HomeMy WebLinkAboutPage 07 Cambodian Charge ~ (;LASSIFIED ADS ~ I Deadline For nn ... G S · CLASSIFIED and A.1-LEGALS 'A.1-L_~GA!-5 ... ets econd Wi,nd CLASSIFIED DISPLAY NOTICE 'doors and the InstaUation of Dewan.. dized aluminum doors with frames and Monday thru Friday THE STATE OF TEXAS transoms. :aU of whleh will be awardee Y under a suude contract. 12:00 Day Before COUNT OF Brazos No. 1820 NOTICE is hereby INFORMATION AND BIDDING I PHNOM PENH, CambodIa South Vietnamese headquarters Military attaches assigned to .' DOCUMENTS: ™ (2) sel.! oIdra",nn. '(AP) _ The biggest govern- in Saigon said six South Viet- the U.S. Embassy in Vientiane Sunday - 12:00 Friday given that a hearing will be specifications and other biddlDll h Id 6h 29 h d f documents may be ohtllned from Roberl ~ .. . . . . ment operation of the Cambo. namese marines and 41 North and Central Intelligence Agency Ml)nday- 11 :00 A.M. Sat. e on 6 e t ay 0 A. Jenkins, Planning Engineer,. Physicai WASHINGTON (AP) _ AntI- perhaps ]eopardiZmg hIS bload- dian war moved forward again Vietnamese were killed in agents also advise and operate September, 1970 at 10 a.m. Plant Depa~ment, 6lI0 U,"vers1!y DrIve. kin b d t . d st li ? BUSINESS HOURS' . CcUege Stahon. Texas 77d~3. w.thout cost. rr1mo g roa cas s, requI,re ca cense. today after being stalled 10 days heavy fighting along the Bassac with Royal Laotian troops. In the County Court at the . sInce 1967 to counteract cIga- Geller suggested a way. by North Vietnamese and Viet River 30 miles southeast of The Cambodian command In Monday thru Friday County Courthouse of 6he The <?WNER r.eserves the right to walve \f J t . I t t' S kin be Id I' 6 anY mformalihes or l<l re 'eet any (lJ q..ret e COmmerCIa s, m~s con ~- mo g may so w e y Cong forces. Phnom P~nh. Twenty-three Phnom Penh said that 60,000 8,00 _ 5.00 above named County in al hids. '\Ie after the commercials end m seen as a health hazard, he A spokesman said advance South Vietnamese were report- North Vietnamese and V'et ' a.m. . p.m. Brazos Texas on the appli t J t f d I 'd th t th b' t' I '. . . S t.' d 8,00 12'00' - Fach BIDDER must deposit wllh hl. bid. i,~ anuary,. St~Ys al Op e era sal:. atr e s~ ]1~'C IsdnOthong- elements were meeting hgnt re- ed wounded. Co~g troops have been killed or Q "r ay . -.. cation of the hereinafter s.curib' In the amount and fo~m. subject commumca IOns awyer. er con oversla an ere- sistance as they moved toward In Laos the Communist Path- senously wounded by Cambo- . Ad, 0'. cllo,ged to ,110". OW"... d f l' to lne condItions rrvvldcd 1ll the Ill. "We will have to have some fore no longer subject to the' . . ' . . . d S h . pu,ely a' an accommodotlon a"d Day. name owner- or a 1cense structlons to Bidders. . ". .' .' the major enemy strongpomt m et Lao accused royalist govern- dlan, Amencan an out Vlet- ",.'" I. due ,mmedlol.ly upon ,.c.I" t 11 b t t II ~''transltional perIod," SaId Henry FCC "falI'tless doctrine." the village of Taing Kauk 47 ment troops of launching at. namese forces during the first 01 bilL 1011I0 ad. N4l"iro 'OYIIl'" I. 0 Be ear a re a at 8 No BIDDER may withdraw hI, bid wltMD ~'~. Geller, general cou~se~ of Geller said. the broadca.ster miles north of Phnom Penh. It tacks with American and South five months of the Cambodian adyo"... location not heretofore 11- ~~(~. th:r::f. the actual date of the . ,the ~e~eral. Co~un~catIons may ~ reqUIred. to ~ontl~ue was