HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnti-Crime Funds Count, CS to Ask Anti-Crime Funds Brazos County and College Station have announced plans to apply for a supplementary grant to the Brazos Valley Development Council ap- plication for a law enforcement grant for the seven-county area. County Judge W. R. (Bill) Vance said the county com- missioners have authorized the application for a supplementary law enforcement grant from the Texas Criminal Justice Council but "we haven't put a dollar figure on it." Judge Vance did .not specify the areas in which the county would ask for funds. College Station Mayor D. A. (Andy) Anderson said, "I am hopeful we will get some communication equipment for use in connection with- the city hall and police-fire station as well as monies for ,salary supplementations. We're going to get in a grant application to get everything we can get out of it." 1liayor Anderson did not say ~w much money College AN BUILDING AND LOAN )CIATION-Your SAVINGS er since 191y. Adj. Station will request from the Criminal Justice Council. Bryan mayor Jerome (Jack). Zubilc said that he had- not seen the Brazos Valley Development. Council law enforcement study and had not been informed about the grant. The U. S. Justice Department through the Texas Ciā€¢inunal Justice Council has allocated tv Texas $830,000 for planning, $332,000 to distribute among -regional planning agencies and $1.1 million for action grants to cities, counties and regional planning agencies under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. The grants are. available for financial assistance in s~icn areas of law enforcement as salary supplementation, equip- ment and facilities, and train- ing. The BVDC executive com- mittee will review city and county applications for action grants as well as the regional application Thursday. Applications for action grants will be submitted to the Criminal Justice Council in Austin next Friday. 1 i vim/ .~_