HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Growth Planning, Zoning; newspaper article (02-27-1969)
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Planed. City Growth W.:,'
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,Of Planning, Z()ni~g GrQ,
EDITOR'S NOTE: Policy Area plan, the Brazos ValleyZon i n g Commission
statements for the Commercial Development Council plans' and recommendations to" the '
Devel?pment Com~ttee, the the City of Bryan plans.. ,Council for zoning and rezo
Planning and Zonmg Com- The long range plan Includes the development of subdiviSipnsr.
m i s s ion, .the Parks .and proposed extension of existing and the development of, ate*''',
Recreation _ Committee and: the streets, designation of new under / the city's one.mile j;{.' :
Park superintende!l~, and Lin- str~~~, parks and ~ecreational traterritorial jurisdiction;, , '
coIn School facIlities were facilities, residential areas, The Planning. and Z"',
adopted by the College Station commercial and industrial areas Commission is"aiso 'a con ,?
City Council Feb.' ,24. This. is and utilities. body in coordinating pla
the second of fIve stones ' Iso and zoning with Texas .
reviewing the statements. The , comnusslOn ~ a University A&M ConsoIid
responsIble for making an Ind d 't' S h 1 Distil '.
The Planning and Zonmg annual ,report ~,' the, <.Citx thepeniten . c.,~~, ct
. ,.' . Co u n c 11 contammg recom- Q er-c y. COmmh"""'i3. "
CommIssIon fonnulates ~tudies, d ti f ":..Itin' th The polley statement .spe
Plans and recommendatIOns to men a ons or expcw g .e th t th PI ' , d '7,
. ' C 'I long-range plan. " a, . e , ~mng. an LO:.
the College Station CIty ounCI I ' . ti with d 1 . GomnusslOn consIst ,of'
for the "orderly and planned n c~nJunc on - eve opmg, members plus a' c
growth of the city" a, long range plan for the grQ.wth int"''' b th c'ty C
t , : ,of the' city the Planning lmd appo cu y e. 1
T,h e comnusslOn's policy , , .." to serve two-:year. 'sta
'~"';'-e1i ay~~e~i~y,:..lr!!i .t'.emis".j.l'<i ,')"";i-(",~,,,,"' 9':;A,: .
Col egestation IS experIencmg~ I
a steady and healthy growth r A member of the PI
which necessitates the advice and ,Z()mng (i!ommiSsioQ
and counsel of qualified public appojftte~ as . a liaison mtf
spirited citizens to add direction lof the Commerctal Develop
to its growth, with planning that '~co. rtl..;;m-. ::p...t.'.;.it.....e .e......c. ity cern..'
contains ,features commensurate torifiill~, . . elty~ Parks f
with the best interests of all . . ~ea:trori: ~'C;;amniittee, A':
its citizens. to the end that the Zonmg.. :Soard;', City He
city will become and remain a IC arm m.i He e 'and
desirable place in which to I ' eaulliieatl9"n . eomIJ1i~tee. ..
I live." . The cEinin'iiSsioh' nt
. The policy states that the regularly, on~E. ;,a. mOl)th'
Planning and Zoning Com- . applicati9rts foi:, 'zoning'" c
mission is "a recommending r subdiviSi~n' plat.app
body to ,the City Council." must be submitted ,to - ~,
As 'such the commission is commission 10 -days before itS.r;,
responsible for developing a meeting..' .",.
long-range plan for the growth The commission presently~;,
of College Station. The POliCYJ meets the third Monday ofeaQ~
. states that the plan should be month at 7 p.m. in the' Counei1\,
compatible with the BrazoSj Room of the' City Hall.' t
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