HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication 111904 Historical Preservation The Maffei House October 26, 2004 Lauren Johnson Lisa Lin Ara Walter I. c. City of College Station Historic BuUdin!! Plaque Am>lication CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Historic Preservation Committee Submit the completed application to the following address: City of College Station, Development Services Department 1101 Texas Avenue, P.o. Box 9960, College Station, TX 7784 I. Applicant Information Dor o~ em_ z....e.) ~ 0 { Date of Submittal Name of Applicant Address Telephone E-mail Address ~A^, AN b GU;;;1l2A-u:::. ,L.{;rt FF e"" ..l. \I 0 2.- PAd_~ PtA cF S'. Co~ e- S-rA-r1't.,./. "'t X -r, os 'f 0 ( &j 79) b 't3 - ~~l 0 j t"\CII ~ Q...~ l.oC. ~ II. Owner Information Name of Owner Address Telephone E-mail Address :rOAN ArNE> ~~~ ""\'~FFt;f 1102- (>~ PtM:e s. GoU...eGore- S""'~tol\J... -ry. (-r'84 0 ( q iCf) {. "l 1- - ~.~ J~'~~~'~ III. General Building Information Name of Building Address of Building Date of Construction ArchitectJDesigner Builder/Contractor Architectural Period/Style MlrFFeL ~ 1!:>51Jc:e- {/O'2,., f'~tL tPUfCE So ~ s-r ,"\-t(li\).J c>'. -r-z. 'D 40 / Jeer ( r. e. en I e'SeJ:..4:.€ ()~~tJ ~ ANNe Legal Property Description of Current Location (Lot and Block Numbers) UefrcJ!..eS-r I ISLDc..k- r;;L, ~-r ~'f Does the building remain on its original site? DYes [Xl No (specify original location) 44~ -JJ ~ s\~T rAe-WCs, P(l.tcJ..."(te;uJ v~ 1"tl(,4$. ~ /A. ~ City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 10f4 Indicate the original and adapted uses of the building. Original Uses Adapted Uses o Agriculture o Commerce o Education o Government o Healthcare o Industrial o Recreation o Religious ~ Residential o Social o Transportation D Agriculture D Commerce D Education D Government D Healthcare D Industrial D Recreation D Religious ~ Residential D Social D Transportation IV. Architectural Description A. Physical Characteristics Original Current Number of stories oNE ,Wo Orientation NW N-S Floor Plan Open plan D 0 L-plan 0 D Modified L-plan 0 D Center passage plan 0 D 2-room plan D D T-plan 0 D Shotgun plan e D Asymmetrical plan- ~ Other (specify) Roof Type ~ ~ Gable Hipped D Flat with parapet D D Gambrel D D Mansard D D Shed D D Other (specify) D D B. Materials (Please check all that apply) City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 20f4 Construction Frame Solid Brick Solid Stone Concrete Other ( specify) Foundation Pier and Beam Stone Brick Concrete Concrete Masonry Qnits Other ( specify) Exterior Wall Surface Siding (specify type) Stucco Stone Brick Wood Shingle Other (specify) Windows Wood Sash Aluminum Sash Single-hung Double-hung Casement Fixed Awning Hopper Sliding Other (Spe9ify) Roof Materials Shingles (specify type) Tile ( specify type) Slate Metal (specify type) Other Primary Exterior Color Secondary (Trim) Color City of Co /lege Station Historic Building Plaque Application Original Current ~ ~ D D D D D D D g ~ D 0 D D 0 0 D D ~ Wl1Db l,(et.lP'-"l'W&) D o o D '0. D D D o D D D D D ~ wool) D D D D lvl:t'l=:--re " (se1J e \.AA)o\) (...'te~(.).f'(~") o o D D a D D D D D o D o o D o ~ Gof.l.CA.GtA-t"eb sr'a;:T ,...ev+ L- ~ L4 cnttT" G.R}.J-( .6t (l~ wH-:t:~ 30f4 V. Supporting Documentation Please attach the following information. A. Alterations List any known changes or modifications made to the property throughout its history. B. Prominent Historical Figures List any prominent historical figures associated with the property. C. Property Ownership List all known owners of the property. Include original owner and subsequent owners. D. Tenant History List all known tenants of the property throughout its history. E. Narrative History Attach a narrative explanation of the chronological and historical development of the property. F. Drawings · Provide a sketch of the current site plan. Include the proposed location of the historic plaque. · Provide a sketch map indicating the nominated property and any related sites. G. Photographs Historic · Provide at least one historic photograph of