the first forward movement Vietnamese support. Hanoi Ra- war. The command said about. hi AcII (U;d"d:olU,:,;~ 1::,n"c-: censed. The substance ofl ,T31 :::COmmISSlon,l!J. an mtervle~. presentmg the antIsmo~ng. Side reported by the government dio quoted a Pathet Lao lJroad- 5,000 Cambodian soldiers have :~;'~:":II"c~"~,.:~t1yor 1ay. $.91 ...; said ~ application Is as fol- _" Geller declined ~o. est~ate "under the general public mter- since its troops were driven cast saying 11 battalions of roy- been killed or wounded. Incll .acll doy. lows: ' . how long the "transltlO~" might est standard." from Taing Kauk and stalled in al Laotian troops had staged at- Sources in Saigon said the . The "ublllll.' _"" "'0 ,11"t.. 1. Type of license or per- I t take but indicated antI5l!lokmg "~e has ~ duty to inform .the their drive northward toward tacks since Aug. 31 north and claim of 60,000 enemy casualties .dll, clolllly. or ,./OCt a.y claaltted mil Retail Dealers On Pre- THE ST :i'ilg~ TEXAS , broadcasts might be reqUired as public," said Geller. "If clga- the provincial capital of Kom- south of Attopeu in southern appeared exaggerated. A South CO". mlses License ">'long as smoking-versus-health rettes continue to cause death, pong Thorn and the nation's Laos which fell to the Commu- Vietnamese communique said. IlIIporta"t< An.. all o. · 0"".....' 2 Exac610ca610n of bUB1- COUNTY OF Brazos No. . bIi' th t 't be . d" .' "1' . . C bo It cn""ol be cancell.d 0' cllan..d p,lot. & & - 1821 NOTICE' h b . '. remaInS a pu c Issue: a can Ignore. . heartland. mst command m Apn . ItS forces operatmg m am -'0 Ih. ttnt in,.,"o.. ness 1807 Hwy 6 North . 15 ere y gl- , Television an.d radIO broad- "It could be through pubhc The spokesman said the gov- The broadcast said the royal- dia had killed 11,446 North Viet- . Wo,d od, 'mlnlmulII 11 wo,d.) lit Br a x'" 'ven that a hearing will be (casters say thIS leaves them service announcements," he ernment force had moved about ist troops were accompanied by namese and Viet Cong troops day $1.1,. Z"d dor $1.00, oddl'ional y n, Te as held on the 29 day of Sep- <l_with a curious puz~le.. added, "or he might do it by half a mile toward the town. Re- U.S. advisers and supported by since March. Sout~ Vietnamese :~::ei;tl~~,:.~Y~o~'~~,r~~lr~o~C ~~; 3. Name of owners o.r tember. 1970 at 10 a.m. in c' When he camed cigarette network coverage, documenta- ports reaching Phnom Penh forces. losses for the penod were reo day, Sc Z"d doy, 40 addlllonol co,,- owner - Dorothy LOU1se the County Court at the commercials, the broadcaster ries, one-minute spots-he said up to 2,000 North Viet- The U.S. Command repeattd ported as 1,084 killed and 4,850 .ocutlyo d.,.. Fairbanks County Courthouse of the })was required by the FCC to add would have discretion." namese and Viet Cong troops a prepared statement saying, wounded. · P1eo.. notlly .. 0' 0.' .".,..t 4. Assumed or trade name above named County in to. anticigarette announ?emems A law passed last spring bans were believed still in Taing "There are no U.S. ground com- Official sources said Ameri- :~,~~, be'::dc~::o:I':: ~:ion'lbl. h, Cajun's Lounge Bryan Texas on the appl. I ~under its "fairness doctrm~" re- all cigarette commercials from Kauk. bat troops in Laos." But it is can forces killed about 3,800 Display dOHltl": $1.43 ...' c.lulIln An erson'sh 11 b _ . ' . 