HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-2775 - Ordinance - 12/21/2004ORDINANCE NO 2775 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, "BUILDING REGULATIONS," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, DECLARING A PENALTY: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1. That Chapter 3. "Building Regulations," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a pan ofthis ordinance for all purposes PART 2- That ffany prowsions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall m no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm. or coqaoration violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days aRer its date ol' passage by the City Council. as provided by Section 34 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED. ADOPTED and APPROVED this 21st day of December ,2004 City ARomey APPROVED: 0 grottp legal ordtnanL~ antendmentJortn ORDINANCE NO 2775 Page 2 EXHIBIT That Chapter 3, "Building Regulations," of the Code of Ordmances of the City of College Station. Texas, is hereby amended by amending Appenthx I and Appendix 2 to read as follows, APPENDIX 1 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE ADOPTED A booklet entttled 'International Budding Code, 2003 Edtbon. as amended and as hereafter may be amended, at least one (1) copy of which ts on file m the office of the Budding Official of the C~ty of College Station, Texas, ~s hereby adopted and demgnated as the Budding Code of the C~ty of College Stabon, Texas A AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE The above referenced Infernat~onal Budding Code ts hereby amended as follows I Secbon 101 2 (Scope) ~s amended by delebng exception number 2 2 Section 101 4 1 (Electrical) ts amended by deleting the reference to the 'iCC Electrical Code" and replacing it with the 'National Electncal Code. as adopted and amended by the C;ty of College Station' 3 Section 105 (PermRs) ~s amended by addmg Secbon 105 1 3 to read as follows "105.1.3 Registration of Contrectora. It shall be the du~ of every :ndtwdual who makes contracts to construct, enlarge, alter. repair, move. demohsh, or change the occupancy of a budding or structure, or to erect. install enlarge, alter, repatr, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas. mechamcal, or plumbing system, the ~nstallabon of which ~s regulated by this code, or to cause any such work lobe done, and every ~ndtwdual making such contracts and sublettJng the same or any part thereof, to first register w~th the Budding Officml, g~wng full name, remdence, name and place of business, and in case of removal from one place to another to have made cerrespondmg change to the Budding Official Exception: Homeowner permits as provided for m Secbon R1052 4, International Residenttai Code Homebudders and Remodelers - Homebultders and remodelers performing work mguia[~l by the Texas Res~denttai Construcbon Commission shall be registered as mqu~red by State law before a budding permit ~s ~ssued by the C~ty Plumbmf~ Contractors - Plumbing contractors shall be hcansed as prescribed by the State of Texas and shall reg;ster the~rhcense w~th the C~ty of College Station before a plumbing permR ~s tssued by the A;r CondR~onmQ. Ref~oeraben and Heatm;~ Contractors - Att CondRIomng. Refrigeration and Heating Contractors shall be hcensed by the State of Texas and shall register their hcense wRh the C~ty of College Stabon before a mechamcal permR ;s ~ssued by the C;ty ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 3 Dcensed Irnaators - Irrlgahon Contractors shall be hcensed Irngators by the State of Texas shall register their license with the City of College Station before a lawn ~rngabon permit is ~ssued by the C~ty Electrical Contractors - Electrical Contractors shall be hcensed by the State shall register their hcense wgh the C~ty of College Stahon before an electrical permit ~s issued by the C,ty Electrical S~Qn Contractors - Electrical S~gn Contractors shall be hcansed by the State shall register their I~canse w~th the C~ty of College Station before a permit ~s issued Before any hcense is registered with the C~ty. the applicant shall have adequate ~.nsurance coverage for general habfl~ty as prowded for by State law for the respechve trade 4 5 Sechon 105 2 (Work exempt from perm,) ~s amended by adding the following under 'Electrical' 'Replacing Fuses: No permit shall be requlmcl for replacing fuses of I~ke retmg Replacing Fluah or Snap Switches: No permit shall be required for replacing flush or snap sw~tches, receptacles, lamp sockets, the mstallabon of lamps, or minor repairs on permanently connected electrical apphancas Conveying Signals: No permit shall be required for the mstallabon, maintenance or alterahon of w~nng, poles and down guys, apparatus, day,cas, appliances or equipment for telegraph, telephone s~gnal serv~ca or central statmn pretect~ve serwca used m conveying s~gnals or ~ntelhgenca, except where electncal work ~s done on the primary s~de of the source of power at a voltage over 50 volts and of more than 500 watts Wiring by Electric Public Service Company: No permit shall be raqu~red for the ~nstallat~on, maintenance or alteration of electnc w~nng, apparatus dewces. apphances or equipment to be Lnstalled by an electric public serwc, e company for the use of such company in the generation, transmission, d~stnoubon, sale or utilization of electrical energy However. an electnc pubhc serv~ca .company shall not do any wrong on a customer's d~sthbuflon system, ~ncluo~ng metering equipment wherever located and transformer vaults in which customer's transformers are located, nor shall any of ~ts employees do any work other than done for said company as hereinbefore provided for by virtue of th~s exception Temporary Wiring: No permit shall be required for the installation of temporary w~nng, apparatus, dewcas, appliances or equipment used by a recognized electrical training school or college Railway Croesing Signal Devices: No permit shall be required for the installation and maintenance of radway crossing signal devlcas, when such ~s performed by due authority of the railroad and in accordance with the standards of the American Railroad Assoc~abon. and ~n collaboration w~th and approve[ of the Department of Pubhc Services of the C~ty of College Station" Section 106 1 (Submittal documents) ~s amended to ~nclude the following at the end of the section and before the exception "The design professional shall be an architect or engineer legally reg~sterad under the laws of Texas and shall affix h~s official seal to the construction documents for the following 1 All group A, E and I occupancies 2 Building and structures throe or more stones m height 3 Bu~ldLngs and structures 5.000 square feet or more ~n total area ~,lu Iordtnanc~ 2004t2005 thc ordinance 2775 doc 12 1704 ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 4 ? 