HomeMy WebLinkAboutKeep Brazos Beautiful 11/30/04 '"'--- -6 . 11- 'J-f - J-COr I Keep Brazos Beautiful to honor local leaders Eagle Staff Report Keep Brazos Beautiful's "A Night with the Stars" annual awards banquet scheduled for Monday will salute 14 . individuals, four organiza- I tions, three governmental I agencies and four business- es. I The banquet, scheduled for 6 to 9 p.m. at the College Sta- tion Hilton Hotel & Confer- ence Center, will honor those whose leadership efforts I make the community ~lean I and beautiful, organizers said. , Keep Brazos Beautiful's outgoing and new ~bbard members will be recognized. Thousands of dollars' worth of donated items, art- work and gift certificates, , . including a Yard Man Chip- ; per Shedder valued at $400, I will find a home during a silent auction. The proceeds will benefit the agencts I...... I environmental education programs. Following are the awards and recipients: . The Community Stew- ardship Award will go to Habitat for Humanity. The award is given to an individ- ual or organization whose, efforts and contributions have had the greatest impact on making the community, among the best. . The Distinguished Part- ner in Beauty will be given to Anco Insurance Co. The aw~rd goes to .a business whose financial or in-kind support of the agency has aided in our efforts to make our community a better place to live, work; and play. '. The ~itter Watchdog Award is given to individu- als whose efforts have had a major impact on litter pre- vention, litter education S,ee KBB~, Pag~ A15 ~-",-",,~__~_J:-_ _~____~-~________..J~_~-_ I - -.-The MeQla-~COOp-A wara- I will go to. Eagle photogra- . I pher Butch Ireland. It's NeIghborhood Association. given to an individual whose The award is presented to an efforts in newspaper media individual who goes "above have significantly aided the- and beyond" to maintain the programs by covering issues beauty, cleanliness and qual- related to the grassroots ity of life around their home environmental mission of and neighborhood. the organization throughout . ~ B~ight Star S~lute Beau- the year. tiflcatlOn Award IS given to . The new Media Signal the best of the best winners Award will go to Penny Zent. of monthly business land- The award goes to an indi. scape beautification awards vidual in radio media whose in the Bryan, College Station efforts have substantially and Brazos County area. It 8:ided the programs and pub- will go to t~e Smetana Ceme- lic relations work through- tery group 1!l Brazos County out the year. and the Holiday RV Park. in . The new Big Heart College Station. Award is given to a business . The J.C. "Jack" Miller or organization whose gen- erosity has assisted commu- - ni.ty improvement efforts. It WIll go to Tom Light Chevro- let. . The Volunteer Worker Bee Award goes to the pro- gram's superlative volunteer of t~e year, and this year that IS Hazel Cabiness. . The. Good Neighbor Award will go to Kay Young- '\ /1--'2 '1 .-::u>o~ KBB \ and/or cleanup. The reCIpI- ents include: Aggie represen- tatives with Texas A&M Uni- versity's Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences; Ethel Clark; Katie Elrod with the city of College Station Neigh- borhood Services (sustained excellence); John Hendry, . the executive director of the Downtown Bryan Economic Development Association; Brazos County Commission- er Kenny Mallard; Bryan City Manager Mary Kaye Moore; Taylor Parker (sus- tained excellence); and Bra- zos County Judge Randy Sims. . The Can Do Recycling Award is given to individu- als or organizations whose efforts in waste minimiza- tion and recycling stand above the rest. The recipi- ents include A&M's Environ- mental Issues Committee and A&M's Texas Environ- mental Action Coalition. -....._....~ I Institutional Beautification Award is given to institu- · tions including schools, churches, government build- ings or non-profits whose landscaping is an outstand- ing example of beauty, design, maintenance and cleanliness. The Brazos Cen- ter picks up the award this year. . The president's 2004 I Board Member of the Year Award is given annually to the Keep Brazos Beautiful's most impressive volunteer board member. The recipi- ent will be announced at the banquet. . . Keepers ot tne t\.mgaoIIl award is given to govern- ment agencies, elected offi- cials, or city/county employ- ees who have contributed the most toward community improvement through litter control, recycling, and beau- tification efforts. The recipi- ents are the Brazos Valley Council of Governments and the Bryan Police Depart- ment. . The Miller ~outh Award, which will be given to the Bryan High School Service Learning Youth Action Board, is given to a youth group that has worked to improve our community's environment by demonstrat- ing leadership in beautifica- tion, conservation and litter reduction that instills pride in the community. This bi- annual award is designed to recognize and encourage cre. ative youth community vol. unteerism and involvement. The award is provided by and named for Brazos Beau. tiful founders Dorothy S. and Jack Miller. . The Media FanfarE Award, which will go t( Sharon Colson from KAMU TV, is given to an individua in television media-whosl efforts have served K~el Brazos Beautiful's program: and public relations effort throughout the year. -_...._~....-.-