HomeMy WebLinkAbout501 Fairview Avenue -- Historic Marker Application -- Dresser~~~~~7!:~;::=iN Historical Marker Application CONTACT INFORMATION APPLICANT'S NAME: George and Mary Elizabeth Dresser ADDREss: 501 Fairview Avenue CITY, STATE, ZIP: College Station, Tx 77840 PHONE NUMBER: 979-696-4361 EMAIL: G-Dresser@suddenlink.net This application is for a: 0 Structure D Subject STRUCTURE MARKER INFORMATION Structure is a: Iii Home D Building If a home, was it formerly located on Texas A&M campus? ~Yes D No AddressofStructure: 501 Fairview Avenue (281 Ferguson-campus) Owner's Name: George and Mary Elizabeth Dresser Current Mailing Address: 501 Fairview Avenue Phone Number: 979-696-4361 Emait: medresser37 48@gmail.com SUBJECT MARKER INFORMATION This nomination is for: OEnterprise D Person D Event D Topic D Other: ___ _ What type of property is the proposed marker to be placed on? D Public la Private Address of marker Location: 501 Fairview Avenue Describe the significance of the proposed historical marker with as much detail as possible. You may attach additional pages For your narrative. See attached. A. Alterations-Additions to the original structure include 2 small bedrooms, 1 bath and a screened porch which has been enclosed by the current owners. The original tile roofing remains intact covering the older home and asphalt shingles on the additions.The interior of the home remains as originally built. The additions to the campus house maintain the character, construction materials and Queen Anne style of the original structure. The original oak floors, interior doors and shiplap heart pine wooden walls (covered with newer wallpaper) remain in their original excellent condition. B. Prominent historical figures who resided in the home at 281 Feguson on campus include: R. Treichler, state chemist (1935) N.M. McGinnis, who became College Station city secretary from 1946-1960 (1937) C.O. Watkins who was the janitorial foreman Frank G. Anderson, former commandant of the Cadet Corps, coach and later mayor of College Station while the home was located both on campus and its current location on Fairview according to his wife, Helen Anderson in an oral interview dated Nov. 8, 1983 and Peggy Campbell Owen in a seperate oral interview on Jan. 16, 1986. see reference 1. C. Property Ownership: Frank G. and Helen S. Anderson purchased Lots 3,4,and 5 in Block 10 of what is the subdivision of College Park from Oakwood Realty and recorded on the April 19, 1941 Vol 106 p.525. see reference 2. Walter S. Anderson, son of Mr and Mrs F.G. Anderson, was conveyed the property by Frank G. Anderson by deed filed April 30, 1969 and recorded in Vol 278, page 94, Deed Records of Brazos County, TX. see reference 2b . George and Mary Elizabeth Dresser purchased the property from Walter S. Anderson, and wife, Jean E. Anderson, with the receipt of two thousand, one hundred and no/dollars ($2, 100.00). The remaining amount, namely ten thousand and no/100 dollars ($10,000.00) to be paid in monthly installments of $84.39, the first installmennt to be due on or before 10 June, 1969. Date recorded is May 9, 1969 in Vol 298, page 198 in Deed of Records. see reference 2c . D. Tenant History-see Prominent Historical Figures. E. Narrative History-attached F. Drawings G. Photographs-see attached H. Additional Information I. References-see attached The Anderson-Dresser Home 281 Ferguson, Texas A&M College moved to 501 Fairview, College Station The Anderson-Dresser home is