3 ~0 11 12 Exception: Group R-3 buildings, regardless of s~ze" Sect;on 108 6 (Refunds) ~s amended by deleting the ex~st~ng text m its entirety and replacing ~t wRh the foilow~ng 'The C~ty Manager or h~s designee ;s authorized to estabhsh a reCund policy" Section 109 3 5 (Lath and gypsum board inspect;on) ~s amended by deleting the section tn its entirety Sec~on 11Q 2 (Ceff~ficate ~ssued) ~s amended by deleting items number 4, 5, 7, 10, and 11 Section 112 (Board of Appeals) is amended by deleting the section In ~ts enarety Section 115 1 (Conditions) Is amended by deleting the sentence, 'Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe. as the building official deems necessary and as prewded for ~n this sec'eon" and replacing ~t wRh the following 'Unsafe structures shall be taken down, removed or made safe as provided for m Section I (C), Chapter 3, Code of Ordinances" Se~on 303 1 (Assembly Group A) ~s amended by adding 'tutonal services" under A-3 Section 501 2 (premises ~dentlficat~on) ~s amended by deleting the exlsbng text in its entirety and replacing ~t with the follow~ng "501.2 Premises identification. An official address, assigned by the building Official or h~s designee, shall be provided and placed pursuant to th~s section ~n such a pos~bon as to be clearly wslble from the public street or roadway front~ngthe properbj Addresses placed pursuant to th~s section shall be a m~n~mum four (4) ~nches ~n height and stroke of mlmmum one-half (1/2) inch, composed of a durable material and of a color that prowdes a contrast to the background itself The official address shall be placed a mlmmum of th~rty-s~x (36) roches and a maximum of thirty (30) feet ~n height measured from the ground level Buildings or structures located more than fifty (50) feet f~om the street curb shall have an official address at least five (5) inches In height Durable matsnals used for the official address shall Include, but not be hmRed to, wood. plastic, metal, weather resistent paint, weather resistant wnyl, or weather res~stsnt metenal designed for outside use on a glass surface For s~ngle family residences, the requirement of this section may be met by providing a m~mmum of two (2) inch h~gh numbe? on both sides of a U S mailbox located near the curb in front of the house, or a ~reestsnmng structure with numbers at least four (4} Inches ~n height A building complex composed of multiple structures or dwelhngs shall have an official suite or unit number assigned to each building suite or tenant as well as a street address number If there is sufficient street frontage, each building, suite or tenant may also be assigned an official street address number The official street address.number of each structure must be prominently posted on the building so that ~t is ws~ble ~'om the nearest pubhc street or demgnatecl fire lane Each number des~gneted by the Bu~ldlng Officml, or his designee, for each ~nd~wdual suite or un~ must be conspicuously posted on each suite or umt Commercial buildings w~th side or rear access in addition to the main entrance, shall also display the bus,ness name and officml address on each side or rear door w~th characters at least two (2) inches in height Residential structures which prowde for rear vehicular access from a dedicated public alley, street or des~9natsd fire lane shall consp~cuousl), post an official address at least two (2) inches ~n height so that R ~s ws~ble from the pubhc alley, street or designated fire lane The owner or manager of a bu~ld~ng complex, which contains an enclosed sh_oppl.n~] m.all, shall submR to the Fire Official four (4) cop~es of diagrams acceptable to the rlre Marshal of the entire complex. Ind~cat~ng the location and number of each business When a vltt Iordmanee 2004~ 20~}3 tbe ordinance 2775 doc 12 17'04 ORDINANCE NO, 2775 Page 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 23 24 25 change in a business name or location is made, the owner or manager shall so advise the Fire Marshal in wnbng of the change" Table 803 5 (Intenor Wall And C?ll.ng Finish Rating By Occupancy) is amended by delebng the existing text in footnote d and replacing it with the following 'Class A interior finish material shall be required in all areas of all assembly occupancies. whether spnnklered or not, except as provided for m notes · and f below" Section 903 1 (General) is amended by adding the following text at the end of said section "For the purposes of this section, the term 'fire area' shall be replaced with 'building area' ' Se~on 903 2 (Where required) is amended by adding the following text at the end of smd section "In addition to the requirements of this section, an automatic sprinkler system shall be prowded throughout all new buildings and structures as follows 1 Where the total building area exceeds 12,000 square feet m area 2 Where the height exceeds two stones, regardless of area ' Section 903 2 2 (Group E) is amended by deleting the exceptmn and replacing "20.000 square feet" w~th "12,000 square feet" Secben 903 2 3 (Group F-l) is amended by deleting the text in item "2" and "3' Sectmn 903 2 6 (Group M) ~s amended by replacing "three stones a,.bove grade" with 'two stones above grade" in item "2" and by replecmg "24.000 square feet w~h "12,000 square feet' m ~tem "3" Se~on 903 2 7 (Group R) is amended by deleting the section m ~ts entirety Section 903 2 8 (Group S-l) is amended by replacing "three stories a. bo? 9rad,.e' with 'two stones above grade" in item "2" and by replacing "24.000 square met with 12,000 square feet' in item '3" Section 903 3 7 (Fire departm?t connec~ons) is amended by delebng 'building official" and replacing it with "fire official Section 907 9 1 2 (Employee work areas) is amended by deleting the existing text in its entirety and replacing it w~th the following "Where a fire alarm and dete~on system ~s required, employee work areas shall be provided with dewces that provide audible and visible alarm notification" Section 1004 2 (increased occupant load) is amended by deleting the section in ~ts entirety Sectmn 1004 3 (Posting of occupant load) ~s amended by adding the following text to the end of se~d section "For the l~urposes of th~s sec~on, the occupant load shall be the number of occupants computed at the rate of one occupant per umt of area as preecnbed m Table 1004 1 2" Sechon 1612 3 (Establishment of flood hazard areas) ~s amended by mser[mg "Brezos County' for name of junsd~cbon and "July 2, 1992' for the date of ~ssuance vlu IordmanLe 200412~03 tbt ordu~t~'e 2775 doL 121704 ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 6 26 Section 1911 (M~n~mum slab prowmons) ~s amended by adding Section 1911 2 to read as follows "19¶1.2 Minimum foundation atandard. Ail slabs-on,fade w~th turn. e.d-down foobngs shall comply with the M~ntmum FoundatJon Standard as shown ~n ngure 1 27 Appendix D (F~re Dist~lcte) ~s hereby adopted ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 7 This page reserved for Minimum Foundation Standard vlu Iordmance 2(tO4x2005 thc ordinance 277.