HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew City Hall Plan; newspaper article (04-10-1969)
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> College Station's nevi city hall and vinyl .waIls ,,~ warm
,r and poUce-fire station, will be aesthetically but easily main-
,:models of efficiency .and con- tained.
". temporary design' constructed "Probably the most influential
. "'\fi t'h the.' latest bUild,ing design .premise is public con-
;i' methods, said ,C. R., Watson, venillnce 'and service, lor in-
ri' architect for the -$333;171 struc. stan~e,. the coupcil room can
~; tures.' be used at "any time withOut
f The 9,700 square foot city hall needing 'to oPen ihe entire
, and 5;700 square,foot police-fire bUiI'ffihg, and tlier~ will' 'be' a
i;' s(atiO(l will be located on, a 200- drive-in." window on the nor-
fOQ.t by' 800,19Ot tract, on Texas theast . side, of the building for
~~nij,e, 'jti'etw,een., ~ancis..,ahd" -,' i ,~'a:, in' " . '.,
{~W~Wa:~~~~~\~t~ 'bU~I~~;S' and e'27 rooms e~t4!Wtt.:l1.
~_.' are being cqnstructed of precast fire station are "broken 'down
con c r e t e load 'bearing in terms of de.partJ:rtent$;Jfor "tbet,
decorative panels in an effort various facets:' oft.~ ,. .
tq cl}t co~ts. ,ment..and ci .
, e design',Will featureWlitson 's&I4-.. . .
. 'lii~>: 'recesses;',' 'In. ~';tlie -~ iI! ..
'-',>.Aqu~-,;' .. ..' -~ ,
'cceni tli~j<;i''''''
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'it, <. '.
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,. the:"
,~ heavy;
L'"treatment of
}Vithifi:C ~. . a'~
1contineiltafsty '... . ",hichf{ '\.n '. lfelleW~: ~'J;'-"Are'l'
.t will allow '-mbre peoPI-e"tq ~get " disa .... eyents~"dhe' 'ar"r.
.' Gloser to the council ltable1tlian cbit-eet~saiaY.-;'
in t r a d i t i 0 II a I": seating The"',,AAi1!mlmications system
arrangements and 'give aUttie in the' poije~fire station will be
be~t~r .co~~~~aijOi) witp :the handled'DX~9'rie_dispatcher,
llUdience, h.esald." .' The JiIi~.l!e{>ar-tment.~po~on
,)",atson said theo'terrazo floors (S~e CI.:r~Y':HALL Page 4-8) .' l
, I
, fr'1,
.o~. .t~~ building has complete'
facIlitIes for living quarters for:
24~hour firemen attendance _,
kit ~ h. en, showers, nine-bedj
:~~tOry, lock!!rs and da~
"The truck stalls for the fire
department will be adequate tol
handle equipment as large as
nook-and-ladder ,vehicles or
s 8:J~cJcs," Watson said. I
with a4equ ,'1
well as city employe parking
and these are > separated to
make sure there is always
amp Ie. room for public
pll!.k!ng," Watson said.
>:Tli~re \\:jll ;be'iu:lproximately'
8;.fJ!lO"square yaYds;:'of parking
around.t~e com'inex, or 52
~Jm~s fQP pUbli~ dpatking ~d
~. ~pa~es for emp,IOye parking.
. 'Par~ng lo~s ~1l.J_be 'lighted
,at mght With 'the' buildings
gil_.t.E .J!.;tign ....- miml.
n;~"~;c'~?m ,(Mo~ :. g
oU~~~er.'tnct.,. .ilwcon-.
!tr.t~t ~~~ awarded to Barsh
. 9EstruaflOn' Co. of Waco
'NfolIday. '
Watson. said the complex is
expected to be completed in
December 1..969. '
. "
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