HomeMy WebLinkAboutPage 06 Ex-Mayors Decline To Go Over Budget By DAVE MAYES "excessive" and "inflationary" night to make sure city offices Elsewh e pe By BOB ~OBINSON speech by Use of veiled threatsj "It doesn't make any dif. Eagle City Editor budget at the July 28 budget could co~tinue to oper~t~. . I .EagJe ::;taff Writer of blackmail to other boardlference to me lf It's..in open The seven former Bryan hearing and had urged the He saId the commiSSIon had The Bryan SchuOl Board voted members. or executive session" he said mayors who urged two months commission not to adopt the offered to meet with the mayors Tuesday to cancel the executive He added that Thomason had "but you saw how 'those guy~ ago that the 1970-71 budget be budget that night. . at either 3 p.m. or 7 p.m. on By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Louisv~le, clear 90 72 .12 meeting wnich had been leveled the charge and it should railroaded it. I think it's cut by as much as $1 million Instead, they suggested that Sept. 16, 17, 23,. 2~, 3~ or Oct. High Low Pr. MemphIS, clear 94 86 .. scheduled to discuss charges by be up to him to prove it. detrimental to the populace as have declined to go over the the commission "immediately 1, but the mVltatIon Wal ~1~any, clear I 91 75 .18 Miami, clear 85 74 .10 a trustee that the ad- At that time, Thomason said a whole." document with the city com- initiate studies in depth to find declined. .. . Atlauni~er~f:~/ ear :~:~.. ~~~~s~~e;:, ~\~~cz, ~~ ~~ 25 m i n.i ~ t;, a t ~ 0 n w~ "cir. he was goin~ to prove. it. The board passed a resolution mission. ways aoo means o.f reducing tJIe The commI.sslOner explamed Bismarck, clear 69 48 New Orleans, rain 90 76 '25 culanzmg mformation to The motIon earned, with saying if the people vote fOll In a letter dated Sept. 18, proposed expendltures...by as that he aoo hIS colleagues went Boise clOUdy 69 54 Okla. City, cloudy 75 546'99 faculty members on the elected Vance, Johnny Lampo and Jack an elective school board the which was read at Tuesday's much as $500,000 to $1 million.... over the ~udget '.'not ,rage by Boston, cloudy 91 72 Omaha, clOUdy 64 54 '.. school board question. Irick favoring it and Thoma~on procedure would be to' elect commission meeting, the ex- The mayors offered therr page, but Item by Item. Buffalo rain 82 62 .35 Philadelphia, clear 94 73 Trustee B. F. Vance, at the and Mrs. Kathleen KenefIck them by position rather than mayors declined the com. assistance in performing the "Over the years,. when the Charlotte, cloudy 91 69 .. Phoenix, clear 91 63 :: end of the regular sessi?n, voting against it. at large. mission's invitation because studies. .. schools needed a little m~re Chicago, rain 69 58 .22 Pittsburgh, clear 89 67 .. mov~d that no executive Vance told the Eagle later Under the resolution, positions "we are unable to understand The commISSIon went ahead mo~ey, t.hey squeezed the cIty Cincinnati, cloudy 93 M .. Ptland, Me., clear 90 66 .. meetmg take place. that to his knowledge, based one through three would serve how any meetings between our and adopted the budget that a little bIt. ~he ~chools got t~e Cleveland, clOUdy 86 64 .20 PIland, Ore., clear 64 44.11 Vance stated three reasons upon what the superintendent through April 1971 positions group and the city commission night, noting that it ~uld be mon~y, the cIty didn't," he saId. Denver,. clear 57 38 .12 Rapid City, clear 68 M .. for ~he move.. said, Bowen'~ .views only went four and fiv~ thro~gh April, would at this late date provide amended at any later time. "Fmally, that rope got so Des Momes, cloudy 67 57 .. Richmond, clear 95 72 .. Frrst, he saId W. E. to supervrslOn and ad- 1972 and positions six and anything worthwhile for the". . . . tight around the city that we Detroit, rain 81 62 .17 St. Louis, Fog 78 63 1.36 Thomason, . the .trustee making ministrative personnel,. and in sev~n through April, 1973. citizenship." Th~ cIty commISSIOn saw fIt couldn't pay the people to work. Fairbanks, M . MM.. Salt Lk. City, clear 64 42 .. the accusatIon, lied to