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07/11/2000 - Regular Agenda - Parks Board
COLLEGE STATION P. ®. Box 9960 - 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 Memuirzndum TO: Parks and Recreation Board Members FROM: Kris Startzman9 Board Secretary DATE: June 30, 2000 The next Parks and Recreation Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday" July 11 2000 at the Parks Conference boom. Please note that the time of the meeting has been moved up due to a workshop meeting at 5:30 p.m. Ginner will be seared), Please see attached agenda and Board packet, If you have any questions or changes to the minutes from the previous meeting, please contact ramie at 764-34114 prior to the meeting so that changes can be made and passed out for approval during the Meeting. Also, if you will not be able to attend the meeting, please fill out the attached Absentee Form and fax it back to me at 764-3737 or e-mail me at xstartzmanaei.college-station.tx.us several days an advance of the meeting in order to insure quorum requirements. `hank you and hope to see you theme. Attachment: Home of Texas A&M University CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name olv-�Pk)r� Request Submitted on (date) I will not be in attendance at the meeting of for the reason(s) specified: 'r, r� I (, - n a Cc� Signature This request shall be submitted to the office of the committee/board secretary prior to the meeting date. o:board/absenteeform.doc Revised June 29,2000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Workshop/Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 11, 2000 Parks Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road 5:30 p.m. ***Workshop (5:30 p.m.)*** Call to order 2. Update, discussion, and possible consideration regarding City Council Strategic Issues I\,/ffeeflag (7-00 p.m.)*** 1. Hear visitors 2. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting 3. Approval of minutes from June 13, 2000 4. Discussion, and possible consideration concerning: Approval of the By -Laws for the Senior Advisory Committee Appointment of Committee members to serve on the Senior Advisory Committee 5. Report, discussion, and possible consideration concerning alcohol usage at Central Park Committee Reports (Continued): ® College Station Recreation and Sports Foundation ® Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee -Appointment of a Parks and Recreation Board member to serve on the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Discussion and possible consideration of developing an urban forestry plan for the City of College Station 9. Discussion and possible consideration of conducting a feasibility study to build a skateboard park to. Discussion and possible consideration of a resolution of support regarding CARA (Conservation and Reinvestment Act) it. Discussion and possible consideration of a resolution of support regarding a special venue tax project 12. Report, discussion and possible consideration of the Crowley Tract park land dedication 13. Discussion and possible consideration of a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss City Council Issues with neighborhood parks on July 20, 2000 14. Discussion and possible consideration of a special workshop meeting with City Council on September 28, 2000 15. Consent Items: — Capital Improvement Projects Report — Discussion of next meeting date and agenda 16. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.college-station.tx,us and Cable Access Channel 19. ***Worrkzhofo 0 A, * , (SoM paffa-)* Staff Prresento. Steve Beachyg Director of Parks and Itecrewn"on; Tony Scazzero, Recreatio-Iti Supervisor; Kmas St mar Board Secretary; Eric Ploegerg Assistant Da"flector of Parks and Recreation; h4arc *1 Rodgers, Sem'or Services Coordinator- Ross Albrmht, Forestry Superintendetfut- Curtis 9 9 D' ham, Parks Operations Superintendent. MPOI Ive BoEyd meumbnm pEremoto Chr s Bar-Allag Chead (arr' d late) eorge Dresser, Co- o Chair- Glen Davis; Bill Da-%ns; Glem Sebsoeder; Jon, 9 Tufton; John Nichols (arrived late); John Crom-pton, 9 A Iiternate; Laura Wood, Afternate. Guestoo. Gjemai Bromn?Assistant City Manager. VioOtai-ro, Larry FarnswoAth, 4012 Hunter Creekq College Station, Texas. COR to ordeT-0 The meetm-g was called to order at 5AS p.m. 21 Update, dn'mumflormg md poosn'bqerreammUng ' C'ty Com br* the Boards up to doede on ,strcg�(vg' Issue so 0 Steve feels that tit 'is finpiot to rtanmg 0 tijile Cj�y Comickil Strairegic Plain. and, the actdon steps that vvUl be used to acco-Linjolisil"i the plan. He said that discussfing the plan with the Boards would help assime t1iiat Boards and the Council are working toward the sanae goals. Steve went over the draft of Uhe City Comicil Strategic Plan. He hmerm'-Dned that it was only a draft and would still need to be approved. 14, e also went ionthat with changing tm*.ell s, it would be aa, "living" document and would havke, to be me updated on a regular basis. Steve went over the Coumemil vision statements as they relate to Pwrks and Recreation, and thehc strategies as they relate to the overall Strategic Plan: n R R (CuRtrumil ATS-;N3 auad RecrezfloflaR OPPOfftufl'fles)a 9o1j, malcm'g parks more intergenerational.eraphas' is #2 More interaction be,-tvveen the Parks and Recreation Board, the P.amim'g and Zom'ng Commission, and the City Council. #3 Contffiue to update the Com, prehensiove Plan regardm*g park systems. 44 Com(=fivity between greenw, ays md parks. Parks & Recreation Board, Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 11, 2000 Page I of 6 #5 Continued emphasis on park maintenance to quality standards through the budget process. #6 Develop programs and facilities for senior citizens. Vision Statemermt #@ ff e&Planned P\Wghboi°hoods). #1 Policy emphasis to prevent residential decline and improve neighborhoods. Steve will make a copy of the plan for the Board once the City Council has approved it. This was an informational item, and no motion was made. *"ReEnlay Meeting (7A0 1pom.)*** 1° Hearn Vlglttoi°so No visitors spore at this time. o Fay -don — Corrr5hderr rnegnests fbrp absences of memberr°s fmom meeting- All members were present at the meeting. 3° App ovaH of mlrruttea f irom Surge 13, 20W— Glenn Schroeder made a motion to approve the minutes from ,tune 13, 2000. Chris Barzilla seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Ita Il L �tiIl�ifl9 and pomp DDe cQAIt oide➢°2floI41 C�(�F(p�(� °n➢rt a ApCprrovO of the By-Lswg foT the Serriorn AdAsoiry Committee- Senior Advisory Coordinator, Marci Rodgers, had established the Senior Advisory Committee within the last year, It is their intention to become a committee under the Parks and Recreation Board. The group had prepared constitutional by-laws for the Parrs and Recreation Board's approval. Jon Turton made a motion to approve the constitutional by-laws for the Senior Advisory Committee. John Crompton seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Appointment of committee membem to serge on the SenioT Advlsomy Committee: Marci passed out a member listing (see attachment) with recommendations for committee members for the Senior Advisory Committee. Jon T. made a motion to approve the member listing for the Senior Advisory Committee. John C. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously, S. Report, discussIlon, and possible cormsAerrzflon concerrAng Acohm usage at Centn°al Pzrrk: This item is directly related to an item that was on the wine 13, 2000, agenda wherein a citizen, Steve Smith, inquired as to the alcohol usage at the Central Park softball complex. Steve Beachy said that the Department has researched the situation, and that there are two parts to this item. The legal aspect; Steve had asked the City Attorney what options the City had in the event that the Board wanted to change a policy regarding the possession and consumption of alcohol on the Central Park softball fields. The Parks & Recreation Board .regular Meeting Tuesday, Judy 11, 2000 Page 2 of 6 response from the City Attorney was that the City could not legislate what people could do in regards to any place other than the central business district of a City. In College Station, the central business district is defined as the Northgate area. Therefore, the exemption would not apply to Central Dark. However, he explained that the City could state a rule that no one could possess or consume alcohol in a particular area of the park. In other words, the City could not legislate a non-alcoholic beverage ordinance for Central Park, because it is the jurisdiction of the state, although, the City could have a rule that states that one would not be able to possess or consume alcohol in a certain area of the park. The rule would not be enforced by an alcohol ordinance. However, it would become a matter of a trespassing issue —if someone were to bring or consume alcohol in a designated area, it would be a matter of the City filing a criminal trespassing complaint against that person. Ohservathom of the shn9ftlom Tony Scazzero, Recreation Supervisor, and his staff have, monitored the situation over the last month. He said that there has been some drinking in the parking lot, but there haven't been many people drinking at the actual softball facility. Steve said that the staff s recommendation to the Board is that the Department not tar to initiate any type of rule or legal process to restrict alcohol from the park; rather it suggests working with the coaches and leagues to try to control the situation. John Nichols asked if the Department could put a question on their next team survey asking if there has been any change in the positive environment at the softball complex. Steve replied that the Department could ask this question. The Board agreed to see the results of the team survey before taking any action. No motion was made on this item. The Department will send Steve Smith a letter explaining the Department's intentions and the Board will receive a copy of the letter. & Co mmWee Repoirtts (Contnnued)o o College Station Recireaflon nod Sp©rtoo Commit ee. Glen Davis gave a report on some of the accomplishments the Committee hopes to achieve for the year: o Establish a master calendar for recreation sports activities utilizing College Station facilities. a Review the mission statement and update the bylaws. o Define and possibly expand the scope of the Committee. ® Formalize memberships (voting/nonvoting). Glen also passed out information regarding the Department's surcharge fees for user groups for the year 2000. During discussion of the fees, the fact was brought up that the youth soccer teams were delinquent in paying their fees. John C. made a motion that a letter be sent to the youth soccer teams that have not paid the surcharge fee, requesting that they pay the fee as mandated by the Parks and Recreation Board. Chris B. