HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/2021 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning CommissionCollege Station, TX Meeting Agenda Planning and Zoning Commission 1101 Texas Ave, College Station, TX 77840 Internet: https://zoom.us/j/96756716075 Phone: 888 475 4499 and Meeting ID: 967 5671 6075 The City Council may or may not attend the Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting. June 17, 2021 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers College Station, TX Page 1 This meeting will offer both in­­person and remote participation following both the City’s  Guidelines for in­­person, virtual attendance, and the speaker protocol in the agenda.  Capacity in Council Chambers is limited and those signing up to speak will have reserved  seating. In the event maximum capacity is reached, citizens may attend the meeting virtually  as provided on the meeting agenda. The city uses a third­­party vendor to help host the  meeting and if the call­­in number is not functioning, access will be through the internet link  only.      1.Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request.        2.Hear Visitors.     At this time, the Chairperson will open the floor to visitors wishing to address the Commission on  issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. An individual who wishes to address the  Commission regarding any item on the agenda shall register with the Commission Secretary prior to  4 p.m. on the day of the meeting. To register, the individual must provide a name and phone number  by calling 979.764.3751 or emailing khejny@cstx.gov prior to 4 p.m. To submit written comments to  the Commission, email khejny@cstx.gov and they will be distributed to the Commission. The visitor  presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to  address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The  Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter  on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and  address for the record.)     3.Informational Agenda     3.1.Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City.       New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev 3.2.Discussion of Minor / Amending Plats approved by Staff: University Park; Block T, Lots 15A­R1, 15A­R2 & 15A­R3 ~ Case #FPCO2020­000016 Sponsors:Alma Guerra Page 1 of 110  Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 June 17, 2021 3.3.Presentation and discussion regarding an update on items heard: A Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Wellborn Preserve ­ Open to Wellborn  Commercial on approximately two acres located at 3970 Gus Roy Road. The Planning &  Zoning Commission heard this item on May 20, 2021 and the motion to approve failed  (2­5). The City Council heard this item on June 10, 2021 and voted (7­0) to deny the  request.  3.4.Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: Thursday, June 24, 2021 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting  5:00 p.m.  Thursday, July 1, 2021 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m.  Thursday, July 8, 2021 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting  5:00 p.m. (Liaison ­ Cornelius) Thursday, July 15, 2021 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m.  3.5.Presentation and discussion of proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use  & Character Map, which is a part of the 10­year update. (Note: Discussion of this item is  scheduled for the June 24, 2021 City Council Meeting on the workshop agenda – subject to  change.)  Sponsors:Alyssa Halle­Schramm   Attachments:1.Memo 2.Future Land Use Category Descriptions 3.Map Book 4.Table of Proposed Changes 3.6.Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor  Board.    4.Consent Agenda     All matters listed under the Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Commission and will be  enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found  compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved  with any and all staff recommendations. Since there will not be separate discussion of these items,  citizens wishing to address the Commission regarding one or more items on the Consent Agenda  may address the Commission at this time as well. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on  the Consent Agenda it may be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.  4.1.Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. Attachments:1.June 3 2021 Page 2 of 110  Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 June 17, 2021 4.2.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Mission Ranch Phase  501 on approximately 13.5 acres, generally located northwest of the intersection at Feather  Run and Deacon Drive West. Case #FP2020­000008  Sponsors:Jesse Dimeolo   Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3.Final Plat 4.3.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Mission Ranch Phase  202 on approximately 15.1 acres, generally located northwest of the intersection at Feather  Run and Deacon Drive West.  Case #FP2019­000028  Sponsors:Rachel Lazo   Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3.Final Plat 4.4.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Creek Meadows Section  1A, Phase 3 on approximately 8 acres, generally located southwest of the intersection of  Victoria Avenue and Creek Meadows Boulevard North.  Case #FP2020­000022  Sponsors:Erika Bridges   Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3.Final Plat 4.5.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Creek Meadows Section  1A, Phase 4 on approximately 7 acres, generally located southwest of the intersection of  Victoria Avenue and Creek Meadows Boulevard North.  Case #FP2020­000023  Sponsors:Erika Bridges   Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3.Final Plat    5.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent  Agenda by Commission action.        6.Regular Agenda        7.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items.     A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A  statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any  deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent  meeting.     8.Adjourn     Page 3 of 110  Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 June 17, 2021 The Planning and Zoning Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed  on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion.  I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall,  1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on June 11, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.     City Secretary   This  building  is  wheelchair  accessible.  Persons  with  disabilities  who  plan  to  attend  this meeting    and   who   may   need   accommodations,   auxiliary   aids,   or   services   such   as interpreters,   readers,  or  large  print  are  asked  to  contact  the  City  Secretary’s  Office  at  (979) 764­3541,  TDD   at  1­800­735­2989,  or  email  adaassistance@cstx.gov  at  least  two  business days  prior  to  the   meeting  so  that  appropriate  arrangements  can  be  made.  If  the  City  does not  receive   notification  at  least  two  business  days  prior  to  the  meeting,  the  City  will  make  a reasonable  attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun. "Pursuant  to  Section  30.07,  Penal  Code  (Trespass  by  License  Holder  with  an  Openly  Carried     Handgun)     A     Person     Licensed     under     Subchapter     H,     Chapter     411,  Government   Code   (Handgun   Licensing   Law),   may   not   enter   this   Property   with   a  Handgun that is Carried Openly."  Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. “Conforme  a  la  Seccion  30.07 del  codigo  penal  (traspasar  portando  armas  de  mano al    aire   libre   con   licencia),   personas   con   licencia   bajo   del   Sub­Capitulo   H,   Capitulo  411,  Codigo  de  Gobierno  (Ley  de  licencias  de  arma  de  mano),  no  deben  entrar  a  esta  propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” Page 4 of 110 MEMORANDUM June 17, 2021 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Alyssa Halle-Schramm, AICP, Long Range Planning Administrator SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan 10-Year Update – Proposed Future Land Use & Character Map Changes Item: Presentation and discussion of proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use & Character Map, which is a part of the 10-year update. (Note: Discussion of this item is scheduled for the June 24, 2020 City Council Meeting on the workshop agenda – subject to change.) Summary: This item is a preliminary review of the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use & Character Map. Staff will highlight major changes and asks that the Planning & Zoning Commission provide direction in advance of public engagement efforts beginning later this summer. Background: The Next 10 initiative was a robust public engagement effort that identified the successes and shortcomings of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. It resulted in a 10-Year Evaluation & Appraisal Report that recommends modifications in response to changing conditions. These recommendations stem from numerous discussions with citizens, stakeholders, the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation Committee, and City staff. The City Council accepted the report in October 2020 and staff have been working to implement the recommended changes, including amendments and updates to the plan’s text and maps. One of the most significant maps within the Comprehensive Plan is the Future Land Use & Character Map. This map illustrates the desired future uses and character within the City Limits and the City’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. An interdisciplinary team of City staff including planning, engineering, transportation, economic development, and water services worked together to refine the Future Land Use & Character map. The team considered existing development patterns and zoning, known incoming and future development proposals, Planning & Development Services • 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 • College Station, TX 77840 Office 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 Page 5 of 110 Planning & Development Services • 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 • College Station, TX 77840 Office 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 projected future uses and population projections, the City’s economic development goals, and existing and projected infrastructure capacity to refine the Future Land Use & Character Map. Staff will present the entire updated Comprehensive Plan and its maps for consideration and recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Commission in September and possible adoption by City Council in October 2021. This timeline allows for adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in advance of the Impact Fee Studies being presented in November 2021. This is key as the land uses, densities, and population projections in the updated Comprehensive Plan effect the demands placed on the City’s water, wastewater, and roadway infrastructure and may necessitate potential infrastructure improvements that will be identified within the Impact Fee Studies. Staff from Planning & Development Services have been coordinating efforts with Water Services and the respective consultant teams to ensure these efforts are aligned. This preview of the Future Land Use & Character Map serves as a check to confirm City staff are on the right track with the proposed land use changes. The proposed Future Land Use & Character Map is available for your review in a Map Book format. There are three components that work in tandem: 1) the Future Land Use category descriptions, 2) the Map Book, and 3) the table of proposed changes. 1) The Future Land Use category descriptions include narrative descriptions of each proposed land use category. Major changes to the categories that are depicted on the Future Land Use & Character Map include a reduction in the number of categories (from 25 to 17), the addition of new categories (Neighborhood Center and Mixed Residential), the combining of similar residential land uses, the refinement of Natural & Open Areas based on more recent data including flood data, and general map clean-up items. 2) The Map Book is a city-wide map of the proposed Future Land Use & Character Map divided into grids. For each detailed grid page, you will see a side-by-side comparison of the existing and proposed land uses. The proposed changes are numbered and have corresponding descriptions within the table of proposed changes. 