the board that case, "the superIntendent Thomason questioned the need The reply drew a blast from to . dIsregard our of~er of We just decided we had to raise Fort Worth, ram 90 61 .99 San Diego, clear 91 64 .. on the matter he wanted to has the right to give his views." fOr the resolution when the peppery Commissioner Joe aSSIstance, the letter saId, and their pay - and that's where Helena, cloudy 65 50 .. San Fran., clear 85 58 .. bring up. He said Thomason Thomason sajd later that thf' voters haven't been decided Faulk, who said "if these good proceeded ~o adopt the proposed most of tlIe money was. Ho~olulu, .c1ear 87 64 .. Seattle clear 64 47 .64 stated he wanted a parliamen- circular he was talking about what they wanted yet. He ad. gentlemen who've been mayor b~dget WIth.out change and "If these people were really Indlanap~lis, clear 89 67 .21 Tampa', clear 92 77 .. tary inquiry and that wasn't and wanted to discuss waf ded, speaking to Lampo that don't know you can amend a WIthout questIOn. interested, why didn't theJ: JacksonVIlle, clear ~ ~ :: Washington, clear 95 73 the nature of what he wanted distributed to the faculty and he wasn't sure the electi~n by budget at any meeting, then The mayors said they saw accept one of these dates?" k~neau, C~y loud 66 581.80 Winnipeg, clOUdy 53 42 to say. . posted on ~he bull~tin bo~rd. po sit ion would insure during all the time they spent little to be accomplished "since Faulk asked. Losns~~gele; cCleal 93 66 00 M-Missing Second, he saId he thought "I conSIder thIS taking ad- representation for minorities. being mayor of Bryan, they the proposed budget has already Signers of the letter were. ' Thomason's purpose was to vantage of his office to such as Catholics and Italians. . didn't learn anything - or not been adopted and many of the Ivan Langford, Jack Conlee, F II B . R harrass and try to embarrasf propagandize employes," he The board gave the job of very much - about the proposed expenditures already John R. Nay~or, Roland Dansby, a rIngs a n Supt. Alton O. Bowen. said. de mol i t ion of Washington .government of Bryan." initiated." Harry C. DIshman, and R. I. i Third, he said he thought He added that he didn't care Elementary, destroyed by firt The mayors had expressed Faulk maintained that. the Bernath. George E. Adams did Thomason was trying to restrict I how it was brought out as long last week, to low bidder C. J. "alarm" at what they called an city had to pass the budget that not sign it. the superintendent's freedom oflas it would be discussed. Porterfield. * *. * IOn Roof, Cool Air . I Mrs. Bush ZUbI-k Sets JOInt Meet By KATE THOMAS and b.y the annual rumbling Ilf Stock Quotations T A Eagle Staff WrIter the g10s as they absorb cotton . 0 ppear and pit out mountains of huIJs A- d Sh C - t - - F~II arriv~d in Bry~n-ColIege and neat bales. H F.d mI arp rl ICISm Station this mornmg, ap- They know it too i>y the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I Natomas .............. 60 ere rl ay . propriately b.ringing with it the stacks of hay dryIng to feed AT&T. .. .. 43% off % Reading & Bates........ 28 sounds of ram on the roof and the cattle once winter arrives. AtI RICh .... .54 Redman Industries .... 22% Mr G B h . . welcome cooler temperatures. Children know it because their Beth Stl ..... .22% off % SCM Corporation ...... 14* R s'. eorge u.s, wife of the continued from page 1 exists today" and urged him to wrong-()r else we pOSSIbly The Easterwood Flight Station teachers are decorating the Cat Trac ..... .34% up 1h Southwestern Life ..... 31* U ecubl~can t can~te for the the community and the children "rectify: this serio~s mistake" could be wrong." . reports a 66-degree low this room with pictures of pumpkins, Celanese ...... 54141,4 off 14 Southland Life.... 00.... 34 F~id ena e, be here in our schools." ., by ca~g an election as soon Faulk adde~ th3;t if the peop~e morning, and it was still 66 and dried leaves and because C~ysler .... .27 up % Furnished by A. G. Edwards ShaY"II . Ben bow mamtamed that as posSIble. . wanted }he sItuatIo": to rem~m degrees at 8:45 a.m. mother will soon start maki!Ig CIties Svc .... 