a medium-sized Queen Anne built in 1911. The house sat on Old Highway 6 (now Wellborn Road) at the intersection with Ferguson Street on the campus of Texas A&M College. In 1941, when the College required all staff and faculty to move off campus, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Anderson purchased lots three (3), four (4) and five (5) in Block 10 situated in the first subdivision of the newly incorporated town of College Station. The house at 281 Ferguson was purchased from the College by the Anderson family and plans made to relocate it. Because the home was slightly too large to move intact, a "cut" was made between the living room and dining room and it was moved to the new location, 501 Fairview in the College Park Addition. The "cut" location is still clearly visible in the home. According to the 1940 Census, the Anderson family included Coach Frank G. Anderson and his wife Helen, along with two sons, Frank, Jr age 12 yrs and Walter age 10. "Frank Gist Anderson, born in Sparta, Tennessee in 1891, came to Texas A&M in the early 1920's. Dana X. Bible, then A&M's football coach, had been Anderson's high school teacher and college coach, and he encouraged his former student to come to Texas. Anderson became the track coach at Texas A&M in 1922 and held that position continuously until 1957, except for the two years he served as Commandant of the ROTC and the time he spent in service in World War II." See reference 3. "Coach Anderson was named commandant of cadets of the college when Colonel J. E. Mitchell resigned to accept a post in the engineering department of the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company. Anderson, a colonel of field artillery in the Reserve Corps and commanding officer of the 411 th Field artillery, took over his duties August 1, 1935." See 4 "In 1940, the fledging community of College Station wanted a strong leader at its helm. A group of concerned citizens met to discuss who might make a suitable replacement for professor of mathematics at the college, Dr. J. H. Binney, the current mayor. Anderson had many stalwart qualities and was not afraid to work for what he believed. On April 2, 1940, Frank Anderson became College Station's second mayor." See 3 In October of 1964, "Texas A&M University announced it would induct five former A&M athletic greats into the school's athletic hall of fame. Frank G. Anderson was one of the five and the first "coach" in the hall of fame. Anderson coached the Aggie tracksters to nine conference titles before retiring in 1957. His teams never finished lower than third in the conference." See 5 In 1975 Colonel Frank Anderson was honored by his Alma Mater, Mississippi College, by being inducted into their recently launched Athletic Hall of Fame." He was honored for his outstanding record as an all- around athlete, having earned twelve varsity letters. His was considered to be one of the best if not the best in the history of this small Baptist College, which at that time had an enrollment of under one thousand students. He was best remembered as an exceptionally fine running back who made long scoring runs against major college teams such as Ole Miss, Mississippi State, Alabama and Tulane. He was regarded as one of the best in the South and would probably have been voted such, but for an injury which prevented him from playing in several games. This was the third induction for Coach Anderson into an athletic Hall of Fame. The Helms Hall of