3) The table of proposed changes is numbered based on the grid location in the Map Book. All proposed changes are assigned a number and have a corresponding description. Numbers 1-6 are used multiple times to reflect changes that apply in multiple areas, such as the refinement of Natural & Open Areas. All changes are categorized by one of three types: “clean-up item,” “change in use,” or “reclassification.” “Reclassification” was chosen for areas that were previously classified as Urban or Urban Mixed Use land uses because these categories were overhauled into Urban Center, Neighborhood Center, and Urban Residential. “Reclassification” was also selected for the previous Restricted Suburban and General Suburban land uses because these were combined into one category named Suburban Residential. City staff will host a variety of public engagement efforts on the Comprehensive Plan update beginning in late July and running through early September 2021. This will include an interactive mapping tool for the public to also provide direct comment on proposed changes to the Future Land Use & Character Map. The proposed Comprehensive Plan text edits and other maps will Page 6 of 110 Planning & Development Services • 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 • College Station, TX 77840 Office 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 also be available for public review and comment during that time. All virtual public engagement efforts and the interactive map will be available in late July at cstx.gov/TheNext10 Supporting Materials: 1. Future Land Use Category Descriptions 2. Proposed Future Land Use Map Book 3. Table of Proposed Changes Page 7 of 110 FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS The following Future Land Use category descriptions are from the 10-Year Comprehensive Plan Evaluation & Appraisal Report, accepted by City Council on October 8, 2020. Existing categories Proposed categories Map color Mixed Use Centers 1 Urban Mixed Use Urban Center 2 Village Center (unmapped) Neighborhood Center Commercial Areas 3 General Commercial General Commercial 4 Suburban Commercial Neighborhood Commercial 5 Business Park Business Center Neighborhood and Residential Areas 6 Urban Urban Residential 7 NEW Mixed Residential 8 Restricted Suburban Suburban Residential General Suburban 9 Estate Estate Residential 10 Neighborhood Conservation Neighborhood Conservation Institutional and Special Districts 11 Texas A&M University Texas A&M University 12 Institutional/Public Institutional/Public Utilities 13 Medical Use Medical 14 Wellborn Preserve (open) Wellborn Estate (open) Wellborn Business Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Wellborn Limited Development Areas 15 Natural (protected) Parks and Greenways 16 Natural (reserved) Natural & Open Areas 17 Rural Rural Page 8 of 110 FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS Urban Center Areas that are appropriate for the most intense development and mix of uses arranged in a compact and walkable pattern. These areas will tend to consist of multi-story residential, commercial, and office uses that may be mixed vertically within mixed-use structures or horizontally in an integrated manner. Urban Centers should also incorporate consolidated parking facilities, access to transportation alternatives, open space and recreational facilities, and public uses. Building Height: 5 stories average Mobility: Walking, biking, transit, automobile. Intent • Create and reinforce walkable activity centers with small blocks that are connected to surrounding development and include a mix of complementary uses. • Accommodate a mix of building types including freestanding and attached structures that frame attractive pedestrian zones between buildings and streets. • Encourage commercial uses along primary streets. • Encourage vertical mixed-use structures with ground-floor retail in appropriate locations such as along major corridors. • Support multifamily residential as a secondary component of a center. • Encourage shared surface parking located behind buildings or to the side of buildings; structured parking; and on-street parking where possible. Neighborhood Center Areas that are appropriate for a mix of uses arranged in a compact and walkable pattern at a smaller scale than Urban Centers. These areas consist of residential, commercial, and office uses arranged horizontally in an integrated manner and may be mixed vertically within structures. Neighborhood Centers should also incorporate consolidated parking facilities, access to transportation alternatives, open space and recreational facilities, and public uses. Height: 3 stories average Mobility: Walking, biking, transit, automobile. Intent • Create and reinforce walkable activity centers that are connected to surrounding development and include a mix of complementary uses. • Accommodate a mix of building types that frame attractive pedestrian spaces. • Encourage commercial uses along primary streets. • Support vertical mixed-use structures with ground-floor retail in appropriate locations such as along corridors or major intersections • Support multi-family residential as a secondary component of a center. • Encourage shared surface parking located behind or to the side of buildings, with some limited parking in front of buildings; structured parking; and on- street parking where possible. Page 9 of 110 FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS General Commercial Concentrated areas of commercial activities that cater to both nearby residents and to the larger community or region. Generally, these areas tend to be large and located along regionally significant roads. Due to their context, these areas tend to prioritize automobile mobility. Height: 1-2 stories average Mobility: Primarily automobile, but accessible by walking, biking, and transit. Intent • Accommodate a wide range of commercial uses. • Concentrate future commercial development at major intersections. • Provide connectivity to surrounding bicycle and pedestrian networks and provide safe pedestrian facilities within sites. • Encourage transitions in building height and mass when adjacent to residential neighborhoods. • Support multi-family residential as secondary uses on a site. • Encourage shared surface parking Neighborhood Commercial Areas of commercial activities that cater primarily to nearby residents. These areas tend to be smaller format than general commercial and located adjacent to major roads along the fringe of residential areas. Design of these structures is compatible in size, architecture, and lot coverage with surrounding residential uses. Height: 1-2 stories average Mobility: Primarily automobile, but accessible by walking, biking, and transit. Intent • Accommodate limited commercial services compared to General Commercial. • Provide pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to surrounding neighborhoods and nearby public uses (schools, parks, etc.). • Support some residential use that is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood character. • Encourage transitions in building height and mass when adjacent to residential neighborhoods. • In a walkable neighborhood context, locate new buildings near the street and accommodate parking to the side or rear of buildings with some limited parking in front of buildings and accommodate on-street parking where possible. Page 10 of 110 FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS Business Center Areas that include office, research, or industrial uses that may be planned and developed as a unified project. Generally, these areas need convenient access to arterial roadways. Height: Varies Mobility: Primarily automobile Intent • Accommodate a variety of large footprint buildings. • Accommodate commercial and service uses within Business Centers. • Accommodate pedestrian, bicycle, and transit connectivity to and within Business Centers. • Provide buffering through landscaping and building placement where large- scale employment sites are adjacent to residential areas. Urban Residential Areas that are appropriate for a range of high density multi-family and attached residential development in various forms including townhomes, apartment buildings, mixed-use buildings, and limited non-residential uses that are compatible with the surrounding area. Height: 3 stories average Mobility: Walking, biking, transit, automobile. Intent • Accommodate a wide range of attractive multi-family housing for a diverse population. Buildings may be clustered and grouped. Building setback from street varies but is generally consistent within a development. • Provide vehicular and pedestrian connectivity between developments. • Accommodate streetscape features such as sidewalks, street trees, and lighting. • Support commercial, service, office uses, and vertical mixed-use within redevelopment areas. Page 11 of 110 FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS Mixed Residential Areas appropriate for a mix of moderate density residential development including, townhomes, duplexes, and small (3-12 unit) multi-family buildings, and limited small-lot single family. These areas are appropriate for residential infill and redevelopment that allows original character to evolve. These areas may serve as buffers between more intense multi-family residential or mixed-use development and suburban residential or neighborhood conservation areas. Height: Varies (generally 2-3 stories) Mobility: Walking, biking, transit, automobile. Intent • Accommodate a walkable pattern of small lots, small blocks and well- connected street pattern. • Accommodate streetscape features such as sidewalks, street trees, and lighting. • Encourage community facilities, parks, and greenways within neighborhoods • Support neighborhoods with a mix of housing types and where larger or more dense housing is located near community facilities or adjacent to commercial or neighborhood centers Suburban Residential Primarily single-family residential areas that consist of low to moderate density single-family lots. These areas may also include limited townhomes, duplexes, other housing types, and some non-residential uses that are compatible with surrounding single-family areas. Development types tend to be highly consistent within a subdivision or neighborhood. Height: 1-2 stories average Mobility: Primarily automobile, but accessible by walking, biking, and transit to surrounding neighborhood services and centers. Intent • Accommodate streetscape features such as sidewalks, street trees, and lighting • Support neighborhoods with a mix of housing types • Encourage community facilities, parks, and greenways within neighborhoods • When establishing new residential areas or expanding existing developments, provide pedestrian and vehicular connectivity between adjacent developments Page 12 of 110 FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS Estate Residential Primarily single-family residential areas that have a low level of development activities. These areas are appropriate for very low-density residential lots one-acre or greater lot sizes or average 20,000 square feet lots when clustered around open space. Height: 1-2 story average Mobility: Primarily automobile Intent • Support a wide range of lot sizes, long blocks, and curvilinear streets. Buildings tend to be located greater than 30 feet from a fronting street. • When establishing new residential areas or expanding existing developments, provide pedestrian and vehicular connectivity between adjacent developments Neighborhood Conservation Residential areas that are essentially “built-out” and are not likely to be the focus of extensive infill development or redevelopment. These areas often were platted before current development regulations were in place often resulting in non- conforming situations. These areas are appropriate for overlays or zoning classifications that provide additional character protection and address non-conforming issues. Height: 1-2 stories Mobility: Walking, biking, transit, automobile. On-street parking and private off-street parking. Intent • Maintain the existing housing stock, lot patterns, and character of neighborhoods. • Support infill housing that fits-in with neighboring homes (scale, placement, use, etc). Address non-conforming lot issues through flexible development regulations. • Maintain established trees Page 13 of 110 FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS Texas A&M University Areas owned by Texas A&M University and are appropriate for campus development as described in the Texas A&M Campus Master Plan and related documents. Institutional/Public Areas that are, and are likely to remain, in some form of institutional or public activity. Examples include schools, libraries, municipal facilities, and major utilities. Medical Areas appropriate for medically-related uses and supporting office, commercial, and residential uses. The medical land use designation surrounding Rock Prairie and State Highway 6 is further detailed in the Medical District Master Plan, which envisions a wide array of medical and supporting services and activities concentrated in the district. This includes the two major hospitals in close proximity to residential neighborhoods, neighborhood centers, offices, and commercial uses. Height: Varies Mobility: Walking, biking, transit, automobile. Wellborn The Wellborn Community Plan envisions the future of Wellborn to maintain its rural character with open space that is both privately and publicly held. The area will continue as a place where neighborhood commercial uses support surrounding low-density residential properties. Height: Varies Mobility: Primarily automobile Page 14 of 110 FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS Parks and Greenways Areas that are permanently protected from development. Such areas are preserved for their natural function or for parks, recreation, or greenways opportunities. These areas include, publicly owned open space, conservation easements, and public parks. Natural & Open Areas This land use designation is generally for areas that represent a constraint to development and that should be preserved for their natural function or open space qualities. These areas include floodplains, riparian buffers, common areas, and open space. The boundaries of the Natural & Open Areas land use are representative and the exact location of floodplains are determined during the development process. Intent • Conserve environmentally sensitive land. • Buffer incompatible land uses with open space. • Develop a connected open space network through the city for recreation. Rural Areas that, due to public service limitations, inadequate public infrastructure, or a prevailing rural or agricultural character, should have very limited development activities. These areas will tend to include a mix of large acreages (ranches and farmsteads) and limited large-lot (two acre or larger) residential developments. Open space is the dominant feature of these areas. Height: Varies Mobility: Primarily automobile Page 15 of 110 F U T U R E L A N D U S E & CHARACTERFUTURE L A N D U S E & CHARACTERMAP B OOKMAP B OOK J U N E 2 021JUNE 2 021 [DRAFT] Page 16 of 110 Overview & Map Book Guide The proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use & Character map stem from numerous discussions with citizens, stakeholders, the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation Committee, and City staff throughout 2019 and 2020 during The Next 10 evaluation of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. There are three components to this Map Book that work in tandem: 1) the Future Land Use category descriptions, 2) the Map Book, and 3) the table of proposed changes. 