the property. Current · Provide at least one current photograph of the property illustrating in its surrounding context. For example, photograph the streets cape in which the building is included. · Provide at least one photograph of each side of the building. H. Additional Information Provide any additional information that supports the application. This may include architectural drawings, letters, oral histories, newspaper/magazine articles, etc. I. References Attach a list of the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form. The College Station Historic Preservation Committee requests that all plaques are mounted on the front fa9ade of the approved building within thirty (30) days of receipt. Pennission of owner for plaque placement D Owner Signature Applicant Signature City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 40f4 A. Alterations - Built second floor with steel staircase - Built in hallway with skylight - Rooms on the Southwest side of house ( and the "Stage") used to be exterior porch but are now covered. - can tell because floor slopes and there are double windows. - Back room is newest addition. - Extensive landscape was added to the house to form an urban wildlife habitat. B. Prominent Historical Figures - F. E. Giesecke was the first owner of the home and also the architect. He was the campus architect of Texas A&M and father of Architecture program. He also designed historical buildings in town such as the Carnegie Library and the 1929 Bryan Municipal Building. C. Property Ownership - F. E. Giesecke (1891- 1946) - W.S. Guthrie (1946- 1963) (see abstract of title on page~) - Sanford J. and Elizabeth Ann Ritchey (1963-1970) (see abstract of title on page ?/~ ) - Ge~ald and Joan Maffei (1970 - present) . D. Tenant History - No known tenants besides owners. E. Narrative History - The Maffei home was originally #224 on the campus (see original location on campus map). It is one of the 5 houses that faced the A&M campus drill field. It is believed to be the.second oldest house in the College Station area. It is a Queen Anne style house much like the first house built in College Station that is currently 611 Montclair (reference photo on page k). - The house was believed to at one time be used as the Memorial Student Center of Texas A&M University. - After World War II a law appeared that there could not be anymore campus funded housing. In order to move the house they removed the roof and separated the residence in half and moved it to its current location. - The Ritchey family supposedly had piano recitals in the stage (reference photo on page t Z) and music lessons in the house. The stage was originally an exterior porch area. You can see this by looking at the house on Montclair. Architectural Significance - The Queen Ann style is often timber framed and is irregular in plan and elevation. They have an asymmetrical fa<;ade and an emphasis on verticality. The original roof had textured shingles and wood carved ornamentation. Now the roof is covered in sheet metal and has metal ornamentation on top (see page tL). The typical roof shape is steeply pitched with ornamented gables and ridges. Windows typically have large sashes and are multi-paned. There is a transom light above th,e front door and side lights flanking the 1 door. Originally the house had wrap-around Corinthian columns, but they are no longer there. F. Drawings - Site Plan on page ~ - Current Floor Plan on page ~ - Original Location on Campus on page 13 - Current Location on Park Place on page 1 L\ G. Photographs - Historic Photograph on page ~ - Current exterior photographs on page I (p -'1.. \ - Current Interior photographs on page 1..2- '2. S - Identical Queen Anne style house photograph on page llo H. Additional Information - Historic photographs of original campus homes can be found in Cushing Library at Texas A&M University. I. References -Harris, Cyril M. American Architecture: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. New YorkCity, New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1998. - Maffei, Gerald and Joan Maffei. Personal Interview. 