HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS Council Approves Zone Change; newspaper article (08-27-1968)
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ollElge StatIon City Coun-
~pproved changing the Vic-
"Dominik and Albert Domin-
tracts from District No.
;;'4~ 'First Dwelling House Dis-
~:}.rlict, to Dis~rict No.3, Apart-
. :{~rneQt House District at their
"~/);tPeetlng Monday at 7 p.m. in
,.(Ule Council Room of the City
The ordinance allows the pro-
~ed building of a~!}.I1t}'l6n!S in
, ar,ea pr~viding thaP~,tM 200
Q.ot strip b~~king agajnsl the
1<<lperty ,~ow~,!_C~lIege Hills be
It~dYto <\!P}eie,sir:.",
h " ' .. '
ssessmeri .. '
,:, ,other, action; the Council
'~'ed a.'$3"per front foot assess-
eI1t' on the property owners
abutting the portions of High-
land Street, Montclair Avenue,
Ayrshire S t r e e t, Marstel-
ler Avenue, Munson Avenue,
.f itz Street and Bell Street
'. Ii ' '-, elf uIed ,ta, be .im-
. ',.... ",:,..., ".,;.
In addition, the City CouncJl
recommended that the Zoning
Commission approve an amend-
ment to the restrictions on' the
height of buildings in the busi-
ness district. The current re-
strictions limit buildings to four
stories. The amendment would
"permit the erection of struc-
tures in the business areas to a
height of no limit." I
In other business, the council
approved a resolution authoriz-
iIig the Brazos Valley Authority I
to study the waste disposal sys-/
tern for the Bryan-College Sta-
tion area.
The College Station' City!
Council also approved the fol-
,lowing preliminary ,subdivision
plats: Southwood, 'Section 2A;
West KnoU; Street dedication
plat; Southwest one-half of Lot
16, Woodl~nd Estates; and Holt
Addition, ~ection II.
In other action, the City Cvun-;
ciI passed an ordir!aJ1ce chango,
ing the speed IPtJit on certain
parts of Jerse, y Street. Howev-r
'er, an effective date for the new
llimits was not set by the coun.
, In other business, Don Adam
applied for a franchise in be':
JIalf of Community Cable Vision
Corporation. Adam stated that
,the proposed community anten-
na, w,01,1ld transmit stations af-
filiated with ABC, NBC and
CBS, as well as several inde-
pendent stations. The system
so.41~e ~nNj.!~g~~
, ,sy,SU!p'I and' a time-
her channel.
i, 'As-cording to Adam, the. sys-
tem woul(l add revenue to the
City of C!lll~ge Station in the
form of pole rentals, electricity
'. t~xes and a 2 per cent frallchise
eharge in addition to providing
a service to the community.
. He also stressed that the
Community Cable Vision Corpo-
'ration would use the' same rate
schedule as Midwest Video
Corporation which charges $4
per month.
~' The council aIYProved the
franchise request on the first