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North Vietnamese Said Ready To Tally Peace 9 see Story
News THE
Briefs' s Y,V sekw& IMS
- - - - - VoL 82-No. 235 Bryan-Coll • Station, Tex. WedneadaYApril3, 1868 b Coma
HOUSTON IAP) - A Pennsylvania
real estate salesman who used an arlttt o t e r Turnout Elects cull heart pump Inc 13 days, longer Chun any known Person. decd Tuesday night Record
in Methodist Heispilal. Ralph Thders, 43, of Horsham. Pa.
died al, 7:31 p.m. of "congrAlve heart
failure due in complications IrrvutWng n Anderson the lc rcr and kidneys" 'I re rt operation March CS Mayor
20 In n replace ace his heart's diw di.ea%ii <rd moral
valve pith a plastic one. He began using the pump at that time, doctors said.
Thters, who was in critical eonelition
until death, Was the eighth known person j y R c ct It r i - " - T to receive the pump. A t i= It tl I t
I Dozier, Holt s BOMB AREA ,4 'tin 1
SAIGON (API - President Johnson's
t oiler halting American bombing north Americans Mum v ~)~st;:R , of der `alt Parallel leaves 25 per no of - ~ ~ IT
Holleman Vin
T North Vietnam's area and about 10 per cent of Its v, b still subject to attack. m.+
Mere thapeople 2 million of North Vietnam's On Red Report' By .101 (E 1'4LfNliO
three estimated 20 million pr panels live in the t 1 gation Writer them and a half alf provinces still on the A record number of College St thrs cast 1.555 ballats in
target map, an area that Includes the TOKYO (AP) - North Vietnam tali today it is re ady to ?rid Tuesday's election to reelect Mayor D. A, (Andy) Anderson for
southern another two term, panhandle and the densely pep reprrsentathes to nit-el with U.S. representatives to confirm D s. r; ulaT-d plait. around the cities of Thanh neediness To halt all bombing of North Vietnam and cease all other Councilmen elected are James Dozier, Piece Two; Dr. 0. M.
Hoa and 49nh. military activity "as it condition for talking peace." Hutt, !'lace Four; and Theo. R. Holleman, Piece Six.
These are the provinces of Quang Binh, The statement, broadcast in Vietnamese and monitored and .4ndcrsoo carried 1,005 votes to defeat his opponent, Dan Dale,
He Ting, Nghe An and the southern halt translated by the Japan Broadcasting Corp. .noted that U.S. warplanes who received 460 votes. of Thanh Hon. were °conunuinl~lo bomb impotunt areas between the 17th and Muth t "It's the largest vote the City 4 c h- cr 'tn n h,d
The area contains the main transit parallels " Its a i on n s t doubled previous
points for North Vietnamese troops and But, the Translation said. "In order to be able to start talks," ' years," noted kart Boswell, city supplies moving south. It also contains the Hano: government ' is prepared to scud its repteumtauces in mA total of 618 electors cast bal;
almost hall of North Vietnam's culn• meet with it. S Represenla- w
vafed land, since the Inland mountain live u) confirm" America's s - rots the College Station Caun- area north of Hanel Is barren and sparses• • • willingness to completely halt Of rle clLtn in 1067. This year's
. are and stn all nth- election teal the past owed of ly populated Ince and vege(Adlrs CORllIlISS10n all bombin g stop 5411 voles in 1966 when the elee•„
the main crops. tare action on the ground. 3 ban also included a contested Ii said fulfillment of these
scb race (ml, mayor conditions CDFFFCTIONS To Abide By der for peace was tallks ks to ITs begin In or _ a) Dozier, a professor at Texas
der fo ' Although v C, - cum Ut Coicy,ilefeatail el, W'.4SHfNGT4llhou feu, statement lilrmrnt went on D In egm call nn The " ' . ~
If any Cabinet n^dgnatfons are foreseen. , • dnrben C n u ce I' n, He rt- v all pn,grrsstve people of admintstrntion sources voice concern onln~ Tote United States" to support Adams. for Place 'Ito. s' rE
that many second-tier and third-tier nffi- drive for peace in Vietnam ceDr. B953
OIL professor to Adams' icul cials will quit Waehingtnn in the nine essor of aretcu- Rryan :,tat .l D firth zoning The 15 -minute statement iceed d torat taeducation at AtEM, retain remaining "Innis duck" months of Presi• lee Bald at Ihr fourth nag rd that as as long as the United rV rd his council jwsitlon. Place
dent Johnson's term hearing Tuesday night at Anson States continues us "wear of Only 1 of the 11 Cabinet nrflrrr~. roil- Jones Junior Hugh School that attlsxion.'• North Vietnam ~7CC~ire 1'011 f I' entire Four, by defeating his mppo-
Paytoon n and William
matter General Lawrence F. O'Brien, the people of Rryan would be will i continue to light to defend tiasc•pt by Horan bonzes, fire destroys as enntire neanhont block mulls Moan. Hull Joe received 1AAS votes; • has aid and obvious political tics that given an opportunity to vote on North Vietnam, completely, in Rockaway Bench, N.Y., as crowds on the beach watch. No In- Moan, 261; and Payton, 106.
