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Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1970 Bryan. College Station, Texas Page
I~ane Di~oD
Your birthday today: Op-
timistic adventure, improving
expectations are a feature of
the psychological terrain in
the year ahead. There are
peaks nf poignant
achievement and plateaus of
high level routi'le. Your in-
tuitive talent grows strnnger;
collaborators are attracted.
Avocations ...urn out to be
major sources of earnings,
e mot ion a I satisfaction.
ARIES (March 21-ApriI19):
Your enthusiasm should lead
you through a normal day of
productive activity followed
by an evening of festivity.
Take time to meditate.
TAURUS (April 20.May 2;):
Broaden your range in dealing
with people; in;:rease your
communications with them.
Apply for improvements,
changes of shtus, licenses.
GEMINI (May 21-Junc 20):
The better features of
yesterday's psychic climate
continue; make th~ best of
them. Mental chores, hllnily
d i s c u s s ion s ar'3 favorE:d.
Later, influential people can
be approached.
. CANCER (June 21-July 22):
Many pleasant things can
happen today, if you make
them. Personal plans for once
fit comfortably with your
career. Family affairs run
smoothly this evening.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):
Continue negotiating, remain
discreet. Those you are
dealing with need a great deal
of time to reach agreement.
Personal matters, perha;Js
romance, make the evening
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. ~2):
Friends now make a strong
difference in both career and
social matters. Start early to
gather a team for a broader-
ranged program.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22):
The unforeseen may play a
part in your success today,
but don't count on it. Be
ready to make a definite
effort if this happens. Your
friends bring something of
interest to your attention.
. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
New information, additional
skills figure in t()day's ac..
tivities. Progress in legal
matters should be sought.
Find time for meditation.
SAGITI'ARlUS (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21): Confidences kept
now bring rewards. A Jitee
digging can unearth added
resources. Bring in interested
friends; listen to see what
they know before you tell your
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19): Material improvement
challenges your mental fac-
ulties. Deal earnestly with
what you must. Seek a fun-
filled evening.
AQUARIUS (Dec. 20-Feb.
18) : Extra time and effort
expended now prepares the
way for later advances. New
skills will be unexpectedly
helpful in the near future.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):
Creative projects turns out
better than ever. Select dis-
tant markets for whatever
you normally produce. Pursue
sentimental interests later.
Texas A&M
Faculty Forward
Dr. Thomas R. Savings Professors sponsored by the
economics professor, has been American ~ankers Association
awarded a Ford Foundation last week m Lake Arrowhead,
faculty research fellowship. Calif.
The award, which pays Dr. He was to compare monetary
Savings' academic salary for a and fiscal policies of 1966-67
year, is one of 20 given wit~. t~e effects of similar
nationwide annually to faculty poliCIes m 1969-70.
personnel in the social sciences Dr. Deprano is visiting Texas
by the Ford Foundation. A&~ this. year from the
It will enable him to devote U n 1 v e r SIt Y of Southern
the 1970-71 school year to California at Los Angeles.
research on transaction costs
and monetary theory. Bagnall at Baylor
Griffiths Elected Dr. L. M. Bagnall, assistant
pro f e s s 0 r of mec:h~nical
Prof. John Grjffltbs has been en gin e e r 1 n g, particIpated
elected chairman of the south- recently in a six-week study
western section of the Air program on classical phys~ology
pollution Control Association. with modem instrumentatIon at
The orgaIlization meets once Baylor College of Medicine in
a month in Houston to discuss Houston.
abatement of ~ir contaminants Rouse Appointed
through education.
Griff it h s, a Meteorology Dr. John W. Rouse Jr.,
Department faculty member associate professor of electrical
and graduate of King's and engineering and director of the
Imperial Colleges in London, Remote Sensing Center, has
has conducted research in been appointed too the ad-
Houston, East Africa, Somalia, minis!Iative com~ttee of the
Arabia and Ethiopia. geOSCIence electrOnICS group of
the Institute of Elec~rlcal and
~ano at Confab ElectroIlic Engineers.
