HomeMy WebLinkAboutSt Mary's Catholic Church CITI OF COLLEGE STATION Historic Preservation Committee I. Applicant Information City of College Station Historic BuUdin!! Plaque Al!Plication Submit the completed application to the following address: City of College Station, Development Services Department 1101 Texas Avenue, P.D. Box 9960, College Station, TX 7784 Date of Submittal Re.v. m l('haP' -Y. ~ ~~ to~ (lJf\U((IJf\ &~Q.Af"\\}L ('...o\~ S~1h:5) -( ~ "gc.j D - \ SLDo ('1" )~lf - ~-1 \ _ uc+. tD"" M1'"~i~ €J ~~'.~ r~c\; c.... - f")na Name of Applicant Address Telephone E-mail Address II. Owner InformatiOli &~"'op @r~~ ~fnQ(')J D i. () r D J'-D t)~ rLuS'-h (") p.o. ~..,. 13~'2..-"1 1lA).<;'t-;n ,IX 7R7\ I - ~~7_-r (~I"'l.. ) &..f,u - .., ((~g' \oLsVl np_ ~('~ - 0..'--( tY\~d @) fi.1)~\rlU oc 0 ,,~ . or?r Name of Owner Address Telephone E-mail Address In. General Building Information Name of Building Address of Building Date of Construction Architect/Designer Builder/Contractor Architectural Period/Style Sr-- MW\\AS ~o,~c... C.AI'\! v-L\I") \ { (j C \ r J..r\ nrr "'"'" 0 :I..).t.rll}O r.n\U~R ..~h~~ /7i?Co.ID 10, 6 g . ('Y'*-n~ Iq-tv'I h.l,\\\l>N'. t. ND-8h -4\.XW..('\n\ un '>- (tN 'vx\,C.K Q.o\on, ~ ,-~Le~ Legal Propert~ Description of Current Location (Lot and Block Numbers) o~ ~ j J..-ot-s \ - \ ~ ~'o<.t\ o.OO)-n W'") . Does the building remain on its original site? ~Yes o No (specify original location) City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 10f4 ~ --, Indicate the original and adapted uses of the building. Original Uses o Agriculture o Commerce D Education D Government D Healthcare o Industrial o Recreation 1!9 Religious D Residential D Social o Transportation IV. Architectural Description Adapted Uses o Agriculture D Commerce D Education o Government D Healthcare o Industrial o Recreation RJ Religious D Residential D Social o Transportation A. Physical Characteristics Number of stories Orientation Floor Plan Open plan L-plan Modified L-plan Center passage plan 2-room plan T -plan Shotgun plan Asymmetrical plan Other ( specify) Roof Type Gable Hipped Flat with parapet Gambrel Mansard Shed Other (specify) Original ~ ---e;r~ ~ o o o ~ o g o D o o o B. Materials (Please check all that apply) City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application Current /)... t+l~ ~ D D o ~ o ~ o D D o o o 20f4 Construction Frame Solid Brick Solid Stone Concrete Other ( specify) Foundation Pier and Beam Stone Brick Concrete Concrete Masonry Units Other ( specify) Exterior Wall Surface Siding (specify type) Stucco Stone Brick Wood Shingle Other (specify) Windows Wood Sash Aluminum Sash Single-hung Double-hung Casement Fixed Awning Hopper Sliding Other (specify) Roof Materials Shingles (specify type) Tile (specify type) Slate Metal ( specify type) Other Primary Exterior Color Secondary (Trim) Color City of Co /lege Station Historic Building Plaque Application Original D IZI o D D ,~ o D D o o o o ~ o D o o D o D o ~ o D o D Iil ~ D \~a ~~~ lA:l'" i ~ Current 30f4 V. Supporting Documentation Please attach the following information. A. Alterations List any known changes or modifications made to the property throughout its history. B. Prominent Historical Figures List any prominent historical figures associated with the property. C. Property Ownership List all known owners of the property. Include original owner and subsequent owners. D. Tenant History List all known tenants of the property throughout its history. E. Narrative History Attach a narrative explanation of the chronological and historical development of the property. F. Drawings · Provide a sketch of the current site plan. Include the proposed location of the historic plaque. · Provide a sketch map indicating the nominated property and any related sites. G. Photographs Historic · Provide at least one historic photograph of the property. Current · Provide at least one current photograph of the property illustrating in its surrounding context. For example, photograph the streets cape in which the building is included. · Provide at least one photograph of each side of the