~ doc 12 I~ 04 ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 8 B AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE The International Residential Code adopted by reference in Sechon 101 2, 2003 International Braiding Code, ~s hereby amended as follows 1 Secbon R101 2 (Scope) ~s amended by deleting the exception 2 Section R102 4 (Referenced codes and standards) ~s amended by adding the follow~ng to said section "Any reference to the ICC Electrical Code shall me. an the National Electrical Code. as adopted and amended by the City of College StatJon 3 Section R105 2 (Work exempt fi'om permit) ~s amended by deleting number one under 'Building" and replacing ~t with the following '1 One detached accessory structure per residential lot, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet and the structure complies w~th all of the following a The accessory structure is not located in a surface drainage easement b The accessory structure ts not permanently affixed to the ground c The accessory structure ~s located ~n the rear yard d The accessory structure ;s not provided w~th utilities (sower, water, gas or electricity)" 4 Section R105 2 ;s amended by add~ng the following under 'Building' '10 Uncovered decks, pehos or other reused floor surfaces located not more than 30 ~nches above adjacent grade ' 5 Section R105 2 4 is added to read as follows 'R105.2A Homeowner permit. A property owner may obte~n a bu;Idlng permit to perform work on a bufld~ng owned and occupied by him as his homestead w~thout reg~stenng with the C~ty as a contractor However, work mvolv~ng the electncal, plumbing and mechanical systems must be permitted and ~nstalled by I~censed contractors" 6 Section R106 3 1 (Approval of construction documents) is amended by cteletmg the lest sentence m said section 7 Section R108 3 (Buiid~ng permit valuabons) ts amended by added the following to said section "If m the op~mon of the bufld~ng official, the valuation ~s underestimated on the apphcet~on, the permit shall be demed, unless the apphcant can show dele[ ed estimates to meet the approval of the braiding official F~nal permit valuation shall be set by the building official" 8 Section R108 5 {Refunds) ~s amended by deleting the text ~n said section and replacing ~t w~th the following ~The C~ty Manager or h~s designee ~s authorized to establish a refund policy" 9 Section Rl12 (Board of Appeals) ~s amended by deleting the section ~n Rs entirety 10 Section R202 (Defimt~ons) ~s amended by deleting the definition of "Townhouse" ~n ~te entirety and replacing ~t w~th the following 12 I? 04 ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 'Townhouae. A single family dwelling umt constructed m a group of attached umts separated by property lines in which each unit extends from foundation to roof and with open space on at least two sides ' Appendix G (Swimming Pools, spas and hot tubs) is hereby adopted Section R302 1 (Exterior wails) ~s amended by deletmg the ex~stmg text and replacing ~t w~th the following R302.1 Exterior walls Exterior walls w;th a fire separation d~stance less than 3 feet shall have not less than a one hour flre-res~sbve rating w~th exposure from both s~des The above prowmons shall not apply to wails which are perpendmular to the i~ne used to determine the fire separabon d~stance Exception: Tool and storage sheds, playhouses and s~mflar structures exempted from permute by Se~on R105 2 are not mqmred to prewde wall protecbon based on iocatmn on the lot Projections. Projecbons may extend beyond the exterior wall on zero lot hne construction ProJections shall be constructed from non-combustible material on the underside and may project a maximum of 18 roches, excluding non-combustible gutters. over the adjacent property Exception: Tool and storage sheds, playhouses and s~mflar structures exempted from permute by Section R 105 2 shall not extend over the lot line tn zero lot hne construction Combustibles In maintenance easement. The construction of any structure utfl~mng combushble material or the storage of combustible mat. er~al ~s prohibited within the maintenance easement The term "maintenance easement ;s defined m Arbcie 11 of the UDO Exception: A wood fence may be msteiied m the maintenance easement Secbon R309 2 (Separabon raqu~red) ~s amended by adding the following excepbon "Exception: One unprotected attic access opening, not exceeding 30 roches by 54 roches m s~ze, ~s allowed per garage Section R310 1 1 (Minimum opemng area) ~s amended by deleting the se~on m ~ts entirety Section R311 5 6 2 (Continuity) ~s amended by delebng the following text ~n sa~d section 'Handrail ends shall be returned or shall terminate ~n newel posts or safety terminals Sechon R321 1 (Premises ~dent~ficet~on) ~s amended by delehng the ex~stmg text m ;te enbrety and replacing ~t w~th the following 'Premises ~dent~flcaflon shall comply w~th Secbon 501 2, internabonal Building Cede. as amended" Secbon 323 2 1 (Elevation redu~raments) ~s amended by deleting the ex~stmg text. save the excepbon, and replacing ~t w~th the following "1 Buildings and structures shall have the lowest floors elevated m accordance w~th the City of College StatJon Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13 (Flood Hazard Protecbon) and the C~ty of College Stetson Drainage Policy and Design Standards (refer to Secbon II D) 2 In areas of shallow floedmg (AO Zones), buildings and structures shall have the lowest floor (including basement) elevated above the h~ghest adjacent grade as the depth number specified m feet on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps, or at least 2 feet ~f a depth ~ lu 'ordinance 2004~ 2003 ibc ordtnance 2775 doc 12 1 ORDINANCE NO g77.~ Page 10 number ~s not specified, plus the additional footage requirements ~n the C~ty of College Station Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13 (Flood Hazard Protection) and the C~ty of College Station Drainage Policy and Design Standards (refer to Se~on II D) 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 3 Basement floors that are below grade on all s~des shall be elevated in accordance with the CRy of College Station Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13 (Flood Hazard Prote~on) and the Ctty of College Stahon Dremage Policy and Design Standards (refer to Section II D) Section R403 1 3 2 (Slabs-on-ground w~th turned-down foobngs) ~s amended by deleting the ex~st~ng text and replacing R wRh the following to read as follows 'All slabs-on-ground wRh turned-down footings shall comply wtth the m~mmum foundation standard in Secben 1911 2, Intarnat~onal Building Code ' Section N1102 (Building envelope) ts amended by adding N1102 5 to read as follows "N1102.