HomeMy WebLinkAboutFirst BCS Race; newspaper article (01-28-1969) " Irk p IF uff- alum *a 14 ^' NO IN ff I Of Nr TEXAS INTEIINATHINLL £PEf.UWAY .Artist S cnnrtpHon 11the pS Million lim Mum sampler soon at Lodiel$fallen. / I First BXIS Race Set Next Dec. 7 By JIM BIRI.ER azeMwnr On svllrtivlea for an owing year of Run drive which rein he mac OR miles Iry, a sywt that ne..lnptl EMT SIM Eenaf Ne.mnM and MR COMWI M lnen9 nl Off" su4pv av gibl NYg anwm Inn II Tim N.ASCM strive rvanmlm Elu hind. laesla®t m ue a muw aec.lne ue In. nlglrcar e. will AegM In,. E slap Real ennuwsm ::ban " MY he welded a, Nation AvxJnLLn br SYnh Mandwal Room sale cl . lately . aCv Mg to alnmg love wee mar are of �in Ne Team mtemalpnm Car AuN RIM@, and ma ant He raid That a human L xanCe Il UPolo. cetmH lards nN,br league Mnlm.Nir sinisterly open, for husuil htlulrtl en Me Ivnmin .Stamen, mmeen Texas In ImaoMnr %be saw h P &rat Spostmor will ming on ral Ir`igt aµnl bo real MY be to 4 Main l speedxzy and of Uri aµeaway o Rene sale to This.•• IIxm59 mHHan no u'emenl I A },IN evept for NAIN NASCAR guwanlen do Ilnvl mPnllo sale Thal 4.Bp aria He CwffiIng p(4ltlenl n( litllll to h dWl NUIM1MUI Grnvd NotWml SlGk Cal. e.RJ of rah Grind tiatwoul of am had III area IF of AL$ was lns411mnlal Y "Ounce @Is will hn the bull will m ran a m now acquired "Thar Iveatlon w al minplag He mu1W IBWn I'oUS. Sidon rem Mae ,n ra.e of We land FASCAR Cmnd racku w chosen n¢nuae tl Is the :'e ter "I will a to me &I II:JWu Iwhy. Comp4Uon of me >'vunnvl shied, It rAaultl clinuv Cunswellnn ran We Inclllly, n Terungn ylr�nn JM GWw MU w E W;Adrrnnca CON CS Juggles Tax Rate, ° ara ; el Deer 0I lire oval IE guaM M o-om area MOO l) station R19er Eflecs. l• ( l• , oil be,Mn&a dd reaw8 nee Imo ill alg ripe )ei . {gnue¢ent a pmaenl of ue BCS ChamMr Ratio For Bonding' Nrec o Irs�k Saom eWre the avlmanorn M pnWs farm Caromerze. Pal Mnnn. g y RM l ennnammla] axnmtlw vice pm idat of me e¢ewLbrylv¢ G `uLtlng N�eM1JOmbOf : Ja Iluulrl notable Ma sane'ral manage dears n 6vMn SndlM1.W[ repReontng Trials AEAI: eaLl By PAT LLS"fER 'ITr dnmeY apNavaaa Ea 5 vine. had detvcM1M M a' Tye ypey will be denipletl by Inul minrc ho IuMA 'pmma" Y Vtllele, pmldeet' Sylb Shp NXI¢ Holder 4 Cacti B Ryap m uHR am MWbIW o fAeflet Manry tl+ llmd. J. U. IJecf Cueke.1avd bHA of Th Bryan Thp CgIM SY Cry W A bYNN to the Ip01 WaM omM pn�g place 0e mW sell f pr l Eryan, p A. IAvtlYI palb :anmdl nhd tM Nr fe ontal The board reed Iwo MP va Plan "an R'Y�nmatma.e an knW�Y Masain. mayor al faBeR��n b`Inur�tmeb In tnlle�y ammt arenapia, ram nnla4� fael rearing Feb. a. lac am and amNre need al RmaI him Ali IM nloftM mm aM In MUr hminQ, roe pow aM men He provided, enm e t 'n•• N` Occidental W¢ Ad van r An rate aI mm m Ill vm aM NWMNm ale smiles to a it U O 1, th. nnom 51+'.omv le aNPotl a mad club to 45 is liar R IW M two N Ctn PMu Inn, and 11 M vm Ye ucus Ihr u,cnnn w:norelr IrePLer ryo Iv 4p IeH vino rzenlR ^mVbx m ne nlnn Total M Nv 6 the Y lLl M1m Monday NmmA bmmw =u to ram N hp�t: 191' yaN drfllh Ir bon, me yawn e :. Mldu znr _ Tonal .iEia111Y tram RnMNve rl eat fun MM awe plmpsen. nt boom damn, IIvd4A to rim less (env 2': ktl e A e mu weal. no only Mhee Tun pallry said be ®eG n AMelwo d, "ale drew% Malt Ran[ red title Yams b milt' Latin= apunch%. nljug INS Ica muff os'al In We p. 8. a. epylpp Hk 1 ill w nW Mee to in M (upRativ We M W Bin 15 fwl: W a Pnsaenl, was p rr 1 Ole NICAIgan m wNvrmT A IAudy) AedeAm wMRI. an A alarm It IR we sveNeg (ens trlwren we m`.'