HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS in Development Group 021005CS Votes To Join E,
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discussed doubling the assessed
Planning and Zoning Commis-
The C o 11 e g e Station City
valuation of property and lower-
sion, reported t h at the city
Council voted, to join the Bra-
ing the tax rate by 50 per cent,,.
_needs a regulation . on streets
zos Valley Development Coun-
to do this in
' "We `promised'
with regard to construction, a
cil in a special meeting Thurs-
connection with the bond is-
master street plan and a revis-
day night at the City Hall.
sue," Mayor D. A. (Andy) An-
ed zoning ordinance. The Plan-
According to Glenn Cook, ex-
derson commented.
ning and Zoning Commission is
ecutive director of the Brazos
No official action was taken
presently working on a recom-
Valley Development Council,
on the tax change.
mended master street plan.
the council is a six-county orga-
Also the council reviewed the
Wells also recommended that
nization with five directors for
preliminary plans for the new
the city adopt one-third of the
each county appointed by the
city hall and police-fire station
cost of the street as the basis
the county court.
f o r assessments to property
"The Brazos Valley Develop-
"I h o p e the complex will
owners. Currently the assess-
ment Council will be important
create a favorable image for
College Station
" architect C
ment is $3 per front foot.
cause all the City of College Station be-
R. Watson stated.
With prices being the way
they are now
$3 per front foot
programs are going governmen
Watson estimated that the
is just not a realistic figure,"
through these regional develop-
City Hall would cost $20,000;
the police and fire station
Wells said.
ment councils," Cook said.
, X
000; furnishings and draperies
He further recommended (1)
In other business, the council
000; and paving and land-
that the City of College Station
scaping, $20,000. The city has
pay for street right-of-way at
the raw land cost for streets
allotted $340,000 for the project.
Page 4)
In other action, the City Coun-
An -
c i 1 authorized City Manager
(ConUnuea rom age 1)
Ran Boswell to proceed with the
appraisal of all land from High-
over 60 feet in width; (2) that
the city participate in the cost
way 6 to the East By-Pass in-
of extra footage on a square
volved in the extension of Uni-
foot basis for streets requiring
versity Drive.
over 38 feet in width of paving;
The council also authorized
and (3) that major streets the
the City Manager to employ en-
city require sidewalks and part-
gineering services for the de-
icipate to the extent of $1 per
velopment of the right-of-way
linear foot.
on the so-called 28th Street.
I Wells as indicated that Col.
Further the council authoriz-
lege Stations needs more parks
ed Mayor Anderson to sign a
According to Wells "The city
contract with F. S. Kapchinski
has the right to ask the develop-
with reference to the sewage
er to participate in kiddie and
treatment plant road.
neighborhood parks to the ex-
According to the contract, the
tent of two or three percent of
city would build a fence on eitb-
the raw land cost of land in the
er side of the road, maintain
the road and give Kapehinski
He recommended that the cl-
access rights.
ty also develop regional, or ci-
In other business
ty, parks. The City Council took
Wells, acting chairman of the
no action on Wells' recommen-
l In other business, the City
Council discussed a settlement
lof claims on the East By-Pass
and the County Road, or Holie-