HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoundary Agreement/Deed 111804 ~ ',___" F . . "'..' ............~_~W.._..,~.._~:--..,.._.._.._.. ..-~ -,___ "?'....". .. ~ii 0700177' Bi1! & ReIum to" -om'lelsay Tille Corrc>any . P.o. O'i1wttr or C<lIIege StatIOn, Texas 77841 '. GF'~Y'J A(f '- ~ . # . . ~ ~. ~ l .... . t BOVNDARYAGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made between CHOCTAW-MONTCLAIR PROPERTIBS, u.c. A TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, hereinafter rcfem4 to as "Pint Party", and D.O. WlERsla and BONITA WlERSIG, hereinafter referred to. "Second Party'": WHEREAS, ram Party is the owner of CC'I1aiI\rea1.property IocatCd ill Brams Couaty; Teas, more partiCularly described as follows: ~ng aU b certain lots, tracQ or parcels of 1*'4 lying and hem, Atuated in. Brazos County, Texas, said land being situated m the Crawford Bumcu Survey, in the Ci'Y ofCollep Statiorl, Brams County, Tcx.. and being out of twO tradI of land: (I)a tractor land containina 3.04 acta conveyed to l.Udacr Goodrich .~.Jones by Edward B. HrdIicb d at ,bY deed dated an unrIamed daj in May, 1956. recOrded in Volume 174, pate 325, DeedR.ecords. Brazos eour.'Y, Texas. and (2) a tract conveyed to Luther Goodrich JoDes by Edward B. Htdlieb by (Iced daIed August 13, 1946, m::ordcd in V~unie 125, pap .511, Deed ,R.ecords. BramI County, Texas, whicbsaid tract is now platted andedicaled8I SCcondInltal1meot of Breezy HdabU Addition, aCcordina 1;0 plat filed of teCOfd fa Deed. JtccardI. Brazos, County. Tcx-. the pqlCI1y berei. conveyed coming I*1icubrrty out of pans of Lota Three' (3).FCM' (")and Five (5) i. Block Five (.5) Of'said Addi_ and bein, morc plII1iat1arIy dcsCn"bcd ~ mc.tes 8nd bounds as~ol)OWS: . BEGINNING It the DOttfIwest corner of <<he 3.04 ~ tract rI land. above dacn1Jed: .' THENCE. in a noI1heastc:rly direction along the JlOI1hwat tine of the 3.0 IICI'C tract . SO feet to.n iron 'stake for comer, said corner belna located III ~ oftbe' n<<thc:ast In of Montclair Strcd and soutKut tine of l..uther S1Rdo o 3, "'-'6' < . . "... '.\. , 4: o o o o 5 3 " ,Jot ~"'. . ~-,-.I' t t i l ; ~ ~ ~ . !I .. . THENCE in a SOUlheas1erly diredicn atOll' the nortbcut line ofMontdair Strcd. " which said line and lI.tRd are peral1d wilb the Southwest In rI aIx:Ne dcscn"bcd 3.04 acre 1I'aCl. a distance of 200 feet and comer an iron stake far tbe beainaina comer of property herein convc:yec1; said stake betal in northeast line of Montclair StrcdO . , THENCE cootinui1Ig in same directiOll in nortbastline of.Mccrtdair Street 100 ,- feet and comer an iron stake far comer; " THEN~ m ~ din:cdon and pcrpeDdic:ulM' to last call 100 feet to .. iroa stab far comer. .' .' THENCB m lime dircdico 25 fed and Ulmer 1ft iron stake for comer. . THENCB m DOfthwatedy direcdoa and paraDd 10 Dc:Jrtheat liDe of Montclair Street 100 foc:t *!ad comer a stake far c:omcr. ., THENCB ia a soud1wcstcdy ~'1~ feet to PLACE OP BEGINNING. dae property hcrdn conwyal ~a redang1e plot rlland froatiDa 100 feet OB , the IICI1beast liM of MoIddair Strec:t IDd 1'UIIDiDa beck 125 feet ana beiDa Lou' 'No:'Si1tealll6) aad ~ (11) m plat oC8rcc:zy HeiahCa ia Collqe StatiOB in BIoci Five ($) of Aid ~ Dot yet ~ toac6er widl.'JUip of IIIId 2S feet ia widdt ...... the ... ar IMlI1haIt eocII of aid _'thit IID4 bCiDa the same IaDcl carveyaI by WCIIcy PClIhee et ux to Bb. UpbaIn. Jr. by deed CIIIed August 16, 19"fNCG'dc4 iaV'" 1M. pep 396, Dcraclltecordl, BruoI CoatJ, Taa,~, '" . t., " "..'" ,,.,,, ",' , ';;,. .."..,",' '. ..'b . s . I ~ ..... .... II" .....01.......... ... ofFint ~..1oc1Iedia" ......eo.tl. more"......, 6:Iaibcd. ~ ... ... __lot.;... Of.,.. ofp.d T--..,'" LotPM,(S).MW of~j~(S).."". . ..... ... '.. ..... KU..NBNT..,.... .~jPtJ '.. ~r_ .........ftlCClId. V.... 156, ....DtilcI'....or_ 0tIatJ. T-.. % 0700177 o 3 6 4 ,0 . " - o o o 5 4 ... i,.....,...~j.'!..~.loeIIicIlot.,.,.,ot.....( ~...- ~,;.. ~J.JI i...i......c~~'.......j~.IUI.~....., "of.Pint ~.j~';.._":lal. ......'i'CW..... ,-,"h~ ...lit....~. Pint "nt', ....1u:1~. NOW.,,~ja iC.~k ...of..:.....'~tI1 If.;.....j~lll!'lll.. ......~ . w 0.1. l!I ..~. . ~. 11le_....,..IaW:t.of...~~....1Mnl9.........-ClClDW1 .... ..... of.......... .. t40fl ~.1:........~JiPt.0..-.... .. .. to.... ..... .t.~I_~~"." ....bcM..,.... J,. .'. 1WI.~" .,..... .--- to .....or.... .... 1.(...tMi...llUil~-.... er....."MnID. lN~WH:eItEoP. ...~__,GKec.. oe October: ,H. .1999. * t u: .' JY:~'" ~c/:f i M. "I1nIcfaIl .. ' . , i , . . M...cn~'.... D, .~ WIEISIG . . .~.~. ., '. . . ~ . j jJ '. i'. ... AWdlSIG " fl,""""","; t 1 ~ ~ ~ ......,.. . ,.~...... #tI !!A ~,,>IWi~ ~~""""~ _ c,__ I!liI I!Il!l' ""ill""~!~ _'1"'\~ ~- ~~_'~~f#~~ -., f>f " 0700177 o 3 6' ""4 o STATB OF TEXAS COUNTY OF" ~ . nus insUumeftt was 1Cknow)edpd befere me on the --L!L-,daJ or Odobet, 1999. by DouaJas J. Pederson. h1~~ of CHOCTAW.MONTCLAlR PIlOPBJlnES. ~ A TEXAS ,UNITED UAB1LlTY COMPANY, on w.af of IIid compIIIY aDd · .. c:IplIIeity herein ttatcd. ' My commission SUZANIE UUPA ~ 'WlIc. .....",.. " MY CooT T Iur ileim 5t.J'1WIlUl.. 20GZ STATB OP TBXAS qlpN1'Y OP ~ This insU\1meat was acbowIedpd before me on the I q day of October. 