HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/13/1982 - Regular Minutes City Council,;it',' ".~,~a_:or ~,n~- Icl!, I;]r.:ce,~.r ~,~ .:apjtr, 1 Tm,~.rovo-w-,ny? ;.sh, £itv r:].snner "a;"}, 1':9' ~t~, Cit" ?~:crc:t '.'oor']inntor .'qrtin, Cit:, Vnnl'~ver, City '"~cr~tary :'..,.:at ,'e",':l.'.~, '"it'~: ",j.,'?~ ;,n,,,'u--:, ~.~rt. 3i.~,.' Plaq~er Lon,j 1,~V 'lb. ~ ~,~>o-~ that ~<~r]:shon ,Ti t'/ :."o~]c. cil ".~ot~pr' "inutmm, :~.~.onr~a Ttn~ "o.. ,)ir,?ctor of Pl,~p:~i,~.I C':Li~'.,~,_~/ >L'e,$~,nt2 ' tho J. tm,.. 'lc ,~t-,t.,.' tract J .... tho t si,l~ r3f '~,-:zm- VOPll,n '. ' -,..,. , · 37,, ,:)uoI:i. lae,.-] : .' ' '-" o:~ t h sh~lrt 003522 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL N~TPING THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1982 PAGE 2 "~ge.,].3a It¢~.,', ~o. 3 - Zon.~iaeration nC al,. Or.']inn~c~ re;:r, nin,',~ t'~e n.~ow', tr.3 ct. ~'fter ,]isc~sr, ion '.~,,; t~]e counc].l, Council .nh ~i,,[[c*r -,o,¢c..{ t(3 n~,r~')~.,,D qrginance to. 1356 r~zonin~ the abow3 ].of. ~,r'on~la Item '~o ~ '~ ~uhlic he~rinq on thr, C ~tjr~n ~f , · . - .. _ - . ~ ..... reznnJng Lnt 19 of whe ?'ead~wlan,i r,'~rlition (121 "ea,~r)%.,l~n,l Ctreot) ~ro:-~. (;enera]. C~r:'nercial Dis%ric% C-1 t~ Aparf;ne,at District '~-5. in the name of Retry ;.~-q+-. l~,irector of ~l. aqnin,3 C~ll..'~,,=iy ')rmqrme~,', __ , the ~te,'. "e :~t0+m',. . that the lot is locat~l arljacent he existi, n[. °-5 ]~.v~lo;~r':~.rl%. '"}lO area is "lan, as ~'e~litl~ Donsity mesi.q~nfJ, al. The ',ore co':'?ti'.~l.,, ,;it'~ ex~stin,l 3cIjace~]~ l.a~.' zonin,7 · lqenr~'n- was c.l. one~!. '..?Il'la It~ , ~O. 5~- .;onsi!eration ~r an ~gr]~nq~co rezonin'; t~.o alcove. tract. ',~t~.r Curth,?r ,-~iscussion ',.; thc c:.~uncJ. 1, Cc~ncil,~n~'~ Pin,'er uc, ve,] n~proval o~ gr]Jnance :To. 1357 rezonin~-3 the n~ovz, l~t. Aqenda I%e~ "o. G - ;. [:ublic h~arinq qn the C~stion of renoning a ".,3 acre trac~, loc,ute-~ on the north sid~ of T~renek Lane n~'~proxi'"atel'f allo',.~ receipt a:~endments to be applie..~, to fbi- trac+. Asst. P. irector of P]_al~ninc! C~].l~way the co~lnc~]. C~y AttorDev ~onton a'~vise~] ~t'~9 ~%,~ t.h~t the notification r~ayor ',Talter oj~e.qQq P!!o i~,]bl, ic "]cqrfn.-,. ,'~.]en.la Itc::, :o 7 Cons.[ ~ ' ~ · - ]..ratl(,n of aD ~r'Jin,~nce rozonin'., t~e a'~ov" ~.ract. :?ounci].:~an :;ou.,~hto~l [,~ove~] a'~r,)val of '~r.'lip.,~[~.ce "o. 135'. rczoning t',,~ '3.,~) trac~. 003523 I{t~LIAR CITY (DUNCIL N~TING THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1982 PAGE 3 .r,b:~m'a It,."". 