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Parks & Recreation Board Regular 1lleeting Tuesday, July 11, 2000 Page 3 of 6 ` off Pen Cmeek Oveirs gg at onnmhtteeo Steve stated that the Wolf Pell Creep Oversight Committee is composed of representatives from the parks and Recreation Board, the planning and Zoning Commmmmnission, the Tax Increment Finance Committee, the City's Design. review Committee, and two City Council members. The Committee has been meeting on a monthly basis, There will be a full designn charet in October 2000 at the Conference, Center. Steve gave a brief update of the Committee's progress and what it hopes to accomplish in the fixture. (Note: For more arformation about the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, please refer to the attached meeting minutes). 70 Appohd eims of ai f yrhs and ReeTfemtgorm Do,%Td member° tfe 2eTve orni the WoR Perm Creek Cvemoightr CCommifteeo Steve stated that two members of the Parks and Recreation ]board serve on the golf Pen Creep Oversight Committee. The purpose of this item. is to replace Sarah Birkhold as the primary Board representative (George Dresser serves as an alternate). Glen D. made a motion to appoint Glenn Schroeder as the primary board representative to the Wolf Peron Creep Oversight Committee. Chris B. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. George D. will remain as an alternate. 0. Dnocuaolorm mid, pom!, We coasMerration of developing nmn rmxbRua fo eafr-y= plzm fore trhe CIlty of John C. stated that this item has been one of the Parks and recreation Department's goals for the last three years. He stated that currently, there are only three employees working in Forestry (the same number of employees that the department had 20 years ago). He went on to say that the three employees are now also changed with several other responsibilities that they didn't have 20 years ago. He stated that the City of College Station and Texas A&M University don't have an urban forestry program. He would life park staff to comae up with a grant program to start an urban forestry plan. If the grant is not successful, he would life staff to look into the possibility of asking the City Manager for discretionary funds. Ross Albrecht responded that the Texas Forestry Service has a grant opportunity that they have made available for the past four or five years. The grant is a 50/50 match; therefore, the City would need funding up front to do the project. Ross explained than the grant application deadline for this year's cycle has passed. However, he feels that there is a pretty good chance that there will still be some Rinds available ---the Texas Forestry Service usually does not allocate all of their funds due to not having enough requests on a yearly basis. Ross suggested keeping this item as a goal and coming up with some ideas in-house to find funds through either the budget process or through discretiona -i L�xnds, John C. asked Steve to commie up with a scope of work and move forward with this items Ross stated that he would talk to the Grant Coordinator with the Texas Forestry Service to see if there have been other municipalities that have used this grant process for an urban forestry, plan, George De asked if this project is something that a graduate class at a university could work on. Ross said that could be researched. George D. requested that this item be placed on the September 2000 agenda to discuss before the joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Board and the City Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 11, 2000 Page 4 of 6 Council on September 28, 2000. This was an informational item and no motion was made. o Mseaassnoaa @nd po5,ObRe con5tdemamtrlon of coaad-mcthnE *, TeasIlhlity staady to build a 5katebwared pa irku John C. had requested this item to be on the agenda, due to the fact that there had been $150,000 placed in the Parks Department's fiscal year budget to build a roller hockey rink. Eric Ploeger stated that these funds were in, this fiscal year's budget, but have been rolled over to the next fiscal year until the City determines what to do with them.. Steve stated that at the present time, the department has no plans to pursue this item. The problem right now, is that that there isn't a clear location to put a rink. Laura Wood said that she Mould talk to some of the college students that she knows in the community that are interested in the sport, to see what their views and ideas are. John C. asked the staff to research this item and to put together a committee of people that have knowledge of this sport to develop ideas and bring them to the Parks and Recreation ]hoard for consideration. The board agreed. No motion was made on this item. DnscusgIlon Rued POOOMe goflgWemmflon of E Iresolaatgon of sUirflpomI meg2TdtaaE CCA (Conaervmflon and Mnvegtrne-ua Ad)- Steve stated that CArA is federal legislation that passed through the Douse of representatives and has now moved to the Senate for approval.,This is money that is used to fund the Water Conservation Fund, the Urban Park Renewal Fund, and other conservation -related national initiatives. Some of this money used locally to build several College Station Parrs was administered through the Texas Parrs and Wildlife Department. Currently, there is more money fanded at the state level as opposed to the federal level. if this legislation passes, it would effectively double the amount of federal grant f Tnding available for cities to participate in, John N. made a motion to adopt the resolution and forward it to the Senate, Jon T. seconded the motion, All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously, 4 0 Dnscuwion Rid pomffle cormsideRMtgoaa of 2 resoluflon of saappoul megaird9mE 2 speeylqi verane ftux- pro ed- This hem (whether the (City should increase the hotel/motel tax rate by 2% to help fund Veterans Park and Athletic (Complex) has been discussed during previous meetings. in order to use this special venue tax, it has to be self-supporting without the aid of ail valorem taxes, although sales taxes can be used. John C. said that Park staff had conducted a feasibility study and determined through cost estimates for the development of the softball facilities at the parr that this taxing source would not fully support the development and operation of the soft -ball complex. John C. asked the Board to review a draft letter to the City Council requesting them to consider alternative funding to support the facility. He suggested that this would be a good topic to discuss during the joint workshop meeting between the Parks and recreation Board and the City Council on September 28, 2000. George D. feels strongly that this request should be sent to Council prior to the joint meeting to give them a chance to review it. George D. made a motion to send the letter to the City Council for review. Glen D. seconded the motions All were in favor, except for Bill De, who abstained from the motion. The motion passed 6- Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 11, 2000 Page 5 of 6 l epoa, discU3510FilL End poosffiRe consAdemdoim of the Ciroy4ey Yrzd pzpk Rand dedic&flou- This item is in reference to whether a developer would,, have to abide by the previous Park Land Dedication Ordinance or the revised one, due to the fact that it has been awhile since any development had occurred. Steve said that the Planning and Zoning Connnission would review this item after the joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Board on July 20, 2000. This was an informational item, and no motion was made. RI Mc usogoffa sad po5sqWe of a , olflt MeefiflE wqtrh ahe Fhflnrmnlmg zad Zonhmig Commiosion to dko,-(-uoCity Courof GAR Ragueo) 741th neughboThood Imirko of SnEy 20, 20M. Steve B. informed the Board that there would be a joint meeting between the Parks and Recreation Board and the, Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, July 20, 2000. He informed the Board that they would receive further notice with a location and agenda prior to the meeting. This is part of the City Council's Strategic Plan. M. Dhgeumtou @nd pooObRe coffaOderrtfion of Z 5peChRR WOFdOhO[P ffneeflBg 7,1M City Counc5l olm Septemberr 20, 2000. Steve informed the Board that there would be a special workshop meeting between the City Council and the Parks and, Recreation Board on Thursday, September 28, 2000. This is part of the City Council's Strategic Plan. M. (Coamunt fft�M-5- - CEp5tT@D Impirovensent Projects Repo Steve said that he had gotten word that the Department is being