HomeMy WebLinkAboutPage 04 Page 4 Bryan _ College Station, Texas Group Looks For Possihle Adversities \ WASHINGTON <AP) - A ma- jor force behind the making of U.S. policy in the current Jorda- nian turmoil is a little-known government panel designed to I drvelop answers for such crises I before they erupt. I The name: the Washington I Special Action Group, known in the bureaucracy as "WSAG." It was designed to be a crisis- anticipating booy - one that in ideal circumstances would pro- tect President Nixon against in- ternational surprises. For all its announced pur- poses of looking far into the fu- tnre for possible trouble spots, WSAG has been preoccupied with present trouble much of thE' time since its creation. Ever since Palestinian guer- ri1las hijacked three airliners and forced them and their pas- sengers on the Joroanian de- sert, W ASG has been in the frrefront of White House han- dling of that and later more om- inous developments. Members of the once-secret group include Deputy Secretary of Defense David Packard, Un- dersecretary of State U. ~lexis Johnson director RIchard Helms ~f the Central Intelli. gence Agency and Admira} Thomas Moorer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The chairman from the outset has been Henry E. Kissinger, Nixon's assistant for national security affairs. A measure of the influence being exerted by WSAG in the Jordanian crisis was Nixon's unannounced presence at one of its sessions in the White Ho.use situation room Sunday evemng. After that meeting, it was learned, Nixon conferred pri- vately with key WSAG members in his Oval Office and, long aft. er dark, met again with some of them in his less formal quarters in the neighboring Executive Of- fice Building. WSAG meets several times daily in times like these and Chairman Kissinger, a ready C{)nduit of the group's thinking, is in repeated personal contact with the chief executive. Created in April 1969, WSAG \vas the direct product of the shooting down of a l!'S, Navy intelligence plane w~llch No~th Korea claimed had mvaded Its air space. In his first "State of the World," r,eport to Congress in February, Nixon took the wraps off WSAG and said: "This groups drafts contin- gency plans for p~~ible cris~s' integrating the politlcal ~~ mIl- itary requirements of cnslS ac- tion. The action responses of the departments of the government are planned in detail .and s~cif- ic responsibilities aSSlgne~ m an agreed time sequence m ad- vance." . . The White House mSlsts WSAG has met regularly in per. ioos of calm. However, the only times the group's activities have been publicized have bee~ when Nixon faced grave deCI- sions - first in committin.g U.S. ground forces ~ CambooIa and now in the MIddle East. 2 Officers No-Billed At Houston HOUSTON (AP) - A grand jury blamed a July 26 shootout between black militants and po- lice on the militants and no- billed two of the officers in- volved. Carl Hampton, a leader of a local Black Panther type group, People's Party II, was killed in the shooting aoo four others, none of them police, wounded in the incident. The grand jury which investi- gated the affair no-billed offi- cers J. O. Norris and R. G. Blaylock. They were two of the five officers on top a black church who exchanged fire with members of the black group in the street below. The grand jury report said the I blacks shot first and blamed the incident on the desire of "some militant leaders" to "keep a wedge between the black and white segments of our commu- nity." .., "The finger of gUIlt pOlIl:tS ~- redly at this small but Slgnifl' cant group of individuals. who benefit from disorder, dIssent and despair, for the repeated incidents which led to July 21: and other similar occurrences," the report said. After hearing 27 witnesses and I studying sworn statements, re- corded tapes, movies, photo- graphs and newspaper accounts, the grand jury found that police officers on the roof of the church came under fire first. "The first shot was fired from the ground," the report said. "At least three and probably four shots were fired from the ground before police officers re- turned fire. Specific approval to THE DAILY EAGLE - SECTION A Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1970 WE HONOR DISCOUNT CENTER j .,... . . . 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