1999, by a Jack M. Tbteadai", 1I1h~"" of CHOCTA W-:MONTCLAIIl PllOPBRTlBS. LLC. A TEXAS UMlTED ~IUTY COMPANY. on beWf of IIid coa.-y - . 1be Cllpldty herein stated. My .~ted::=:Ii~ IUZMNE KRUPA ....".......... "T_ ",clllll_.lM~ ~..Z002 STATB OF TEXAS . , COUNTY QF In A"tO.4, ';';, . . This iDsInImeDt was ICknowlcdpld Wen me on 1be .2:J..,1 day of Odobcs', 1999, by D. O. WlERSIG aDd BONITA WIBltSIG, My ccmmission apira: '. ~'~ .' .., . ~<l.jUA~-!.- _ e. . .. . Notary Public:, ofT.. . ~. ...::::'-...... ' " " .1JI{, ..,~~...... .' '. , ' '. . ,~ . '. . . . '. "'. .'..",~ lBCDaDING PAID POI. BY: urc~' AJlTEIt. JtEO)J.DINO IBTUIN 1'0: u.w.., T"'C;X Ifill)' , , I'ItIPARID IN !HI LAW omCB OP: ., " ~,) " IIOII.8CHD. UPSItY' a ILMOIUI. P,Co ',." . . ICI u.n..., Ddn I!aIl ~..... t_ 77140 waJatOCrAW.IJLA (1a) )I',", ~ .' '~ '.';1 ~ . . ~......., ~~.H jo ""...' . oW" . "l, \- \'. "-' '.,~ '~ ~, i o 0,' o 5 5 .. ~ ".." ~, .. I , i I i ~ ! t . , } I I I ! :.:... .. ""'.........;...........,, ",' '. '. :&pt)~&._,-&&f!)lnd) I' '. "ntl or "..." ~~~ stye.e t l \ l '" e ~ J 6) (t\ 1 .0.... t ! ( - - ,..03' - - }Of.{ l:' ~t~q,. ~ \ ,,'" 1b.!g r. ~. $ ,\ i. . ~ I ...,' , ~ . '1';"= 'J... ' A. d '"T '\" A~<c..J .~ : \ ~,:? I --- .... - , J ' '41". . __ __1 6O.S2' '\ .... ~.Ol< .. ... , J ... 1 Ol. , \ ~ It .\ . .. .. \ \ I .. 1 \ 1 I .. I \ .. I ,,' Twin City Properda i . . 100' x 115' PuccI .t 1193/308 1 . .: 6 ", T 1 ,. . I' . . : l t>Y'eeztj He~gVlt$ ~ Y,Lo~~ 5 · \ \" \/ I \: 'PtAt. R: \ I , . , . '" _ ~_ ,_ .... - :0. !.}t:t't..... , ........... ~---- .....-.. 't'Id. 1/t" It';,, ;o.:e . ' l.ucher O. J<met Estate Remainder of the west 7J1 of Lot $, Block S Breerr Hdchu Adcik:ion. SccondlNta11ment 171119. ::f{ ~ ~ ".92< 79.<<' . I~ I ~ 1 S 1 ~ , , " , ~, .. , . : C L' ~ to y stye e t ..\ '. . IXIIlltT _...fIt Pal& 1 of l'P.I& 'Ii''''': "'.-.',;,_...... iI< .....,..a_'..''''-'~ '"" "...-,......'-.-;,""'... 0700177 , , . " \, .~. "'. 0'. . 3 6 . 4' o .~ -" ~ .... \oJ' " , " ~ ~," .' -;" " ~~ ,,,,,,,;~,,: '" -f f-", ~ ".. .. . ~t : Fj'<<I fflt' ltcfrd j., .. CIIIIY. ", . ' . all ctt is, j~. ""''''''f'' . Is I t~. ''';''. ...,7;~AIV,<,= t \~, It. 'iR~ ::: i:~-.'" , " , -,:: cd"" .f"l.l... · .. II1II.......'*....-_. " " ",.. . fill ..... it II .... .. - . ~", tf It "'1'Il1M If: " rr , . "", ...- . ........... ~ 2$,'1999 .. .. ~~' .". .. . t:. " ".., .' ~'" ~ ..:. ,;t. ,", " ~ iF" ~.._..... ..... > ... ~ ~'t' -" \' '4:."' .. ~'". " " ..J\ -~! , ~ 'oT , . ",,:" ,,'ii- ~'~~ ,,' ~-: . , ~ !:.-,,...,...; \. " 7' " ~',", ~ ~, '!',. ,;':< ,,,! ~.~ [J,:~'~ 1 , t l. , o o o 5 7, I i t' ~ f'i l! "~ .1 ~' ~ !'l ti 11 ,~~ ~ i , ~ I 1 \ I 4 .(l \I l 'I 1 i i \ , 1 , \ j . i ! I \ \. >- t '0- <>> " ;;; , . . ~i.;.~- "'~ ,,~ ...........--- . .. -\ ---- '/ , ._, ./ .'- 561817 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT (Speciflc Property) FILED S4 AUG , 8 PH ,: r 6 STAte OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I THAT, TWIN CITY PROPERTIeS, Ll.P'k~.~~ Limited liability Pattnerahlp, 'composed of Jack M. Threadgill end ~s J, Pederson. and JACK, M. THREADGILL. Individuefly, encfOOUGLAS J.PEOERSON, IndMdual~, G~ TOR. of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, for end in consideration of,.the payment of TEN and N0I100 DOLlARS, cash. and other good and val~ble -" consideration, in hand paid to GRANTOR by the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, the receipt of which is hereby aeknowfedged. has GRANTEe, SOLO and CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, ,SELL. and CONVEY unto , the said CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, a Texas Munieipal Coc'poration, certain rights and Interests in the nature of a Temporary, Construction EASEMENT on and thiough the following desaibed property: , Being the rear Twenty-flye Feet (25') of Lot 4, Block 5; being, the easterly rear portion Five Feet (5') by Twenty-flve Feet (25') of Lot 3, Block 5, and being ,the westerly rear pcxtion Tw~-one Feet (21') t>y Twenty Feet (20:) of Lot 5, Block 5, Breezy HeIghts Addi- tion, Second InstallmMt, an addition to the City of College Statioh, Brazos County. Texas, according to the Plat thereof ricorded in Volume 156, page.409, Deed Records of Brazos County, TeXas; provided, however, that this conveyance shall grant the rights ~ein specified only as to that pcx-tion of the above-described property more partiOJ1arly desctibed as twenty feet (20') in width as ,mE!asured from the back lot line. as depicted on',the attached Exhibit "AN, knOWn as the "Construction Nea", which area is necessary for the rec:onstruction and repair of the sewsrline located in an existing ten foot (10') utility easement which runs parallel with the back tot fine of S8i~ ~erty set out above. It is ,understood and. agreed that any'anet all eqUipmen\ and facilities p4aced upon said property shalf remain the prop~ of GRANTEE. It Is further understood and agreed that the construction easement shall exist from the date construction begins "on this projeCt until completion of the projeet. It is also,agreed that the expiration of this construction easement shan not affect the GRANTEE's right to utilize the permanent" ~nt area previously described as being located ,ten feet (10') paralJef and adjacent to tI)e back lOt line of the property set out above. . .,GRANTOR expressly subordinates all rights of surface use incident to the mineral estate to the, above-deseribed uses of said surface by GRANTEE and agrees to lenders'-subordinations on behalf of GRANTEE upon request GRANTEE expressly agrees to return the Constn.tetion eaSement area 'to Its original condition, or ~ close thereto al Is reasonably possible. ' ' It is expressly understood that the GRANTOR or future Owner of this property reserve the right to use this construction easement for an Purposes which dO nOt interfere v.:ith or prevent its use by tJ:le GRANtEE. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests herein deSCribed unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its successors anet.assigns, forever, and GRANTOR does hereby bind itself, its successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, these rights and interests unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. and its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoe~er lawfutly claiming, or to c1aitn ~me, or any part thereof, , ~ . * 21~7 f'AS! ~4 " ,r". ,'~ ,:~'~' > . . ;" EXECUTEOthis /1 daYor /l//jtlil. , "' 1994. lWIN erN PROPERT1ES. LoLP. a Texas limited L1.bility P ip BY: BY: BY: " BY: APPROveo AS TO FORM THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BECHANGEO,WlTHOUT RE-SUBMtSSlON FOR APPROVN- , I STATE OF TEXAS · . ACKNOWlFDGMENI coUNT'(OF BRAZOS. r " ~/.6~t{'" ~~~~~u..Ihe~ ':.t:: partn~ of rvJif,1 CaTY prUSPERneS. 'L.LP.. 8 Texas Limited liability Partner- ship. r-;) , ..f} ~~~~~Q STATE OF TEXAS. , . ACKNOWLEDGMENT ' COUNTY OF BRAZOS . · qQ r .. ( f'v 'I,) Thi~ instrument was 8cknowi~ before me on the 17' daY or'. ~ dOl. ,gga, DOUGLAS J. PEDERSOll;'1iI<llvlduUy , . ~ 01 TWIN t:1TY PRO ERTIES. \;LP.;. T8ll8S I.Imlt8d Uablllty i "': i ,'* .." 4-t; '1 -. ! ,~ '", ,,",',.-,, ~ "............. ~ .' J<#: .'. L,.....;o'!\~i;.'" ~!;_. , ",4- ~ ~21~1~~~ ~ ..~ 'of . }. "...--- .... ..."'~.!~~:wu. " 1;('" "', ""- " ~, . ~ , /" -..;.-, f':;, --. . 'I' ./ RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST LIENF'~ ~" r= 1} .. by Farm a Home Savings AssocIatIon ' 0' ' ...... . , ,,' If' -4 '11., 4G663() " r...."""....., ~"t.~. ~",/~~ ,j' 'AMI a *,-IAWtOI.QS()QA1'1OH; A t.tuccai~.,. ~ 10 F_ a Moat _..~.*~.~t1 - · Au .';' 'M~ flz.i!ffllJ:;~ ~ receipt CI paymertln U ClIle NoIit desctIled In Ile 0tecI CI TI\llIl d*d ,~__..~,...~ __ .~i ~,--."t,!!,y "'.. atIlOUntClS _2!~OO~~ ,~_ ~by .--1~~s.~!_!~~.l.!..c! anL___ ::, I ... :1 )~ '\~ "l~ .:) ___~1t.. Melanie ~! Pollard ""'-.",----"""'----,..._--'~'--'.....""'-~-,------- .. 1IId felt '*lOrd "'.... ClIle AIcotdet CI DeedI of ___.!,,~~!?,,"""____. CoIny, StIle of _._T!~!._____ , In book 2~~.. · Pee. ~L.__ .. hMby,..... adllln,lhIt JlfClPlIItybllng rtIlMsed II II'lCg ~ ~',: ""''0/ w'- 1 . -' dIIctt<<I.. tolIowa: ALL of Lot Number Four (Ii). Block 'Nuaber Fourteen. (14), HEHOUAL FOResT tv. PHASE n. an addition to the City of Bryan, Brazos County, Texaa, according to the Final ~ Plat thereof recorded in VolUllle 365. page 397. Deed Record. of Brazol County. Texas, and .' be1na the .au pl"operty conveyed in Deed dated August S. 1917. excuted by Jues C. S.Ub, J Trust.eto eonstl"uction H.atlagl!l:llent Ventures, ~." and recorded in VolUl1l1e 319. page 147. ~ Deed bcords of Bl"azOS County. T.xas~ - ~ _..,.r,__2,!.~U,U___""..~_,_____"~, ' ~ FARM a SA :noN ~. . ~."", ... -~-----. , a PrwIc:lenc Alan te1akuehler ~SeIIj ,.;:.::;: '~'\f)~..~ :..,,::i.~~' ,', ' "' ~,,~'"..r. ,.... ~ ~:. ", ,~' ; ,...:;.. ~'" ''': ,'," -,"~' ", "~ ;0_.....--.... :,.. , .. -, ' VIce PrwIc:lenc :: .", "". II I., .. .., .' E.: . "'" .;' ,<:.: Linda GoUhofar ::.: $TATEOf~;: I 'S .y\ :"--~ :,,;- /! . .. ... ...... "', ,,4.;..... .~ ~'::. ,,!,,' CoUntyCl~c,.;:~,~ , "':." 0-1 '( - ~.. . ." . ^~~l ....~'"'. "'f"'~, ~. .~" 'r,......"::t"..",.... . 'c. ::...-;l~~<<i~..:..~4-~~el;l!!_ '".. .~,.., eelOte me, tt1e unde,.lllnld e\Uhotlty on ttll. clay pelsonally appelled ,~Io me 10 belhlt personwtlOlll'nI!M Is ~ lIOf)I bagolng , ~".na~lome"*hllIMMIdhleameforlhltpurpoees"~llereInhPfl,,,d,.""hI-=t1nd dIoII4..': ii;"'~~~MYINOSASSOaA11OH. '" ,..,.-,~"'-:J~:: ~o '~~' ?~."~ ~."...; .._....._~~.t!!::-....~_J!ay. ':..--. 19,,,~ n_ _ ;;~:~"?'.r~. :"'If.~r " '~ ~.t"...~;t=:N"nl~:'I:.. ;, ~i!: ,~. ~\\."lI"-..;"\i:~.."': s"'::"."* ~ l ~,.c..:..,.. ""',." c, ,. '.,:!;;;,.;,:: :;.:7.~-:; 0 ;,ol' LOAf e:. e;.....,_ ' , ...... ~iC U; tot 4ImOn cOunly. "'Aourl--- ~"'~ ~..~ ,. ... ,,,,~., ~ ,,'~ t~ct:::t"/~ ":~.''''''.,'''' .. ' . .v~ Cot:l'lrt S:ata I......~..; " , , ...... t"_..w;.:.._ Q ".."""" My oommiuIo......:~~....:~,_!",.........&piraa "'.17. llilG.S ' . , ... THE RECORDER'S OfFICE STATE,Of _~ :II COUNTY Of~._ I. . --....---..-------- .-- .hnbycenily ......,. wIIhIn 1nINnent... duly IIId ft:lt MCOtCIIn fI"f Olla II -, '..,' __" o'cJodc ,_._~~_ ~ _____ M. this dlde india t8l:a'dIdln 800k _____ ,PIQII , WlInetsftl)'hInd..tiMc:III...... _______.. dtirtd _._.______ ,1'_. -- AIcotdet of 0Mda By , Oepuly .. Form 1123ReviMd1..ae ~1271mr194 This document wu prepared in the law offices of Robert A, Schlanger P,o. Box 710528 Houston. TX 71271-0528 BY 'Robert A,Schlanger State Bar or Texas #17753300 "',,'...'.._..,...,..""