HomeMy WebLinkAboutFood Program Gets CS 'Moral Support'; newspaper article (1960s)
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: Program
CS 'MoraISupporl'
College Station city coun- Bryan should also participate.:. . :arya~',:after the. meeting of the '
,cilmen decided at a special The couQcilmen agreed 'they' ,Cb.m~S:sioners; C'o.u r t last
,meeting Friday afternoon to needed more information' o~! Monijay.~'iiight, we were, of the
"individually give their moral the two programs",. . . >. opihioQ' :that ..this commodity,
support t9 a ~ood pr,?gram for Councilman. O. 'M. Ho'it"'sa,id. faod progr~m i~ 'a prilhary,
th~ paor m' Brazos County," he had checked-ar.ounct, "and r e S'1> 0 n S l.b i ll~t.y of county
.We :m~tiI,t~ ~as the ,result 'the" county hall. "t.he? . respon-., :goye~:m.en~,i and'. tbiiti their
of~ a Jett~r froln C~yn!y;Ju~ge siQ,ility for !li'e', fOQd~':;'progra.m leadership 'is'essentilt~ if' we 'are
".," Willi~rn. R: Val!~e, }!.s!ti!tg throughout th'et'State .except in to have a '~Fogram at aU:'
" College 'Station for an -Official one instance," . "I am still, of that belIef; but'
1/;'; " s!~~me~t. <?!l wnether. t?<<;lre was;', eouncilnian C, H, Ransdell if pa~icipatio~ of; t~e c~ties'1s
~ .', ~, posslb~hty fo~ a ,JWnt effort' agreed that such a program essential. to brin~ mto beIng<f;he,
::f..itf". , In" the, e~e~t. ~Ither,,' of .these was 'very, much needed and it commodity, ~ood program then,
W;t . programs IS Initiated. " 'was a shame this county had I a~ c~rtaIn that any cash,
~' .~.. <'" ~he ceu~ty co~mIssIoners waited so long. ~ontribution we .make, towards
:;"~', ~ :,j'" helli a public heanng July 2~ " ' It.~ support could be offset. by
~' .,< '. ;."~>~~~elf~~~~ati9~q of ~i~h~t: tj 811 ,HO:;t~;!' ii~ 9U~~ !t;tade-offs with, .the~ ~~nty s~rm.
~" ',;:: "~Q~I1~ml!':lpr9gra,?,:-o,r .,.'l!~: ~ ,.P,pp if" 'l~"" ')1"; l~it ,to those, worked out br tl,1e
( ), :c 0 m m o'd I t I.e s dl,stI'lbuttOrr, ~~UP~t' ~s: I b ,,,,,en ,,?-L'<-;' ~ e .c.9untY. and' Texas Ir,ternational,
program. . ..' " 'PllY.; w,Ice e<tl;\U ,',:J~~;:'~ 0, rS~way,... ' ,
"', ,,< :,', 'p'aym~ countY.J'~a~~..., ~ .~, '., " ',*I,~ 1Q10wthat we .cannoH~:ke .'
The, ~~uncil~~n q~I~ed tl1,. "If ,~e,go aRe~~,~hj.s' Il?,~sm~ ;~n~'actiQI1" or an:IV~ at ~ny
held. offl~lalastlOn ',un~Illt clilyl9 :program and I, thmJ{'we' ~lJQuld; 'agreement . Without doing ,so~~at
be~s~ussed,ah'public heanng then, in my' opinion,' that'.sflQuJd a C 'ie~lttF; JJieetihg of t,he
dqrWg ..' the regular August. 28 be our program to- suPPOrt and 'CounCil,: but ,inasmuch . as the
~~ting, of. the, C,ollege,' Station the county, should support the Conumssioners: Court is going
cnY"Coun~ll.. " .: food program. Both would be to make" a ~ deci$ion 'in this"
:: "Th'ey,'deeided that' th~re. had better p~ograms!" h~ sa~d, . 1!latter :~l}' A~g. ':11, \at'.\Vhi.~l!<
,: notj)e.en,jenough prior not1ce"of Coun~llman J~t;n BOZler sa~d time I w~ In,.
",' '" the ~..\ e~ial" meeting 'given ,he f~lt It Should. be. the COU~!y s MexiF9, t~,
he. news medi,.a was ,program, but If. It were air that', ,Yi~. ,
,. '. ," ' i' :solutely neeessary. he would, .,
, , iI . , tjpn'
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