HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed/Boundary Agreement 111804 ;----~,. .. ';;'-::" .. Sill & Return to- lJnlversify Tille Corrl)any . P.o. O'aw~r OT CdIIege SlallCn, TelCaS 77841 . GF. ~i,! r1lr ~:: .1 , ',:.,. I . ~ . 'I ~ ! I ~ r f ......,...~......_..- -'.--;---",-,,,,,---,,, ..~- ""'~-':"lo'""""":?- .'" '.", 0700177' o 3 "--"6 "\1 4 ' nus AGREEMENT is made between CHOCTAW. MONTCLAIR PROPERTies, LLC, 0 A TEXAS UMlTED LIABILITY COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as "Pnt P81)>", _ D.O. WlBRSIG and BONITA WlERSIG, hereinafter refmed to ~ ..~ Party": BOVNDARYAGREEMENT " WHEREAS, F'arst Party is the owner of certailuealpropcrty locttcd iD Brams Couaay; TCUI, more partitularly described as follows: Being all those certain lots, cracts or parcels of Jan4 lying and bein.1ituated ill. Brazos County, Texas, said land being situated m the Crawford Bumcu Survey, in the Ciey ofCoU. Statiorl, Brams County, Tex .. ad being out ofrwo cracts of land: (I). tract' of Jaild contailling .3.04 ac:ra coaYeyed to LUIher Goodrich --.-.]oQa byEclward B.lfsdlkb et at bY deed dated an unri.amcd daY ill May, 19S6, " recorded in Volume 174, pap 315, Deed Rec.ord$. Brazos CoQr.ty, Texas, and (2) . tract conveyed to Luther Goodrich ]oQa by Edward B. lfsdIidta by deed dated August 13,1946, IQ;~ ill V~umel~~ page 511, Deed Rec:ords, Brams County, Texas, .hidl aid tract is now platted an ~ted u 8econd JIIIta.IImmt . of Breezy HeiaMs AdcJiUon,' according, ~ plat filed of tecord fa Deed R.eeordI. Brazos. CotmC)'. Texas. 1M P"opcrty bcreia conveyed comiftl partitul.ty out or pans of LotI Three (3). Pour (4) ad Pive (5) in Block Five (S) ~ ,.;d AdditioIl ..and bcin. more ~ deseribed by ~ 8nd bounds as followl: BEGINNING .. the nriwest eomcr of die 3.04 _ traCt of 1IDd. above dacn'bed: THENCE in a northeasterly direction alona die JIOt1bwat line of'dIe 3.0,1a'e tract ., ' 50 feet to an iron 'stake (or comer, said eomcr belftllocttcd .. inter1ccrion or &be . northeast line of Montclair Street and~ line of Luther S1Rct; THENCE in a southeas1crly din:ction alon. the northeas:t line of Monk:Jair Street. whic:h aid line JOd $frec:t are pnllellritb the Southwest line of above dacnOed 3.04 acre tract, . distance of 200 (eet and CORIcr In iron stab for the beai1llilina comer of property Mrein conveyed; said stake bdnc in northeas:t line of Moatdair Street; .' THENCE ~ in same.diRction in BOrtbcast line of'Moocaair Snet 100 reet and CORIcr an iron stake for comer; THENCE in DOrtbeastcrIy directioIl and papadieua. to .. caIJ 100 feet to III m. de for comc:r; .I' THENCE ,ill same direction 25 feet and eamcr ... iroa IlIke for comc:r; . , THENCE ill DOnhwataiy ditecdoa ad pnIJd' to ~ line of Mootdair Street 100 feet IDd comer a stake for comc:r; .. THENCE iD a lOidhwcsta1y c&rectioa 125 feet IOPLACs OP BEGINNING, 1M property herein conveyed COII'lJ)risina a rectanJlc plot of'lIDd ftcMinc 100 feet OIl the ~ tiDe of Moatdait StRct IDd I"IIImiDa back 125 teet and beiDa LoCI " No:'Sixtea{(I6) IIId Snatcal (17) in plat of Breezy Hdahu ill CoUetc SCMiOD in BJocl Pm (S) oIl1kl ~tiOD'Jaot ,. NC:Grded.1oJdM' lrida . ..np olllDd 25 feet ill widda actoiaiDa the.. or ~ .. of' IIid "'Ibis IIDd ... &be same brDcl~ by WaJcy POIhee fit ux to E.D. Upham. k. by deeddatocs Aupst 16, 1951.'ncudccS ill Vohamc ,184. pep 396, Dcod ~ .... CouDt;y, Te:r.u. .' '. ", " r,,' if,~ Ii" ,. " ,.;'\< . ~.." .....,,~ ~.....", '..4 '.. _ ,I- \' <( ~ .'" c. i" ;t, " .;., ~.. r '. .. '" . ,.~\ .' , .;~ ..-_.1' " ! o o o 5 3 t , t i t I ~. ; ~ "t ;1- ! .. .' ~ 't ',. , ~ '1; , t. . ~~, i.- i . t 1 1Il'l",,!!,,~ 0700177 o 3 6 4 o . . . '. WB.BIBA.s. .Seca.d .,...,...... or... .~ "or"_.P~. ~. ....'~. ..............,~ .;foUowr:' . .. 11.---- IDe. tntct" ..~ or.. c.,.,...... .....I..ot ....,(ShMW .. oI.I4'lI..;(S). . ',... ,'IMI'f~. · ..,.. . .... <'. '....."... ......!O...i.or.....'V.."",.., Deed~",or..... ~, r... ... ""04,~ .,...;.....----.~-te...tcK._,G!.;"..........r'fc 11I._ ~~ .i"'ll.I..~....~ ~ . ..~..l'......'.or PinIt .....lftIPCIIJfu.. c....~ ...._.i~, ell'.... PIrtytt ~.....lil.... ~ ...."..,~..IGft~ nIlbP~,. .NOW,,~.. A.......or............~~~.'...~li!J'..II.. __.~. w l!l .' t.. ~~.,..\_.1MN~)'_.....~III......iI~tllftllRl"" ~..~.~ "..~........~~............ '. r ..... .IJIItI~i~!..~,..:a!It1.... ..~; ..tIIcI.. ..,.'...... ......,~ ......,tiMf'. M "" 2. ............M..........~*"'cIt...,........*"" , ..~ or;.....,.. ~ .....,~_....... .. ....,0.... ~. .~.. 0Il.......1ide.,.. .....~,....,. -. J. . .11da....~...bc.....:iOll._..IO............. .,..... ..'_~.~lKWI."'" efs..........~. . . , .IN'WJtNBss W'HIuoF, ... -~..iI ClC~ . Oc:tobw.L 1999. aIOCrA.~.PI.OPI!a.Im&, 1.LC...taxAS'l.INIr8O ~ cme' ". BY: '" 8Y;~~ . ..... .M.n.~' 1 ,.., . . ". i'i . . M~~ · D..~~ ~~. .' ..... A WI8ItSIO 11 ~ " ........, '*' . r .J.~!~~!t... ."""~..... 1lIII""""~"'!'iiII~ ...... "..1,' - .~ " o o 5 4 0700177 o 3 6 '4 .0 STATB OF TBXAS COUNTY OF' ~ . nui iasuumcnt was ackpowJedpdbefore me on the --.a..-.., of Occober'. 1999. by pou,t. J. Pederson. h11.f'k,~ of CHOCTA W.t4ONTa..AIR PROPBR:nss. u.c. A TEXAS ,UMlTBD UABJUTY COMPANY. OIl beWr of _ COIIlpafty aDd . ... capacity herein Itakd. li<' My commissioa Suw.E KRUPA ~'*t._,,_ ...,~ &,1m ~..