HomeMy WebLinkAbout200720 - Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer Amended - Dell SeiterRECEIVED fl II 0 n '111'11' l)Uf.._ ~ V LVLV AMENDM E NT: A PPOINTMENTOFA BY~ .. 1.:·~.(ft. FORM ACTA CAMPAIGN TREASU R ER BY A CANDIDATE PG 1 1 CANDIDATE 2 FILER ID# 3 Total pages filed : NAME Dell Seiter See ACTA Instruction Guide for detailed instructions. Use this form for changes to existing information only. Do not provide information previously disclosed . 4 CANDIDATE ~ MS/MRS/MR FIRST Ml OFFICE USE ONLY NAME Dell Da te Received . . . . . . . . . . .......... . ... 9-!~~~~: NICKNAME LAST SUFF IX Seiter 5 CANDIDATE ~ ADDRESS I PO BOX; AP T I SUI TE #; CITY; STAT E; Z IP CO DE MAILING ADDRESS Da te Hand-de livered or Pos tmarked PO Box 11466 College Station TX 77842 Rece ipt # I Amount $ Da te Processed 6 CANDIDATE NEW I AREA CODE PHONE NUM BER EXTE NSION PHONE Da te Imaged (979 ) 229-6463 7 OFFICE H E LD ~ (i f any) N/A 8 OFFICE ~ SOUGHT (if known) College Station City Council -Place 3 9 CAMPAIGN ~ MS/MRS/MR FIRST Ml NICKN AME LAST SUF FIX TREASURER NAME Ginnie Rovinelli 10 CAMPAIGN N EW I STREET A DD RESS (NO PO BOX PLEASE); APT I SUI TE#; CITY; ST ATE; Z IP CODE TREASUR E R STREET ADDRESS 3002 Texas AVE. S College Station TX 77845 (r es ide nce or bu sin es s) 11 CAMPAIGN ~ AREA CODE PHONE NU MBER EXTE NSION TREASURER ( 979) 255-3728 PHONE 12 CANDIDATE SIGNATURE I am aware of the Nepotism Law, Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code. I am aware of my responsibility to file timely reports as required by title 15 of the Election Code . I am aware of the restrictions in title 15 of the Election Code on contributions from corporations and IQ: organizations. ~p p tJ r-\i0_~ ,{ _J -)-d o-ddJ-cJ Signature of Candidate Date Signed GO TO PA G E 2 Fo rms provided by Te xas Ethic s Commi ssion www.ethi cs .state .t x.us Revised 1 /1 /20 20