1) The Future Land Use category descriptions include narrative descriptions of each proposed land use category. Major changes to the categories that are depicted on the Future Land Use & Character Map include a reduction in the number of categories(from 25 to 17), the addition of new categories (Neighborhood Center and Mixed Residential), the combining of similar residential land uses, the refinement of Natural & Open Areas based on more recent data including flood data, and general map clean-up items. 2) The Map Book is a city-wide map of the proposed Future Land Use & Character Map divided into grids. For each detailed gridpage, you will see a side-by-side comparison of the existing and proposed land uses. The proposed changes are numbered and have corresponding descriptions within the table of proposed changes. 3) The table of proposed changes is numbered based on the grid location in the Map Book. All proposed changes are assigned a number and have a corresponding description. Numbers 1-6 were used multiple times to reflect changes that apply in multipleareas, such as the refinement of Natural & Open Areas. All changes are categorized by one of three types: “clean-up item,” “change in use,” or “reclassification.” “Reclassification” was chosen for areas that were previously classified as Urban or Urban Mixed Use land uses because these categories were overhauled into Urban Center, Neighborhood Center, and Urban Residential. “Reclassification” was also selected for the previous Restricted Suburban and General Suburban land uses because these were combined into one category named Suburban Residential. NOTE: City staff will host a variety of public engagement efforts on the Comprehensive Plan Update beginning in late July and running through early September 2021. This will include an interactive mapping tool for the public to provide direct comment on proposed changes to the Future Land Use & Character Map. The proposed Comprehensive Plan chapter edits will also be available for public review and comment during that time. All virtual public engagement efforts and the interactive map will be available in late July at cstx.gov/TheNext10. Comments & Questions: Alyssa Halle-Schramm Long Range Planning AdministratorPhone: 979-764-3826 Email: aschramm@cstx.gov Page 17 of 110 Page 18 of 110 Page 19 of 110 4912 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 0 5 102.5 Miles Future Land Use & Character Locator Map Page 20 of 110 7 1061 8 COPPERFIELDPWWOODCREST DRE O A K H IL L DR GREENVALLEYDR COPPERFIELDDRBOONVILLE RD UNIVERSITY DR E7 106 1 8 COPPERFIELDPWWOODCREST DRE O A K H IL L D R COPPERFIELDDR GREENVALLEYDR BOONVILLERD UNIVERSITY DR E[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 1 of 49 See Page 6 See Page 2Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 21 of 110 10 9 4 2 6 1 8 ELMO WEEDON RDCOPPERFIELDPW BOONVILLE RD SH30UNIVERSITYDRE HARVEY RDFM158 10 9 42 6 1 8 ELMO WEEDON RDCOPPERFIELDPW BOONVILLE RD SH30UNIVERSITYDRE HARVEY RDFM158 [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 2 of 49 See Page 7 See Page 49See Page 1Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 22 of 110 1 FINFEATHER RDLEONARD RDNHARVEYMITCHELLPW W C ARSO NSTTURKEYCREEKRDW V IL L A M A R IA R D 1 FINFEATHER RDLEONARD RDNHARVEYMITCHELLPW W C ARSO N STTURKEY CREEK RDW V IL L A M A R IA R D [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 3 of 49 See Page 9 See Page 4Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 23 of 110 111 S C OLLE GE AV C A VITT A V GARDENACRESB L OLDCOLLEGERDE NORTH AVCARTERCREEKPW BROADMOORDRS TEXAS AV WVILLAMARIARDEVILLAMARIARDW ELLBO RN RD TEXAS AV 111 C A VITT A V S C OLLE GE AV GARDENAC RE S B L OLDCOLLEGERDE NORTH AVCARTERCREEKPW BROADMOORDRS TEXAS AV WVILLAMARIARDEVILLAMARIARDW ELLBO RN RD TEXAS AV [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 4 of 49 See Page 10 See Page 5See Page 3Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 24 of 110 13 16 14 18 5 17 6 3 12 15 19 11 3633 1 20 TARROW ST LINCOLN AVE29THST MUNSONAV WALTO N D R FRANCIS DRGARDENACR E S B L C A R TE R CREEK PW TAN GLEW O O D D R BRIAR OAKS DR NROSEMARYDRS P R IN G L O UNIVERSITY DRTEXAS AV S TEXAS AV UNIVERSITY D R E13 16 14 18 5 17 6 3 12 15 19 11 3633 1 20 TARROW ST LINCOLN AVE29THST MUNSONAV WALTO N D R FRANCIS DRS P R IN G L O GARDENAC R E S B L CAR T E RCREEKPWTAN GLEW O O D D R BRIAR OAKS DR NROSEMARYDRUNIVERSITY DRTEXAS AV S TEXAS AV UNIVERSITYD R E[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 5 of 49 See Page 11 See Page 6See Page 4Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 25 of 110 21 7 2 27 16 26 17 6 24 23 4 22 28 36 25 1 5 EARLRUD DER F W S MUNS O N AV DOMINIK DRFRANCIS DRA PP O M ATT O X D R GLENHAVEN DR UNIVERSITY DR EHARVEY RDU N IV ERSITYDRE21 7 2 27 16 26 17 6 24 23 4 22 28 36 25 1 5 E A RL R U D D E R F W S MUNSON A V DOMINIK DRFRANCIS DRGLENHAVEN DR A PP O M ATT O X D RUNIVERSITY DR EHARVEY RDU N IV ERSITYDRE[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 6 of 49 See Page 12 See Page 7See Page 1 See Page 5Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 26 of 110 7 2 4 6 28 1 5HARVEY RD7 2 4 6 28 1 5HARVEY RD[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 7 of 49 See Page 13 See Page 49See Page 2 See Page 6Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 27 of 110 4 29 SH 30 4 29 SH 30 [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 8 of 49 See Page 16 See Page 49See Page 49 See Page 49Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 28 of 110 31 30 1 F&BRDH A R V E Y MITCHELLPW SNHARVEYMITCHELLPWWVILLAMARIARD 31 30 1 F&BRDH A R V E Y MITCHELLPW SNHARVEYMITCHELLPWWVILLAMARIARD [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 9 of 49 See Page 18 See Page 10See Page 3 Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 29 of 110 31 2 1 32 COLLEGE AV WELLBORN RD COLLEGE MAINST RAYMONDSTOTZERPWW ELLBORN R D N WELLBO RN RD UNIVERSITYDR31 2 1 32 COLLEGE AV WELLBORN RD COLLEGE MAIN ST RAYMONDSTOTZERPWW ELLBO R N R D N WELLBO RN RD UNIVERSITYDR[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 10 of 49 See Page 19 See Page 11See Page 4 See Page 9Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 30 of 110 40 41 3534 373 39 11 58 42 6 46 36 44 2 33 38 43 1 32 GEORGE BUSH DRCOLLEGE AV HOLLEMANDRDOMINIK DRTIMBER ST GLADE ST FAIRVIEW AV DEXTERDR ANDERSONSTFRANCISDRUNIVERSITYDRTEXAS AV W ELLBORN R D HARVEY RDTEXASAVS 40 41 3534 373 39 11 58 42 6 46 36 44 2 33 38 43 1 32 GEORGEBUSHDRANDERSONST COLLEGE AV HOLLEM A N D RDOMINIK DRGLADE STFRANCISDR FAIRVIEW AV DEXTERDRUNIVERSITY DRTEXASAV W ELLBORN R D HARVEYRDTEXAS AV S [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 11 of 49 See Page 20 See Page 12See Page 5 See Page 10Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 31 of 110 73 2 37 243 51 50 49 47 45 42 5 52 46 36 44 25 48 53 1 6HOLLEMAN DR EANDERSONST DARTMOUTHST SOUTHWEST PWSOUTHWEST PW EE A RL R U D D E R F WSDOMINIK DRGLADEST COLGATEDRKRENEK TAP RDTEXAS AV SHARVEY RDHARVEY MITCHELLPWS 73 2 37 243 51 50 49 47 45 42 5 52 46 36 44 25 48 53 1 6HOLLEMAN DR ESOUTHWESTPWANDERSON ST DAR T MOU T H S T SOUTHWEST PW EE A R L R U D D E R F W SDOMINIK DRGLADEST KRENEK TAP RDCOLGATEDRTEXAS AV SHARVEY RDHA RV E Y MITCHELLPWS [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 12 of 49 See Page 21 See Page 13See Page 6 See Page 11Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 32 of 110 75 4 47 553 2 1 52 EARLRUDDERFWSAPPOMATTOXDRE M ERA LD P W 75 4 47 553 2 1 52 EARLRUDDERFWSAPPOMATTOXDREM ERA LD PW[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 13 of 49 See Page 22 See Page 14See Page 7 See Page 12Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 33 of 110 4 1 4 1 [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 14 of 49 See Page 23 See Page 15See Page 49 See Page 13Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 34 of 110 4 1 WILLIAM D FITCH PW4 1 WILLIAM D FITCH PW[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 15 of 49 See Page 24 See Page 16See Page 49 See Page 14Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 35 of 110 4 29 1 SH 30 WILLIAM D FITCH PW4 29 1 SH 30 WILLIAM D FITCH PW[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 16 of 49 See Page 25 See Page 49See Page 8 See Page 15Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 36 of 110 RIVERSIDEPW RIVERSIDE PW FRONTAGE RD RIVERSIDEPW RIVERSIDE PW FRONTAGE RD [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 17 of 49 See Page 26 See Page 18Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 37 of 110 56 31 54 55 30 57 2 1 4 RIVERSIDEPW RAYMONDSTOTZERPWTU R K EY C REEK R D RAYMONDSTOTZERTORIVERSIDE P W 56 31 54 55 30 57 2 14 RIVERSIDEPW RAYMONDSTOTZERPWTU R K EY C REEK R D RAYMONDSTOTZERTORIVERSIDEPW [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 18 of 49 See Page 27 See Page 19See Page 9 See Page 17Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 38 of 110 31 59 30 21 58GEORGE BUSH DR WRAYMONDSTOTZERPWLUTHER ST WHARVEY MITCHELL PW S 31 59 30 21 58GEORGE BUSH DR WRAYMONDSTOTZERPWLUTHER ST WHARVEY MITCHELL PW S [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 19 of 49 See Page 28 See Page 20See Page 10 See Page 18Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 39 of 110 67 60 68 63 65 43 61 64 66 69 2 3 5 59 62 1 4 58 6 HOL L E M A N DRS HARVEY MITCHELL PW SGEORGE BUSH DR WHOLLEMAN DRHOLLEMANDRWSOUTHWEST PWW ELSH AV DOWLINGRDNUECES DRFAIRVIEW AVMAR I ON P U GH D R LUTHER ST WFM 2154WELLB O R N R D 67 60 68 63 65 43 61 64 66 69 2 3 5 59 62 1 4 58 6 HOLL E M A N D R S HARVEY MITCHELL PW SGEORGE BUSH DR WHOLLEMAN DRHOLLEMANDRWSOUTHW EST PW W ELSH AV DOWLINGRDNUE CES D R FAIRVIEW AVMAR I ON P U GH D R LUTHER ST WFM 2154WELLB O R N R D HARVEY MI TC H E L L P W S [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 20 of 49 See Page 29 See Page 21See Page 11 See Page 19Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 40 of 110 78 2 67 74 68 5 71 73 66 69 3 52 72 77 6 62 1 70SOUTHWESTPW RO C KPRAIRIER D W ELSH AV EARLRUDDERFWSSH 6 SOFFRAMPSH6 S GLADEST P OND E R O SADRLO N G MIR E D RBROTH ERSB L N U E C ESDR RIOGRANDEBL SOUTH W O ODDR TEXAS AV S TEXAS AV SHARVEYMITCHELLPWS 78 2 67 74 68 5 71 73 66 69 3 52 72 77 6 62 1 70SOUTHWESTPW RO C KPRAIRIER D W ELSH AV EARL RUDDER FW SSH 6 SOFFRAMPSH6 S GLADEST P OND E R O SADRSOUTHW O ODDR LONGMIREDR RIOGRANDEBL BROTHERSB L N U E CESDR TEXAS AV S HARVEYM ITCHELLPWS[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 21 of 49 See Page 30 See Page 22See Page 12 See Page 20Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 41 of 110 78 74 75 816 73 79 76 52 72 5 77 2 1 803 TOLEDOBEND DR ROCK PRAIRIE RD TOWNLAKEDRMIDTOWNDREARLRUDDERFWSSH 6 SOFFRAMPS H 6 S SH 6SFR O N TA G E R D EPONDEROSADR W O O D C R E E K D RSH6SFRO NT A GE RDWLO N G MIR E D R M IDTO W N D R 78 74 75 816 73 79 76 52 72 5 77 2 1 803 TOLEDOBEND DR ROCK PRAIRIE RD TOWNLAKEDRMIDTOWNDREARLRUDDERFWSS H 6SOFFRAMPSH6 S S H 6 S FR O N TA G E RD E PONDEROSADRW O O D C R E E K D R SH6SFR O N T A GE R DWLONGMIRE D R [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 22 of 49 See Page 31 See Page 23See Page 13 See Page 21Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 42 of 110 381 5 1 2 TOLEDOBEND DR ROCK PRAIRIE RD TOWNLAKEDR3 81 5 1 2TOLEDOBEND DR ROCK PRAIRIE RD TOWNLAKEDR[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 23 of 49 See Page 32 See Page 24See Page 14 See Page 22Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 43 of 110 82 5 1 4 WILLIAMDFITCHPW82 5 1 4 WILLIAMDFITCHPW[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 24 of 49 See Page 33 See Page 25See Page 15 See Page 23Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 44 of 110 1 4 1 4 [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 25 of 49 See Page 34 See Page 49See Page 16 See Page 24Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 45 of 110 1 4 RAYMONDSTOTZERPW1 4 RAYMONDSTOTZERPW[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 26 of 49 See Page 47 See Page 27See Page 17 See Page 47Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 46 of 110 57 1 4RAYMONDSTOTZERPW 57 1 4RAYMONDSTOTZERPW [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 27 of 49 See Page 35 See Page 28See Page 18 See Page 26Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 47 of 110 83 59 1 4 HOPESCREEKRDNDOWLINGRD83 59 1 4 HOPES CREEK RDNDOWLINGRD[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 28 of 49 See Page 47 See Page 29See Page 19 See Page 27Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 48 of 110 67 68 6 66 83 3 86 84 59 2 116 1 4 5 H OL L E MAN DR S ROCKPRAIRIERDWNDOWLINGRD FM 2154 67 68 6 66 83 3 86 84 59 2 116 1 4 5 HOL L E MAN DR S ROCK