..'"""""ii_,~_ ",""," """---..-'''' .,... '.. '"'j .'" ~ '",," '.., '~~,"""--'......""''''''W__ 1 ~ ,. , -: ., JDW:gw DPeders..A:ff #90-0335 46663'{ r= ' C"- , t. r... n . ". ..",">> ..l THE STATE OF TEXAS !(NOW ALL MEN BY THESE p~~h: f'tf 4: D7 /"'.J:,'" .1.'./ ". :It' "'......1 :;:c.y, A' C" Ct r:r>u . -.~...,., ,~ API':IDAYII B '0 c~q~rYl"''1:t , BEFORE ME, on thi. day personally appeared DOUGLAJlJ--;-PEDERSO!Lr.;~flllfY and JACK THREADGILL, who after being duly sworn, deposed and COUNTY OF BRAZOS s s s stated: "We are the prinCipals in Twin C,ity Develop.ent, a Texas Joint Venture, composed of Douglas J.. Pederson and J~ck Threadgill. We would further state that all bills, contracts of materialman and suppliers have been paid with regard to improv_ents .ade to the property described in Exhibit, "A" attached hereto, SAVE , EXCEPT thoseper,sons a,nd/or entities set forth on Exhibit WB". attached hereto. "We further authorize Lawyers 'ritle Company of Brazos County, Texas to. make any and all disbursement checks directly to such persons set forth on" Exhibit "B" attached hereto in the amounts .et forth thereon. "We further acknowledge that Firat Nattonal Bank, Bryan, Texas and Lawyers Title Company of Brazos County, Texas are relying upon \, this Affidavit for purpose of loanill9 t~ Twin'City Properties the so. of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND .NO/l00 DOLLARS ($300,000..00).. 1 vo~ 1271rAC! 195 #' ~ JDW:gw DPedera.Att 190-0335 FURTHER, APFIANT SAYETH !r L ' . WITNESS OUR HAHDS thia'jJjJday ot, Kay, 1991. DOUG ~/~ ci(~I , SUBSCRIBED AND SWORJI '1'0 BEFORE, HE by, the aald DOUGLAS J. PEDERSO", . Nand". " JACK THREADGI:LI" this the ':\L>.... day ot Hay, 1991, to cert,~fy which vitne...y hand anet ..al OT"Oltice. . , .. JAY DON WATSOH couMlSSION UPlRtS MAY 31, 199) 2 YO:' 1271mr 196 , , " ; , j TRAcr 1: ., TRACT OtlE: ' A tract or porce! or land Iylna and bdng sltu:)ted In the ClUVFORC) BURnEtt LEACUE, I,BStR4Ct NO.7. in the Cl t)' ot College Station, DrazoG ~oun'ty, Texas. SaId parcel 'ot land being a pDrt of a' 168 acre tract or land conveyed to Edvard Vincent fl('dllcka by deed dOltedOctober ,., 1913, and recorded 1n Volume .t2. Pa~e 652 of the Deed Recordo ot Brazos ~unty, 1'exao. and beIng coc-e P~....tlcularly described as /0110".11 BtGUmIt:a at a 1/2- Iron rod tor corner belns the In:tersectlora ot the south",.est line or MOt1.tcl.alr Street and .sOuttu~a.lt l1ne ,bt :uth~C" Stre.t: . tHEnCE contlnulns S lS degre.. ~ alone the aouthves{ I1n. 0,( Kontcl8ir Street a cUstanceot 29~..2 reet to 1/2- 1ron bar tor corner; ,l'HEJ1CE'S .<5 desre.a W along a I1ne parallel to Luther Street . eUatance .ot 78telt to 1/2- 'iron bar tor corner; . 'tHEflCE S .cS degrees E a d1stancI -or 41<.8 teet to 1/2" Iron bar tor cornar-; } 'THENCE H <5 desrees E ~ral1el to Luther Street 'adistaneeot 228 teet .. to 1/2" Iron bar 1:'or' corner; tlIEN~ If l5 dearee. V a dlst:l.nco or 610.2 teot ,:said U.ne ,belnl the northvtilst I1ne ot the Ed Hrdlicka Estate and the southvest boundaryo! the L. C. Jonel property to a 1/.2- 1t'on b:3.... and. cornet'; , 1'Hi:l{CS S(S de&t'ees V c.,10'18 a ~lne parallel 'to Luther Street 0 dlstance ot 2S!eet to 1/2- iron b~r and corner; . .. THENCE II (5 de&rees II alone A .11ne parellel to Hontelair Street a cUsta:1ce ot 100 .tcctto 1/2" iron bat" :lnd corner, .ald corner balnc tho southe..t l1ne ot Luther Street; f:a> nlt:~CE S 45 d~crce~ V a:onS the Gouthelst .Uno ot Lutner Street a ~l~tanee ot 128 leet" to 112ft iron bar and corner, caid corner bei'nst.he Interaectlon ot the pouttu:est Un. ot Hontclalr StC"eot and tho' :outbo;u:t' line 'oJ. Lu'thor Street and the PLACE OF BECtfltlINC .;)nd carkln~thc northvc,;t corner 01 thIs .p:lC'cel ~nd .contalnlna '.04 acres oC huul, core or l,e::G; DndbclGG .tho aace property aa describad 1n a 004d troll Dlrdto UrdU.cka 8riseoe. et a1 to Lutb4r Co04rlcta Jon" d.tocSin Hay 1956, rec.orded in Volul:1t 174, P3ge 32S ot the Deed Record. ot Brlzo:a COU(lty, '1'eXDG. Ind, be1nC part ot the '0.0 property conveyed by 1.uther eJ. + Jones to A. V. Vorthea by deed dated Soptet:lbet' 21. 1971, and rocorded In V01Wl8 29B, Pace 1S1 o!'the Dtc4 aeCorda ot Brazos County, lc..a. S~VE AND EXCEPt troa the above descr1bod tract tho ~ollovlnl 8 tracta. . Con t1nuod. .. tvo:.1271,AGf197 . " .. --......., "F<l :,...- 'Uill . I ,I IIIi'll all cho.e clrtaln lot., tract. or parcel. of land l)'lnl and bl1na .ieuatld in Irazo. County, Tex.., .aid land beinl 11tuated In the Crawford lurnett Survey, ln the Clty of Colle., Station, Brazo. County, Texa., and blinl oue: of tvo ~ract. of lands (1) A trlct of land contaln~na 3.04 acr.. conv,y.d. co Luther Coodd.cb Jon,. by Idward B. Hrdlicka .t al' b)' deed. dacld aft unnamld day in Hal, 1956. recorded ln Volume 174. pase 325, Deed Illcorda, Irazo. County, Texa., and (2) A tract conveyed to' Luther Goodrich Jone. by Edward I. Hrdlicka by deed dated AUlu.t 13, 1946, recorded ln Volume 125, plae 511, Deed alcord., 8ra~os County,TexAs, which ~a1dtrHct 1. now platted and decU,catecS a. Second lnstallment of Breezy ndght" Addition, ,accordinl to 'plat ~i.led of record ln Deed Records, Bnzos County, Texa., the property herein conveyed coming particularly out