16 October 2004. - Martell, Marilyn. "A&M Professor Receives High Marks." The Brvan/College Station Eagle. 29 May 2003. . -CUSh'IV'r) Me,vno,,;C\.\ l\OYlA~ r AMlves, 1e.X:4S A~M UY\\ve(C:;I'~ ~ ..-., I . t ! L . .t,+-.-- 0.(, I /..! ,''i -- ~ / ./ i ""f' /\/ '.~..../ ,')' ( <: AB S T RAe T OF TIT L E NO. 1707 TO Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Brazos County, Texas, and being Lots Nos. THIRTY-FOUR (34), THIRTY-FIVE (35) and THIRTY-SIX (36), in Block No. THREE (3), SOUTH OAKWOOD ADDITION to the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being the same property conveyed to W. S. Guthrie et ux by F. E. Giesecke e et ux by deed dated September 10, 1946, recorded in Volume 126, page 509, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. FOR Sanford J. RitC.ha~~T and wife, Elizabeth Ann Ritchey COMPilED January ~l, 1963, at 8:00 olclock A. M. "'? ABSTRACT OF TITLE NO. .1588 TO All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being si tuatued in Brazos County, Texasr;, and being Lots Nos. Thir ty-Four (34), Thirty-Five (35), and Thirty-Six (36) in Block No. Three (3), in SOUTH OAKWOOD ADDITION to the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being t~e sa~e property conveyed to W. S. Guthrie et ux, by F. E.' Giesecke et ux by deed dated September 10, 1946, recorded in Volume 126, page 509, Deed Records of Brazos COUliJ. ty, Texas. FOR Sanford J. Ritchey and wife, Elizabeth Ann Ritchey COMPILED October 5, 1962 at 8:00 o'clock A. M. BY LAWRENCE TITlE & ABSTRACT COMPANY il COMPLEMENTAL A B 5 T RAe T 0 F T I TL E (Complementing Our Abstract of Title No. 2462) TO Being Lots Nos. THIRTY-FOUR (34) THIRTY-FIVE (35), and TIiIRTY- SIX (36), in Block No. THREE (3), SOUTH OAKWOOD ADDITION to the City .of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and appearing in the name of W. S. Guthrie. PREPARED FOR W. S. Guthrie, et ux DA TE OF PREPARATION August 5, 1958 .8 Y BRAZOS COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC. BRYAN, reXAS ~#:mt4mU ~~ ? GARRETT ENGINEERING 4444 Ca~ter Creek Pkwy.. Suite 108 . BRYAN, TEXAS 77802 (409) 840-2688 1 , .:<t; /'" , 5ca);:':/';20 I CZI;z '( R ' '7.0' I ~ 545.00 'oO''V'V2. /59./01 /"74/0 I oz/" 'rP. r/1dJ6~(R.0 / tl 'f"" . I:'- ~ ~ ~r' ~ Ii SJ ss I ~ I...; \J .\'I ~ ,I{, I ~I ~ ~II \D ~I ! . ',~L '~I - "'- ''<: ~ / \J Ct:JT L """.- l ~I ~I I I 4t~~ ~I ~ , ~ ~ ~ '\;). '. ;..- l3LOC~ 8 .... G't:JT ~~ .... 8r;;/:. IV"'II -~.....-~ " ~--......... g~'L.-/ /~/' . ~ is' ~ *~ ~ )~ ~ ~ ~. ~. 11 ~. 'r: "t < ~ '-J ~ 1"/17 Ji ',,q. inCPr. " ,N4S"Oo.'OO'c-/59/0' .z.tff '(R. . .. II02.:jpARK PLACE- . . 'C~~(/K/lti"IfJ~/N'",. . 4tJa:Je?:J ca::?~b . E;7fl:Tt-vt! t:h:-: JC/~ ~/98/ Ut:frc?ltJ' L. ;W~rk/; ~/-r:/.x; Jdrn el/c.r;c7t7/'4'~r; tW~/ . .. ,," .." ". '. Lots 34, 35 and 36 Block 3 of" OAKWOOD ADDITION to the .:Ci ty' of Col i ege .;Sta tion " Brazos. C6un ty, . , Texas according to the Plat redor-dedi!, Volume. 82: page:.'520.. Deed Record~"ofarazos County, Texas. r, Donald D. Garl'ett, Registcred.P.rofessionall.and Suryeyor, No...2972;do hereby.certify:that the above. pI at is true and correct.~nd' .ag.rees wi th,.a 'surve'y: made on. thc..ground . ~nder.my, liupcrvis ion on' Apri 1 4, J 992.. I further certify:.that no .improvcments .on. this pr.operty.encroach on adjacent propel'ty nor do a.ny improvements on adjacent property encroach on this.property, except as shown. This prorerty' i~ not i.n a lOO-year flood hazard area as established by the. U. S'. Army Corps of l,ngin~ers. .. 'Z j .. ,- ,- II .. " f ~! ';-' ., } , tit :-"" . ,,~ v \., '. i I , . " . J t;., ! -~ "" ...~. - -___ N" .w .._~___ _... _ ~_"..~ 'l'l'\.aye, l"."I'I' t.utl! \ ,..,.\ ~~t-s. .,<"/ ":,,,.It' ~"" c:7 q -..._....__.~_.__...-....""'""""......-.IlI.t.,.~~~ LAMAR 44. E.E. Mcquillen, Secretary, Former Students 45. Mark Francis, Dean, Veterinary Medicine --;:> 46. F.E. Gieseske, College of Architect and Director of Engineering Experiment Station 47. F. W. Hensel, Head, Landscape Arts 48. J.G. Bagley, Head, Textile Engineering 49. C.B. Campbell, Head, Modern Language 50. R.G. Reeves ;: ,. ~; '. l: 1; ~: ~: f~ '. :) \. ~~ ~~ } " ./ l ". . ..m__-.