HomeMy WebLinkAboutTroublemaker Light 021705 I' ! Troublemaker'~.. , .,~_ C> Traffic, Light~; "Under Repai~ i The traffic light on Highway 6 at the East Gate of the Univer- sity is currently undergoing ex- tensive repairs, Mayor D, A. , "Andy" Anderson reported to. day, and is the cause for the . traffic problem now existing in, this area, The mayor, in making thisl announcement, said that the long delay in taking action on! the signal light was due to dif! ., ficulty in securing vital parts. i from a company in the East. 'I, . For about a week an engineer- ' . ing firm in Fort Worth has been . engaged in working out the ~. "bugs", he said, , It should be back in good , working order this week, ' The mayor, 4nconcluding, ex~ \ pressed his appreciation for the . patience of the people in Bryan . "and. College Station for what 'I I he realized was an unusual de. I 'lay. 1 '\ \ .. . I .. / , (