He. has publistled widely in
Dr. Michael DePrano, visiting the fields of mi~rowave
professor of economics, was systems,. radar scat~erJ!~g and
scheduled to attend the 1970 g e 0 s c 1 en c e applIcations of
Con fer e n c e of University remote sensors.
Shrimper Builds Concrete
Boat After Vessel 'Deal'
GALVESTON, Tex. <AP) - erica. Another is in the mud off
Ralph Turney returned home rl'.- Pelican Island here. .
cently to find his wife had sold Tur1,1ey took quarte,r-mch r~-
his shrimp boat. So he built him Worcmg rods and laId a horl-
another one-of concrete. zontal framework ove~ a wooden
Turney who operates a bait base. He cut 6,000 pms out of
camp, bar and restaurant, likes the rods and Mrs. TUf!1er turned
to joke about coming home and ~elde~ to tack them m a~ four-
finding his shrimping boat sold. mch mterval~. The hOrIZontal
It wasn't quite that simple. rods are two mche~ apart.
The couple had talked about pos. Af~er that ~ame elg~t layers of
sibly selling it, and when some- half-mch chicken WIre mesh,
one came along and offered a four layers on each SIde of the
good price in cash, Fay Turney frame.
made the deal. The frame construction took
So Turney, with the help of about two months, Turney relat-
friends has built a concrete boat ed, and a group of cementers
hull 34 feet long and 12 feet wide worked 10 or 11 hours on a re-
with a 27.inch draft. He will cent Sunday applying the ce-
use it to gather bait shrimp in ment.
the bays. . The cement curing process ~e-
Turney says the new boat will quires about a month. While
be between 5 and 10 per cent that was awaited, Turney was
lighter than a similar-sized constructing the cabin.
wooden vessel because of the The boat will have a 160 horse-
absence of structural frame- power diesel engine. Alexander
work. estimates the speed will be 15
He was unhappy with main- knots.
tenance on wooden-hulled boats Turney said a Houst0n-built
and considered a stainless steel concrete boat, the Cementer 1,
vessel. But a friend from Hous- recently proved her strength. It
ton who designs boats as a hob- was bounced into a piling and the
by persuaded him to try con- cement spidered at the point of
crete. The friend is Walter L. impact, but the damaged area
Alexander. was easily replac2d with cement
Galveston residents recall that and a bonding material.
three cement ships were built in The vessel is named the Lori
World War I and believe that two T for the Turney'~ 5-year-old
still aT' ~rating in South Am- daughter.
sponsored by
The Brazos Valley Kennel Club
The fall session of ten classes to cover all phases of Novice Ohed..
ience work will start on Thursday, September 24 at 7.30 PM in I
the Piggly-Wiggly parking lot. Classes for both beginning and
advanced students. Directed by David Fuchshuber. experienced
trainer and exhibitor. Fee $15. For addit;anal information call
823-0450 or 822-3696.
engine !i~E 9S
t ~ A~
une.up ~.
includes an labor and
parts listed below... Only
You gtlt new spark plugs, points., rotor &: condenser.
Plus. our specialists will clean fuel bowl, air rUler Be
battery, and check-ignition wires. distn"butorcap.
starter, regul~tor, geoorator, fan belt, cylinder c0m-
pression & battery..
Sale ends
Saturday night
700-13 $34.45 $17.20 $1.90
C78-14 6.95-14 $34.55 $17.25 $2.15
E78-14 7.35-14 $35.95 $17.95 $2.35
F78-14 7.75-14 $38.00 $19.00 $2.55
G78-14 8.25-14 $41.70 $20.85 $2.67
H78-14 8.55-14 $45.70 $22.85 $2.93
J78-14 8.85-14 $51.75 $25.85 $2.88
F78-15 7.75-15 $38.00 $19.00 $2.61 POWER CUSHION POLYGlASe
G78-15 8.25-15 $41.70 $20.85 $2.n
H78-15 8.55-15 $45.70 $22.85 $2.98 BlACKWALL DRES...