$ Windows. S~ngle pane windows shall not be installed m the budding envelope" Se~on Nl102 1 10 (A~r leakage) ~s amended by adding the following at the end of sa~d section 'All header and top plate penetrations on attached garages shall also be sealed to limit uncontrolled air movement" Se~on Nl102 1 11 (Recessed hghtmg fixtures) is amended by deleting paragraphs number 2 and 3 Sec'eon Nl103 (Mechamcel systems) is amended by adding N1103 6 to read as follows "Nl103.6 Electric reaiatance heat Electric resistance heat shall not be used as the pnmary source of heat required by this code" Exception: Electric res;stance heat may be used for dwelhng umts or additions not exceeding 500 square feet m area ' *Sechon M1305 1 3 (Apphances m attics) ~s amended by adding excepbon number 2 to read as follows "Exception: Where the passageway is not less than 6. feet h~gh for its entire length, the passageway shall be not greater than 50 feet in length Section M1305 1 4 1 (Ground clearance) is amended by replacing '6 inches (152 mm)" with '3 ~nches" Secben M1411 3 (Condensate disposal) ~s amended by deleting the ex~shng text and replacing w~th the following "Condensate from all cooling cmls or evaporators shall be conveyed from the drmn pan outlet to the sanitary sawer sysfem, if available The condensate dram shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system ~n a manner approved by the cede official Exception VVnen a samtary sewer system ~s not available on the premises, or cennecaon thereto ~s not prect~cal, the condensate shall discharge into an approved French dram" vlu ~o~lmance 2004?005 ibc ordinance 2775 doc 12 17~4 ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 11 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 Section M1703 (Ail mr f~om outdoors) ~s amended by adding M1703 6 to read as follows "M1703.6 Single opening or duct. For an appliance w;th a m~n;mum clearance of 1 ~nch on the s~des and 6 ~nches on the front, outside combustion a~r may be supphed through one opemng or duct The a~r opemng and duct shall have a free area of not less than 1 square inch per 3,000 Btulh of the total input reting of ail appltances ~n the enclosure The opemng or duct shall be within 12 ~nches of the top of the enclosure The opemng ~s permffted to connect to spaces d~rectly communicating w~th the outdoors, such as ventilated attic spaces When a duct ~s used to provide combustion a~r from an attic space. ~t shall extend at least 6 ~nches above the ce~hng jo~sts and ceiling ~nsulation ' Section G2408 3 (Pnvate garages) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety Section G2414 5 2 (Copper tubing) ts amended by deleting sa~d section in its entirety Section G2417 1 2 (Repairs and addR[ons) is amended by deleting the ex~stmg text ~n ~ts entirety and replacing ~t with the following "In the event repairs or additions are made after the pressure test, the affected piping shall be tested If approved by the code official, m~nor repairs and additions are not required to be pressure tested provided the work is inspected and connections are tested w~th a noncorrosive leak-detecting fluid or other leak detecting methods" Section G2417 4 (Test pressure measurement) is amended by deleting the existing text ~n its entirety and replacing ~t with the follovang "Test pressure measurement shall comply with Section 406 4, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, as amended" Section G2417 4 1 (Test pressure) is amended by deleting the existing text in its entirety and replacing ~t with the following "Test pressure shall comply with Section 406 4 1. 2003 Intemational Fuel Gas Code. as amended" Section G2420 5 (Equipment shutoff valve) i.s amended by replacing the words 'provided with ready access" with the word 'accessible in the exception Section P2503 7 (Inspection and testing of backflow prevention devices) is amended by deleting the section in ~ts entirety and replacing w~th the following 'Inspection and testing of backflow prevention dewcas shall comply w~th Section 312 9, 2003 international Plumbing Code, as amended" Section P2902 4 3 (Lawn ~rngation systems) is amended by deleting the first sentence in sa~d section and replacing it with the following 'The potable water supply to lawn irrigation systems shall be protected against backflow by an atmospheric-type vacuum breaker, a pressure type vacuum b~aker, a reduced pressure pnnclple backflow preventer or a double check valve assembly ~1~ Io~lmanc~ 2004120tt3 tbc o~dm~znce 2~75 doc 1217fl4 ORDINANCE NO 2775 Page 12 35 36 37 38 39 40 Table P2904 4 1 (Water service p~pe) is amended by delehng the following matenals 'Acrylomtnle butadlene styrene (ABS) plastic p~pe Asbestos-cement p~pe Polybutylene (PB) plastic p~pe and tubing Polyethylene {PE) plasbc p~pe Polyethylene (PE) plasbc tubing Polyethylene/aluminum/polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) p~pe Table P2904 5 (Water d~stnbuflon p~pe) ~s amended by deleting the following materials "Polybutylene (PB) plasttc p~pe and tubing Polyethyienelalum~numlpolyethylene (PE-AL-PE) composite pipe Section P2904 5 1 (Under concrete slabs) ~s amended by deleting the ex~shng text and replacing ~t w~th the following 'Inaccessible water d~sthbutton piping under slabs shall be copper (minimum type K), cross-hnked polyethylene (PF.X)tubing, or cross-hnked polyethylenelalum~num/cross- hnked polyethylene (PEX-AL-PEX) p~pe, all mstalled w~thout joints or connections Materials subject to corroston shall be protected when exposed to concrete or corrosive SOdS ~ Secbon P3002 2 (Budding sewer) ~s amended by edd~ng P3002 2 1 to read as follows "P3002.2.1 Depth of building sewer. Butldmg sewer p~pe shalt be [nsteiied w~th a mm~mum of twelve (12) roches of cover Where cond~bons prohibit the required amount of cover, cast ~ronptpe w~th approved joints may be used .unless other means of protecbng the p~pe ~s prowded as approved by the Budding Official Secbon P3103 1 (Roof extension) ~s amended by inserting 's~x (6)' m the designated blanks Secbon E3301 I (applmabd~ty) ~s amended by deleting the section m ~ts enbrety and replacing w~th the following "Electrical mstaiiahons shall comply w~th the Natmnal Electhcal Code, as adopted and amended by the City of College StatJon" v'u Iordmance 2004~2005 thc o~lmdnce 2775 d~: 12,1"04 ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 13 AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE C The Internattonal Fuel Gas Code adopted by reference m Se~on 101 4 2, 2003 International Bufld~ng Code ~s hereby amended as follows 1 Section 1028 (Referenced codes and standards) ~s amended by add~ng the following exception "Exception: Any reference to the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the National Electncal Code. as adopted and amended by the C~ty of College Station" 2 Sec~on 106 3 (Apphcet~on for permit) is amended by deleting the text in sa~d section and replec~ng tt w~th the following 'The code official may mqu~re a permit apphcet~on for work regulatod by this code" 3 Section 106 5 2 (Fee schedule) is amended by deleting the secben m its entirety 4 Section 106 5 3 (Fee refunds) is amended by deleting the text ~n se~d section and replacing ~t with the following "The City Manager or his des~nee ~s authorized to establish a refund policy" 5 Section 109 (Means of Appeal) ~s amended by deleting the section ~n ~ts entirety 6 Section 305 5 (Private garages) is amended by deleing the secben in its entirety 7 Section 305 