1- Quiring balanced presentation of television and radio effecive There were no indications of known that South Vip,tnamese North Vietnamese and Viet .nch. . y p a e percahon of the here1?after controversial issues. Jan 2 why the enemy had apparently special forces and American re- Cong soldiers in Cambodia in F t Ii d E m1Ued to contest the facts named owner-for a hcense I .. or easy 0 n ... asy stated'n Id 1" ti t II b 6 ~'l t . _ How can he now carry on y Geller said the FCC has not relaxed its pressure. connaissance patrols operate May and June. U.S. losses were t d d U CI 1 sa app lca on 0 se eer a& re&a1 a a one side of the issu~this. time yet established official policy Fighting intensified on anoth- along the Ho Chi Mir1 trail in reported as 354 killed and 1,680 .;. r~al ~ s... se ass- and the applicant's right location not heretofore li- the antismoking sIde-:m-thout beyond that point and has not er Cambodian battle front. the lower Laotian panhandle. wounded. I Ie n ex. to secui'e said license or censed. The substance of violating that same doctrme and been asked to do so. ....1 - LEGAU permil upon giving securi- said application is as fol- In the absence of official poli- Cal.-forn..a RIG A 2 ERSO LS ty for costs as provided by lows: . Mrs. Kenton cy, he said, the broadcaster c:m ep ace ore law. 1: Typeofhcen~orper- omy "make a good faIth hooest ~ .:, = :OTlC': WITNESS MY HAND thl. m.t R.t. Off P,.m... Boe, Wins $34,000 judgment and hope he's'correct F.-res Gut -" A.4 _ LODCE NOTICES .Ithe 21st day of September, License 1 on it. If he wants guidance we'll 1970 2. Exact location of busi- In A imony be glad to supply it." A S 1..5 - INSTRUCTIONS Frank Boriskie ness 1101 North Pierce ".. . B d But Geller did offer this much Many Homes gnew ays ....6 - LOST "'ND FOUND I County Clerk 3 Name of owner or , , HOLLYWOOD (AP) - an. - guidance: the broadcaster could I Brazos County, Texal' B.. :'eader Stan .Kenton, 58, and bls not bring an "abrupt" halt to - C.1 - HELP WANTED By Ruth Pledger owners emamln Ferro , estranged Wife Jo Ann, 39, have antismoking announcements . C 2 CliNE S De ut 4. Assumed or trade _been divorced and ~he has bepn "the same day" the cigarette BERKELEY, Calif; (AP) :- . - ~~polrtuNITIES P y (F24 name Ben's Grocery & ~>awarded $34,000 alImony to be commercials end. Dozens of h?mes lay 10 ashes. m MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -\ McGovern, D-S.D., and Senate Market ,:,paid ov~ the next 30 months. Geller said broadcasters .nee.d the exclUSIve Berkeley Hills Vice President Spiro T. Agnew associates am.ong "~ seled C.3 - WORK WANTED Any person shall be per- ... SuperIor Court Judge Charles not worry about losing tl1etr 11- area tOd?y from the worst of a has told Tennessee voters they group of r a d I C a I-II b era I D 1 _ PETS & LIVESTOCK miUed to contest the facts , G. Stratton granted the uncon- censes b guessing wrong on rash of fires that ~rupt~d up and should elect a Republican to re- friends." , ADVERTISEMENT FOR nIDS d d 1"' tested divorce Tuesday after their nel move down hot, dry Cal1fornla. place Sen. Albert Gore, who "is But when Gore comes back to D.4 - HOME IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS state in sa! a!'p ~cabon LMrs. Kenton testified there "..ere . ., . . Officials would not estimate important only to the radical Tennessee, the vice president . OF THE FOLLOWING COt\'STRUCTION and the a!,ph~ant s rIght to ;':irreconcilable differences be. "It does~'t .put his