'o. ~' - ,' *:u~.lic hmqrin,l~ on t'~e :,ue::tj.c,;~ of a 'er: ~i~:,.I Z:)nin,:; r'.'rlin.~r',cc 'Tr",. ~5'1, r~vizin.j ?o'..'t~:~.o~s,_~/~r::,'bo,~c :~.efini.~j~.:~, ~el,.:tin.: "n):i m~:~. Puil,!inf, .~.rn~t,~ .L.~n~th, an,l rc. visin] ~']e Pis+ri. ct ','~:t. :'i.]-.~.ct-or o'-- "1 ~,~ni.t~]i :;all..nv,a',' ~rc.~scnte,! tl~c~ if,::,,. ~'C m+~t,? ' ."~t~ir,"f Or,~i. nanc,~ "o. ~5q -~res(~ntly ros+rsj.,]q '~rr)l:ps qf t'o,,.;nllOrlOS e-tc~-~qin,.; 2.~''' foot in 1."njti,. /hen ~hJs r,:"tric~iqn ,,'ny :~arze,:, the ~rotoct ].ar'.~r ~tr~cf~:rer, ?n! the cit7 '.,n:- ,~ti.]J:qi.~j a '~ui].-!~l t~-,m nmenr,.~ent tc ctc~].~e the mmwi'm]m h~]jl.l~n~T qrou'~ ]on-th. 'myer "mlter o:-e.n,-~ the ,-u:-'].J.c hemrir,]. henrinq '.,.'as clc~scd. '.':1~:II ~,c) o.~,r, ~,;o~%0, ftc: ,'L]~' ] It,-' [uil::in, - '?al-lc ~.. U~,]noi].'nn n~nnnls der'2 ] to az,:',rDv-: qrli,~.:~r, ce 'o. 13~D a"en~Ju, '%r,:inanc.g "o. : 50. Agen~la Item 'To. ]~% - Considernttcn of ~n qr,linance E~},an.]onJ. nC ~ porti, on of q utility ense",~lt in ;'lock ~, Lot 1 of nr~ol~'s Par]: q~ctio~ 1 .~dtition to thc City of Co!le~fe Sfation. Firector of C3,~,Jtal T,~'~rovements '~sh present~,~ ~:~.e i.~en,. ,~'n sho.'m,l th~ l~c:,tion ~r the ,~til~tv earphone, au,] a,!,le.~ ~h:~t tho sk'~fF foresee 2ny f~k~re nrobl~:,s from vacatLnq ~he ~nsJqnate.l Co11;1c.i.].12~l 7on('s ,,ovc,i t,~ n.:,.~rovr, qrEi. mqnc:: 'o. l::~:,~ ~ban,'onin,- ten (]0) fm..~% wi-to u~.[lif¥ naq-~m~,~t J.n m~oh'.-q ?ar'- qection 1, L~.t ], r, lc:c,~ ,'. Couqcil.-~alt "o,~,~JlfGn s~c¢)rlde~~ t,]o ,uo9ior] whic'] ~;.nq.q.~,l tlqqni -n:,sl y. Ajcnria Itnl.~ "o. 11 - Cc}":jT"T Con:zirleration of ~wnrdin:! !,i,!s =~r Tane ."t. an.] ~'i_sen:~o:.,~.r St. ~-,:,.,or linc ~roject. Consilorntj_on o~ bids on the ~'o]]o,./in.;: 00352& P~GUIAR CITY COUNCIL I~TING THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1982 PAGE 4 ~.'.m,r (~) +rnC[Sc counter,]. Cr~r,r. Ur]~ ty Center. PL'IT" ' ';'inn1 r'~l,'-,~- - ".~sul,,~ivis~on oj~ ,',,--,*.~, ') an ~ 'flock "; 'riverni~.'/ Par;. I'ha,.:e Z. Pit, n! :~,].~ - '~.nshmark A:~,:titiop, Phase -;] ~C;'."- 1 itlq'I Cc,]ncil 'an m]nr.gE,~ a_~I,,~.] that t'he b4.~. or: ~.bc 3o.r-.,:ni~/ C.~nH~,r '-,,. re-,-,ove ] . r'ian~,~ower 2+. ha~] oxcoe,le:] the $45,r](~.'~O bu .... ere,1 far the ?rojr, ct. lo',,<-Ft l,i,{ rec~,ived ,vas '~'77,')~r3.r3. O an,] if th9 cc)until :]:-.,~ravoa fi'~ the ]iFforence of '32,000 will he transferred fro~ l'ti]~ty Contingency PunJs. ',11 c~uncil .,emb~rs n' All otl]er ')j :1!4 Rn,l ~,la~,? .,ore ag.