recommended for approval of approximately $80,000 for a trails grant for Lick Creek Park (the total project is estimated at approximately $120,000). The Department worked on this grant with the help of Dr. Scott Schaefer foam the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences at Texas A&M University. John Co suggested that once the Department receives official approval of the grant, it would be appropriate for the Board to pass a resolution thanking Dr. Schaefer for his efforts on the project and forward it to the City Council. No motionw�ras made on this item. — D5scnsgIoRR of imeztr meefing d0fe,%nd agend1z. The next Parks and Recreation Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 8, 2000 at the Central Park Conference Room. John C. would like a report on the Kids Klub and Teen Center surveys that were conducted. I& Adjouirno The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Parlis e- Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 11, 2000 Page 6 of 6 City of College Station Senior Advisory Committee By -Laws June 27, 2000 Name The name of this organization is the "College Station Senior Advisory Committee". Hereinafter, the organization will be referred to as the " Senior Advisory Committee". Purpose The purpose of the Senior Advisory Committee is to address the needs of older adults in our community. The Senior Advisory Committee will offer ideas for programs to promote the physical, social, educational, recreational and emotional well-being of older adults in the College Station area to the City of College Station Parks and Recreation Board, the Parks and Recreation Department and the City Council. Section 1. Membership The Senior Advisory Committee shall consist of any College Station resident age 55 or older. It is desirable to have equal representation from the following age groups: 55-65, 65-75, 75 and older. The committee will have no more than 21 members and no less than 12 members. Section 2. Term of Office The term of office for the committee shall commence on January 1 and shall be three (3) years in length. Members shall be appointed by the College Station Parks and Recreation Board on a staggered basis with one-third of the terms expiring each year. Members may serve consecutive terms. Section 3. Termination Any committee member appointed by the Parks and Recreation Board shall forfeit that membership if absent for more than three (3) consecutive meetings in one (1) appointment year, unless the absenteeism is for medical reasons. Absenteeism may also be excused by the Committee or by the Parks and Recreation Board. If a member goes beyond this absenteeism limit, the Parks and Recreation Board shall be advised to declare the position vacant and appoint a new member to fill the vacancy. ARTICLE II - MEETINGS Section 1. Regular Meetings The regular meeting shall be held on the last Monday of each month at 10:00am. Section 2. Notice of Meetings l ARTICLE V - AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Committee by a majority vote of the members present, provided previous notice of the nature of any proposed amendment shall have been given at least one (1) regular meeting before the action thereon shall be taken. The Parks and Recreation Board must approve the amendments. 3 I. N 0 1,. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS July, 2000 VETERANS PARK & ATHLETIC COMPLEX MASTER PLAN Project Number. PK9941 Budget: $2,038, 000 Contract Amount- $168,200 (O'Malley Engineers) Project Manager.- Eric Ploeger Project Design: O'Malley Engineers Comments/Status: The Master Plan was approved by the City Council on May 25, 2000. Design of Phase I began June 6, 2000. Advertisement & Award: February 2001 Complctsom November 2001 WEST DISTRICT MAONTENANCE SHOP Project Number: Budget: Design Contract Amount - Project Manager - Project Design. PK9927 $501,600 $30,280 Eric Ploeger Holster and Associates Comments/Status: Project low, bid approved by City Council on June 22, 2000. Task a Project Design: March - February 2000 Advertisement & Award: April - June 2000 Completion: January 2001 COMMUNITY PARK AND CEMETERY SITE ACQUlWTlGNI Project Number. Budget - Contract Amount: Project Manager. Willow Branch Tennis Courts N/A $500,000 - Park $275,000 a Cemetery N/A Eric Ploeger Project Number- PK0074 Budget. $125,000 (Park Land Dedication Fund, Zone 6) Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger, Asst. Director Pvcject Design: Municipal Development Group - for CSISD Comments/Status: interlocal agreement approved by City Council on June 22, 2000.. CIP Report R. "6. Playground Replacements (Brothem Pond, Raintres, and Merry, Oaks): Project Humber. PK0068 Budget: Brother's ($32,000), Raintree & Merry Oaks ($25,000/each) Contract Amount.- N/A Project Manager. Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner Project Design: Parks and Recreation Department Staff Design: May 2000 to July 2000 Adveirstisement & Award: July 2000 to August 2000 Completion: December 2000 playground and basketball Court Repacements (Lemantffee and Thomas Parks), Budget- Lemontree - $22,000 Thomas - $88,000 Contract Amount, $101,000 — RM Dudley Construction Project Managen Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner Project Desigm Parks and Recreation Department Staff Design-. February 2000 to April 2000 Awa rrd - May 2000 Completion: September 2000 CIP Report From: Steve Beachy To. J. Bryan Mason Data: 6/21/00 8:11 AM Subject- Re: Vet Park Complete Thanks for the update. We appreciate your work and assistance on this project. We will get the trenches covered. Thanks, again. >>> "J. Bryan Mason" <jbm6446@unix.tamu.edu> 06/20/00 03:40PM >>> Steve, I am writing on behalf of Dr. Alston Thorns to let you and your staff know that field work at Veteran's Park/Athletic Complex was finished on June 2, 2000. There are still open backhoe trenches and test pits at the south and north central part of the property which can be backfilled at your convenience. Based on our investigations we will recommend that there are no significant archaeological sites on the property. The site that was found has been determined to be disturbed by natural processes. Our recommendation is that construction of the park can continue as planned. We will be sending you an interim report by June 30, 2000 as outlined in the revised schedule that has been agreed upon given that the revised contract was not signed and put into effect until April 2000. J. Bryan Mason ibm6446(cDunix.tamu.edu Center for Ecological Archaeology Texas A&M University 4352 TAM U College Station, TX 77843-4352 Phone: 979-862-8546 Web page: hftD://nautarch.tamu.edu/cea/cea.html CC: Dr. Craig Carter; Glenn Brown; Kris Startzman; Tom Brymer Caf8 to Order I o Qpprowaa of fflnutes from May and une 20000 Ma Ungs I Approwa+ of Member Requests fop Absences �o preser tsUon, Wscussoon and possUe Ac-don ConcarMng Current Woff pan C Creak DevMopment Prr'ojects- a. WPC T lb to y Sk e ram. ov ements - Project t o. P � 9' e• 4-rd4 n E p o vei e it- - o) ct H • . `'�€ _ � 03 c. Traft and B i • es - Project No. rP-' 05 • . George Bush East Extension - Project 'o. ST 9916 S. ChannM �M ro wements - Project No. SD-990 f. ftadan Re to .Uon ore t No. WP0001 .• of Konfe enc- Center - Pr•j-ct No. GG 970 4. Pr se ntaUan, Discussion, and Posh 9 AcU n Conce M n • the May Workshopand the Dea�gn Chairefte 6. Adjourn The building is wheelchalr accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign Interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3617 or (T®D) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Vlebslte and Cable Access Channel 19. Members Present: James Massey, Dennis Maloney — City Council; Kay Henryson, Phillip Kelby, Alternate — Design Review Board; Sharon Colson, WPC TIF; George Dresser, Alternate — Parks & Recreation Board. members Absent- Marsha Sanford, Alternate — WPC TIF; Sarah Birkhold — Parks & Recreation Board; Wayne Rife, Judith Warren, Alternate — Planning & Zoning Staff preseft Steve Beachy, Eric Ploeger, David Wood - Parks & Recreation; Glenn Brown, City Manager's Office; Frank Simoneaux, Bob Mosley - Public Works; Kelly Cole - Public Relations; Charles Wood - Economic Development; Jim Callaway, Jane Kee — Development Services; Pamela Springfield, Committee Secretary VoMtors. Tom Woodfin, TAMU Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning; Mike McClure, Kent Laza, Bob Ruth, Landscape Architect — McClure Engineering; Paul Clarke, Jim Dunlap — Clarke & Wyndham, Inc.; Scott Shafer, TAMU/Greenways Council; Elton Abbott, Mike Record — The Arkitex Studio, Inc.; Chara Ragland, Bill Trainor — Design Review Board; Brian Weihausen — Kay Henryson, AIA; Lynn McIlhaney, Mayor; Anne Hazen, Winnie Garner — City Council Pre® Desion Charette Workshop COO 70-Order: James Massey called the meeting to order with a quorum of the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee (WPC) present, at 8-16 a.m. James thanked everyone for being there. He said it was important that everyone understood where the project was currently, and where it was going (see graphic at front of the attached handout). James stated that the committee's charge was to oversee the implementation of the WPC Master Plan and keep it on track. He stated that the US Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) had become a very important part of the project, providing a regulatory dimension to the project. The restrictions would be discussed. James said that at this workshop stage, the goal was to come up with ideas beyond the regulatory limits of what the project could be. He explained that along with those limits, Tom Woodfin of TAMU Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning, would have his