- . ~ , t.., o 0.. o 5 5 STATE OF TBXAS ~OF~ This ~ .lIllCbowIedpd before me OIl the /4 day ofOctcbi:r. 1999. by *' Jack M. ThradaiJI. tYitA~ . ofCHOCTA W-MON1"C1..ADt. PROPBRTJES. LLC, A TEXAS JJMlTED Lf:A8JUTY COMPANY. OIl bebaIf of _, c:ompeny IDd . the ClplCily hcrein S1ated. ; ',. "'", '.- '"' .~" My IUlAHNE DUPA ~""'_"1'_ .., ClllII-,.. &lliIs ~4.2OIl2 .~~:!i~ STATE OF,TBXAS . COUNTY QF. I>>A'tD.4. . . This iDscrumeat was acbowtqed ~ Die OIl ~ .2:LJ day of~, 1999, . byD. O. WlElSIG aDd BONITA WIDSIG. . My ~Woa 'expira: IMUY~ '.. ............".... ..~~ /" ~ " UCOI.DlNO,AID POrt BY: urc.. AfT8Il. UCOJt.DI)tG U1tJIN 10: ~-~ ~.' Ii" ~''''-~. ......,. .. ~..... (/II ., t~ ". , , .'l> " , 4,~~~ . Nocary .Public. of Tall ' ~'.. >. '. t d ,-' , . "' ,.,..'!i ~,..:'''' "" . .. !~ Jl'It.BPAJ.IlD IN 1'HI LAW oma OF: . HOII.f<1ID.. UIUY. 8LMORB, '.c. 10.21 UIi....) om. 811I CDIcaI..... T_ 17140 . waJaIOCI'AW.8LA. (ta) " '! ^\ ,., ,- ~ i \ ,.. ;jl. 1". >i' 1 , I , " . ! J ~" J t ; i I ,<. ;~ ~ , : ~. ~'... :CD J'!)~. &. - .15) eD eD It)" ..,., ...,. EX'lII T "A" " . .' J ! ..... j 1 ." · stye.e t ~ S " ~ - ~ · ~ 'b.. l~ I tro., ~ 'I "I! . I. ' i ..1. A. '1';';.'= _,.. : 6 "': 1 "A~{c.~ .~: . 1- > I :1~liA:~ I : IlSyeez!j f-te~g,V1ts .... I \ 'PtAt.R: I S. "B.Loc~ 5 ! LI I ... 1: . ...,....; - ~.....~ I I t~ . ' i I . I I I j,' . ~ . { . i '1 \ . . I TwinCky~ 1000x IZS' PuccI 1193/308 1 I .. t< .~, ',. " . .' - - ".'2' . "' . : C t. ~ t. y stye e t ~ ~. ~ . .' B . --'4---L 1SO.52' '\ ~.Ol' , "" . J , ~. , I ~ ,. T . -, ..-.-. :l_______ . ......r lid. V2" Ir;" ;:::: . Lucher O. Jona &we Remainder of the West 'lJ1 of Lot 5. Bloek 5 6reay Hdehu Addidon. Second lnJtIllmcnt 177/19. . r~ I :- IS t} 79.... .' " IXflIJIT "A" l.,. 1 of 1 "Pal_ 0' . . 3 ~ ~'tI 6 ; , - 4' t \ 0 -1 , ". '-~--'-i-" ; ~ ~j..-,.,-----, , . 0700177 ~., "'; ." ~ c.. , , "; . ~l. . ..\.-.' . 'i>i oJ . .~, ~.. .. 1->" ill"..: " ~., ',. . ;:1. Fi IwI ",. If<<:tN ill .. aun, _, Itl Gr:t ~,,,,.:....,, -.,....:. . '~. .. . t' l.- '..'. .....7~:~.~ /=.~~:::. -'':=tIrti"..A'M. fiW. . .. .. tilt =... .,. 1.:.::;:,:. ..... \~ .,'......:'::-- ...._xc '" .. Ori 25,'1999 t~. . 'i' ~~. ~, ..,~ . '1 . -.r...._.. --., , " ~; , ,- ..~t ., tV~ .' ". :.."",,~~, ", .~ , ,.,. . . . " " ji ..ti'- ~ ~ ~ !;.:'i .r.. '...,,,.;,, ----I ." o o o 5 7 j i t t ~ .t 1::; ~ M f -~ ,. II , ';j ,-' l$ t, ~ t ~ ~ t 1 I J I i .(j 1 . 1 i i ~ i j . I t t t l ...~ '. va:. 21~11''\S!:))4 ~ Being the rear Twenty-five Feet(2S) of lot 4, Block 5; being, the easterly rear portion ~ive Feet (5') bY Twenty..f1Ve Feet (25') of lot 3 Btock 5 and being the westerly rear portion Twenty-one Feet (21') ~ TWenty Feet (2<>') of lot 5, Block 5, Breezy Heights Addi- tion Second Installment,' an addition to.the City of College Statioh, . BraZos County, Texas, according to the Pfatthereof. recot;ded in Volume '156, Page 409, Deed Records of Brazos ~ty, Texas; provided. ~, that this conveyance Shall ,grant the rightS hE,tf'ein ~ only as to that portion of the above-descnbed property more partiCUlarly desctibecl as twenty feet '(20') in width as measured from the back lot line as depicted on the attached ExhIbit-A", knOWn as the "Construction Area", whk:h area is necessary for the reconstruction and repair of the sewertine located in an existing ten foot (10') uti'ity easement which runs parallel with the back lot line of sai~property set out above, - It is understood and.. agreed that any' and all eqUl~ and facilities plaCed upon said property shalr remain the prope.;ty of GRANTEE. It Is further understood and agreed that the construction easement shall exist from the date construction begins'on this project unlit ccmpletfon of the project. It is also BgnlO<! !hat !ha ~ of 11110 conslcuction easem~ shall not alIecI the GRANTEE's right to utilize the permanent, easement area previously ciesaibed as being. located ,ten feet (10') paralJef and adjacent to the back lot line ,of the property set out above. . GRANTOR expressly subordinates all rights' of surface use incident to the mineral estate to lhe, above-described uses of said SUrf8C& by GRANTEe and agrees to lenders' 'SUbordinations on behalf of GRANTEE upon request GRANTEE expressly agrees to rett.m the Construction eaSement area 'to Its original condition, or as close thereto as is reaSOnabry possible. , . It is express!y understOOd that the GRANTOR or future 'Owner of this property reserve the ngllt to use this construction easement for all PurPoses which dO nOt . interfere ~ith or prevent Its vse by the GRANTEE. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests herein described unto the CITY OF COllEGE STATION, TEXAs, and its successors and.aSSigns, forever, and GRANTOR does hereby bind itself, its SUCCessors and assigns to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, these rights Snd interests unto the CITY OF COllEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its succes.sors and assigns against every person Whomsoe~ lawfu{ly daimlng, or to daien ~me, or any part thereof. THAT, TWIN CITY PROPERTIES, LLP'k~. !