-.roved l~y cor-u--Olq cr,n,~ept. CouncilTan nunnals n:;kec", v.~riou.~ ~n:esti;;,~c about tl-e ~ir].q for ~p?]iances for t.~e Co:~muni+.y C~nter and the '.'idc ,!iFforenc~% in s~veral o,r t11¢, ~ricos. ite--~, liste.] =hr t.h~ ,"o..-'unity Center, a~q.' fhn rea-.on.~ t~ 'mrc~,ns,~ %h.~ afe.3r f'art ~or ,liscuqsion, Cc;]nell., an ~unnel~ F.¢ve,t +c, acce-t all bi ?q far the Cor~mumity Center :~s recor.;m¢:n,qel ~.--¥ seac-~. Cn~l",cil: an'~.1'._, _~ht.on .~4, co~l.l=;'~. .... the mr~t~,II ,-:~ir'~-. ... r',_~ssed Item ':o. 12 - Tonsi.,!eration of C-un,'ip, g for -,'~ergep. cy "o,~ica]_ '"qui?;ent fo ,~ermJ. t avail 31~.]~_ ?e,{~ral '?~]n~"s. City 'ana]~r "ar'ell prenenf, eO an(' oyf)laiqm,' th,~ it~r'. "e stmte,1 tho "ra;:os %'nllcy Deve].o~-'~ent Council h'~s ootaine'~ Fu~,]jn,S For '~a,lio r,c, uJpr,en~ on a 25[~ local ',atcb. C"~:~o fa,lief will. ~c .~ne~l tm ~rha'.~lJqb a r~,!i.qn:~l Y.'",' ~alJo lly%tep., ai,,l will allo% thr, o~ telen-tcr,~,! (1-~ta to ehe er-.erToncy rmo~,' ae ~. 3os~.,)~ "osptt~l ,~ ,:att,mt. ?h~ City of Colic.lc 3't~,':ion js bain,: aske.q to :~3,~:50. )n for the c~quiptqen~. Prazos Co,]n~y, t},e Ci+y of "rya]~, and ':t · ,If)so nih 70s'~it;ll have al r,>a<-,y :~ ~r~e:~ ta ,~articipatc. i') t'%e [~ro ;fa... Council,nan Prn%~.~e :,ovn,! to approve the fun,li,~q for '~e¢licn] ~iuicmcnt. C¢~uncil..aq ~unneln qecorb]-_'-.l the ;'otior. ,,,.'~ic,~ 003525 REGULAR CITY COONCIL N~rING THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1982 PAGE 5 Item "o. 13 - Pisc,~s:~ion of Fun,'ir, r'icl~ar:] Carter '~'rnv.-~ site. fc:r arcn,-~e,n!c.';ic:,l .~]ht"]y ~': "a%'~r ['nltcr l;re:;ont,~.:~. thr, ite,~. ": Tox~s .~,~,' TTniversitv are con~i.]erinq ~un(~in.~ a su.'.:qer qrc~-aeologic~l ~tu.ly of the '~c]~nr(' Tartzr -'rqve .tit,.) ~n,] '.,o'.e sit,, l_oc(,tjonq. ask~ ) ~'~a~ the connci] conr~i,]nr ':onatJnq 71, '~'~ . ,. (,,.. t~, t~e ,,~r,3jec~ ~'cney ~,ill h,?]'-, ~-~y rcr '.~teriel~ n,~elu] an fhg salary ut' ~g. vi,~ Cnrlson ,, c ~ con~uc~in ~ the r~-~enrch. of t~(.· ~ich~r,q ".nrh',r crave si~e. Council r~.!ar:lj.n.~' ~xter~,sivn water '~,,n,]i~ '~ri.~co].l, ~'. ..~1.2 :~,~-',,,)n~~ ~'riv,t, ntnt.~: th-~t,., s~,nc:? h.] has l ivr,.~ at thi*.~ r,~j_ ..~enc,-,, ~l,~eq '.~rea>n ~aw, ~c~,~~.,., ,_ ~ ~, i.~ th~.. c~t,~ %.'mt,,r ~,~e city cr~,., 'qaq i'~3,~n very res, ~psJ%-n h,) J,i-: cal].~ on ~J~(. ,.