of parts of Lot~ Three (3), Four (4) and Five (5) 1n Block. Flve (5) of said Addition :an..! boln; more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows': !SEGINNING'at the northwest corner of the 3.04 acre tract of land .above .described; . ,itENCE 1n a northeasterly direction along the northwest line of ,aid 3.0 acre tract SO feet to an iron ltake for corner, said ,'tner b~ing located at intersection of the northeast l1ne of ,~ntc1alr Street and loutheast line of Luther Street; 'HENCE 1n a southeaseerly direction along the northeast line of Uontc1air Street. which .ald I1ne and street are parallel with the Southwest line of above described 3.04 acre tract, A distance of 200 teot and corner an iron .take for tbe beginning corner of property herein conveyed; said stake be,ing in northeast line ,of Montclair Street. THENCE continu1ng in same direction in northenst line of Montclair Street 100 feet and. corner an iron stake for corner; , TltENCE in northeasterly dlr~ct10n and perpendicular to last call 100. feet tO'an ,iron .taka for corner; TllENCE in lame direction 25 feet and corner an iron ItQke for corner; THENCE in northwesterly.direction and parallel to northeast line of Montclair Street 100 'feet and corner. .take for corner; THENCE 1n~a.louthwester.1y direction 125 feet to PLACE 07 BEGINNING, the proper.ty herein conveyed comprising I rectangle plot of land frontinR 100 feet on th.'northeast line of Montclair Street and CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RENTAL ,REHABILITATION PROGRAM CONTRACT This contract is made and entered into on this 15 day of January , 19 91 , by and between tbe City of College Station hereinafter referred to as the City and Twin City protirties, a Joint Venture compr ised of Douglas Pederson and Jack Thread~ ill , referred to as OWNER, witnesseth: ' WHEREAS, the OWner has heretofore made application for 'financial assistance pursuant to t'he Te'xas Rental Rehabilitation Program (TRRP) undertaken by the City to improve property within certain designated geographic areas as determined 'by the'City; and WHEREAS, the OWner has heretofore been determined to be eligible for rehabilitation assistance'under said program. NOW THEREFORE, the City and the Owner, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements as hereinafter set forth, do agree as follows: General Terms and Conditions II. I. Project will receive a deferred payment loan, potentially to be forgiven in full HJ years from the beginning date of the contract for rehabilitation. Provided that the owner has a'ttempted to maintain occupancy by low income tenants as well 8S satisfied all other provisions of the Rental Rehabilitation Program as now stated or as "may be changed, the amount to be paid ba~k shall be reduced by 19\ of the original amoun~ for each full year after completlon of the units. Provided further that if the owner complies with all sucb provisions for the entire ten year term of the note and more than nine years have elapsed since the completion o,f the rehabilitation, tben the entire amount of the note shall be forgiven. Rental rehabilitation fund~ shall only be used to rehabilitate projects which, before rehabilitation, have one or more substandard conditions. After rehabilitation, each unit in this project must, at a minimum, meet the Sec~ion 8 Quality Standards for Existing Housing contained in 24 CFR 882.199. For the purposes of this section, substandard conditions are those housing conditions that do not meet applicable State or loeal housing codes or do not meet Section 8 Standards. ~.., vo~ 1273rAGt 293 / III. Th. City, baving previously inspected the property to determine the feasibility of rehabilitation~ will review a work write-up and cost proposal, obtained by the OWner, to be used as the technical specifications of the bid document. After bid advertisement and acceptance of the bid proposal by the. OWner, where approprlate, a contract.wil~ be signed with the contractor. The contractor must have been screened by, the. C.i.ty for inclus ion on its list of appro,ved bidders for City-assisted Housing Rehabilitation projects. The City will monitor progress, , performance, and quality of work by the contractor through periodic on-site inspections un~il work js completed as specified in the contract and until Notice of Acceptance of Work is signed by the Owner. City will release the City-financed'portion of draws according to the payment schedule in the contract for rehabilltation construction upon verification of value in place as the work progresses. IV. The City shall aid in the development of the rehabilitation proposal and cost negotiations with the contractor, maintain the photographic work needed for the write-up and documentation, carry out on-site inspections 'to monitor contractor performance and quality assurance, process change orders, as required, by the construction contractor for per.formance of additional or modified work activities. - '" . V. The Owner agrees that it is his responsibility to. see that the contractor completes the work specified and that the City has no responsibility for any faulty o~.incomplete work of the construction contractor. The Owner also agrees that hidden or