-.u..,.,....,n~..W.,a1w.~,~ia~\~.);,,;~:.\;;j,.;i~,~;~;b~';).~;~::;~i(i:iii\i~~iliiiili~ii:~iili~~i ,.. J;.~.~ Park Place, 1102 Gerald L. Marre! (resident) owner Erected 1891 (oampus no. 224) Sold 1942 Identi1"icat!on: is wid.ly known as for so,"" years the campu.- residence of F.E. Giesecke, professor of architecture and universi~ architect for many year. both before and after world War I; COnf"hmed Owens, Jan. 16, 1986; Caroline Mitchell, same date, etc.; also easily identifiable from old :photos as one of five houses facing campus drill field Styl., middle sized- Que.n Anne, originally with n'<>-<>1assicaJ. pillars; under restoration by present owner Previous residents on campus: F.E. Giesecke? 193;: Pershing-, 101 Mrs. S.W. :Bi1sing (resident) owner Erected 1899 (campus no.; 420) Sold 1941 Identification: According to Mrs. Bi1sing, March 30, 1979, the house was moved: t"rom in front of Duncan Hall on toNO railroad tracks to present location. The :Bilsins had lived in th2 house on cam:pus,. bought 1 t, and then moved it. Mrs. Bilsing has lived in the house since 1925. Style: large Queen Anne with neo-classical.features; well maintained in original .form ~ious residents on campus: C.E. Friley, 1918, dean, Liberal Arts .D. Seoates, 1920, head, agricultural engineering- S.W. :Bilsing, 1925, head, entomolo~ Suffolk, 315 Peggy Campbell Owens (resident) owner Erected 191T(campus no. 232) Sold 1941 Identif"icatiom Mrs. Owens, Jan. 16, 1986, said that she ""s born in the house; her :father bought it and moved it; and that she r.as lived in the hous& from her birth to the present--p=obably the only person to do so in a :fOnler campus.house Style: bungalow, with some modifications alt~r move PreVious residents on campus: C.B. Campbell, 1917, head, modern lan~~ages . ! l l l I ;! .: ~ ~ " i! ... .; , ':~ :. .;i .:~ 1'2 ::1: .....-, .......-....w~ Texas A&M Campus Residences, 1935 Sulphur Springs Road (University Drive) 0'- 'Jr ." Unnamed Street 77 78 Ireland Slreet 63 62 61 60 64 68 Henderson 65 Street -.. Wood 67 Slreet 54 53 52 75 70 76 71 Power ~;:)1 : Ross Street NORTH Main Entrance D_YMCA / DRILL FIELD } t'h i5> (),...€- . Lamar Street 504948.4746 45 44 36 28 cr 37 29 A&M ~Iark Street 30 22 Consolidated 38 23 0 39 18 17 16 15 31 14 7 t. 19 32 24 21 8 2 Grode School Lubbock (Joe Routt) 20 33 25 34 26 9 3 KYLE 35 27 10 4 FIELD I1 5 12 6 Highway 6 0Vellborn) HOuston StrCCt 13 Throckmorton Street (To College Park) :1 1-:2 !l <:> N =tt I u ~ o ~ fJ) ~ ::I: I~) 1[5) (~) ~ 1~~ 1("-':' -, "::/~"l!! ~ '--'1 \~;j ~~~J ~ ,:::~ C::':J It' ~ cf~ ,:.':._.'~ li:; , ~ i1fli il5 &0 -Y~ '?~ "'>" <Yo".>;: ~ ~ I:: - ~ U~ ~8 Oz ~O 00_ s:~ ~ ~ fJ) ~ ~ ..-'J' J;: ~.,,>) ZOf-o i-O cnuC..JW ~z~ td C \ YLC-k ,q ib ....... ........-~....III) --~"'-.b..... View of front of house from street. Original Queen Anne model that the Maffei house resembles (Now located at 611 Montclair) ~b Cod e. ) t1 1.7 U.S. IH ( aw gnt copy r oy ue pr01.8Cl6a u'l II a I.t: f 10 b II "'t:. - ..v\. " , 4,":) """'-,,""' )'"1- Front entrance ':i!:l"Y' . *:.w.. .. ~~~ ""~r .,,,,,.j"- '\ ,r~"..., I&' Plaque placement on front porch Front window )0, North side of house Sheet metal roof with metal detail added. (not original) 20 South side of house South side of house 21 South side of newest addition. North side of newest addition. Hallway added through center of house Stage that was originally exterior porch area z~ Kitchen (currently under construction) r(~~. ~ ~ ., \t., ~ ." ,1 ~\~ ,~~ '. r ~~ ~~'J Ale Duct added in kitchen 25 Kitchen with owner Front Bedroom Z. LI Construction in Kitchen - exposed roof boards Original wood wall boards and wall paper ~s plcwrlS bC- CO--rY't) OJ. \-J1?~ r JJtk ne-ce. s)"C\.r( lJ ~ ).ACA..-U-~ ~ f - . Q) "0 0 0 - . en . ::> ,....., oM 'J) ,.'J .-- - 3= . ,co ., ,*"'- +-' ..c: '0.0 ... >. C- O (,) :-~ .0 "0 Q) +-' (,) (I) ...." 0 1_ e. 'Q) .0 >. . CO E CO ... 4> <4J CO E tJ) .- .c: I- 4> 0 <f-I ..." <~~,~ ;.., _.,"",,"'~-~. 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