PRAIRIERD WNDOWLINGRD FM 2154 [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 29 of 49 See Page 36 See Page 30See Page 20 See Page 28Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 49 of 110 67 68 6 88 87 86 84 59 96 85 2 1 3 5 WELSH AV VICTORIA AVROCK PRAIRIE RDR O C KPRAIRIERDWGRAHAMRDFM 2154 67 68 6 88 87 86 84 59 96 85 2 1 3 5 WELSH AV VICTORIA AVROCK PRAIRIE RDR O C KPRAIRIERDWGRAHAMRDFM 2154 [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 30 of 49 See Page 37 See Page 31See Page 21 See Page 29Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 50 of 110 89 92 88 79 2 1 80 93 3 95 5 81 91 90 VICTORIAAV BARRON RDMIDTOWN DR SH 6 S LONG MIRE DR SH6SFRONTAGERDE SH 6 S FRONTAGE RD WGRAHAM RDMI DTO W N D R 89 92 88 79 2 1 80 93 3 95 5 81 91 90 VICTORIAAV BARRON RDMI DT O W N D R SH 6 S LONG MIRE DR SH6SFRONTAGERDE SH6SFRONTAGERD WGRAHAM RD[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 31 of 49 See Page 38 See Page 32See Page 22 See Page 30Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 51 of 110 3 94 81 92 5 2 104 106 1 93 95 91 90MIDT O WN D R MIDTO WN D R SH 6 S SH 6 S FRONTAGE RD E SH 6 S FRONTAGE RD W WILLIAM D FITCH PWMIDTO W N DR 3 94 81 92 5 2 104 106 1 93 95 91 90MIDT O W N D R MIDTOWN DR SH 6 S SH 6 S FRONTAGE RD E SH 6 S FRONTAGE RD W WILLIAM D FITCH PW[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 32 of 49 See Page 39 See Page 33See Page 23 See Page 31Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 52 of 110 3 82 5 106 1 ROCKPRAIRIERD WILLIAM D FITCH PW3 82 5 106 1 ROCK PRAIRIERD WILLIAM D FITCH PW[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 33 of 49 See Page 40 See Page 34See Page 24 See Page 32Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 53 of 110 5 1 4 ROCKPRAIRIERD 5 1 4 ROCKPRAIRIERD [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 34 of 49 See Page 41 See Page 48See Page 25 See Page 33Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 54 of 110 1 4 1 4 [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 35 of 49 See Page 47 See Page 47See Page 27 See Page 47Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 55 of 110 83 84 96 1 4 5 SDOWLINGRD I & GN R DN DOWLING RD 83 84 96 1 4 5 SDOWLINGRD I & GN R DN DOWLING RD [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 36 of 49 See Page 47 See Page 37See Page 29 See Page 47Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 56 of 110 100 97 99 988684 96 3 1 5 4SDO WLI NGR DVICTORIA AVBARRON RDI & GN R DC A P S T O N E D R FM 2154FM 2154WILLIAM DFITCHPW 100 97 99 988684 96 3 1 5 4 SD O W L IN G R D BARRONRDVICTORIA AVI & GN R DC A P S T O N E D R FM 2154FM 2154WILLIA M D FITCHPW [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 37 of 49 See Page 42 See Page 38See Page 30 See Page 36Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 57 of 110 100 103 101 102 98 2 104 111 3 1 5 105GREENSPRAIRIERD VICTORIA AVBARRON RDWILL IAM D FITC H PW 100 103 101 102 98 2 104 111 3 1 5 105 GREENS PRAIRIE RDVICTORIA AVBARRON RDWILL IAM D FITC H PW [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 38 of 49 See Page 43 See Page 39See Page 31 See Page 37Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 58 of 110 107 103 5 2 104 3 1 95 105 4ARRINGTON RDGREENS PRAIRIE RDSH 6 SOLD ARRINGTON RDSH6SFRONTAGERD W SH 6 S FRO NTA GE RD EWILLIAMDFITCHPW 107 103 5 2 104 3 1 95 105 4ARRINGTON RDGREENS PRAIRIE RDSH 6 SOLD ARRINGTON RDSH6SFRONTAGERD W SH 6 S FRO NTA GE RD EWILLIAMDFITCHPW[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 39 of 49 See Page 44 See Page 40See Page 32 See Page 38Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 59 of 110 113 107 5 2 1 4 108 SH 6 S SH 6 S FRO NTA GE RD W SH 6SFRO NTA GE RDE 113 107 5 2 1 4 108 SH 6 S SH 6SFRO NTA GERD W SH 6SFRO NTA GE RDE [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 40 of 49 See Page 45 See Page 41See Page 33 See Page 39Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 60 of 110 5 2 1 4 PEACHCREEKRD5 2 1 4 PEACHCREEKRD[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 41 of 49 See Page 46 See Page 48See Page 34 See Page 40Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 61 of 110 100 109 3 96 114 1 5 110 4 I & GN RDKOPPE BRIDGE RDV IC TORIAAVG R E ENSPRAIRIERDFM 2154100 109 3 96 114 1 5 110 4 I & GN RDKOPPE BRIDGE RDVICTORIA AVG R E ENSPRAIRIERDFM 2154[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 42 of 49 See Page 47 See Page 43See Page 37 See Page 47Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 62 of 110 100 109 3 112 111 114 115 1 105 5 110 4 WOODLAKE DR GREENS PRAIRIE RD100 109 3 112 111 114 115 1 105 5 110 4 WOODLAKE DR GREENSPRAIRIERD[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 43 of 49 See Page 48 See Page 44See Page 38 See Page 42Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 63 of 110 111 1 105 4 ARRINGTON RD111 1 105 4ARRINGTON RD[DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 44 of 49 See Page 48 See Page 45See Page 39 See Page 43Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 64 of 110 113 5 1 4 108 P E A C H CREEK CUT-OFF RD SH6SFRONTA GERDESH6SFRONTAGERD W SH 6 S 113 5 1 4 108 P E A C H CREEK CUT-OFF RD SH6SFRO NTAGERDESH6SFRONTAGERD W SH 6 S [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 45 of 49 See Page 48 See Page 46See Page 40 See Page 44Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 65 of 110 5 1 2 4 108 PEACH CREEK CUT-OFF RD PEACHCREEKRDSH 6 S SH 6 S FRONTAGE RD E SH 6 S FRONTAGE RD W 5 1 2 4 108 PEACH CREEK CUT-OFF RD PEACHCREEKRDSH6S SH 6 S FRONTAGE RD E SH 6 S FRONTAGE RD W [DRAFT]ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 46 of 49 See Page 48 See Page 48See Page 41 See Page 45Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Redevelopment Area Natural & Open Areas Page 66 of 110 HOPES CR E EKRD STRAUBR DKOPPE BRIDGERD4 1 I &G N RDROCKPRAIRIERDWNDOWLINGRD 4 1 SDOWLI N G RD I &GNRDHOPES CR E EKRD KOPPE BRIDGERDROCK PRA IRIERDWNDOWLINGRDADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 47 of 49 See Page 48See Page 18 Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Natural Areas Redevelopment Area Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas [DRAFT] Page 67 of 110 ARRINGTON RD4 1 ROCKPRAIRIERD BARRON RDFM 159SH6S LO NG M IREDR SH6SFRONTAGERDE SH6SFRONTAGERD WGREENS PRAIRIE RD4 1ARRINGTON RDROCKPRAIRIERD BARRON RDGREENSPRAIRIERD FM 159SH 6 S LO NG M IREDR SH 6SFRONTAGERDE SH6SFRONTAGERD W ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 48 of 49 See Page 49 See Page 47Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Natural Areas Redevelopment Area Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas [DRAFT] Page 68 of 110 HARDYWEEDONRD GR A SSBUR RD E LMO WEED O N RDSTEEPHOLLOWRD 4 1FM1179 ROCK PRAIRIERD 4 1 ELM O W EE D O N R DSTEEPHOLLOWRD ROCK PRAIRIERDFM1179ADOPTED/CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN 4912345678910111213141516171819202122232425 47 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 48 35 36 37 38 39 40 414243444546 Page 49 of 49 See Page 48See Page 2Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks and Greenways Natural Areas Redevelopment Area Urban Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Suburban Commercial Business Park General Suburban Restricted Suburban Estate Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Use Institutional/Public Utilities Texas A&M University Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Water Wellborn Preserve - Open Wellborn Estate - Open Wellborn Business Park Wellborn Commercial Wellborn Preserve Wellborn Estate Wellborn Restricted Suburban Wellborn Suburban Redevelopment Areas [DRAFT] Page 69 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description All grids 1 Clean-up items Natural Areas Natural & Open Areas The Natural & Open Areas land use was updated to reflect more recent flood data and land that has been dedicated or is planned as open space, common areas, or large drainage and detention areas. The Natural & Open Areas represents flood areas designated by FEMA, the City, and/or private development through flood studies. The boundaries of the Natural & Open Areas are illustrative and the exact boundaries of developable area will be determined at the appropriate development stage. In circumstances where the previous Natural & Open Areas boundaries were reduced to match updated data, these areas were assigned a new land use category based on the surrounding uses, existing development patterns, and anticipated future of the area. All grids 2 Clean-up item Varies Parks & Greenways The Natural Areas Protected land use designation was revised to be city-owned parks and greenways properties. New parks and greenways that have been added since the last Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use map update are now included. All grids 3 Clean-up item Varies Institutional/Public Revise to reflect that these are public and/or institutional uses such as City facilities, community centers, libraries, or public schools 47, 48 & 49 4 Clean-up item See description See description Revise land use boundaries to match the College Station extraterritorial jurisdiction boundary All grids 5 Reclassification Restricted Suburban and General Suburban Suburban Residential Suburban Land Use Reclassification: General Suburban and Restricted Suburban land use categories have been combined into one category, named Suburban Residential, to represent similar suburban style residential land uses Page 70 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description All grids 6 Reclassification Urban Urban Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Urban Residential selected to reflect multi-family uses 1 7 Clean-up item Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Revise to reflect this property is owned by Texas A&M University 1 8 Change in use Suburban Commercial and Urban General Commercial Update land uses to create a connected commercial corridor along University Dr. E 2 9 Change in use Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to allow general commercial uses at both corners of the Harvey Rd. and FM158 intersection 2 10 Change in use Suburban Commercial Urban Residential Update to reflect the existing townhome uses in this area 3 NO CHANGES 4 NO CHANGES 5 11 Reclassification Urban Urban Center Urban Land Reclassification: Urban Center selected to allow most intense development at the Texas Ave. / University Dr. intersection to Tarrow St. 5 12 Reclassification Urban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to allow a mix of residential housing types along Cooner St. 5 13 Change in use General Commercial Urban Center Update to Urban Center to allow the most intense uses consistent with the University Dr. corridor from Texas Ave. to Tarrow St. 5 14 Change in use General Suburban and Urban Mixed Residential Update to reflect existing townhomes and dense single-family housing types 5 15 Clean-up item General Commercial Texas A&M University Revise to reflect this property is owned by Texas A&M System 5 16 Clean-up item General Commercial Urban Residential Revise to reflect existing multi-family uses 5 17 Reclassification Urban Suburban Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Suburban Residential selected to reflect existing single-family neighborhood Page 71 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 5 18 Change in use General Suburban Mixed Residential Update to reflect existing dense single-family and townhomes, and allow a mix of housing types fronting to a collector (Lincoln Ave) 5 19 Change in use Urban General Commercial Update to General Commercial to preserve commercial uses near University Drive and University Town Center development (part of the 2018 Commercial Preservation initiative) 5 20 Reclassification Urban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to allow a mix of residential housing types 6 21 Change in use Institutional/Public General Commercial Update to reflect existing, privately-owned medical facilities 6 22 Change in use General Suburban Neighborhood Conservation Revise boundary to include Tara Court as Neighborhood Conservation and the remaining piece from Dominik Dr. 6 23 Reclassification Urban Mixed Use General Commercial Urban Mixed Use Land Use Reclassification: General Commercial selected at the Frontage Rd and Harvey Rd intersection to allow intense commercial uses 6 24 Reclassification Urban Mixed Use Urban Center Urban Mixed Use Land Use Reclassification: Urban Center selected to allow for the highest intensity mixing of commercial, office, and multi-family uses, typically vertical mixed use 6 25 Reclassification Urban Mixed Use Neighborhood Center Urban Mixed Use Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Center selected along Harvey Rd. to allow for a horizontal mixing of commercial, office, and multi-family uses 6 26 Reclassification Urban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing mix of housing types 6 27 Change in use Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to General Commercial to be consistent with intense commercial uses along the Frontage Road Page 72 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 7 28 Reclassification Urban Neighborhood Commercial Urban Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Commercial selected for consistency with Harvey Rd. corridor 8 & 16 29 Change in use Estate General Commercial Update to General Commercial to allow commercial uses at the SH30 and William D. Fitch intersection 9 30 Change in use Texas A&M University and Business Park Neighborhood Center Revise the Texas A&M University boundary to reflect private ownership and update to Neighborhood Center to allow supporting uses to the BioCorridor 9 31 Change in use