.Wy am very ppmpg In annnued from a PePKINK 11 lmwomtimat 9POM m nNo saw that me to ran A hlvg Pmf on a We µnpk dM@t W fl W reetl t JOIN b My TeemeTlrn to IM1e Emnomlc u of Pnx ad reduced poyl4lmnitl5' n the TT a di Wa1M off yt�ryRty mull m mME Am m " IUPa ll Wa "N allment AdmnLslntlm naurae N mCIA mlim willn In AR erflaeE Sin Rlgt y In an Puryear IvWZi tlol(ka w wee City1 IN We wan eW e[ hit vansI C o a dell m a n patlNr ail. am�p � PB la thin. "The need nIOBPw Ne aelNll (whip al TMme The CGY C(®9 " idaPnd ��"mvWk�IpB mWtp fof Imtme N iaa gRaN pvmat. lcmdu NO ie lac n ft l " wan xnthe Itlaneme watlog.h Inn®E. PL moo I tlJvk nToommm: ellN9 ml ut llaewcmrnls Um Mlapb�lW1tCIIY IIgIM Iv mehwl MMv®t elatrlM Pkeph. a Emdne CaM m leaf Ibal mu uwlMe vlhof rim rl silicaET ono with me Nan w WwMonulry AMR.mn N. We 't mlSaa a10 Imk reY M1ud at a Ilve t p eld, Il Y tun. INVtiva lam Co10e'Ontu James I{. Pove'r hva Cnotlears P.I We aN aY movnl (fw a eH$a ma�tY n Te"�. nCOe ImpenNN{ �Igloa upp 0nlov. a j:'pv Ipmyre rpatl tt9ge a'0 ,O r built "m me ml wall Mwlwn domain and 1 Lorlw,]fiunoess daairl l" ANomoaHe vM b the you'll W a tone dallnw8 the m develop. Amid M to omcr Mn, m my IenM pvwa g N the we NO action as as n am and ad the asae vallutlon. ore BM to pyv mac" Lwwll wmorpM Me Beams UnitM gu[rs ova b [1 enter %p , parent flna W W ovtl lnU VM We' the M vMmm dell ONy soar IeWI hutlnessm v tks<lapmml r ell py Y n N -' uela m boll m nIN14 n MY rn tlsd IR IonMon Ne" 111 ae ilmwn0 Iv ce1gM1Wfhood b aeoX W6 lye al, IN meet UmlleCON*,ae CA cal. $ bhm8 aruwNen D>' YVYw Aoimm� le Uc 4utleea arcs 4Ps: LOPapn 14 1 Glenn UN Uve M. sagpaMw0.t hiding (chair galley reulutlao Is aMY He The rill 41Novn are Re v Tam me .groan a glrrt am'[wf al me HNM. erylvlmd n as (m leddog M the wn¢ lWtlantl Ni1M1 mu Pmt M tM mat Claiml cast front rat damnad Iva Ndustry. aM @u theN gnWehy:' WLnea elal+fM: lbasln8 m t8 . W Fr ttnt Sant bf men m4 Ad vellvNw. ge tmam:me Phis[ Prok0 1. Ad WMAM mntl ni ilvre tlryslMalnR aL arWi of apg that mety two Mln. eGurew m the IDawllt true that yrtnn of me E.'I6 fun' the Brew valley wa aY hind Neull w191ae Vie oveL pea o'er OF . I Lb" Pays have a gsM A®mlvHe Inc of Bryan wlR phance ne vnYb'.1$' to 8M a be me ew M thebut pake'L an awi p m'4 cm .m c mryynLNd mLL me Bn'slle Iec111Uta will Im'.uae d �ymyed b a mMwn prmaWx m tap IN city ewMA do In, ILe vlry's me hire graJOanasdvnnd, cmwnM INI entlomne pvlM tmtR tun MrYlv6 azwae We Ferry M p<rlmelvs d FOR m[e wL Wd roe Ctrcols. (ward. Ptmid ,West" ndNtilm. IM City L{I Pto-lbe.mdate IaMlogn. d ail. Fad er�Ige t = Ma erte w M Aping Flom yy' laming woM1 Of conees+lan masd M CammnslW eelVnB up .deal MOO reMtmm facilities 1BAD vl°trweM Id '[[1 man 31 Stray( and vnxmMng atl Its mlglpjmOf no city of ColkNo SIR b " TM cbill off 0; CmmMMwaOld Me? bid i ONMRe eMvg Gb thin 'hit ytwpR avlmevl Out Va Run CnmlrvNon CO., W.TIy' am IA. alaandur refvvpn: L XaletlI Mmnf Cn. IE-'a 05 whin' M n n dayR: a)dramM owl eM lw ut werk�tim�amn9 Nen'ban miol an Cs.. IS.tUYI evd R fjawram Porgy gyp. M t IPunly sly hid Ewl LwaLPTtm s Sm.Bd.W bld rem °pervA Nta' U MI It Mill d MT;,2 ma lttl In, 1310.0ae. TM RY C=di : lhla5red ma ally n loelall mb i AllManTL