class do market studies over the summer to establish who the potential users/customers of the corridor will be. Also, Scott Shafer with the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences will be providing demographic data and accessibility studies that had previously been done. All the information combined, will help to define what could be done from Texas Avenue to the Earl Rudder Freeway. The design charette would then be held in October. Kay Henryson stated that she had two goals in mind for the charette (page 2 - 4 of the handout): • Get all the different groups together so that all the information meshes. Divide all participants into four or more different groups, which would target the major areas of the whole corridor. • After the charette is over, have something visual that could be used for marketing purposes Kay said it was important that the goals of the charette be defined for everyone who would be participating in it. An overview of the City's status with the Corps was given by Kent Laza and Bob Ruth of McClure Engineering. Throughout the process questions and concerns were raised and addressed. Tom Woodfin also addressed the group. A summary of the workshop discussion follows: WPC Oversight Committee - June, 2000 Pre-Charette Workshop Page 2 Conceotual Plan: The conceptual plan, which had been approved by the WPC and submitted to the Corps, was the result of months of negotiating - coming up with ideas that the Corps would accept which could be developed around. It wasn't the first plan submitted. If the conceptual plan changes at this point, McClure Engineering would have to start over. Aauatic Environment: The Corps wants to recreate an aquatic environment along the channel: • They want to put back as much natural vegetation as possible. • They want the stream to flow by itself, creating pools, with natural meanders and a mud bottom — no channel linings or concrete. • They want to allow sediment to pass through — no sediment traps. Sediment is good for the aquatic environment downstream. US Army Caros (of Engineers De -Sian Sian that the Corps would be involved, when endangered species). Also, any time fill gets involved. • The comments and feedback received from the Corps after the initial conceptual plans had been submitted, were used to develop the first four design restrictions. • Clarification was requested on restriction #4 regarding the meaning of "in the immediate vicinity of the stream" Kent stated that the restrictions were received by e-mail from the Corps representative, however, they weren't from taken from a book that states what can and cannot be done. The restrictions are a little gray, but this was McClure Engineering's interpretation. Restrictio - ns-i(page- 6_of- handout,)-. It was known early on a study indicated that there were wetlands in the project (no or dirt work is done in a channel area of a project, the Corps Other Design Restrictions (page 6 of handouti: • Item #1 is a City restriction created after hydrological studies of the channel were done for the restaurant developments along Highway 30. • Items #2 and #3 are FEMA restrictions. oncerns,. • Rising water from the Wolf Pen Plaza dewelopment — The developer has stated that the development was modeled so that it will not affect the floodway by more than one foot. City staff has reviewed this extensively and agrees. McClure Engineering has expressed similar concerns to the City and everything has been addressed. A new floodplain model has been submitted to FEMA. PeopW being drawn to water/keeping children out of the stream area for safety reasons - The normal flow is only about 3'-4' wide and 6" deep. It will not be attractive to most people. Will not really be able to keep children out. It's possible to have some overlook areas. • Concerns about what was actually be6ng developed trading off weftnds in one area for another - The Corps is looking at this as a restoration project and the more closely their definition of that is followed, the easier it will be to get the permit. Every time the wetlands are moved, they have to agree to the redesign. • Developing the project in such a way that would allow dewelopment close to the water,, and identifying areas where that could be done as soon as possible before the engineers get too fair along - Developing it differently would require an individual permit from the Corps and significant environmental assessments would have to be made. Because this is a flood area, the Corps advised keeping it a restoration project and not getting into individual permits. Every aspect of development has been considered - from a riverwalk-type project to nothing — and development outside and at the top of the creek was the only place the Corps was comfortable doing anything permanent. Minimal interaction with the creek, like the bridge area between Kona's and Johnny Carinds, will be a much easier scenario to achieve for this site than getting people down low to walk along the edges of the water. This is true for two reasons. There won't be much water to see normally; when it floods, if something is built up high, it won't be washed away or dammed up with debris. WPC Oversight Committee - June, 2000 Pre-Charette Workshop page 3 e kemova� of trees.- Bob Ruth said he tried to save every tree by creating a pathway system through the natural creek and cutting another channel through another area, but the Corps wouldn't agree to it. The Corps will allow trees to be protected via retaining walls made of timber or rock as long as they are kept isolated and are not uniform throughout the project. Wetland Areas: * The entire project itself is not a wetland. The wetlands are along the channel where water is running, and there are pockets of wetlands in surrounding areas. There is no map showing the wetland areas. ® It is possible to trade a wetland in one area off for a wetland to be created in another area. This was addressed when the Corps representative was here., and they know that almost all of the wetlands in this project will be destroyed and will have to be recreated somewhere else within the project. McClure Engineering does not feel that it is necessary to establish the percentage and location of wetlands currently there. * Sidewalks or development close to the stream, would not be compatible with the aquatic environment the Corps wants recreated. Boulders, rocks, and natural objects, which would create the little pockets and allow the plant life that's needed to support the wetland environment, would be compatible. * A highly manicured park setting will not achieve the goal that the Corps is after. They want something that's more or less left alone. There may be room for compromise — areas with wetlands and cattails, etc. - but also areas that can be mowed. * There will be one permit given for the entire project from Texas Avenue to Earl Rudder Freeway. It may not be possible to do the project all at once, but the permit will be in place. * The Corps understands that the City intends this to be an asset (retail opportunities and park settings) as well as a drainage project. What needs tbe done.- Mike McClure stated that the wetlands are so dense, it is hard to know what's there. Need to. • Co to the site with field crews and define what the limits of the floodway are plus the 20'. • Get field notes written for easements, so the City can acquire the land. That way anything within that boundary cannot be changed. • Clear out some of the underbrush so you can see what's there, • Do a tree evaluation — some specimen trees will be kept, which may require a meander added to the channel in order to save something. • Have another meeting after these things take place to discuss what could possibly be done out there. Goals & the Charette, Tom Woodfin stated that a package would be put together over the summer for the charette. It will be done in a consistent format so that everyone sees the same thing and so that each of the teams will know what the opportunities and the restrictions are. The package would be neutral as far as information content but would express the goals of the stakeholders. It would have strong graphic content and show some of the detail work that's already been done. It will be brought back toward the end of summer for review. The students will create an 11" x 17" foldout that could be mailed, describing what the event will be about. Tom said that the charette should involve all the stakeholders, including developers and the private sector and should allow the developers" interests to be expressed and committed to on everyone's part. In this way the profit potential for the development is there and what occurs on the undeveloped parcels of land fit into the whole image of what the corridor is. Everyone should be working as a team - leaving opinions at the door. Tom wanted everyone to decide on what the image of the entire district, the creek corridor, and the image along the street should be. A list of goals and a list of participants for the charette were compiled. Formatting of the charette was also discussed. (See attached "Vision for WPC Goals"", "'WPC Design Charette Participants", and ""WPC Design Charette Format®'.) WPC Oversight Committee - June, 2000 Pre-Charette Workshop page 4 James reminded everyone that the regularly scheduled WPC Oversight Committee meeting was cancelled due to the workshop, but there would be other meetings before the charette took place. Further details and ideas for the charette could be worked out at future meetings. I I M 0A 3 M 3 M50 A M, ME, o Curb APPeaf — Can begin now o Review Existing Ordifiance - For pedestrian, height, color, lights - Supply Community Parking o Concentrate on Public -Private Partnership — Opportunity for private development to surpass public development - Identify existing restraints to private development for friendlier more conducive development ® Develop Focal Draws - Create broad but balanced mix of development — Smaller specialty — Arts & entertainment — Combine with mall * Node Approach (sub-Dftr§cft wMin the dhMACO — All nodes connected with a common design theme — Provide guidelines for architects and landscape architects working on specific projects for the private sector ® Diversity of Attractions — Use Northgate's success as a model — During the day it's park -like; in evening, a place where people will eat and stroll — Conference Center, hotel, office building -pedestrians coming to restaurants * commygymy & Neighborhood Destma Voos — Not just an area for out-of-towners but a community & neighborhood destination * Pas through Uses — Bike & pedestrian — Connection to other areas — east and west — Key crossings @ Texas Avenue, Earl Rudder & Harvey Road * Promote Pedestrian Use — Try to make it conducive to fitness purposes ® opffmize Drainage Solutions to Incorporate Other Goals — Splash blocks, etc... — Hydrological studies will dictate design/shape of channel ® Three Themes.