J78-15 8.85-15 $51.75 $25.85 $3.08 . 78 Series size with low profile for steady ride,
900-15 $52.60 $26.30 $2.90 steering .
915-15 $53.70 $26.85 $3.06 . Broader footprint traction contact than com-
parable conventional size tires. Tw{) Polyester
FREE MOUNTING ON ALL TIRES cord body plies, non-flat spotting. two fiberglasa
belts suppress tread-squirm~ng wear and maiD-
tain traction effectiveness
USE OUR RAIN CHECK PROGRAM Because of an expected heavy demand for Goodyear tires, _ may run out of some sizes during ~.
offer, but we will be happy to order your size at the advertised price and issue you a rain cheCk for future delivery of the merchand....
Rlb.HI Mllernre
$277!!ube Type
6 PR. plus $2.1!5
Fed. Ex. Tax
4-PlY NYLON CORO"An-Weatberlr.Tns
< $11 ~~k~~ ;~==--
~ ';,:'1." :(',\ tubeless pfvs darts OIl
. ._"< ,_ ,'" <. $1.78 fed. EI<. I shoulder
< k:, ,~ ,:>; ;" Tn"" old tifi. . YOlU best tbe
\ S-,. .':, ~:~ '\ buy ill iU price
'. x}'~ ~: \ (\ range!
~\)~ ~(, 't ~~
~. -;, <' ,
)b )1 '~ "j' ..,,, tIlIH lJrpr Sizes - uSa 15 l.J$. M l.25...
'if-~: ,
~i OIlE $17: r.: ~lD $2.31
lOW ~::''' shet
WAS $3285
6.70 x 15 tube type , PRo
Plus $2.40 Fed. Ex. Tax
Was $25.00... $2195
6.50 x 16 tttbe type 6 PRo
Plus $2.61 Fed. Ex. Tax
Was $27.25... $2395
Hurry-S.,. Priced
only through S.t"rd., Itiglrt !
8 cyl Us. autos
$22.22. Add $2 ftlr
air condition
Great to
Great to
Man's Watch
Clinton Day/Dater $2388
In gift box
Masculine timepiece with
many valuable features.
sweep second hand, match-
ing steel expansion band.
Great to
Great to
Lady's Watch
In lovely
gilt boxl
Delicate-look, but sturdy,
bracelet safety chain, 2 fash-
ion:accent ducut diamonds,
yellow or white.
War Eagle
2~ DP Mini-Bike
famous 4 cycle
Tec:nmseb engine
Double looped steel frame,
Ezee manual start, foot oper-
ated .brake, sure-grip throt-
tle, automatic clutch. Use an
public .highways, streets and
sidewalks prohibited.
Fury Bird
3Y2 DP Mini-Bike
famous 4 cycle
Tecumseb engine
Double looped steel frame,
Ezee manual start, foot oper-
ated brake. sure-grip throt-
tle, automatic clutch. Use on
public highways, streets and
sidewalks prohibited.
General Electric Portable TV
. Turn set on.]Ilcture and
sound appear almost
. Both UHF and VHF
channel selector controls
. VHF ''Pre-set'' fine
tuning control
. Silver touch-2.speed
tuning SY8tem
Hours of stereo entertain-
ment. Two 6" speakers.
Instant play, n~ warm-up
needed. ~gh impact ~e.
Lite Fantastic
Utility Lamp
Buy now at .
Low PriceI
Sturdy, aayustable, foldable
tripod base, enameled col~
shade, chrome plllWd ~
goose neck.
Out' alignment specialists wilt do all the work... Inspect
complete front end, including springs, shock absorben,
ball joints, idler arms, tie rod ends and steering wheel
assembly; realign front end; correct camber, caster aDd
toe-in (chief cause of fast tire wear). Drive in or can for
appointment. .Priu for II/If U.S.IlI1tO plM. pMts.
Add $2 fot .ir condition
Take your car where the experts Brs Ii
29th at Main Store Hours: 8 A.M. 'til 5:30 P.M. PHONE 822 - 3791