~~ limited lIabQity Partnership, ~sed of Jack M. Threadgill 8nd ~s J. P~ and JACK M. THREAOGILl.lndivl~, endbOUGlASJ. PEDERSON, IndMdual~. G~ TOR, of the County of Brazos, . State of Texas, for and in consideration of the payment of TEN and N0I100 DOLlARS, cash, and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid to GRANTORby the CITY OF COLLEGE STATrON, TEXAS, the receipt of which is hereby aeknowfedged, has GRANTEE SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, SELl, and CONVEY unto . the said CITY OF COllEGE STATION. a Texas Municipal Corporation, certain rights and Interests in the nature of a Temporary, Construction EASEMENT on and thiough the following described property: . } STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS FILED S4 AtJG f BPH h f 6 TEMPORARYCONSTRUCTlON EASEMENT (Spedflc Property) , ./ 561817 ~. ..,~.;", -""" '/~ ''"'-, . -;f' w..21"1~~ .'~ ~-2- ~ ... ........ ~ .. ..~'!,"* ,., J .~ ; { ",~.,.- ." . ~ STATEOFTEXAS. > · ~CKNOWlEOGMENT COUNTY OF B~OS .. qq r' . (fJv 'J.:) Th~ instrument was acknow1~ before me on the 17' day of', ,199a, DOUGLAS J. PEDERS~MdU8l1y a ~~ of TWIN CITY P~O ERTJES. L:.LP., 'S Texas 'Limited Uabllity , P~lp. ~. . ~ f '} ... ~ . STATE OF TEXAS · . Il-V.""- W' .."."",-~,,,~--..., .. COlJNT'( OF BRAZOS. r: . ~ inStrumenI was ~~ before me on the /7 dayof I. rrI. 1'1. u 198a: . JACK THREADGILL,lndiViaUaTly and as . 'ff.rvJ.N blTY PR6PERTIE . L.LP.. 8 Texas Umited Liability Partnef'- ~p. ~y&~~'.Q the State of Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT "RE-SUBMISSION FOR APPROVAL. . . BY: BY: .BY' " BY: EXECUTEDthis I I dayof /7///t(f~ 1W1N CITY PROPERTIES, L.L.P. a Texas Umited liability Partr),ership '1 . ~'-,7 ."""~. , . 1994. ".,.; ....,.'~ - " \_./':'" '., . ,:;:,;: '. ,",""", .;. ~ J ...~, ./ ... ._-- ... ..."'... .i.lh!~!~02). t'~:;. --... . 'I' RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST LIENF'~ ~ ..S n . by Farm .. Home SavIngs Auoc1atlon 0" " ., /I' -4 'f I 46663H' ". . .' #\..~..t..~~ ~1'..,..I._~/~ ,i' 'AN"~tAYINOI ASSOal1'1OH;AMluowI corpot.Mluol, "1ll1lCQtN(ll'1o F_....... ." ,_ .v-"~IC*iiiil\ ,.. Y C':!1l:f.lJ..... .. A 9 ''I TEXAS' "'... ~~cI~InUcl..NoItdesc:lhdIn..OMdolTIUlC~ ,__u~~. _ ~! - _ __ ". - _ ----- -~~fr,t~ry 1n"ltI\OUntcl$ _2!~OO~~O _~by.~....!an~.!..b_!~~.!!t'd a~.~___ , ""~ j ~. wif., Melanie It. Pollard . --~------"'-----------":"~._.--------~. fltdtor1'ttQ'dIn....d..AIcordIrclDeedlol__~_!!.,~~,...___. Col.tnly,a.ol ~J':!~. _____. In book ....!iL-_ . hoe ......M!L.___ and ~ ......1UdI1iIn... JlI'Ol*ty bRIg ~ .. '!:'O!! ~ """. GIIctlbed..loIIoon: ALL of Lot Humber Four (4). Block 'Nuaber Fouru.en (14).....~RI.ALFOREST tV. PHASE II, an addition to the City of Bryan. Brazoll CoUflty. Texas. according to the Final Plat thereof recorded in Voluae 36.5, pag. 397. Deed Records, of Brazos County. Texas. and be.~nB the ... property conveyed in Deed dated August .5. 1917, excuted by James C. Smith, TrUste. to Construction Management Venture.. 1n.., and recorded in VolUllle 319, page 147. =:~~:~:;;::'Co-=~,T.":~~ ~_~__ Alan teimkuehler _./:,' ~'\ll:~~,~ ".~-:"l:..#. . .' .... ~ ~~:~~..... . '.::':~'" AIIlIIt ., _ _'. _, ..' _. _ __ :I ~>' .. ~ ~ ~ "'.1 . ViCe PTMidIril IE : . ; " ,.; . ~ li Linda Collhofer ~ : $A~OF ".SS(MJs':: I ~. ,.>f,' ... :@. ., : /;)-{: : .. . '~:."In~olY~.~,:~:,,;> ) eefOla 11'I1, ltIa undat,lgnad authority on tnl' ClI, pa"on,lI, IPPlltlHS ":::,~~.(f'~.,.~./: ~\'<;~..::=~.l . . ..i,i......;;~~.:.~,tl LdJl!t~l!~~!'_..~__ .~t) IMt)be.. J*1On whoM name ...~Io..foregolng . ~..naiCIQ'~lome..".~..WlIIIbf..pufpOIISand~.....~MII....lCtand dMdot~"~~ SAYlHGSASSOCIAnoH. ~.; .. 1.,,+.; i :::<~ ~~\/7r.: 't'):~._9J:c.:'o~,,..;.: 24tb'" .- v";" 91 GJWwf ~~.twldtllld."'.. dclb.... .._~_....__ dlyd~:~_ _. ",,,,__...._ _ ~~~:'-"".r-., :....lr-.T ' . ~ ..-:,.....('r:;:JO"'-I;.,v./r .,t... ~'~(.~:.f;.\1'~,~.~f):./~ :.' . . .. "~\;.ic)~......i' .ai' ".;..". e" ",'t" '':0 ,I. '" ...... ^,.. " .. " ..~_ .' . _";~. ~____ '.' . . '"" .. - v " ........,:;; In ............... r........... u.._... '~".i~'.'I'~'''t:'''~ .,,".. tOOIa~t:"""'~ ,,. " r~ t\IIJ ..H......f~..''''''"~1 1*1 Il;.:.... "',t' , ........~ .~/~~ .. ::";,,,,"''''. ' .",lW\"1Ol1 CoIJ"tJ' ........,. "-- # . '. ~.L.,.._ ,-. ........c """~ t.tt COl'IlIIliIaIon ....:-:--:--_......:::;,r~l~&;:ha MIl. 17. 10&.5 i I ! i t Sl'ATEOf' ,__ W THE RECOflOER'S OFI'lCE =- COOHTYOF _____~) .. - --.._~-_._------ ,~certIy. ,*"'~InWwnenl",CUyIledIbf1'ttQ'dIn"'YollIce. _....,._._ o'dOdc _.~__~_ ......____ .....d*MII.. tec:ClrdtdInBocll_____.page ____-..:.... , WllnttI my hllnd MIl......... _______,_~.. <ley of _._..___,.....--___ .1._, AIcordIt of OMOI 9y-~ .~ . , Fcrml123 AtYiMd N18 This document was prepared in the law ottices of Robert A. SChlanger P.O. Box 710528 Houston t TX 77271-0528 BY Robert A. Schlanger State Bar of Texas #17753300 ~1~1mt194 ~ ! ,i ~ ~ ''I , I I I \ ~^'..<ti'- ,..---'<"--- ...,.,-'"'"-_.......~-".~ 1 ~I ~ JDW:gw DPeders.Aff 190-0335 46663', r='t "-n t. (.... S' .. "',.. "i'.>>.,..1 THE S'1'ATE OF TEXAS mow ALL HEN BY THESE pik~~h: PH 4: 01 ':~. ~~)l ./ I (:. '.