license. m the damage here but said it was liberal wing of the Democratic declared, "you do not see. him E.1 - HOUSES ~~XAS A&M UNIVERSITY' secure sa1d hcense or per- ,.tween the two. jeopardy if It's ~ good faIth the worst East Bay fire since party." bringing down to Memphis the E.2 - LOTS & ACREAGES COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS mil upon giving security .,,!, They were married July 6, judgment," he saId.. "The ~nly 1923 when a major blaze caused Gore is a prime target in the radical-liberal friends he hob. MCP 01-71.0094 for costs as provided by 1967, in Las Vegas, Nev., and time we've taken acti~n a~am?t a $10 million property loss. GOP drive to win control of the nobs with up in Manhattan and E.3 - COMMFRCI...L RECEIPT OF BIDS: S~"ed W. for the law. "had been separated since Maya license is where a v~?latlOn IS. . . S.enate, and party leaders. be- Georgetown." PROPERTY ~~f~rl::n~n~: ~tr: ~~~~J ~u~~~~~ WITNESS MY HAND this i 23 1969 the court said. absolute and flagrant. FIre offiCIals reported 37 lIeve the RepublIcan nommee, Gore was one of those who E.4 - MOBILE HOMES Irames. Bldg. No. t6~, ^"ad~m;c P'ldg., the 21st day of Septe ber ")'1 Mrs. 'Kenton, the musician's The ban on cigarette commer- homes destroyed and 12 dam- Rep. William Broc~, ~as a good gre~ted .~gnew at the airport, ~~::,~xa~~&~~ ~~~~~Y'b;O\I~:er~I~~~'~~; 1970 m . 3third wife also was awarded 50 cials means a loss of some ~200 aged Tuesday as flames roared chance to defeat hIm m Novem- saymg Welcome to Tennes- E.5 - HOUSES FOR RENT of Physical Plant, Physicol 1'1: nt . F k B . k. <>.:per cent' of profits from two million to $250 milli?n a y~ar in over ~ore t~an 200 a~res ~ast of ber. see." OR LEASE ~J'~::n~~~a:O~~f1tersity Drive, Co:IPfe ran or1s 1e .1 movies Kenton has made. revenue for the radio-TV mdus. the Umverslty of CalIfornia. . Agnew asserted Tuesday In a statement Issued after E.6 _ APARTMENTS FOR County Clerk :', try. . In. West Los Angeles, a $40,000 mght Gore h.ad proposed vast Ag~ew's speech,. the ~enato~, RENT OR LEASE OCTOBER 14. 1970 At 2:110 P.M. C.S.D.T. Brazos County, Texas The president of Mutual hillSide home was destroyed and federal spending programs, had notmg that the vice preSident IS and then publiclY opened and read aloud. I By Mattie Nowak Broadcasting System Victor C. several others threatened for a a record of votes against adnlin- a former governor of the East- E.7 - ROOMS FOR RENT Deputy Diehm, tried to raliy a court t~me by a. ~nd-whip~d brush istration policy in the Vi.etnam ern Seaboard st~te o.f Maryla~~, RENT OR LEASE ~~~eE r~:ov~o~fK~xi-m~~ :.~~ ~~r:~~ (F24 challenge against the new law fire In wmdmg Bev~rly Glen war a?d w?s ~ leader In the loyal to the umon In the CIVIl E.8 - OFFICI SPACE FOl last May but the proposal was Canyon. Senate s rejection of Supreme War, remarked: RENT OR LEASE killed a inonth later b the di- Other fires burned brush and Court nominees Clement F. "In earlier and less hospitable t f the NationalY Associa- trees across the ~tate. Haynsworth Jr. and G. Harrold days he might have been re- F.2 - WANT TO BUY ,r.ec ors 0 The Berkeley frre began as a Carswell. ferred to as a carpetbagger by tIon of Broadcasters. blaze in some grass on the east Addressing 10 000 cheering our more sectional _ nlinded C.1 - APPLIANCES side of a ridge behind the city. Republicans at a chicken din- folk." C.2 - HOUSEHOLD COODS .... ner, Agnew