HomeMy WebLinkAboutSelf Serve Gas Pumps 021805Council
it Con
µc J01'CF: I'ALI M110
Gaglo stall Writer
Re lure'A utatives from major
oil companies spoke to the Col-
leT St:dlun 61y council Mon.
day night at the regular oamlhly
maYUng concerning the hazards
of ..elfservIcc gasoline pumps
and can-operated gasnlhne ma-
A representative for Mobil oil
irporatlon. Hill williams. re-
led, "Our 44,gao is 'W'e Want
You To Live% Our Policy is safe-
ty and service 1%c feel such
epulpment does con+tllulc a ha-
The Humble Oil representa-
tive told The Council that "with
Coln-operated P u all P S, you're
asking fur some real prohletnu.
Now's the Ilia' to fact up to this
hazard. Self-service pump, Ceo-
ate hazards 1041."
F:. F-. Bond of the P1111W Pet-
roleum COmpaoy had requested
to install two sell -aenace pump.,
e n c h costing lii,UoO, approxi-
mately two and a half months
II was rvpwnted to the Council
that major mellopohtan arenS
were not allowing Tnslalluuon of
[ipanles -
selLzcn.cs pump. bet:au.e of
the hazards they do create. Dal-
las, 11nustar. and Ft Worth paw
sed ordinances prohibiting the
pumps. according to Williams,
one ciuren reported that Sholl
has had such machines in opera-
tion for Iwo and a half years.
„ t'here's been no objecUolu un-
til now I Wunder if it's from it
competitive angle," he said.
Mayor Pro Teal O. M. Halt rc-
commendel it, the Council that
no action should be taken on an
ordmunce. Prohibiting the Instal-
Illicit of s e I f-service gasoline
pumps a n If com-operated ma-
chines frmding further conclus-
ive evidence That such equip-
ment does amslitule a hazard.
He conciudcd. 'Passage of -uch
an Ordinance would be on incon.
clgslve evidence."
The city council udupled Or-
dmauee a m e n d i it g Ordt-
nance 44.i pertaining m the act
of allowing :ulmaLs and fowls to
run at large w I I h I n the city.
(Sec COUNCIL, Page 2)
Bryan Building and Loan A.s-
ito tallon - Your SAVINGS
Center since 1919. -Acv,
. f'..ItnnPd from Pagc 11 year Uo the nest under extenuel-1
11-he Ordinance amended Section sag co.u,,..•.~.....
Ilb of ordmamv 445-. The act or Anderson aulhonzedRanv1
allowing anIIII& or fowL to run we'll, rnty manager, t
at Llrge, whether committed byg;ue v nr I n u s hn»pnul p
negligence or design. I5 hemb)''ih1ds11rlmithehcnmylnand icSS.}~
j declared in be a public nuisance p-
. such violation.; shall constitute Iege Sumrm ns one of few c
Ia mu.sdenrunor and upon con. Ili the state of nn Texas city!
vlct'nn thereuf shall be punish- Ing e sa V thc stated.
chic by a fine not Ir. than $alpirhdmance No. Sti9. an
nor more than $290, rn approving and adu;
In other action the council re- nan
lelcrmd Hatt as Mayor Ptn'pem"pltovemnr~t of county Road
for the next two Years. l talc S1nrt to Sit It and d
I Mayor D. A. dandv) Anderson
r e c o m m e nded the followinging !Idvcrttsoment. of bid,
, A
men, bridling contract t a t c r sys estimates lcmt Ir
Ailen, s a n t i n nun: the LWe received only
µardp 1, city engineer: this month. 11 Ivt<
g, architect or r•egixter and Thurmond for
Per. stimatc e
Nn. i
committee It p p III n 1- F" B
recommended and ap wstlal system." raxhe Wells, c41
were The Health Coin-Ineer, rto
Dr M a r t o n McBride,
n, DrT. 0. W'ahon Jr,,,Ihat "no tests had
IL._L....a the Sewage treat'
v, .
W'. Leland F. F'. Bishop, and The
M C Pus,h. Additions to Ihe,colom
committer merotwm are list'. me atu1I^'--- i
lowing. John Ilmslet, C. D. Do- IBoswell and Unit were given,
well. Tomoue H Preston. Rill approval In attend a meeting Of !
Hoover. Mrs A A. Price, Airs. th„ International Muntc•ipal Fi-1
F 1, '1'hutna;, and Mrs. Jim ;mince Officers Assoclatlon Inl
Tmr: the Commercial Develop- New orlcao- June 2-K.
Pearson, chahrmmc. C. K Leigh I AI Junes thanked Anderson fort
Imenl C u m m t t tee. Ur..t. F,. signing the proclamation de ig-
run, W F.. Eckle,, Kenneth Wolf. nating Ihus week as U. S. Army'
Grady Parlor, Wendell Herne, Reserve week to college Station.
and Jack Upham. He said. ''Rut my ntam issue IS
The P I a it ling and 'lumnr the I' I; a n 1 y Road from Orr'
Commission r-unsasts or tire Iol- Street to Wellborn Rnad It 'I
lowing rrwmbern' charbi, Woo pathetic the wav we've let it go
ten, chairman, C o If I e Well,,. It-s fume to take action. I offer
Phillip Steen. .hie Sawyer. Juul the council my servicrs"
Gardner. R v e r ett Janne, and _
Jim ('Brien.
Anderson recommended to the
Council that "we at this hltlci
fura,11 The count)' 11.i(k1 for In-
digent huspilal care with the un-
derstanding that we will gel a
financial repun "
Ile continued, "I think sn•
have a moral Ohligamin concern
Ing this Indigent care."
The Council approved action
on the investigation of the Work-
able Program --1 sollcil the ap-
proval nl the Pity Council III In-
v e s I 1 g a lion of the Workable
Program. In order In gel red-
era[ funds, we nrrd approval o(II
the Housing and Urban Develop-
ment agencynmThum cur pmb-
Joins in the cmumly that will
need financing in the future."
Anderson rellorted.
The Council re adopted the ful-
pmcing four council policies and
organization structure fur the
city: City council nu4•Ungs and
procodures' leaves for sty em-
ployes. organtrauunal chart, and
vehicle repbacvrnent schedule.
Jun' leave wax cut from five
and a half days III live days.
Kulploye+ vacation time was
cut from it days cal 10 day.
Councilman Rotten. R. Rhodes.
said, .I'he vacation time was
figured when empln)es worked
five and a half days :I week. New
that thls has been chi dr,wn to a
five-day work week, They should
have a 10-day vacatinn penod."
continuing, Rhodes Bald, •'We
should aurhnrim the city mama.
get to P-rnut an Individual in
carry over his vacaUnn (rum one