Fame honored him during his active coaching career for his having developed several Olympic medal winners. Colonel Andy, as he was affectionately known by a host of friends and former athletes, retired from TAMU in 1957 after a most successful coaching career which culminated with his selection as an Olympic coach for the Olympian games held in Melbourne, Australia." See reference 6 "Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Anderson's youngest son, Walter S. Anderson, was admitted as a midshipman to the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md in 1950." See 7. "He graduated the Naval Academy in June, 1954 and married Miss Jean Marie Edge in College Station shortly thereafter." See reference In 1968, "Lt. Walter S. Anderson, Bryan, spent the weekend of March 9-10 in New Orleans 'sub hunting'. Lt. Anderson's Naval Air Reserve Squadron, VP 703 at the Dallas Naval Station, traveled to New Orleans to participate in a training exercise during their March 9-10 monthly weekend Reserve drill." See 10. Coincidently, the next owner of 501 Fairview attended the same training exercise in New Orleans 'sub hunting". About 1 year later, Frank and Helen Anderson conveyed the property by deed to Walter S. Anderson which was filed April 30, 1969 and recorded in Volume 278, page 94, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. See 2b Nine days later, Naval Air Reserve officer, George B. Dresser and his wife, Mary Elizabeth, purchased 501 Fairview. The deed was recorded at the county courthouse on May 9, 1969 in Vol 298, page 198. See reference 2c. Wally's older brother, Dr. Frank Anderson, Jr. still lives in the Bryan area. Each couple raised their children in this home, where they attended the local schools, enjoyed the company of neighbors and watched the city of College Station grow. They are each a part of the history of College Station, as is their home. ~he Ol d Te-xas A&M Cam ous Ho u ses ; pape r~b y Pa ul Van Ri pe r ... 1' ~ 9 1 2 3 4 ..... '""" I 22 ~ a._ @ 0 Fit wi dth v 6 @ View plain text ~le Identification by Peggy Campbe ll Owens, bom on campus and long time campus resident , Jan . 16 , 1986 Style: cottage. some modifications in 1925 Previous residents on campus : D . W . Williams. acting president 1956-57 (Owens, Jan. 16. 1986) J· a ir-ifov.,~ 5<n <Jco~gc B . Dresser tr,csidcntJ ownc rett~d 1.91 f fcampJ_IS;JlO ~, - Sold I ldenfifltal(on as c.am~us house by Mrs . f . G,.,, Ap ders-orr~ Nov". 8', ~ 9~3 : ide1 ifi fi"e1d by bottt hcr~g d !Jcggy"'Cat,npbeU O wen,, Jan. l ,6. 1 ~8 6, as ca.mpuS.c h6usc oo·. zS:-J 1, ~h's . An aerson refil ded -in this l\ouse on camp Sty le : (l\cdiua1-s izcd"Quccn t\1'nc l·c <1 i0u s;rcsi d ~nts oo campus: Frank' G ~. AOO.cr$Qp;formcr--commaadan t of cadet ~ coach ~ and mayor o ~Cqlkgc Stati on (Mrs . f . G . AndersotJ..,, Nov.. 8, rt>~• . McGinnis . 193,' *Fidelity. 300 Timothy R . Manning (resident) owner Erected : l9 J l inscribed on one wall (T. R. Manning, Jan. 31, 1986)~ also others of almost exactly same design were known to be erected in 19 l I . Sold · ~ome unc-..crtainrv hur Rrnzo4' rountv r.ax record~ indicate nrohahlv mov ed in 2 • t .. tl ·= ·•a, ~ !.». l I• UI o•« •• -.. to lU 2: HI' 1 2b Know AU Meu By r hesc Presents: Th at we, ·y lt ~ ,\nd 11.n 1 • t.n ol 1llc C.4l uaty of Brazos , S.1111 or Te:cue for nftt l tn ....