HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/12/1982 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilC~.~y ;"~rl.t,.~:r "n:'.':¢,ll, ,;j.t-,; i~n
qecr~:tar,.,/C~;~:ncil 3o:'r:)inator "artin,
Ci+v .Cocretarv Jones, ~.",st. 2][{-¥
",nq:'q.'r/"i:{apc'' *~ire,.'.tcr \Z,~rl"~v::c,
Porks and ~ecre~,tion !'irector ~;.~.achS-,
"uc-]-.ly Coor'.]in,teor ',!,:rec,:t, '_'i
' t,~-orr]'2~/ "enton
~,',~'~n.-]a.., . Tte_uq t.~. 1 - gr.~.~r,,nta+io~_ o=. ,n\ ar. Is fl~r r~co,.lnitJ,;n oc-,
17 ")-.'-2 Co,]qcil ~en.
was preuent~t tr'~ the Oakv;oo-] "i~]~t].~ :3chool ,cot alu,ninu:,, c~ns
"avor. "nlh,-~. . ...
pict-re of tho ].9° ~-", ~ '
1- .. ,~ounc].lmeml)ers, an,!
~c~zj.e.~-' ~. t%/,=].vc?
fcr,',e r city
"unnel~ -:~th ~!ac,ques rec~.qnizinq their s~.rvice
the,v finish their ].qq,-~-'l~ ter ;s ~= of~icn.
rec~ive~] a nl.~cque in a~:~rocio~inn ~.¢- %is servin,~ ns councilman
; ;en3a I~e'- '~. 2 - Council
{3l%iversity ~a~cs near "a'j~1olia and ~ara F'treets an~! alDouf the
.,,~ssi)~ility of har~nCul e~fr-}ct:3 t~ it fro,,' ~-t,~naJve ~e :>y he,3v'f
ii.-' t!]e Cit-I, ]nas rcceive,~ n:'~'../ o.~ti.~,.%t,a:~ oil
eon.~true~ j on.
~EDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1982
CJ. tv '*r)qi:],-~r ';?h re,:l_i.e,1 that hr, will ~,~n." t']e ,~sti;.-.~tes +'~ the
council in the ,.]ear r-uture wit~ nn e,:'-lanatmry ]~.resentation
~'ounci!:~.aa Pr3~,.~e ~tat,:] th3t he has rec,_,ived c.n:]D].mJnt.~ a~),~.:]t
concrete truck driverm .~arkinC and washJnq o~t their trucks on
rue cul-,l~-.qac street.q close? t,3 "%:l]S:3D.
~rter ~urt.her r~i~cu~sion, City ;anager Pnr.4ell state-.] that
woul~ '~av:3 ,~olice :~nhrol t!~.~ ar,.~0 oft~?~] ami iss]]e tickets
violnterr o.f city regu]atios~.
Councilman ','~ct'~"-,'h'l-_o'r~ state,: that t[,e cou]~,cil-:,:,,~hers were not
roceivinq ~beir a ~er, d,n [~.ackets in a~]equn~e ti-~m to examin~
,,,.~t:orial an,1 ,~o research if qe~,,-l~i, .~n~~ reques~e,t that
City 'amaqer t:ardell replie.q that no %.'ould ad-]tess a memo
r]e:~.art¢.~-n% heads and city st,at{ re'~ar,']in,~ t!~e establi~ed
~e3.!].in':s for su].~i~t,al o~ aq. ep~]a items
".ayor l'=.lter ,'rnsente:~ a ?.e%i%ion to th<, council fro .... rs. ;.nrien
Pugh conc~rninU the nar'ina of the stroe~ bei]in0 mreehouse
City r'ans';er '~tr,~.el] i;r~inted out that the C~lle3e Station Ci.~y
Council wi]! he holding an annual social function \;itt t'ae ~.~Iqm
P..~ar'~ ar. '.'r~.stees. ';e su],~est,.~,A that t~.~~. ['~av i l ]_ ion i~ Central.
Park be us.,:';1 for the ovent ant) ask~-I to b,? n,~vised iu *lie n~x~-
tv, c wee':s of ~.~s'-'i,'~l ~. ~.%t.~s fo~ th~_ activity.
,\.~enda Ite]~ "o. 3 - Piscusnion .:)f 'aajor o.,,uipmcnt for drai,~a~"o
City ~'anager ~'~]:,tel] oresento.,] the iter~., i'~, qtato'i that
me:r'b~rs have su,3geste,~ tbat t~e council consider the '~urc!~ase
a tr,~cke,~ hylraulic '-achine qimi].ar tc th~ ":¢a,lqor" hoe lense
last summer for cleaning out creeks and stabilizing the banks.
The machine coulq at~o b~ ,~.l at tl~e s,~nit~r', l'~n~fill to
reclaim a]~proxir~ately 20-2'] acre~ by ~oving the creek, th~reb?
s~ving the city apuroxi.--ately ~73,[)(1(~ %,]lich ha,l be,~n n'~fimqto'l t"~
~ity '~aqago. r ?ara]eli e×F,l-nine' t~].--~f the exp.~nse o'¢ the ,"achine
,~eneral Fun ~, ns {~ v.,oul] b~ utiliz?d for corr=cfions f~ ~
~anitary lan~]fJ, ll an.~ for cr..2ek an,] drainage c~nfrol work.
