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At eW`~vewion s (iose
The San Jacinto District, structive. She named Club
Texas Federation of Women's Ailments as under-nourishment,
Clubs, convention, held at the poor circulation, envy-itis, rash,
Ramada Inn, came to a close etc;, and gave as Club Cures
with the awarding of c,-r- the injection of two vitamins:
tificates to clubs and to in- "G" and "T", which means
dividual members who have Give and Take. She recom-
done outstanding work this club mended a Convalescent Period,
year. after a Complete Operation,
Most of the 52 clubs in the which would involve leadership,
district chose a new theme or objectivity, and survey of past
worked so well to make this
a successful convention would
be impossible to compile, but
they represented the Bryan
Reading Club, Evening Study
Club, Woman's Club, Extension
Service Club, and the Campus
Study Club.
Many devoted clubwomen'
from throughout the San Jacinto
project for the year's work, programs. District, and several important
State officers, were here to
)thers concentrate each year on Bob Boone directed the report,-plan, help, and enjoy the
I certain project such as Singing Cadets of TAMU in a convention.
)uilding a new community lovely program of songs at the
ibrary or adding to a library. evening banquet, followed by a Eight members of the newly
'here are several Divisions timely talk on youth and adult organized Juniorette Federation
rider the Departments of responsibilities by David Club of Houston, including their
lonservation, Education, Fine Maddox. Jim Austin, ac- president, Miss Chidy England,
irts. Home Life, International compamed by Jan Durrant came to the convention as
affairs, International Clubs and entertained the clubwomen at observers, and stayed to help
lostesses, and Texas Heritage, the additional luncheon. (with the door prizes. Their age
rom which to choose a plan The Outstanding Club range is restricted to 14 through
f club activity. 18. Ghe district is proud to have
I Program was won by the these young ladies in their
There are General and State Bryan'College Station Extension Federation of Women's Clubs.
ederation projects such as the Service Club; the Outstanding
reservation of the Big Thicket C l u b w o m a n award was, im w•• -
rograms. The business of the presented to Mrs. Gus Brauner,
Mention is to review the Jr., of Houston; and the Out
.complishments of' programs standing Jr. Clubwoman awarl
nd projects, and to make plans winner was Mrs. Gwenn Flamm
n goals for the next club year. of Houston.
Mrs. L. A. Maddox, Jr., A list of local clubwomen who
resident of the district,
resided at the business
assions, at the two luncheons,
rid one banquet. Mayor D. A.
nderson of College Station
elcomed the clubwomen to the
ty, and Explorer Post No. 7,15
oy Scouts of America, gave
e Presentation of Colors at
e opening of the convention,
th W. W. Scott as their ad.
A beautifully planned In-
ternational Style Show, modeled
by local women, brought many _
compliments from the visitors.
The "Fashions for Fun" style
show was an inspiration to
women who like to sew their
own clothes.
Mrs. Henry Shaper, San
Antonio, president of the Texas
Federations of Women's Clubs,
was a guest of the convention.
Her talk, "This n' That", at
the opening luncheon, was