latent conditions'not covered by the original inspection or work write-up are not the fault of the City, nor is City liable for such conditions. ~_ <00 . ....... '..... VI The Owner agrees to promptly release draws to Contractor according to the terms of the contract for rehabilitation construction. VI I. The Owner agrees to not allow any cha~ges' or add it ions to the plans and speci flcations in' t,h~, .con~ract "wi ththe, cons~ruction contractor wi thout wr i tten approval of'~ a, change order from the Ci ty . . VIII.ln the event that Owner wishes to terminate his agreement with Contractor for work to be performed, the Owner must obtain the concurrence of the City. The OWner understands and agrees that breach, including delays, of the contract for rehabilitation construction pursuant to this agreement by either Owner or Contractor shall ,constitute grounds for the City revoking its' funding for this project, and exercising its security interest in the property for the purpose of recovering its funding already disbursed. Waiver of any breach under this contract does not constitute a waiver of other breaches. IX. As part of the consideration for providing fin~ncial assistance to rehabili.tate the rental property as described-h'erein, the Owner agrees that he shall make the property available to very low and low income families determined by the Local Public vo~ 1273rA~r 294 Housing Agency (PHA), and shall not discriminate against prospective tenants on the basis of their' receipt of, Or eligibility for, housing assistance under imy Federal, State 0 local housing assistance program, except for housing for eld ~ persons on the basis that the tenants have ,a minor child or er y children who will be residing with them, for at least, ten (19) years beginning on the date on which the rehabilitation of th unit in the project is completed. It is the OWner's e responsibility to provide insurance for the protection of the rental unit. x. The Owner further agrees to comply with the applicable local State and Federal laws and regulations, including thOse Bet forth below. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS I. DISPLACEMENT AND TENANT ASSISTANCE Owner agrees lower income persons or families will not be displaced without financial and advisory assistance sufficient in tb determination of the City (in accordance with its adopted Tena~t e Assistance POlicy), to enable the person(B)/family to obtain decent safe, and sanitary housing at an affordable rent. ., . Owner further agrees that rehabilitation of the structures with TRRP funds will not cause the displacement of very low inCome famil! by families Who are not very low income families. es II. CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION Owner agrees not to convert the units In a project rehabilitat with TRRP funds to condominium ownership or any other form of ~ cooperative ownership for at least 19 years beginning on the date On which the rehabilitation of the units in the project is completed. III. NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Owner agrees that he/she will comply with all requirements of th Federal Fair H~using Law, 42 USC 3601 with Title VI of the Civil e Rights Act of 1964, 42 USC 2999d withE.O. No. 11063, as atnended by E.O. 12249, and with 24 CFR 191. ' OWner agrees that he/she will comply with ail prOhibitions against discrimination on the basis on age under the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 42 USC 6191 et. seq. and all prOhibition against discrimination against handicapped individuals under SectionS ::.. 594 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1913, 29 use 194 and, Section S92 Of the Rehabilitation Act of 1913, 29 USC 192. Owner agrees that, to the extent pOSSible, low income persona reSiding in-the project area receive employment and training opportunities as a result of activities assisted through TRap assistance in accordance with Section 3 of the Housing and Orban Development Act of 1968, 12 use 1711u. vo~ 1273 rA~ 295 - ~ / ,/' '/ to. ~ .~ .. .. Owner agrees tbat, to the extent po.sible, be/sbe will encourage tb. u.e of minority a~nd women'. business enterprise in connection witb activiti.. funded in wbo1. or 'In part witb TRRP assistance. IV. AFFIRMATIVB MARKBTING or UNITS ~ por . a per led of 7 y.ars beg.inning on tbe date inwbich all units in the project are co.pl.ted, OWner agree.s to comply wi th tbe conditions pfLoca.lity' s requirements and procedures, and for tbe affirmative marketing of units rehabilitated witb assfstance under this Contract. v. LABOR STANDAR.OS In tbe case of .projects consisting of 12 or more dwelling units, OWner agrees. to pay mechanics and laborers employed in the reha.bilitation of. project assisted under '1'RRP wages at rates nO.t 1es. than thos.prevailing onsilli1ar rebabilitation in the locality, if suc.h a rate category exists, or the appropriate rate as determined by .,the Secre.tary of tabor in accordance'.w! th th~, DaviS-Bacon Act, 49 use 276a-216a-5. . Addi.tlonally" laborersa.ndmeeb.an lcs on. sucb proj ects are subject to provisgma as applicable of the Contract Nork Hours and Safety Standards Act,.I USC 321-333. VI. APPl.ICAplLITY or OMB CIRCULARS OWner