('. v......J ";$:.,. ,.' ,." c { ... .A-'''"" leu< UPZDA'fI!' SR C C:)~N~Yl!"'J~ u' 3l . BEFORE HE, on this day personally appeared DOUGLA/J-:-PEDDSOlLr:rruir and JACK THREADGILL, who after being duly sworn, depo.ed and COUNTY OF BRAZOS s s s stated: "We are the principals in TWin city Development, a Texas Joint Venture, composed of Douglas J.. Pederson and J~ck Threadgill. We would further state that all bills, contracts of ..terial..n and suppliers have been paid with regard to tmprov..ents made to the property desbrtbed in Exhibit. "AN attached hereto, SAVE , EXCEPT those persons and/or entities set.forth on Exhibit "8", attached hereto. "We further authorize Lawyers TItle Company of Brazos County, Texas t~make any and all disbursement checks directly t:o such pe.rsons set forth on'Exhibit "B" attached hereto in the amount..et forth tbereon. ",e ,f\1rtt).er acknowledge that: First Nat~onal Bank, Bryan, Texas and Lawyers Title Company of Brazos County, Texas are relying upon this Affidavit for purpose of loaninq tq TWin'City Properties the IIU1I of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($300,000.00).- 1 vo~ 1271rAG! 195 "~JDW:gv DPedars.Atf 190-0335 (*'" , I'URTHBR, AFFIANT SAYETH BOT 1- lfITlfESS OUR IIAHDS thb3li7;ay of. Jlay, 1991. . . . , '~/~ ~~I~ ...... SUBSc:ltXBEO AHD SWOB TO BEFORE ME by the.aid OOUGLAS J. PEDERSON and JACKTllREADGILL, this the ':\150..... day of Hay, 1991, to certify which witn....y hand and ..a1 or-Qlric.. . . JAY DON WAT$OH ~ISSlON ("PIRES MAv 31. 1993 r 't f i 1 , t l 2 ~1271rACt!96 , .:l TRACf 1: tRAct ONE: . J.. tr'aet or porcol of land lyln& and b'.t1nS sltu3t.d 1n the CRAVFORP BURN&tT LEACUE, ABSTRACT NO.7. 1n th. City ot Colleae St~tlon, nrn~oC Coun'ty. Texas. Said parcelo! land beln, a part ot. . ,68 acre tract ot land convoyed to Edvard Vincent "('dlIck. by deed dated October 1.(. 191', and recordedJ.nVolume '<<2, p.,e 652,ot the Deed Recorda of 8ra%01 County, lexaa, and beln4core pat"ticular.ly described as tollovs. '" . I 8EGIHNlt:Ci at a 1/2. irOn rod tor eorn.rbein, the 1nterseetlol'l ot the couthv.ct l1ne ot Kontcla1r Street and southeast l1ne ,bt. Lutho.C' Strott; "' .. ' . tliEJIC& conUnuins S 4.5 degre.. S. alo.nc the aouthvec' 11ne ot Kontclalr Street.. cUctance ot 29'.,2 teet to 1/2" lron bar tor corner; .tHEJlCE'S (5 desreel V along a I1ne parallel to Luther ~treet a distance ;ot 7St.et to 1l2P1 -iron boar t.or corner; . tHEflCE $<5 decrees t a d1stance -or 4H.8 teet to 1/2. 1ron bar tor COl"nari ,t THENct 1\ <5 decrees &p;lC'.l1.el to Luther Street 'a d1staneeo! 228 teet .. to 1/2- 1ro.n bar !or ~oC'net"; "nJtNCJ N '<5 desree. W a dlstancCl 0' 610.2 !eot :seId I1ne,beIne the nortbvest' lIne ot the t4 HrdlIcka Estate and the southvest boundary ot' theL. a. Jonea property to a 112- Iron b.tlC' and corner;' , lHtl{CSS(S degrees V c10n& . Jlne parallel 'to Luther Stroet 0 distance ot 25 !eet to 1/2- iron b~r and corner; . TJIEr:CE II (5 de&rees Valone .11 .11ne perallal to HontclalC' Stroot a distaace 01' 100 toot to .'/2" iron bar and corner. aald corner beln, tho, louth~,a.t line ot Luther Street; " eo T11e::CE S ~5 deGrees V a:on& the coutheast ,.l1no. ot Lutrier Street a ~lGtance of 128leett to 112'" Iron bDr encS corner, Gald corner bel'ns t.he lntersectlon. ot the pouth~est Une ot Kontelalr Street and tho' ::outhoQct " line oj. Lu'thcr street and the PLACt OF 8tclf\rlIUC ~nd cark1n& the northv~ct coC'nel" 01. thl.s .parcel ond .contalnln4 ,.0..4 acres ot lnnd, core or lec,; Dnd..bo1G6 ,the sac. property .s descrlbed In a Docd. trOll Blrdlo ltrdU,clc. BrIscoe. et a1 to Luther Go04rlch' Jone. dated in KDY 1956, tlcerded 1n Voluet 17~, P4se '2SoJ: the n..d Record. ot Brozo:l Count)', Texas; And b:lnc part ot the aoae property conveyed by Luther C.' Jones to A. V. Vorthaa by deed dahd September 21. 1971, and recorded in Vol\lQG 29B. Pace ", ot the ~ed Recorda ot Brazos County, Texaa. SkVE lHD EXCEPT troa the above deacrlbocS tract the loUovlna 8 trAots. COntinued. .. . -VO~ 1271 rAG! 197 '.. --."",..., ~ r . r<Jlr'-'.l&lIu,. . . I .- leinl all tho.e certain lot., trace. or parcel. of land l)'inl and beln8 .ituacld in Irazo. County, Tex.., .aid land belnl .ituated ln the Crawford lurneCt s~~e,. in tbe Ciey of Col1es. Statlon, Irazo. County, TexI', and baina oue of cwo ~ract. of lands (1) A tract of land containlnl 3.04 acre. conveyed. co Lucher Goodrich Jon,. by Idward I. Hrdlicka et al' by deeeS. ' aaced an un~ed day ln Hay. 1956. recorded in Volume 174. pase 325, Deed llecor4,. arazo. County. T~a.. aneS (2) A tract conveyed to' Luther Goodrich Jone. by Edward I. Hrdllclc.a by deed daud AUluat 13. 1946, recorded in Volume 125, pa.e 511. Oee4 lecord" ftro.