HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/08/1982 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1982 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Nemec, Prause, Runnels, Boughton, Ringer Councilman Jones STAFF PRESENT: Asst. City Manager/Finance Director VanDever, City Planner Mayo, Deputy City Secretary/Council Coordinator Martin, City Secretary Jones, Administrative Asst. Nowlin, City Attorney Denton, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Tax Assessor-Collector Dickson VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. ~genda Item No. 1 - Signing_gl proclamation designating Sgptember 12-18 as E_m_grgency Medicine Week. Mayor Halter signed a proclamation designating September 12-18 as Emergency Medicine Week and presented it to Dr. Tongko, representative of St. Joseph's Hospital. ~genda Item No. 2 -Iane Stephenson to discuss athletic federation p~oposal. Lane Stephenson, 1202 Dominik, presented the item. He stated that interested citizens are proposing to establish a group to promote athletic events in the community. It was derived from the huge success of the Texas Triathlon held last spring. He requested that the City of College Station allocate $7,500.00 for the project. The City of Bryan has also been asked to donate $7,500.00. The Federation will consist of 2 representatives each from the City of College Station, City of Bryan, Texas AM University, and the B/CS Chamber of Commerce. The Federation will have a Director to oversee the program. The objective of the federation is to maintain a high degree of quality in all events, and to encourage and promote sporting events which will attract individuals to B/CS. Tom Weiss spoke of the success of the Triathlon and the number of visitors it brought to the area. Councilman Boughton asked if the City's parks department had similar events which the program would be duplicating. Mr. Stephenson replied that the Parks Department did not have a project like this one and the Federation could work with the Parks Department on their events. 003633 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1982 PAGE After further discussion, Councilman Ringer suggested that the Finance Director present a statement on remaining Hotel/Motel Tax monies and retur' this item in two weeks for consideration. All councilmembers agreed. Agenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of additional work on Plan 2000 and associated cost. Asst. City Manager/Finance Director VanDever presented the item. He state, that the consultants for the Plan 2000 have estimated that to complete their review on the Plan 2000, they will need approximately 4 more meeting. with the city in addition to associated work within their office. Cost of the additional work will be approximately $7,500.00. City Planner Mayo stated that the consultants felt during the Plan 2000 meetings that several more meetings were needed to review specific problem. which the city had not anticipated and had not included in their contract. Mayor Halter stated he would not like to see the city spend too much money on the the Plan 2000. He indicated that he does not see a need for the consultants to be present at the additional meetings to discuss various problems. Councilman Runnels asked what the procedure will be for adopting the Plan 2000. City Planner Mayo replied that the council will be presented a final copy of the plan with all additions, deletions, corrections, and changes and if satisfied with the document, they can adopt the plan. Councilman Runnels stated that the policies should remain as a guideline or future consideration. He asked how the consistency of the comprehensive plan will be assured. City Planner Mayo replied that consistency will rely on the vote of the City Council and the PZ Commission when reviewing rezonings, plats, etc. After further discussion, Mayor Halter stated that the council did not need to make a decision on the item today. ~genda Item No. 4 - Edsel Jones and Dr. Butler to address council regardinq p~gpert~ located between Southwest Parkwa~ and FM 2818. Edsel Jones presented the item. He stated that he would like to address the council on the problem of access to his property located on the corner of Southwest Parkway and Wellborn Road. He stated that a few years ago, the City Council had informed him that an access road to his property would be built before any of the surrounding area was completely developed. He indicated that the last tract on this row has been sold for a future R-4 development. If his land is developed as a residential district, a large number of people will be living in that area without adequate access. 00363 . WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1982 PAGE 3 Mayor Halter asked the City Planner if it would be necessary to have access from both Welch St. and Southwest Parkway to this tract. City Planner Mayo stated that it probably was not necessary but would be desirable. He stated that access from Southwest Parkway was possible because the City owns the next piece of property and the parkland dedication located there. He indicated that providing access to Welch could be a problem because the school has not been very receptive to allowing a street to be built along that strip. Mr. Jones suggested that providing an access road through the parkland to the tract would be beneficial to the park. Mayor Halter stated that the City Attorney would have to confirm that an access road through the park was legal. After further discussion, Councilman Ringer suggested that the staff investigate alternatives for an access road to this tract and report to council at a later date. He also stated that discussion on payment for the road should be discussed at that time. Agenda Item No. 5 - Discussion of future development_policies of the Plan 2000. Mayor Halter left the meeting; Mayor Pro-rem Boughton presided. City Planner Mayo presented the item. He stated that the problem with some of the policies is that the meaning needs to be clarified by the City Council. Councilman Runnels indicated that he would like to see a better system for determining if a proposed rezoning is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. City Planner Mayo stated that when a rezoning request is presented, the planning staff informs the council of their opinion as to whether the rezoning is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, and the Council must determine if it is acceptable. Jim Gardner stated when the comprehensive plan is adopted by the Council, they should agree to base their rezoning decision on the Plan. Councilman Runnels asked if the definition of Single Family Residential will cause problems in the future. City Planner Mayo stated that a single family residence can be attached or unattached which causes problems in neighborhoods. Some of the undeveloped land in the city is not valued to have unattached housing built there. He stated that problems with over zoning can occur and areas will be left 003635 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1982 PAGE undeveloped. After further discussion regarding bike lanes, strip zoning, mobile homes, the taxation policy, and the flood plain policy, Councilman Boughton suggested that the City Planner re-word the policy according to what he feels would be in accordance with the comprehensive plan. COUNCIL CONCERNS Councilman Prause asked if the water line behind Redmond Terrace has been replaced. Director of Capital Improvements Ash replied that the water line has not been replaced at this time but is designated to be repaired as soon as time will allow. Agenda Item No. 6 - ~d~ourn. Mayor Pro-rem Boughton adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: Dian Jones~ty Secretary APPRO~y Gary Ha~,~yo~ ' 003636 6UEiT CITY O~IL WH~IESDAY~ ~ 8, 1982 4:00 e 17. 18. 19. e 20. 21. 5 22. m 40 e 10. 6e 11. 27. 12. 13. 9e 14. 0e 15. 6e 003637