-ttl r t ioll 111.e su m t>f twelv tbout1and, one huntlt' d nd no/100------LuLl,,Jc (111 2 ,100 .00) 001.1 .A RS, to u e In hind t lcl»I, and o curod to b . uid , by r. org e n. Jlrees r n<i wite , ll ury >:. ))r n r, the r c ip t; ot two tho u ounc'l , one bumJ1•cd und no/ 00 dollore (l~?.,1 00.00) i hereby cknowl 1dt1'0<1 . The r nining amo@t , nwn ly ten t houaand und no /1 00 dollore ( 10 1 000,00) to b poid to th order ot olter (1 , lindereon und wite , J o n R, Anti reon , in month l y inatallm nta or !)04 ,39 e eh , M.me 1nolllding both principu.1 nd int rtot , and the !irot in o t u llment to b d ue und pny b l on or b tore 10 Jun , l 969 , 11 d like inetullmnnt to be clue und pa,yablc o n or b toro b t O!IJl e uoy ot ooch eucc ll lng month tberont'tt>r Wltil tho ontire pr noipul m1m , top·ther ~1th a l l i nt r at th 1' on 1a u.:l.d in full llnltl note prov idinr for in r trot at th rot or 1014 p r onnwn on a ll pLLa t d u e prin c.L p al und i nt r nt. m .... ·~~ -· ~; 30:1•• !lG N t '"'"' ..,.. ' ~ b''~d w lJ ()') I• vo ,,,.rited , Sold nd C11n•ty I, llnd l1 y tltnt pre1«1 t1 de> G o~ n •. l'r ~ r 1 U'c , ~.)' " er I tile Cou nt f , S1 teol Tr~xua nll lhnl ntl ii .. :. ~ . '"' ..... • ,..-.... ilil ___ . ~ ....... -.. ...... ·:.. J ·+··# / ! ; ~ I i • 2c I ' I ' l I :11 !Iii 1! I II ii Know All Men Dy These Presents: Thnt we, ,'Jolter s. And<iroon,antl wife, Je11n !';. AtHierann ot the County of Brt.• ?,OS , St11le of for nnd In cnnsitlcrnl Ion of •1 nt· th~ Mtr11 of twelve t;hourrnnd 1 one hundred und no/l00------1JV1,L1d<:::i < in ?. , 100. oo ) DOU,i\RS, to ua lnhRndpnM~, 1rnd rwc111'ed to bn pui<l 1 b,y <leor1,·e II. Jlror:1!1nr uni• wifo, J .. 1u\y 1 .. T>rirnt.H"r, I.ht• roc-::if>t of two thouHunc.i, one hunorcll und no/1.00 dollnrs (l';,>1 100.00) it> lw:i:nb,y uclmowlcclped. 'i'he rcwtinin~" nmo1rnt, numel,y t;en tlmusand and no/100 dollnvs (l>l0,000.00) to ho puio to tho ordpr of .Vn)t;(?r ;.:;, 1\nd'"rson and wifc, Jeun i•:. And<?rncrn, in mont;hl.Y imi t;ullrnentn of tPV1. 39 nnch, nnrr,e includln[! botll princip1> t and inl,<JX'cnt, uncJ t;he f:lr·nt inr,t111Jrrwnt to bo ouc uno pu,yuble on or llnforo 10 .June, 1969, 11Yld a like installment to be c111e and puyublu on or b(iforc \:.ho aame (Jo.v of nnch uucceed in{t month thorPnftnr 11ntil tho entire principal num 1 to~Pthot with ull inter<:.dt thPreon i.s ~Hli.o in full Ht.d.d not;u provlclinp for intcresu at the rote of 10/.> per annum on nll punt due pd.ncipul rmd lntereot;. hiwc lirnnlcd, llnltl nntl Conveyed, c111tl by lhtlill prtll\tlll& do Or11nt, Sell 11111! Convey unto tl1c 1111ld Georp,e 11, DrNrner und w ifc 1 l.i;.iry l·~. lit' Nm er l Ii . I I I j I J i I I I , I .. , tbot , .... ,. I , lot, truct 1 or.·pnrcel of lunu lyinp and bainv situntpd in the Colle~e I I ilH'K J\\HJl.1aon to till' eity of c:oll<•r<? :->ttJtion, 'l'exna, p)11t of whi.uh ln I recol'ded .111 Volume .~tl, puf:co 602-o;, of the !toed Hecord."! of Bruzou GounL.~, 'I'c:iwri. f\nd bolne, Urn s1.:1mo proporty conveyed to Wultwr ti. Anderson et I ; ux by l"runk-(i. i\ndorson by lJoed filo<i April ~o, 1Y69 und recorded in 1 1 Volume ~·;u, p>.l('c 911, Deed Heco:rds or Bt•ttt.oo Count;y 1 'J'(nrnn. Boid . addition is 1oca.tud in th<' J. l·:. Scott J.onpuc, J\bst:rdct; No. 50 1 Braioo Count,y, 1'exo0 1 lrnd the lotu horoby conveyac:i arc purticular.•ly described fll the County of , St11tc of 'J1 cxus aa follows 1 All or 1°ota Noil. 'I'hrce (3)1 1rour (11)1 und l~ive (5)1 in Olock No. Ton (10), situated in suid Collo~e Purk Addition. •. F. I •. E D A •• A~O:ct~ MAV at::l . . ="' ".#' ·'~ ....... . •.· . . ;" . DA~ IECOftDED r:. 