~OI COunty. TeXAS, which "aid tract l' now plqtteeS and dedlcaced a. Second Installment of Oreezy JldBhtll Addit10n,aecorclinS to "plat ~1.1ed of record in Deed Records, Brazos County_ Texas. the property hereln conveyed coming partlcularly out of parts of Lou Three (3). Four (4) abd Flve (5) ln Dlock Five (5) of said Addition :an\! bolnl; more partlcularly described by metes and bounds as follows": uECtNNING<at the northweit corner of the 3.04 acre tract of land ..bove c!escd.bed; , .HENC! in a northeasterly direction along the nortbwest line of ..id 3.0 aCTe tract SO feet to an iron ,take for corner. said .Jrner b.eing 10eated at intersection of tbe northeast line of ."ntclair Street and loutheaet Une of Lutber Street; 'HENC! in a southeasterly direction along the northeast line of lIontclair Street. "hicb said line and 'treet are parallel ",it}) the Southwest line of above described 3.04 acre tract, A distance of 200 teet and corner an iron auke for the beginning corner' of property herein conveyed; .aid atake being 1n northeast line ,of Montclair Street; tHENCE continuing in same direction in northenst line of Montclair. Street 100 feet and. corner an 1ron stake for eorner: T11ENCE ln northeasterly alT~ction and perpendiculaT to last call 100. feet to'an iron stake for corner; T1IEHCE ln same direction 15 feet and corner an iron Itake for corner; THENCE 1n norehwe,terly:direction and parallel to nortbeast 11ne of Montclalr Street 100 feet and corner . stake for corner; THE~CI In\a.louthwelterly direction 125 feet to PLACE OF BECINNING, the prope~ty herein conveyed comprising a rectangle plot of land frontinR 100 teet on tbe-noTcbeast line of Montclair Street and , .' CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RENTAL .REHABILITATION PROGRAM CONTRACT This contract is made and entered into on this 15 . day of January , 19 91 , by and between the City of College Station hereinafter referred to as the City ~nd Twin City pro~rtiesf a Joint Venture com r ised of DoU las pederson and Jack Thtead 1 , re err to as OWNER, wltnesset : WHEREAS, the OWner has heretofore made application for 'financial assistance pursuant to tbe Texas Rental Rehabilitation Program (TRRP) undertaken by the City to improve property within certain designated geographic areas as detetmined'by the'City; and WHEREAS, the OWner has hetetofore been detetmined to be eligible for rehabilitation assistance under said program. NOW THEREFORE, the City and the Ownet, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements as hereinaftet set forth, do agree as follows: General Tetms and Conditions .;, I. project will receive a defetred payment loan, potentially to be forgiven in full 19 years from the beginning date of the contract for rehabilitation. Provided that the owner has a.ttempted to maintain occupancy by low income tenants as well as satisfied all other provisions of the Rental Rehabilitation ptogram as now stated or as'may be cQanged, the amount to be paid back shall be reduced by 19\ of the Ot 19 inal amoun~ for each full year after completion of the units. 'Provided further that if the owner complies with afl such provisions for the entire ten year term of the note and more than nine years have elapsed since the completion of the rehabilitation, then the entire amount of the no~e shall be forgiven. Rental rehabilitation funds shall only be used to tehabilitate projects which, before rehabilitation, have one or more substandard conditions. After rehabilitation, each unit in this project must, at a minimum, meet the Section 8 Quality StandardS for Existing Housing contained in 24 erR 882.199. For the purposes of this section, substandard conditions are those housing conditions that do not meet applicable State or local housing codes or do not meet section 8 Standards. II. VD~ 1273rAG~ 293 / . III. IV. V. 'rhe City, having previously inspected the property to determine the feasibility of rehabilitation, will review a work write-up and cost proposal, obtained by the OWner, to be used as the technical specifications of cthe. bid document. After bid advertisement and acceptance of the bid proposal by the OWner, where appropr.1ate, a contract,will: be signed with the contractor. The contractor must have been screened by. the .C,i,ty for inclusion on its list of apprQved bidders for City-assisted Housing Rehabilitation projects. 'rhe City will monitor progress, performance, and quality of work by the contractor through periodic on-site inspection.s until work is completed as specified in the contract and until Notice of Acceptance of Work is signed by the Owner. City will rele~se the City-financed portion of draws according to the payment schedule in the contract for rehabilltation construction upon verification of value in place as the work progresses. The City shall aid in the development of the rehabilitation proposal and cost negotiations with the contractor, maintain the photograpbic work needed for tbe write-up and documentation, carry out on-site inspections 'to monitor contractor performance and quality assurance, process cbange orders, as required, by the construction contractor. for pertormanc~.of additional or modified work activities. . .' " " The OWner agrees tbat it is his responsibility to, see tbat the contractor completes the work specified and that the City has no re.sponsibility for any faulty o~. incomplete work of the construction contractor. The Owner also agrees that hidden or latent conditions'not covered by the original inspection or work write-up are not the fault of the City, nor is City liable for such conditions. "" . . a.,.." ...... VI The Owner agrees