7 (Clearance above grade) is amended by replacing '6 inches (152 mm)" w~th ~3 inches" 8 Section 403 4 3 (Copper and brass) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety 9 Secben 403 5 2 (Copper and brass tubing) ~s amended by deleting the section in ~ts entirety 10 Section 406 1 2 (Repairs and additions) ~s amended by deleting the ex~st~ng text in its entirety and replacing It w~th the following 'In the event repairs or edd~bons are made after the pressure test, the affected plp~n~l shall be tested If approved by the code official, m~nor repairs and additions are not raqu[md to be pressure tasted prewded the work ~s respected and connecbons are tested with a noncorrce~ve leak-detect~ng fluid or other leak detecting methods" 11 Section 406 4 (Test pressure measurement) is amended by adding the following to the end of se~d section 'For gas systems w~th a working pressure up to and ~nclud~ng five (5) ps~, a d~aphragm gauge utilizing a d~al w~th a mm~mum diameter of three and one-half inches (3 ½ ), a set hand. 2110 pound ~ncrementat~on and a pressure range not mere than twenty (20) ps~ shall be acceptable A mechamcal spn'ng gauge ~s only acceptable for use on gas systems requiring a pressure test of more than 20 ps~g ' 12 Section 406 4 1 (Test pressure) ~s amended by deleting the extst~ng text in ~t entirety and replacing it wRh the following vi. Iordmtmc~ ~.0t~4~ 2005 ;bc ord;~b~m;e 2775 doc ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 14 13 'The test pressure to be used shall be no less than twice the proposed maximum working pressure, but no less than five (5) ps,g, ~rrespectlve of design pressure' Sechon 406 4 2 (Test duration) ~s amended by deleting the ex,sting text ~n its entirety and replacing ~t with the following 'Gas p~p[ng systems shall withstand the required pressure test for a penod of not less than ten (10) m~nutes w~thout show~ng any drop ~n pressure" v'u Iordtnance 2004~2003 R~: ordinance 2775 doc 12 ORJ)INANC£ NO. 277.5 Pa~e 15 D AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE The International Mechanical Code adopted by reference m Section 101 4 3, 2003 Infernabonal Budding Code ~s hereby amended as follows 1 Section 101 2 (Scope) ~s amended by deleting excepbon number two 2 Section 1028 (Referenced codes and standards) ~s amended by adding the following exception "Exception: Any reference to the iCC Electrical Code shall mean the Nattonal Efectncal Code. as adopted and amended by the C~ty of College Station" 3 Se~on 106 3 (Apphcat~on for permit) is amended by delehng the text m sa~d sect;on and replacing ;t with the following 'The code offic;al may require a permit application for work regulated by th~s code" 4 Section 106 5 2 (Fee schedule) ;s amended by deleting the section ~n ;ts entirety 5 Section 106 5 3 (Fee refunds) ~s amended by deleting the text in sa~d section and replacing ~t w~th the following 'The C;ty Manager or h~s designee is authorized to estabhsh a refund pohcy" 6 Sectton 108 5 (Stop work orders) ~s amended by ~nsert~ng the follow~ng amounts in the blanks prowded at the end of said section 'twenty-five ($25 00)" ~n the first blank and 'two-thousand ($2,000 00)" in the second blank 7 Section 109 (Means of Appeal) ~s amended by deleting the section ~n ~ts entirety 8 Section 304 6 (Private garages) Is amended by delet;ng the section ~n ~ts entirety 9 Section 304 9 (Clearances from grade) ~s amended by replacing "6 roches (152 mm)" w~th "3 roches" 10 Section 507 16 1 (Capture and containment test) ~s amended by deleting the sect]on in ~ts entirety vlu Iordtnan~e 2004~2005 thc ~rdmanc~ 2775 doc 12 17 o4 ORDINANCE NO 2775 Page 16 E AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE The Internabonal Plumbing Code adopted by reference ;n Section 101 4 4, 2003 Internabonal Building Code ~s hereby amended as follows I Section 101 2 (Scope) ts amended by deleting exception number two 2 Sect;on 1028 (Referenced codes and standards) is amended by adding the following exception "Exception: Any reference to the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the Nattonal Electrical Code. as adopted and amended by the C~ty of College Station" 3 Sect;on 106 3 (Apphcat~on for permit) is amended by deleting the text m sa~d sec~on and replacing tt w~th the following 'The code official may require a permit apphcet~on for work regulated by th~s code ' 4 Section 106 6 2 (Fee schedule) ~s amended by deleting the section ~n ~ts entirety 5 Section 106 6 3 (Fee refunds) ~s amended by deleting the text ~n said section and replacing ~t w~th the following "The City Manager or hts designee ~s authorized to estebhsh a refund pohcy ' 6 Section 108 5 (Stop work Orders) ~s .amended by ~nserflng the following amounts ~n the blanks prowded at the end of sa~d section "twenty-five ($25 00)' ~n the first blank and 'two-thousand ($2,000 00)' ~n the second blank 7 Section 109 (Means of Appeal) ~s amended by deleting the section ~n ~ts entirety 8 Section 305 6 1 (Sewer depth) ~s amended by ;nser~ng "twelve (12)" in both blanks and adding the following sentence to the end of sa~d section 'Where conditions prohibit the requ;red amount of cover, cast ;ron p~pe w~th approved joints may be used unless other means of protecting the p;pe is provided as approved by the Bu;Idmg Official' 9 Section 312 1 (Required tests) ~s amended by deleting the following text from said section ', for p~p~ng systems other than plastic, by" 10 Section 312 2 (Drainage and vent water test) ~s amended by deleting sa~d section ~n ~ts entirety and replacing with the following "312.2 Drainage water test. A water test shall be app ed to the dre~nage system e~ther ;n ~ts entirety or ~n sections If applied to the entire system all openings ~n the p~p~ng shall be t~ghtly closed, except the h~ghest open n~l, and the system shall be filled w;th water to the pe~nt of overflow If the system ~s tested ~n sections, each opemng shall be t~ghtly plugged except the h~ghest opemng of the section under test, a.nd.,e.ach, s?.ct.;on ~h. all be.