'I~ t. f 47098 i l' I I '' ' l' • .. f ..... ·--~--· ..... ·--a:11.~-- 3 87 c tiz na t 0 11 " ~ 1 ndoraon <lJ u t 89 nd N ....., -:: :-k for h t h m 0. ~ An er 0 born 1n p rt.a , ... nnv • 1891, c 0 I • Q) > 1'<:ic .. ~ 11 . ,'$ d H . !"I t ~ Oar. .. Q <!I hen ell I ' '! .. . foot • l co h, l \> 1i9 -~ 5 h e ch r nd co l .. d "' "' -. ~o corr: "' > ::; -Ill ·-~ .c: 0 I-l.11 Ill N ....., lo..' ~ © ~ Cl) ""' QJ ® ...., ~ :? An 0 r yor, t '• pl"0'111 ;J .... N .. <!I onlr v T.o COit 1. d, ().:l .1 00 "' -(J )0 t nt.. $ I 00 rt'\ hl• . rm 0 1 \ th ive • l. t • "' l.11 -,...... ·h Gt' ._!d t N • ·~nc . om ov rr 1. n n n c: 0 ..... 'i P' nil nor h n t col d. r • & n l r ..., l~ ' V\ 0 OJ ~ ~ -e \lo-~ 0 ~ ·-~ u GJ .c: ~ ~ 0 ~ I ~ ...... 0 -0 ...., V\ :ch ··~·· ~ ........ •·••·••········· . 4 New s paper.§· hJ' ~ance str y · https ://www. news papers .com/image/48162034 ;f NEW VICE DIRECTOR ::i Je Mtld,.d Hor.ton And Frank An4er o IJ Comm•ndant Copyright © 2021 Newspapers.com. All Rights Reserve d. The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) · Mon , Jul 8, 1935 · Page 1 Downloaded on jun 9 , 2021 News pape rs"' 5 News papers· bI ~ ancestl:Y · https ://www. news papers .com/image/41449312 Valley Morning Star (Harlingen, Te xas) · Sun. Oct 4 . 1964 · Page 27 Downloaded on jun 9, 2021 A&M To .Induct Five ' Former Schools' A+hlef es f nto Hall Of Fame OLLEGE TATION (UPI) -1 And r on coached the Aggie Texa~ A&M University Sunday .tracksters to nin conference announced it will induct five titles before retiring in 1957 . 1 former A&M athletic greats in· His teams never llni hed lower to the school's athletic ball of tllan third in the conference. fame in ceremonL Oct. 16 . I Kimbrough wa the . tar -of The five to be honored are e A&giu ' national champion · J:.'rank G. Anderson, varsity ship team in 1939 an<l 1940 . He1 hon , track coach for 25 years ; twos ls till ll ted on the all·time au 1 1 ! time All ·America fullba ck .John tar team of both the otton ant Kimbrou gh ; Joel Hunt , the Bowl and Sugar Bowl. I ' Suthw es t Conference s aU·time Hunt , ~ quarterback, scored a Veg 1scoring king ; the lat e All ·Amer· re cord 128 point in 1927 . Hi s ! · ica Joe Routt and the late Bill 30 tou chdown and 224 point , omb Hend er son , who won 11 varsi ty are till c r er sc oring re ord s 1 ·letters in five port s b fore dy · at A&M . ing of multiple ··!er is. Hend tr on won var ity lett ers Ander son Kimbrough and · in football , basketball , baseball , 1 · Hunt are ex pe cted to be on track and swimming and won hand at the Memorial stuclent !intramural handball and boxin g L 1union to rec eive th eir award s at ltitl es. a ~ial dinner . The families Routt , who was kill.ed in com -~· of Routt and Henderjion will ac · bat during tile battle of th 1 1 1 cept their award s. bul ge in World War II, wa s an 1 1 1 ---All ·America guard in 1936 and 1 1987 and was captain of ttw 7 1937 Aggi . Copyright © 2021 Newspapers.com. All Rights Reserved. News papers "' 6 "Colonel" Andy Honored Again The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) 5 March 1975, Wed Pag 15 On Saturday, March 1, at Clinton, Mississippi, Colonel Frank G. Anderson, Sr., retired Track Coach at Texas A&M University, was honored by his Alma Mater, Mississippi College, by being inducted into their recently launched Athletic Hall of Fame. He was honored for his outstanding record as an all-around athlete, having earned twelve varsity letters. He is