building. H. Additional Information Provide any additional information that supports the application. This may include architectural drawings, letters, oral histories, newspaper/magazine articles, etc. I. References Attach a list of the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form. The College Station Historic Preservation Committee requests that all plaques are mounted on the front fayade of the approved building within thirty (30) days of receipt. Pennission of.own~r for plaque placement 0 Applicant Signature Owner Signature City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 4 A. Alterations: 1) original construction completed in 1958, functionally replacing the chapel across the street, built in 1927 and tom down in 1965. 2) front wooden alter and communion rail removed mid 1960's 3) balcony in the nave extended to accommodate a larger congregation, baptismal font removed and altered to include an in-ground baptismal pool, and an organ manufactured by Wicks installed behind the alter. All work was completed in 1987 under Tom Parker of Group 4 in College Station, Texas. 4) alter raised a foot and covered in carpet to compensate for the elongated balcon y 5) Ministry Center, Daily Mass Chapel, and confessionals constructed adjacent to existing facilities, 1997 6) HV AC system altered, door to the bell tower added, and an exterior door in the nave removed, all during construction in 1997 under architect Rick Hollington of Houston 7) Windows in the north elevation of the building were bricked in, wooden alter replaced, carpet removed, and underl ying terrazzo repaired, 1998 B. Prominent Historical Figures: Monsignor John Baptist Gleissner Born October 31,1865 in Bavaria, Germany. Immigrated to the United States to enter Seminary. In 1889 he received Holy Orders in Galveston. In 1904, he was assigned to St. Joseph's Parish in Bryan, TX. That year there were six cadets from A&M College that walked six miles every Sunday to attend Mass. This marked the beginning of Father Gleissner's awareness of serving the college students. Bishop Nicholas A Gallagher of the Galveston Diocese granted Father Gleissner permission to offer Mass in the Old Civil Engineering Building of the A&M College campus for the students. During World War I, 116 men from the parish were drafted or enlisted including four of the ten that Father had adopted. He visited the Camp Travis, where most of the Aggies were stationed to eat, march, and participate in gatherings at night in the Knights of Columbus huts. Father Gleissner spent a lot of time with ailing men comforting, writing letters, fixing drinks or lighting cigarettes in Barrack #5 on campus for those students suffering from the flu epidemic of 1917. Many students died that year. After the War the congregation on campus grew so much that the classroom could no longer accommodate them. In 1923 Father Gleissner asked the Knights of Columbus and unanimously they voted to build an Aggie chapel. He bought two lots north of campus for $1000 on the comer of what would be University Drive and Nagle St. Construction began October 7, 1926. Father Gleissner was granted the title of Monsignor in 1931. After forty five years of serving Aggies, he died on February 28, 1953. C. Property Ownership: 1926- 1948: Bishop of Diocese of Galveston- Bishop Nicholas A. Gallagher Bishop Christopher E. Byrne 1948- present: Bishop of Diocese of Austin- Bishop Louis J. Reicher Bishop Vincent Harris Bishop John E. McCarthy Bishop Gregory Aymond D. Tenant History: ... Texas A&M University Roman Catholic Campus Ministry Priests of St. Mary's: Rev. Timothy J. Valenta; 1933 - 1968 Rev. Msgr. Charles Elmer; 1954-1964 Rev. Richard Ketzler; 1963-1966 Rev. Cornelius Green; 1967-1969 Rev. Bernard J. Mahoney; 1968-1970 Rev. Patrick J. Breen; 1969 - 1970 Rev. Elmer Holtmann; 1970-1976 Rev. Lonnie Urban; 1970-1973 Rev. Charles Michalka; 1973-1975 Rev. Peter McCabe; 1975-1976 Rev. Thomas J. Hanus; 1976-1978 Rev. Angelo Bertini; 1976-1978 Rev. Msgr. John D. Frizelle; 1978-1979 Rev. William C. Brooks; 1978-1982 Rev. Albert A. Palermo; 1979-1986 Rev. Leon