~13~ total e~fi~nate~] far the ]'ac)nine and trailer was an
a[~roxi~at,2.~'"lF~5,0~0. 'm r~,'uest_,]~, that the co,moil a~thoriz2
ecui? .... nt he handle(' *,]ro~,;}~ a Certificate of Obli ',-~tion oUtnJ, ned
Wt~)NESDAY, MAY 12, 1982
Co~ncil'~,an "uunel~ ,-ov~.J' to authorizc t''~. ?ity "an-~'ier to seek
'~if,~ ~or the ~.~.ui,n.m~.nt an'] 31so b~,]:~ o~ ,n CertJ,=~cat~ of
'~.!~ 1 i.j~ t ion.
CoL:.~.cilman Pra~c.:~. secDnr[e~l tl~,p ,orion ',;'~ich '~asse,~. ur:alii
?.qen,la Itc:,, .~o. 4 - qiscu.qsi_o, ,Df Civic Center ~'o~;ninq.
;aFor ':alter ~resent~~: the itc? to the c~uncil. "e shat~,] th,~t
the Co,m:,unity Center o,~n[]in~3 %~s sche~],]!e~ for ,Iu~)e 13, ].[]~ '~.
Due to the ~4~livor~, da%o~ on the furniture, the o?ening ~y ~ave
to :)e ,~st~onc,~ until n la~r ~;]te.
qn~.rgy Coor~Jnator ,%ll~'recht state,~ that n~ost or.. the furniture
v.,o~ld not arriv~ until ~fter Jua¢, ].]th. ".he rc~,uestcd t}~at the
o]~eninq ])e he]..l nf ~ later ,~,ate s,~ th,n~ the (]enter will 13o
furnis'~e,~ ;~revJou~ to the D,=~ic.ntjon. '~'~ e:cl)lai:~e,'l th%t ~rior
to t;,e o:~m~]ing ~orma]itie~, t~.¢, Center will l)e used r'or event~
alreaJ, y ncho~uln::.
Council: :an ~in,]~r expr~ss¢~.] t~at ;,~: ~,o~1 ! like ~.n nec the .'Jet~ter
.o':eneH a~ need as '~o~si'~l.~ for the '~ublic to ~.me.
stat?,] his ,'~r~feronce for a Jun~ o?r-nin,'~ an';
;ore]~,ninary '~l-3n~ a].r~a~v ~a '~ for the J~:ne 1Dth .]ate.
City ;'nn,n ;,~r ~,3rdell ;nointc.t out that
Center leavens the "i:~osa noo~~ ,~']~,~1 an,] that consideratio~ needle
to :~ .iivon to the futur~ o~' tl~a~ l,~catJ.~n. "~ ~t~f. erl that "]inr~
Colle,'~c ',,o~ld lik,= to lease ~:~e entire r]cili~v nb 1'31 ?h~]rch for
clas~roo]~ !~qe. "e .~i~cus~eJ various f~ctor~ inv~l~,7~
r~q~este~] %bat t%~q council revie%~ the :~ossibility of a lease
~re(,?~nt ~ith "].inn Cell~ue. ;~e :~lso mentione,
tract is a ~oossible sit~ for a smnll ]~ark and t'~at a ]ecision
Council~.sn ~'inqer suqueste,.1 th,~t tl~e +~u.i!din5 -~t 101 Churc..
te:a~,~oraril!, r-aintaineH a~- an o;~tional 'ne~_tinc nlace un, ii. the
sprinklin,, syste': ~or the ne~.; Centc=r is inqtalle~l.
"ay~.r ~;altcr '~resente~t tho council ~n ~]ra?t f~r review; on
l~ro:~o.qed ~unc+_ions and ,tutio~ of the me,:~bers of the
Center 2-,-]visory ~oar,'.
',fter furtb~.r discusnion o,-- :,~,ntfers relating to the Center, "nyor
l'alter sug~.Teste,q that r~e~hers o~ the city staff, the council
c~mmitten for fha. Center, an'l th~, Co;q~unity Center Ddvisory
r~.lnn a joint m.~etin.~ ~or thc follo,,~ing
Ji;eudp Ite~. "~. 5 - Clo.~=.~ session to ~liscuss per.~onn~l
[ ¢~252-17:7 (..I)~ ·
WEDNESDAY, ~Y 12, 1982
~'le co~.nci! move,] ~'.~. closc-~. se:;sion to later ruo~.-~n t,~. t:,e
;\:.je,~cla It..-,:, "o. ,3 - C.,~.nsidoratior~ o? ~t~.,;ointJ.~],~ r~o.~;~ers t..~ ti. tv
~)(,ar-]~ =~nd co:~'uittees.
Aqen,!a It~.~- 'o. 7 - 2qjourn.
"a¥or '~alter a,~journed the
G~ry Halter~yor
~X~, ~'/.~ ) u' (~7 t~tj- j'
Dian Jones, .~$ty Secretary
1. 18.
3. 20.
4. 21.
5. 22.
8. 25.
10. 27.
13. 30.
14. 31.
15. 32.