- Parks —Arts -Commerce at no ILA NUffir Mail out the marketing brochure a detachable registration form that could b call back, to f," • •''' many will be attending. Once registered, have a packet oinformationwith maps, `. o• could b mailed led ahead of time to bring participants ..p to speed lc.3i et e ':'lli i.3`_t to !ilriil I IL lc r r do ` o c+y C Hold two orientations the day before t® stage the chare ees purpose and bong peop9e up-to- date �r��os AIA ^ill pro idr� � �"chitect to" e�c tee • /� �"., �eOE�le �0 te'_c:3i7lS Or c3�J�01rlt t le l "c:3l�olli`c�.s the" Cofil�' hlt"oU�h loom r Have everyone look at the wWe project t0 start with, trl'ir as;,C]r3 different to different teams so that all part, are covered f-1c�'� e i '�, "ltc�tiCi 1 tli 1� C:lt fihe eild Conference Center,Room 127 reserved October 19-21, 2000 for the charette day Friday, beginning at 8:00a.m.; Saturday a portion of the day an spill into the gaBely area CouncilArts TAM U Tourism Bard (to be appointed) D0 o WPC Oversight Committee CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 9, 2000, 5:15 p.m. College Station Conference Center MEMBERS PRESENT Mollie Guin (Chair), Fran Lamb (Vice Chair), & Ed Holdredge MEMBERS ABSENT Eileen Sather Grace Calbert, Supervisor Kim Fox, Secretary/Scheduler NEAR REQUESTS FOR ABSENCES Eileen Sather was in Dallas and had car trouble. She was not able to get it fixed and return in time for the meeting. 1� IM4#0111a.1 CALL TO ORDER Mollie Guin called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Mollie requested the minutes of February 8, 2000 be reviewed. The minutes were reviewed. Fran Lamb moved to accept the minutes as presented. Ed Holdredge seconded the motion. All in favor and motion passed. OLD BUSINESS Conference Center Advisory Committee Vacancy — Grace reported that the Parks and Recreation department has not appointed anyone to fill the three vacancies on the Advisory Committee. She will ask to have the appointments placed on the June Parks and Recreation Board meeting agenda. Fran Lamb and Ed Holdredge have turned in their applications for re- appointment. Also, Ann Connor has turned in her application to serve on the Committee as a new member. Mollie Guin's and Eileen Sather's position will be up for reelection in October 2000. NEW BUSINESS Policies, Rules and Regulations — The final copy of the previously approved Policies, Rules and Regulations were attached to the agenda for Committee members reference. Conference Center staff will mail these new guidelines out with each contract effective immediately. They will aslo be distributed to regular meeters at the upcoming 6 month client registration. Revised fee sheets — The final copy of the previously approved fee changes were attached to the agenda for Committee members reference. Bi-Annual 6-month Registration — The registration for clients who meet on a consecutive babis (either weekly or monthly) will be held on Thursday and Friday, May 18 and 19'. Clients began to select registration appointments on Monday, May 1". To date, 27 clients had already booked reservation times. REVENUE REPORT Revenue reports included with the agenda were the revenue reports for February, March and April 2000. Revenue for February 2000, was $9,768.42 as compared to $11,510.91 from February 1999. Revenue for March 2000, was $9,602.72 as compared to $10,682.83 from March 1999. Revenue for April 2000, was $9,969.46 as compared to $8,365.87 from Aprill999. Grace stated that revenue is running near previous year at this time. The month of March was down due to the rooms being closed during Spring Break for the wood floor refinishing. UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS No items for the upcoming agenda. ADJOURN Ed Holdredge moved that the meeting be adjourned. Fran Lamb seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. The next meeting will be held at the College Station Conference Center on Tuesday, June 13, 1999, at 5:15 p.m. Kimberly Fox, Secretary Attachment: Revised Policies, Rules and Regulations and Revised Fee sheet, February, March and April Revenue Reports From: "Tony Scazzero" <Tscaz@email.msn.com> To: "Steve Beachy"<Sbeachy@ci.college-station.tx.us>, "Paul Rucker" <Prucker@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 6/22/00 3:45PM Subject: Fw: 10-under State Softball Tournament ----- Original Message ----- From: "John Armstrong"<ArmstrongJoh@cityofgalveston.org> To: <Tscaz@msn.com> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 3:25 PM Subject: 10-under State Softball Tournament > Thank you and your staff for a great weekend. I coached the Galveston > Her-icane II team and did better than we would have ever though being the > second best in our City. I am also the Superintendent of Parks and > Recreation for the City of Galveston and knowing something about field > maintenance I was astounded by the job the maintenance crews did. It was > incredible. please if you would thank them for me Once again thanks for > all your hard work > John March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Bryan/College Station Division 505 East University Drive #609 College Station, Texas 77840 Telephone (409) 846-3470 Fax (409) 268-6027 Wednesday, May 24, 2000 Stephen Beachy CS Parks & Recreation Dept 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. College Station, TX 77840 Dear Stephen: From the bottom of my heart I thank you and the CS Parks & Recreation Dept for your participation this year with the March of Dimes. The Southwood Pavilion was perfect for our event. This wonderful foundation was founded by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938 to seek a cure for polio. In the 1950's MOD funded research lead to the Salk and Sabin Polio Vaccines, and so much more has happened since then! The heart driven desire of the March of Dimes is to insure that every baby is a healthy baby. Because of your participation we blew the doors off our fund raising goals! Because of your participation we will be able to increase March of Dimes' efforts to reduce birth defects and infant mortality due to low birth weight through research, advocacy, and education! Because of your participation the lives of many babies and their families will be immeasurably better! Through the efforts of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets and their "March to the Brazos," over $86,000 was raised. WalkAmerica 2000 was equally successful as walkers and businesses raised around $69,000. The $155,000 raised is an increase over 1999 totals of 47%! ! ! Without your participation such success would not have been possible. Again, I give you my sincerest thanks for all you have done ... and I look forward to working with you again. Sincerely, o f H. Michael N ly B/CS Division Director March of Dimes HAY�ONAL HE A N 0 PA R K ASSOCQAT 00 22377 Belmont Ridge Road, Ashburn, Virginia 20148 Phone 703.858.0784 Fax 703.858.0794 May 30, 2000 Mr. Stephen C. Beachy Parks Director, Emergency Management Coordinator Parks and Recreation Department City of College Station 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, TX 77840 Dear Steve: I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your time on Thursday, May 25, 2000 to discuss positive strategies for youth. The dissemination of infonnation regarding your programs was very beneficial. Your assistance has contributed to a good foundation for our program. I look forward to future dialogue with you in our continued efforts to provide opportunities for our youth. Again, thanks!! Sincerely, hn Webster Special Assistant for Youth Services To advance parks, recreation and environmental conservation efforts that enhance the quality of life for all people wwwoacfoveparkso®r TIEXAS A&M UNHVERKITY College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences June 5, 2000 Steve Beachy, Director College Station Parks and Recreation Department 1000 Krenelc Tap Road College Station, TX 77840 Dear Steve: This is a long overdue but heartfelt thank you for meeting with my recreation students this past semester. As you know, the course addressed new paradigms and approaches to recreation administration, including ways to better identify and meet the needs of constituents. Our visit with you was very informative. We continued to draw upon examples from CSPRD throughout the remainder of the semester, which helped to make class concepts meaningful and concrete. I just received student evaluations from the course. Several of the