considered to be one of the best if not the best in the history of this small Baptist College, which at that time had an enrollment of under one thousand students. He is best remembered as an exceptionally fine running back who made long scoring runs against major college teams such as Ole Miss, Mississippi State, Alabama, and Tulane. He was regarded as one of the best in the South and would probably have been voted such but for an injury which prevented him from playing in several games. This was the third induction for Coach Anderson into an athletic Hall of Fame. The Helms Hall of Fame honored him during his active coaching career for his having developed several Olympic medal winners. Later, when the Texas A&M Athletic Hall of Fame was founded, he was the first one to be inducted. Colonel Andy, as he is affectionately known by a host of friends and former athletes, retired from TAMU in 1957 after a most successful coaching career which began in 1920 and culminated with his selection as an Olympic coach for the Olympian games held in Melbourne, Australia. Colonel Andy was accompanied to Clinton by his wife and two sons, Dr. F.G. Anderson, Jr., and Walter S. Anderson, all of Bryan. News papers- by 411 an cest!?y · The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) · 5 Mar 1975, Wed · Page 15 Downloaded on jun 9, 2021 Olympian Coach in Melbourne, Australia, First coach in A&M Athletic Hall of Fame. Clipped By: 00 Wed, jun 9, 2021 Copyright © 2021 Newspapers.com. All Rights Reserved. 7 N ews paper.§· 1, <f)l ancest ry- https ://www. news papers .com/image/53103141 Copyright© 2021 Newspapers.com. All Rights Reserved . The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) · Thu, Jul 20, 1950 · Page 11 Downloaded on Jun 10, 2021 Newspapers ''' 8 Newspapers· bx ~ anc:estl:Y · https ://www. news papers .com/image/43434324 LOCAL SOLDIER CH SE TO TTEND LE DER COURSE FORT nus~--":\ . ' p The Eagle (Bryan, Te ~as) · Sun, Dec 6 , 1953 · Page 14 Downloaded on jun 10, 2021 El •l"\ll R Bai-.t ·· 0' . It.. -1lh'I\\'· '~··:'.t''"'Ji'~]':j~~%.. trnd, 1. :11 _c Stat:, I'. l .('!l'1' c i :t Htt::d I(' 1,k1': Cou: :-t. ti l 1~1l..,... , l\',Hh'C' i tr~u1 • tn.'." prop.r1m ,,f t 1.<> .\nt: i:rttaf Artillrry hcpl. n :':l~n T1 :i1:1mg C'en c, :1t r\ :· B!i · p,. Bakt:· ,,_.. thl'tll !~r tbt~i h.aleLh1pda. t101 .i eru1p ()f 1 or than 00 .o1~di..:T!'. A Pt'lnt-REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ments to he n..,o ou,; tr.umn ~ W. X. Hall to Al L ~nH h. Jr cour: are based -on dt'mom ra -<" u : lot 13, hlPck 3, H0l1 · : ' - ect le:ider. hip ablli ie'. hi:!h scho-ciltion 'n. 3-$10 and othr:; r1m- lastic apt. itudl"'", and ab,H'e ,1vi:r-1 <;Jd ..tion - agp phy .... i al .Jnhn D. Jnnt . Jr t t ll. t ----·--A 13 rury; p.irt of lot.;; 6 and 7, block 3. Bt a son': Add tt t 'n l 0 ... and oth r cons1d('t-.1t1• n lnnu l R. Sak1do. l'l u_ , to 1!15f' G. Rrwha, l'l ux: lot 12. lt)tk 8, North (~arden J\n1..; Ad c tl111n-$lO and otht'r cu11. 