HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Voting Precincts 020205 , Change "Pi': By JI1\'1 BUTLER . precincts conform with Art, 2.04,'"'S:!.. 't' Ea.gle Mllnagt!ilf ~<<Iitor of the Co~e'. 'The law requires'I;~'t, . , The Brazos C?uhty C~mmis- that ~he commissione~S'~ake' ac~ !,. slOn~rs Court th~s, mopmn~fes- ti,on In the July Of" ;~ug.ii~t ses- .~,~y. """ tabl1shed'\l)ew...:~w,t;ng" pFecHlds' ,'" 81' ,." "-""', ,.,~., an(1, and, ~limimited. SIX" jtlStiCI'~'Pt.c, .'~ ': gJEi'MI~ .' 'i~n'~ilre\- ' Jq u I;' com'iltis~!6n"""" the fjeace;aim"sill: constlib1 sin' -,tl9n. ' iti~ttsl)aIi' ~e,resid~ht" Thete'are:"cUl:,:rentl order to lconform with the exas therein'''les') 'than. fifty 'nor mc,re. precinc'fs'; wiUr ~~' i' Election Code and streamline than two thouarid v~ters as as. places,for,a .tot~o1'i.p county government. certained by the number-, of rl'- State law provides- for' In a special session continued gister!l~ '/oters ~ur t~e la:;t'PTe. n,umber qf, ~on.$tab\es<' ~rom the re~l,ar, August ~eet. c e e ~, I r.g presIdential ,electnn tIces. " . ,~.",;: '., ~"'i,:f(t, hi' " 109, the Cbm.$.lsslOners approv- year. , CommIssiOners qeorge', Dunn' ed a reappointment pla!1 drawn . The plan, which will. g,) inb and Bill St'l(sn~: w.)Jted' ~llgliin.s.t,.~. by Co u n t y Judge Bill Vance effect Jan. 1, 1969, subject' to (lp- the realignment propO'sal' afrer.'a" which would make all voting proval by the state ~ittor.ney'gen- motion by Dunn to ta\lle the ro- posal failed. Ttie mtt ec1;k!ho' if i ,,<,nmsfon and Raymond Nolan vo e favor of the plan. , The motion to decrease tli~l number of justices and constaf;. bles passed on Yes votes front; I . Vance, Stasny and Nolan wiQ1",,~ Dunn and Porterfield in opposl; .~ ~a M In addition to:apPFPving -four'. justice precincts, the cq,mmis-.~ sioners voted' not'to have more . than one ju~tice. Jl!'!r. PJ'ecin~~~~' · , I~ r~aligml!~L~,~' . ,g"p~~' clOcts,'the corfimlSSi nated one r,ural' one city box, whic~ ,.;,' ,if. or'" I L ..:.I..,. . ~ .. , ., , (Continued- FroIrl Page 1. M: i 11 i can, 2. Wellborn, 3. Fairview School,. 4. Steel Stot.e I 5. Fellowship tIall (Tabbm...jk: Edge, 7. Steep Hollow, 8. Soutll Knoll School, 9..A&M Consolidat- I ed High School, 10~ Co)lege Hiill; SchQol, 1"~. CV!lckett,.,s.chool, lit t Sui 'nQssScl\Ool,' 13..;' >>enderson I School, 14. Ben Milam School ! 15. Fannin School, 16, Bowi~ . SchQ(~l, 17. Tr.ayis Schoel, 18. \Central .Fire Stati01~, 19. Ameri- can LegIon Hall.