mtght draw him from .tohnstm's ofrielai the zoning n"ne and that the "hberate" South Vietnam And luny; Were retsoted. but several fanulie ,here forced rn flee Holleman, dlrcctur of Student
family now that Johnson hag declared City Commission will act accord- (See AMERICANS, Page_ 2) fran their hmn; : R e v o r d s and Counseling At himself out of 1088 politics. imp to the vote -
As for the others. White House aides In response to a question from CAM. defeated incumbent r Sonny Ellen. Coulee said. " if th•• Councilman, A. T'. BoyetL fur
say They suspect Ihrre may lie lewpr Hits Place Six with 1,083 votes to Ce byt had not uld of T ornado Church Bayclts4a
reslgnatienx In the months ahead that In abide by the cote. we would not v'ote< cast for the attics at l~71nze Named those last past. have called for an election. I as- inavur in the three Wards is as
Since late November Johnson has had sure you that the (ommusx)n
to find new secretaries of defense, come will abide by list, vets follows: Anderson, Ward I Sal, merle. and health. education and wet- The enabling act of the Texas Ward 11-4. Ward i1-104, and a
fare--air; welt as a new budget director statute; winch gives lines Ihr In Texas Panhandle 111Ward 1.2488. Ward 11.109, Ward Outstanchn,,
and a new economic council chairman. opinion or having a zoning nrdi- "108• t But if the inme-cluck dnys of Presidents nance does not provide- for a Ballnls cast for Councilman in ROTC Cadet
Harry S. Truman and Dwight D Eisen- popular vote by the people. How BULLETIN and its ncgoncag hutres fill, fired roust of the windows, the three Wards are as follows:
hover are am- guide, many hurraurrats ever, the Bryan City Commis orphans and cidrrf}, lx•r,,,n. Editor Don Peoples of the Place Two. Adams - 332, 143, stun has stated that it feels the Thr Weather Bureau Issued Tuesday tughl in The town of Panhandle Herold, one of the It 3: D o z i e r - 469, 363, 101; Lonnie C Vlnze of Houston, in the "Plans just below the Cabinet people should have an opportu- a limere thunderstorm watch Panhandle, two or three others first outsiders on the scene after. I'll," Four. Payton - 46, 22, 40; cadet colonel of the corps at
level will be a7ambl,ng for lob security oily to voice their opinions in the for a heavily populated area danced harmlessly near Turkey wand. deserted the damage as Morin - 189, 84, 88; Holt - 588, Texas A&M University, will be
-in private Industry or In safer political form of a "straw vote." o/ Texas today. and threan+ of twiviers over. "quite substantial". Walls were 393, S7: Place Six. Boyett - 224, honored next week as the out.
havens. Accordingly, the Commission The forecasters said there hung a belt all across North left leumng and hundreds of 315, 113; Holleman - 595, 388, standing Air Force ROTC cadet will hold an eleoion at a yet to was a threat of a few severe Texas for hours. shingles were ripped from the 100, of a six-state area at the Arnold
ANTICORRUPTION be determined date. Before the thunderstorms with large hail warnings stayed up until near. rooftops. According to Boswell, a spe• Air Society national conclave.
SAIGON (API - A youth group whose dection can be held the entrant and damaging winds. ly dawn for 31 counties im- eial meeting will be held Today Maze will receive the W Ram 02,0011 mvmh rs are supposed to expose series of hearings being held by The fewest was In effect medi:nely south of the Red About hit an hour later, n at 5:10 p.m tin canvass the etec- dolph Lovelace Memorial Award
fraud and corruption is having trouble. the Planning and Zoning Coin. from 3 to 7 p.m. Brvan•C'ol- River as Thunderstorms Indent reliant m an area 6n miles lion "Tho Mayo will swear In as the top cadet of an 4FHOTC
Its top leaders have been arrested for mission must be completed, the lege Station Is Included in the ed along ahead of the eastbound south of Panhandle reported the elected councilmen after the Area Including Trxtia, Arkansas, fraud and corruption information assembled and cone area. with hail and hard showers buil• sighting two to three funnel ejection as been crinvassed," he I.owsbna. K a n s a s and New
sidered. and revisions Ili made Pacific caul front. clouds writhing on the ground said Mexico. The black-shirted 5nticorruption Youth in the pro ppused ordinance By THE ASSO('IATED PRESS Surprisingly, none of the 50 about 10 robes north of Turkey. (See RECORD. Page 2) A&M's highest ranking cadet
was founded in 19&5 by Vice Pr.+idrrd (See C051MiSSION, Page 2) One tornado battered a church chbdren and 60 adults living (See TORNADO, Page 4) and Frank Davis Ri of Flung.