45Ih & Sons, Inc. e wr make two campaign Zubik must have the election Reagan Brown, ExtenSIOn where one group IS spending KORA radio station had them wear sweaters and coats Coca Cola ....71% off % appearances !or h~ hus?and. on the elected trustee proposal Service sociologist, praised the the money and the other ~oup recorded .14 inches of rain since and galoshes to school. Cont Oil . . .. ... 24% up Ih B T h ~rs. . Bush will be mtemewed first because it was the first school system as one of the. has to se.t the tax rate WIthout noon Tuesday Crown Zel __00.3214 off Ih ryan eac ers~, 3.30 p.m. on KBTX-TV's petition received, and because finest in the state and urged that e.ven seemg the. budget at. he .' Hunters know it because the Dow Chern ... .69 . Town Talk." the mayor and other com- it not be troubled by "nitpicking time they set I!, and haVIng The ~gns of f~ are n:>t. so dove season is open and deer duPont .... 118* up * TAd O. t. 3 Then at 4:30 p.m. she will missioners have said they petty politics," that stem from the people out m the county dfag:atic h~re as I~ ~~her .pa~ season is on its way. Football Eastman .... 64% off 14 0 .tten C be guest of honor at a public favored an elected school. board. years past. . . not being able to yote on the 0 e coun ry -ye e sIgna fans know it because they EI Paso NG... .1614 .. coffee att he George Bush for "There are apprmamately "We plead WIth you," he.sard, people who set therr tax rate, that a b new hseason has arnved hardly know which game to Ford ...... 491h off Ih Mobvatlon Study Senate headquarters in the 1,600 names on this petition, as his voice rising, "to give con. then that's what they're going are su tdlY t ere. turn to. GAF .. 00 .. 111h Ridgecrest Shopping Center opposed to approximately 100 on sideration to what 1,600 people to wind up with." Aroun town ~ear trees m:e c . Gen Elec . Un 80% off % . The mother of five children the petition for separation, did in less than two days. If . ready to be rel~eved of theIr B,ut f~r some people fall IS Gen Foods ... ..75* !hree Bryan English teachers ranging in a e from 24 to 11' which was obviously circulated this is not a mandate, what does L.B. MartIO echoed the rose and gold fruIt.. plam mlsery-ther know It as Gen Mtrs .... 72 up 1,4 will be among 200 teache~s ~t Mrs. Bush i~ also an acti ~ to confuse the. voters." He it take to tell you what we statements . of Benbow ~nd Country people kno~ It b?, the the season for sniffl.es, asthma, Gen Tel ... . .. 26% up Ih one-day workshop of the DlStric volunteer in behalf of '! added that the names on his want" ? Brown, addmg that sep3!atIOn sounds of cotton bemg ~)ICked hay fever and allergies. Gen Tire .... 00 .16* VI Texas Joint English Com- American F'eld Se' d ththe 'tI nI fr t' f would mean the creatIOn of - G t A&P 27 ff 11 'tt f S h 1 Col I rvrce an e peti on were 0 y a ac Ion 0 Zubik rem a i n e d ex- th t' d rea . . . . . 0 14 mI ee or c 00 s and leges Urban Service Corps a grauD those who believed the same pressionless throughout the ~~~t er aXIng bo y, and more Sh · Urges Gulf Oil .. n" 26~ up {4 on .Oct..3 at Sam Houston State concerned about the District of way. . proceedings.' apIrO Int Paper ..... 35>il up ~ Umverslty. Columbia pUblic schools ' , 0 u r commIttee has Aft B t d F lk Th I ft ft tb. Kennecott .... 411h off % D St I Ar h fT' . . I ff ed t b't thi er rown sa own, au e group e a er elrl M bil 0'1 495L off lL r. an ey c er 0 exas SInce 1966 when Bush was preVIOUS Y 0 er 0 su nu s 'd th uld be an election speak I' ere h d d I t 0 I.... 78 7lS A&M 'll di' , . to frO dl liti ti tIt saI ere woo . . e s w. ear, an . a er Mon a t 331L ff lL WI serve as a scusslOn elected to the U.S. House of Issue le~ y ga .on 0 e on both petItions, and that IO the meetmg Faulk saId he D f f D s n 0 7'.t 0 7lS leader and Mrs. Rebecca Re resentati th f mil a judge deCIde what. IS to I?e everyone would be told what the wished the "hand-clappers" had e eat 0 elllOS Penn Cent ..... 