-~r'r Sity 'vna,:~r "ardel! stnt~,~ t,ha~ son e o£ th~ ] in~s in ~'erraco A,l,'~tion c~r2 o! ~ o}%e~ all!'q bnvo ~a~ ~xt,,pnive the r,~nctio~l ~Jet,,;e~n the sql]. in the 3ten and ebe :.ecl~nn]co! joint lines use,]. P~rt of the orJ final ~' ,one" -.~rr;~c.- water ,~,on ro,~l-~co,q an~' ~v~ntunl]y fbe re, aJn,~er ,..ill hay,, to ',~ also. '~ ask(,,' t~nt tho council cot:si,let ~his ~,]-fter ,~ ,n ~('~,lrato itet later .~at9 ~o fha+ ]~ .nny '~o the research noc-,ssary to <otorp'J. no nn,Oumt of line t') ],u t'e'~]_ace~ art'1 t{~e estimnto': cost ~or ,~'1 l council ,~o~:t,er~, a':re~,] to thig sur;,~.estion. .:.P. "itc}] s,~.o<k-e to eho council re<ar linn t"," ~ar::13n"s in couth,,voo] Valley. ~s a -najor ']<~ve].o,~or o~ :outh~,ond Vall'~y, '~e f'7]t ho constr,]ct.i,bn e ~ i.?rove,-ont~ ~or tho vario,]s :~ark~ be starte ~ 3o-)n. Connci3_,'nl nj. nc nr stat,),] t~,~at ?].an~ for i'~nrove~'cnts fo "rol:','.o. rc Pon.] .~oon -~q cor',hr,nctg are ]~,t thi~ snh~r~er. :'a;,cr "alter staten that the 1-::r ;er pnr'< in .~.,j!,.~'l~'~/o0't Valley will. tevelot~e." -ns ~,:~.on m,'~ ~ street ~o it is ',,~.en,la Itc', "o.. 16 - Closed se.~siop to :]iscuss ['~ersonnol '(,252-1.7(,.l)q Council m~v~d to clo.ger~ session an,: later reor)eno.-, to ~,.len, la ~t~.-, .... 'o. 3.7 - C,onsJ~]eration. . of r~. '~oi~tJn,: i~vt'l~l.,n'~ ~1~, t,.) city 003526 REGUEAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING THUBSDAY, MAY 13, 1989. PAGE 6 cc;'-', 3. t t,. on '- ,-. .',~.ut]ci]']an Jones r,o%~,.~ to al,l~oJnt t'~o £ol]o,/Jnc. to t~e ~;fruct~r~l .'tan, I;~rds '.'oqr.]/nu~l,]iuT Cote ,'oard l. "'i,,. Cn-,'~incTer, 'hair 'an Jerry ~rost, L/' ,. -~. Par, :~ear~, '!/'; ~ 5. J~',~p ',','~s, ~/"' . Cot~qci]:,~n 'o~],'jbtoq ;'~vo-] Cc,~]nc~ ].-nm Jones mmcon.~ed t'.,m m~tion ,,.'bio", [-~n~?] ~n:~nir',o,].~lT. t,3 the Com",t]r~i~, ?ept~r ~.,~vi .... r'/ Pc. ar,] '"~-~ t~r'~ %.'ii.] ew,,Jr~ .~/ '" Council~',%n "emoc ~ocon,].q] ~o m~ejon t.~,ich pas.q~ unani~:al'f. 1. Cbnrlos "i~u, Chairman 2. '~eno . , ,.,~ ~'tlrCe~' Councilhnn Prauno -'oved %o '~c' ,'ie :h~staves to ~'qe %m',ulnnce A. Ivir~ory 'Co:~:~i~tee. Co~]nci].,',nn 'lc)t]u~ton socon'letJ the "ot. in'q %;hich ~0as~e.-~ unnni-~o~sly. l' ro- t e'~. Council.,qn ,Ton~s.: .~CrDn<m'~. tr~o r"c)tio~ ;,hic~ r)asno,] ~nanir'o~cl,z'. .~en,,a Itgm "o. 1" - ~-,jq~rn. Dian Jones, City,~ecretary Ga~ Halter ,/Nayor 003527 e GUEST I~E~I~ CIT~ C~CIL ~TIi~ TgUI~AY~ MAY 13, 1982 7:00 p.m. 17. 18. 19. e 20. 0 21. 2m e 23. Se e 25. 10. 11. 27. 12. 13. 9w 14. 15. 16. 31. 32. 0-03528