Nguyen ran Ky when he was youth min. there suffered Injuries as the ton ;and Eder and premier The organization Is writhing wiml battered St. * cadet sergeant majordof the
still under his wing and he Is reported Theresa's Roman Catholic • Wichita S e c o IT d Wing, will represent
greatly angered that the leaders fell into Nixon Church and adjoining structures ~iefi l Falls }•4M at the so c i ety conclave
evil way.. McCarthy, al Panhaudle.50 tmkaliurtheast tiunday Through Wednesday In
„treated March IS were Deng of Amarillo. New York's Satler-Hilton Siost of the occupants of the Isl. Van Thu, national chief of the organiza- • church homes on the southeast Cadets and member.. of ".4m
the; Le Van Kha, Inspector general °f primary Winners cage of town were in dashed Elects Negro lenFlight, sereauxtbar'169 of
group, who nnem •.ras aewcaued senh halls as the tornado smashed Iendance wall represent 189 of a Buddhist group that tried to depose Ky hard at The buildings and shat- I h e nation's colleges and um.
when he was premier, and Lr Van Thanh, M1LVt:vCKI.A.: w'i= r 11', - sea-en's second pre.;Acr ial pri• By THE lISSulC'IATED PRESS Ilioli ,-n nnrneid down the one verAties
head of Anticorruption Youth in Gin Eugene .i, McCarthy, nary.. Wichita Falls elected the fir per rem local sties tax author- Minzo will be one of Bye ea• liemncrat
Dinh Province. Democrat Eugene Si live rem of Johnson got 35 per cent of the Negro city councilman in its his- izeal bye the last Legislature in a dels to r e c e i v e area awards. the vole in W,sconsm's occlude vote, but had announced Sunday' tnty and a doctor hoping to wipe 2.241 to L778 wu- Angleton fob- :4&31's AFRO'fC detachment
Ten eother re crested of the Gin Dinh sir- fleet Candidate out Dentson's persoal proprty lowed suit &55 to 517. named him to represent the unt- Toward Ilan were arrested an charges of draft o battle, turned today tax also won r, council seat as Al feast three points approved varsity ill the area enmpeht:on
real he is not a candidate. the amens which pn!:r Ihr real "As you know, IhLs Is nN}• n dodging Another F M members Selie 3 On i►_•) various Texas towns and cities We new tax-Vold Pleasant by The sc,dor aerospace engineer- a c c u s e d lest of his claim •hot he can win p r e l i m I n a r y yiclocy," Tire J
of buying fraudulent drag exemption pa• the While Howse. Minnesota senator said. "We voted on municipal issues a 406 to 379 vote, Rosenberg inn, major was selected DY Alt tors from the arrested men, have been have to go on In primaries in Two articles In the )feet Tuesday. 1.116 to 492 and Terrell 2,149 to University officials river nomi-
called into the army. And Richard M. Nixon added other states- some of them per- Your Candidate series mey Residents of two places - 616. nees front 20 colleges in the or.
another Iruphy in his march to- hops more difficult than IhL< he found on page two of lie- Brawnwsod and Corsicana - In Wichita Falis, Harrison ra including Texas, Oklahoma,
HOUSE l'l1UF ward the Republican pmvdcn- duy'c Bevan UaOy 1•'aglr. put it woman on their city coun• Taylor polled 7.681 votes to be- Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and one." For in those other states, ell for the tirsl rime. come the first Negro Today , articles, by ciq Ede named to Lolnrlana. WASHINGTON' IAP) - The House, Its cal nomination. mecarthy will be matched There also
salts laces the city council- who Ile defeated Cunational and nfanO gels will peat one vacant sent the legacy of a emigres "We have demonstrated here against New York Sen- Robert Ilor Susan Paulin, roiI Dr. option toilets were several
slnnal scandal. Is preparing to debate a in Wisconsin the ability to win F. Kennedy. Robert S. Wick and Itny w. on a city Doyle Davis. who received 2,216 new national and plan Kelly. candldalm for the lax, and Baytown became one votes, and Boyd McQuerry, whir 1011549 xiaxd year activities at proposed code of ethlcs for the other 4:14 in November," McCarlhy' told Nixon bulll. a lowering 60 per Board of Trustees of the A&.11 of the larger cities to defeat received 2,M9. for a one-year the 20th Arnold Air Society coil.
mrmlers his corps of youlhTd volunteers cent of the Republican vote to Cansnlidated Srhrwl. urh a Ievy instead of pining a term slave.