6% RicharU of St he FAt' . ~ _ ~s, e a 'I h~s don e " he contInued m d . th Penney 00 ..48% up % ep n . us In diVided Its tIme between therr ' d t bond attorney a ~se~ at e stayed around. RCA -- 263L IIp:!L High School and Dr. E. Cleve permanent ~esidence m' Houst n measure ones. Sept 10 comnusslon-school .. .. .... 7R 7ll . 0 The "turmoil" on the school . t tin "That hand-clapping bunch," Safeway ..... 29% Want. of A&M are adVIsory and their household in board and its adverse affects, board secre mee g. Faulk said, is so concerned The State Democratic con. vote against Gov. Preston Smith Sears ....... 6614 up * council members. Washington, D.C. he said, ha~ never happened He added he Is in favor of about one. little issue and that's vention adopted a "liberal" and senatorial nominee Lloyd Stand Ind .... 461,2 up Ik. T~~ th~~~ .of the workshep Mrs. Bush writes a monthly here before, In his memory. separation, because it is all. platform last week because it's Bentsen. Stand NJ .. 00. 65 up .* IS, . Sen~ItIVltIes of the 70's," column for Texas newspapers BMbow a~,cuse~ ~he mayor of inevi~able. " "They say they want the "Take a Lib to Lunch" time, He pointed out there were Texac~ n ... .30% up c and EnglIsh teachers from first about. a housewife's life in be i n g unWIttingly,. ~ut "EIther Bryan rs nght and people to have what the people an official of a group urging only 17,000 votes 1n the Transltro~ . .. 4% up % gr~de through. graduate school, Washmgton, and has a collec- n eve ~ the I e s s. pI'}marily all ~he rest o~ Texas- an.d want, but they want the people Democratic defeat said in Republican primary in 1958, but Un. CarbIde .. 37% up wIll. exanune means oj tion of colo~ slides. about little- responSIble for the. SItuatIon that poSSIbly the Umted States IS to have what they want in the College Station Tuesday. in 1962, the year after Sen. John Unrroyal ... . .161.4 off Ih m ot 1 vat 1 n g students in known and mterestmg places to * * * election," Faulk said. The speaker was Dave Tower was elected, the GOP, . - . language, literature and com- visit in Washington which she Shapiro director of organization nominating election rirew 114,000: QuotatIons are apprOXImately position situations. shows to interested groups. of the' Democratic Rebuilding voters. t~ose of noon today, New York The slides include views of B t F II Committee, a liberal group. tIme. . Ove~-the-counter stoc~s S . S. the National Geographic . ryan 0 0 OW DE A TO S which wants to drive Texas Shaprro. noted. that. 1962 was are bId pn~e~ and do not In- emIna,r erleS Building, the Old Canal in t . . to the the year In which liberal Den clude comnuSS'lon. S Th d Georgetown historic houses the . ~ 0 n ;li~ r v caar:.pv es m Yarborough c~me within 26,000 American General Life . 14 et urs ay mint the FBI museums' and B k T L and ~~pir~told about 35 persons votes of defeatmg ~ohn Connally Fidelity Union Life .... 2714 Dr. Clessen J. Martin will be othe; Washington locations. ac ax aw at the Unitarian Fellowship Hall for .the. DemocratIc governor General Security Life .. 2 presented Thursday at Texas that liberal platforms have been nommatIon. Gat~way Fund ........ 6.68 A & M in the. educati?nal FUNERALS adopted in the past and He said the liberals came that Holid.ay Inn~. .......... 30 psy.chology profeSSIonal semmar promptly forgotten in January close because there were 114,000 HospItal Affiliates .... 9Ih s~nes. The new faculty ~emb~r - when the Legislature convened. conservatives over voting L"l the Interco,. Inc. ........ 00 311,4 WIll speak on "Studies In Mrs. Sharp Shapiro urged his listeners to Republican primary InternatIonal Shelter... 1 Memory Facilitation" from 3:30 . Lone Star Gas Co. .. 00 23% to 5 p.m. in Room 326 of the Marcor ................ 