HomeMy WebLinkAboutRacing Facility Near Bryan Planned; newspaper article (late-1960s)Gianf Racing facility Near Bran Planned BY MIKE WEINGART ' Chronicle Staff Dallas -While John W. Me- com's New Orleans Saints were picking draft choices Tuesday, Mecom was in '~ Dallas attending ' a press canfer- 2 ~ ence announcing `V ~> the formation of ~ ;~~ ;. Texas Interna- tional Speedway ` Inc., a race fa- ~~`~ ; cility to be built on a 2600 -acre tract near Cal- MECOM ~ lege Station. Mecom has been named a di- rector of the Speedway and said he hopes to actively participate in the venture which will con- du,et its first race Dec. 7. Ilawrence H. Lopatin, Detroit financier and president of the Michigan and Texas Internation- al Speedways, said land has been acquired for a tract oa' State Highway 6, five m i 1 e 5 southeast of College Station an 69 miles from Houston. Michigan International Speed. way is the major stockholder, i' the Texas venture, Lopatin saidx adding that about $1 million ha' been spent to launch the praj= ect expected ,to cost $6 million, when completed. Lopatin said the College Stagy; tion site was chosen because i is in the center of a triangle en- compassing the most highly pop- ulated areas of Texas--Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth and San tonio. Engineering far this facility', has been completed, g r o u p ,preparation should begin in fo to six weeks and the first races scheduled for Dec. 7 will be 500-mile event for National Assn' for Stock Car Auto Racin (NASCAR) Grand N a t i o n i} stock cars. "Since this will be the fin race of the 1969 NASCAR Gran National series, it should clim an exciting year of both driv and manufacturer competitio, and could decide the 1969 cham:` pion." said William France Sr. NASCAR president. Lo~Patin said NASCAR h a '~ agreed to hold its final race o the series at Texas Internation . for 10 years. He expects f i v ` major events during the. tale , dar ,year for the facility whi will be four race tracks in on `