~sted .w~th not less than a 10-foot heed of water Th~s pressure snail oe nelQ ~or at least 1~ minutes The drainage system shall then be fight at all points ' v u IordmanLe 20041200.1 thc ordtnance 2775 doc 12 17 04 ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sect on 312 3 (Drainage and vent air test) ~s amended by deleting sa~d section ~n ~ts entirety and replacing w~th the fol owing "312.3 Drainage air test. An air test shall be applied to the drainage p~p~ng by forc~n~l a~r nto the system until there is a uniform gauge pressure of 5 pounds per square inch [psi) or sufficient to balance a 10-~nch column of memur~ This pressure shall be held for a test period of at least 15 m~nutes Any adjustment to the test pressure required because of changes ~n amb~ect temperature or the seating of gaskets shall be made pnor to the begmmng of the test period" Section 312 9 (Inspection and testing.of Back'flow .p. re.ven, tLo. n assemblies ) ~s amended by deleting said sec{ion ~n its entirety ana replacing Wl~ tne 1oiiowlng "312.9 Inspection and testing of backflow prevention devices and esesmbltsa. Upon trot[al instellat~on, an respect on shall be made of all backflow pravent~on dewces and assembhes to determine whether they are operable Testing of ail backflow prevention dewcas and assemb es shall be ~n accordance Chapter 11, Section 10, Subsection F, of the Code of Ordinances, C~ty of College Stetson, Texas Section 410 1 (Approval) ~s amended by deleting the last sentence in se~d section and replacing ~t w~th the following 'Where bottled water d~spensem are provided ~n other occupenc~es, dnnkmg fountains shall not be requtred' Table 605 3 (Water Serwce P~pe) ~s amended by deleting the followtng materials 'Acrylomtnle butad~ene styrene (ABS) plastic p~pe Asbestos-cement p~pe Poiybutylene (PB) plasac p~pe and tubing Polyethylene (PE) plastic p~pe Polyethylene (PE) ,olast~c tubing Polyethylenelalum~num/poiyethylene (PE-AL-PE) p~pe" Table 605 4 (Water D~stnbut~on Pipe) ~s amended by deleting the following materials 'Polybutylene (PB) plastic p~pe and tubing Poiyethylenelalumlnum/polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) composite p~pe" Section 606 (Installation of the Building Water D~stnbut~on System) ~s amended by adding section 606 7 to read as follows "606.7 Materlala below alaba. Water d~stnbut[on piping ~nstalled under concrete slabs shall be copper (m~n mum [7pe K), cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) tubing, or cross-hnked polyethy ene/alum~num/polyethylene (PEX~AL-PEX) p~pe, all ~nstalled w~thout joints or conne~ons Materials subject to corrosion sha be protected when exposed to concrete or corrosive soils m Section 608 16 5 (Conne~ons to lawn ~rngat~on systems) ~s amended by adding the following sentence to the end of the section 'Double check valve assembhes may be used to protect aga~.n,,st backflow on lawn ~rngat~on systems where chemical ~nject~on systems are not present ORDINANCE NO. ~8 2775 Page 18 Section 701 2 (Sewer required) ~s amended by delehng the section ~n ~ts entirety and replacing with the following "701.2 Sewer required. Every building tn which plumbing fixtures are installed and all ~remtses hawng samtary drainage p~p~ng shall be connected to an approved sewer nvate sewage systems must comply w~th C~y of College Station's Code of Ordinances (Chapter 11. Section 2) All pnvata sewage d~sposal systems must comply w~th the latest adopted standards of the Texas Commission on Envtronmental Quahty and be installed under the d~recben of the Brezos County Health Department The installer shall be licensed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quahty" ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 19 F AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE The Internabonal Property Maintenance Code adopted by roference ~n Secbon 101 4 5, 2003 International Braiding Code ~s hereby amended as follows 1 Se~on 1027 (Referenced codes and standards) ~s amended by adding the following exception "Exception: Any reference to the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the National Electrical Code, as adopted and amended by the City of College Stahon" 2 Secbon 107 (Notices and orders) ~s amended by deleting the secbon ~n ~ts entirety 3 Sechon 108 (Unsafe Structures and Equipment) ~s amended by deleting the section in its enbroty 4 Sechon 10g (Emergency Measures) ~s amended by deleting the secbon ~n ~ts enhrety 5 Section 110 (Demolition) ~s amended by deleting the section m ~ta enbmty 6 Secbon 111 (Means of Appeal) ~s amended by deleting the sechon ~n ~ts entirety 7 Section 302 4 (VVeeds) ~s amended by delebng the section in ~ts entirety 8 Secbon 304 3 (Premises idenbficatlon) ~s amended by deleting the text in said secbon and replacing it with the following "Premises ~denbflcat~on shall be m compliance with Section 501 2, 2003 Intarnat~onal Building Code as amended" 9 Section 304 14 (Insect screens) ~s amended by delehng the existing text and replacing it w~th the following 'Every door, w~ndow, and other outside opening required for venhiabon of habitable rooms, food preparation areas, food service areas or any other areas where products to be included or ut~hzed ~n food for human consumphon are processed, manufactured, packaged or stored, shall be shall be supphed w~th approved bghtly fitting screens of not less than 16 mesh per inch (16 mesh per 25 mm) and every swinging door shall have a self-closing device m good working cond~hon Exceptione: 1 Sc~ens shall not be required where other approved means, such as a~r curtains or insect repellant fans, are employed 2 Screens shall not be required for windows and doors enclosing habitable spaces that centa~n central heabng and a~r cond~t~omng eqmpment that provide mechamcel ventilation" 10 Section 602 3 (Heat supply) ~s amended by adding the following dates ~n the blanks provided "1 October" ~n first blank and "30 Apnl" ~n second blank 11 Section 602 4 (Occup~able work spaces) ~s amended by adding the following dates m the blanks provided '1 October" ~n first blank and '30 April' ~n second blank v, tord,~nce 200412fl05 ibc ordinance 2775 doc 12 1704 ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 20 12 Secbon 602 4 (Occup~able work spaces) ;s amended by adding the following exception '3 Warehouse, storage moms and s~m~lar areas that are not occupied on a constant bas~s" vlu ~o~4m~lce .~004~2005 th,: onhnanc~ 2775 doc ORDINANCE NO. 277.5 Page 21 G H The International Energy Conservation Code adop~l by reference Internabonal Budding Code ~s hereby amended as follows 1 2 AMENDMENT~ TO INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE m Secbon 101 4 7, 2003 Section 101 2 (Scope) ~s amended by deleting the excepbon Secbon 107 1 (General) ~s amended by adding the following to said secbon ~Any reference to the ICC Electhcal Code shall _me.an the Nabonal Electncal Code, as adopted and amended by the C~ty of College Station 3 Secbon R202 (General Defimbons.). ~s amended by deleting the defimbon of "Mulbple Single Famdy Dwelhng (Townhouse) ~n ~ts enbrety and replacing ~t with the following 'Townhouse A s~ngle famdy dwelhng umt constructed ~n a. group of. attec.hed_umts separated by property hnes ~n wh.