21% Academic Building. I Page 6 THE DAILY EAGl.E - SECTION A. Bryan. College Station, Texa, Wednesday, Sept. 2), 197C Weather Bryan city commissioners Jerome (Jack) Zubik suggested Tuesday agreed to simply that Sandlin investigate other "follow the law" regarding collection rate possibilities. collection of back taxes. Com~issi~ners v 0 t.e d tc Funeral services for Mrs Tax Assessor.Collector Buddy a~t~onze bIds on selling the O. C. (Maggie) Sharp, 73, of Sa~ L. Kenneda asked com. CIty s 3.7-acre tract on Dean Francisco will be at 1 p m i s s ion e r s to consider Street Commissioner Anastacio Thursday' in the Mt Oii~~ est a b lis h ing a policy or (Andy) Herrera moved the Baptist Church in Bryan Continued from page 1 Their suit is based on the guideline for the tax department money received for the former Mrs. Sharp died Frid~y in a overruled, the judge stated, same constitutional provision concerning property that for city dump be put into a fund San Francisco hospital Burial because he finds no assurance ruled on here by Judge Davis. some reason has not been to develop city parks. will be in the Mt: Tiver that the questions the city The trial date set in that case rendered or assessed. News Office Supply was Cemetery under the direction of wishes answered in its class is next Wednesday in Austin. He said the question arose awarded a $9,407 low bid on Daniel Funeral Home. The Rev. action suit will be resolved in Judge Davis, however, stated when it was found that a 150- office furnishings for the ad- S.L. Morris of the Mt. Olive the Travis County lawsuit. that it was not his intention to acre tract had not been taxed dition to the Utilities building. Church will officiate. Boyett and 23 other College resolve the .issue presented in since 1953 when it was pur- Commissioners also passed Mrs. Sharp was born in Station citizens have filed suit Travis County. chased from a tax-exempt the ordinance providing for Burleson County on Feb. 25, against the state seeking an The suit there. seeks no organization. interlocal assistance of police 1897, and had lived there for illjunction to keep him comp- declaratory jUdgment against More than $4,500 in back officers during emergencies. 30 years. troller, from paying the other A~M employes wh~ may taxes are due on the property, Brazos County and College Sur v i v 0 rs include her salaries of six A&M employes seek. of~lCe,. whether elective or and all of it can be colle~ted Station have already passed husband, five sons, the Rev. who are College Station council app~mtive m the future, Judge. according to state law, he saId. similar measures. L.S. Sharp and the Rev. Hubert members. DaVIS ruled. : City At~y. Pete Eckert Other business included: Sharp, both of Houston, Ulesses He notes a motion to keep: agreed, n?t~ng that the courts - Approving a change ordet Sharp and No~an Sharp, both KI.ck-off the city from intervening in the! have ~a?I.tlO~ally placed the to the Vance & Thurmond of San FranCISCO, and O~ell Austin suit was overruled but' responsIbIlIty on the taxpayer contract on Stephen F Austin S h a r p of Houston; fIve that Boyett and the attorney! to make sure his taxes are paid. Sou t h Campus Stadium daughters, Mrs. Ometa Ran- Coffee Marks general took exception to the I Kenneda said because his deducting $46 ' dolph and Mrs. Alberta Tvdd, I ruling an~ that it apppeared the I staff is in the process of _ Declari~g nuisances on both ~f San Franci~co, Mrs. Fund Dn.ve two ~re r~sisting t~e righ~ of I redrawing assessment maps, Lots 6 through 10 block 20 J e s s I e Mae Ro~mson ?f I' tlIe cIty to mtervene m Aust1O. I other such properties would original Townsite and a 5.5.acr~ Houston, Mrs. ~ermce HoUle . :r~e Austin lawsuit h~s I likely be found. tract in block 16 Zeno Phillips and Mrs. Lucy. GIpson, both of Continued from page 1 Imtlated a controversy that Willi ' Sunnyvale, Calif.; two brothers, cause a disruption in the city's Commissioners agreed they Leagu~.. t t th Rufus Williams and Moncester 1t was a good community to business affairs and heaVIly could do little but abide by the -:- '9>ressmg re~e a . e Williams, both of Bryan; and live in. influence the city's ability to I law and see the taxes collected reSIgnation of FrederI~k Wallis, one sister, Mrs. Essie Cooper "I come from Breckenridge," obtain