to prompt.ly release draws to Contractor according to the terms of the contract for rehabilitation construction. VII. Tbe OWner agrees. to notC a~low anlL cha~ges' or additions to the plans and speci f'ications in' thE'. .con~ract "wi ththe,. cons~ruction contractor wi thout wr i tten approval of" a. change order from the Ci ty. . . VIII.ln the event that Owner wishes to terminate his agreement with Contractor for work to be performed, the. Owner must obtain the concurrence of tbe City. The OWner understands and agrees that breach, including delays, of tbe contract for rehabilitation construction .pursuant to this agreement by either Owner or Contractor shall.constitute groundS for the City revoking its' funding for this project, and exercising its security interest in the property for the purpose of recovering its funding already disbursed. waiver of any breach under this contract does not constitute a waiver of other breaches. IX. As part of the consideration for providing fin~ncial assistance to rehabilitate the rental property as described-herein, the Owner agrees that he sball make the property available to very low and low income families determined by the Local Public vo~ 1273rA~r 294 Housing Agency (PHA), and shall not discriminate against prospective tenants on the basis of thei~ receipt of, Or eligibility for, housing assistance under a~y Federal, State 0 local housing assistance program, except for housing for elde ~ persons on the basis tha~. the tenants have.a minor child or r y children who will be reslding wi th them, for at least. ten (19 years beginning on the date on which the rehabilitation of th) unit in the project'is completed. It is the OWner's e responsibility to provide insurance for the protection of the rental unit. x. The OWner further agrees to comply with the applicable local State and Federal laws and regulations, including those set forth below. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS I. DISPLACEMENT AND TENANT ASSISTANCE Owner agrees lower income per.sons or famil ies will not be displaced without financial and advisory assistance sufficient in th determination of the Ci ty (in accordance wi tt. its adopted Tena~t e Assistance Policy), to enable the person(s)/family to obtain decent safe, and sanitary housing at an affordable rent. ., Owner further agrees that rehabilitation of the structures with TRRP funds will not cause the displacement of very low inCome fami!i by families ~ho are not very low income families. e8 II. CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION Owner agrees not to convert the units in a project rehabilitat with TRRP funds to condominium ownership or any other form of ~ cooperative ownership for at least 10 years beginning on the date 0 which the rehabilitation of the units in the project is completed. n III. NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL QPPORTUNITY Owner agrees that he/she will comply with all requirements of th Federal Fair H;)using Law, 42 USC 3601 with Title VI of the Civil e Rights Act of 1964, 42 USC 209Sd with E.O. No. 11963, as amended by E.O. 12249, and with 24 CFR 197. . OWner agrees that he/she will comply with ail prOhibitions against discrimination on the basis on age under the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 42 use 6101 et. seq. and all prOhibition p against discrimination against handicapped individuals under SectionS 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 use 794 and, Section SQ2 Of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 use 792. Owner agrees that, to the extent possible, low income persona reSiding in the project area receive employment and training opportunities as a result of activities assisted through TRap assistance in accordance with Section 3 of the Housing and Orban Development Act of 1968, 12 OSC l78lu. vo~ 1273 fAC!' 295 ' ~/ ./ '/ ' " . owner agrees that, to the extent po..ibl., he/she will encourage the us. of minority ~nd women'. business enterprise in conneetion with activiti.. funded tnwhol. or in part with TRIP assistance. IV. AFFIRKATIVE MARKETING OF UHITS POl' a peri040f 7 years beginning on the date in which all .ubits in tbe project.. are completed, Owner agrees to comply wi th the conditionspf Locality's requirements and procedures, and for the a.ff..iraativ. marketing of units rehabili..tated with assfstance under this Contract.. v. LABOISTANDAIOS In the case of projects consi"stlngof 12 or more dwelling units, OWn~r agrees to pay mechanics and labo,rers employed in the rehabilitation of a project assisted under TRIP wages at rates not le.88 than those prevailing onsillilar re'babilitation in the locality, if such a ra.tecategory exist., o.r the appropriate rate as determined by,tbe Secretary of Labor in accordance' wi th the, Dav is-8acon Act, 41 OSC276a-276a-5.. . Addl'ti()nal~y,. lat>orers andmec~anics on such projects are subject to provisions as. applicable of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, "" use 327-333. VI. A~PLICABILITYOP OHBCIRCULARS ~ ~ OWner agrees to. comply with policies, guidelines, and requirements of OMS Circulars A-l"2, Revised, and A~l22, as they r.elate to the acceptance and Use of rental rehab.,ilitation financial .as~lstance . VII. ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS As applicable to rehabilitation of privately owned rental properti.es, OWner agrees to comply with the pOlicies and proc~ures related to the elimination of architectural barriers to the access of bandicapp.ed pe.rsons unde.r the Architectural Barr lers Act of 1968, 42 use 4151-4157. VIII;;FLOOD PLAIN INSURANCE For any property rehabilitated under this Contract. that lies within the 1"" year flood plaIn, Owner agrees to purchase Federal Flood Insurance as r~uired. under the Plood Plain Protection Act of 1973, 42 use. 49"1 et..seq. IX. LEAD-BASEl> PAINT OWner agrees to comply witb the policies and procedures .related to removal and non-use of lead-based paints in accordance wi ththe Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 use 4821-4846) and the implementing regulations at 27 CPR 3S~ ~o~ 12. 73r~~:296 , .. ,~^ x. USE Of' DEBARRED, SUSPENDED, OR INELIGIBLE CONTRACTORS OWneJ:agJ:ees to comply with the pJ:ovi.sions of 24 CFR 24 telating to the employmen t, engagement of seJ:v ices, award Ing of contract a , or funding of any contJ:actors or subcontractors dur 1ng. any peJ:lod of debatment,suspension, or placem.en.t on in811g ibil i ty status. 1. IS ,'"I \ APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ City Attorney for .Twin City properties APPROVED: a tll <tLI , II n strator ~~~opm~t mCa 1away S Cl:~y ,planner , I , i I I ~, ... .."'"..~ ~""".. vo:.1273rAcr 297 ./.. --~---_.__.- ORlHToRl Twin City Properties, a Texas JOint , of Douglas J. Pederson and Jack Th:t'.a~.tt\ll-. ~-.ec:I' . '49 1.1. ---jIU GRANToll'SJQIUNQ eDD8Sa 604 E. 27th (inclUding county) Brazos County Bryan, Texas 77802 January 15, 1991 Eleven ThOUsand Five Hundred Dollar. ($11,500.00) Twin City PrOperties, a Texas Joint Composed of Douglas J. Pederson all<! ~el'lt\1r. Threadgill . lCk City of College Station- Office of Community Development FINAL MATURITY DATE: CORRECTIO~ J)BBD or '1'R04f DATB. Janua~ 15, 1991 TRUSTBB. James Ronald Ragland !'aOSTEB'S DIUHG ADDRBsS. (inclUding county) BBNBPICIARY, P.o. Box 9960 Brazos County COllege Station, 'rJc City of COllege Station Office of Community Development BBHBrICIARY'S HAILING ADDRess, (inClUding county) .P.o. Box 9960 Brazos CO\11"lty College Statiol'l, NOHCS)r DATE: AMOUNT: MAKER: PAYEE:" ....- 00-.. r. 46684 ""/ ~~:.~.&~~ ~ ". :. r- ;.': \ . .: ~' ~':'. ~~ 7 ;-t ;. " . . ::-- .~.. ". :.': ."'" --- c.? 7) ... .. , 0'\ ' ....... '''J ~ .. . 77842 PROPBRTY (inClUding auy imP~ovem.nt.), Being all those lots, tracts or parcels or 1 and being situated in Brazos. County, TelCas, ~ l1'ing being situated in the CraWford B\tt1lett .SUl'Ve land City or College Station, Brazos County, Tezas l' ~ in tile partiCUlarly described by lIetea and bo1lllds in ~ -"1'e "A" attached hereto and IIlade a part het"eor r-u.it purposes. or all RBSBRVA!'IOHS: This conveyance is IlIade SUbjeC1: to the Rent&l D.L Prograa Contract and incorporated herein. ~lllt&tlon ",,' oDBJl BXCBPTIO)JS i'O C01lVBlUca DO ~I 1. Easements as reserved nft ",1... ____ . ..~, ~ .. BUilding lin.. a. ..t. 'out.. in. .r8!Jtric~lol1. record~d in Vo~um. 152, Pag. 144, Deed Records ot BrazoS County, Texa.. ' ~1 valid and .~.iat.ift9 .a....nt.' restrictions, :~ghts-of-way, condit.iona, exceJltion., reservations and :ovenants of what.soever nat.ure 'of" reco~, if any, and ~lco to the zoning' l'alia ;:;.. ~ ."... other restrictions, regulation.,' ordinance. and stat.utes" of municipal or ,thar govermaent authori1!-i.. : applicable to' and e~forceable .a<)ainat the described. premise.. raLUB UClI'dD 1UiD to SzCUIUI D'lKBH'I 01' .,.. 110'0, Grantor ",S the property to TrUSt.... in trust. Grantor warrants and ss t.o defend the tit.le /t.o the property. If Grantor 'performs :he covenant.,ancl pay. the not.e according t.o its t.er1d,' thi. of trust. shall have nO further effect, anti seneficiary' shall 188 it at Grantor's expense.... . TOB'S OBLIGATIOHsa ,tor agrees to : 1. keep the'property in good repair and condition; 2. pay all taxes and assessments on the property when clue' 3. preserve the lien's priority as it. is established in this deed of t.rust; 4. maintain, in a fora acceptable to Beneficiary, an insurance policy that.: a. covers al). improvelDent. for their full insurable value as deterainecl when the policy is issued and renewed, unless Beneficiary approves a smaller amount in writin<JJ b. contains an 80t coinsurance clause; c. provides fire and extended coverage, includin<j windstorm coverage; d. protects Beneficiary with a sta~dard mortgage clause; e. provides flood' insurance at any time the property is in a flood hazard area; and f. contains such other coverage as Beneficiary may reasonably require: . 5. complY at. all times wi t.h the requirement.s of t.be 80t coinsurance clause; . 6. deliver the insurance policy to Beneficiary and deliver renewals to Beneficiary at least. ten days before expiration: ' 7. keep any buildings occupie.d as required by. the. insur- .ance poliCY; and " 8. it this is not a first lien, pay all prior lien notes that Grantor is personally liable to pay and abide by all prior lien instruments; ._rXCD.JlI/S RIGHTSI "".""" ~ 1. Beneficiary may appoint in writing a substitute or suC- ce~80r trustee, succeeding to all rights and respgnsibilities of Trustee. . 