Suburban Commercial and Urban General Commercial Update to General Commercial to allow intense commercial uses along Harvey Mitchell Pkwy. 10 32 Reclassification Urban Mixed Use and Urban Urban Center Urban Mixed Use and Urban Land Reclassification: Urban Center selected the allow the highest intensity mixing of commercial, office, and multi-family uses, typically as vertical mixed use, within Northgate 11 33 Reclassification Urban Neighborhood Center Urban Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Center selected to allow for a mix of commercial, office, and residential uses around the new City Hall site 11 34 Reclassification Urban Neighborhood Center Urban Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Center selected to allow for a mix of commercial, office, and residential uses around City Hall area and at the intersection of Texas Ave. and George Bush Dr. 11 35 Reclassification Urban General Commercial Urban Land Use Reclassification: General Commercial selected to allow intense commercial uses at the intersection of Texas Ave. and George Bush Dr. 11 36 Reclassification Urban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing mix of housing types Page 73 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 11 37 Reclassification Urban Mixed Use Neighborhood Center Urban Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Center selected to allow for a mix of commercial, office, and residential uses along the Harvey Rd. corridor 11 38 Change in use Natural Areas Reserved Natural & Open Areas, Urban Residential, Neighborhood Conservation, and General Commercial The Natural & Open Areas land use was updated to reflect more recent flood data. Areas impacted were assigned a new land use category based on the surrounding uses, existing development, and anticipated future of the area. 11 39 Reclassification Urban Suburban Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Suburban Residential selected to reflect existing single-family neighborhood 11 40 Reclassification Urban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing mix of housing types 11 41 Reclassification Urban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing mix of housing types 11 42 Reclassification Urban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing mix of housing types 11 43 Reclassification Urban Mixed Use and Urban Urban Center, Neighborhood Center, and Mixed Residential Urban Mixed Use and Urban Land Reclassification: Land use classifications were selected based on the existing Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, Area 5 map and descriptions. Intense uses are anticipated closest to the George Bush Dr. and Wellborn Rd. interchange, tapering to mixed residential uses closest to the Neighborhood Conservation portion of Southside. Page 74 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 12 44 Reclassification Urban Mixed Use and Natural Areas Reserved Neighborhood Center Urban Mixed Use Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Center selected to allow for a mix of commercial, office, and residential uses in the Wolf Pen Creek corridor. The Natural & Open Areas Reserved boundary was revised to reflect updated flood data. 12 45 Reclassification Urban Mixed Use and Natural Areas Reserved Neighborhood Center Urban Mixed Use Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Center selected to allow for a mix of commercial, office, and residential uses in the Wolf Pen Creek corridor. The Natural & Open Areas boundary was revised to reflect updated flood data. 12 46 Reclassification Urban and General Suburban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing mix of housing types 12 47 Reclassification Urban General Commercial Urban Land Use Reclassification: General Commercial selected to allow intense commercial uses along State Hwy 6 12 48 Reclassification Urban and Institutional/Public Neighborhood Center and Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Center to allow a mix of commercial and residential uses and Mixed Residential to allow a variety of housing types across from the new Police Department on Dartmouth St. 12 49 Reclassification Urban Neighborhood Commercial Urban Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Commercial selected to reflect the existing commercial uses surrounded by neighborhoods 12 50 Reclassification Urban General Commercial Urban Land Use Reclassification: General Commercial selected to allow intense commercial uses along the Texas Ave. corridor 12 51 Change in use General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Update to Neighborhood Commercial to provide more harmonious transition to adjacent residential uses Page 75 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 12 52 Reclassification Urban, General Commercial, Suburban Commercial, Institutional/Public, and Natural Areas Reserved General Commercial, Urban Residential, and Natural & Open Areas Urban Land Use Reclassification: General Commercial and Urban Residential selected to reflect recent Comprehensive Plan Amendments and to allow commercial uses along the Harvey Mitchell Pkwy corridor and Texas Ave corridor at the old Police Department site. The Natural & Open Areas boundary was adjusted based on updated flood data. 12 & 13 53 Change in use Suburban Commercial and General Commercial General Commercial Update to allow the most intense commercial uses along State Hwy 6 14 NO CHANGES 15 NO CHANGES 17 NO CHANGES 18 54 Reclassification Urban Urban Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Urban Residential selected to reflect recent Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning that allow multi-family uses 18 55 Reclassification Urban Business Center Urban Land Use Reclassification: Business Center selected to reflect recent Rezoning that allows business park uses, consistent with the surrounding area 18 56 Change in use Business Park, Urban, Suburban Commercial, and General Commercial Neighborhood Center Update to Neighborhood Center to allow a greater mix of supporting uses in the BioCorridor 18 57 Clean-up item Rural Texas A&M University Revise to reflect this property is owned by Texas A&M University 19 & 20 58 Reclassification Urban Neighborhood Center Urban Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Center selected along Harvey Mitchell Pkwy and Wellborn Rd to allow for a mix of commercial, office, and multi-family uses, typically as horizontal mixed use Page 76 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 20 59 Reclassification Urban Neighborhood Center Urban Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Center selected along Harvey Mitchell Pkwy and Wellborn Rd to allow for a mix of commercial, office, and multi-family uses, typically as horizontal mixed use 20 60 Reclassification Urban Urban Center Urban Land Reclassification: Urban Center selected to match the adjacent property to the north and the existing development. Intense uses are anticipated closest to the George Bush Dr. and Wellborn Rd. interchange. 20 61 Reclassification Urban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing mix of housing types 20 62 Reclassification Urban and General Suburban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing mix of housing types 20 63 Change in use General Suburban Neighborhood Conservation Update to Neighborhood Conservation to reflect the existing established neighborhood 20 64 Change in use General Suburban Neighborhood Commercial Update to Neighborhood Commercial to show existing neighborhood-compatible commercial uses 20 65 Reclassification Urban and Natural & Open Areas Reserved Urban Residential, General Commercial, and Natural & Open Areas Urban Land Use Reclassification: Urban Residential selected to reflect the existing multi-family uses. General Commercial selected to allow commercial uses on Harvey Mitchell Pkwy. The Natural & Open Areas boundaries were adjusted based on updated flood data. 20 66 Reclassification Urban and Natural Areas Reserved General Commercial, Urban Residential, and Natural & Open Areas Urban Land Use Reclassification: General Commercial and Urban Residential uses were selected to reflect the Jones Crossing development. The Natural & Open Areas boundaries were adjusted based on updated flood data. Page 77 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 20 67 Change in use Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to General Commercial to match underlying zoning and the developing Crossing at Wellborn area 20 68 Reclassification Urban and General Suburban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing mix of housing types 21 69 Reclassification Urban and Natural Areas Reserved Urban Residential and Natural & Open Areas Urban Land Use Reclassification: Urban Residential selected to reflect existing multi-family uses. The Natural & Open Areas boundaries were adjusted based on updated flood data. 21 70 Reclassification Urban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing mix of housing types 21 71 Reclassification Urban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing townhouse development. 21 72 Reclassification Urban, General Commercial, Suburban Commercial, and Natural Areas Reserved General Commercial Urban Land Use Reclassification: General Commercial selected along Texas Ave. to allow intense commercial uses 21 73 Reclassification Urban General Commercial Urban Land Use Reclassification: General Commercial selected to allow intense commercial uses along Texas Ave. 21 74 Change in use Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to General Commercial to reflect existing commercial uses 22 75 Change in use General Commercial and Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to allow the most intense commercial uses along State Hwy 6 22 76 Change in use Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to allow the most intense commercial uses along State Hwy 6 22 77 Change in use General Commercial, Business Center, and Medical Business Center Update to create a larger Business Center area adjacent to Medical uses Page 78 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 22 78 Change in use Suburban Commercial and Medical Medical Update to expand the Medical use area to match existing medical offices and supporting uses 22 79 Change in use Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to General Commercial to allow intense commercial uses along State Hwy 6 and more accurately reflect the underlying zoning of these properties, which is largely GC General Commercial 22 80 Change in use Medical General Commercial Update to reflect that Baylor Scott & White's PDD zoning allows General Commercial uses in this area. This property was part of the 2018 commercial preservation initiative. 22 81 Reclassification Urban Mixed Use and General Suburban Neighborhood Center and Mixed Residential Urban Mixed Use Land Use Reclassification: Neighborhood Center selected for the towncenter commercial portion of the Midtown development to allow for a mix of commercial, office, and multi-family uses, typically as horizontal mixed use. Mixed Residential selected for the residential portion of the Midtown development to allow a mix of residential uses. 24 82 Change in use Suburban Commercial and Estate Neighborhood Commercial Update to expand the Neighborhood Commercial to allow future commercial uses that serve the surrounding residential neighborhoods 25 NO CHANGES 26 NO CHANGES 27 NO CHANGES 28 83 Change in use Restricted Suburban and Estate Estate Update to Estate to reflect the existing large-lot residential subdivision 29 84 Reclassification Urban and General Suburban Mixed Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to reflect the existing mix of housing types Page 79 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 29 116 Change in use General Suburban Neighborhood Commercial Update to Neighborhood Commercial to reflect existing commercial uses 30 85 Change in use General Suburban and Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to General Commercial to allow intense commercial uses along Wellborn Rd. and match the existing zoning 30 86 Change in use Urban, General Suburban, and Business Park Business Center Update to adjust the boundaries of Business Center uses 30 87 Change in use Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to General Commercial to allow intense commercial uses along Wellborn Rd. and match the existing zoning 30 88 Change in use Suburban Commercial and Business Park Business Center Update to Business Center to reflect the existing zoning and light industrial uses along Graham Rd. 31 89 Clean-up item Suburban Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Name change only. Leave as neighborhood compatible commercial uses, per citizen and Council direction during recent Comprehensive Plan Amendment request for high density residential uses. 31 90 Change in use Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to General Commercial to allow intense commercial uses along State Hwy 6 and more accurately reflect the underlying zoning of these properties, which is largely GC General Commercial 31 91 Reclassification Urban and General Suburban Mixed Residential and Urban Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: Mixed Residential selected to allow a mix of housing types. Urban Residential applied to areas with existing larger scale multi-family uses 31 92 Change in use General Suburban Neighborhood Commercial Update to reflect existing commercial property 32 93 Change in use Urban and Medical Use Business Center Update to Business Center to reflect the Midtown Business Center development 32 94 Clean-up item Suburban Commercial Texas A&M University Revise to reflect this property is owned