comments captured the sentiment of many: "It taught me to think beyond the lines", "Was very relevant to future situations", "Good course for future; will use in my career". Comments such as these illustrate the value of moving beyond the walls of our campus to interact with practitioners. A number of students were so impressed by their exposure to innovative public recreation departments, such as yours, that they are considering careers in public recreation for the first time! Again, thank you for taking time to visit with us. I look forward to future opportunities to visit with you and expose our students to community recreation services. Sincerely, Sarah L. Richardson, Ph.D. Room 106 Francis Hall ® College Station, Texas 77843-2261 o (409) 845-5411 ; FAX (409) 845-0446 http://wwwrpts,tamu.edu COLLEGE STATION P. O. Box 9960 - 1101 Texas Avenue a College Station, TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 June 19, 2000 Mr. Sky Garner 1306 Baywood Lane College Station, Texas 7781 Thank you for your recent letter regarding the admission prices to our municipal pools. We understand your concern regarding the admission prices in relation to those charged by the City of Richardson, Texas. I do not know what policies or financial basis that the City of Richardson uses to set their fees, however, I will attempt to explain what our city does in this regard. College Station has a limited ad valorem tax base due to the extensive property holdings of Texas A&M University. For that reason, our city relies heavily on other sources of income such as sales tax, utility transfers, and user fees to support operations. All Parks & Recreation user fees are reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Board on an annual basis and approved by the City Council during the budget process. Our current fees for pools have remained unchanged since 1998. We recover approximately 41 % of our operational costs for pools through fees. I have enclosed information that provides several options for pool use that may be helpful for your family. These include various discount pass and annual pass options that may be beneficial to your family. Also, we offer a program called "Park Bucks" that provides a method for children to earn credits for use at College Station facilities and programs, including our pools. I apologize for the inconvenience that has occurred and hope that you will be able to use our facilities in the future. We have invested a substantial amount of money in our pools over the past few years to improve their operation and add to our customers' experience. We believe the fees are justified with the level of service provided. Home of Texas A&M University I have also enclosed a complimentary pass for your family to use at any College Station pool this summer. Please feel free to contact Mr. David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent at 764-3730, if you have any questions regarding this matter. Thank you for your time and concern in this matter. Sincerely, AStepDp en Beachy Director College Station Parks & Recreation copies: Tom Brymer, City Manager Glenn Brown, Assistant City Manager Parks & Recreation Board David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent Parks & ® Gr e a t iu, City of CoMege Station o o COMPUME TAR ONE-TIME POOH PASS o FOR THE SKY G46 RNER FA MIL Y o o Present this one -dome pass for free admission for your immediate 0 m family on your next visit to any of the three City of College Station r pools. 0 o 0 0 o o441� Approved. /David GersJ ing, Specia laciiities Superintendent ® 1 ' Date Redeemed: .7 L Drrought Confingency znd W,%teir Emergency IPRzn (Oirdinznce 42421) Voluntary water conservation measures are in effect for all College Station water customers and all City departments beginning May I't and ending September 30th. These voluntary water use restrictions are outlined below: a) Prohibit all non -essential water use. Non -essential water use includes uses that are not necessary or required for the protection of public health, safety, and weffiare. b) Limit outdoor water use to the hours between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. C) Limit outdoor watering to only once every five — (5) days; d) Do not use water to wash down hard -surfaced areas except to maintain health and safety conditions, e) Do not wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer, airplane, or other vehicle, f) Avoid washing down buildings or structures except for immediate fire protection, g) Do not flush gutters or allow water to run or accumulate in any gutter or street, h) Do not fill, refill, or add to any indoor swimming pools or Jacuzzi -type pools, i) Use water in fountain or ponds only where necessary to support aquatic life, j) Do not use water from fire hydrants for construction purposes or any other purposes other than fire fighting; and k) Repair controllable leak(s) within a reasonable period of time after having been given notice directing the repair of such leak(s). Should you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Nations, Water Resource Coordinator, 979-764-3660, or email M31, XF PIA71 0 EMO, UN %egaldr 9*191#19 90ednay&y, &qyly Y2, 2000,515,onz allege c5lafion Gonference anter -1300 jCeorge "Ba5h Ttive, 9?oom -104, 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Hear Visitors 4. Request from Brazos Heritage Society to Provide Partial Funding for a Historic Film and Book Project - Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action 5. Historic Home/Building/Subject Plaques - Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action 6. Southside Area Lighting Project Update from Subcomittee - Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action 9. Chairman's Report on: Veteran's Park and Athletic Complex (VPAC) Update on Her Report to Council 10. Committee Member Status - Report& Discussion 11. Agenda Items for Future Meetings 12. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website hftD://www.ci.colleae-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. 914516ric %wervation Commi'lee '-Worhbo ,pl9egular Neefing College C5101ion Conference Center -1300 jCeorge 'Bu,5b 'Drioe 'Wedne.3day, Way YO, 2000 - 5:30,pm MEMBERS PRESENT: Deborah Jasek, Chair; Russell Duke, Co -Chair; Bill Lancaster; Shawn Carlson; Monte Trenckmann; Margaret Griffith; Joan Perry; Elton Abbott; Marsha Sanford MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT. David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Pamela Springfield, Committee Secretary ViWORS PRESENT: Mike Luther; Dennis Maloney; Benito Flores i , Cakto Orrder- Deborah Jasek called the meeting to order at 5:37p.m. 2. AppTovai of Minutes. Russell Duke made a motion to approve the April, 2000 minutes. Shawn Carlson seconded. . - Hearing no objection, the motion passed unanimously and the minutes were approved. 3. Hear Visitors: Benito Flores had nothing to present. Mike Luther stated that in addition to the information he'd provided, which the members had received in their packets, there was a great deal more that would be made available to the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC). He stated that he had over ten hours of oral histories/interviews from people involved in the study he was doing on Southside. He said it was his intention that the original black community - the people who were the first residents of College Park - not be forgotten. Shawn told the HPC that the methods Mike was using were the same methods she used as an historical archaeologist. She said that he was doing everything correctly. 4. Historic Homeffluildina Plaque Applications Submitted for Approva,,: No applications had been submitted for approval. 5. Update on the Status of the A&M Church of Chrism t Letter from the Con_ — Presentation, Discussions and Possible Action; David Gerling said he'd written the letter to the Pastor and Building Committee, and needed approval and signatures before it was mailed. Deborah read the letter to the members. After a brief discussion, everyone agreed that: a. The letter should state that it was the old Church of Christ building the HPC was referring to; and b. Because the minister of the church was leaving, copies would also be sent to the co-chair of the building committee and board of directors. June, 00 Historic Preservation Committee Minutes Page 2 The members signed the signature page. David said he'd call the church and get the names of the board of directors, and Pam would make the corrections to the letter so that it could be mailed. The gape was stopped at this pognt so that everyone could eat. 6. Update on Oral History Boo - k - Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action.. David said he'd talked to Jeff Carroll, who told him that he had not worked on the book for a couple of weeks due to the end of the semester and finals. He told David that he would work on it over the summer and hopefully have something ready for the HPC to review by August or September. 