The House Woks Committee planned to after he trounced refiring Pre-J- nmch his showing in New parade of otters to tap that new Wichita Falbi also chose a new Featured s p e a keys will Inv bring the code t° the floor today and air dent Johaam 1'ue•rday In Ina (See Md'ARTHY, Page 2) * source of revenue. (See WICHITA, Page 2) (See MIN7E, Page 2)
proval Appeared certain.
It is the product of a 12-member cam -
III, w h ch ma bfnrnlt.'d aftfte~`'Adam cr.lay- NIN sterious Signals Alay Be Guide Beacons
Ion Powell was excluded from the House
for alleged financial misconduct •
The proposal w'fi require mantises Inhabited Planets Remote Posslblllty
to disclose their financial dealings. the
alm being to prevent ccnRlct of interest. The Senate adopted its men ethics code ; 11 Dr! I. it A%. a ,r,1111p1- I,: u; h I,e en Thp d,„v.,Inn rnrerned re- nabs are probably cunua,; from mention by some advanced civl-
last month but not until there was con- (AP) - A government spice tact still other planets such a- centl) di.aevered ' pulNire, - °uoutron states." Uzatiun
sraeraote aenaie anti conmarranie revs xuvaua .aya as ] +cuenvry r 11¢ Vat 111. +1111+ ceamuaa M'Jv"n 11a W[IM The latter art previously pos. In this connection, Keller. g pre' mane dlsrlosed tentative plans
lion to lone dnun the original proposal- Bible newly' detected mysterious Kelkrnunn, of the overn• kind that have been detected by tulated celestial objects considered by some Spnator.i cis tun se- signals from outer space may ment's National Radio Astrono• pulsating radio waves they are sumed to be a form of wreckage for a government-spunsord,
vere represent °galncur navigational my Observatory at Gnrn Bank, emitting, from supernovae or exploding unique doubleheader radio tele• beacons" being employed by an W.Va , described The concepts stars. scope experiment aimed at
advanced civilization to guide In an interv'iew' Tuesday while Roush radio astronomers ills- trying bell) MISS AIR COMMANDO pinpoint more rlel-
thrfr manned spaceships along attending meeting of the covered them last summer but some other scientists, he indl• hotel the nature of the SAN eit Texas (AP) ` s oil e Carter, g a strange Milky Way American Astronomical Society didn't fc tha+rt their findings to catrJ, behave the signals may F'ulnat
I Southwest TfxaF State (bile oUlectfl. ge s at the University of Virginia the scientific world until late to be coming from nom from Ilnrki+^:, uas named hUss Air tux 11r Another admittedly far-out February ruaryruary Since then, American dying stars known as "white lie stres!ed that the expert.
known other types of onmando of the 315th Air Commando possibility, says Dr. Kenneth He did so after hot declaring scientists have aLv) detected dwarfs." ment is not expressly, designed
ng at a pageant on the college campus Kellennann, is that the radin that while It's murk more likely them, Te answer the question whether idav night wave signals may represent the strange radio signals are "Rut," he added, "if's prota. an advanced civilization might
he 315th is In Vietnam and Miss Car communications signals tie- coming from uiunhabded star. Declaring the discovery has bly fair to say That all of these be involved But he said the re-
was -kkcted from photographs of M tween four inhabited planets.-as like objects, the alternative pos. aswunded Astronomers through' wivnibits cuntinue to think, in sulta might have a bearing nn sibiltty that they may represent out the unrid, Keller•mann said their own minds, of the po<sibd• the question.
howl Texas hemilles s*mt there for Full Se•n•hce Ranking PLUS 5% signals from intelligent beings most radio astronomer:. in the try, however reroute, that these Bryan Bull" and Loan As. servicemen lu participate in the ON SAVINGS CERTIFICATES. has not yet been definitely ruled United States and abroad-in- signals may be. arbllcial ones eoelatlon - Your SAVINGS
First Rank & Trust -Adv. out, eluding himself-believe the rdg• produced as 'a means of comma. Center since 1019. -ACV.