HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/09/1982 - Regular Minutes City Council (2) neccs~[t~' ~7~r ac~]uisition o< ~ro-~erty on 'eost,~r G~rect f<~r ,~ ( q4.), 0[},3. Or1 ) an'~ ~'.,~o ~'no%,san~ ~ive "u?dre (C2,~00.®) ~or th~ ~urni+,]re Jn ~ai~= 'Coumcil of tn~e City <)f C,)lle'Te CtatJoD that cash -~urchmne or '~y con lerqnation ?to,,- ~'. '. '3hire, Jr., and no%~,~rt ". ,".~itm For t~e cas3-, nurcbase q,..oun% "lno,]ssn,'~ ~ive '~u~,3r~,~. "~].!ar:~ (¢u,.,S()0.~nr3) Cor the ~urniture in sai,3 hr~use, more '3ortJcularl¥ 3e~crJ.>e~n as .o,~ : Caid ,~roperty ;~einq L~t 12 in '~loc}'~ 9, Cmlle,~ "ills ~'states, ~econ.3 Instal]~/ent, an a<},~ition to t~,} C2itv ,)~ College ~tati~D, ~e~q~, as sno..m h,~ tho i~lat rocor-le~~ in tl~e '~ee~ ~ecor,],~ of 3razos COllDt¥, 'T,~XOS, t%c- transfer and ex:nenditure o~- etch,lq for such .-.urcha~3e authorize,] as =ollowc: I' I:' "'r,r'm,l,:-, P"<:nL:ll~') that thru ',:it,,, ';nn,]cer an~ a,~-~ro'~riaffe en ~-e~al~ of t~e ,City to acco-n?lis" to'[ether with the ir~13r~vements locate,-~ %qer~on a,~] .~escrih?.] h~rnin, an,q t~ obtain tie ].c in~t]rance '~ar3;et~'!e ~itle to sai'] '~r~:~erty. '~his resolution qh~3 l at,t"c~rize hh~ initiation or con,le'~nation proc~er~Jn"s ,,~ere n~ces~ar¥ to o ;thin sai 1 l}romerty ~r re~-.ov~ on-/ restrictions ~n the r~ro~ertv is to '+-e acquired. ~er , ~ '~ ¢~ ~