permanent financing for in full. w~o . left the. Plannmg Com- of Houston. he said. "God's country, nobody needed public facilities nOWandj In other business, com- miSSIon f~r .bus1Oess .r~aso~s. Pallbearers will be Rosevelt would have it but God." in the fu:ure, the judge held. missioners heard objections by - ReceIVIng a petItIon srgned Randolph, Ulesses Sharp, O. C. Bryan Mayor Jerome (Jack) He found that approxim~~ly Mrs. B. F. Vance concerning by 3:bout 30 p~ople from Don Sharp, Hubert Sharp, Odell Zubik was introduced next. 54 per. cent of the Cjualifled the trash collection ordinance McG10ty askinl? that the Sharp and Luther Sharp. "I'm glad you're giving me v.oters 11 College Station are being considered for its first property of Charlie Burns at. 703 the opportunity to talk to people eIther ell1plo~~d or are mem- reading N. Coulter be cleared to relieve PI Begin instead of being asked a bunch bers of fanulies employed at Mrs. 'Vance called it "total a "public health problem." ans of questions," he said. "I've had Texas AIzM or are students. d. . . t' "f th 'ty t F TSTA f I I t f th t' th I t He fOllnd further that the lscnmma Ion or e CI ( Commissioners also ex~laineq or an aw u ..0 0 a m e as administrntion has not sought charge apartment dwellers $~.50 to Lev Thomas once agam that . few day~. . to interfere or influence the city pe~ month ~or trash collectl?n, to pass an ordinance to prohibit ConventIon He saId that last year CIty council 01 obtain favors. while chargmg $1.75 for servIce the selling of alcoholic employes gave, on an a~erage, The flCUlty, staff and em- for house dwellers, as proposed beverages within 300 feet of a Plans are under way for the 75 per cent of one day spay, ployes of A&M do not formulate in the ordinance. school church or hospital would annual convention of District VI which came to 5.3 per cent of laws, or ~ollect either taxes or City Manager Fred C. Sandlin not ~ake present establish- of the Texas State Teacher's the total goal. revenues of the state, thE: judge explained that the rates we~e ments close down. Association to be held in College "If everyone can do the ruled. Nor do they, he says, based somewhat on the ease 10 Station on Oct. 22 and 23. same," he added, "I'm ~r~ have the authorIty to acqurre which the trash can be Thomas has been circulating According to Mrs. Jewell you'll have no trouble getting or . pur~hase property for the collected. In one stop a gar. petitions to get such a measure Harris, president of District VI, the money you need." Um~erslt) or have custOdy of bage man can usually get only passed to close down Restivo's the membership is far ahead Ins u ran c e agent Charlie pUI~lIc ~n:is. tl h' one or two houses, he said, but Stop 'N Shop at 400 E. 19th. . 0 f last year and the Johnson, drive chairman, wa~ d .. IS, th ~o~~equ~n .y! ~s with the same amount of effort City Atty. Pete Eckert saId organization is growing. presented a bill from the bf~~~on f(J: a the ~ tu~~SIg~ ~ can service 10 or 12 apartments, such an ordinance cou!d not She warn~d members at 8 Memorial Student Center as he the cifizeno of Co~ege Stati~n because the cans are all kept apply to present busmesses recent meeting of the growth got to the stand to speak. and on the State of Texas as together. .. ~ithout a provi~ion giving them of a ~o~ement to disban~ th& . As he ~orrowed a pen to sign to any future controversy about Mrs. Vance mamta10ed she tIme - from fIve to 10 years orgamzatIon and cautIoned It, he saId "there's a place for the quali:ications of. A&l\I was opposed to the ordinance at least - to amortize their members to be wary of con- a man like that in our employes seeking office in as it now reads, and Mayor investments. templated changes. organization." College Station. I . , CS Wins Class Action Suit Trustees Cancel Executive Session . i :ill SAVE MONEY at Turn Out the Lights And Attend SESSIONS Cafva"J lJaptiJt Church JAMES McGINLA Y PREACHINC BOB GA.BRIEL SINCING September 27 - 10:00 a.m. and October 4 7:30 p.m. JUST WEST OF TOWNSHIRE ON CAVITT ....