asserted: Agnew's denunciation of Gor-a WI.thin eIght ~mutes it was "That crowd In the Senate went over big with the flag-wav- G.3 - BUILDINC MATERIALS roarmg over C?rt~zly Peak ~ou- which talks so much about end- ing crowd in Memphis, a city & SUPPLIES leva~d an.d lIcking down mto ing discrimination committed steeped in Deep South tradition. G.4 - GARAGE SALES heavl.ly woode~ canyons, de- an act of discrimination- After taping a television spot stroymg exclUSIve homes nes- against the South. They went today for Brock, Agnew flies to G.5 - MiSe. FOR SALE ~led among the trees a.nd bU!'I1- over to the Supreme Court and Indianapolis where he will J.1 - AUTOMOBILES 109 out the cabl~ to .radlo stati?n nailed a shingle to the door, 'No speak on behalf of Rep. Richard KPFA-FM, ~uttmg It off the al!' Southerners need apply'." Roudebush, the GOP candidate J.2 - TRUCKS Some .resldents saved their Agnew said Gore had. received opposing Democratic Sen. J.3 - MACHINERY, TOOLS homes w~th .garden hoses as the $60,000 from a campaign fund- Vance Hartke, before returning PARTS ' fla~es, IIc~ng through accumu- raising effort by Sen. George S. to Washington tonight. latIons of pme needles and euca- J.4 - BOATS & MOTORS Iyptus leaves, were fanned by B R M gusty winds. t J.5 - OTORCYCLES Other ho~eowners were, evac- orman epor s J.6-C"'MPERS & TRAILERS uated by fIremen convergmg on --- the tinder-dry area from nearby communities. So were 400 chil- On U.S. Prl.SOners dren from two elementary schools. Some 300 regular firemen fought the sprawling, leaping By ROBERT A. HUNT up the bulk of prisoners, are blazes, which took six hours to Assoclatt.d Press Writer war crinlinals are "utter rub- bring under control. WASHINGTON (AP) - Point- bish." Oakland fire officials said ing to its success in the Mideast, -There are 19 documented there was some possibility of ar- former astronaut Frank Bor- cases of U.S. Gl's held prisoner son, since there had been two man says the International Red "being murdered or allowed to earlier fires in the area. Cross is a "very hopeful" third die in South Vietnam and just In Los Angeles, more than 150 party to work on behalf of recently the North Vietnamese 9:30 fire fighters, aided by four heli- A~ericans held prisoner in ha~e sp.oken of five deaths in copters, contained a blaze after VIetnam. theIr prIsons." it burned for three !tours across about 550 acres of steep terrain. Borman, wh~ recently r~- turned as an ermssary for PresI- dent Nixon to a dozen countries on the POW issue, gave his as- sessment to a joint meeting of Congress Tuesday. "I can tell you that we found a vast amount of sympathy around the world," he said. "I -The U.S. should continue ef- can tell you that the North Viet- forts to convince the North Viet- namese will receive new and namese of our sincerity in pur- additional entreaties from many pose and of the requirement to of the countries that we visited, separate the political Question and I can teIl you that I found, of peace in Vietnam from the particularly in the International humanitarian conditions of in- Red Cross, a very hopeful, I carceration of prisoners. think, agency for dealing as a . third party for the prisoners in -The Umted States shou~d Vietnam." make sure tha~ every effort IS made to prOVIde proper care and support for fanlilies of the prisoners, and continue to press for use of the International Red Cross in inspection of prison camps. Antismoke Broadcastsi '-rl- :.