HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/01/1982 - Joint Minutes City Council MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT WORKSHOP MEETING CITY COUNCIL, ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1982 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pro-tem Boughton, Councilmen Ringer, Prause, Runnels, Nemec COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Halter, Councilman Jones STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Mayo, Council Coordinator/ Deputy City Secretary Martin, City Secretary Jones, Tax Assessor-Collector Dickson, Administrative Asst. Nowlin, Building Official Perry, Fire Marshal Davis, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Asst. Planning Director Callaway, Asst. Engineer Smith, Zoning Inspector Keigley, Planning Technician Yolk, Zoning Official Kee VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. Mayor Pro-tem Boughton stated her concern regarding the shuttle buses tearing up the streets. Councilman Nemec asked when the traffic light on the corner of Southwood Dr. and FM 2818 will be installed. City Planner Mayo stated that the crews are in the process of installing the equipment now. Mayor Pro-tem Boughton stated that item No. 2 is being deleted from the agenda and Mr. R.M. Logan would address the council under council concerns. R.M. Logan, 202 Timber, reported on the activities of the Southeast Texas Higher Education Authority. He indibated at this time the Southeast Texas Higher Education Authority was proposing to sell bonds on October 6, 1982 for $25,000,000.00 for the purpose of buying student loans from eligible lenders in the area. The bonds will be rated Triple A by Standard Poor with an interest rate not to exceed 8 1/8%. The bond council is completing the official statement and will present it to the council in two weeks with a Resolution allowing them to proceed with the sale. ~enda Item No. 2 - EMERGENCY AGENDA ITEM: Consideration of approval of bond sale by Southeast Texas Higher Education Authority. REASON FOR EMERGENCY: Bond Market opportunities will be lost if approval 003630 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 1, 1982 PAGE 2 is not given today. This item was deleted by the council. Agenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of Northgate and other areas of the city on propqsed future plans. City Planner Mayo presented the item. He stated that the purpose of this item is to direct the Zoning Board of Adjustment on the City's future plans for the Northgate area and to give them guidance on how to address requests for variances for construction on buildings that hardly ever comply with the zoning laws of the city. He suggested a policy that would not grant variances if the use of a lower-intensity structure is changed to a higher-intensity use without providing adequate parking on the site. He also proposed the development of a large area to serve as parking for the businesses. He stated that it would take a long range solution to correct the problem in Northgate. Violetta Burke Cooke, Z.B.A. Chairman, stated that the policy Mr. Mayo proposed would stop changes and new construction. She stated that the area will always be used by students of the University and needs to be looked at with input from the businesses in that area also. Gale Waggoner, 2712 Sandy Circle, asked if the city could install traffic walks or control systems on University Dr. since it is a State Highway. City Planner Mayo stated that the city could install systems along University Dr. but it would be very expensive. Dan McGilvary suggested that the city should eliminate parking. He stated that the required number of parking spaces per footage of a building is strictly arbitrary and enforcement should be based on the type of business it is and the crowd that it attracts. City Planner Mayo replied that eliminating parking in the area will cause problems with parking in another area. Violetta Burke Cooke stated that the Northgate area is a main attraction for visitors to the city. She stated that the area needs to be made to accommodate extreme usage. She stated that the majority of the businesses in the area are willing to find a solution to the problem. Jack Upham also agreed that the area is an attraction for the city and a solution to the problem is necessary for the growth of the University. City Planner Mayo stated that the staff and the city planners have included in the proposed Comprehensive Plan a statement which would create a study group committee of involved citizens appointedaarrive at an agreeable 003631 REGUIAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 1, 1982 PAGE 3 solution. Councilman Ringer stated that the problem is either too little parking spaces available in the area or an excessive amount which causes more people to come to the area. He stated that another problem is the peak times of crowds including the shopping crowd, the entertainment crowd, and the church crowd. He suggested creating a special zone which would limit a portion of the land that could have development on it to allow for crowds. After further discussion by the council, Councilman Runnels moved to direct the staff to prepare an outline on the problems in the Northgate area, suggest a timetable for study and make recommendations for a policy. Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman Runnels suggested that individuals who wish to serve on this committee contact the city hall and fill out an application before the council selects the committee. Mayor Pro-tem Boughton asked that the City Planner write a proposed policy for the Northgate area for reviewal and consideration by the Council at the next City Council Meeting. Agenda Item No. 4 - Closed session to discuss personnel [6252-17(g)]_. The council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public. Agenda Item No. 5 - Action on closed session. Councilman Ringer moved to create an additional position of Asst. Building Official/Plans Checker and transfer $24,000.00 from the General Fund Contigency for salary and benefits. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 6 - Adjourn. Mayor Pro-tem Boughton adjourned the meeting. APPROVED: Patricia Bou~hto~, Mayor Pro-tern 003632 GUEST REGIST~ SPECIAL ~ CIT~ ~IL u'a~l'INa Wl~l~l'a~Y~ ~,~ 1~ 1982 4--00 P.M. 15. 31. 16. 32. aa.003629,