agrees to comply witbpol1c.ies, guidelines, and requirements of OKBCirculars A-ll2, ReviSed, and A:-122, a8 they relate to the acceptance and use of rental rehabJlitation financial assistance. VI I. ARCHITECT.URAL BARR tERS As applicable torehabili ta t ion of p.r iv'ately owned rental properties, OWner agrees to comply with the policies and p.roc~ures , related to the elimination of architectural barriers to the access of handicapped persons under the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, 42 use 41.51...4151.. VIII.FLOOD PLAIN INSURANCE For anyp.roperty rehabilitated under tbis Contract. that lies witbln the 191 year flood plain, Owner agrees to purchase Federal Flood Insurance as required. under the Flood Plain Protection Act of 1913, 42 ose 4911 et. s~. IX. LEAD-BASEl> PAINT OWner agrees tocollply with the policies and p.roceduresrelated to removal and non-use of lead-based paints in accordance with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 USC 4821-4846) and the Implementing regulations at 21 CFR 35~ wo~ 12.73rA~! 296 I, " f""'" , x. USE OF DEBARRED, SUSPENDED, OR INELIGIBLE CONTRACTORS OWner agrees to comply with the provisions of 24 CFR 24 relating to the employment, engagement of services, awarding of contract., or fundi rig of any contracto.rs or 8ubcolltractors dur Ing any. per led of debarment, suspension, or placement on ineligibility status. lVI, 1. IS ~C.i \ APPROVED AS TO FORM: .~ City Attorney I for .'1'wlnCity properties APPROVED: > J,O~'UIl QJ(, Jo Ca ro,l , Ad.ln.istrator Q\~~o:t m Ca 1away ~ C ty ,Planner ~^' '\~ vo:.1273rAGf 297 ./.' ~------ ---------.----... .. GRANTOR. Twin City Properties, a Texas Joint V of Douglas J. Pederson and Jaclc Tbt-ea::~e CoaJlo_, GRANTOR'S HAILING AnDRlSS. 604 E. 27th (including countf) Brazos County Bryan, Texas 77802 January 15, 1991 Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($11,500.00) Twin City Properties, a Texas Joint Composed of Douglas J. Pederson an<! ~enture Threadgill aclt City of College Station' Office of Community Development FINAL MATURITY DATE: CORREC~IO~ IUtBD 01' 'l'RUS'r DAR. Janua~ 15, 1991 TRUSTSR. James Ronald Ragland TRUSTEB'S HAILING ADDRBSSz (inclUding countf) BBNBJ'ICIARY: P.o. Box 9960 Brazos County College Station, 1'J( City of COllege Station Office of Community Development BBHBrICIARY'8 HAILING ADDRB88: (inclUding cOUDty) .P.O. Box 9960 Brazos County College Statio... , NORCS)I DATE: AMOUNT: MAKER: PAYEE:" '.~ 46684'" 'W;~ roo..'> '. . ~ . rt;:~ ., :.. ;.'~ \ ~I :....~: 7 -. \... . , .- .~ . " ~. .". \0 c... 7J r:: '" ., .. I . .'.... 0'\ ~ ;tJ - '. " -.. . - C:;) ~':J l'\,) ~ .. . .' .,. :,1 ;:0; '77842 PROPBRTY (inclUding anf improvements): Being all those lots, tracts or parcels Of la and being sij;uated in Brazos' COunty, '1'''''''0, .::.ll'ing being situated in the CraWford Burnett'SUtve \4 land City of College Station, Brazos County, '1'ex..l'~ ~ ~ partiCUlarly described by metes and bounds /.... ~'- lIlore "A" attached hereto and Dlade a part hereot t~"'1bit purposes. Ot all RB8BRnTIOH8: This conveyance is lllade SUbjecj; to the Rental Rob Progrllll Contract and incorporated herein. ab1l1tation ..# om. BXCBftIOBS 'TO CO!1VBDlIca AND WAJuWIn. 1. Easements as reserved nn ..,... __ _ _ _ "ro#' . sul1d1ncJ line. a. ~ 'out.. in- .rel!lt.d,*101\11 recorcilioc1 in Vol,UlIl8 152 . Page 144. J)ee4 Record. ot Bra2lol!1 count.y. orexaa. . ~l valid and .~I!I1st.1ncJ ......nt.l!I. rest.rictions. :1ghU-ot-w&Y. condit.ione. _p,t.ions. reservat.ions and :ovenants, ot vhat.-",ernat.artl . ot. . record. it any. and ullO t.o the zoning' lallIF" tom! . .,,: oth.r rest.rictions. ~at.1on..' ordinances and .tat.ut...., ot municipal or :>th8J:' goverll1l8Jlt. authO'ri~ie. applicable t.o' and enforceable against the described prelllises. raLVII JI]lCII1ftD _ 'fO .zCUd DUI1I'f or 'fIIJl 1I0'f1, Grantor ,y. the proPerty t.o '1'X1JSt.ee..in t.rust.. Grantor warrants and IS t.o detend the t.itle .t.o the property. xt Grantor 'pertoJ:'lltl :he covenant...and pay. the not.e accordillCJ to it.. t..rJIlI!I. - this ot t.rust. shall bave no turther ettect. and Beneticiarysball lsa it at 'Grantor'. expens..,.. [Ii . tOB'8 OBLIGJ.TI01l81 ,tor agrees to : 1. keep the . property in good repair and condit.ionl 2. pay all t.axes and assessmenU on the property when duel 3. preserve the llen's priorit.y as it.. is elOtablllOhed. in , this deed of trust; 4. _int.ain, in a tora acCept.able t.o Beneticiary. an insurance policy thatt' a. covers all improv8ll8nt.s tor their full insurable value as deteBined when the policy is issued and renewed. unless Beneticiary approve. a 81Ialler amount in writing J b. contains an Bo,.coinsurance clause, c. provides tire and extended coverage, including windstorm coverage, d. prot.ects Beneficiary with a st.a"dard mortgage clause, e. provides tlood:insurance at. any t.ime th. property is in a flood hazard area, and f. cont.ains such ot.her coverage as Beneticiary may reasonablY require' , 5. complY at. all t.imes with the requirement.s of the 80' coinsurance clause, < 6. deliver the insurance poliCY t.o Beneficiary and deliver renewals to Beneficiary at. least. ten dayS before expiration, . 