Strieder; 1982-1990 Rev. Marvin Kitten, SJ; 1985-1991 Rev. Rocco Memolo; 1987-1988 Rev. Michael Sis; 1989 Rev. Emilio Rosolen; 1989-1990 Rev. Adam Martinez; 1990-1992 Rev. Josepf Fortier, SJ; 1990-1991 Rev. Roger Bower; 1991-1992 Rev. James N. Deaconson; 1991-1992 Rev. Michael J. Sis; 1992-present Rev. Dean E. Wilhelm; 1992-1997 Rev. Steve Ryan, SJ; 1997 Rev. David Konderla; 1997-2001 Rev. Keith Koehl; 2001-present E. Narrative History: 1904- 1917- 1923- 1926- 1927- 1940- . six Aggie cadets walk every Sunday six miles to Mass in Bryan at St. Josephs. · Father Gleissner began celebrating Mass on A&M College campus in the old Civil Engineering building · 117 men from the Parish left to serve in World War I . "flu epidemic of 1917 hits the Brazos Valley .~ . Father Gleissner asks the Austin Convention of the Knights of Columbus to help fund a permanent chapel for the Aggies . Funding from the councils such as Cameron, Texarkana, Orange, Hallettsville, West, Santa Maria, Port Arthur, Bryan, Windthorst and Galveston help Father Gleissner purchase two lots north of campus for $1000 on the comer of University Drive and Nagle Street . October 7, groundbreaking of construction for original St. Mary's Chapel . April 24, dedication by Bishop Christopher E Byrne of Diocese of Galveston to Our Blessed Mother with an audience of over 3000. . Chapel had become too small . Built a balcony for $350, but was only a temporary solution . Enrollment topped 1000, making it obvious another larger church was needed . Original chapel had problems o Walls and floor required bracing o Plaster from ceiling fell on congregation o Foundation decaying o Basement flooded 1940-1953- . Fundraising for new church 1953- . Monsignor Gleissner dies on February 28 1954- . 1956- . 1958- . 1959- . 1965- . 1968- Dedication of Student Center designed by William Nash June- construction of new chapel begins designed by William E. Nash October 19, Bishop Louis J. Reicker of Austin Diocese officiated first Mass and dedication of the new chapel Original St. Mary's chapel was remodeled into a rectory for the priests lot of land of original St. Mary's Chapel was sold to Shell Oil Company for $45,000 . Bishop granted parish status to St. Mary's mid 1980's- . balcony in church extended to hold 200 people . new organ installed . baptismal font moved and refashioned for adult baptism by immersion 1993- . parish became known as St. Mary's Catholic Center 1994- . began raising $5 million for 30,000 sq ft St. Mary's Catholic Center at Texas A&M designed by Rick Hollington - architect, Houston . plans included: central courtyard, Daily Mass Chapel, activity center, new confessionals, library, 8 classrooms, staff offices, two student apartments, student lounge. 1998- 2000- 2002- 2004- F. Drawings: G. Photographs: . April 18, dedication and opening of St. Mary's Catholic Center at Texas A&M by Bishop John McCarthy of the Diocese of Austin. Pope John Paul II sent greetings for it's dedication. . Memorial Deck constructed in honor of 12 Aggies who died during the collapseof 1999's Bonfire . purchased 3 more acres for parking along Nagle St. . celebrated 100'h year of ministry to Aggie Catholics 0'\ o CJ.> n :t c:: :::tl n :t ~ ~ ~z~ ~ l) ~r-~nUl 0.... ....OZ "tl :::tl tIl (J) tIl :::tl <:: ~23 -(J) 0...., Zo n:;l:l On ~ ~ - ...., ...., tIl tIl ~ -S-o C'C' u) dl 0- ~-<>\,' {> :t - (J) ...., o :::tl - n ~ ~ :::tl ~ ? ~ "tl "tl L' - n ~ Z ...., .,>~' ,<." d \.c, 1>0 ;s'J' J'" bC, ~:'> ",'J \.c, ~~ ~ t;.~ . ( '! '-' ~ ,/ . . . i ,~; z . 'it ~~. ----~--.-~_... 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Mary's Congregation, mid 1930's -.J~ ~ Monsignor Gleissner. in front of St. Mary's Chapel, 1929 St. Mary's Church, 1958 St. Mary's Church, 1958 '::1 . St. Mary's Church, 1990's I' i . New Courtyard H. Additional Information: - written history - "St. Mary's Catholic Center"; enclosed - slide show on enclosed CD I. Sources and References: Rev. Michael J. Sis, Glenn Schroeder, and Keith Myers of St. Mary's Church Slide show produced by Kelling Photography Photographs/Slide Show compiled by Brian Murawski