2. If the proceeds of the note are used to pay any debt . secured by prior liens, Beneficiary is subrogated to __ .. """'_ ....(t'fh~f!l and liens of the bolders of an~ debt 4. If Grantor tails to perform any ot Grantor'. obliga- tions, Beneficiary may perform those obligations and be reimbursed by Gr,antor on deman~ at the place where the note is. payable for any sums so paid, including. attorney's fees, plus interes~ on' those sums from the dates of payment at the rate stated in the not'e for matured, unpaid amounts.. The. SWl' to be reimbursed shall be secured by this deed ot trust. 5. It Grantor defaults on the note or fails to perform any of Grantor's obligations or it default. OCCUrs on a prior lien note or other instrumen't, Benefioiary lIay: a. declare .the unpaid principal balance and earned int~rest on the note immediately due, . . b. request Trustee to foreclose this lien, in which case Bene~iciary or Beneficiary'S agent sball give notice ot the foreclosure sale as provided by the Texas Property Code as then, aDended, and c. purchase the property at any foreclosure aal. by offering the highest bid and then have the bid credited on the note. TRDST2B'8 DUTIBSI If requested by Beneficiary to foreclose this lien, Trustee shall: 1. either personally or ~y agent give notice of the,tore- closure sale as re~ired by the Texas Property Code as then amended; 2. sell and convey all or part of the property to the highest bidder for cash with a general warranty binding Grantor, SUbject ~o prior liens and to other'exceptions ' to conveyance and warranty, and . 3. frOll the proceeds of. the sale, pay, in this order: a. expenses ot toreclosure, including a commission to Trustee of 5' ot the bid;, b. 'to Beneficiary, the full a~ount o~ principal, in1;:erest, attorney's tees, and other charges due and unpaid, . c. any amounts required by law to 'be paid before pay- Dent to Grantqr; and d. to Grantor, any balance. GlBBRaL PROVISIONS I 4. 5. .,.. .~' b. 6. ~, 1. If any ot the property is 801d under this deed ot trust, Grantor shall immediately surrender possession to the purchaser. It Grantor fails to do ao, Grantor shall become a tenant at sutferance of the purchaser, subject to an action for forcible detainer. Reci tals in any Trustee's deed conveying the property will be presumed to be true. Proceeding under this deed ot trust, tiling suit tor foreClosure, or pursuing any other remedy 'will not constitute an election of remedies. This lien s~all remain superior to liens later created even it the time ot payme~t of all or part of the note ia extended or part ot the property is released. It any' portion of the note cannot be laWfully secured by this deed of trust, payments &ball. be applied firat to'discharge tha't portion. . Grantor assigns to Beneficiary all sums paYable to or . -. , 2. 3. . . t . ....y~...........- --,-- ($15,824.00), dated June 22, 1990, ~and executed by Twin city properties, payable to the order ot Jack Threadgill, and this lien shall also be sub3ect to and inferior to all tunds advanced by Jack Threadgill for improving Qr renovating the improvements located on the property. The additional funds to be advanced by Jack Threadgill may be advanced and secured by an additional note and Deed ot Trust or by a moditication ot the existing note and liens securing such pr~or indebtedness, but the' indebtedness secured by" the lien. created herein ahall. be. interior to the liens securinq the indebtedness owing ~o JaCk Threadgill without any. additional subordination documents. BXECUTED this /.$'0' day. ot M , 1991. STATB OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) ) ) ACKNOWLB~ This instrument was aeknowledqed before me on tile /.5"?J! day ot Ma....A~...., ., 1991, by Douglas' J. Pederson, a partluir in 'l'W n city Properties, a Texas Joint venture, on behalt of.uid joint..y,enture. . ~'.~.t.rrf :..' . \.)\., ." -.... "c. . '{". .....'} t;y b;':'{ ~ ~:' ",1\. #'" '" , ';c..' . " , \0' : l" : t-'" ~.". ~. . ". '1';(' ..,~) ;' -../ n;'1t'... - ~'.":""." . ,....' . :, ff TEXAS - . '1~~ ~ d'~ Nota Publ c in and for The state 'ot 'l' E X A S COUNTY OP BRAZOS ) ) ) AClCNOWLEOGEMElrI' acknowledged before .e on the /S-~ day ot. , 1991, by .Jack Threadgill, a partner a "exas 'Joint Venture, on behalf ot said This ins'trument was Vi1't;VA ii . in TWin C y Propertie., joint venture. ;';'i" :......... " ....~.(.......::.. I!'. . " ...,\.yr.;.,...., . I.... .' .., " ''''''.~; . .. .. '\~ 'v'. I : " " -. \,\ -;. :~ .,' ..... ". "I/, ro ,"~ .: '. "0;:' p. .' ..~~.lt..t".."'..- ..:$ ...... . . . '.J'!.. ~~ - '-~ ~ ~-L No ry Public n and tor The state ot T B X A S MAILING ADDRESS OF TRUSTEE: MAILING ADDRESS OF BENEFICIARY: -" James Ronald Ragland city Manager City of college station P.O. Box. 9960 Colleg8 station, 'l'X 77842 City ot College Station . Office ot coamunity oevelopwaant P.O. Box 9960 College station, TX 77842 4th0-""'''"''