by Texas A&M University Page 80 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 32 95 Reclassification Urban General Commercial Urban Land Use Reclassification: General Commercial selected to reflect existing commercial uses in the Tower Point development 32 106 Change in use General Suburban Neighborhood Commercial Update to reflect existing zoning which is a mix of office and commercial uses along the intersection of William D. Fitch Pkwy and Pebble Creek Pkwy 33 NO CHANGES 34 NO CHANGES 35 NO CHANGES 36 NO CHANGES 37 96 Change in use Rural Estate Residential Update to Estate to reflect existing large-lot subdivisions 37 97 Change in use Suburban Commercial and General Suburban Neighborhood Commercial Update to expand the boundaries of the existing commercial area to allow appropriate depth for neighborhood commercial that is compatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods 37 98 Change in use Suburban Commercial and General Suburban Neighborhood Commercial Update to expand the boundaries of the neighborhood commercial use to match the boundaries of the existing commercial zoning 37 99 Change in use General Suburban Neighborhood Commercial Update to Neighborhood Commercial to allow commercial uses, as planned for Kyle View Estates 37 100 Reclassification All Wellborn land uses Wellborn District The Wellborn land uses were grouped into a Wellborn District which refers to the Wellborn Community Plan Page 81 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 38 101 Reclassification Urban and Natural Areas Reserved General Commercial, Mixed Residential, and Natural & Open Areas Urban Land Use Reclassification: General Commercial selected along the Seaback tract's frontage with William D. Fitch Pkwy. Mixed Residential selected along Castle Rock Pkwy to allow a mix of residential housing types and provide a transition to the surrounding single-family neighborhoods. The Natural Area boundary was adjusted based on updated flood data. 38 102 Change in use General Suburban Neighborhood Commercial Update to reflect the existing neighborhood compatible commercial uses. 38 103 Change in use Suburban Commercial Suburban Residential Update the reflect the existing residential subdivision 39 104 Reclassification Urban General Commercial and Urban Residential Urban Land Use Reclassification: General Commercial selected for the existing CapRock Crossing development. Urban Residential selected for areas with existing multi-family residential uses. 39 105 Reclassification Restricted Suburban and Estate Suburban Residential Suburban Land Use Reclassification: General Suburban and Restricted Suburban land use categories have been combined into one category, named Suburban Residential, to represent similar suburban style residential land uses. Boundary updated to include adjacent properties that were previously split with Restricted Suburban and Estate uses. 39 106 Clean-up item Business Park Texas A&M University Revise to reflect this property is owned by Texas A&M University 39 107 Change in use Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to reflect existing general commercial uses on the property and proximity to Hwy 6. 40 108 Change in use Suburban Residential General Commercial Update to reflect commercial areas planned as part of the Southern Pointe development Page 82 of 110 DRAFT 6/9/2021 TABLE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Grid #Number Type Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Description 42 109 Change in use General Commercial and Suburban Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Update to Neighborhood Commercial. The existing self-storage use of the property is allowed in the affiliated zoning district, Suburban Commercial. This was not the case in 2016 when the property went through a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning for the self-storage use. 42 110 Change in use Restricted Suburban Estate Residential Update to Estate Residential to reflect existing large- lot subdivisions 42 114 Change in use Restricted Suburban Rural Update to reflect existing rural character of these properties that are located outside of the city limits 43 111 Change in use Rural Estate Residential Update to Estate Residential to reflect existing large- lot subdivisions 43 112 Clean-up item Natural Areas Protected Natural & Open Areas Revise to better represent this detention pond is a natural area within the subdivision, not a public park 43 115 Change in use Restricted Suburban Rural Update to reflect existing rural character of these properties that are located outside of the city limits 45 113 Change in use Suburban Commercial General Commercial Update to reflect existing commercial development along State Hwy 6 46 NO CHANGES Page 83 of 110 June 3, 2021 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION June 3, 2021 6:00 p.m. Phone: *888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 936 2140 6958 Internet: https://zoom.us/s/93621406958 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Dennis Christiansen, Joe Guerra, Bobby Mirza, William Wright, Bill Mather, and Jason Cornelius COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jeremy Osborne COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: John Nichols CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Ostrowski, Molly Hitchcock, Carol Cotter, Erika Bridges, Anthony Armstrong, Alyssa Halle-Schramm, Jason Schubert, Amy Albright, Jennifer Prochazka, Carla Robinson, and Kristen Hejny 1. Call Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. Chairman Christiansen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors No visitors spoke. 3. Informational Agenda 3.1 Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev There was no discussion. 3.2 Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: • Thursday, June 10, 2021 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers with Virtual Option ~ Open Meeting 5:00 p.m. (Liaison ~ Christiansen) • Thursday, June 17, 2021 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Virtual Meeting with Commission In-Person in Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, June 24, 2021 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers with Virtual Option ~ Open Meeting 5:00 p.m. (Liaison ~ Guerra) • Thursday, July 1, 2021 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Virtual Meeting with Commission In-Person in Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. 3.3 Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board. There was no discussion Page 84 of 110 June 3, 2021 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. • May 20, 2021 Commissioner Cornelius motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Mirza seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. There were no items removed. 6. Regular Agenda 6.1 Introductions by Commissioners and City Staff. There was general discussion amongst the Commission and staff. 6.2 Questions from the Commissioners relating to responsibilities and processes. There was no discussion. 6.3 Presentation and discussion on the Comprehensive Plan update process and timelines. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm presented updates and timelines on the Comprehensive Plan, which is planned to be complete in October 2021. Chairman Christiansen requested clarification on the City’s concept map. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm explained that the concept map is conceptual in nature and shows areas for redevelopment and growth. Commissioner Mirza asked if the City could continue to expand through annexation. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm clarified that in 2019 legislature limited cities abilities to annex property unilaterally. Ms. Halle-Schramm further stated that property owners must voluntarily propose annexation. Chairman Christiansen asked if the travel demand model is separate from the Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO). Transportation Planning Coordinator stated that the MPO model is county wide and the city model is only city wide and immediate surrounding areas. Commissioner Guerra asked how during the evaluation portion of the comprehensive process, is the travel demand model evaluated for the land use map. Page 85 of 110 June 3, 2021 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm stated that staff have identified land uses and places where General Suburban and Restricted Suburban are appropriate and applied throughout the city. Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert stated that the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) results in certain projected population and traffic in areas. Commissioner Mather asked for clarification on the 2.8% on the growth model. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm stated that the 2.8% is based upon analysis on current growth trends and growth trends over the last decade. Commissioner Guerra asked if the travel demand model can include color coded maps with levels of service representation and Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT). Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert stated that the model will include an output with anticipated levels of services and demands. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski stated that the Future Land Use Plan is a critical component to the Comprehensive Plan and is critical that the areas are right. 6.4 Presentation and discussion on the neighborhood plans and audit process and timeline. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm presented updates on neighborhood plans and audit process. Chairman Christiansen asked what happens when a plan reaches its expiration date. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm stated that some things may become irrelevant or not in line with the plan at expiration date. Commissioner Guerra recommended when auditing visit with the citizens of a neighborhood plan area to see if the land uses are appropriate. Commissioner Wright asked what drives the need to have a neighborhood plan. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm stated that it is a collaborate planning effort with the city and citizens. Commissioner Cornelius asked that as the community continues to grow and change, can a neighborhood plan be extended or changed. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm stated that potentially a plan can be amended or extended, and the audit will help identify the percentage of plan items completed and what needs to be done. 6.5 Presentation and discussion on the 2020 census and population numbers There was general discussion. Page 86 of 110 June 3, 2021 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 6.6 Presentation and discussion on current and anticipated projects and initiatives for the Planning and Development Services department. There was general discussion. 6.7 Discussion and possible action on items for the 2021 Planning & Zoning Commission’s Plan of Work. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski stated that staff is looking for Commission input on lot-by-lot grading requirements. Chairman Christiansen asked that staff evaluate all-over parking, traffic, and congestion issues by using the Comprehensive Plan to address problem areas. Commissioner Mather suggested a reduction of park zones for parkland dedication and agrees with continuing education for Planning & Zoning Commission along with regular updates. Commissioner Wright asked if there are any proposed changes to single-family landscape requirements. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski stated there is not a current ordinance amendment in the works for single-family landscape requirements, but staff would do an analysis of what changes could occur. Commissioner Wright asked if there is anything the city can do to encourage annexation. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski stated that voluntary annexation usually occurs when an area needs city water or sewer service. Mr. Ostrowski stated that focus will be on existing areas of the city. Commissioners Wright, Mather and Chairman Christiansen expressed support for lot-by-lot grading. Commissioner Mirza asked if neighborhood plan audits focus on new development or old neighborhoods. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski stated that staff creates neighborhood plans that come with certain visions, in already established areas. Mr. Ostrowski further stated that conceptual maps may identify new areas for plans. 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 8. Adjourn Page 87 of 110 June 3, 2021 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Dennis Christiansen, Chairman Kristen Hejny, Admin Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services Page 88 of 110 Supporting Materials 1. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Final Plat Final Plat for Mission Ranch Subdivision Phase 501 FP2020-000008 Planning & Zoning Commission June 17, 2021 Scale 30 lots and 2 common areas on 13.454 acres Location Northwest of the intersection at Feather Run and Deacon Drive West Property Owner BCS Mission Ranch, LP Applicant Schultz Engineering, LLC Project Manager Jesse DiMeolo, Staff Planner jdimeolo@cstx.gov Project Overview This plat will establish lots within the Mission Ranch Subdivision. This phase of the development will consist of 30 residential lots and two common areas. This is the 9th phase to be platted, with 14 phases remaining, 5 of which are currently under construction. Preliminary Plan The northern portion of the subdivision was originally part of the Great Oaks Subdivision and is vested to 2007 regulations; the southern half of this development is subject to current subdivision regulations. This phase falls within the northern portion. A Preliminary Plan was approved in 2014 granting waivers to cluster development requirements in UDO Section 8.3.H.4 which requires the average lot size in a cluster development to be less than the minimum lot size of the base zoning district. A revised Preliminary Plan was approved in 2019, which granted a waiver request for additional block lengths, included the addition of a tract zoned for multi-family and excluded property sold to the school district. In 2020, a revised Preliminary Plan was approved with minor changes but no additional waivers. Public Infrastructure Total linear feet proposed: 1,725 Streets 1,235 Sanitary Sewer Lines 2,225 Water Lines (Wellborn SUD) 1,335 Storm Sewer Lines 1,175 Sidewalks Parkland Dedication This phase is within the vested portion of the preliminary plan and is not subject to parkland dedication fees. Traffic Impact Analysis N/A Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Page 89 of 110 Page 90 of 110 Page 91 of 110 Page 92 of 110 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BLOCK 12 BLOCK 13 0.357 Ac. Cm.A. No. 3 & P.U.E. 0.048 Ac. Cm.A. No. 2 & P.U.E. GREAT OAKS PHASE 1B Block 5 PLAT, 4150/295 BLANCO BEN D D R I V E BLA N C O B E N D D R I V E BLANCO BEND DRIVE2 3 4 5 6 Cm.A. No. 41 FEATHE R R U N BRISCOE M A N O R C O U R TCOLORADO CANYON COURTBLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 COMMON AREA 58 AND PrDE MIN. FF = 295.5 MIN. FF = 295.5 MIN. FF = 297 MIN. FF = 296.5MIN. FF = 296.5 3.617 AC. MIN. FF = 297 5 6 78 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 72 56 71 63 55 70 62 69 61 68 60 67 59 66 58 65 57 54 64 MIN. FF = 291.5 MIN. FF = 291.5 MIN. FF = 290.5 MIN. FF = 290.5 COMMON AREA 57 PrDE 1.664 AC. TABLE 1 PARCEL # 5010701 5010702 5010703 5010704 5010705 5010706 5010707 5010708 5010709 5010710 5010711 5010754 5010755 5010756 5010757 5010758 5010759 5010760 5010761 5010762 5010763 5010764 5010765 5010766 5010767 5010768 5010769 5010770 5010771 5010772 BLOCK 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 LOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 AREA (SF) 6,517 6,582 8,742 8,379 8,927 8,852 9,317 8,296 7,700 7,700 7,700 8,192 7,000 7,000 6,802 7,256 10,446 10,032 10,938 11,053 7,027 7,880 6,994 7,036 8,261 7,575 9,468 9,624 9,387 7,538 MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS COVER (%) 74 74 55 58 54 55 52 59 63 63 63 59 69 69 71 67 50 50 50 50 69 62 69 69 59 64 51 50 52 64 TBPE NO. 12327 911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840 www (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER: FINAL PLAT MISSION RANCH SUBDIVISION PHASE 501 13.454 ACRES JAMES ERWIN SURVEY, A-119 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 30 LOTS BLOCK 7, LOTS 1-11 & 54-72 COMMON AREAS 57 & 58 (5.281 ACRES) SURVEYOR: Brad Kerr, RPLS No. 4502 Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 SCALE 1'' = 60' SEPTEMBER 2020 LEGEND OWNER/DEVELOPER: BCS MISSION RANCH, LP 9955 Barker Cypress Rd., Suite 250 Cypress, TX 77433 (979) 260-7000 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE FEATHER RUNDEACON DRIVE W.MISSION RANCH DR. G R E A T O A K S D R .HOLLEMAN DRIVE S . METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE JAMES ERWIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 119, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING A PORTION OF THE REMAINDER OF A CALLED 270.800 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO BCS MISSION RANCH, LP RECORDED IN VOLUME 13842, PAGE 179 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP MARKED “K MCCLURE RPLS 5650” FOUND ON THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF MISSION RANCH SUBDIVISION, PHASE 201, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 14856, PAGE 160 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AT THE PLATTED END OF FEATHER RUN (77' R.O.W.), FOR REFERENCE THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONTROL MONUMENT CS94-117 BEARS: S 76° 42' 23" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 4543.61 FEET. COORDINATES AND BEARING SYSTEM SHOWN HEREIN ARE NAD83 (TEXAS STATE PLANE CENTRAL ZONE GRID NORTH) BASED ON THE PUBLISHED COORDINATES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONTROL MONUMENT CS94-117 (Y:10191793.14; X:3559913.46) AND AS ESTABLISHED BY GPS OBSERVATION. DISTANCES SHOWN HEREIN ARE GRID DISTANCES. TO OBTAIN SURFACE DISTANCES MULTIPLY BY A COMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 1.00009959277366 (CALCULATED USING GEOID 12B). THENCE: S 36° 42' 58" W ACROSS THE PLATTED END OF FEATHER RUN FOR A DISTANCE OF 77.00 FEET TO THE PLATTED SOUTHWEST LINE OF FEATHER RUN AND THE BEGINNING OF A CLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 856.99 FEET; THENCE: THROUGH SAID REMAINDER OF 270.800 ACRE TRACT FOR THE FOLLOWING CALLS: ALONG THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF FEATHER RUN AND ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29° 13' 16" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 437.07 FEET (CHORD BEARS: N 38° 40' 25" W - 432.35 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; S 68° 47' 32" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 153.99 FEET; S 46° 58' 20" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 268.19 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST LINE OF BLOCK 5, GREAT OAKS, PHASE 1B, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11730, PAGE 160 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE: ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 270.800 ACRE TRACT AND SAID BLOCK 5 FOR THE FOLLOWING CALLS: N 40° 59' 20" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 64.04 FEET; N 25° 12' 27" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 23.09 FEET; N 42° 52' 22" W, AT 117.48 FEET PASS A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP MARKED “K MCCLURE RPLS 5650” MARKING THE COMMON CORNER OF LOTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK 5, AT 338.14 FEET PASS A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP MARKED “K MCCLURE RPLS 5650” MARKING THE COMMON CORNER OF LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 5, AT 543.02 FEET PASS A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP MARKED “K MCCLURE RPLS 5650” FOUND MARKING THE COMMON CORNER OF LOTS 3 AND 4, CONTINUE ON FOR A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 578.08 FEET TO THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF THIS HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE: THROUGH SAID REMAINDER OF 270.800 ACRE TRACT FOR THE FOLLOWING CALLS: N 47° 07' 38" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET; N 42° 52' 22" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 80.03 FEET; N 47° 46' 09" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; N 42° 52' 22" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 115.02 FEET; N 48° 04' 41" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 161.91 FEET; N 57° 03' 29" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 215.12 FEET; N 00° 24' 08" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 106.62 FEET; N 26° 22' 30" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 91.26 FEET; N 71° 25' 47" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 80.72 FEET; N 36° 32' 49" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET' S 53° 27' 11" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 87.17 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 425.00 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03° 34' 52" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 26.56 FEET CHORD BEARS: S 51° 39' 45" E - 26.56 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; S 41° 28' 35" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 147.25 FEET; S 31° 15' 08" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 37.04 FEET; S 69° 14' 38" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 39.34 FEET; S 11° 48' 47" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 33.36 FEET; S 32° 38' 02" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 253.42 FEET; S 53° 14' 02" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 152.82 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERCLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 323.46 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE, SAME BEING AN EXTENSION OF THE FUTURE SOUTHWEST LINE OF FEATHER RUN, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34° 13' 50" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 193.25 FEET (CHORD BEARS: S 16° 00' 22" W - 190.39 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE AND THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERCLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 856.99 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE, SAME BEING AN EXTENSION OF THE FUTURE SOUTHWEST LINE OF FEATHER RUN, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06° 18' 16" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 94.30 FEET (CHORD BEARS: S 04° 15' 38" E - 94.25 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; N 82° 35' 14" E ACROSS THE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY OF FEATHER RUN FOR A DISTANCE OF 77.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF MISSION RANCH SUBDIVISION, PHASE 201, AND THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERCLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 779.99 FEET; THENCE:ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 270.800 ACRE TRACT AND SAID PHASE 201 AND ALONG SAID CURVE, SAME BEING THE PROPOSED NORTHEAST LINE OF FEATHER RUN, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 45° 52' 16" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 624.46 FEET (CHORD BEARS: S 30° 20' 54" E - 607.92 FEET) TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 13.454 ACRES OF LAND AS SURVEYED ON THE GROUND. MIN. FF = 296.5 P:\19-781 Mission Ranch Phase 501 - Documents\FINAL PLAT\Mission Ranch Phase 501.dwg, Final PlatPage 93 of 110 Planning & Zoning Commission June 17, 2021 Scale 34 lots on 15.1 acres Location 3754 Hardin Hills Drive Property Owner BCS Mission Ranch, LP Applicant Schultz Engineering, LLC Project Manager Rachel Lazo, Senior Planner rlazo@cstx.gov Project Overview This plat will establish lots within the Mission Ranch Subdivision. This phase of the development will consist of 34 residential lots and 5 common areas. This is the 10th phase to be platted, with 13 phases remaining, 5 of which are currently under construction. Preliminary Plan The northern portion of the subdivision was originally part of the Great Oaks Subdivision and is vested to 2007 regulations; the southern half of this development is subject to current subdivision regulations. This phase falls within the northern portion. A Preliminary Plan was approved in 2014 granting waivers to cluster development requirements in UDO Section 8.3.H.4, which requires the average lot size in a cluster development to be less than the minimum lot size of the base zoning district. A revised Preliminary Plan was approved in 2019, which granted a waiver request for additional block lengths, included the addition of a tract zoned for multi-family and excluded property sold to the school district. In 2020, a revised Preliminary Plan was approved with minor changes but no additional waivers. Public Infrastructure Total linear feet proposed: 2,630 Streets 1,095 Sanitary Sewer Lines 2,315 Sidewalks 2,098 Water Lines (Wellborn SUD) 1,025 Storm Sewer Lines Parkland Dedication This phase is within the vested portion of the preliminary plan and is not subject to parkland dedication fees. Traffic Impact Analysis N/A Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Supporting Materials 1. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Final Plat Final Plat for Mission Ranch Phase 202 FP2019-000028 Page 94 of 110 Page 95 of 110 Page 96 of 110 Page 97 of 110 COLLEGE STATION CITY LIMITSN.BLUEBONNET CIRCLE HAVERFORD ROADFEATHER RUN 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 44 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 25 BLOCK 14 BLOCK 12 BLOCK 13 BLOCK 12 0.357 Ac. Cm.A. No. 3 & P.U.E. Cm.A. No. 3 & P.U.E . - 0 . 1 2 0 A c . H.O.A Cm.A #2 1.05 Acres 14.350 Ac. Cm.A. No. 1B 14.350 Ac. Cm.A. No. 1B Cm.A. No. 1 & P.U.E. 0.233 Ac. 0.048 Ac. Cm.A. No. 2 & P.U.E.MISSION RANCH DRIVEDEACON DRIVE W.FEATHER RUN DEACON DRIVE W.ANDERSON ARBOR COURTBEXAS BLUFF PASSBLANCO BEND DRIVE BLANCO BEND DRIVE BL A N C O B E N D D R I V E BLANCO BEND DRIVE52 BLOCK 14 BLOCK 15 BLOCK 12 BLOCK 12 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 654321 BLOCK 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 CLAREMONT DRIVE ANDERSON ARBOR COURTKERR VALLEY LANE KERR VALLEY L A N EFEATHER RUNHAVERFORD ROADFEATHER RUN JASPER DRIVE0.433 Ac. Cm.A. No. 38 0.732 Ac. Cm.A. No. 37 0.433 Ac. Cm.A. No. 38 0.032 Ac. Cm.A. No. 39 0.175 Ac. Cm.A. No. 41 PUBLIC ALLEY 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 12 45 45678 6 7 9 0.404 Ac. Cm.A. No. 3 BLOCK 6 BLOCK 10 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 29 28 6 7 12 13 14 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 1 2 3 0.036 Ac. Cm.A. No. 40 & P.U.E. LEGEND LEGEND SHEET OF 3 TBPE NO. 12327 911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840 www (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER: FINAL PLAT MISSION RANCH SUBDIVISION PHASE 202 15.112 ACRES JAMES ERWIN SURVEY, A-119 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 34 LOTS BLOCK 12, LOTS 28-41 BLOCK 14, LOTS 8-13 & LOTS 44-51 BLOCK 15, LOTS 1-6 COMMON AREAS 37-41 (1.439 ACRES) SURVEYOR: Brad Kerr, RPLS No. 4502 Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 OWNER/DEVELOPER: BCS MISSION RANCH, LP 9955 Barker Cypress Rd., Suite 250 Cypress, TX 77433 (979) 260-7000 DECEMBER, 2019 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE FEATHER RUNDEACON DRIVE W.MISSION RANCH DR. G R E A T O A K S D R .HOLLEMAN DRIVE S . 