HomeMy WebLinkAbout19850822 RESOLUTION NO. 08-22-85-13 WHEREAS, In 1974 the United States Congress extended the application of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act to the 50 states and their political subdivisions; and WHEREAS, The United States Supreme Court two years later invalidated the action for most purposes, holding that the Congress had no power to enforce overtime and minimum wage provisions against states in areas of traditional governmental functions (National League of Cities v. Usery, 426 U.S. 833 (1976)); and WHEREAS, On February 19, 1985, however, the court overruled its earlier opinion, finding the distinctions created by that opinion to be unworkable while commenting that the states and their political subdivisions, if dissatisfied with the court's new opinion, could encourage the Congress to modify the law (Garcia v. San Antonio Mass Transit Authority, 53 LW 4135 (1985)); and WHEREAS, The effect of the Garcia decision has been to make all state agencies and political subdivisions subject to the law immediately, without time to prepare for the transition; and WHEREAS, The resulting fiscal impact on Texas state and local governments could be significant; overtime requirements for state and local governments could be particularly burdensome, since the federal law requires time and one-half payment for hours that were previously compensated by equivalent time off; and WHEREAS, The City of College Station has for many years provided an equitable compensatory time system for City employees who work overtime, and many City employees prefer that system of compensation to the one that is now to be required; and WHEREAS, The reduction of hours worked for Fire Fighters from an average of 56 hours per week to 53 hours per week also will create an excessive financial burden on the City of College Station; and WHEREAS, The federal law, as characterized by the Supreme Court in 1976, is an interference "with the integral governmental functions" of state and local governments to such a degree as to 'impair the States' ability to function effectively in a federal system", and WHEREAS, It results in substantially increased costs in a time of limited revenue, weakens the delivery of public services to the citizens of College Station and penalizes the City for choosing to hire governmental employees on terms that are different from, but not necessarily less beneficial than, those sought by the Congress; and Resolution No. 08-22-85-13 Page 2 WHEREAS, This imposition is especially ironic, given that the United States Congress is itself exempt from the law; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of College Station hereby request the United States Congress to exempt state and local governmental employees from the federal Fair Labor Standards Act; and be it further RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of College Station hereby request the Secretary of Labor, while we attempt to influence the Congress to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act, to work with the representatives of the National League of Cities, the Texas Municipal League and other public interest groups to provide administrative relief under the Department of Labor's regulatory authority to develop rules which provide some flexibility for key governmental operations such as fire, police and, further be it RESOLVED, That the City Secretary forward official copies of this resolution to the President of the United States, to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, to the Secretary of Labor, and to each member of the Texas delegation to the Congress, with the request that it be entered in the Congressional Record as a memorial to the Congress of the United States of America. PASSED and APPROVED on this the 22nd day of August 1985. ATTEST: Dian Jones, J;~'~ty ~ecretary JOINT RESOLUTION Be it resolved that the Councils of the City of Bryan and the City of College Station, the Board of Directors of the Bryan-College Station Chamber of Commerce, and the President of Texas A&M University recognize that: The Texas Games, sponsored by the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation, present an excellent opportunity to promote youth and adult sporting activities, sportsmanship, and community cooperation. To host the Texas Games would enhance the reputation of the total community as well as generate considerable economic activity among the participants, sponsors, and spectators. 3. The community contains the requisite facilities, professional staff, and corps of volunteers to host such an event. In consideration of this the aforementioned agencies recognize the Texas Games '88 Committee comprized of representatives from the City of Bryan, the City of College Station, and Texas A&M University and endorse its efforts to: Generate the necessary corporate and community support to host the 1988 Games. 2. Present, on behalf of the aforementioned agencies, an official bid for the 1988 Texas Games. 3. Conduct the 1988 Texas Games in conjunction with the local park and recreation departments. Adopted by the Bryan City Council on (Marvin Tate, Mayor) Adopted by the College Station City Council on (Gary Halter, Mayor) Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Bryan-College Chamber of Commerce on (Lee Cargill, President) Approved by Dr. Frank E. Vandiver, President of Texas A&M University on {Frank E. Vandiver) RESOLUTION NO. n~-~-~5-17 WHEREAS, the City of College Station has determined the necessity of constructing transmission and distribution electric lines parallel to and fifty-five feet west of the centerline of the Gulf States Utilities 138 KV transmission line between State Highway 30 and Greens Prairie Road; and WHEREAS, the City Council having determined that it is necessary to obtain the property owned by Edward M. Kelley and William N. Kelley, Jr., described on the attached Ex- hibits A and B to this resolution, and that the public need requires the acquisition of same in such manner as to make the property available for lawful use for such purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of College Station that the property described on Ex- hibit A attached hereto shall be acquired by the City; the reasonable cash market value of same shall be determined and paid according to law, either by voluntary purchase or by condemnation; and that the City Manager, the Mayor, and the City Attorney are authorized to take any and all necessary actions to obtain and pay for such property, including the marketable title thereto, free and clear of any restrictions or covenants inconsistent with the use of same for all law- ful public utility purposes. Further, that the City Attor- ney is by this resolution expressly authorized to initiate and pursue condemnation proceedings and any other necessary litigation incident to the purpose herein set forth. PASSED and APPROVED this 22nd day of August , 1985. C~ty Secr~ JOE ORR, INC. Surveyor, & En4ineers Office Phone 691-3178 , Kt. 3, Box 413 COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840 50 POOT EASEMENT EDWARD M. KELLEY TRACT THOMAS CARTUHERS LEAGUE BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 17 AUGUST 1984 Betn~ a strip of land in the Thomas Caruthers League in Brazos County, Texas, fifty (50') feet in width through the Edward M. Kelley 25.0 acre tract described in Volume 279, Page 496 of the Deed Record, of Brazos County, Texas, and lying twenty-five (25') feet each side of the following described centerline: Beginning in the northwest line of the said Edward M. Kelley tract, at a point located 8 62 degrees 51' 19" ¥ - 75.8 feet from the most northerly corner of the said Edward M. Kelley tract. Thence S 59 degrees 55' O8" E - 549.7 feet, parallel to and 55' from the centerline of the existing Gulf States Utilities Company power line, to the end of this easement in the southeast line of the said Edward M. Kelley tract, at a point located S 25 degrees 08' 01# ¥ - 79.2 feet from the most ~aeterly corner of the said Edward N. Kelley 25.0 acre tract. O EXHIBIT JOE ORR, INC. Surveyors & Office Phone 693-3378 · R! '), 8ol 413 COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840 50 FOOT EASEMENT EDWARD M. KE~LEY AND WILLIAM N. KELLEY, JR. TRACT THOMAS CARTUHERS LEAGUE BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 26 SEPTEMBER 1984 Being a strip of land in the Thomas Caruthers League in Brazos County, Texas, fifty (50') feet in width through that 26.25 acre t~act conveyed to Ed. ward M. Kelley and William N. Kelley, Jr. by d'e~ds recorded in Volume 489, Page 523 and Page 526 of the Deed Records of Brazos County; Texas, and lying twenty-five (25') feet each the following described centerline: Beginning in the northwe'st line of the said Kelley 26.25 acre tract, at a point located S 25 degrees 08' 01" W - 79.2 feet from t~e most northerly corner of the said Kelley 26.25 acre tract. Thence S 39 degrees 35' 08" E - 1482.2 feet, parallel to and 55' from the centerline of the existing Gulf States Utilities Company power line, to the end of this easement in the southeast line of the ~&d Kelley 26.25 acre tract, at a point located S 41 degrees 40' 45# M - 64.7 feet from the most easterly corner of the said Kelley 26o25 acre tract. EXHIBIT "B"