~ To Continue Ph. 822-5811 STARTS TODAY 1;1S_3s~~~~:t~~~:06_9:12 ::~=:. WALTDISNEY~' the bOat! ~ J . , .. ..,~ '.; ,.. '.J .; ,. ~ ~l. i, ~I !'f ~- t NOW SHOWING: 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 t ( ( f . '';; ~ ~ . , -. . .. . t . .. . .. . . ,. ~ I, . .. I. - ~~ LAST NITE-1:15 - 9:1S ADULT ART "Alice in New land" " . . I, ~ .~ \~ TONITE AT 1:35 P.M. JOHN WAYNE As "CHISUM" At 9:40 p.m. ''Valley of The Gwang" NATIONAl GENERAL P1ClURES PRESENT: .11m I LEE BROWD UAD CLEEF IN.1Dl& PATRICK 'O'DEA" t!!J - <el TECHNICOLOR" Skyway Twin ~ DI'IVI"'I~ ~ 2.00 I. 29TH ",. ' .'~'h "2-~~OO WEST SIDE AT 1:30 P.M. 3 Color Horror Thrills No. 1 at 7 :30 p.m. "FLESH FEAST" No.2 at 9:10 p.m. "BlOOD FEAST" No. 3 at 10:40 p.m. "2000 MANIACS" EAST SCREEN AT 1 P.M. "They Call Me Mr. Tibbs" At 9:45 p.m. "WILL PENNY" ,. Call 822-3707 FOCUS ON THESE I -Reports of the tiger cages at Con Son prison were misrepre- sented. One of the blocks has been destroyed and another now is unoccupied. They were small, and overcrowded and long in- carceration "would be very un- desirable." . VALUES COLLEGE STATION THURS. 1 OCT. WESTERN BY-PASS Near Rte. 6 South Auspices Kiwanis Club IN THE D!_~t Y E!'M~~E'S SPOTLIGHT EXCHANGE 600 PEOPLE l ~~ ~~:~i 15-ELEPHANTS-15 CLYDE BEATTY'S WILD ANIMALS PRESENTED B~ CAPT. DAVE HOOVER Borman said even in the ten- sion-wracked Mideast, the agen. cy has been very successful in the humanitarian aspects of dealing with prisoners. He acknowledged, however, that the situation was different Linkletter Says in North Vietnam because rep- resentatives of the agency have Be!!in Dru!! not been permitted into the LJ LJ country. Education Early "I strongly urge that the SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) peace groups within this coun- - Entertainer Art Linkletter !I'Y, if they an~ really in~erestt'd says youngsters should start reo m the ma)ority of our ~f!Soners, ceiving instruction on the dan- urge theIr contacts 10 North gers of drug use in the second Vietnam to begin dealing with grade the International Red Cross, "M~st educators do not know w)1ich is the proper and. recog. much about drugs and unfortu. OIzed authOrIty for thIS pur- nately do not want to know pose," Borman said. about drugs," he told a gather- His remark brought sponta- ing of educators Tuesday. neous applause from members "They hope the problem will go of the House and Senate plus the away. It won't go away." public galleries, filled with spec- Link.letter's. 20.year-old daugh- tators including about 80 wives ter Diane died nearly a year and members of prisoners' fam- ago in a plunge from an apart- ilies. ment house window. Linkletter Borman also made these other attributed it to her experiments points: with the drug LSD. -Charges by Radio Hanoi that American pilots, who make CALL CLASSIFIED, Cl22-3707 ACCEPTABLE ADS MUST OFFER AN ITEM FOR SALE, TRADE OR WA~TED TO BUY. ADS FOR TRADING STAMPS NOT ACCEPTABLE. "'LL ITEMS MUST n PRICED. NO SING.tE ITEM HIGHER THAN $100. FREE AD WITH THIS COUPON PUT ONE WORD IN EACH SPACE ~~~~~~ I I I o I I I TWICE DAilY 4 & 8 P. M. g~W7o:,~ . POPULAR PRICES c~II~~rlt . RESERVED AHB ADMISSIBN lICKElS ON SAIl CIRCUS DAY AT SHOWGROUNBS AHO Redmond Terrace Drugs Redmond Terroco Shop. Cen'e, 'I ~~_~~~0~ SPECIAL ADVANCE TICKET SALE Save $1.00 On Adult Tickets Pu,. chased From Kiwanis Club Members PRIOR TO Ci,cus Doy. ~r