excellence City of College Station College Station, Texas Council Meeting 10/24/02 Page 3 Economic Incentive Negotiations {Gov't Code Section 551.0871- possible action The City Council may deliberate on commercial or financial information that the City Council has received from a business prospect that the City Council seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the city with which the City Council in conducting economic development negotiations may deliberate on an offer of financial or other incentives for a business prospect. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: The proposed city conference center and associated privately developed hotel. Real Estate {Gov't Code Section 551.0721; possible action The City Council may deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: Kapchinski Property Final action on Executive Session, if necessary. City Manager Thomas E. Brymer I certify that this agenda was posted on the bulletin board at the Municipal Building, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas on October 21, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. z Signed by Connie Hooks f E tz�i autnent�city Wltti Approve V City Secretary Connie Hooks This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Internet website httD://www.ei.colle2e-station.tx.us/, Cable Access Channel 19 and The Eagle. Providing Customer Service Excellence City of College Station College Station, Texas Council Meeting 10/24/02 Page 4 Agenda College Station City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chamber, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 9. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation Consider request for absence from meeting 9.1 Hear Visitors: You may talk to the City Council for three (3) minutes on city issues not on the posted agenda. The City Council by law cannot discuss the issues you present tonight. The City Council after hearing you, may ask the City Manager to look into the issue, or place the issue on a future agenda for discussion. Please give your name and address for the record before you talk to the City Council and register with the City Secretary after speaking. C consezlt.Agenda 10.1 Discussion and possible action on the minutes for City Council special meeting, October 2, 2002. 10.2 Discussion and possible action on a change order increasing the contract for diesel fuel and gasoline with Brenco Marketing in the amount of $96,575.00. 10.3 Bid No. 00-118 — Discussion and possible action on renewal of annual agreement for Pre- stressed Spun Cast Concrete Electrical Distribution Poles. Estimated annual expenditure to Stresscrete, Inc. is $90,701.00. 10.4 Bid No. 02-107 — Discussion and possible action on an annual purchase agreement for tires and rejection of a previous Bid No. 02-96. 10.5 Bid No. 03-10 — Discussion and possible action on the purchase of an All -Terrain Excavating Machine with Menzi USA Sales, Inc. in the amount of $172,982.00. 10.6 Bid No. 03-13 — Discussion and possible action on the purchase of seven (7) police motorcycles with Russ -Welch Harley Davidson in the amount of $102,571.00. 10.7 Discussion and possible action on a change order to the contract with the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley in the amount of $150,000 for representative public art in College Station. Providing Customer Service Excellence City of College Station College Station, Texas Council Meeting 10/24/02 Page 5 10.8 Discussion and possible action on a resolution approving and setting fees for Parks and Recreation activities. 10.9 Discussion and possible action on a resolution determining a public necessity to acquire an exclusive public utility easement interest, temporary construction easement, and temporary access easement in certain property; giving notice of an official determination to acquire an exclusive public utility easement interest in property for the Lift Station No. 1 Gravity Line Project; and establish procedures for the acquisition of an exclusive public utility easement interest in property. 10.10 Discussion and possible action on an ordinance vacating and abandoning of a portion of a twenty (20) foot public utility easement encompassing a total area of 0.2588 acres in the Wolf Pen Plaza, City of College Station. 10.11 Discussion and possible action on an annual agreement for Household and Hazardous Waste Collection and Disposal Services with Clean Harbors Environmental for an estimated expenditure of $152,600. 10.12 Discussion and possible action on an ordinance amending Chapter 10, Traffic Code, Section 4(E)(3)(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station prohibiting parking on certain streets. Regular Agenda 11.1 Presentation, discussion and possible action on an ordinance annexing several properties within the City of College Station's extraterritorial jurisdiction. 11.2 Presentation, discussion and possible action on a resolution supporting changes to Chapter 53.11 of the Texas Education Code. 11.3 Presentation, discussion and possible action on a resolution adopting a policy related to City Council training, travel and lodging. 12. The City Council may convene the executive session following the regular meeting to discuss matters posted on the executive session agenda for 10/24/02. 13. Final action on executive session, if necessary. If litigation issues or attorney -client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this City Council Meeting an executive session will be held. Providing Customer Service Excellence City of College Station College Station, Texas Council Meeting 10/24/02 APPROVED: City Manager Thomas E. Brymer Page 6 I certify that this agenda was posted on the bulletin board at the Municipal Building, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas on October 21, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Internet website htt_o://www.ci.college-station.tx.us/, Cable Access Channel 19 and The Eagle. Providing Customer Service Excellence City of College Station College Station, Texas