7. keep any buildillCJS CCCUp1ed as required by the. insur- ance poliCY; and ' '. 8. it this is not. a first. lien, pay all prior lien not.es '. that. Grant.or is personally liable t.o pay and abide bY all prior lien instrumentsJ ,IUIBI'ICIUY'8 RIGHTSl 1. Benef iciary may appoint. in wri t.ing a subst.i t.ut.e or'- suc. cessor t.rust.ee. succeeding to all rights and resP2nsibi1ities of Trustee. . 2. . U t.he proceeds ot t.he not.e are used t.o pay any debt. . secured. by prior liens. Beneticiary is subrOCJat.ed t.o __ ,.,. .a....._ ...",..ht:A and liens ,of the holders of any: debt 4. If Grantor fails to perform any o( Grantor's obliga- tions, Beneficiary may perform those obligations and be reimbursed by G~antor on deman~ at the place where the note is payable for any sums so paid, including, attorney"s tees, plus interes~ on those S\UR8 tro. the dates of payment at the rate stated in the note for matured, unpaid amounts'. Tbe. SWl' to be reimbursed shall be secured by this deed of trust. 5. It Grantor defaults on the note or fails to pertora any of Grantor's obligations or if default. occurs on a prior lien note or other instrument, Beneficiary may: a. declare' ,the unpaid prin~ipal balance and earned int~rest on the DQte immediately due, . b. request Trustee to' toreclose this lien, in which case Bene~iciary or Beneficiary'S agent sball give notice of the foreclosure aale aa provided by the Texas Property Code as then amended; and c. purcbase the property at any foreclosure aale by offering the bigbest bid and then bave the bid credited on the note. TRUSTBB'8 DUTIB81 If requested by Beneficiary to foreclose this lien, Trustee shall: 1. either personally or l?Y agent give notice of the,fore- closure sale as reqpired by the Texas Property Code as then amended; , 2. sell and convey all or part of the property to the higbest bidder for cash with a general warranty binding Grantor, subject ~o prior liens and to other'exceptions ' to conveyance and warranty; and 3. fro. the proceeds of. the sale, pay, in this order: a. expenses of foreclosure, including a commission to Trustee of 5' of the bid; b. to' Beneficiary, the full amount o( principal, in~erest, attorney's fees, and other charge. due and unpaid', c. any amounts required by law to 'be paid before pay- ment to Grant~r, and d. to Grantor, any balance. GmIIDL 'PROVISIONS' 2. 4. 5. .J, l, 6. 1. If any of the ,property Is sold under thia deed of trust, Grantor shall immediately surrender possession to the purchaser. If Grantor fails to do so, Grantor shall become a ,tenant at sufferance of the purchaser, subject to an action for forcible detainer. Reci tals in any Trustee's deed conveying the property will be presumed to be true. Proceeding under this deed of trust, filinq suit for foreclosure, or pursuing any other remedy 'will not constitute an election of remedies. This lien s~all remain superior to liens later created even if the time of payment of all or part. of the note is ext~nded or part of the property i. released. If any portion of the note cannot be lawfully secured by this deed of trust, payments aball, be applied first to discharge tha't portion. . Grantor assigns to Beneficiary all sums paYable to or . -- 3. j . t . ......,........--...- --'';#-'- .'.. ($15,824.00), dated June 22, 1990, 'and executed by Twin city properties, payable to the order of Jack' Threadgill, and this li'en shall also be sub~ect to and inferior to all funds advanced by Jack Th~eadgill for improving or renovating the improvements located on the', property. The additional funds to be advanced by Jack Threadgill may be advanced and secured by an additional note and Deed of TrUst or by a modification of the existing note and liens securing such prior indebtedness, but the' indebtedness secured by the liens created herein shall, be- inferior to the liens securing the indebtedness owing ~o Jac1c 'rhreadgill without any. additional subOrdination docwaents. EXECUTED this /S'a' day. of M , 1991. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) ) ) ACKNOWLB~ This instrument was acJmowledged before me on tlle /.'S~ day o,f :rAil" .. ~ '. 1991. by DoU!llu' J. Pede""on. a pa~l' in 'l'w. n cit.y Propertie., a Texas Joint Venture, on behalf of said joint..y,enture. , '." t.trf : '. . \)V,. ..P...: .<' ' '{" ' 'JC:.yr...... " ,'!\' "(i,,;. .'.. . " '~'.', , ~, :. 1'\ : tit .,. .' . " '1/(" ,." : '.. ,.. OF It''t ,: ~ci TEXAS ~~..x?' af-~, Nota Public in and for The state 'of T E X A S coUNTY OF BRAZOS ) ) ) AClCNOWLEDGEMENT This instrument was Y?,vv", [i in Twin C Y Propertie., joint venture. ~'~'i" :.......,,' .' ....~,(......,:::. Ii'. . " ,'. t \,y r.. '. ..." ' 'i:" .' ,.\ " ,!.. '.~; , .. ~}' .('", \ t : "Ii ., \,\ ~ .... : ~;' '" . ". "ofl'i" \..:r- .: ". Or \ . :' . , a i ~. f . .:$ .... :::, :..' . . ..~. ft~, acknowledged before me on the /$'"'!Y day of. , 1991, by ,Jack Threadgill, a partner a Texas 'Joint Venture, on behalf of sald. ~~ ~ ~-L_ No ry Public n and for The state of T B X A S MAILING ADDRESS or TRUSTEE: MAILING ADDRESS OF BENEnCIARYt -" James Ronald Ragland city Manager City of college station P.O. Box,9960 College station, TX 7784a Clty ot College station , . ottice of co_uni~y Dev.lopaen~ P.O. BoX 9960 College station, TX 77842