1 SCALE 1'' = 100' METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE JAMES ERWIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 119, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING A PORTION OF THE REMAINDER OF A CALLED 270.800 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO BCS MISSION RANCH, LP, RECORDED IN VOLUME 13842, PAGE 179 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A ½ INCH IRON ROD FOUND ON THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF A CALLED 5.000 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO JOHN KEMP AND WIFE, LINDA L. KEMP, RECORDED IN VOLUME 2161, PAGE 325 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, MARKING THE NORTH CORNER OF SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT. COORDINATES AND BEARING SYSTEM SHOWN HEREON ARE NAD83 (TEXAS STATE PLANE CENTRAL ZONE GRID NORTH) BASED ON THE PUBLISHED COORDINATES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONTROL MONUMENT CS94-117 (N:10191793.14, E:35559913.46) AND AS ESTABLISHED BY GPS OBSERVATION. DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE GRID DISTANCES. TO DETERMINE SURFACE DISTANCES MULTIPLY BY A COMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 1.00009959277366 (CALCULATED USING GEOID12B); THENCE: S 47° 35' 18" E ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT AND SAID 5.000 ACRE TRACT FOR A DISTANCE OF 603.89 FEET TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED “RPLS 1905” FOUND MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF SAID 5.000 ACRE TRACT AND THE WEST CORNER OF UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, PHASE 2, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11873, PAGE 235 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE: S 48° 48' 31" E ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT AND UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, PHASE 2, FOR A DISTANCE OF 510.20 FEET, FOR REFERENCE A ½ INCH IRON ROD FOUND ON THE NORTHEAST LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, PHASE 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10517, PAGE 276 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND THE WEST CORNER OF LAS PALOMAS SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 7367, PAGE 53 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, BEARS: S 48° 48' 31" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 629.80 FEET; THENCE: THROUGH SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT FOR THE FOLLOWING CALLS: S 59° 10' 08" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 206.52 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 603.00 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18° 31' 37" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 194.98 FEET (CHORD BEARS: S 05° 45' 10" W - 194.13 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; S 06° 47' 28" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 72.06 FEET; S 58° 22' 47" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 219.73 FEET; S 47° 27' 11" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 405.95 FEET; S 42° 32' 49" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 108.50 FEET; S 47° 27' 11" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; N 42° 32' 39" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 108.50 FEET; S 47° 27' 11" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 464.90 FEET; S 42° 30' 09" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 110.39 FEET; S 47° 29' 51" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 190.76 FEET TO THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT AND MISSION RANCH SUBDIVISION, PHASE 101, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 14856, PAGE 163 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR REFERENCE A ½ INCH IRON ROD FOUND ON THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID PHASE 101 MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF A CALLED 10.462 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO BCS MISSION RANCH TOWNHOMES, L.P. RECORDED IN VOLUME 14791, PAGE 155 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND AN EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT BEARS: N 41° 57' 55" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 487.93 FEET; THENCE: S 41° 57' 55" W ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT AND MISSION RANCH SUBDIVISION, PHASE 101, FOR A DISTANCE OF 450.02 FEET TO A POINT WITHIN AN EXISTING STONE COLUMN MARKING THE EAST CORNER OF LOT 7, BLOCK 14, MISSION RANCH SUBDIVISION, PHASE 201, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 14856, PAGE 160 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE: ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT AND SAID MISSION RANCH SUBDIVISION, PHASE 201, FOR THE FOLLOWING CALLS: N 48° 01' 47" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 144.99 FEET TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH PLASTIC CAP MARKED “MCCLURE BROWNE” FOUND: N 42° 30' 09" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 86.75 FEET N 47° 29' 51" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 49.99 FEET TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD FOUND; N 42° 30' 09" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 124.99 FEET, FOR REFERENCE A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH PLASTIC CAP MARKED “MCCLURE BROWNE” FOUND BEARS: S 56° 00' 02" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 0.17 FEET; N 47° 27' 11" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 752.09 FEET, FOR REFERENCE A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH PLASTIC CAP MARKED “KM MCCLURE RPLS 5650” FOUND BEARS: S 22° 04' 11" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 0.25 FEET; N 55° 30' 53" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 140.94 FEET TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH PLASTIC CAP MARKED “KM MCCLURE RPLS 5650” FOUND; N 81° 25' 44" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 223.51 FEET TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH PLASTIC CPA MARKED “KM MCCLURE RPLS 5650” FOUND; THENCE: THROUGH SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT FOR THE FOLLOWING CALLS: N 36° 43' 53" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 185.29 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERCLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 547.00 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03° 27' 41" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 33.05 FEET (CHORD BEARS: N 35° 00' 02" E - 33.04 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; N 56° 43' 48" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 77.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERCLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 470.00 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 17° 14' 07" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 141.38 FEET (CHORD BEARS: N 24° 39' 08" E - 140.85 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; N 16° 02' 05" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 121.16 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERCLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 506.00 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 56° 17' 49" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 497.18 FEET (CHORD BEARS: N 12° 06' 50" W - 477.42 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; N 40° 15' 45" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 246.61 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERCLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1196.00 FEET: ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07° 19' 33" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 152.92 FEET (CHORD BEARS: N 43° 55' 31" W - 152.82 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; N 47° 35' 18" W, 77.00 FEET FROM AND PARALLEL TO THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT AND THE AFOREMENTIONED 5.000 ACRE TRACT (2161/325), FOR A DISTANCE OF 301.57 FEET TO THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT AND QUAIL RUN ESTATES, PHASE 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 351, PAGE 565 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR REFERENCE A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH PLASTIC CAP MARKED “KM MCCLURE RPLS 5650” FOUND MARKING THE ORIGINAL WEST CORNER OF SAID 207.800 ACRE TRACT AND GREAT OAKS, PHASE ONE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 4150, PAGE 295 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, BEARS: S 41° 48' 27" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 1492.54 FEET; THENCE: N 41° 48' 27" E ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 207.800 ACRE TRACT AND QUAIL RUN ESTATES, PHASE 1, FOR A DISTANCE OF 77.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 15.112 ACRES OF LAND AS SURVEYED ON THE GROUND APRIL 2019.P:\19-715 Mission Ranch Subdivision - Phase 202 - Documents\FINAL PLAT\Mission Ranch Ph 202.dwg, FP Sheet 1Page 98 of 110 COLLEGE STATION CITY LIMITSHAVERFORD ROAD52 51 KERR VALLEY L A N EFEATHER RUNHAVERFORD ROADFEATHER RUN MATCHLINEMATCHLINE 0.433 Ac. Cm.A. No. 38 0.732 Ac. Cm.A. No. 37 0.433 Ac. Cm.A. No. 38 PUBLIC ALLEY 12 3 3 12 45 456780.404 Ac. Cm.A. No. 3 BLOCK 6 BLOCK 10 LEGEND LEGEND SHEET OF 3 TBPE NO. 12327 911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840 www (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER: FINAL PLAT MISSION RANCH SUBDIVISION PHASE 202 15.112 ACRES JAMES ERWIN SURVEY, A-119 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 34 LOTS BLOCK 12, LOTS 28-41 BLOCK 14, LOTS 8-13 & LOTS 44-51 BLOCK 15, LOTS 1-6 COMMON AREAS 37-41 (1.439 ACRES) SURVEYOR: Brad Kerr, RPLS No. 4502 Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 OWNER/DEVELOPER: BCS MISSION RANCH, LP 9955 Barker Cypress Rd., Suite 250 Cypress, TX 77433 (979) 260-7000 DECEMBER, 2019 2 SCALE 1'' = 40'P:\19-715 Mission Ranch Subdivision - Phase 202 - Documents\FINAL PLAT\Mission Ranch Ph 202.dwg, FP Sheet 2Page 99 of 110 1 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BLOCK 12 0.357 Ac. Cm.A. No. 3 & P.U.E.ANDERSONARBOR COURTBLANCO BEND DRIVE BLANCO BEND DRIVE 52 BLOCK 14 BLOCK 15 BLOCK 12 BLOCK 12 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 654321 BLOCK 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 ANDERSON ARBOR COURTKERR VALLEY LANE KERR VALLEY L A N EFEATHER RUNJASPER DRIVEMATCHLINE0.433 Ac. Cm.A. No. 38 0.032 Ac. Cm.A. No. 39 0.175 Ac. Cm.A. No. 41 0.036 Ac. Cm.A. No. 40 & P.U.E. LEGEND LEGEND SHEET OF 3 TBPE NO. 12327 911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840 www (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER: FINAL PLAT MISSION RANCH SUBDIVISION PHASE 202 15.112 ACRES JAMES ERWIN SURVEY, A-119 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 34 LOTS BLOCK 12, LOTS 28-41 BLOCK 14, LOTS 8-13 & LOTS 44-51 BLOCK 15, LOTS 1-6 COMMON AREAS 37-41 (1.439 ACRES) SURVEYOR: Brad Kerr, RPLS No. 4502 Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 OWNER/DEVELOPER: BCS MISSION RANCH, LP 9955 Barker Cypress Rd., Suite 250 Cypress, TX 77433 (979) 260-7000 DECEMBER, 2019 3 SCALE 1'' = 40'P:\19-715 Mission Ranch Subdivision - Phase 202 - Documents\FINAL PLAT\Mission Ranch Ph 202.dwg, FP Sheet 3Page 100 of 110 Planning & Zoning Commission June 17, 2021 Scale 51 lots on approximately 8 acres Location Generally located southwest of the intersection of Creek Meadows Boulevard North and Victoria Avenue. Property Owner Creek Meadows Partners, LP Applicant RME Consulting Engineers Project Manager Erika Bridges, Assistant City Engineer ebridges@cstx.gov Project Overview This is one of two remaining phases of the 293-acre Creek Meadows Subdivision. The applicant is proposing 51 single-family lots on approximately 8 acres. Preliminary Plan Approved August 07, 2020 Public Infrastructure Total linear feet proposed: 1,365 Streets 1,365 Sanitary Sewer Lines 2,864 Sidewalks 1,408 Water Lines (Wellborn SUD) Parkland Dedication N/A Traffic Impact Analysis Not required Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Supporting Materials 1. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Final Plat Final Plat of Creek Meadows Section 1A, Phase 3 FP2020-000022 Page 101 of 110 Page 102 of 110 Page 103 of 110 Page 104 of 110 Page 105 of 110 Planning & Zoning Commission June 17, 2021 Scale 44 lots on approximately 7 acres Location Generally located southwest of the intersection of Creek Meadows Boulevard North and Victoria Avenue. Property Owner Creek Meadows Partners, LP Applicant RME Consulting Engineers Project Manager Erika Bridges, Assistant City Engineer ebridges@cstx.gov Project Overview This is one of two remaining phases of the 293-acre Creek Meadows Subdivision. The applicant is proposing 44 single-family lots on approximately 7 acres. Preliminary Plan Approved August 07, 2020 Public Infrastructure Total linear feet proposed: 1,008 Streets 871 Sanitary Sewer Lines 2,026 Sidewalks 1,500 Water Lines (Wellborn SUD) Parkland Dedication N/A Traffic Impact Analysis Not required Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Supporting Materials 1. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Final Plat Final Plat of Creek Meadows Section 1A, Phase 4 FP2020-000023 Page 106 of 110 Page 107 of 110 Page 108 of 110 Page 109 of 110 Page 110 of 110