1d 't <I ----·-----------___ I t1011s Copyright © 2021 Newspapers.com. All Rights Reserved . News pape rs "' 9 News papers· hJ ~a ncestry · https ://www. news papers .com/image/43418970 Dit n r Party a The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) · Thu, Dec 29, 1955 · Page 5 Downloaded on jun 10, 2021 Tit Oal Hono1 t B roth d oupl ,J '<mH!t'Oll M1 . Kay Webb I . ;] Copyright © 2021 Newspapers .com. All Rights Reserved. • r> r. ona~ • ( t I t Newspapers "' ~· 10 The Eagle, Sunday, March 24, 1968 p.12 Lt. Walter S. Anderson, Bryan, spent the weekend of March 9-10 in New Orleans "sub hunting." Lt. Anderson's Naval Air Reserve Squadron, VP 703 at the Dallas Naval Station, traveled to New Orleans to participate in a training exercise during their March 9-10 monthly weekend Reserve drill. The exercise, consisting of 1100 weekend warriors from 20 states, involved 29 flights out over the Gulf of Mexico in search of the submarine USS Atule which acted as an enemy sub seeking to infiltrate the U.S. coastline. Purpose of the training mission was to enable the Naval Air Reservists to test their professional skills under actual combat conditions. Emphasis was placed on effective teamwork. Flying the SP2E "Neptune" an antisubmarine patrol bomber manufactured by Lockheed, the Reserve crews flew search patters over the Gulf during day and night maneuvers under the direction of an Operation Control Center at the New Orleans Naval Air Station. Searching, detecting, tracking and "killing" the submarine was the objective of each flight. Capable of remaining in the search pattern for more than ten hours, the SP2E is electronically equipped to locate the sub either submerged or on the water's surface during the day or night. The plane also carries weapons for destroying the submarine once located. During the exercise Reservists from the Dallas Naval Air Station were able to better prepare themselves for their wartime mission of protecting U.S. coastlines and shipping convoys. In civilian life, Lt. Anderson is sales manager for the Lilly Ice Cream Co. in Bryan. He is a 1948 graduate of Texas A&M and a 1954 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Lt. Anderson is married to the former Jean Edge of Bryan. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson of College Station. New s papers· ,,, <9J ancestl}I · https ://www. news papers. com/ima ge/43428385 Copyright © 2021 Newspapers .com. All Rights Reserved. • The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) · Sun, Mar 24, 1968 · Page 12 Downloaded on jun 10, 2021 Newspapers "' .i..th References: 1. The Old Texas A&M Campus Houses, paper by Paul Van Riper, page 9 2. Deed of Records, Brazos County, Texas Volume 106, page 525 2b. Deed of Records, Brazos County, Texas Volume 717, page 5658 2c. Deed of Records, Brazos County, Texas Volume 298, page 198 3. The History of College Station, Texas, 1938-1982 A Thesis by Deborah Lynn Parks Submitted to the Graduate College of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, May 1984 4. The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) Mon, Jul 8, 1935 p.1 Williamson New Director of Extension 5. Valley Morning Star (Harlingen, Texas) Sun, Oct 4, 1964 p. 27 A&M to Induct Five Athletes into School's Hall of Fame 6. The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) Wed, Mar 5, 1975 p. 15 'Colonel' Andy Honored Again 7. The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) Thu, Jul 20, 1950 p. 11 Annapolis Admits Walter S. Anderson 8. The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) Sun, Dec 6, 1953 p. 14 Local Man Ranks Tops at US Naval Academy 9. The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) Thu, Dec 29, 1955 p.5 Dinner Party at The Oaks Honors Betrothed Couple 10. The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) Sun, Mar 24, 1968 p.12 Anderson SOUTHSIDE -5,Ql FAIRVIEW AVE. ---- 01<1 €amp,Us,Location: 281 Ferguson (View historic map on page 29) SOUTHSIDE 710 PARK PLACE. 1