7. Report - on the - T - exas - H - 1 - sto - rical Commission (THC) -- Annual historic Preservation Conference, David Gerflnq/Shawn Carlson - Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action., David stated that he'd gone to the conference and it was very good. Shawn said she had been unable to go. David said he found out that the HPC was very organized. He said some groups are strictly volunteer groups, whose only focus is one or two specific projects. He said the THC is very willing to help, but they have limited resources. He stated that they want to know exactly what's needed from them when they are contacted in order to direct you to the right person, because everyone is specialized in what they do. David said they had an excellent presentation on ordinances for historic areas. He said that the City of Dallas had recently written their ordinance. He explained that Austin and San Antonio had done their ordinances first and a lot of communities adopted those ordinances only to find out later that it did not work for their city. For this reason, THC does not recommend using another city's ordinance as a boilerplate because it will be difficult to change the ordinance once it has been passed. David said he had not had a chance to go through all his notes and handouts. He said it would be a good idea to make sure that one or two people from the HPC attend every year. He said the conference will be in Austin next year, and he will make sure that everyone is notified in advance. Shawn asked if the HPC could draft/write its' ordinance. David said that THC recommends that each city get with their city attorney, and since there is a very small percentage of attorneys who know to write historic preservation ordinances, there are certain questions that should be asked prior to hiring one. David said the HPC could probably do most of the work, however, an attorney would have to look at it. Deborah asked if anyone knew what Planning & Zoning (P&Z) was doing. David said he had heard they were working on the same issue. Dennis Maloney said that P&Z wasn't doing anything at present because it had three people on that committee whose terms were expiring. He added that the City had just contracted with someone to rewrite all the City ordinances. Shawn said perhaps the committee could draft the ordinance and then give it to the consultant to have it written correctly. David asked if Dennis knew the consultant's name. Dennis said he did not know it, but it could be gotten through Tom Brymer's office. David said he would do that. 8. Southside Area Liahtina Pff - oiect Update from Subcornittee - Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action: Elton Abbott reminded the members that a motion had passed at the last meeting empowering the Southside Lighting subcommittee (Russell Duke, Margaret Griffith, Bill Lancaster, and Monte Trenckmann) to make a decision on the placement of the lights. Monte said the subcommittee needed to set a date to meet with David Massey of the City's Electrical Department. June, 00 Historic Preservation Committee Minutes Page 3 9. Bonfire Memorial Plaques in prison Park - Review, Discussion, and Possible Action: David said he'd been contacted by WTAW about the HPC doing this project and the information he'd given them had been posted on their website. He said he'd been misquoted as saying that the project would be completed by the start of the fall semester, however, there was no money in the current HPC budget for this project. He said he would see what he could do about getting a plan together by the start of the fall semester. There was discussion regarding what to put on the plaques, the type of mounting, etc. The members agreed that they wanted the plaques mounted on the light poles in a secure manner, instead of with some type of adhesive. Margaret made a motion to use the symbol of the burning bonfire on the plaques. Joan seconded. Hearing no objection the motion passed unanimously. Elton made a motion that Deborah be given credit for coming up with the idea for the memorial. Marsha Sanford seconded. Hearing no objection the motion passed unanimously. After some discussion, it was decided that the student's name, class year, hometown, and state would be on the individual plaques. It was also decided that since the larger marker would be a City subject marker, the symbol at the top of the plaque would be the College Station railroad depot, The marker would be mounted on a pole as opposed to a concrete base, and would look similar to a state historic marker. There was discussion about the College Station railroad depots, and a depot available for sale Caldwell. I David said he'd get price estimates for the bonfire memorial plaques. Margaret asked if a letter needed to be written to City Council informing them of the project. It was decided Deborah would mention it in her update to the City Council on May W', and a follow-up letter would be done. Dennis stated he had informed Council at the last meeting that the committee was going to do the project, and Council was excited about the idea. He suggested that Deborah bring the estimates of what the project would cost to the meeting with Council. Shawn said she would contact Professor Sylvia Grider with TAMU to see if she would be interested in writing the text for the subject marker. She explained that Professor Grider was the person in charge of all the bonfire memorabilia that had been collected. Margaret made a motion that Shawn contact Professor Grider to do the text for the marker. Elton seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 10. Historic Area Ordinances - Discus - sion and Possible Action: Deborah said this had already been discussed. David asked if a subcommittee should be appointed or if copies of the handouts/notes he had from the THC conference should be distributed to everyone first. Deborah said she would like for everyone to get copies of the handouts. After David has talked to Tom Brymer about the consultant and more information is known, a subcommittee could then be appointed. Deborah said she would contact the members if something needed to be done before the next meeting in July. 11. Historic - Area Boundaries - - Review New Maps from GIS fShawn), Discussion, andPossible Action: It was decided that the maps would be made available to any person or group that needs them. Shawn suggested doing a memo to go along with the maps that would explain what they represent. She said the memo should be given to City Council and Planning & Zoning since they have discussed the historic areas in broad terms. Deborah said it would be sometime after May 20th before she could do the memo. June, 00 Historic Preservation Committee Minutes Page 4 12. Pending) HPC Proiects — Review, Discussion, and Possible Action. David explained that in order to figure out which projects were pending, Pam had gone through the minutes from the last twelve meetings to see which projects had not been completed. a. Neighborhood Recognition Program (§asR discussed in November & December, 1999 — see attached). There was lengthy discussion regarding whether this recognition should be historic in nature, and how often it should be awarded — either as -needed or annually. Deborah stated that she had wanted to limit this program to the historic neighborhoods. Several members expressed concern about the HPC giving an award for just anything and the message it might send. Mike Luther suggested that the award state that it was for a "historic contributor' or "historic contribution", so that it's clear the award is historic in nature. Deborah said the criteria probably shouldn't be set in stone - just some general guidelines for what could be nominated. Once nominations were received, the HPC would determine if it qualified. Bill suggested going ahead and doing an award/recognition for one or two obvious projects just to get started and then using those projects to help set the guidelines. It was decided that this topic would be revisited in July to finalize guidelines or criteria. b. Historic Home Aliases - (§asg discussed December 1999 — see affached). David reminded the members that Gus Roman with GIS had initiated this project as a result of the database they had created. David stated that at the time, the HPC had pretty much named the aliases that were known for certain College Station historic homes. The remainder of the homes either did not have aliases or they weren't known. He explained that sometimes the alias attached to a house is the name of the most famous person that lived there or the name of the person who lived there the longest, and not necessarily the original owners name. It was decided that this was something Gus Roman had only suggested as being put in the database, and was not required or necessary. All members agreed that this was a dead project, however, if an alias was discovered, Gus would be notified so that it could be added to the database. c. College Station Street Naming Pvq�ect — (Iasg discussed Aprff A Hey 1999 — see affached). It was decided that the focus of this project should on the streets in the historic neighborhoods only and not the entire city. Having gotten most of the stories behind the names of those streets (except Northgate), it was agreed that this project was complete. d. A&M Liaison to the HPC (14ag discussed November 1999 — see attached), Elton said he had asked David Woodcock to nominate someone to act as liaison but he never heard back from him. He said he would get in touch with David Woodcock again. e. Cdteda for Wall of Honor at the High School (#ask discussed OcgobeF & November 1999): It was decided that although CSISD had been tolerant of this idea, they had just renovated and already had plans for the walls. Marsha suggested putting plaques on the walls at the library or at the Conference Center instead of the high school. This way the people it would have meaning for could see it. It was agreed that this item would be revisited in September. a. The book was pending; however, it was agreed that no timeline could be put on a book. b. Southside lighting project c. The Bonfire Memorial d. Wall of Honor Recognizing Educators e. Historic Neighborhood Recognition Award f. State and City Historic markers — these are an ongoing project June, 00 Historic Preservation Committee Minutes Page 5 14. Agenda Items for JuIv Meetina: Margaret said she would like to have an item