~ch each umt extends from mundabon to reor ana with open space on at least two sides 4 Secbon 502 1 3 (Recessed hghhng fixtures) ~s amended by delebng ~tems number two and three under smd section 5 Secbon 502 1 4 1 (Window and door assembhes) is amended by add~ng the following to the end of the sechon 'S~ngie pane windows shall not be ~nstalled m the budding envelope ' 6 Secbon 502 1 4 2 (Caulking and sealants) ~s amended by adding the following to the end of the secbon 'All header and fop plate penetrations ~n attached garages shall also be sealed to limit uncontrolled mr movement" 7 Section 503 1 (General) ~s amended by adding the following at the end of the secbon "Excephon Electrical resistance heat may be used as the primary source of heabng for buddings or spaces not exceeding five hundred (500) square feet in area ' 8 Table 503 3 3 3 (Minimum Duct Insuiabon) ~s amended by adding footnote "e ' to read as follows "e Supply ducts ~n uncond~boned attics may have an msulabon R-Value of 6 when ~nstell6d ~ conjunction w~th an a~r-cond~t~oner having a m~n[mum SEER rahng of 12 ' REGISTRATION FEES Reg~strabon fees for contractors shall be set by Council resolution TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY OF STREETS WiTH BUILDING MATERIAL. ETC 1 Permit and Bond Hereafter any person or persons, firm. or corporabon des~_nn.g ~ ~m.,poraniy occu.py ~.ny por~on of any pubhc street, alley, or sidewalk w~thm the c;~p/or c;o~ege Station ~or tne purpose of placing thereon material or rubbish for or from braiding operations, or for any purpose whatsoever connected w~th the erection, removal, aiterebon, or repair of any braiding or other structure, shall apply to the Braiding Official for a permit for such temporary occupahon as aforesmd, and ~t shall be unlawful fo .occupy or .o. bst~_ct..any street, alley, or s~dewalk, as aforese~d, without a permit there~ore, trom me uuno.~ng Official, which permit shall not be ~ssued untd the person, persons, nrta, or corporet~on applying therefore shall have first presented a braiding permit w~th a bond approved by the ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 22 C~ty Attorney. conditioned that the pnnc~pal therein will d~scharge all clmms of every character ans~ng from or occasioned by such occupancy of such street, alley, or s~dewalk or the construction or repair of such building or the making of such excavation and d~scharge all judgments obtained, together w~th all costs attached thereto agmnet the C~ty of College Station, by mason of an>. such clmm, injury, or damage sustained, and every person or persons, firm. or corporation carrying on any such excavation or bulld~ngopere- bon shall keep all streets, alleys, and sidewalks adjacent fo such excavations orbuddmg operebons carried on b'~ them, in a clean and orderly cond~bon, and unobstructed, except as provided herren, dunng such operation, and at the expiration of the time sbpuiated in the permit aforesmd, they shall restore all such streets, alleys, and s~dewalks to as good condition as they were before the beginning of such operabons 2 Reau~s~te of Permit Permits for temporary street, alley, or s~dewalk occupancy as hereinbefore prowded shall be issued by the Building Official, shall be ~n writing, and shall be for a period of time not fo exceed ninety (90) days. such as se~d Budding Official may deem expad~ent, prowded that such bme may be extended by the C~ty Councd of the C~ty of College Station, such permit shall specify how much of the street, s~dewalk, or alley shall be obstructed, which amount of obstruction shall be w~hln the d~scretlon of the Budding Officml. provided that not more than one-half (1/2) of any alley, not more than two-th~rds (213) of any sidewalk, nor more than one-fourth (114) of any street shall be obstructed 3 Protection of S~dewalks Wherever any port~on of any street, alley, or sidewalk shall be obstructed under a permit as hereinbefore provided, the sidewalk or driveway thereon shall be protected by a covering, which shall be sufficient fo protect the public fTom danger attendant upon such budding, and a driveway and sidewalk sufficient ~n the op[mon of the Budding Official. kept m good condition for travel, and a fadure to comply with this subsection shall ~mmed~ately work a forfeiture of the I~erm~t g~ven thereunder and all the rights and pnwieges granted therein J CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS AND CURBS 1 License and Permit Re(lulmd Hereinafter no person, persons, firm. or corporation shall lay, construct, build, repair, or rebudd any mdewalk, curb. gutter, or driveway on any street, alley, or thoroughfare w~th~n the C~ty of College Stetson, w~thout first having obtained from the City Engineer a i~cense to do such work. having made and executed a bond fo smd C~ty ~n the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500 00), having paid a license fee of Ten Dollars ($10 00) par annum, and hawng obtained a permit from the City Engineer to do such work Prowded, however, that for building construction, only the construction of $~dewalks. curbs, gutters, dnveways, and approaches to a building may be ~ncluded ~n the bulldln9 contractor's parm~t for the construction of the bulld~n9 ~f apphcatlon to construct socn s~dewalk, curb. gutter, driveway, and drive approach is made at the time the budding permit ~s apphed for Provided flJrther, that the preced~n9 sentence shall allow only the building contractor h~mself to construct curbs, gutters, s~dewalks, driveways, and drive approaches on his budding contractor's bond without the necessity of making a separate cement bond for their construction, and the preceding sentence shall not apply if the building contractor contracts with another fo construct the sidewalks, curbs, gutters, dnve- ways. and approaches The budding contractor shall have the construction of such s~dewaiks, curbs, gutters, driveways, and drive approaches ~nspected and approved by the C~ty Engineer Where the budding contractor avails himself of the previsions of this subsecbon, he shall be responsible for the construction and maintenance of such concrete construction in the same manner as individuals holding a hcense to do such concrete work. and h~s building contractor's bond shall be amended and supplemented to comply wRh this subsecbon ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 23 K M 2 Reou~s~te of L~cense and Bond The hcense hereinbefore mentoned shall be ~ssued and approved by the C~ty Engineer, and before the ~ssuance of same, the applicant shall file ~n the office of the City Engineer a statement of h~s qual~ficatons, together w~th a surety bond in the penal sum of Two Thousand F~ve Hundred Dollars ($2.500 00), conditioned that setd appl~cent w~ll ~ndemmfy and save harmless the C~ty of College Staton fi'om any and all damages of every character ansmg from or caused d~ractly or indirectly b.y neghgence Ln doing sa~d work, or for any ~mperfect or inadequate work done by the appl~cent, and that he will maintain said work m a good and workmanlike state of repair for and dunng a period of one (i) year from and after its completon and acceptance by the C~ty Sa~d statement of qual~ficetons approved by the Ctty Engineer, together w~th bond. and date of ~seuance shall be filed by said City Engineer w~th the C~ty Secretary The applicant shall also state tn his apphcaton for Itcense, h~s place of bus~ness, and shall notfy the C~ty Engineer ~mmed~ataly of any and every chanpe m address or style of h~s firm All such bonds shall be subject to the approval of the C~ty Attorney, and shall run for a period of one ([) year from date. or until revoked as hereinafter prowded PERMIT REQUIRED FOR STREET, SIDEWALK AND ALLEYWAY CUTS (1) No person shall cut or ~n anyway damage the streets, alleyways or s~dewalks of the City of College Station for the ~nstallaton of any metena[s and/or equtpment w~thout a permit (2) A permit to cut a street, alleyway or s~dewalk shall be applied for from the C~ty Manager or h~s delegate (3) Any person who apphes for a permit shall pay the cost of the ~ssuance of the permit, the repair of the street, stdewalk or alleyway and the cost of the ~nspecton of such repair, which fees shall be set by resoluton from tree to tme The C~ty at ~ts option may elect for the apphcant to pay the estimated costs of repairs as a deposit prior to the ~ssuance of the permit w~th se~d depomt not being less than the mtmmum payment set out by resoluton In the event that the cost exceeds the deposit the applicant shall remit the remainder of the cost to the C~ty In the event that the cost ~s less than the deposit, the overage shall be remitted to the apphcent (4) Any person who without a permit cuts or otherwtse damages a street, s~dewalk or alleyway ~n the ~nstallaton of any materials or equipment, or refuses to pay for repairs, shall be guilty of an offense pumshable under th~s Code of Ordinances (5) Appl~cent may be authorized to make temporary or permanent repairs pursuant to C~ty's spec~ficetons If the permit authorizes the apphcant to make repaLrs, then the apphcant shall warrant the work for 365 days from the data of ~nspecton and acceptance by City (6) Any person who fa~ls to comply with the terms of th~s ordinance shall be guilty of an offense pumshable under thLs Code of Ordinances" BUILDING PERMIT FEES Bu~ld~ngperm~t fees w~ii be established by C~ty Council resoluton adopted pursuant fl3 Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances An official copy of the latest such tees shall remain on file in the Office of the C~ty Secretary at all times MANUFACTURED HOUSING TIE DOWN STANDARDS T~es for manufactured housing shall comply with Section AES05. 2003 Intarnat~onal Residential Code ~ 'u lo.finance 200412003 ~be ordinance 2775 dec 12 1704 ORDINANCE NO. 2775 Page 24 APPENDIX 2 ELECTRICAL CODE ADOPTED A booklet enbfled 'Nabonal Electncal Code 2002 Edition' as amended and as hereafter may be amended, at least one (1) copy of which ~s on file ~n the office of the Braiding Official of the City of Colle~ge Stetton. Texas, ~s hereby adopted and demgnated as the Electncal Code of the C~ty of College Station, Texas AMENDMENTS TO NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE A The above referenced 'National Electrical Code' ~s hereby amended as follows Sectton 210 23 (A) 15- and 20 ampere cimuite, shall be amended to delete the reference to 15 ampere branch c~rcu~te It shall also be amended to include the follow~ng sentence after sa~d section 'However, a clmu;t of twenty (20) amperes shall not serve more than ten openings ' Table 210 24 Summary of Brench-Cimuit Requirements shall be amended by piecing an asterisk next to all 14 AWG conductors md;cared m the table and by adding this foot- note at the bottom of the table * special note Except for fixture w~res m UL or other hsted fixtures, no conductor of a s~ze smaller than 12 AWG copper ts allowed in branch c~mu~t wiring ' Secbon 21052 (B) Small Appliances shall be amended by adding the follow~ng subsection (4) Separate Clmuit Required. A separate ctrcu;t ~s required for each ref~gerator, deep freeze, d~shwasher, d;sposal, trash compactor or any other load exceeding slx (6) amperes' Secbon 210 52 (C) Countertopa shall be amended to include after the words ' w~th 210 52 (C) (1) through (5) the following sentence However, a separate c~rcu;t ~s required for m~crowave ovens or any other counter top appliance w~th a ioed exceeding s~x (6) amperes' Section 210 52 (F) Laundry Areas. shall be amended to include after the words' for the laundry' the following sentence 'However, a separate circuit is required for a wash ng machine or any other laundry appliance with a load exceeding six (6) amperes 6 Section 210 52 Dwelling Unit Receptacle Outlete. shall be amended by adding the following subsecbon '(I)Other Locations A separate c~rcult is required for each well pump or other outdoor loads exceeding SlX (6) amperes' Article 230 Services. shall be amended by adding the follow~ng section 230 11 Mete[ Mounting Heights. Ind~wdual meters shall be mounted at a height notgreater than 5'-6 or less than 4'-6" above fimshed grade, measured to the center hne of the meter base Meter packs shall be mounted w~th ~ts horizontal conterl~ne not greater than 4'-6" or less than 4%0" above fimshed grade Excepbon Meters and meter packs may be mounted at a d~fferent height by special permission of the Bmid~n[I Official or h~s designee when spemal cond~bons make the ~nstallabon at the above he~ghte ~mpract~cal 8 Secbon 230 70 General shall be amended by adding the following subsect;an '(D) Service Disconnecting Meana for Commemial Buildinga and Structures. For commercial buildings and structures, the serv~co d~sconnec~ng means shall be ~nstelled on the outside of the building or structure A power operated d~sconnect sw~h.. (s.hunt trip) shall be permitted for service d~sconnects rated 1000 amps or more All snunt trip d~sconnect~ng means shall be of the momentary contact type and installed in an v~u ~ordmance 200412003 tbc ordmano., 277) do~ 12,1704 ORDINANCE NO Z775 Page 25 9 10 11 12 approved, Iockable enclosure All servtce d~sconnects shall be clearly marked m a permanent manner Exception: A power operated disconnect sw~ch (shunt trip) may be allowed on serwce d~sconnects rated less than 1000 amps. ~f the apphcant requests an exceptton from the Electncal Dtvtston and Butld~ng Official and sahsfies the official that one of the follomng criteria has been met (a) A power operated d~sconnect smtch (shunt trip) may be used for a service d;sconnect rated less than 1000 amps when the budding or structure ts served by a single transformer and the transformer ts not anticipated to be used for mutt;pie services, or (h) A power operated disconnect switch (shunt tnp) may be used for a service disconnect rated less than 1000 amps on an extstmg budding or structure when space is not available to mount an external disconnect Secbon 250 52 (A) (5) Rod and Pil~e Electrodes shall be amended by delebng the secbon in ~ts enUrety and replacing with the following Rod and Pipe Electrodes. and p~pe electrodes shall not be less than mght (6) feet ~n length, not less than 518 tn dmmeter and shall be copper coated Section 310 2 (B) Conductor Material shall be amended by deleting the section in [ts entirety and replacing w~th the following 'Conductor Material Conductors tn this article shall be of copper only' Sect]on 320 12 Uses Not Pen~ltted shall be amended by deleting the sect[on tn ]ts entirety and replacing with the following 'Ueee Not Perotltted. Type AC cable shall not be perm;tted ~n commercial buddings as a wrong method' Section 334 12 (A) Types NM, NMC, and NMS. shall be amended to include the following subsecbon (11) In educational occupancies as defined by the C~ty's "adopted building code ' v'u ~or~munc~ 2(I04'2tMJ ~l,c or~m~mce ff775 12 17 04