for discussion on the next agenda regarding moving the HPC so that it fell under Planning & Zoning's jurisdiction instead of being under the Parks & Recreation Department. Elton explained that Planning & Zoning was another committee and not a department. Margaret said that perhaps better communication between the two committees was what was needed. David stated that agendas for the committees that the HPC interacts with could be included in future packets. In this way the HPC will be able to keep up with what they are doing. Agendas for Planning & Zoning, Parks & Recreation, and the Cemetery Committee were requested. Deborah said she'd missed the last Veteran's Park meeting, however, the committee had previously drafted the paperwork necessary to create a corporation so that fundraising could be done for the memorial that will go in the park. She said it's been agreed that it will be a representative piece of art — not an abstract. She said it would be a major fundraising project to possibly raise hundreds of thousands of dollars. Deborah said that archaeological areas had been discovered and further digs will have to be done. There are one or two areas on the creek ridge containing Paleo Indian artifacts, which may be considered significant sites. She said they are anticipating dedication possibly in 2003. She said the memorial would be for all Brazos Valley war veterans in all branches of the service, living, and dead. There will be representative naming of the streets and possibly the fields, to tie in with the veteran theme of the park. She said there would be a board of directors of about fifty people who will be divided up into different committees to do different things. She said she'd keep the HPC informed. Bill said that moving the railroad had been discussed at previous meetings, and asked if the HPC had ever expressed itself regarding this issue. Deborah said no, adding that currently a whole new study was being done. She stated that Union Pacific has projected that the existing single track will be unable to handle the doubling in traffic that is expected over the next 5-10 years. Once the new port in Houston opens, if the current track is not moved, a new track will have to be laid next to the old one. Deborah said she did not know when the new study would be finished. Future agenda items include: a. Veteran's Park and Athletic Complex (VPAC) Updates (all future agendas); b. Wall of Honor (September Agenda); c. The lighting project; and d. The Bonfire Memorial e. Margaret asked that ideas for new projects for next year be added to the agenda for discussion. David stated that the Brazos Heritage Society has asked the City for $75,000 to go toward the production of a documentary about the history of Brazos County. The documentary will cover both Bryan and College Station, and it would be shown on hotel channels and local education channels. David said if the HPC wanted more information, he could get it. David said the Texas General Land Office had sent a letter stating that they were in the process of trying to save/preserve about 35 million State maps that are deteriorating. Some of those maps date back to the 1700's. They were asking for a $500 donation, which would allow the donor to adopt a map of a certain area for preservation. For that donation, they would send the donor a lithographic map of the area that was being adopted. Everyone agreed that they wanted to adopt the map of Brazos County. 15. Adiourn: Marsha made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m. Elton seconded. Hearing no objection, the motion passed. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, May 1, 2000 Lincoln Recreation Center 1000 Eleanor 5:45 PM Board Members Present: Carolyn Williams, Debra Thomas, Eleonor Williams, Maybelline Robinson, Cathy Watson, Barbara Clemmons, Joe Dan Franklin, and alternate Board Member, Merilyn Rucker Board Members Absent- Rev. Joe Dan Franklin Staff Present: Mr. Lance Jackson LFS Representative: Mr. James Steen Visitors Present: Mr. Ronnie Helm, Assistant Principal, College Station Jr. High School 1. Call to Order -The meeting was called to order at 5:45p.m. 2. Hear Visitors 3. Pardon -Consider Requests for Absences from Meeting- None were received. 4. Approval of Minutes from Regular Meeting of April 3, 2000- The April Minutes were approved with the noted correction of deletion of the comma after Ronnie in the Visitors Present section of the Minutes. 5. Discussion and possible consideration to update Bylaws- It was decided that the LRC Board Meeting Minutes would be modified to ensure consistency with the Parks Board Meeting Minutes. With the outlined modifications to include: in Section 11 of the Bylaws, the correct starting time for the LRC Board Meeting is 5:45 p.m. 6. Discussion and possible action on First United Methodist Church relocation and Facility User Agreement- Jackson informed the Board that the First United Methodist Church of College Station was in the process of relocating and would be using the LRC facilities until construction of a new church was completed. Jackson informed the board that this process could take up to one year before completion. 7. Discussion on the LRC Signature Card- Clemmons presented the signature card for the checking account at the meeting for signatures for the new Treasurer. 8. Report, discussion and possible action on LRC Board participation in Vacation Bible School June 5-9, 2000— Motion was made by Debra Thomas and carried for the donation of $100.00 for Vacation Bible School. 9. Consent Items: — Subcommittee Reports from the Adolescent Girls Outreach and Public Relations sub committees 2 —Treasury Report- tabled Center Activities Report- Jackson provided input from the Council Meeting as well as Community Development information 10. Adjourn- Motion was made by Watson and carried, the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Announcements- o M. ay 20'h at 7.00 p.m., the CBM Banquet wit➢ be held at the LRC o The LRC Board Meeting sehedu�ed for June 59 2000 wH9 he held at the College Station Exit Center on Rock PraHe Load at 5-45 pommo o Annual Juncteenth Program wiil be held at the LRC on June 16, 2000 starrfing at 6.30- Dr. Mtcheii Rice guestspeaker, RutNe Foster, gayest performer May 13, 2000 Jana Wood, Project Director Kids Klub Community Education 103 Timber #4 College Station, TX 77840 Dear Jana Wood, Project Director, Ms. Wood, we recently moved to College Station (over the Christmas holidays). When checking into after school care I was informed of the Kids Klub program. It appeared to fit out needs, so I signed up at the Community Education office. That was the beginning of a very pleasant experience. They were so pleasant and helpful. As I mentioned, this was only the beginning of a super Kids Klub program and the wonderful counselors at Pebble Creek Elementary where out son Louis has been attending. I really feel that this program and the individuals in charge helped to make Louis' transition much easier. It is always difficult to make new friends or find someone that wants to play when you are new to the community. He always came home so happy and often did not want to leave when we would arrive to pick him up. That says great things for your program and the people running it. I just wanted to send a note to say Thank You for offering such a program and helping folks like us through easier transitions. Debra Fowler 711 DRIVER CT. COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845 r7i • E, 0 J b y 2000 �57alc,-fy & to 0 N fo �A r6��,V, tihnvle- to ppl'OvOe- He-rodfk, sevv'�Ce_s at +[%e- C-Aeag-"re, si-afloyl �:-0-�y C—DYqp4ogees 2000 J- N 0'28� 2000 Linda Waltman College Station Parks and Recreation 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas 77840 Dear Linda, In honor of National Crime Victims' Rights Week and because of your time and commitment, the candlelight vigil was a success. Your help in preparation and production of "Flames For Change — 2000" enabled us to promote public awareness of violent crime issues, including the need for citizen involvement in support of these issues. We would like to present you with this certificate of appreciation for your efforts in recognizing survivors of violent crime and for your dedication in educating our community to be a safe place to live. Sincerely, Sherry etter Assistan Director Ct Jenifer A. Compton TAIVID m intern A 0' &r 30d1 f4#"1, Ix 77d10S (979J 268- 72 73 (979) 260-4542 Fax Web Site: http://rapecrisis.txc4ber.com E-Ma& bcrcc62txcyber.com t8 RAW PI /.Gae oA'd EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS: Carrie Hines, President, Norwest Bank Mary Ann Moore, PhD., Vice Pres., TAMU Psycholog Sandi Ostman, Secretary Mildred Crane, Treasurer PROFESSIONAL. BOARD MEMBERS: Bob Wiatt, Director of Security, Tx A&M PD Bill Turner, District Attorney Lee Freeman, Chief of Police, Bryan PD Chris Kirk, BC Sheriff Sue Ann Palmore, TX Dept. of Human Services Dr. Betty Acker, BV Women's Center Gary Bishop, College Station PD Jim Kuboviak, County Attorney Anne Wehrly, PhD., CSISD Psychologist Kelkl Brown, Eagle Staff Reporter Mildred Crane, Treasurer VOLUNTEER BOARD MEMBERS. - Susan Vavra Noelle Perry Bridgette George STAFF: Linda K. Castoria, Executive Director Sherry L. Hostetter, Assistant Director Marta M. Nichols, Coordinator of Volunteers Shannon S. Blackburn, Staff Assistant Major Funding Received From: Brazos County United Way; Brazos County; Nina Astin Winkler Trust; Attorney General's Office -Sexual Assault Division; TX Governor's Office, Criminal Justice Division, Victims of Crime Act & Violence Against Women Act dd - -Dt o-V '�R� w cl-Wl M/ fn/ (H r'5 Fun ol u�i C)0- JjI4 �nL 4 inac b-17- � �